/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { ContextualIdentityService: "resource://gre/modules/ContextualIdentityService.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "containersEnabled", "privacy.userContext.enabled" ); var { ExtensionPreferencesManager } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionPreferencesManager.jsm" ); var { ExtensionError } = ExtensionUtils; const CONTAINER_PREF_INSTALL_DEFAULTS = { "privacy.userContext.enabled": true, "privacy.userContext.ui.enabled": true, "privacy.usercontext.about_newtab_segregation.enabled": true, "privacy.userContext.extension": undefined, }; const CONTAINERS_ENABLED_SETTING_NAME = "privacy.containers"; const CONTAINER_COLORS = new Map([ ["blue", "#37adff"], ["turquoise", "#00c79a"], ["green", "#51cd00"], ["yellow", "#ffcb00"], ["orange", "#ff9f00"], ["red", "#ff613d"], ["pink", "#ff4bda"], ["purple", "#af51f5"], ["toolbar", "#7c7c7d"], ]); const CONTAINER_ICONS = new Set([ "briefcase", "cart", "circle", "dollar", "fence", "fingerprint", "gift", "vacation", "food", "fruit", "pet", "tree", "chill", ]); function getContainerIcon(iconName) { if (!CONTAINER_ICONS.has(iconName)) { throw new ExtensionError(`Invalid icon ${iconName} for container`); } return `resource://usercontext-content/${iconName}.svg`; } function getContainerColor(colorName) { if (!CONTAINER_COLORS.has(colorName)) { throw new ExtensionError(`Invalid color name ${colorName} for container`); } return CONTAINER_COLORS.get(colorName); } const convertIdentity = identity => { let result = { name: ContextualIdentityService.getUserContextLabel(identity.userContextId), icon: identity.icon, iconUrl: getContainerIcon(identity.icon), color: identity.color, colorCode: getContainerColor(identity.color), cookieStoreId: getCookieStoreIdForContainer(identity.userContextId), }; return result; }; const checkAPIEnabled = () => { if (!containersEnabled) { throw new ExtensionError("Contextual identities are currently disabled"); } }; const convertIdentityFromObserver = wrappedIdentity => { let identity = wrappedIdentity.wrappedJSObject; let iconUrl, colorCode; try { iconUrl = getContainerIcon(identity.icon); colorCode = getContainerColor(identity.color); } catch (e) { return null; } let result = { name: identity.name, icon: identity.icon, iconUrl, color: identity.color, colorCode, cookieStoreId: getCookieStoreIdForContainer(identity.userContextId), }; return result; }; ExtensionPreferencesManager.addSetting(CONTAINERS_ENABLED_SETTING_NAME, { prefNames: Object.keys(CONTAINER_PREF_INSTALL_DEFAULTS), setCallback(value) { if (value !== true) { return { ...CONTAINER_PREF_INSTALL_DEFAULTS, "privacy.userContext.extension": value, }; } return {}; }, }); this.contextualIdentities = class extends ExtensionAPIPersistent { eventRegistrar(eventName) { return ({ fire }) => { let observer = (subject, topic) => { let convertedIdentity = convertIdentityFromObserver(subject); if (convertedIdentity) { fire.async({ contextualIdentity: convertedIdentity }); } }; Services.obs.addObserver(observer, eventName); return { unregister() { Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, eventName); }, convert(_fire) { fire = _fire; }, }; }; } PERSISTENT_EVENTS = { onCreated: this.eventRegistrar("contextual-identity-created"), onUpdated: this.eventRegistrar("contextual-identity-updated"), onRemoved: this.eventRegistrar("contextual-identity-deleted"), }; onStartup() { let { extension } = this; if (extension.hasPermission("contextualIdentities")) { ExtensionPreferencesManager.setSetting( extension.id, CONTAINERS_ENABLED_SETTING_NAME, extension.id ); } } getAPI(context) { let self = { contextualIdentities: { async get(cookieStoreId) { checkAPIEnabled(); let containerId = getContainerForCookieStoreId(cookieStoreId); if (!containerId) { throw new ExtensionError( `Invalid contextual identity: ${cookieStoreId}` ); } let identity = ContextualIdentityService.getPublicIdentityFromId( containerId ); return convertIdentity(identity); }, async query(details) { checkAPIEnabled(); let identities = []; ContextualIdentityService.getPublicIdentities().forEach(identity => { if ( details.name && ContextualIdentityService.getUserContextLabel( identity.userContextId ) != details.name ) { return; } identities.push(convertIdentity(identity)); }); return identities; }, async create(details) { // Lets prevent making containers that are not valid getContainerIcon(details.icon); getContainerColor(details.color); let identity = ContextualIdentityService.create( details.name, details.icon, details.color ); return convertIdentity(identity); }, async update(cookieStoreId, details) { checkAPIEnabled(); let containerId = getContainerForCookieStoreId(cookieStoreId); if (!containerId) { throw new ExtensionError( `Invalid contextual identity: ${cookieStoreId}` ); } let identity = ContextualIdentityService.getPublicIdentityFromId( containerId ); if (!identity) { throw new ExtensionError( `Invalid contextual identity: ${cookieStoreId}` ); } if (details.name !== null) { identity.name = details.name; } if (details.color !== null) { getContainerColor(details.color); identity.color = details.color; } if (details.icon !== null) { getContainerIcon(details.icon); identity.icon = details.icon; } if ( !ContextualIdentityService.update( identity.userContextId, identity.name, identity.icon, identity.color ) ) { throw new ExtensionError( `Contextual identity failed to update: ${cookieStoreId}` ); } return convertIdentity(identity); }, async remove(cookieStoreId) { checkAPIEnabled(); let containerId = getContainerForCookieStoreId(cookieStoreId); if (!containerId) { throw new ExtensionError( `Invalid contextual identity: ${cookieStoreId}` ); } let identity = ContextualIdentityService.getPublicIdentityFromId( containerId ); if (!identity) { throw new ExtensionError( `Invalid contextual identity: ${cookieStoreId}` ); } // We have to create the identity object before removing it. let convertedIdentity = convertIdentity(identity); if (!ContextualIdentityService.remove(identity.userContextId)) { throw new ExtensionError( `Contextual identity failed to remove: ${cookieStoreId}` ); } return convertedIdentity; }, onCreated: new EventManager({ context, module: "contextualIdentities", event: "onCreated", extensionApi: this, }).api(), onUpdated: new EventManager({ context, module: "contextualIdentities", event: "onUpdated", extensionApi: this, }).api(), onRemoved: new EventManager({ context, module: "contextualIdentities", event: "onRemoved", extensionApi: this, }).api(), }, }; return self; } };