[idlharness.https.window.html] [MIDIAccess must be primary interface of access] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutputMap interface object name] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutput interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutput interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIInput interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIInputMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIAccess interface: attribute outputs] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface object length] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIInputMap interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIInputMap must be primary interface of inputs] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIAccess interface: access must inherit property "outputs" with the proper type] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIMessageEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutputMap interface object length] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIInput interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutputMap interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface: attribute version] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIAccess interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIInputMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface: attribute onstatechange] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIInputMap interface object length] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIInput interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface: operation open()] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIConnectionEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutput interface object length] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIAccess interface: attribute inputs] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [Stringification of inputs] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIInputMap interface object name] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutputMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIAccess interface: access must inherit property "inputs" with the proper type] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIMessageEvent interface object name] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIAccess interface: access must inherit property "onstatechange" with the proper type] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIInputMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIInput interface object length] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIInput interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIAccess interface: access must inherit property "sysexEnabled" with the proper type] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIMessageEvent interface: attribute data] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIConnectionEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [Stringification of outputs] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface: attribute connection] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutput interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIMessageEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutput interface: operation clear()] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface: operation close()] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface: attribute manufacturer] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutputMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface: attribute type] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIConnectionEvent interface object length] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIConnectionEvent interface object name] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIAccess interface: attribute sysexEnabled] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIAccess interface object name] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIAccess interface object length] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIInput interface: attribute onmidimessage] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIAccess interface: attribute onstatechange] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIAccess interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIMessageEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIConnectionEvent interface: attribute port] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface: attribute name] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIConnectionEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [Stringification of new MIDIConnectionEvent("type")] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIConnectionEvent interface: new MIDIConnectionEvent("type") must inherit property "port" with the proper type] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutput interface object name] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIAccess interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [idl_test setup] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIConnectionEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIConnectionEvent must be primary interface of new MIDIConnectionEvent("type")] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface: attribute state] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIMessageEvent interface object length] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutputMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutput interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [Stringification of access] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIMessageEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutputMap must be primary interface of outputs] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface object name] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIAccess interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIPort interface: attribute id] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIInput interface object name] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [Navigator interface: operation requestMIDIAccess(optional MIDIOptions)] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutput interface: operation send(sequence, optional DOMHighResTimeStamp)] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIInputMap interface: maplike] expected: if os == "android": FAIL [MIDIOutputMap interface: maplike] expected: if os == "android": FAIL