#!/usr/bin/python # CSS Test Suite Manipulation Library # Initial code by fantasai, joint copyright 2010 W3C and Microsoft # Licensed under BSD 3-Clause: import shutil import filecmp import os.path import Utils from os.path import exists, join from Sources import SourceCache, SourceSet, ConfigSource, ReftestManifest from Utils import listfiles excludeDirs = ['CVS', '.svn', '.hg'] class TestGroup: """Base class for test groups. Should never be used directly. """ @staticmethod def combine(groupA, groupB): """Merge TestGroup `groupB` into `groupA`. Return the result of the merge. Can accept none as arguments. """ if groupA and groupB: groupA.merge(groupB) return groupA or groupB def __init__(self, sourceCache, importDir, name=None, title=None, ui = None, **kwargs): """Initialize with: SourceCache `sourceCache` Group name `name`, which must be a possible directory name or None Directory path `importDir`, whose context is imported into the group Option: Tuple of support directory names `supportDirNames` defaults to ('support',). Kwarg: File path manifestPath relative to `importDir` that identifies the reftest manifest file (usually called 'reftest.list'). Kwarg: File path manifestDest as destination (relative) path for the reftest manifest file. Defaults to value of manifestPath. If manifest provided, assumes that only the files listed in the manifest, the .htaccess files in its parent directory, and the `importDir`'s .htaccess file and support directory are relevant to the test suite. """ assert exists(importDir), "Directory to import %s does not exist" % importDir # Save name self.name = name self.title = title self.ui = ui sourceTree = sourceCache.sourceTree # Load htaccess htapath = join(importDir, '.htaccess') self.htaccess = ConfigSource(sourceTree, htapath, '.htaccess') \ if exists(htapath) else None # Load support files self.support = SourceSet(sourceCache) supportDirNames = kwargs.get('supportDirNames', ('support',)) for supportName in supportDirNames: supportDir = join(importDir, supportName) if exists(supportDir): for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(supportDir): for dir in excludeDirs: if dir in dirs: dirs.remove(dir) for name in files: sourcepath = join(root, name) relpath = Utils.relpath(sourcepath, importDir) self.support.add(sourcepath, relpath, self.ui) # Load tests self.tests = SourceSet(sourceCache) self.refs = SourceSet(sourceCache) # Read manifest manifestPath = kwargs.get('manifestPath', None) manifestDest = kwargs.get('manifestDest', manifestPath) if (manifestPath): self.manifest = ReftestManifest(join(importDir, manifestPath), manifestDest) # Import tests for (testSrc, refSrc), (testRel, refRel), refType in self.manifest: test = sourceCache.generateSource(testSrc, testRel) ref = sourceCache.generateSource(refSrc, refRel) test.addReference(ref, refType) self.tests.addSource(test, self.ui) else: self.manifest = None # Import tests fileNameList = [] if kwargs.get('selfTestExt'): fileNameList += listfiles(importDir, kwargs['selfTestExt']) if kwargs.get('selfTestList'): fileNameList += kwargs['selfTestList'] for fileName in fileNameList: filePath = join(importDir, fileName) if sourceTree.isTestCase(filePath): test = sourceCache.generateSource(filePath, fileName) if (test.isTest()): self.tests.addSource(test, self.ui) for test in self.tests.iter(): if (test.isReftest()): usedRefs = {} usedRefs[test.sourcepath] = '==' def loadReferences(source): # XXX need to verify refType for mutual exclusion (ie: a == b != a) for refSrcPath, refRelPath, refType in source.getReferencePaths(): if (exists(refSrcPath)): ref = sourceCache.generateSource(refSrcPath, refRelPath) source.addReference(ref) if (refSrcPath not in usedRefs): usedRefs[refSrcPath] = refType if (ref not in self.tests): self.refs.addSource(ref, self.ui) loadReferences(ref) else: ui.warn("Missing Reference file: ", refSrcPath, "\n referenced from: ", source.sourcepath, "\n") loadReferences(test) def sourceCache(self): return self.support.sourceCache def count(self): """Returns number of tests. """ return len(self.tests) def iterTests(self): return self.tests.iter() def _initFrom(self, group=None): """Initialize with data from TestGroup `group`.""" # copy self.name = group.name if group else None self.title = group.title if group else None self.htaccess = group.htaccess if group else None self.support = group.support if group else None self.tests = group.tests if group else None def merge(self, other): """Merge Group `other`'s contents into this Group and clear its contents. """ assert isinstance(other, TestGroup), \ "Expected Group instance, got %s" % type(other) if self.htaccess and other.htaccess: self.htaccess.append(other.htaccess) else: self.htaccess = self.htaccess or other.htaccess other.htaccess = None self.support = SourceSet.combine(self.support, other.support, self.ui) other.support = None self.tests = SourceSet.combine(self.tests, other.tests, self.ui) other.tests = None self.refs = SourceSet.combine(self.refs, other.refs, self.ui) other.refs = None if self.manifest and other.manifest: self.manifest.append(other.manifest) else: self.manifest = self.manifest or other.manifest other.manifest = None def build(self, format): """Build Group's contents through OutputFormat `format`. """ format.setSubDir(self.name) # Write .htaccess if self.htaccess: format.write(self.htaccess) # Write support files format.convert = False # XXX hack turn off format conversion self.support.write(format) format.convert = True # XXX undo hack # Write tests self.tests.adjustContentPaths(format) self.tests.write(format) # Write refs self.refs.write(format) if self.manifest: format.write(self.manifest) # copy support files to reference directory (XXX temp until proper support path fixup) formatDir = format.destDir() supportDir = join(formatDir, 'support') referenceDir = join(formatDir, 'reference') if exists(supportDir) and exists(referenceDir): shutil.copytree(supportDir, join(referenceDir, 'support')) format.setSubDir()