[idlharness.https.window.html] expected: if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] [RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "protocol" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "foundation" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "relatedAddress" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute tcpType] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "type" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute candidate] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute priority] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute foundation] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute port] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute onicecandidateerror] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "relatedPort" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "tcpType" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute usernameFragment] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "component" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCSessionDescription interface: attribute type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMLineIndex] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onconnectionstatechange" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute protocol] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute component] expected: FAIL [Test driver for asyncInitTransports] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute relatedPort] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "sctp" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onicecandidateerror" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "port" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCSessionDescription interface: attribute sdp] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute sctp] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMid] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute onconnectionstatechange] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute relatedAddress] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "priority" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "connectionState" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute connectionState] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: operation getSelectedCandidatePair()] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: FAIL [RTCDtlsTransport must be primary interface of idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport] expected: FAIL [RTCErrorEvent must be primary interface of new RTCErrorEvent('error')] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "onstatechange" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [RTCErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "ongatheringstatechange" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [RTCErrorEvent interface: new RTCErrorEvent('error') must inherit property "error" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute errorText] expected: FAIL [RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "onstatechange" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCDTMFSender interface: attribute canInsertDTMF] expected: FAIL [RTCRtpReceiver interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "component" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface object length] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getRemoteParameters()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: attribute gatheringState] expected: FAIL [RTCErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "onselectedcandidatepairchange" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface object name] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport must be primary interface of idlTestObjects.iceTransport] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent('ice') must inherit property "url" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCErrorEvent interface object length] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface object length] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "maxChannels" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface: attribute transport] expected: FAIL [RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "getRemoteCertificates()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "state" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCRtpSender interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [RTCRtpSender interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString)] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getLocalParameters()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface: attribute onstatechange] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: attribute state] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "onstatechange" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface object name] expected: FAIL [RTCErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: FAIL [Stringification of idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport] expected: FAIL [RTCCertificate interface: idlTestObjects.certificate must inherit property "getFingerprints()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getSelectedCandidatePair()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCErrorEvent interface: attribute error] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [Stringification of new RTCErrorEvent('error')] expected: FAIL [RTCCertificate interface: operation getFingerprints()] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface: attribute state] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface: attribute maxChannels] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: operation getLocalParameters()] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: attribute ongatheringstatechange] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface: attribute maxMessageSize] expected: FAIL [RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getParameters()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getParameters()] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: attribute onselectedcandidatepairchange] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: attribute onstatechange] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "role" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: operation getRemoteParameters()] expected: FAIL [Stringification of idlTestObjects.iceTransport] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getLocalCandidates()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getRemoteCandidates()" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute errorCode] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "gatheringState" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCErrorEvent interface object name] expected: FAIL [RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "onerror" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface object name] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent interface: attribute url] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: attribute role] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: attribute component] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "state" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "state" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCDtlsTransport interface: operation getRemoteCertificates()] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: operation getRemoteCandidates()] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport must be primary interface of idlTestObjects.sctpTransport] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "maxMessageSize" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Stringification of idlTestObjects.sctpTransport] expected: FAIL [RTCIceTransport interface: operation getLocalCandidates()] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute url] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface object length] expected: FAIL [RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "transport" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCDtlsTransport interface: attribute onerror] expected: FAIL [RTCErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "address" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute address] expected: FAIL [RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "iceTransport" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCDtlsTransport interface: attribute iceTransport] expected: FAIL [RTCError interface: attribute sentAlert] expected: FAIL [RTCError interface object name] expected: FAIL [RTCError interface object length] expected: FAIL [RTCError interface: attribute errorDetail] expected: FAIL [RTCError interface: attribute sctpCauseCode] expected: FAIL [RTCError interface: attribute sdpLineNumber] expected: FAIL [RTCError interface: attribute receivedAlert] expected: FAIL [RTCError interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property] expected: FAIL [RTCError interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property] expected: FAIL [RTCError interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object] expected: FAIL [RTCError interface: existence and properties of interface object] expected: FAIL [RTCDataChannel interface: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') must inherit property "onclosing" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCDataChannel interface: attribute onclosing] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute address] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute port] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { port: 0, errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "errorText" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { port: 0, errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "port" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { port: 0, errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "url" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent must be primary interface of new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { port: 0, errorCode: 701 });] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { port: 0, errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "errorCode" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Stringification of new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { port: 0, errorCode: 701 });] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { port: 0, errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "address" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCRtpTransceiver interface: operation setCodecPreferences(sequence)] expected: FAIL [RTCRtpSender interface: operation setStreams(MediaStream...)] expected: FAIL [RTCRtpSender interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender must inherit property "setStreams(MediaStream...)" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCRtpTransceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') must inherit property "setCodecPreferences(sequence)" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCRtpTransceiver interface: calling setCodecPreferences(sequence) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [RTCRtpSender interface: calling setStreams(MediaStream...) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnection interface: operation setRemoteDescription(RTCSessionDescriptionInit, VoidFunction, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback)] expected: FAIL [RTCPeerConnection interface: operation setRemoteDescription(RTCSessionDescriptionInit)] expected: FAIL [RTCSessionDescription interface object length] expected: FAIL [RTCDataChannel interface: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') must inherit property "binaryType" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute relayProtocol] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "relayProtocol" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute url] expected: FAIL [RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "url" with the proper type] expected: FAIL