// Some user agents only offer app installation if there is a SW and it handles // offline requests. const cacheVersion = "1.2"; const CACHE_NAME = `cache-v${cacheVersion}`; // The resources cached by this service worker. const resources = [ "orientation-member-landscape-manual.html", "orientation-member-portrait-manual.html", "orientation-member-service-worker.js", "resources/orientation-member-manual.js", "resources/icon.png", ]; // Load all resources for this service worker. const precache = async () => { const cache = await caches.open(CACHE_NAME); await cache.addAll(resources); }; // Get a resource from the cache. const fromCache = async request => { const cache = await caches.open(CACHE_NAME); return await cache.match(request.url); }; // Attempt to get resources from the network first, fallback to the cache if we're // offline. const networkFallbackToCache = async request => { try { const response = await fetch(request); if (response.ok) return response; } catch (err) {} return await fromCache(request); }; // When we have a new service worker, update the caches and swap immediately. self.addEventListener("install", e => { e.waitUntil(precache().then(() => self.skipWaiting())); }); // Claim existing clients. self.addEventListener("activate", e => { e.waitUntil(self.clients.claim()); }); // When a resource need to be fetched, check whether it is // contained in the cache and return the cached version, otherwise // get it from the network. self.addEventListener("fetch", e => { e.respondWith(networkFallbackToCache(e.request)); });