const image_delay = 1000; const delay_pipe_value = image_delay / 1000; // Receives an image LargestContentfulPaint |entry| and checks |entry|'s attribute values. // The |timeLowerBound| parameter is a lower bound on the loadTime value of the entry. // The |options| parameter may contain some string values specifying the following: // * 'renderTimeIs0': the renderTime should be 0 (image does not pass Timing-Allow-Origin checks). // When not present, the renderTime should not be 0 (image passes the checks). // * 'sizeLowerBound': the |expectedSize| is only a lower bound on the size attribute value. // When not present, |expectedSize| must be exactly equal to the size attribute value. function checkImage(entry, expectedUrl, expectedID, expectedSize, timeLowerBound, options = []) { assert_equals(, '', "Entry name should be the empty string"); assert_equals(entry.entryType, 'largest-contentful-paint', "Entry type should be largest-contentful-paint"); assert_equals(entry.duration, 0, "Entry duration should be 0"); // The entry's url can be truncated. assert_equals(expectedUrl.substr(0, 100), entry.url.substr(0, 100), `Expected URL ${expectedUrl} should at least start with the entry's URL ${entry.url}`); assert_equals(, expectedID, "Entry ID matches expected one"); assert_equals(entry.element, document.getElementById(expectedID), "Entry element is expected one"); if (options.includes('skip')) { return; } if (options.includes('renderTimeIs0')) { assert_equals(entry.renderTime, 0, 'renderTime should be 0'); assert_between_exclusive(entry.loadTime, timeLowerBound,, 'loadTime should be between the lower bound and the current time'); assert_approx_equals(entry.startTime, entry.loadTime, 0.001, 'startTime should be equal to renderTime to the precision of 1 millisecond.'); } else { assert_between_exclusive(entry.loadTime, timeLowerBound, entry.renderTime, 'loadTime should occur between the lower bound and the renderTime'); assert_greater_than_equal(, entry.renderTime, 'renderTime should occur before the entry is dispatched to the observer.'); assert_approx_equals(entry.startTime, entry.renderTime, 0.001, 'startTime should be equal to renderTime to the precision of 1 millisecond.'); } if (options.includes('sizeLowerBound')) { assert_greater_than(entry.size, expectedSize); } else { assert_equals(entry.size, expectedSize); } if (options.includes('animated')) { assert_greater_than(entry.loadTime, entry.firstAnimatedFrameTime, 'firstAnimatedFrameTime should be smaller than loadTime'); assert_greater_than(entry.renderTime, entry.firstAnimatedFrameTime, 'firstAnimatedFrameTime should be smaller than renderTime'); assert_less_than(entry.firstAnimatedFrameTime, image_delay, 'firstAnimatedFrameTime should be smaller than the delay applied to the second frame'); assert_greater_than(entry.firstAnimatedFrameTime, 0, 'firstAnimatedFrameTime should be larger than 0'); } if (options.includes('animated-zero')) { assert_equals(entry.firstAnimatedFrameTime, 0, 'firstAnimatedFrameTime should be 0'); } } const load_and_observe = url => { return new Promise(resolve => { (new PerformanceObserver(entryList => { for (let entry of entryList.getEntries()) { if (entry.url == url) { resolve(entryList.getEntries()[0]); } } })).observe({ type: 'largest-contentful-paint', buffered: true }); const img = new Image(); = 'image_id'; img.src = url; document.body.appendChild(img); }); }; const load_video_and_observe = url => { return new Promise(resolve => { (new PerformanceObserver(entryList => { for (let entry of entryList.getEntries()) { if (entry.url == url) { resolve(entryList.getEntries()[0]); } } })).observe({ type: 'largest-contentful-paint', buffered: true }); const video = document.createElement("video"); = 'video_id'; video.src = url; video.autoplay = true; video.muted = true; video.loop = true; document.body.appendChild(video); }); }; const getLCPStartTime = (identifier) => { return new Promise(resolve => { new PerformanceObserver((entryList, observer) => { entryList.getEntries().forEach(e => { if (e.url.includes(identifier)) { resolve(e); observer.disconnect(); } }); }).observe({ type: 'largest-contentful-paint', buffered: true }); }); } const getFCPStartTime = () => { return performance.getEntriesByName('first-contentful-paint')[0]; } const add_text = (text) => { const paragraph = document.createElement('p'); paragraph.innerHTML = text; document.body.appendChild(paragraph); } const loadImage = (url, shouldBeIgnoredForLCP = false) => { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let image = document.createElement('img'); image.addEventListener('load', () => { resolve(image); }); image.addEventListener('error', reject); image.src = url; if (shouldBeIgnoredForLCP) = 0; document.body.appendChild(image); }); } const checkLCPEntryForNonTaoImages = (times = {}) => { const lcp = times['lcp']; const fcp = times['fcp']; const lcp_url_components = lcp.url.split('/'); if (lcp.loadTime <= fcp.startTime) { assert_approx_equals(lcp.startTime, fcp.startTime, 0.001, 'LCP start time should be the same as FCP for ' + lcp_url_components[lcp_url_components.length - 1]) + ' when LCP load time is less than FCP.'; } else { assert_approx_equals(lcp.startTime, lcp.loadTime, 0.001, 'LCP start time should be the same as LCP load time for ' + lcp_url_components[lcp_url_components.length - 1]) + ' when LCP load time is no less than FCP.'; } assert_equals(lcp.renderTime, 0, 'The LCP render time of Non-Tao image should always be 0.'); } const raf = () => { return new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve)); }