Wiring up new WebExtensions WebIDL files into mozilla-central ============================================================= Add a new entry in ``dom/bindings/Bindings.conf`` ------------------------------------------------- New WebIDL bindings should be added as new entries in ``dom/bindings/Bindings.conf``. The new entry should be added in alphabetic order and nearby the other WebExtensions API bindings already listed in this config file (look for the ``ExtensionBrowser`` webidl definition and the other existing WebIDL bindings related to the WebExtensions APIs): .. code-block:: # WebExtension API ... 'ExtensionRuntime': { 'headerFile': 'mozilla/extensions/ExtensionRuntime.h', 'nativeType': 'mozilla::extensions::ExtensionRuntime', }, .. warning:: `mach build` will fail if the entries in `dom/bindings/Bindings.conf` are not in alphabetic order, or if the `headerFile` referenced does not exist yet. Add a new entry in ``dom/webidl/moz.build`` ------------------------------------------- The new ``.webidl`` file has to be also listed in "dom/webidl/moz.build", it should be added in - the existing group of ``WEBIDL_FILES`` entries meant specifically for the WebExtensions API bindings - or in the group of ``PREPROCESSED_WEBIDL_FILES`` entries meant specifically for the WebExtensions API bindings, **if the generated `.webidl` includes preprocessing macros** (e.g. when part of an API is not available in all builds, e.g. subset of APIs that are only available in Desktop builds). .. code-block:: # WebExtensions API. WEBIDL_FILES += [ ... "ExtensionRuntime.webidl" ... ] PREPROCESSED_WEBIDL_FILES += [ ... ] .. warning:: The group of PREPROCESSED_WERBIDL_FILES meant to list WebExtensions APIs ``.webidl`` files may not exist yet (one will be added right after the existing `WEBIDL_FILES` when the first preprocessed `.webidl` will be added). Add new entries in ``toolkit/components/extensions/webidl-api/moz.build`` ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new C++ files for the WebExtensions API binding needs to be added to ``toolkit/components/extensions/webidl-api/moz.build`` to make them part of the build, The new ``.cpp`` file has to be added into the ``UNIFIED_SOURCES`` group where the other WebIDL bindings are being listed. Similarly, the new ``.h`` counterpart has to be added to ``EXPORTS.mozilla.extensions`` (which ensures that the header file will be placed into the path set earlier in ``dom/bindings/Bindings.conf``): .. code-block:: # WebExtensions API namespaces. UNIFIED_SOURCES += [ ... "ExtensionRuntime.cpp", ... ] EXPORTS.mozilla.extensions += [ ... "ExtensionRuntime.h", ... ] Wiring up the new API into ``dom/webidl/ExtensionBrowser.webidl`` ----------------------------------------------------------------- To make the new WebIDL bindings part of the ``browser`` global, a new attribute has to be added to ``dom/webidl/ExtensionBrowser.webidl``: .. code-block:: // `browser.runtime` API namespace. [Replaceable, SameObject, BinaryName="GetExtensionRuntime", Func="mozilla::extensions::ExtensionRuntime::IsAllowed"] readonly attribute ExtensionRuntime runtime; .. note:: ``chrome`` is defined as an alias of the ``browser`` global, and so by adding the new attribute into ``ExtensionBrowser` the same attribute will also be available in the ``chrome`` global. Unlike the "Privileged JS"-based WebExtensions API, the ``chrome`` and ``browser`` APIs are exactly the same and a the async methods return a Promise if no callback has been passed (similarly to Safari versions where the WebExtensions APIs are supported). The additional attribute added into ``ExtensionBrowser.webidl`` will require some addition to the ``ExtensionBrowser`` C++ class as defined in ``toolkit/components/extensions/webidl-api/ExtensionBrowser.h``: - the definition of a new corresponding **public method** (by convention named ``GetExtensionMyNamespace``) - a ``RefPtr`` as a new **private data member named** (by convention named ``mExtensionMyNamespace``) .. code-block:: ... namespace extensions { ... class ExtensionRuntime; ... class ExtensionBrowser final : ... { ... RefPtr mExtensionRuntime; ... public: ... ExtensionRuntime* GetExtensionRuntime(); } ... And then in its ``toolkit/components/extensions/webidl-api/ExtensionBrowser.cpp`` counterpart: - the implementation of the new public method - the addition of the new private member data ``RefPtr`` in the ``NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK`` and ``NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE`` macros .. code-block:: ... #include "mozilla/extensions/ExtensionRuntime.h" ... NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_BEGIN(ExtensionBrowser) ... NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mExtensionRuntime) ... NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_BEGIN(ExtensionBrowser) ... NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mExtensionRuntime) ... NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_END ... ExtensionRuntime* ExtensionBrowser::GetExtensionRuntime() { if (!mExtensionRuntime) { mExtensionRuntime = new ExtensionRuntime(mGlobal, this); } return mExtensionRuntime } .. warning:: Forgetting to add the new ``RefPtr`` into the cycle collection traverse and unlink macros will not result in a build error, but it will result into a leak. Make sure to don't forget to double-check these macros, especially if some tests are failing because of detected shutdown leaks.