/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { setTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "log", () => { let { ConsoleAPI } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/Console.sys.mjs" ); let consoleOptions = { // tip: set maxLogLevel to "debug" and use log.debug() to create detailed // messages during development. See LOG_LEVELS in Console.sys.mjs for details. maxLogLevel: "error", maxLogLevelPref: "toolkit.backgroundtasks.loglevel", prefix: "BackgroundTasksManager", }; return new ConsoleAPI(consoleOptions); }); // Map resource://testing-common/ to the shared test modules directory. This is // a transliteration of `register_modules_protocol_handler` from // https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/f081504642a115cb8236bea4d8250e5cb0f39b02/testing/xpcshell/head.js#358-389. function registerModulesProtocolHandler() { let _TESTING_MODULES_URI = Services.env.get( "XPCSHELL_TESTING_MODULES_URI", "" ); if (!_TESTING_MODULES_URI) { return false; } let protocolHandler = Services.io .getProtocolHandler("resource") .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIResProtocolHandler); protocolHandler.setSubstitution( "testing-common", Services.io.newURI(_TESTING_MODULES_URI) ); // Log loudly so that when testing, we always actually use the // console logging mechanism and therefore deterministically load that code. lazy.log.error( `Substitution set: resource://testing-common aliases ${_TESTING_MODULES_URI}` ); return true; } function locationsForBackgroundTaskNamed(name) { const subModules = [ "resource:///modules", // App-specific first. "resource://gre/modules", // Toolkit/general second. ]; if (registerModulesProtocolHandler()) { subModules.push("resource://testing-common"); // Test-only third. } let locations = []; for (const subModule of subModules) { let URI = `${subModule}/backgroundtasks/BackgroundTask_${name}.sys.mjs`; locations.push(URI); } return locations; } /** * Find an ES module named like `backgroundtasks/BackgroundTask_${name}.sys.mjs`, * import it, and return the whole module. * * When testing, allow to load from `XPCSHELL_TESTING_MODULES_URI`, * which is registered at `resource://testing-common`, the standard * location for test-only modules. * * @return {Object} The imported module. * @throws NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if a background task with the given `name` is * not found. */ function findBackgroundTaskModule(name) { for (const URI of locationsForBackgroundTaskNamed(name)) { lazy.log.debug(`Looking for background task at URI: ${URI}`); try { const taskModule = ChromeUtils.importESModule(URI); lazy.log.info(`Found background task at URI: ${URI}`); return taskModule; } catch (ex) { if (ex.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { throw ex; } } } lazy.log.warn(`No backgroundtask named '${name}' registered`); throw new Components.Exception( `No backgroundtask named '${name}' registered`, Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE ); } export class BackgroundTasksManager { // Keep `BackgroundTasksManager.helpInfo` synchronized with `DevToolsStartup.helpInfo`. /* eslint-disable max-len */ helpInfo = " --jsdebugger [] Open the Browser Toolbox. Defaults to the local build\n" + " but can be overridden by a firefox path.\n" + " --wait-for-jsdebugger Spin event loop until JS debugger connects.\n" + " Enables debugging (some) application startup code paths.\n" + " Only has an effect when `--jsdebugger` is also supplied.\n" + " --start-debugger-server [ws:][ | ] Start the devtools server on\n" + " a TCP port or Unix domain socket path. Defaults to TCP port\n" + " 6000. Use WebSocket protocol if ws: prefix is specified.\n"; /* eslint-disable max-len */ handle(commandLine) { const bts = Cc["@mozilla.org/backgroundtasks;1"].getService( Ci.nsIBackgroundTasks ); if (!bts.isBackgroundTaskMode) { lazy.log.info( `${Services.appinfo.processID}: !isBackgroundTaskMode, exiting` ); return; } const name = bts.backgroundTaskName(); lazy.log.info( `${Services.appinfo.processID}: Preparing to run background task named '${name}'` + ` (with ${commandLine.length} arguments)` ); if (!("@mozilla.org/devtools/startup-clh;1" in Cc)) { return; } // Check this before the devtools startup flow handles and removes it. const CASE_INSENSITIVE = false; if ( commandLine.findFlag("jsdebugger", CASE_INSENSITIVE) < 0 && commandLine.findFlag("start-debugger-server", CASE_INSENSITIVE) < 0 ) { lazy.log.info( `${Services.appinfo.processID}: No devtools flag found; not preparing devtools thread` ); return; } const waitFlag = commandLine.findFlag("wait-for-jsdebugger", CASE_INSENSITIVE) != -1; if (waitFlag) { function onDevtoolsThreadReady(subject, topic, data) { lazy.log.info( `${Services.appinfo.processID}: Setting breakpoints for background task named '${name}'` + ` (with ${commandLine.length} arguments)` ); const threadActor = subject.wrappedJSObject; threadActor.setBreakpointOnLoad(locationsForBackgroundTaskNamed(name)); Services.obs.removeObserver(onDevtoolsThreadReady, topic); } Services.obs.addObserver(onDevtoolsThreadReady, "devtools-thread-ready"); } const DevToolsStartup = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/devtools/startup-clh;1" ].getService(Ci.nsICommandLineHandler); DevToolsStartup.handle(commandLine); } async runBackgroundTaskNamed(name, commandLine) { function addMarker(markerName) { return ChromeUtils.addProfilerMarker(markerName, undefined, name); } addMarker("BackgroundTasksManager:AfterRunBackgroundTaskNamed"); lazy.log.info( `${Services.appinfo.processID}: Running background task named '${name}'` + ` (with ${commandLine.length} arguments)` ); lazy.log.debug( `${Services.appinfo.processID}: Background task using profile` + ` '${Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).path}'` ); let exitCode = EXIT_CODE.NOT_FOUND; try { let taskModule = findBackgroundTaskModule(name); addMarker("BackgroundTasksManager:AfterFindRunBackgroundTask"); let timeoutSec = Services.prefs.getIntPref( "toolkit.backgroundtasks.defaultTimeoutSec", 10 * 60 ); if (taskModule.backgroundTaskTimeoutSec) { timeoutSec = taskModule.backgroundTaskTimeoutSec; } try { exitCode = await Promise.race([ new Promise(resolve => lazy.setTimeout(() => { lazy.log.error(`Background task named '${name}' timed out`); resolve(EXIT_CODE.TIMEOUT); }, timeoutSec * 1000) ), taskModule.runBackgroundTask(commandLine), ]); lazy.log.info( `Backgroundtask named '${name}' completed with exit code ${exitCode}` ); } catch (e) { lazy.log.error(`Backgroundtask named '${name}' threw exception`, e); exitCode = EXIT_CODE.EXCEPTION; } } finally { addMarker("BackgroundTasksManager:AfterAwaitRunBackgroundTask"); lazy.log.info(`Invoking Services.startup.quit(..., ${exitCode})`); Services.startup.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eForceQuit, exitCode); } return exitCode; } classID = Components.ID("{4d48c536-e16f-4699-8f9c-add4f28f92f0}"); QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIBackgroundTasksManager", "nsICommandLineHandler", ]); } /** * Background tasks should standard exit code conventions where 0 denotes * success and non-zero denotes failure and/or an error. In addition, since * background tasks have limited channels to communicate with consumers, the * special values `NOT_FOUND` (integer 2) and `THREW_EXCEPTION` (integer 3) are * distinguished. * * If you extend this to add background task-specific exit codes, use exit codes * greater than 10 to allow for additional shared exit codes to be added here. * Exit codes should be between 0 and 127 to be safe across platforms. */ export const EXIT_CODE = { /** * The task succeeded. * * The `runBackgroundTask(...)` promise resolved to 0. */ SUCCESS: 0, /** * The task with the specified name could not be found or imported. * * The corresponding `runBackgroundTask` method could not be found. */ NOT_FOUND: 2, /** * The task failed with an uncaught exception. * * The `runBackgroundTask(...)` promise rejected with an exception. */ EXCEPTION: 3, /** * The task took too long and timed out. * * The default timeout is controlled by the pref: * "toolkit.backgroundtasks.defaultTimeoutSec", but tasks can override this * by exporting a non-zero `backgroundTaskTimeoutSec` value. */ TIMEOUT: 4, /** * The last exit code reserved by this structure. Use codes larger than this * code for background task-specific exit codes. */ LAST_RESERVED: 10, };