// META: global=window,worker // META: script=/common/get-host-info.sub.js // META: script=resources/webtransport-test-helpers.sub.js const BAD_URLS = [ null, '', 'no-scheme', 'http://example.com/' /* scheme is wrong */, 'quic-transport://example.com/' /* scheme is wrong */, 'https:///' /* no host specified */, 'https://example.com/#failing' /* has fragment */, `https://${HOST}:999999/` /* invalid port */, ]; for (const url of BAD_URLS) { test(() => { assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', () => new WebTransport(url), 'constructor should throw'); }, `WebTransport constructor should reject URL '${url}'`); } const OPTIONS = [ { allowPooling: true }, { requireUnreliable: true }, { allowPooling: true, requireUnreliable: true }, { congestionControl: "default" }, { congestionControl: "throughput" }, { congestionControl: "low-latency" }, { allowPooling: true, requireUnreliable: true, congestionControl: "low-latency" }, // XXX Need to test serverCertificateHashes ]; for (const options of OPTIONS) { promise_test(async t => { const wt = new WebTransport(`https://${HOST}:0/`, options ); await wt.ready; wt.close(); }, "WebTransport constructor should allow options " + JSON.stringify(options)); } promise_test(async t => { const wt = new WebTransport(`https://${HOST}:0/`); // Sadly we cannot use promise_rejects_dom as the error constructor is // WebTransportError rather than DOMException. // We get a possible error, and then make sure wt.ready is rejected with it. const e = await wt.ready.catch(e => e); await promise_rejects_exactly(t, e, wt.ready, 'ready should be rejected'); await promise_rejects_exactly(t, e, wt.closed, 'closed should be rejected'); assert_true(e instanceof WebTransportError); assert_equals(e.source, 'session', 'source'); assert_equals(e.streamErrorCode, null, 'streamErrorCode'); }, 'Connection to port 0 should fail');