<!DOCTYPE html> <meta charset=utf-8> <title>Entries API: FileSystem manual test</title> <link rel=help href="https://wicg.github.io/entries-api/#api-domfilesystem"> <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> <script src="support.js"></script> <script> entry_test((t, entry) => { const fs = entry.filesystem; assert_idl_attribute(fs, 'name', 'has name attribute'); assert_equals(typeof fs.name, 'string', 'name is a string'); assert_idl_attribute(fs, 'root', 'has root attribute'); assert_true(fs.root.isDirectory, 'FileSystem root is a directory entry'); assert_equals(fs.root.name, '', 'root name is empty string'); assert_equals(fs.root.fullPath, '/', 'root path is /'); t.done(); }, 'FileSystem - API'); entry_test((t, entry) => { const fs = entry.filesystem; getChildEntry(entry, 'file.txt', t.step_func(child => { const cfs = child.filesystem; assert_not_equals(fs, cfs.filesystem, 'FileSystem objects do not have object identity'); assert_equals(fs.name, cfs.name, 'FileSystem names match'); t.done(); }), t.unreached_func('child entry file.txt should be present')); }, 'FileSystem - name consistency and object identity'); </script>