//! Asynchronous I/O. //! //! This module is the asynchronous version of `std::io`. Primarily, it //! defines two traits, [`AsyncRead`] and [`AsyncWrite`], which extend the //! `Read` and `Write` traits of the standard library. //! //! # AsyncRead and AsyncWrite //! //! [`AsyncRead`] and [`AsyncWrite`] must only be implemented for //! non-blocking I/O types that integrate with the futures type system. In //! other words, these types must never block the thread, and instead the //! current task is notified when the I/O resource is ready. //! //! # Standard input and output //! //! Tokio provides asynchronous APIs to standard [input], [output], and [error]. //! These APIs are very similar to the ones provided by `std`, but they also //! implement [`AsyncRead`] and [`AsyncWrite`]. //! //! Unlike *most* other Tokio APIs, the standard input / output APIs //! **must** be used from the context of the Tokio runtime as they require //! Tokio specific features to function. //! //! [input]: fn.stdin.html //! [output]: fn.stdout.html //! [error]: fn.stderr.html //! //! # Utility functions //! //! Utilities functions are provided for working with [`AsyncRead`] / //! [`AsyncWrite`] types. For example, [`copy`] asynchronously copies all //! data from a source to a destination. //! //! # `std` re-exports //! //! Additionally, [`Read`], [`Write`], [`Error`], [`ErrorKind`], and //! [`Result`] are re-exported from `std::io` for ease of use. //! //! [`AsyncRead`]: trait.AsyncRead.html //! [`AsyncWrite`]: trait.AsyncWrite.html //! [`copy`]: fn.copy.html //! [`Read`]: trait.Read.html //! [`Write`]: trait.Write.html //! [`Error`]: struct.Error.html //! [`ErrorKind`]: enum.ErrorKind.html //! [`Result`]: type.Result.html pub use tokio_io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite}; // standard input, output, and error #[cfg(feature = "fs")] pub use tokio_fs::{stderr, stdin, stdout, Stderr, Stdin, Stdout}; // Utils pub use tokio_io::io::{ copy, flush, lines, read, read_exact, read_to_end, read_until, shutdown, write_all, Copy, Flush, Lines, ReadExact, ReadHalf, ReadToEnd, ReadUntil, Shutdown, WriteAll, WriteHalf, }; // Re-export io::Error so that users don't have to deal // with conflicts when `use`ing `futures::io` and `std::io`. pub use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind, Read, Result, Write};