let destination = location; if (location.search == "?cross-site") { const https = destination.protocol.startsWith("https"); destination = get_host_info()[https ? 'HTTPS_NOTSAMESITE_ORIGIN' : 'HTTP_NOTSAMESITE_ORIGIN']; } else if (location.search == "?crossorigin") { destination = get_host_info().REMOTE_ORIGIN; } const pre_navigate_url = new URL("/resource-timing/resources/document-that-navigates.html", destination).href; const post_navigate_url = new URL("/resource-timing/resources/document-navigated.html", destination).href; const pre_refresh_url = new URL("/resource-timing/resources/document-that-refreshes.html", destination).href; const post_refresh_url = new URL("/resource-timing/resources/document-refreshed.html", destination).href; const setup_navigate_or_refresh = (type, pre, post) => { const verify_document_navigate_not_observable = () => { const entries = performance.getEntriesByType("resource"); let found_first_document = false; for (entry of entries) { if (entry.name == pre) { found_first_document = true; } if (entry.name == post) { opener.postMessage(`FAIL - ${type} document should not be observable`, `*`); return; } } if (!found_first_document) { opener.postMessage("FAIL - initial document should be observable", "*"); return; } opener.postMessage("PASS", "*"); } window.addEventListener("message", e => { if (e.data == type) { verify_document_navigate_not_observable(); } }); } const setup_navigate_test = () => { setup_navigate_or_refresh("navigated", pre_navigate_url, post_navigate_url); } const setup_refresh_test = () => { setup_navigate_or_refresh("refreshed", pre_refresh_url, post_refresh_url); } const setup_back_navigation = pushed_url => { const verify_document_navigate_not_observable = navigated_back => { const entries = performance.getEntriesByType("resource"); let found_first_document = false; for (entry of entries) { if (entry.name == pre_navigate_url) { found_first_document = true; } if (entry.name == post_navigate_url) { opener.postMessage("FAIL - navigated document exposed", "*"); return; } } if (!found_first_document) { opener.postMessage(`FAIL - first document not exposed. navigated_back ` + `is ${navigated_back}`, "*"); return; } if (navigated_back) { opener.postMessage("PASS", "*"); } } window.addEventListener("message", e => { if (e.data == "navigated") { verify_document_navigate_not_observable(sessionStorage.navigated); if (sessionStorage.navigated) { delete sessionStorage.navigated; } else { sessionStorage.navigated = true; setTimeout(() => { history.pushState({}, "", pushed_url); location.href="navigate_back.html"; }, 0); } } }); } const open_test_window = (url, message) => { promise_test(() => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const openee = window.open(url); addEventListener("message", e => { openee.close(); if (e.data == "PASS") { resolve(); } else { reject(e.data); } }); }); }, message); }