var counter = 0; var clicked; var timestamps = [] const MAX_CLICKS = 50; const URL = "foobar.html"; const readValue = (value, defaultValue) => { return value != undefined ? value : defaultValue; } const testSoftNavigation = options => { const addContent = options.addContent; const link =; const pushState = readValue(options.pushState, url=>{history.pushState({}, '', url)}); const clicks = readValue(options.clicks, 1); const extraValidations = readValue(options.extraValidations, () => {}); const testName = options.testName; const pushUrl = readValue(options.pushUrl, true); const eventType = readValue(options.eventType, "click"); promise_test(async t => { const preClickLcp = await getLcpEntries(); setEvent(t, link, pushState, addContent, pushUrl, eventType); for (let i = 0; i < clicks; ++i) { let paint_entries_promise = waitOnPaintEntriesPromise(); clicked = false; click(link); await new Promise(resolve => { (new PerformanceObserver(() => resolve())).observe({ type: 'soft-navigation' }); }); // Ensure paint timing entries are fired before moving on to the next // click. await paint_entries_promise; } assert_equals( document.softNavigations, clicks, 'Soft Navigations detected are the same as the number of clicks'); await validateSoftNavigationEntry( clicks, extraValidations, pushUrl); await runEntryValidations(preClickLcp); }, testName); }; const testNavigationApi = (testName, navigateEventHandler, link) => { promise_test(async t => { const preClickLcp = await getLcpEntries(); navigation.addEventListener('navigate', navigateEventHandler); click(link); await new Promise(resolve => { (new PerformanceObserver(() => resolve())).observe({ type: 'soft-navigation' }); }); assert_equals(document.softNavigations, 1, 'Soft Navigation detected'); await validateSoftNavigationEntry(1, () => {}, 'foobar.html'); await runEntryValidations(preClickLcp); }, testName); }; const testSoftNavigationNotDetected = options => { promise_test(async t => { const preClickLcp = await getLcpEntries(); options.eventTarget.addEventListener(options.eventName, options.eventHandler); click(; await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { (new PerformanceObserver(() => reject("Soft navigation should not be triggered"))).observe({ type: 'soft-navigation', buffered: true }); t.step_timeout(resolve, 1000); }); assert_equals( document.softNavigations, 0, 'Soft Navigation not detected'); }, options.testName); }; const runEntryValidations = async preClickLcp => { await doubleRaf(); validatePaintEntries('first-contentful-paint'); validatePaintEntries('first-paint'); const postClickLcp = await getLcpEntries(); assert_greater_than( postClickLcp.length, preClickLcp.length, 'Soft navigation should have triggered at least an LCP entry'); assert_not_equals( postClickLcp[postClickLcp.length - 1].size, preClickLcp[preClickLcp.length - 1].size, 'Soft navigation LCP element should not have identical size to the hard ' + 'navigation LCP element'); }; const click = link => { if (test_driver) {; timestamps[counter] = {"syncPostClick":}; } } const doubleRaf = () => { return new Promise(r => { requestAnimationFrame(()=>requestAnimationFrame(r)); }); }; const setEvent = (t, button, pushState, addContent, pushUrl, eventType) => { const eventObject = (eventType == "click") ? button : window; eventObject.addEventListener(eventType, async e => { timestamps[counter]["eventStart"] =; // Jump through a task, to ensure task tracking is working properly. await new Promise(r => t.step_timeout(r, 0)); const url = URL + "?" + counter; if (pushState) { // Change the URL if (pushUrl) { pushState(url); } else { pushState(); } } // Wait 10 ms to make sure the timestamps are correct. await new Promise(r => t.step_timeout(r, 10)); await addContent(url); ++counter; clicked = true; }); }; const validateSoftNavigationEntry = async (clicks, extraValidations, pushUrl) => { const [entries, options] = await new Promise(resolve => { (new PerformanceObserver((list, obs, options) => resolve( [list.getEntries(), options]))).observe( {type: 'soft-navigation', buffered: true}); }); const expectedClicks = Math.min(clicks, MAX_CLICKS); assert_equals(entries.length, expectedClicks, "Performance observer got an entry"); for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) { const entry = entries[i]; assert_true( ? URL : document.location.href), "The soft navigation name is properly set"); const entryTimestamp = entry.startTime; assert_less_than_equal(timestamps[i]["syncPostClick"], entryTimestamp); assert_greater_than_equal( timestamps[i]['eventStart'], entryTimestamp, 'Event start timestamp matches'); assert_not_equals(entry.navigationId, performance.getEntriesByType("navigation")[0].navigationId, "The navigation ID was incremented"); if (i > 0) { assert_not_equals(entry.navigationId, entries[i-1].navigationId, "The navigation ID was incremented between clicks"); } } assert_equals(performance.getEntriesByType("soft-navigation").length, expectedClicks, "Performance timeline got an entry"); await extraValidations(entries, options); }; const validatePaintEntries = async (type, entries_number = 2) => { const entries = await new Promise(resolve => { (new PerformanceObserver(list => resolve( list.getEntriesByName(type)))).observe( {type: 'paint', buffered: true}); }); // TODO(crbug/1372997): investigate why this is not failing when multiple // clicks are fired. Also, make sure the observer waits on the number of // required clicks, instead of counting on double rAF. assert_equals(entries.length, entries_number, `There are ${entries_number} entries for ${type}`); if (entries_number > 1) { assert_not_equals(entries[0].startTime, entries[1].startTime, "Entries have different timestamps for " + type); } }; const getLcpEntries = async () => { const entries = await new Promise(resolve => { (new PerformanceObserver(list => resolve( list.getEntries()))).observe( {type: 'largest-contentful-paint', buffered: true}); }); return entries; }; const addImage = async (element) => { const img = new Image(); img.src = '/images/blue.png' + "?" + Math.random(); await img.decode(); element.appendChild(img); }; const addImageToMain = async () => { await addImage(document.getElementById('main')); }; const addTextToDivOnMain = () => { const main = document.getElementById("main"); const prevDiv = document.getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; if (prevDiv) { main.removeChild(prevDiv); } const div = document.createElement("div"); const text = document.createTextNode("Lorem Ipsum"); div.appendChild(text);"font-size: 3em"; main.appendChild(div); } const waitOnPaintEntriesPromise = () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const paint_entries = [] new PerformanceObserver(list => { paint_entries.push(...list.getEntries()); if (paint_entries.length == 2) { resolve(); } else if (paint_entries.length > 2) { reject(); } }).observe({type: 'paint'}); }); };