#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2019 Martin Storsjo # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. import argparse import functools import hashlib import os import multiprocessing.pool try: import simplejson except ModuleNotFoundError: import json as simplejson import six import shutil import socket import subprocess import sys import tempfile import zipfile def getArgsParser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Download and install Visual Studio") parser.add_argument("--manifest", metavar="manifest", help="A predownloaded manifest file") parser.add_argument("--save-manifest", const=True, action="store_const", help="Store the downloaded manifest to a file") parser.add_argument("--major", default=17, metavar="version", help="The major version to download (defaults to 17)") parser.add_argument("--preview", dest="type", default="release", const="pre", action="store_const", help="Download the preview version instead of the release version") parser.add_argument("--cache", metavar="dir", help="Directory to use as a persistent cache for downloaded files") parser.add_argument("--dest", metavar="dir", help="Directory to install into") parser.add_argument("package", metavar="package", help="Package to install. If omitted, installs the default command line tools.", nargs="*") parser.add_argument("--ignore", metavar="component", help="Package to skip", action="append") parser.add_argument("--accept-license", const=True, action="store_const", help="Don't prompt for accepting the license") parser.add_argument("--print-version", const=True, action="store_const", help="Stop after fetching the manifest") parser.add_argument("--list-workloads", const=True, action="store_const", help="List high level workloads") parser.add_argument("--list-components", const=True, action="store_const", help="List available components") parser.add_argument("--list-packages", const=True, action="store_const", help="List all individual packages, regardless of type") parser.add_argument("--include-optional", const=True, action="store_const", help="Include all optional dependencies") parser.add_argument("--skip-recommended", const=True, action="store_const", help="Don't include recommended dependencies") parser.add_argument("--print-deps-tree", const=True, action="store_const", help="Print a tree of resolved dependencies for the given selection") parser.add_argument("--print-reverse-deps", const=True, action="store_const", help="Print a tree of packages that depend on the given selection") parser.add_argument("--print-selection", const=True, action="store_const", help="Print a list of the individual packages that are selected to be installed") parser.add_argument("--only-download", const=True, action="store_const", help="Stop after downloading package files") parser.add_argument("--only-unpack", const=True, action="store_const", help="Unpack the selected packages and keep all files, in the layout they are unpacked, don't restructure and prune files other than what's needed for MSVC CLI tools") parser.add_argument("--keep-unpack", const=True, action="store_const", help="Keep the unpacked files that aren't otherwise selected as needed output") parser.add_argument("--msvc-version", metavar="version", help="Install a specific MSVC toolchain version") parser.add_argument("--sdk-version", metavar="version", help="Install a specific Windows SDK version") return parser def setPackageSelectionMSVC16(args, packages, userversion, sdk, toolversion, defaultPackages): if findPackage(packages, "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC." + toolversion + ".x86.x64", None, warn=False): args.package.extend(["Win10SDK_" + sdk, "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC." + toolversion + ".x86.x64", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC." + toolversion + ".ARM", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC." + toolversion + ".ARM64"]) else: # Options for toolchains for specific versions. The latest version in # each manifest isn't available as a pinned version though, so if that # version is requested, try the default version. print("Didn't find exact version packages for " + userversion + ", assuming this is provided by the default/latest version") args.package.extend(defaultPackages) def setPackageSelectionMSVC15(args, packages, userversion, sdk, toolversion, defaultPackages): if findPackage(packages, "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools." + toolversion, None, warn=False): args.package.extend(["Win10SDK_" + sdk, "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools." + toolversion]) else: # Options for toolchains for specific versions. The latest version in # each manifest isn't available as a pinned version though, so if that # version is requested, try the default version. print("Didn't find exact version packages for " + userversion + ", assuming this is provided by the default/latest version") args.package.extend(defaultPackages) def setPackageSelection(args, packages): # If no packages are selected, install these versionless packages, which # gives the latest/recommended version for the current manifest. defaultPackages = ["Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.ARM", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.ARM64"] # Note, that in the manifest for MSVC version X.Y, only version X.Y-1 # exists with a package name like "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC." # + toolversion + ".x86.x64". if args.msvc_version == "16.0": setPackageSelectionMSVC16(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.17763", "14.20", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "16.1": setPackageSelectionMSVC16(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.18362", "14.21", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "16.2": setPackageSelectionMSVC16(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.18362", "14.22", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "16.3": setPackageSelectionMSVC16(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.18362", "14.23", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "16.4": setPackageSelectionMSVC16(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.18362", "14.24", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "16.5": setPackageSelectionMSVC16(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.18362", "14.25", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "16.6": setPackageSelectionMSVC16(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.18362", "14.26", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "16.7": setPackageSelectionMSVC16(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.18362", "14.27", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "16.8": setPackageSelectionMSVC16(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.18362", "14.28", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "16.9": setPackageSelectionMSVC16(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.19041", "", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "16.10": setPackageSelectionMSVC16(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.19041", "", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "16.11": setPackageSelectionMSVC16(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.19041", "", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "17.0": setPackageSelectionMSVC16(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.19041", "", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "15.4": setPackageSelectionMSVC15(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.16299", "14.11", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "15.5": setPackageSelectionMSVC15(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.16299", "14.12", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "15.6": setPackageSelectionMSVC15(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.16299", "14.13", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "15.7": setPackageSelectionMSVC15(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.17134", "14.14", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "15.8": setPackageSelectionMSVC15(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.17134", "14.15", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version == "15.9": setPackageSelectionMSVC15(args, packages, args.msvc_version, "10.0.17763", "14.16", defaultPackages) elif args.msvc_version != None: print("Unsupported MSVC toolchain version " + args.msvc_version) sys.exit(1) if len(args.package) == 0: args.package = defaultPackages if args.sdk_version != None: for key in packages: if key.startswith("win10sdk") or key.startswith("win11sdk"): base = key[0:8] sdkname = base + "_" + args.sdk_version if key == sdkname: args.package.append(key) else: args.ignore.append(key) p = packages[key][0] def lowercaseIgnores(args): ignore = [] if args.ignore != None: for i in args.ignore: ignore.append(i.lower()) args.ignore = ignore def getManifest(args): if args.manifest == None: url = "https://aka.ms/vs/%s/%s/channel" % (args.major, args.type) print("Fetching %s" % (url)) manifest = simplejson.loads(six.moves.urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()) print("Got toplevel manifest for %s" % (manifest["info"]["productDisplayVersion"])) for item in manifest["channelItems"]: if "type" in item and item["type"] == "Manifest": args.manifest = item["payloads"][0]["url"] if args.manifest == None: print("Unable to find an intaller manifest!") sys.exit(1) if not args.manifest.startswith("http"): args.manifest = "file:" + args.manifest manifestdata = six.moves.urllib.request.urlopen(args.manifest).read() manifest = simplejson.loads(manifestdata) print("Loaded installer manifest for %s" % (manifest["info"]["productDisplayVersion"])) if args.save_manifest: filename = "%s.manifest" % (manifest["info"]["productDisplayVersion"]) if os.path.isfile(filename): oldfile = open(filename, "rb").read() if oldfile != manifestdata: print("Old saved manifest in \"%s\" differs from newly downloaded one, not overwriting!" % (filename)) else: print("Old saved manifest in \"%s\" is still current" % (filename)) else: f = open(filename, "wb") f.write(manifestdata) f.close() print("Saved installer manifest to \"%s\"" % (filename)) return manifest def prioritizePackage(a, b): if "chip" in a and "chip" in b: ax64 = a["chip"].lower() == "x64" bx64 = b["chip"].lower() == "x64" if ax64 and not bx64: return -1 elif bx64 and not ax64: return 1 if "language" in a and "language" in b: aeng = a["language"].lower().startswith("en-") beng = b["language"].lower().startswith("en-") if aeng and not beng: return -1 if beng and not aeng: return 1 return 0 def getPackages(manifest): packages = {} for p in manifest["packages"]: id = p["id"].lower() if not id in packages: packages[id] = [] packages[id].append(p) for key in packages: packages[key] = sorted(packages[key], key=functools.cmp_to_key(prioritizePackage)) return packages def listPackageType(packages, type): if type != None: type = type.lower() ids = [] for key in packages: p = packages[key][0] if type == None: ids.append(p["id"]) elif "type" in p and p["type"].lower() == type: ids.append(p["id"]) for id in sorted(ids): print(id) def findPackage(packages, id, chip, warn=True): origid = id id = id.lower() candidates = None if not id in packages: if warn: print("WARNING: %s not found" % (origid)) return None candidates = packages[id] if chip != None: chip = chip.lower() for a in candidates: if "chip" in a and a["chip"].lower() == chip: return a return candidates[0] def printDepends(packages, target, deptype, chip, indent, args): chipstr = "" if chip != None: chipstr = " (" + chip + ")" deptypestr = "" if deptype != "": deptypestr = " (" + deptype + ")" ignorestr = "" ignore = False if target.lower() in args.ignore: ignorestr = " (Ignored)" ignore = True print(indent + target + chipstr + deptypestr + ignorestr) if deptype == "Optional" and not args.include_optional: return if deptype == "Recommended" and args.skip_recommended: return if ignore: return p = findPackage(packages, target, chip) if p == None: return if "dependencies" in p: deps = p["dependencies"] for key in deps: dep = deps[key] type = "" if "type" in dep: type = dep["type"] chip = None if "chip" in dep: chip = dep["chip"] printDepends(packages, key, type, chip, indent + " ", args) def printReverseDepends(packages, target, deptype, indent, args): deptypestr = "" if deptype != "": deptypestr = " (" + deptype + ")" print(indent + target + deptypestr) if deptype == "Optional" and not args.include_optional: return if deptype == "Recommended" and args.skip_recommended: return target = target.lower() for key in packages: p = packages[key][0] if "dependencies" in p: deps = p["dependencies"] for k in deps: if k.lower() != target: continue dep = deps[k] type = "" if "type" in dep: type = dep["type"] printReverseDepends(packages, p["id"], type, indent + " ", args) def getPackageKey(p): packagekey = p["id"] if "version" in p: packagekey = packagekey + "-" + p["version"] if "chip" in p: packagekey = packagekey + "-" + p["chip"] return packagekey def aggregateDepends(packages, included, target, chip, args): if target.lower() in args.ignore: return [] p = findPackage(packages, target, chip) if p == None: return [] packagekey = getPackageKey(p) if packagekey in included: return [] ret = [p] included[packagekey] = True if "dependencies" in p: deps = p["dependencies"] for key in deps: dep = deps[key] if "type" in dep: deptype = dep["type"] if deptype == "Optional" and not args.include_optional: continue if deptype == "Recommended" and args.skip_recommended: continue chip = None if "chip" in dep: chip = dep["chip"] ret.extend(aggregateDepends(packages, included, key, chip, args)) return ret def getSelectedPackages(packages, args): ret = [] included = {} for i in args.package: ret.extend(aggregateDepends(packages, included, i, None, args)) return ret def sumInstalledSize(l): sum = 0 for p in l: if "installSizes" in p: sizes = p["installSizes"] for location in sizes: sum = sum + sizes[location] return sum def sumDownloadSize(l): sum = 0 for p in l: if "payloads" in p: for payload in p["payloads"]: if "size" in payload: sum = sum + payload["size"] return sum def formatSize(s): if s > 900*1024*1024: return "%.1f GB" % (s/(1024*1024*1024)) if s > 900*1024: return "%.1f MB" % (s/(1024*1024)) if s > 1024: return "%.1f KB" % (s/1024) return "%d bytes" % (s) def printPackageList(l): for p in sorted(l, key=lambda p: p["id"]): s = p["id"] if "type" in p: s = s + " (" + p["type"] + ")" if "chip" in p: s = s + " (" + p["chip"] + ")" if "language" in p: s = s + " (" + p["language"] + ")" s = s + " " + formatSize(sumInstalledSize([p])) print(s) def makedirs(dir): try: os.makedirs(dir) except OSError: pass def sha256File(file): sha256Hash = hashlib.sha256() with open(file, "rb") as f: for byteBlock in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""): sha256Hash.update(byteBlock) return sha256Hash.hexdigest() def getPayloadName(payload): name = payload["fileName"] if "\\" in name: name = name.split("\\")[-1] if "/" in name: name = name.split("/")[-1] return name def downloadPackages(selected, cache, allowHashMismatch = False): pool = multiprocessing.Pool(5) tasks = [] makedirs(cache) for p in selected: if not "payloads" in p: continue dir = os.path.join(cache, getPackageKey(p)) makedirs(dir) for payload in p["payloads"]: name = getPayloadName(payload) destname = os.path.join(dir, name) fileid = os.path.join(getPackageKey(p), name) args = (payload, destname, fileid, allowHashMismatch) tasks.append(pool.apply_async(_downloadPayload, args)) downloaded = sum(task.get() for task in tasks) pool.close() print("Downloaded %s in total" % (formatSize(downloaded))) def _downloadPayload(payload, destname, fileid, allowHashMismatch): attempts = 5 for attempt in range(attempts): try: if os.access(destname, os.F_OK): if "sha256" in payload: if sha256File(destname).lower() != payload["sha256"].lower(): six.print_("Incorrect existing file %s, removing" % (fileid), flush=True) os.remove(destname) else: six.print_("Using existing file %s" % (fileid), flush=True) return 0 else: return 0 size = 0 if "size" in payload: size = payload["size"] six.print_("Downloading %s (%s)" % (fileid, formatSize(size)), flush=True) six.moves.urllib.request.urlretrieve(payload["url"], destname) if "sha256" in payload: if sha256File(destname).lower() != payload["sha256"].lower(): if allowHashMismatch: six.print_("WARNING: Incorrect hash for downloaded file %s" % (fileid), flush=True) else: raise Exception("Incorrect hash for downloaded file %s, aborting" % fileid) return size except Exception as e: if attempt == attempts - 1: raise six.print_("%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e), flush=True) def mergeTrees(src, dest): if not os.path.isdir(src): return if not os.path.isdir(dest): shutil.move(src, dest) return names = os.listdir(src) destnames = {} for n in os.listdir(dest): destnames[n.lower()] = n for n in names: srcname = os.path.join(src, n) destname = os.path.join(dest, n) if os.path.isdir(srcname): if os.path.isdir(destname): mergeTrees(srcname, destname) elif n.lower() in destnames: mergeTrees(srcname, os.path.join(dest, destnames[n.lower()])) else: shutil.move(srcname, destname) else: shutil.move(srcname, destname) def unzipFiltered(zip, dest): tmp = os.path.join(dest, "extract") for f in zip.infolist(): name = six.moves.urllib.parse.unquote(f.filename) if "/" in name: sep = name.rfind("/") dir = os.path.join(dest, name[0:sep]) makedirs(dir) extracted = zip.extract(f, tmp) shutil.move(extracted, os.path.join(dest, name)) shutil.rmtree(tmp) def unpackVsix(file, dest, listing): temp = os.path.join(dest, "vsix") makedirs(temp) with zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'r') as zip: unzipFiltered(zip, temp) with open(listing, "w") as f: for n in zip.namelist(): f.write(n + "\n") contents = os.path.join(temp, "Contents") if os.access(contents, os.F_OK): mergeTrees(contents, dest) shutil.rmtree(temp) def unpackWin10SDK(src, payloads, dest): # We could try to unpack only the MSIs we need here. # Note, this extracts some files into Program Files/..., and some # files directly in the root unpack directory. The files we need # are under Program Files/... though. for payload in payloads: name = getPayloadName(payload) if name.endswith(".msi"): print("Extracting " + name) srcfile = os.path.join(src, name) log = open(os.path.join(dest, "WinSDK-" + getPayloadName(payload) + "-listing.txt"), "w") subprocess.check_call(["msiextract", "-C", dest, srcfile], stdout=log) log.close() def extractPackages(selected, cache, dest): makedirs(dest) for p in selected: type = p["type"] dir = os.path.join(cache, getPackageKey(p)) if type == "Component" or type == "Workload" or type == "Group": continue if type == "Vsix": print("Unpacking " + p["id"]) for payload in p["payloads"]: unpackVsix(os.path.join(dir, getPayloadName(payload)), dest, os.path.join(dest, getPackageKey(p) + "-listing.txt")) elif p["id"].startswith("Win10SDK") or p["id"].startswith("Win11SDK"): print("Unpacking " + p["id"]) unpackWin10SDK(dir, p["payloads"], dest) else: print("Skipping unpacking of " + p["id"] + " of type " + type) def moveVCSDK(unpack, dest): # Move the VC and Program Files\Windows Kits\10 directories # out from the unpack directory, allowing the rest of unpacked # files to be removed. makedirs(os.path.join(dest, "kits")) mergeTrees(os.path.join(unpack, "VC"), os.path.join(dest, "VC")) mergeTrees(os.path.join(unpack, "Program Files", "Windows Kits", "10"), os.path.join(dest, "kits", "10")) # The DIA SDK isn't necessary for normal use, but can be used when e.g. # compiling LLVM. mergeTrees(os.path.join(unpack, "DIA SDK"), os.path.join(dest, "DIA SDK")) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = getArgsParser() args = parser.parse_args() lowercaseIgnores(args) socket.setdefaulttimeout(15) packages = getPackages(getManifest(args)) if args.print_version: sys.exit(0) if not args.accept_license: response = six.moves.input("Do you accept the license at " + findPackage(packages, "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.BuildTools", None)["localizedResources"][0]["license"] + " (yes/no)? ") while response != "yes" and response != "no": response = six.moves.input("Do you accept the license? Answer \"yes\" or \"no\": ") if response == "no": sys.exit(0) setPackageSelection(args, packages) if args.list_components or args.list_workloads or args.list_packages: if args.list_components: listPackageType(packages, "Component") if args.list_workloads: listPackageType(packages, "Workload") if args.list_packages: listPackageType(packages, None) sys.exit(0) if args.print_deps_tree: for i in args.package: printDepends(packages, i, "", None, "", args) sys.exit(0) if args.print_reverse_deps: for i in args.package: printReverseDepends(packages, i, "", "", args) sys.exit(0) selected = getSelectedPackages(packages, args) if args.print_selection: printPackageList(selected) print("Selected %d packages, for a total download size of %s, install size of %s" % (len(selected), formatSize(sumDownloadSize(selected)), formatSize(sumInstalledSize(selected)))) if args.print_selection: sys.exit(0) tempcache = None if args.cache != None: cache = os.path.abspath(args.cache) else: cache = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="vsinstall-") tempcache = cache if not args.only_download and args.dest == None: print("No destination directory set!") sys.exit(1) try: downloadPackages(selected, cache, allowHashMismatch=args.only_download) if args.only_download: sys.exit(0) dest = os.path.abspath(args.dest) if args.only_unpack: unpack = dest else: unpack = os.path.join(dest, "unpack") extractPackages(selected, cache, unpack) if not args.only_unpack: moveVCSDK(unpack, dest) if not args.keep_unpack: shutil.rmtree(unpack) finally: if tempcache != None: shutil.rmtree(tempcache)