use cocoa::{appkit::NSView, base::id as cocoa_id}; use core_graphics_types::geometry::CGSize; use metal::*; use objc::{rc::autoreleasepool, runtime::YES}; use winit::{ event::{Event, WindowEvent}, event_loop::ControlFlow, platform::macos::WindowExtMacOS, }; use std::mem; struct App { pub device: Device, pub command_queue: CommandQueue, pub layer: MetalLayer, pub image_fill_cps: ComputePipelineState, pub width: u32, pub height: u32, } fn select_device() -> Option { let devices = Device::all(); for device in devices { if device.supports_dynamic_libraries() { return Some(device); } } None } impl App { fn new(window: &winit::window::Window) -> Self { let device = select_device().expect("no device found that supports dynamic libraries"); let command_queue = device.new_command_queue(); let layer = MetalLayer::new(); layer.set_device(&device); layer.set_pixel_format(MTLPixelFormat::BGRA8Unorm); layer.set_presents_with_transaction(false); layer.set_framebuffer_only(false); unsafe { let view = window.ns_view() as cocoa_id; view.setWantsLayer(YES); view.setLayer(mem::transmute(layer.as_ref())); } let draw_size = window.inner_size(); layer.set_drawable_size(CGSize::new(draw_size.width as f64, draw_size.height as f64)); // compile dynamic lib shader let dylib_src_path = std::path::PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .join("examples/shader-dylib/test_dylib.metal"); let install_path = std::path::PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("target/test_dylib.metallib"); let dylib_src = std::fs::read_to_string(dylib_src_path).expect("bad shit"); let opts = metal::CompileOptions::new(); opts.set_library_type(MTLLibraryType::Dynamic); opts.set_install_name(install_path.to_str().unwrap()); let lib = device .new_library_with_source(dylib_src.as_str(), &opts) .unwrap(); // create dylib let dylib = device.new_dynamic_library(&lib).unwrap(); dylib.set_label("test_dylib"); // optional: serialize binary blob that can be loaded later let blob_url = String::from("file://") + install_path.to_str().unwrap(); let url = URL::new_with_string(&blob_url); dylib.serialize_to_url(&url).unwrap(); // create shader that links with dylib let shader_src_path = std::path::PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .join("examples/shader-dylib/test_shader.metal"); let shader_src = std::fs::read_to_string(shader_src_path).expect("bad shit"); let opts = metal::CompileOptions::new(); // add dynamic library to link with let libraries = [dylib.as_ref()]; opts.set_libraries(&libraries); // compile let shader_lib = device .new_library_with_source(shader_src.as_str(), &opts) .unwrap(); let func = shader_lib.get_function("test_kernel", None).unwrap(); // create pipeline state // linking occurs here let image_fill_cps = device .new_compute_pipeline_state_with_function(&func) .unwrap(); Self { device, command_queue, layer, image_fill_cps, width: draw_size.width, height: draw_size.height, } } fn resize(&mut self, width: u32, height: u32) { self.layer .set_drawable_size(CGSize::new(width as f64, height as f64)); self.width = width; self.height = height; } fn draw(&self) { let drawable = match self.layer.next_drawable() { Some(drawable) => drawable, None => return, }; let w = self.image_fill_cps.thread_execution_width(); let h = self.image_fill_cps.max_total_threads_per_threadgroup() / w; let threads_per_threadgroup = MTLSize::new(w, h, 1); let threads_per_grid = MTLSize::new(self.width as _, self.height as _, 1); let command_buffer = self.command_queue.new_command_buffer(); { let encoder = command_buffer.new_compute_command_encoder(); encoder.set_compute_pipeline_state(&self.image_fill_cps); encoder.set_texture(0, Some(&drawable.texture())); encoder.dispatch_threads(threads_per_grid, threads_per_threadgroup); encoder.end_encoding(); } command_buffer.present_drawable(&drawable); command_buffer.commit(); } } fn main() { let events_loop = winit::event_loop::EventLoop::new(); let size = winit::dpi::LogicalSize::new(800, 600); let window = winit::window::WindowBuilder::new() .with_inner_size(size) .with_title("Metal Shader Dylib Example".to_string()) .build(&events_loop) .unwrap(); let mut app = App::new(&window); |event, _, control_flow| { autoreleasepool(|| { *control_flow = ControlFlow::Poll; match event { Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } => match event { WindowEvent::CloseRequested => *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit, WindowEvent::Resized(size) => { app.resize(size.width, size.height); } _ => (), }, Event::MainEventsCleared => { window.request_redraw(); } Event::RedrawRequested(_) => { app.draw(); } _ => {} } }); }); }