use crate::{ device::{DeviceError, MissingDownlevelFlags, MissingFeatures, SHADER_STAGE_COUNT}, error::{ErrorFormatter, PrettyError}, hub::{HalApi, Resource}, id::{BindGroupLayoutId, BufferId, DeviceId, SamplerId, TextureId, TextureViewId, Valid}, init_tracker::{BufferInitTrackerAction, TextureInitTrackerAction}, track::{BindGroupStates, UsageConflict}, validation::{MissingBufferUsageError, MissingTextureUsageError}, FastHashMap, Label, LifeGuard, MultiRefCount, Stored, }; use arrayvec::ArrayVec; #[cfg(feature = "replay")] use serde::Deserialize; #[cfg(feature = "trace")] use serde::Serialize; use std::{borrow::Cow, ops::Range}; use thiserror::Error; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] pub enum BindGroupLayoutEntryError { #[error("cube dimension is not expected for texture storage")] StorageTextureCube, #[error("Read-write and read-only storage textures are not allowed by webgpu, they require the native only feature TEXTURE_ADAPTER_SPECIFIC_FORMAT_FEATURES")] StorageTextureReadWrite, #[error("arrays of bindings unsupported for this type of binding")] ArrayUnsupported, #[error(transparent)] MissingFeatures(#[from] MissingFeatures), #[error(transparent)] MissingDownlevelFlags(#[from] MissingDownlevelFlags), } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] pub enum CreateBindGroupLayoutError { #[error(transparent)] Device(#[from] DeviceError), #[error("conflicting binding at index {0}")] ConflictBinding(u32), #[error("binding {binding} entry is invalid")] Entry { binding: u32, #[source] error: BindGroupLayoutEntryError, }, #[error(transparent)] TooManyBindings(BindingTypeMaxCountError), #[error("Binding index {binding} is greater than the maximum index {maximum}")] InvalidBindingIndex { binding: u32, maximum: u32 }, #[error("Invalid visibility {0:?}")] InvalidVisibility(wgt::ShaderStages), } //TODO: refactor this to move out `enum BindingError`. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] pub enum CreateBindGroupError { #[error(transparent)] Device(#[from] DeviceError), #[error("bind group layout is invalid")] InvalidLayout, #[error("buffer {0:?} is invalid or destroyed")] InvalidBuffer(BufferId), #[error("texture view {0:?} is invalid")] InvalidTextureView(TextureViewId), #[error("texture {0:?} is invalid")] InvalidTexture(TextureId), #[error("sampler {0:?} is invalid")] InvalidSampler(SamplerId), #[error( "binding count declared with at most {expected} items, but {actual} items were provided" )] BindingArrayPartialLengthMismatch { actual: usize, expected: usize }, #[error( "binding count declared with exactly {expected} items, but {actual} items were provided" )] BindingArrayLengthMismatch { actual: usize, expected: usize }, #[error("array binding provided zero elements")] BindingArrayZeroLength, #[error("bound buffer range {range:?} does not fit in buffer of size {size}")] BindingRangeTooLarge { buffer: BufferId, range: Range, size: u64, }, #[error("buffer binding size {actual} is less than minimum {min}")] BindingSizeTooSmall { buffer: BufferId, actual: u64, min: u64, }, #[error("buffer binding size is zero")] BindingZeroSize(BufferId), #[error("number of bindings in bind group descriptor ({actual}) does not match the number of bindings defined in the bind group layout ({expected})")] BindingsNumMismatch { actual: usize, expected: usize }, #[error("binding {0} is used at least twice in the descriptor")] DuplicateBinding(u32), #[error("unable to find a corresponding declaration for the given binding {0}")] MissingBindingDeclaration(u32), #[error(transparent)] MissingBufferUsage(#[from] MissingBufferUsageError), #[error(transparent)] MissingTextureUsage(#[from] MissingTextureUsageError), #[error("binding declared as a single item, but bind group is using it as an array")] SingleBindingExpected, #[error("buffer offset {0} does not respect device's requested `{1}` limit {2}")] UnalignedBufferOffset(wgt::BufferAddress, &'static str, u32), #[error( "buffer binding {binding} range {given} exceeds `max_*_buffer_binding_size` limit {limit}" )] BufferRangeTooLarge { binding: u32, given: u32, limit: u32, }, #[error("binding {binding} has a different type ({actual:?}) than the one in the layout ({expected:?})")] WrongBindingType { // Index of the binding binding: u32, // The type given to the function actual: wgt::BindingType, // Human-readable description of expected types expected: &'static str, }, #[error("texture binding {binding} expects multisampled = {layout_multisampled}, but given a view with samples = {view_samples}")] InvalidTextureMultisample { binding: u32, layout_multisampled: bool, view_samples: u32, }, #[error("texture binding {binding} expects sample type = {layout_sample_type:?}, but given a view with format = {view_format:?}")] InvalidTextureSampleType { binding: u32, layout_sample_type: wgt::TextureSampleType, view_format: wgt::TextureFormat, }, #[error("texture binding {binding} expects dimension = {layout_dimension:?}, but given a view with dimension = {view_dimension:?}")] InvalidTextureDimension { binding: u32, layout_dimension: wgt::TextureViewDimension, view_dimension: wgt::TextureViewDimension, }, #[error("storage texture binding {binding} expects format = {layout_format:?}, but given a view with format = {view_format:?}")] InvalidStorageTextureFormat { binding: u32, layout_format: wgt::TextureFormat, view_format: wgt::TextureFormat, }, #[error("storage texture bindings must have a single mip level, but given a view with mip_level_count = {mip_level_count:?} at binding {binding}")] InvalidStorageTextureMipLevelCount { binding: u32, mip_level_count: u32 }, #[error("sampler binding {binding} expects comparison = {layout_cmp}, but given a sampler with comparison = {sampler_cmp}")] WrongSamplerComparison { binding: u32, layout_cmp: bool, sampler_cmp: bool, }, #[error("sampler binding {binding} expects filtering = {layout_flt}, but given a sampler with filtering = {sampler_flt}")] WrongSamplerFiltering { binding: u32, layout_flt: bool, sampler_flt: bool, }, #[error("bound texture views can not have both depth and stencil aspects enabled")] DepthStencilAspect, #[error("the adapter does not support read access for storages texture of format {0:?}")] StorageReadNotSupported(wgt::TextureFormat), #[error(transparent)] ResourceUsageConflict(#[from] UsageConflict), } impl PrettyError for CreateBindGroupError { fn fmt_pretty(&self, fmt: &mut ErrorFormatter) { fmt.error(self); match *self { Self::BindingZeroSize(id) => { fmt.buffer_label(&id); } Self::BindingRangeTooLarge { buffer, .. } => { fmt.buffer_label(&buffer); } Self::BindingSizeTooSmall { buffer, .. } => { fmt.buffer_label(&buffer); } Self::InvalidBuffer(id) => { fmt.buffer_label(&id); } Self::InvalidTextureView(id) => { fmt.texture_view_label(&id); } Self::InvalidSampler(id) => { fmt.sampler_label(&id); } _ => {} }; } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] pub enum BindingZone { #[error("stage {0:?}")] Stage(wgt::ShaderStages), #[error("whole pipeline")] Pipeline, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] #[error("too many bindings of type {kind:?} in {zone}, limit is {limit}, count was {count}")] pub struct BindingTypeMaxCountError { pub kind: BindingTypeMaxCountErrorKind, pub zone: BindingZone, pub limit: u32, pub count: u32, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum BindingTypeMaxCountErrorKind { DynamicUniformBuffers, DynamicStorageBuffers, SampledTextures, Samplers, StorageBuffers, StorageTextures, UniformBuffers, } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub(crate) struct PerStageBindingTypeCounter { vertex: u32, fragment: u32, compute: u32, } impl PerStageBindingTypeCounter { pub(crate) fn add(&mut self, stage: wgt::ShaderStages, count: u32) { if stage.contains(wgt::ShaderStages::VERTEX) { self.vertex += count; } if stage.contains(wgt::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT) { self.fragment += count; } if stage.contains(wgt::ShaderStages::COMPUTE) { self.compute += count; } } pub(crate) fn max(&self) -> (BindingZone, u32) { let max_value = self.vertex.max(self.fragment.max(self.compute)); let mut stage = wgt::ShaderStages::NONE; if max_value == self.vertex { stage |= wgt::ShaderStages::VERTEX } if max_value == self.fragment { stage |= wgt::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT } if max_value == self.compute { stage |= wgt::ShaderStages::COMPUTE } (BindingZone::Stage(stage), max_value) } pub(crate) fn merge(&mut self, other: &Self) { self.vertex = self.vertex.max(other.vertex); self.fragment = self.fragment.max(other.fragment); self.compute = self.compute.max(other.compute); } pub(crate) fn validate( &self, limit: u32, kind: BindingTypeMaxCountErrorKind, ) -> Result<(), BindingTypeMaxCountError> { let (zone, count) = self.max(); if limit < count { Err(BindingTypeMaxCountError { kind, zone, limit, count, }) } else { Ok(()) } } } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub(crate) struct BindingTypeMaxCountValidator { dynamic_uniform_buffers: u32, dynamic_storage_buffers: u32, sampled_textures: PerStageBindingTypeCounter, samplers: PerStageBindingTypeCounter, storage_buffers: PerStageBindingTypeCounter, storage_textures: PerStageBindingTypeCounter, uniform_buffers: PerStageBindingTypeCounter, } impl BindingTypeMaxCountValidator { pub(crate) fn add_binding(&mut self, binding: &wgt::BindGroupLayoutEntry) { let count = binding.count.map_or(1, |count| count.get()); match binding.ty { wgt::BindingType::Buffer { ty: wgt::BufferBindingType::Uniform, has_dynamic_offset, .. } => { self.uniform_buffers.add(binding.visibility, count); if has_dynamic_offset { self.dynamic_uniform_buffers += count; } } wgt::BindingType::Buffer { ty: wgt::BufferBindingType::Storage { .. }, has_dynamic_offset, .. } => { self.storage_buffers.add(binding.visibility, count); if has_dynamic_offset { self.dynamic_storage_buffers += count; } } wgt::BindingType::Sampler { .. } => { self.samplers.add(binding.visibility, count); } wgt::BindingType::Texture { .. } => { self.sampled_textures.add(binding.visibility, count); } wgt::BindingType::StorageTexture { .. } => { self.storage_textures.add(binding.visibility, count); } } } pub(crate) fn merge(&mut self, other: &Self) { self.dynamic_uniform_buffers += other.dynamic_uniform_buffers; self.dynamic_storage_buffers += other.dynamic_storage_buffers; self.sampled_textures.merge(&other.sampled_textures); self.samplers.merge(&other.samplers); self.storage_buffers.merge(&other.storage_buffers); self.storage_textures.merge(&other.storage_textures); self.uniform_buffers.merge(&other.uniform_buffers); } pub(crate) fn validate(&self, limits: &wgt::Limits) -> Result<(), BindingTypeMaxCountError> { if limits.max_dynamic_uniform_buffers_per_pipeline_layout < self.dynamic_uniform_buffers { return Err(BindingTypeMaxCountError { kind: BindingTypeMaxCountErrorKind::DynamicUniformBuffers, zone: BindingZone::Pipeline, limit: limits.max_dynamic_uniform_buffers_per_pipeline_layout, count: self.dynamic_uniform_buffers, }); } if limits.max_dynamic_storage_buffers_per_pipeline_layout < self.dynamic_storage_buffers { return Err(BindingTypeMaxCountError { kind: BindingTypeMaxCountErrorKind::DynamicStorageBuffers, zone: BindingZone::Pipeline, limit: limits.max_dynamic_storage_buffers_per_pipeline_layout, count: self.dynamic_storage_buffers, }); } self.sampled_textures.validate( limits.max_sampled_textures_per_shader_stage, BindingTypeMaxCountErrorKind::SampledTextures, )?; self.storage_buffers.validate( limits.max_storage_buffers_per_shader_stage, BindingTypeMaxCountErrorKind::StorageBuffers, )?; self.samplers.validate( limits.max_samplers_per_shader_stage, BindingTypeMaxCountErrorKind::Samplers, )?; self.storage_buffers.validate( limits.max_storage_buffers_per_shader_stage, BindingTypeMaxCountErrorKind::StorageBuffers, )?; self.storage_textures.validate( limits.max_storage_textures_per_shader_stage, BindingTypeMaxCountErrorKind::StorageTextures, )?; self.uniform_buffers.validate( limits.max_uniform_buffers_per_shader_stage, BindingTypeMaxCountErrorKind::UniformBuffers, )?; Ok(()) } } /// Bindable resource and the slot to bind it to. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "trace", derive(Serialize))] #[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))] pub struct BindGroupEntry<'a> { /// Slot for which binding provides resource. Corresponds to an entry of the same /// binding index in the [`BindGroupLayoutDescriptor`]. pub binding: u32, /// Resource to attach to the binding pub resource: BindingResource<'a>, } /// Describes a group of bindings and the resources to be bound. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "trace", derive(Serialize))] #[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))] pub struct BindGroupDescriptor<'a> { /// Debug label of the bind group. /// /// This will show up in graphics debuggers for easy identification. pub label: Label<'a>, /// The [`BindGroupLayout`] that corresponds to this bind group. pub layout: BindGroupLayoutId, /// The resources to bind to this bind group. pub entries: Cow<'a, [BindGroupEntry<'a>]>, } /// Describes a [`BindGroupLayout`]. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "trace", derive(serde::Serialize))] #[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(serde::Deserialize))] pub struct BindGroupLayoutDescriptor<'a> { /// Debug label of the bind group layout. /// /// This will show up in graphics debuggers for easy identification. pub label: Label<'a>, /// Array of entries in this BindGroupLayout pub entries: Cow<'a, [wgt::BindGroupLayoutEntry]>, } pub(crate) type BindEntryMap = FastHashMap; /// Bind group layout. /// /// The lifetime of BGLs is a bit special. They are only referenced on CPU /// without considering GPU operations. And on CPU they get manual /// inc-refs and dec-refs. In particular, the following objects depend on them: /// - produced bind groups /// - produced pipeline layouts /// - pipelines with implicit layouts #[derive(Debug)] pub struct BindGroupLayout { pub(crate) raw: A::BindGroupLayout, pub(crate) device_id: Stored, pub(crate) multi_ref_count: MultiRefCount, pub(crate) entries: BindEntryMap, #[allow(unused)] pub(crate) dynamic_count: usize, pub(crate) count_validator: BindingTypeMaxCountValidator, #[cfg(debug_assertions)] pub(crate) label: String, } impl Resource for BindGroupLayout { const TYPE: &'static str = "BindGroupLayout"; fn life_guard(&self) -> &LifeGuard { unreachable!() } fn label(&self) -> &str { #[cfg(debug_assertions)] return &self.label; #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] return ""; } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] pub enum CreatePipelineLayoutError { #[error(transparent)] Device(#[from] DeviceError), #[error("bind group layout {0:?} is invalid")] InvalidBindGroupLayout(BindGroupLayoutId), #[error( "push constant at index {index} has range bound {bound} not aligned to {}", wgt::PUSH_CONSTANT_ALIGNMENT )] MisalignedPushConstantRange { index: usize, bound: u32 }, #[error(transparent)] MissingFeatures(#[from] MissingFeatures), #[error("push constant range (index {index}) provides for stage(s) {provided:?} but there exists another range that provides stage(s) {intersected:?}. Each stage may only be provided by one range")] MoreThanOnePushConstantRangePerStage { index: usize, provided: wgt::ShaderStages, intersected: wgt::ShaderStages, }, #[error("push constant at index {index} has range {}..{} which exceeds device push constant size limit 0..{max}", range.start, range.end)] PushConstantRangeTooLarge { index: usize, range: Range, max: u32, }, #[error(transparent)] TooManyBindings(BindingTypeMaxCountError), #[error("bind group layout count {actual} exceeds device bind group limit {max}")] TooManyGroups { actual: usize, max: usize }, } impl PrettyError for CreatePipelineLayoutError { fn fmt_pretty(&self, fmt: &mut ErrorFormatter) { fmt.error(self); if let Self::InvalidBindGroupLayout(id) = *self { fmt.bind_group_layout_label(&id); }; } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] pub enum PushConstantUploadError { #[error("provided push constant with indices {offset}..{end_offset} overruns matching push constant range at index {idx}, with stage(s) {:?} and indices {:?}", range.stages, range.range)] TooLarge { offset: u32, end_offset: u32, idx: usize, range: wgt::PushConstantRange, }, #[error("provided push constant is for stage(s) {actual:?}, stage with a partial match found at index {idx} with stage(s) {matched:?}, however push constants must be complete matches")] PartialRangeMatch { actual: wgt::ShaderStages, idx: usize, matched: wgt::ShaderStages, }, #[error("provided push constant is for stage(s) {actual:?}, but intersects a push constant range (at index {idx}) with stage(s) {missing:?}. Push constants must provide the stages for all ranges they intersect")] MissingStages { actual: wgt::ShaderStages, idx: usize, missing: wgt::ShaderStages, }, #[error("provided push constant is for stage(s) {actual:?}, however the pipeline layout has no push constant range for the stage(s) {unmatched:?}")] UnmatchedStages { actual: wgt::ShaderStages, unmatched: wgt::ShaderStages, }, #[error("provided push constant offset {0} does not respect `PUSH_CONSTANT_ALIGNMENT`")] Unaligned(u32), } /// Describes a pipeline layout. /// /// A `PipelineLayoutDescriptor` can be used to create a pipeline layout. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "trace", derive(Serialize))] #[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))] pub struct PipelineLayoutDescriptor<'a> { /// Debug label of the pipeine layout. /// /// This will show up in graphics debuggers for easy identification. pub label: Label<'a>, /// Bind groups that this pipeline uses. The first entry will provide all the bindings for /// "set = 0", second entry will provide all the bindings for "set = 1" etc. pub bind_group_layouts: Cow<'a, [BindGroupLayoutId]>, /// Set of push constant ranges this pipeline uses. Each shader stage that /// uses push constants must define the range in push constant memory that /// corresponds to its single `layout(push_constant)` uniform block. /// /// If this array is non-empty, the /// [`Features::PUSH_CONSTANTS`](wgt::Features::PUSH_CONSTANTS) feature must /// be enabled. pub push_constant_ranges: Cow<'a, [wgt::PushConstantRange]>, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PipelineLayout { pub(crate) raw: A::PipelineLayout, pub(crate) device_id: Stored, pub(crate) life_guard: LifeGuard, pub(crate) bind_group_layout_ids: ArrayVec, { hal::MAX_BIND_GROUPS }>, pub(crate) push_constant_ranges: ArrayVec, } impl PipelineLayout { /// Validate push constants match up with expected ranges. pub(crate) fn validate_push_constant_ranges( &self, stages: wgt::ShaderStages, offset: u32, end_offset: u32, ) -> Result<(), PushConstantUploadError> { // Don't need to validate size against the push constant size limit here, // as push constant ranges are already validated to be within bounds, // and we validate that they are within the ranges. if offset % wgt::PUSH_CONSTANT_ALIGNMENT != 0 { return Err(PushConstantUploadError::Unaligned(offset)); } // Push constant validation looks very complicated on the surface, but // the problem can be range-reduced pretty well. // // Push constants require (summarized from the vulkan spec): // 1. For each byte in the range and for each shader stage in stageFlags, // there must be a push constant range in the layout that includes that // byte and that stage. // 2. For each byte in the range and for each push constant range that overlaps that byte, // `stage` must include all stages in that push constant range’s `stage`. // // However there are some additional constraints that help us: // 3. All push constant ranges are the only range that can access that stage. // i.e. if one range has VERTEX, no other range has VERTEX // // Therefore we can simplify the checks in the following ways: // - Because 3 guarantees that the push constant range has a unique stage, // when we check for 1, we can simply check that our entire updated range // is within a push constant range. i.e. our range for a specific stage cannot // intersect more than one push constant range. let mut used_stages = wgt::ShaderStages::NONE; for (idx, range) in self.push_constant_ranges.iter().enumerate() { // contains not intersects due to 2 if stages.contains(range.stages) { if !(range.range.start <= offset && end_offset <= range.range.end) { return Err(PushConstantUploadError::TooLarge { offset, end_offset, idx, range: range.clone(), }); } used_stages |= range.stages; } else if stages.intersects(range.stages) { // Will be caught by used stages check below, but we can do this because of 1 // and is more helpful to the user. return Err(PushConstantUploadError::PartialRangeMatch { actual: stages, idx, matched: range.stages, }); } // The push constant range intersects range we are uploading if offset < range.range.end && range.range.start < end_offset { // But requires stages we don't provide if !stages.contains(range.stages) { return Err(PushConstantUploadError::MissingStages { actual: stages, idx, missing: stages, }); } } } if used_stages != stages { return Err(PushConstantUploadError::UnmatchedStages { actual: stages, unmatched: stages - used_stages, }); } Ok(()) } } impl Resource for PipelineLayout { const TYPE: &'static str = "PipelineLayout"; fn life_guard(&self) -> &LifeGuard { &self.life_guard } } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "trace", derive(Serialize))] #[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))] pub struct BufferBinding { pub buffer_id: BufferId, pub offset: wgt::BufferAddress, pub size: Option, } // Note: Duplicated in `wgpu-rs` as `BindingResource` // They're different enough that it doesn't make sense to share a common type #[derive(Debug, Clone)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "trace", derive(serde::Serialize))] #[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(serde::Deserialize))] pub enum BindingResource<'a> { Buffer(BufferBinding), BufferArray(Cow<'a, [BufferBinding]>), Sampler(SamplerId), SamplerArray(Cow<'a, [SamplerId]>), TextureView(TextureViewId), TextureViewArray(Cow<'a, [TextureViewId]>), } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] pub enum BindError { #[error( "Bind group {group} expects {expected} dynamic offset{s0}. However {actual} dynamic offset{s1} were provided.", s0 = if *.expected >= 2 { "s" } else { "" }, s1 = if *.actual >= 2 { "s" } else { "" }, )] MismatchedDynamicOffsetCount { group: u8, actual: usize, expected: usize, }, #[error( "Dynamic binding index {idx} (targeting bind group {group}, binding {binding}) with value {offset}, does not respect device's requested `{limit_name}` limit: {alignment}" )] UnalignedDynamicBinding { idx: usize, group: u8, binding: u32, offset: u32, alignment: u32, limit_name: &'static str, }, #[error( "Dynamic binding offset index {idx} with offset {offset} would overrun the buffer bound to bind group {group} -> binding {binding}. \ Buffer size is {buffer_size} bytes, the binding binds bytes {binding_range:?}, meaning the maximum the binding can be offset is {maximum_dynamic_offset} bytes", )] DynamicBindingOutOfBounds { idx: usize, group: u8, binding: u32, offset: u32, buffer_size: wgt::BufferAddress, binding_range: Range, maximum_dynamic_offset: wgt::BufferAddress, }, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct BindGroupDynamicBindingData { /// The index of the binding. /// /// Used for more descriptive errors. pub(crate) binding_idx: u32, /// The size of the buffer. /// /// Used for more descriptive errors. pub(crate) buffer_size: wgt::BufferAddress, /// The range that the binding covers. /// /// Used for more descriptive errors. pub(crate) binding_range: Range, /// The maximum value the dynamic offset can have before running off the end of the buffer. pub(crate) maximum_dynamic_offset: wgt::BufferAddress, /// The binding type. pub(crate) binding_type: wgt::BufferBindingType, } pub(crate) fn buffer_binding_type_alignment( limits: &wgt::Limits, binding_type: wgt::BufferBindingType, ) -> (u32, &'static str) { match binding_type { wgt::BufferBindingType::Uniform => ( limits.min_uniform_buffer_offset_alignment, "min_uniform_buffer_offset_alignment", ), wgt::BufferBindingType::Storage { .. } => ( limits.min_storage_buffer_offset_alignment, "min_storage_buffer_offset_alignment", ), } } pub struct BindGroup { pub(crate) raw: A::BindGroup, pub(crate) device_id: Stored, pub(crate) layout_id: Valid, pub(crate) life_guard: LifeGuard, pub(crate) used: BindGroupStates, pub(crate) used_buffer_ranges: Vec, pub(crate) used_texture_ranges: Vec, pub(crate) dynamic_binding_info: Vec, /// Actual binding sizes for buffers that don't have `min_binding_size` /// specified in BGL. Listed in the order of iteration of `BGL.entries`. pub(crate) late_buffer_binding_sizes: Vec, } impl BindGroup { pub(crate) fn validate_dynamic_bindings( &self, bind_group_index: u8, offsets: &[wgt::DynamicOffset], limits: &wgt::Limits, ) -> Result<(), BindError> { if self.dynamic_binding_info.len() != offsets.len() { return Err(BindError::MismatchedDynamicOffsetCount { group: bind_group_index, expected: self.dynamic_binding_info.len(), actual: offsets.len(), }); } for (idx, (info, &offset)) in self .dynamic_binding_info .iter() .zip(offsets.iter()) .enumerate() { let (alignment, limit_name) = buffer_binding_type_alignment(limits, info.binding_type); if offset as wgt::BufferAddress % alignment as u64 != 0 { return Err(BindError::UnalignedDynamicBinding { group: bind_group_index, binding: info.binding_idx, idx, offset, alignment, limit_name, }); } if offset as wgt::BufferAddress > info.maximum_dynamic_offset { return Err(BindError::DynamicBindingOutOfBounds { group: bind_group_index, binding: info.binding_idx, idx, offset, buffer_size: info.buffer_size, binding_range: info.binding_range.clone(), maximum_dynamic_offset: info.maximum_dynamic_offset, }); } } Ok(()) } } impl Resource for BindGroup { const TYPE: &'static str = "BindGroup"; fn life_guard(&self) -> &LifeGuard { &self.life_guard } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] pub enum GetBindGroupLayoutError { #[error("pipeline is invalid")] InvalidPipeline, #[error("invalid group index {0}")] InvalidGroupIndex(u32), } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error, Eq, PartialEq)] #[error("Buffer is bound with size {bound_size} where the shader expects {shader_size} in group[{group_index}] compact index {compact_index}")] pub struct LateMinBufferBindingSizeMismatch { pub group_index: u32, pub compact_index: usize, pub shader_size: wgt::BufferAddress, pub bound_size: wgt::BufferAddress, }