// META: global=window,dedicatedworker // META: script=/webcodecs/utils.js function testImageBitmapToAndFromVideoFrame(width, height, expectedPixel, canvasOptions, imageBitmapOptions, imageSetting) { let canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(width, height); let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d', canvasOptions); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(50, 100, 150)'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); testCanvas(ctx, width, height, expectedPixel, imageSetting, assert_equals); return createImageBitmap(canvas, imageBitmapOptions) .then((fromImageBitmap) => { let videoFrame = new VideoFrame(fromImageBitmap, { timestamp: 0 }); return createImageBitmap(videoFrame, imageBitmapOptions); }) .then((toImageBitmap) => { let myCanvas = new OffscreenCanvas(width, height); let myCtx = myCanvas.getContext('2d', canvasOptions); myCtx.drawImage(toImageBitmap, 0, 0); let tolerance = 2; testCanvas(myCtx, width, height, expectedPixel, imageSetting, (actual, expected) => { assert_approx_equals(actual, expected, tolerance); }); }); } promise_test(() => { return testImageBitmapToAndFromVideoFrame(48, 36, kSRGBPixel); }, 'ImageBitmap<->VideoFrame with canvas(48x36 srgb uint8).'); promise_test(() => { return testImageBitmapToAndFromVideoFrame(480, 360, kSRGBPixel); }, 'ImageBitmap<->VideoFrame with canvas(480x360 srgb uint8).'); promise_test(() => { return testImageBitmapToAndFromVideoFrame(48, 36, kP3Pixel, kCanvasOptionsP3Uint8, { colorSpaceConversion: "none" }, kImageSettingOptionsP3Uint8); }, 'ImageBitmap<->VideoFrame with canvas(48x36 display-p3 uint8).'); promise_test(() => { return testImageBitmapToAndFromVideoFrame(480, 360, kP3Pixel, kCanvasOptionsP3Uint8, { colorSpaceConversion: "none" }, kImageSettingOptionsP3Uint8); }, 'ImageBitmap<->VideoFrame with canvas(480x360 display-p3 uint8).'); promise_test(() => { return testImageBitmapToAndFromVideoFrame(48, 36, kRec2020Pixel, kCanvasOptionsRec2020Uint8, { colorSpaceConversion: "none" }, kImageSettingOptionsRec2020Uint8); }, 'ImageBitmap<->VideoFrame with canvas(48x36 rec2020 uint8).'); promise_test(() => { return testImageBitmapToAndFromVideoFrame(480, 360, kRec2020Pixel, kCanvasOptionsRec2020Uint8, { colorSpaceConversion: "none" }, kImageSettingOptionsRec2020Uint8); }, 'ImageBitmap<->VideoFrame with canvas(480x360 rec2020 uint8).'); promise_test(async () => { const width = 128; const height = 128; let vfInit = {format: 'RGBA', timestamp: 0, codedWidth: width, codedHeight: height, displayWidth: width / 2, displayHeight: height / 2}; let data = new Uint32Array(vfInit.codedWidth * vfInit.codedHeight); data.fill(0xFF966432); // 'rgb(50, 100, 150)'; let frame = new VideoFrame(data, vfInit); let bitmap = await createImageBitmap(frame); frame.close(); assert_equals(bitmap.width, width / 2); assert_equals(bitmap.height, height / 2); bitmap.close(); }, 'createImageBitmap uses frame display size');