// META: script=helpers.js 'use strict'; const {expectAccessAllowed, testPrefix, topLevelDocument} = processQueryParams(); // Common tests to run in all frames. test(() => { assert_not_equals(document.hasStorageAccess, undefined); }, "[" + testPrefix + "] document.hasStorageAccess() should exist on the document interface"); promise_test(async () => { const hasAccess = await document.hasStorageAccess(); assert_equals(hasAccess, expectAccessAllowed, "Access should be granted by default: " + expectAccessAllowed); }, "[" + testPrefix + "] document.hasStorageAccess() should be allowed by default: " + expectAccessAllowed); promise_test(async () => { const createdDocument = document.implementation.createDocument("", null); const hasAccess = await createdDocument.hasStorageAccess(); assert_false(hasAccess, "Access should be denied to a generated document not part of the DOM."); }, "[" + testPrefix + "] document.hasStorageAccess() should work on a document object."); // Logic to load test cases within combinations of iFrames. if (topLevelDocument) { // This specific test will run only as a top level test (not as a worker). // Specific hasStorageAccess() scenarios will be tested within the context // of various iFrames // Create a test with a single-child same-origin iframe. RunTestsInIFrame("resources/hasStorageAccess-iframe.https.html?testCase=same-origin-frame&rootdocument=false"); // Create a test with a single-child cross-origin iframe. RunTestsInIFrame("https://{{domains[www]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}/storage-access-api/resources/hasStorageAccess-iframe.https.html?testCase=cross-origin-frame&rootdocument=false"); // Validate the nested-iframe scenario where the same-origin frame containing // the tests is not the first child. RunTestsInNestedIFrame("resources/hasStorageAccess-iframe.https.html?testCase=nested-same-origin-frame&rootdocument=false"); // Validate the nested-iframe scenario where the cross-origin frame containing // the tests is not the first child. RunTestsInNestedIFrame("https://{{domains[www]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}/storage-access-api/resources/hasStorageAccess-iframe.https.html?testCase=nested-cross-origin-frame&rootdocument=false"); }