importScripts('/resources/testharness.js'); importScripts('resources/test-helpers.js'); importScripts('resources/sandboxed-fs-test-helpers.js'); 'use strict'; directory_test(async (t, root_dir) => { const fileHandle = await root_dir.getFileHandle('OPFS.test', {create: true}); const syncHandle1 = await fileHandle.createSyncAccessHandle(); await promise_rejects_dom( t, 'NoModificationAllowedError', fileHandle.createSyncAccessHandle()); syncHandle1.close(); const syncHandle2 = await fileHandle.createSyncAccessHandle(); syncHandle2.close(); }, 'There can only be one open access handle at any given time'); directory_test(async (t, root_dir) => { const fooFileHandle = await root_dir.getFileHandle('foo.test', {create: true}); const barFileHandle = await root_dir.getFileHandle('bar.test', {create: true}); const fooSyncHandle = await fooFileHandle.createSyncAccessHandle(); t.add_cleanup(() => fooSyncHandle.close()); const barSyncHandle1 = await barFileHandle.createSyncAccessHandle(); await promise_rejects_dom( t, 'NoModificationAllowedError', barFileHandle.createSyncAccessHandle()); barSyncHandle1.close(); const barSyncHandle2 = await barFileHandle.createSyncAccessHandle(); barSyncHandle2.close(); }, 'An access handle from one file does not interfere with the creation of an' + ' access handle on another file'); directory_test(async (t, root_dir) => { const fooFileHandle = await root_dir.getFileHandle('foo.test', {create: true}); const barFileHandle = await root_dir.getFileHandle('bar.test', {create: true}); const fooWritable = await cleanup_writable(t, await fooFileHandle.createWritable()); t.add_cleanup(() => fooWritable.close()); const barSyncHandle = await barFileHandle.createSyncAccessHandle(); t.add_cleanup(() => barSyncHandle.close()); }, 'A writable stream from one file does not interfere with the creation of an' + ' access handle on another file'); directory_test(async (t, root_dir) => { const fooFileHandle = await root_dir.getFileHandle('foo.test', {create: true}); const barFileHandle = await root_dir.getFileHandle('bar.test', {create: true}); const fooSyncHandle = await fooFileHandle.createSyncAccessHandle(); t.add_cleanup(() => fooSyncHandle.close()); const barWritable = await cleanup_writable(t, await barFileHandle.createWritable()); t.add_cleanup(() => barWritable.close()); }, 'An access handle from one file does not interfere with the creation of a' + ' writable stream on another file'); directory_test(async (t, root_dir) => { const fileHandle = await root_dir.getFileHandle('OPFS.test', {create: true}); const syncHandle = await fileHandle.createSyncAccessHandle(); await promise_rejects_dom( t, 'NoModificationAllowedError', cleanup_writable(t, await fileHandle.createWritable())); syncHandle.close(); const writable = await cleanup_writable(t, await fileHandle.createWritable()); await writable.close(); }, 'Writable streams cannot be created if there is an open access handle'); directory_test(async (t, root_dir) => { const fileHandle = await root_dir.getFileHandle('OPFS.test', {create: true}); const writable1 = await cleanup_writable(t, await fileHandle.createWritable()); const writable2 = await cleanup_writable(t, await fileHandle.createWritable()); await promise_rejects_dom( t, 'NoModificationAllowedError', fileHandle.createSyncAccessHandle()); await writable1.close(); await promise_rejects_dom( t, 'NoModificationAllowedError', fileHandle.createSyncAccessHandle()); await writable2.close(); const syncHandle = await fileHandle.createSyncAccessHandle(); syncHandle.close(); }, 'Access handles cannot be created if there are open Writable streams'); done();