//! I/O conveniences when working with primitives in `tokio-core` //! //! Contains various combinators to work with I/O objects and type definitions //! as well. //! //! A description of the high-level I/O combinators can be [found online] in //! addition to a description of the [low level details]. //! //! [found online]: https://tokio.rs/docs/getting-started/core/ //! [low level details]: https://tokio.rs/docs/going-deeper-tokio/core-low-level/ mod copy; mod flush; mod read; mod read_exact; mod read_to_end; mod read_until; mod shutdown; mod write_all; pub use self::copy::{copy, Copy}; pub use self::flush::{flush, Flush}; pub use self::read::{read, Read}; pub use self::read_exact::{read_exact, ReadExact}; pub use self::read_to_end::{read_to_end, ReadToEnd}; pub use self::read_until::{read_until, ReadUntil}; pub use self::shutdown::{shutdown, Shutdown}; pub use self::write_all::{write_all, WriteAll}; pub use allow_std::AllowStdIo; pub use lines::{lines, Lines}; pub use split::{ReadHalf, WriteHalf}; pub use window::Window;