<!doctype html> <meta charset=utf-8> <head> <title>CSSOM MouseEvent tests</title> <div style="background:lightblue; height:10000px"> Hello </div> <script src=/resources/testharness.js></script> <script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script> <script> test(function () { var mouseEvent = new MouseEvent('mousedown', {clientX: 10, clientY: 20}); assert_equals(mouseEvent.x, 10); assert_equals(mouseEvent.y, 20); mouseEvent = new MouseEvent('mousedown', {clientX: 30, clientY: 40}); assert_equals(mouseEvent.x, 30); assert_equals(mouseEvent.y, 40); }, 'MouseEvent\'s x and y must be equal to clientX and clientY.'); test(function () { var mouseEvent1 = new MouseEvent('mousedown', {clientX: 10, clientY: 20}); assert_equals(mouseEvent1.pageX, 10); assert_equals(mouseEvent1.pageY, 20); scrollBy(0, 5000); assert_equals(mouseEvent1.pageX, 10); assert_equals(mouseEvent1.pageY, 5020); var mouseEvent2 = new MouseEvent('mousedown', {clientX: 10, clientY: 20}); assert_equals(mouseEvent2.pageX, 10); assert_equals(mouseEvent2.pageY, 5020); }, 'MouseEvent\'s pageX and pageY attributes should be the sum of the scroll offset and clientX/clientY'); test(function () { var mouseEvent = new MouseEvent('mousedown', {clientX: 10, clientY: 20}); assert_equals(mouseEvent.offsetX, mouseEvent.pageX); assert_equals(mouseEvent.offsetY, mouseEvent.pageY); scrollBy(0, 5000); assert_equals(mouseEvent.offsetX, mouseEvent.pageX); assert_equals(mouseEvent.offsetY, mouseEvent.pageY); }, 'MouseEvent\'s offsetX/offsetY attributes should be the same value as its pageX/pageY attributes.'); </script> </head>