# mypy: allow-untyped-defs import os import platform import re import shutil import stat import subprocess import tempfile from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from datetime import datetime, timedelta from distutils.spawn import find_executable from urllib.parse import urlsplit import html5lib import requests from packaging.specifiers import SpecifierSet from .utils import ( call, get, get_download_to_descriptor, rmtree, sha256sum, untar, unzip, ) from .wpt import venv_dir uname = platform.uname() # the rootUrl for the firefox-ci deployment of Taskcluster FIREFOX_CI_ROOT_URL = 'https://firefox-ci-tc.services.mozilla.com' def _get_fileversion(binary, logger=None): command = "(Get-Item '%s').VersionInfo.FileVersion" % binary.replace("'", "''") try: return call("powershell.exe", command).strip() except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): if logger is not None: logger.warning("Failed to call %s in PowerShell" % command) return None def get_ext(filename): """Get the extension from a filename with special handling for .tar.foo""" name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if name.endswith(".tar"): ext = ".tar%s" % ext return ext def get_download_filename(resp, default=None): """Get the filename from a requests.Response, or default""" filename = None content_disposition = resp.headers.get("content-disposition") if content_disposition: filenames = re.findall("filename=(.+)", content_disposition) if filenames: filename = filenames[0] if not filename: filename = urlsplit(resp.url).path.rsplit("/", 1)[1] return filename or default def get_taskcluster_artifact(index, path): TC_INDEX_BASE = FIREFOX_CI_ROOT_URL + "/api/index/v1/" resp = get(TC_INDEX_BASE + "task/%s/artifacts/%s" % (index, path)) resp.raise_for_status() return resp class Browser: __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, logger): self.logger = logger def _get_browser_binary_dir(self, dest, channel): if dest is None: # os.getcwd() doesn't include the venv path dest = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), venv_dir()) dest = os.path.join(dest, "browsers", channel) if not os.path.exists(dest): os.makedirs(dest) return dest @abstractmethod def download(self, dest=None, channel=None, rename=None): """Download a package or installer for the browser :param dest: Directory in which to put the dowloaded package :param channel: Browser channel to download :param rename: Optional name for the downloaded package; the original extension is preserved. :return: The path to the downloaded package/installer """ return NotImplemented @abstractmethod def install(self, dest=None, channel=None): """Download and install the browser. This method usually calls download(). :param dest: Directory in which to install the browser :param channel: Browser channel to install :return: The path to the installed browser """ return NotImplemented @abstractmethod def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): """Download and install the WebDriver implementation for this browser. :param dest: Directory in which to install the WebDriver :param channel: Browser channel to install :param browser_binary: The path to the browser binary :return: The path to the installed WebDriver """ return NotImplemented @abstractmethod def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): """Find the binary of the browser. If the WebDriver for the browser is able to find the binary itself, this method doesn't need to be implemented, in which case NotImplementedError is suggested to be raised to prevent accidental use. """ return NotImplemented @abstractmethod def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): """Find the binary of the WebDriver.""" return NotImplemented @abstractmethod def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): """Retrieve the release version of the installed browser.""" return NotImplemented @abstractmethod def requirements(self): """Name of the browser-specific wptrunner requirements file""" return NotImplemented class Firefox(Browser): """Firefox-specific interface. Includes installation, webdriver installation, and wptrunner setup methods. """ product = "firefox" binary = "browsers/firefox/firefox" requirements = "requirements_firefox.txt" platform = { "Linux": "linux", "Windows": "win", "Darwin": "macos" }.get(uname[0]) application_name = { "stable": "Firefox.app", "beta": "Firefox.app", "nightly": "Firefox Nightly.app" } def platform_string_geckodriver(self): if self.platform is None: raise ValueError("Unable to construct a valid Geckodriver package name for current platform") if self.platform in ("linux", "win"): bits = "64" if uname[4] == "x86_64" else "32" elif self.platform == "macos" and uname.machine == "arm64": bits = "-aarch64" else: bits = "" return "%s%s" % (self.platform, bits) def download(self, dest=None, channel="nightly", rename=None): product = { "nightly": "firefox-nightly-latest-ssl", "beta": "firefox-beta-latest-ssl", "stable": "firefox-latest-ssl" } os_builds = { ("linux", "x86"): "linux", ("linux", "x86_64"): "linux64", ("win", "x86"): "win", ("win", "AMD64"): "win64", ("macos", "x86_64"): "osx", } os_key = (self.platform, uname[4]) if dest is None: dest = self._get_browser_binary_dir(None, channel) if channel not in product: raise ValueError("Unrecognised release channel: %s" % channel) if os_key not in os_builds: raise ValueError("Unsupported platform: %s %s" % os_key) url = "https://download.mozilla.org/?product=%s&os=%s&lang=en-US" % (product[channel], os_builds[os_key]) self.logger.info("Downloading Firefox from %s" % url) resp = get(url) filename = get_download_filename(resp, "firefox.tar.bz2") if rename: filename = "%s%s" % (rename, get_ext(filename)) installer_path = os.path.join(dest, filename) with open(installer_path, "wb") as f: f.write(resp.content) return installer_path def install(self, dest=None, channel="nightly"): """Install Firefox.""" import mozinstall dest = self._get_browser_binary_dir(dest, channel) filename = os.path.basename(dest) installer_path = self.download(dest, channel) try: mozinstall.install(installer_path, dest) except mozinstall.mozinstall.InstallError: if self.platform == "macos" and os.path.exists(os.path.join(dest, self.application_name.get(channel, "Firefox Nightly.app"))): # mozinstall will fail if nightly is already installed in the venv because # mac installation uses shutil.copy_tree mozinstall.uninstall(os.path.join(dest, self.application_name.get(channel, "Firefox Nightly.app"))) mozinstall.install(filename, dest) else: raise os.remove(installer_path) return self.find_binary_path(dest) def find_binary_path(self, path=None, channel="nightly"): """Looks for the firefox binary in the virtual environment""" if path is None: path = self._get_browser_binary_dir(None, channel) binary = None if self.platform == "linux": binary = find_executable("firefox", os.path.join(path, "firefox")) elif self.platform == "win": import mozinstall try: binary = mozinstall.get_binary(path, "firefox") except mozinstall.InvalidBinary: # ignore the case where we fail to get a binary pass elif self.platform == "macos": binary = find_executable("firefox", os.path.join(path, self.application_name.get(channel, "Firefox Nightly.app"), "Contents", "MacOS")) return binary def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel="nightly"): path = self._get_browser_binary_dir(venv_path, channel) binary = self.find_binary_path(path, channel) if not binary and self.platform == "win": winpaths = [os.path.expandvars("$SYSTEMDRIVE\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox"), os.path.expandvars("$SYSTEMDRIVE\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox")] for winpath in winpaths: binary = self.find_binary_path(winpath, channel) if binary is not None: break if not binary and self.platform == "macos": macpaths = ["/Applications/Firefox Nightly.app/Contents/MacOS", os.path.expanduser("~/Applications/Firefox Nightly.app/Contents/MacOS"), "/Applications/Firefox Developer Edition.app/Contents/MacOS", os.path.expanduser("~/Applications/Firefox Developer Edition.app/Contents/MacOS"), "/Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS", os.path.expanduser("~/Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS")] return find_executable("firefox", os.pathsep.join(macpaths)) if binary is None: return find_executable("firefox") return binary def find_certutil(self): path = find_executable("certutil") if path is None: return None if os.path.splitdrive(os.path.normcase(path))[1].split(os.path.sep) == ["", "windows", "system32", "certutil.exe"]: return None return path def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): return find_executable("geckodriver") def get_version_and_channel(self, binary): version_string = call(binary, "--version").strip() m = re.match(r"Mozilla Firefox (\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(a|b)?", version_string) if not m: return None, "nightly" version, status = m.groups() channel = {"a": "nightly", "b": "beta"} return version, channel.get(status, "stable") def get_profile_bundle_url(self, version, channel): if channel == "stable": repo = "https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release" tag = "FIREFOX_%s_RELEASE" % version.replace(".", "_") elif channel == "beta": repo = "https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta" major_version = version.split(".", 1)[0] # For beta we have a different format for betas that are now in stable releases # vs those that are not tags = get("https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/json-tags").json()["tags"] tags = {item["tag"] for item in tags} end_tag = "FIREFOX_BETA_%s_END" % major_version if end_tag in tags: tag = end_tag else: tag = "tip" else: repo = "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central" # Always use tip as the tag for nightly; this isn't quite right # but to do better we need the actual build revision, which we # can get if we have an application.ini file tag = "tip" return "%s/archive/%s.zip/testing/profiles/" % (repo, tag) def install_prefs(self, binary, dest=None, channel=None): if binary: version, channel_ = self.get_version_and_channel(binary) if channel is not None and channel != channel_: # Beta doesn't always seem to have the b in the version string, so allow the # manually supplied value to override the one from the binary self.logger.warning("Supplied channel doesn't match binary, using supplied channel") elif channel is None: channel = channel_ else: version = None if dest is None: dest = os.curdir dest = os.path.join(dest, "profiles", channel) if version: dest = os.path.join(dest, version) have_cache = False if os.path.exists(dest) and len(os.listdir(dest)) > 0: if channel != "nightly": have_cache = True else: now = datetime.now() have_cache = (datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(dest).st_mtime) > now - timedelta(days=1)) # If we don't have a recent download, grab and extract the latest one if not have_cache: if os.path.exists(dest): rmtree(dest) os.makedirs(dest) url = self.get_profile_bundle_url(version, channel) self.logger.info("Installing test prefs from %s" % url) try: extract_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() unzip(get(url).raw, dest=extract_dir) profiles = os.path.join(extract_dir, os.listdir(extract_dir)[0], 'testing', 'profiles') for name in os.listdir(profiles): path = os.path.join(profiles, name) shutil.move(path, dest) finally: rmtree(extract_dir) else: self.logger.info("Using cached test prefs from %s" % dest) return dest def _latest_geckodriver_version(self): """Get and return latest version number for geckodriver.""" # This is used rather than an API call to avoid rate limits tags = call("git", "ls-remote", "--tags", "--refs", "https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver.git") release_re = re.compile(r".*refs/tags/v(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)") latest_release = (0, 0, 0) for item in tags.split("\n"): m = release_re.match(item) if m: version = tuple(int(item) for item in m.groups()) if version > latest_release: latest_release = version assert latest_release != (0, 0, 0) return "v%s.%s.%s" % tuple(str(item) for item in latest_release) def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): """Install latest Geckodriver.""" if dest is None: dest = os.getcwd() path = None if channel == "nightly": path = self.install_geckodriver_nightly(dest) if path is None: self.logger.warning("Nightly webdriver not found; falling back to release") if path is None: version = self._latest_geckodriver_version() format = "zip" if uname[0] == "Windows" else "tar.gz" self.logger.debug("Latest geckodriver release %s" % version) url = ("https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/%s/geckodriver-%s-%s.%s" % (version, version, self.platform_string_geckodriver(), format)) if format == "zip": unzip(get(url).raw, dest=dest) else: untar(get(url).raw, dest=dest) path = find_executable(os.path.join(dest, "geckodriver")) assert path is not None self.logger.info("Installed %s" % subprocess.check_output([path, "--version"]).splitlines()[0]) return path def install_geckodriver_nightly(self, dest): self.logger.info("Attempting to install webdriver from nightly") platform_bits = ("64" if uname[4] == "x86_64" else ("32" if self.platform == "win" else "")) tc_platform = "%s%s" % (self.platform, platform_bits) archive_ext = ".zip" if uname[0] == "Windows" else ".tar.gz" archive_name = "public/build/geckodriver%s" % archive_ext try: resp = get_taskcluster_artifact( "gecko.v2.mozilla-central.latest.geckodriver.%s" % tc_platform, archive_name) except Exception: self.logger.info("Geckodriver download failed") return if archive_ext == ".zip": unzip(resp.raw, dest) else: untar(resp.raw, dest) exe_ext = ".exe" if uname[0] == "Windows" else "" path = os.path.join(dest, "geckodriver%s" % exe_ext) self.logger.info("Extracted geckodriver to %s" % path) return path def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): """Retrieve the release version of the installed browser.""" version_string = call(binary, "--version").strip() m = re.match(r"Mozilla Firefox (.*)", version_string) if not m: return None return m.group(1) class FirefoxAndroid(Browser): """Android-specific Firefox interface.""" product = "firefox_android" requirements = "requirements_firefox.txt" def __init__(self, logger): super().__init__(logger) self.apk_path = None def download(self, dest=None, channel=None, rename=None): if dest is None: dest = os.pwd resp = get_taskcluster_artifact( "gecko.v2.mozilla-central.latest.mobile.android-x86_64-opt", "public/build/geckoview-androidTest.apk") filename = "geckoview-androidTest.apk" if rename: filename = "%s%s" % (rename, get_ext(filename)[1]) self.apk_path = os.path.join(dest, filename) with open(self.apk_path, "wb") as f: f.write(resp.content) return self.apk_path def install(self, dest=None, channel=None): return self.download(dest, channel) def install_prefs(self, binary, dest=None, channel=None): fx_browser = Firefox(self.logger) return fx_browser.install_prefs(binary, dest, channel) def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): return self.apk_path def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): raise NotImplementedError def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): return None class ChromeChromiumBase(Browser): """ Chrome/Chromium base Browser class for shared functionality between Chrome and Chromium For a detailed description on the installation and detection of these browser components, see https://web-platform-tests.org/running-tests/chrome-chromium-installation-detection.html """ requirements = "requirements_chromium.txt" platform = { "Linux": "Linux", "Windows": "Win", "Darwin": "Mac", }.get(uname[0]) def _build_snapshots_url(self, revision, filename): return ("https://storage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/" f"{self._chromium_platform_string}/{revision}/{filename}") def _get_latest_chromium_revision(self): """Returns latest Chromium revision available for download.""" # This is only used if the user explicitly passes "latest" for the revision flag. # The pinned revision is used by default to avoid unexpected failures as versions update. revision_url = ("https://storage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/" f"{self._chromium_platform_string}/LAST_CHANGE") return get(revision_url).text.strip() def _get_pinned_chromium_revision(self): """Returns the pinned Chromium revision number.""" return get("https://storage.googleapis.com/wpt-versions/pinned_chromium_revision").text.strip() def _get_chromium_revision(self, filename=None, version=None): """Retrieve a valid Chromium revision to download a browser component.""" # If a specific version is passed as an argument, we will use it. if version is not None: # Detect a revision number based on the version passed. revision = self._get_base_revision_from_version(version) if revision is not None: # File name is needed to test if request is valid. url = self._build_snapshots_url(revision, filename) try: # Check the status without downloading the content (this is a streaming request). get(url) return revision except requests.RequestException: self.logger.warning("404: Unsuccessful attempt to download file " f"based on version. {url}") # If no URL was used in a previous install # and no version was passed, use the pinned Chromium revision. revision = self._get_pinned_chromium_revision() # If the url is successfully used to download/install, it will be used again # if another component is also installed during this run (browser/webdriver). return revision def _get_base_revision_from_version(self, version): """Get a Chromium revision number that is associated with a given version.""" # This is not the single revision associated with the version, # but instead is where it branched from. Chromium revisions are just counting # commits on the master branch, there are no Chromium revisions for branches. version = self._remove_version_suffix(version) # Try to find the Chromium build with the same revision. try: omaha = get(f"https://omahaproxy.appspot.com/deps.json?version={version}").json() detected_revision = omaha['chromium_base_position'] return detected_revision except requests.RequestException: self.logger.debug("Unsuccessful attempt to detect revision based on version") return None def _remove_existing_chromedriver_binary(self, path): """Remove an existing ChromeDriver for this product if it exists in the virtual environment. """ # There may be an existing chromedriver binary from a previous install. # To provide a clean install experience, remove the old binary - this # avoids tricky issues like unzipping over a read-only file. existing_chromedriver_path = find_executable("chromedriver", path) if existing_chromedriver_path: self.logger.info(f"Removing existing ChromeDriver binary: {existing_chromedriver_path}") os.chmod(existing_chromedriver_path, stat.S_IWUSR) os.remove(existing_chromedriver_path) def _remove_version_suffix(self, version): """Removes channel suffixes from Chrome/Chromium version string (e.g. " dev").""" return version.split(' ')[0] @property def _chromedriver_platform_string(self): """Returns a string that represents the suffix of the ChromeDriver file name when downloaded from Chromium Snapshots. """ if self.platform == "Linux": bits = "64" if uname[4] == "x86_64" else "32" elif self.platform == "Mac": bits = "64" elif self.platform == "Win": bits = "32" return f"{self.platform.lower()}{bits}" @property def _chromium_platform_string(self): """Returns a string that is used for the platform directory in Chromium Snapshots""" if (self.platform == "Linux" or self.platform == "Win") and uname[4] == "x86_64": return f"{self.platform}_x64" if self.platform == "Mac" and uname.machine == "arm64": return "Mac_Arm" return self.platform def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): if venv_path: venv_path = os.path.join(venv_path, self.product) return find_executable("chromedriver", path=venv_path) def install_mojojs(self, dest, browser_binary): """Install MojoJS web framework.""" # MojoJS is platform agnostic, but the version number must be an # exact match of the Chrome/Chromium version to be compatible. chrome_version = self.version(binary=browser_binary) if not chrome_version: return None chrome_version = self._remove_version_suffix(chrome_version) try: # MojoJS version url must match the browser binary version exactly. url = ("https://storage.googleapis.com/chrome-wpt-mojom/" f"{chrome_version}/linux64/mojojs.zip") # Check the status without downloading the content (this is a streaming request). get(url) except requests.RequestException: # If a valid matching version cannot be found in the wpt archive, # download from Chromium snapshots bucket. However, # MojoJS is only bundled with Linux from Chromium snapshots. if self.platform == "Linux": filename = "mojojs.zip" revision = self._get_chromium_revision(filename, chrome_version) url = self._build_snapshots_url(revision, filename) else: self.logger.error("A valid MojoJS version cannot be found " f"for browser binary version {chrome_version}.") return None extracted = os.path.join(dest, "mojojs", "gen") last_url_file = os.path.join(extracted, "DOWNLOADED_FROM") if os.path.exists(last_url_file): with open(last_url_file, "rt") as f: last_url = f.read().strip() if last_url == url: self.logger.info("Mojo bindings already up to date") return extracted rmtree(extracted) try: self.logger.info(f"Downloading Mojo bindings from {url}") unzip(get(url).raw, dest) with open(last_url_file, "wt") as f: f.write(url) return extracted except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Cannot enable MojoJS: {e}") return None def install_webdriver_by_version(self, version, dest, revision=None): dest = os.path.join(dest, self.product) self._remove_existing_chromedriver_binary(dest) # _get_webdriver_url is implemented differently for Chrome and Chromium because # they download their respective versions of ChromeDriver from different sources. url = self._get_webdriver_url(version, revision) self.logger.info(f"Downloading ChromeDriver from {url}") unzip(get(url).raw, dest) # The two sources of ChromeDriver have different zip structures: # * Chromium archives the binary inside a chromedriver_* directory; # * Chrome archives the binary directly. # We want to make sure the binary always ends up directly in bin/. chromedriver_dir = os.path.join(dest, f"chromedriver_{self._chromedriver_platform_string}") chromedriver_path = find_executable("chromedriver", chromedriver_dir) if chromedriver_path is not None: shutil.move(chromedriver_path, dest) rmtree(chromedriver_dir) chromedriver_path = find_executable("chromedriver", dest) assert chromedriver_path is not None return chromedriver_path def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): if not binary: self.logger.warning("No browser binary provided.") return None if uname[0] == "Windows": return _get_fileversion(binary, self.logger) try: version_string = call(binary, "--version").strip() except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e: self.logger.warning(f"Failed to call {binary}: {e}") return None m = re.match(r"(?:Google Chrome|Chromium) (.*)", version_string) if not m: self.logger.warning(f"Failed to extract version from: {version_string}") return None return m.group(1) def webdriver_version(self, webdriver_binary): if webdriver_binary is None: self.logger.warning("No valid webdriver supplied to detect version.") return None try: version_string = call(webdriver_binary, "--version").strip() except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e: self.logger.warning(f"Failed to call {webdriver_binary}: {e}") return None m = re.match(r"ChromeDriver ([0-9][0-9.]*)", version_string) if not m: self.logger.warning(f"Failed to extract version from: {version_string}") return None return m.group(1) class Chromium(ChromeChromiumBase): """Chromium-specific interface. Includes browser binary installation and detection. Webdriver installation and wptrunner setup shared in base class with Chrome For a detailed description on the installation and detection of these browser components, see https://web-platform-tests.org/running-tests/chrome-chromium-installation-detection.html """ product = "chromium" @property def _chromium_package_name(self): return f"chrome-{self.platform.lower()}" def _get_existing_browser_revision(self, venv_path, channel): revision = None try: # A file referencing the revision number is saved with the binary. # Check if this revision number exists and use it if it does. path = os.path.join(self._get_browser_binary_dir(None, channel), "revision") with open(path) as f: revision = f.read().strip() except FileNotFoundError: # If there is no information about the revision downloaded, # use the pinned revision. revision = self._get_pinned_chromium_revision() return revision def _find_binary_in_directory(self, directory): """Search for Chromium browser binary in a given directory.""" if uname[0] == "Darwin": return find_executable("Chromium", os.path.join(directory, self._chromium_package_name, "Chromium.app", "Contents", "MacOS")) # find_executable will add .exe on Windows automatically. return find_executable("chrome", os.path.join(directory, self._chromium_package_name)) def _get_webdriver_url(self, version, revision=None): """Get Chromium Snapshots url to download Chromium ChromeDriver.""" filename = f"chromedriver_{self._chromedriver_platform_string}.zip" # Make sure we use the same revision in an invocation. # If we have a url that was last used successfully during this run, # that url takes priority over trying to form another. if hasattr(self, "last_revision_used") and self.last_revision_used is not None: return self._build_snapshots_url(self.last_revision_used, filename) if revision is None: revision = self._get_chromium_revision(filename, version) elif revision == "latest": revision = self._get_latest_chromium_revision() elif revision == "pinned": revision = self._get_pinned_chromium_revision() return self._build_snapshots_url(revision, filename) def download(self, dest=None, channel=None, rename=None, version=None, revision=None): if dest is None: dest = self._get_browser_binary_dir(None, channel) filename = f"{self._chromium_package_name}.zip" if revision is None: revision = self._get_chromium_revision(filename, version) elif revision == "latest": revision = self._get_latest_chromium_revision() elif revision == "pinned": revision = self._get_pinned_chromium_revision() url = self._build_snapshots_url(revision, filename) self.logger.info(f"Downloading Chromium from {url}") resp = get(url) installer_path = os.path.join(dest, filename) with open(installer_path, "wb") as f: f.write(resp.content) # Revision successfully used. Keep this revision if another component install is needed. self.last_revision_used = revision with open(os.path.join(dest, "revision"), "w") as f: f.write(revision) return installer_path def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): return self._find_binary_in_directory(self._get_browser_binary_dir(venv_path, channel)) def install(self, dest=None, channel=None, version=None, revision=None): dest = self._get_browser_binary_dir(dest, channel) installer_path = self.download(dest, channel, version=version, revision=revision) with open(installer_path, "rb") as f: unzip(f, dest) os.remove(installer_path) return self._find_binary_in_directory(dest) def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None, revision=None): if dest is None: dest = os.pwd if revision is None: # If a revision was not given, we will need to detect the browser version. # The ChromeDriver that is installed will match this version. revision = self._get_existing_browser_revision(dest, channel) chromedriver_path = self.install_webdriver_by_version(None, dest, revision) return chromedriver_path def webdriver_supports_browser(self, webdriver_binary, browser_binary, browser_channel=None): """Check that the browser binary and ChromeDriver versions are a valid match.""" browser_version = self.version(browser_binary) chromedriver_version = self.webdriver_version(webdriver_binary) if not chromedriver_version: self.logger.warning("Unable to get version for ChromeDriver " f"{webdriver_binary}, rejecting it") return False if not browser_version: # If we can't get the browser version, # we just have to assume the ChromeDriver is good. return True # Because Chromium and its ChromeDriver should be pulled from the # same revision number, their version numbers should match exactly. if browser_version == chromedriver_version: self.logger.debug("Browser and ChromeDriver versions match.") return True self.logger.warning(f"ChromeDriver version {chromedriver_version} does not match " f"Chromium version {browser_version}.") return False class Chrome(ChromeChromiumBase): """Chrome-specific interface. Includes browser binary installation and detection. Webdriver installation and wptrunner setup shared in base class with Chromium. For a detailed description on the installation and detection of these browser components, see https://web-platform-tests.org/running-tests/chrome-chromium-installation-detection.html """ product = "chrome" @property def _chromedriver_api_platform_string(self): """chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com has a different filename for M1 binary, while the snapshot URL has a different directory but the same filename.""" if self.platform == "Mac" and uname.machine == "arm64": return "mac_arm64" return self._chromedriver_platform_string def _get_webdriver_url(self, version, revision=None): """Get a ChromeDriver API URL to download a version of ChromeDriver that matches the browser binary version. Version selection is described here: https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads/version-selection""" filename = f"chromedriver_{self._chromedriver_api_platform_string}.zip" version = self._remove_version_suffix(version) parts = version.split(".") assert len(parts) == 4 latest_url = ("https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE_" f"{'.'.join(parts[:-1])}") try: latest = get(latest_url).text.strip() except requests.RequestException: latest_url = f"https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/LATEST_RELEASE_{parts[0]}" try: latest = get(latest_url).text.strip() except requests.RequestException: # We currently use the latest Chromium revision to get a compatible Chromedriver # version for Chrome Dev, since it is not available through the ChromeDriver API. # If we've gotten to this point, it is assumed that this is Chrome Dev. filename = f"chromedriver_{self._chromedriver_platform_string}.zip" revision = self._get_chromium_revision(filename, version) return self._build_snapshots_url(revision, filename) return f"https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/{latest}/{filename}" def download(self, dest=None, channel=None, rename=None): raise NotImplementedError("Downloading of Chrome browser binary not implemented.") def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): if uname[0] == "Linux": name = "google-chrome" if channel == "stable": name += "-stable" elif channel == "beta": name += "-beta" elif channel == "dev": name += "-unstable" # No Canary on Linux. return find_executable(name) if uname[0] == "Darwin": suffix = "" if channel in ("beta", "dev", "canary"): suffix = " " + channel.capitalize() return f"/Applications/Google Chrome{suffix}.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome{suffix}" if uname[0] == "Windows": name = "Chrome" if channel == "beta": name += " Beta" elif channel == "dev": name += " Dev" path = os.path.expandvars(fr"$PROGRAMFILES\Google\{name}\Application\chrome.exe") if channel == "canary": path = os.path.expandvars(r"$LOCALAPPDATA\Google\Chrome SxS\Application\chrome.exe") return path self.logger.warning("Unable to find the browser binary.") return None def install(self, dest=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError("Installing of Chrome browser binary not implemented.") def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None, revision=None): if dest is None: dest = os.pwd # Detect the browser version. # The ChromeDriver that is installed will match this version. if browser_binary is None: # If a browser binary path was not given, detect a valid path. browser_binary = self.find_binary(channel=channel) # We need a browser to version match, so if a browser binary path # was not given and cannot be detected, raise an error. if browser_binary is None: raise FileNotFoundError("No browser binary detected. " "Cannot install ChromeDriver without a browser version.") version = self.version(browser_binary) if version is None: raise ValueError(f"Unable to detect browser version from binary at {browser_binary}. " " Cannot install ChromeDriver without a valid version to match.") chromedriver_path = self.install_webdriver_by_version(version, dest, revision) return chromedriver_path def webdriver_supports_browser(self, webdriver_binary, browser_binary, browser_channel): """Check that the browser binary and ChromeDriver versions are a valid match.""" # TODO(DanielRyanSmith): The procedure for matching the browser and ChromeDriver # versions here is too loose. More strict rules for version matching # should be in place. (#33231) chromedriver_version = self.webdriver_version(webdriver_binary) if not chromedriver_version: self.logger.warning("Unable to get version for ChromeDriver " f"{webdriver_binary}, rejecting it") return False browser_version = self.version(browser_binary) if not browser_version: # If we can't get the browser version, # we just have to assume the ChromeDriver is good. return True # Check that the ChromeDriver version matches the Chrome version. chromedriver_major = int(chromedriver_version.split('.')[0]) browser_major = int(browser_version.split('.')[0]) if chromedriver_major != browser_major: # There is no official ChromeDriver release for the dev channel - # it switches between beta and tip-of-tree, so we accept version+1 # too for dev. if browser_channel == "dev" and chromedriver_major == (browser_major + 1): self.logger.debug(f"Accepting ChromeDriver {chromedriver_version} " f"for Chrome/Chromium Dev {browser_version}") return True self.logger.warning(f"ChromeDriver {chromedriver_version} does not match " f"Chrome/Chromium {browser_version}") return False return True class ContentShell(Browser): """Interface for the Chromium content shell. """ product = "content_shell" requirements = None def download(self, dest=None, channel=None, rename=None): raise NotImplementedError def install(self, dest=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): raise NotImplementedError def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): if uname[0] == "Darwin": return find_executable("Content Shell.app/Contents/MacOS/Content Shell") return find_executable("content_shell") # .exe is added automatically for Windows def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): return None def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): # content_shell does not return version information. return "N/A" class ChromeAndroidBase(Browser): """A base class for ChromeAndroid and AndroidWebView. On Android, WebView is based on Chromium open source project, and on some versions of Android we share the library with Chrome. Therefore, we have a very similar WPT runner implementation. Includes webdriver installation. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta # This is an abstract class. def __init__(self, logger): super().__init__(logger) self.device_serial = None self.adb_binary = "adb" def download(self, dest=None, channel=None, rename=None): raise NotImplementedError def install(self, dest=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): return find_executable("chromedriver") def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): if browser_binary is None: browser_binary = self.find_binary(channel) chrome = Chrome(self.logger) return chrome.install_webdriver_by_version(self.version(browser_binary), dest) def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): if not binary: self.logger.warning("No package name provided.") return None command = [self.adb_binary] if self.device_serial: # Assume we have same version of browser on all devices command.extend(['-s', self.device_serial[0]]) command.extend(['shell', 'dumpsys', 'package', binary]) try: output = call(*command) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): self.logger.warning("Failed to call %s" % " ".join(command)) return None match = re.search(r'versionName=(.*)', output) if not match: self.logger.warning("Failed to find versionName") return None return match.group(1) class ChromeAndroid(ChromeAndroidBase): """Chrome-specific interface for Android. """ product = "chrome_android" requirements = "requirements_chromium.txt" def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): if channel in ("beta", "dev", "canary"): return "com.chrome." + channel return "com.android.chrome" # TODO(aluo): This is largely copied from the AndroidWebView implementation. # Tests are not running for weblayer yet (crbug/1019521), this initial # implementation will help to reproduce and debug any issues. class AndroidWeblayer(ChromeAndroidBase): """Weblayer-specific interface for Android.""" product = "android_weblayer" # TODO(aluo): replace this with weblayer version after tests are working. requirements = "requirements_chromium.txt" def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): return "org.chromium.weblayer.shell" class AndroidWebview(ChromeAndroidBase): """Webview-specific interface for Android. Design doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19cGz31lzCBdpbtSC92svXlhlhn68hrsVwSB7cfZt54o/view """ product = "android_webview" requirements = "requirements_chromium.txt" def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): # Just get the current package name of the WebView provider. # For WebView, it is not trivial to change the WebView provider, so # we will just grab whatever is available. # https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/HEAD/android_webview/docs/channels.md command = [self.adb_binary] if self.device_serial: command.extend(['-s', self.device_serial[0]]) command.extend(['shell', 'dumpsys', 'webviewupdate']) try: output = call(*command) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): self.logger.warning("Failed to call %s" % " ".join(command)) return None m = re.search(r'^\s*Current WebView package \(name, version\): \((.*), ([0-9.]*)\)$', output, re.M) if m is None: self.logger.warning("Unable to find current WebView package in dumpsys output") return None self.logger.warning("Final package name: " + m.group(1)) return m.group(1) class ChromeiOS(Browser): """Chrome-specific interface for iOS. """ product = "chrome_ios" requirements = None def download(self, dest=None, channel=None, rename=None): raise NotImplementedError def install(self, dest=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): raise NotImplementedError def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): return None class Opera(Browser): """Opera-specific interface. Includes webdriver installation, and wptrunner setup methods. """ product = "opera" requirements = "requirements_opera.txt" @property def binary(self): if uname[0] == "Linux": return "/usr/bin/opera" # TODO Windows, Mac? self.logger.warning("Unable to find the browser binary.") return None def download(self, dest=None, channel=None, rename=None): raise NotImplementedError def install(self, dest=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def platform_string(self): platform = { "Linux": "linux", "Windows": "win", "Darwin": "mac" }.get(uname[0]) if platform is None: raise ValueError("Unable to construct a valid Opera package name for current platform") if platform == "linux": bits = "64" if uname[4] == "x86_64" else "32" elif platform == "mac": bits = "64" elif platform == "win": bits = "32" return "%s%s" % (platform, bits) def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): return find_executable("operadriver") def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): if dest is None: dest = os.pwd latest = get("https://api.github.com/repos/operasoftware/operachromiumdriver/releases/latest").json()["tag_name"] url = "https://github.com/operasoftware/operachromiumdriver/releases/download/%s/operadriver_%s.zip" % (latest, self.platform_string()) unzip(get(url).raw, dest) operadriver_dir = os.path.join(dest, "operadriver_%s" % self.platform_string()) shutil.move(os.path.join(operadriver_dir, "operadriver"), dest) rmtree(operadriver_dir) path = find_executable("operadriver") st = os.stat(path) os.chmod(path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) return path def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): """Retrieve the release version of the installed browser.""" binary = binary or self.binary try: output = call(binary, "--version") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self.logger.warning("Failed to call %s" % binary) return None m = re.search(r"[0-9\.]+( [a-z]+)?$", output.strip()) if m: return m.group(0) class EdgeChromium(Browser): """MicrosoftEdge-specific interface.""" platform = { "Linux": "linux", "Windows": "win", "Darwin": "macos" }.get(uname[0]) product = "edgechromium" edgedriver_name = "msedgedriver" requirements = "requirements_chromium.txt" def download(self, dest=None, channel=None, rename=None): raise NotImplementedError def install(self, dest=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): self.logger.info(f'Finding Edge binary for channel {channel}') if self.platform == "linux": name = "microsoft-edge" if channel == "stable": name += "-stable" elif channel == "beta": name += "-beta" elif channel == "dev": name += "-dev" # No Canary on Linux. return find_executable(name) if self.platform == "macos": suffix = "" if channel in ("beta", "dev", "canary"): suffix = " " + channel.capitalize() return f"/Applications/Microsoft Edge{suffix}.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft Edge{suffix}" if self.platform == "win": binaryname = "msedge" if channel == "beta": winpaths = [os.path.expandvars("$SYSTEMDRIVE\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\Edge Beta\\Application"), os.path.expandvars("$SYSTEMDRIVE\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge Beta\\Application")] return find_executable(binaryname, os.pathsep.join(winpaths)) elif channel == "dev": winpaths = [os.path.expandvars("$SYSTEMDRIVE\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\Edge Dev\\Application"), os.path.expandvars("$SYSTEMDRIVE\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge Dev\\Application")] return find_executable(binaryname, os.pathsep.join(winpaths)) elif channel == "canary": winpaths = [os.path.expanduser("~\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application"), os.path.expanduser("~\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Edge SxS\\Application")] return find_executable(binaryname, os.pathsep.join(winpaths)) else: winpaths = [os.path.expandvars("$SYSTEMDRIVE\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application"), os.path.expandvars("$SYSTEMDRIVE\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application")] return find_executable(binaryname, os.pathsep.join(winpaths)) self.logger.warning("Unable to find the browser binary.") return None def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): return find_executable("msedgedriver") def webdriver_supports_browser(self, webdriver_binary, browser_binary): edgedriver_version = self.webdriver_version(webdriver_binary) if not edgedriver_version: self.logger.warning( f"Unable to get version for EdgeDriver {webdriver_binary}, rejecting it") return False browser_version = self.version(browser_binary) if not browser_version: # If we can't get the browser version, we just have to assume the # EdgeDriver is good. return True # Check that the EdgeDriver version matches the Edge version. edgedriver_major = int(edgedriver_version.split('.')[0]) browser_major = int(browser_version.split('.')[0]) if edgedriver_major != browser_major: self.logger.warning( f"EdgeDriver {edgedriver_version} does not match Edge {browser_version}") return False return True def install_webdriver_by_version(self, version, dest=None): if dest is None: dest = os.pwd if self.platform == "linux": bits = "linux64" edgedriver_path = os.path.join(dest, self.edgedriver_name) elif self.platform == "macos": bits = "mac64" edgedriver_path = os.path.join(dest, self.edgedriver_name) else: bits = "win64" if uname[4] == "x86_64" else "win32" edgedriver_path = os.path.join(dest, f"{self.edgedriver_name}.exe") url = f"https://msedgedriver.azureedge.net/{version}/edgedriver_{bits}.zip" # cleanup existing Edge driver files to avoid access_denied errors when unzipping if os.path.isfile(edgedriver_path): # remove read-only attribute os.chmod(edgedriver_path, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO) # 0777 print(f"Delete {edgedriver_path} file") os.remove(edgedriver_path) driver_notes_path = os.path.join(dest, "Driver_notes") if os.path.isdir(driver_notes_path): print(f"Delete {driver_notes_path} folder") rmtree(driver_notes_path) self.logger.info(f"Downloading MSEdgeDriver from {url}") unzip(get(url).raw, dest) if os.path.isfile(edgedriver_path): self.logger.info(f"Successfully downloaded MSEdgeDriver to {edgedriver_path}") return find_executable(self.edgedriver_name, dest) def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): self.logger.info(f"Installing MSEdgeDriver for channel {channel}") if browser_binary is None: browser_binary = self.find_binary(channel=channel) else: self.logger.info(f"Installing matching MSEdgeDriver for Edge binary at {browser_binary}") version = self.version(browser_binary) # If an exact version can't be found, use a suitable fallback based on # the browser channel, if available. if version is None: platforms = { "linux": "LINUX", "macos": "MACOS", "win": "WINDOWS" } if channel is None: channel = "dev" platform = platforms[self.platform] suffix = f"{channel.upper()}_{platform}" version_url = f"https://msedgedriver.azureedge.net/LATEST_{suffix}" version = get(version_url).text.strip() return self.install_webdriver_by_version(version, dest) def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): if not binary: self.logger.warning("No browser binary provided.") return None if self.platform == "win": return _get_fileversion(binary, self.logger) try: version_string = call(binary, "--version").strip() except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e: self.logger.warning(f"Failed to call {binary}: {e}") return None m = re.match(r"Microsoft Edge ([0-9][0-9.]*)", version_string) if not m: self.logger.warning(f"Failed to extract version from: {version_string}") return None return m.group(1) def webdriver_version(self, webdriver_binary): if webdriver_binary is None: self.logger.warning("No valid webdriver supplied to detect version.") return None if self.platform == "win": return _get_fileversion(webdriver_binary, self.logger) try: version_string = call(webdriver_binary, "--version").strip() except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e: self.logger.warning(f"Failed to call {webdriver_binary}: {e}") return None m = re.match(r"Microsoft Edge WebDriver ([0-9][0-9.]*)", version_string) if not m: self.logger.warning(f"Failed to extract version from: {version_string}") return None return m.group(1) class Edge(Browser): """Edge-specific interface.""" product = "edge" requirements = "requirements_edge.txt" def download(self, dest=None, channel=None, rename=None): raise NotImplementedError def install(self, dest=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): return find_executable("MicrosoftWebDriver") def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): raise NotImplementedError def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): command = "(Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge).Version" try: return call("powershell.exe", command).strip() except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): self.logger.warning("Failed to call %s in PowerShell" % command) return None class EdgeWebDriver(Edge): product = "edge_webdriver" class InternetExplorer(Browser): """Internet Explorer-specific interface.""" product = "ie" requirements = "requirements_ie.txt" def download(self, dest=None, channel=None, rename=None): raise NotImplementedError def install(self, dest=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): return find_executable("IEDriverServer.exe") def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): raise NotImplementedError def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): return None class Safari(Browser): """Safari-specific interface. Includes installation, webdriver installation, and wptrunner setup methods. """ product = "safari" requirements = "requirements_safari.txt" def _find_downloads(self): def text_content(e, __output=None): # this doesn't use etree.tostring so that we can add spaces for p and br if __output is None: __output = [] if e.tag == "p": __output.append("\n\n") if e.tag == "br": __output.append("\n") if e.text is not None: __output.append(e.text) for child in e: text_content(child, __output) if child.tail is not None: __output.append(child.tail) return "".join(__output) self.logger.info("Finding STP download URLs") resp = get("https://developer.apple.com/safari/download/") doc = html5lib.parse( resp.content, "etree", namespaceHTMLElements=False, transport_encoding=resp.encoding, ) ascii_ws = re.compile(r"[\x09\x0A\x0C\x0D\x20]+") downloads = [] for candidate in doc.iterfind(".//li[@class]"): class_names = set(ascii_ws.split(candidate.attrib["class"])) if {"download", "dmg", "zip"} & class_names: downloads.append(candidate) # Note we use \s throughout for space as we don't care what form the whitespace takes stp_link_text = re.compile( r"^\s*Safari\s+Technology\s+Preview\s+(?:[0-9]+\s+)?for\s+macOS" ) requirement = re.compile( r"""(?x) # (extended regexp syntax for comments) ^\s*Requires\s+macOS\s+ # Starting with the magic string ([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*) # A macOS version number of numbers and dots (?:\s+beta(?:\s+[0-9]+)?)? # Optionally a beta, itself optionally with a number (no dots!) (?:\s+or\s+later)? # Optionally an 'or later' \.?\s*$ # Optionally ending with a literal dot """ ) stp_downloads = [] for download in downloads: for link in download.iterfind(".//a[@href]"): if stp_link_text.search(text_content(link)): break else: self.logger.debug("non-matching anchor: " + text_content(link)) else: continue for el in download.iter(): # avoid assuming any given element here, just assume it is a single element m = requirement.search(text_content(el)) if m: version = m.group(1) # This assumes the current macOS numbering, whereby X.Y is compatible # with X.(Y+1), e.g. 12.4 is compatible with 12.3, but 13.0 isn't # compatible with 12.3. if version.count(".") >= (2 if version.startswith("10.") else 1): spec = SpecifierSet(f"~={version}") else: spec = SpecifierSet(f"=={version}.*") stp_downloads.append((spec, link.attrib["href"].strip())) break else: self.logger.debug( "Found a link but no requirement: " + text_content(download) ) if stp_downloads: self.logger.info( "Found STP URLs for macOS " + ", ".join(str(dl[0]) for dl in stp_downloads) ) else: self.logger.warning("Did not find any STP URLs") return stp_downloads def _download_image(self, downloads, dest, system_version=None): if system_version is None: system_version, _, _ = platform.mac_ver() chosen_url = None for version_spec, url in downloads: if system_version in version_spec: self.logger.debug(f"Will download Safari for {version_spec}") chosen_url = url break if chosen_url is None: raise ValueError(f"no download for {system_version}") self.logger.info(f"Downloading Safari from {chosen_url}") resp = get(chosen_url) filename = get_download_filename(resp, "SafariTechnologyPreview.dmg") installer_path = os.path.join(dest, filename) with open(installer_path, "wb") as f: f.write(resp.content) return installer_path def _download_extract(self, image_path, dest, rename=None): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: self.logger.debug(f"Mounting {image_path}") r = subprocess.run( [ "hdiutil", "attach", "-readonly", "-mountpoint", tmpdir, "-nobrowse", "-verify", "-noignorebadchecksums", "-autofsck", image_path, ], encoding="utf-8", capture_output=True, check=True, ) mountpoint = None for line in r.stdout.splitlines(): if not line.startswith("/dev/"): continue _, _, mountpoint = line.split("\t", 2) if mountpoint: break if mountpoint is None: raise ValueError("no volume mounted from image") pkgs = [p for p in os.listdir(mountpoint) if p.endswith((".pkg", ".mpkg"))] if len(pkgs) != 1: raise ValueError( f"Expected a single .pkg/.mpkg, found {len(pkgs)}: {', '.join(pkgs)}" ) source_path = os.path.join(mountpoint, pkgs[0]) dest_path = os.path.join( dest, (rename + get_ext(pkgs[0])) if rename is not None else pkgs[0] ) self.logger.debug(f"Copying {source_path} to {dest_path}") shutil.copy2( source_path, dest_path, ) self.logger.debug(f"Unmounting {mountpoint}") subprocess.run( ["hdiutil", "detach", mountpoint], encoding="utf-8", capture_output=True, check=True, ) return dest_path def download(self, dest=None, channel="preview", rename=None, system_version=None): if channel != "preview": raise ValueError(f"can only install 'preview', not '{channel}'") if dest is None: dest = self._get_browser_binary_dir(None, channel) stp_downloads = self._find_downloads() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: image_path = self._download_image(stp_downloads, tmpdir, system_version) return self._download_extract(image_path, dest, rename) def install(self, dest=None, channel=None): # We can't do this because stable/beta releases are system components and STP # requires admin permissions to install. raise NotImplementedError def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): path = None if channel == "preview": path = "/Applications/Safari Technology Preview.app/Contents/MacOS" return find_executable("safaridriver", path) def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): raise NotImplementedError def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): if webdriver_binary is None: self.logger.warning("Cannot find Safari version without safaridriver") return None # Use `safaridriver --version` to get the version. Example output: # "Included with Safari 12.1 (14607.1.11)" # "Included with Safari Technology Preview (Release 67, 13607." # The `--version` flag was added in STP 67, so allow the call to fail. try: version_string = call(webdriver_binary, "--version").strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self.logger.warning("Failed to call %s --version" % webdriver_binary) return None m = re.match(r"Included with Safari (.*)", version_string) if not m: self.logger.warning("Failed to extract version from: %s" % version_string) return None return m.group(1) class Servo(Browser): """Servo-specific interface.""" product = "servo" requirements = None def platform_components(self): platform = { "Linux": "linux", "Windows": "win", "Darwin": "mac" }.get(uname[0]) if platform is None: raise ValueError("Unable to construct a valid Servo package for current platform") if platform == "linux": extension = ".tar.gz" decompress = untar elif platform == "win" or platform == "mac": raise ValueError("Unable to construct a valid Servo package for current platform") return (platform, extension, decompress) def _get(self, channel="nightly"): if channel != "nightly": raise ValueError("Only nightly versions of Servo are available") platform, extension, _ = self.platform_components() url = "https://download.servo.org/nightly/%s/servo-latest%s" % (platform, extension) return get(url) def download(self, dest=None, channel="nightly", rename=None): if dest is None: dest = os.pwd resp = self._get(dest, channel) _, extension, _ = self.platform_components() filename = rename if rename is not None else "servo-latest" with open(os.path.join(dest, "%s%s" % (filename, extension,)), "w") as f: f.write(resp.content) def install(self, dest=None, channel="nightly"): """Install latest Browser Engine.""" if dest is None: dest = os.pwd _, _, decompress = self.platform_components() resp = self._get(channel) decompress(resp.raw, dest=dest) path = find_executable("servo", os.path.join(dest, "servo")) st = os.stat(path) os.chmod(path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) return path def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): path = find_executable("servo", os.path.join(venv_path, "servo")) if path is None: path = find_executable("servo") return path def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): return None def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): raise NotImplementedError def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): """Retrieve the release version of the installed browser.""" output = call(binary, "--version") m = re.search(r"Servo ([0-9\.]+-[a-f0-9]+)?(-dirty)?$", output.strip()) if m: return m.group(0) class ServoWebDriver(Servo): product = "servodriver" class Sauce(Browser): """Sauce-specific interface.""" product = "sauce" requirements = "requirements_sauce.txt" def download(self, dest=None, channel=None, rename=None): raise NotImplementedError def install(self, dest=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def find_binary(self, venev_path=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): raise NotImplementedError def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): return None class WebKit(Browser): """WebKit-specific interface.""" product = "webkit" requirements = None def download(self, dest=None, channel=None, rename=None): raise NotImplementedError def install(self, dest=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): return None def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): return None def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): raise NotImplementedError def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): return None class WebKitGTKMiniBrowser(WebKit): def _get_osidversion(self): with open('/etc/os-release') as osrelease_handle: for line in osrelease_handle.readlines(): if line.startswith('ID='): os_id = line.split('=')[1].strip().strip('"') if line.startswith('VERSION_ID='): version_id = line.split('=')[1].strip().strip('"') assert(os_id) assert(version_id) osidversion = os_id + '-' + version_id assert(' ' not in osidversion) assert(len(osidversion) > 3) return osidversion.capitalize() def download(self, dest=None, channel=None, rename=None): base_dowload_uri = "https://webkitgtk.org/built-products/" base_download_dir = base_dowload_uri + "x86_64/release/" + channel + "/" + self._get_osidversion() + "/MiniBrowser/" try: response = get(base_download_dir + "LAST-IS") except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 404: raise RuntimeError("Can't find a WebKitGTK MiniBrowser %s bundle for %s at %s" % (channel, self._get_osidversion(), base_dowload_uri)) raise bundle_filename = response.text.strip() bundle_url = base_download_dir + bundle_filename if dest is None: dest = self._get_browser_binary_dir(None, channel) bundle_file_path = os.path.join(dest, bundle_filename) self.logger.info("Downloading WebKitGTK MiniBrowser bundle from %s" % bundle_url) with open(bundle_file_path, "w+b") as f: get_download_to_descriptor(f, bundle_url) bundle_filename_no_ext, _ = os.path.splitext(bundle_filename) bundle_hash_url = base_download_dir + bundle_filename_no_ext + ".sha256sum" bundle_expected_hash = get(bundle_hash_url).text.strip().split(" ")[0] bundle_computed_hash = sha256sum(bundle_file_path) if bundle_expected_hash != bundle_computed_hash: self.logger.error("Calculated SHA256 hash is %s but was expecting %s" % (bundle_computed_hash,bundle_expected_hash)) raise RuntimeError("The WebKitGTK MiniBrowser bundle at %s has incorrect SHA256 hash." % bundle_file_path) return bundle_file_path def install(self, dest=None, channel=None, prompt=True): dest = self._get_browser_binary_dir(dest, channel) bundle_path = self.download(dest, channel) bundle_uncompress_directory = os.path.join(dest, "webkitgtk_minibrowser") # Clean it from previous runs if os.path.exists(bundle_uncompress_directory): rmtree(bundle_uncompress_directory) os.mkdir(bundle_uncompress_directory) with open(bundle_path, "rb") as f: unzip(f, bundle_uncompress_directory) install_dep_script = os.path.join(bundle_uncompress_directory, "install-dependencies.sh") if os.path.isfile(install_dep_script): self.logger.info("Executing install-dependencies.sh script from bundle.") install_dep_cmd = [install_dep_script] if not prompt: install_dep_cmd.append("--autoinstall") # use subprocess.check_call() directly to display unbuffered stdout/stderr in real-time. subprocess.check_call(install_dep_cmd) minibrowser_path = os.path.join(bundle_uncompress_directory, "MiniBrowser") if not os.path.isfile(minibrowser_path): raise RuntimeError("Can't find a MiniBrowser binary at %s" % minibrowser_path) os.remove(bundle_path) install_ok_file = os.path.join(bundle_uncompress_directory, ".installation-ok") open(install_ok_file, "w").close() # touch self.logger.info("WebKitGTK MiniBrowser bundle for channel %s installed." % channel) return minibrowser_path def _find_executable_in_channel_bundle(self, binary, venv_path=None, channel=None): if venv_path: venv_base_path = self._get_browser_binary_dir(venv_path, channel) bundle_dir = os.path.join(venv_base_path, "webkitgtk_minibrowser") install_ok_file = os.path.join(bundle_dir, ".installation-ok") if os.path.isfile(install_ok_file): return find_executable(binary, bundle_dir) return None def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): minibrowser_path = self._find_executable_in_channel_bundle("MiniBrowser", venv_path, channel) if minibrowser_path: return minibrowser_path libexecpaths = ["/usr/libexec/webkit2gtk-4.0"] # Fedora path triplet = "x86_64-linux-gnu" # Try to use GCC to detect this machine triplet gcc = find_executable("gcc") if gcc: try: triplet = call(gcc, "-dumpmachine").strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass # Add Debian/Ubuntu path libexecpaths.append("/usr/lib/%s/webkit2gtk-4.0" % triplet) return find_executable("MiniBrowser", os.pathsep.join(libexecpaths)) def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): webdriver_path = self._find_executable_in_channel_bundle("WebKitWebDriver", venv_path, channel) if not webdriver_path: webdriver_path = find_executable("WebKitWebDriver") return webdriver_path def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): if binary is None: return None try: # WebKitGTK MiniBrowser before 2.26.0 doesn't support --version output = call(binary, "--version").strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return None # Example output: "WebKitGTK 2.26.1" if output: m = re.match(r"WebKitGTK (.+)", output) if not m: self.logger.warning("Failed to extract version from: %s" % output) return None return m.group(1) return None class Epiphany(Browser): """Epiphany-specific interface.""" product = "epiphany" requirements = None def download(self, dest=None, channel=None, rename=None): raise NotImplementedError def install(self, dest=None, channel=None): raise NotImplementedError def find_binary(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): return find_executable("epiphany") def find_webdriver(self, venv_path=None, channel=None): return find_executable("WebKitWebDriver") def install_webdriver(self, dest=None, channel=None, browser_binary=None): raise NotImplementedError def version(self, binary=None, webdriver_binary=None): if binary is None: return None output = call(binary, "--version") if output: # Stable release output looks like: "Web 3.30.2" # Tech Preview output looks like "Web 3.31.3-88-g97db4f40f" return output.split()[1] return None