use core::alloc::Layout; use core::mem; /// Aborts the process. /// /// To abort, this function simply panics while panicking. pub(crate) fn abort() -> ! { struct Panic; impl Drop for Panic { fn drop(&mut self) { panic!("aborting the process"); } } let _panic = Panic; panic!("aborting the process"); } /// Calls a function and aborts if it panics. /// /// This is useful in unsafe code where we can't recover from panics. #[inline] pub(crate) fn abort_on_panic(f: impl FnOnce() -> T) -> T { struct Bomb; impl Drop for Bomb { fn drop(&mut self) { abort(); } } let bomb = Bomb; let t = f(); mem::forget(bomb); t } /// Returns the layout for `a` followed by `b` and the offset of `b`. /// /// This function was adapted from the currently unstable `Layout::extend()`: /// #[inline] pub(crate) fn extend(a: Layout, b: Layout) -> (Layout, usize) { let new_align = a.align().max(b.align()); let pad = padding_needed_for(a, b.align()); let offset = a.size().checked_add(pad).unwrap(); let new_size = offset.checked_add(b.size()).unwrap(); let layout = Layout::from_size_align(new_size, new_align).unwrap(); (layout, offset) } /// Returns the padding after `layout` that aligns the following address to `align`. /// /// This function was adapted from the currently unstable `Layout::padding_needed_for()`: /// #[inline] pub(crate) fn padding_needed_for(layout: Layout, align: usize) -> usize { let len = layout.size(); let len_rounded_up = len.wrapping_add(align).wrapping_sub(1) & !align.wrapping_sub(1); len_rounded_up.wrapping_sub(len) }