/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["NativeManifests"]; const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs" ); const { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs" ); const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { WindowsRegistry: "resource://gre/modules/WindowsRegistry.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(lazy, { OS: "resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", Schemas: "resource://gre/modules/Schemas.jsm", }); const DASHED = AppConstants.platform === "linux"; // Supported native manifest types, with platform-specific slugs. const TYPES = { stdio: DASHED ? "native-messaging-hosts" : "NativeMessagingHosts", storage: DASHED ? "managed-storage" : "ManagedStorage", pkcs11: DASHED ? "pkcs11-modules" : "PKCS11Modules", }; const NATIVE_MANIFEST_SCHEMA = "chrome://extensions/content/schemas/native_manifest.json"; const REGPATH = "Software\\Mozilla"; var NativeManifests = { _initializePromise: null, _lookup: null, init() { if (!this._initializePromise) { let platform = AppConstants.platform; if (platform == "win") { this._lookup = this._winLookup; } else if (platform == "macosx" || platform == "linux") { let dirs = [ Services.dirsvc.get("XREUserNativeManifests", Ci.nsIFile).path, Services.dirsvc.get("XRESysNativeManifests", Ci.nsIFile).path, ]; this._lookup = (type, name, context) => this._tryPaths(type, name, dirs, context); } else { throw new Error( `Native manifests are not supported on ${AppConstants.platform}` ); } this._initializePromise = lazy.Schemas.load(NATIVE_MANIFEST_SCHEMA); } return this._initializePromise; }, async _winLookup(type, name, context) { const REGISTRY = Ci.nsIWindowsRegKey; let regPath = `${REGPATH}\\${TYPES[type]}\\${name}`; let path = lazy.WindowsRegistry.readRegKey( REGISTRY.ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER, regPath, "", REGISTRY.WOW64_64 ); if (!path) { path = lazy.WindowsRegistry.readRegKey( REGISTRY.ROOT_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regPath, "", REGISTRY.WOW64_32 ); } if (!path) { path = lazy.WindowsRegistry.readRegKey( REGISTRY.ROOT_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regPath, "", REGISTRY.WOW64_64 ); } if (!path) { return null; } let manifest = await this._tryPath(type, path, name, context, true); return manifest ? { path, manifest } : null; }, _tryPath(type, path, name, context, logIfNotFound) { return Promise.resolve() .then(() => lazy.OS.File.read(path, { encoding: "utf-8" })) .then(data => { let manifest; try { manifest = JSON.parse(data); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError( `Error parsing native manifest ${path}: ${ex.message}` ); return null; } let normalized = lazy.Schemas.normalize( manifest, "manifest.NativeManifest", context ); if (normalized.error) { Cu.reportError(normalized.error); return null; } manifest = normalized.value; if (manifest.type !== type) { Cu.reportError( `Native manifest ${path} has type property ${manifest.type} (expected ${type})` ); return null; } if (manifest.name !== name) { Cu.reportError( `Native manifest ${path} has name property ${manifest.name} (expected ${name})` ); return null; } if ( manifest.allowed_extensions && !manifest.allowed_extensions.includes(context.extension.id) ) { Cu.reportError( `This extension does not have permission to use native manifest ${path}` ); return null; } return manifest; }) .catch(ex => { if (ex instanceof lazy.OS.File.Error && ex.becauseNoSuchFile) { if (logIfNotFound) { Cu.reportError( `Error reading native manifest file ${path}: file is referenced in the registry but does not exist` ); } return null; } throw ex; }); }, async _tryPaths(type, name, dirs, context) { for (let dir of dirs) { let path = lazy.OS.Path.join(dir, TYPES[type], `${name}.json`); let manifest = await this._tryPath(type, path, name, context, false); if (manifest) { return { path, manifest }; } } return null; }, /** * Search for a valid native manifest of the given type and name. * The directories searched and rules for manifest validation are all * detailed in the Native Manifests documentation. * * @param {string} type The type, one of: "pkcs11", "stdio" or "storage". * @param {string} name The name of the manifest to search for. * @param {object} context A context object as expected by Schemas.normalize. * @returns {object} The contents of the validated manifest, or null if * no valid manifest can be found for this type and name. */ lookupManifest(type, name, context) { return this.init().then(() => this._lookup(type, name, context)); }, };