"use strict"; const global = this; let json = [ { namespace: "testing", properties: { PROP1: { value: 20 }, prop2: { type: "string" }, prop3: { $ref: "submodule", }, prop4: { $ref: "submodule", unsupported: true, }, }, types: [ { id: "type1", type: "string", enum: ["value1", "value2", "value3"], }, { id: "type2", type: "object", properties: { prop1: { type: "integer" }, prop2: { type: "array", items: { $ref: "type1" } }, }, }, { id: "basetype1", type: "object", properties: { prop1: { type: "string" }, }, }, { id: "basetype2", choices: [{ type: "integer" }], }, { $extend: "basetype1", properties: { prop2: { type: "string" }, }, }, { $extend: "basetype2", choices: [{ type: "string" }], }, { id: "basetype3", type: "object", properties: { baseprop: { type: "string" }, }, }, { id: "derivedtype1", type: "object", $import: "basetype3", properties: { derivedprop: { type: "string" }, }, }, { id: "derivedtype2", type: "object", $import: "basetype3", properties: { derivedprop: { type: "integer" }, }, }, { id: "submodule", type: "object", functions: [ { name: "sub_foo", type: "function", parameters: [], returns: { type: "integer" }, }, ], }, ], functions: [ { name: "foo", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg1", type: "integer", optional: true, default: 99 }, { name: "arg2", type: "boolean", optional: true }, ], }, { name: "bar", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg1", type: "integer", optional: true }, { name: "arg2", type: "boolean" }, ], }, { name: "baz", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg1", type: "object", properties: { prop1: { type: "string" }, prop2: { type: "integer", optional: true }, prop3: { type: "integer", unsupported: true }, }, }, ], }, { name: "qux", type: "function", parameters: [{ name: "arg1", $ref: "type1" }], }, { name: "quack", type: "function", parameters: [{ name: "arg1", $ref: "type2" }], }, { name: "quora", type: "function", parameters: [{ name: "arg1", type: "function" }], }, { name: "quileute", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg1", type: "integer", optional: true }, { name: "arg2", type: "integer" }, ], }, { name: "queets", type: "function", unsupported: true, parameters: [], }, { name: "quintuplets", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "obj", type: "object", properties: [], additionalProperties: { type: "integer" }, }, ], }, { name: "quasar", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "abc", type: "object", properties: { func: { type: "function", parameters: [{ name: "x", type: "integer" }], }, }, }, ], }, { name: "quosimodo", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "xyz", type: "object", additionalProperties: { type: "any" }, }, ], }, { name: "patternprop", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "obj", type: "object", properties: { prop1: { type: "string", pattern: "^\\d+$" } }, patternProperties: { "(?i)^prop\\d+$": { type: "string" }, "^foo\\d+$": { type: "string" }, }, }, ], }, { name: "pattern", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg", type: "string", pattern: "(?i)^[0-9a-f]+$" }, ], }, { name: "format", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg", type: "object", properties: { hostname: { type: "string", format: "hostname", optional: true }, canonicalDomain: { type: "string", format: "canonicalDomain", optional: "omit-key-if-missing", }, url: { type: "string", format: "url", optional: true }, origin: { type: "string", format: "origin", optional: true }, relativeUrl: { type: "string", format: "relativeUrl", optional: true, }, strictRelativeUrl: { type: "string", format: "strictRelativeUrl", optional: true, }, imageDataOrStrictRelativeUrl: { type: "string", format: "imageDataOrStrictRelativeUrl", optional: true, }, }, }, ], }, { name: "formatDate", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg", type: "object", properties: { date: { type: "string", format: "date", optional: true }, }, }, ], }, { name: "deep", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg", type: "object", properties: { foo: { type: "object", properties: { bar: { type: "array", items: { type: "object", properties: { baz: { type: "object", properties: { required: { type: "integer" }, optional: { type: "string", optional: true }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, ], }, { name: "errors", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg", type: "object", properties: { warn: { type: "string", pattern: "^\\d+$", optional: true, onError: "warn", }, ignore: { type: "string", pattern: "^\\d+$", optional: true, onError: "ignore", }, default: { type: "string", pattern: "^\\d+$", optional: true, }, }, }, ], }, { name: "localize", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg", type: "object", properties: { foo: { type: "string", preprocess: "localize", optional: true }, bar: { type: "string", optional: true }, url: { type: "string", preprocess: "localize", format: "url", optional: true, }, }, }, ], }, { name: "extended1", type: "function", parameters: [{ name: "val", $ref: "basetype1" }], }, { name: "extended2", type: "function", parameters: [{ name: "val", $ref: "basetype2" }], }, { name: "callderived1", type: "function", parameters: [{ name: "value", $ref: "derivedtype1" }], }, { name: "callderived2", type: "function", parameters: [{ name: "value", $ref: "derivedtype2" }], }, ], events: [ { name: "onFoo", type: "function", }, { name: "onBar", type: "function", extraParameters: [ { name: "filter", type: "integer", optional: true, default: 1, }, ], }, ], }, { namespace: "foreign", properties: { foreignRef: { $ref: "testing.submodule" }, }, }, { namespace: "inject", properties: { PROP1: { value: "should inject" }, }, }, { namespace: "do-not-inject", properties: { PROP1: { value: "should not inject" }, }, }, ]; add_task(async function() { let wrapper = getContextWrapper(); let url = "data:," + JSON.stringify(json); Schemas._rootSchema = null; await Schemas.load(url); let root = {}; Schemas.inject(root, wrapper); Assert.equal(root.testing.PROP1, 20, "simple value property"); Assert.equal(root.testing.type1.VALUE1, "value1", "enum type"); Assert.equal(root.testing.type1.VALUE2, "value2", "enum type"); Assert.equal("inject" in root, true, "namespace 'inject' should be injected"); Assert.equal( root["do-not-inject"], undefined, "namespace 'do-not-inject' should not be injected" ); root.testing.foo(11, true); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "foo", [11, true]); root.testing.foo(true); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "foo", [99, true]); root.testing.foo(null, true); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "foo", [99, true]); root.testing.foo(undefined, true); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "foo", [99, true]); root.testing.foo(11); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "foo", [11, null]); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.bar(11), /Incorrect argument types/, "should throw without required arg" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.bar(11, true, 10), /Incorrect argument types/, "should throw with too many arguments" ); root.testing.bar(true); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "bar", [null, true]); root.testing.baz({ prop1: "hello", prop2: 22 }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "baz", [{ prop1: "hello", prop2: 22 }]); root.testing.baz({ prop1: "hello" }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "baz", [{ prop1: "hello", prop2: null }]); root.testing.baz({ prop1: "hello", prop2: null }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "baz", [{ prop1: "hello", prop2: null }]); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.baz({ prop2: 12 }), /Property "prop1" is required/, "should throw without required property" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.baz({ prop1: "hi", prop3: 12 }), /Property "prop3" is unsupported by Firefox/, "should throw with unsupported property" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.baz({ prop1: "hi", prop4: 12 }), /Unexpected property "prop4"/, "should throw with unexpected property" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.baz({ prop1: 12 }), /Expected string instead of 12/, "should throw with wrong type" ); root.testing.qux("value2"); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "qux", ["value2"]); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.qux("value4"), /Invalid enumeration value "value4"/, "should throw for invalid enum value" ); root.testing.quack({ prop1: 12, prop2: ["value1", "value3"] }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "quack", [ { prop1: 12, prop2: ["value1", "value3"] }, ]); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.quack({ prop1: 12, prop2: ["value1", "value3", "value4"] }), /Invalid enumeration value "value4"/, "should throw for invalid array type" ); function f() {} root.testing.quora(f); Assert.equal( JSON.stringify(wrapper.tallied.slice(0, -1)), JSON.stringify(["call", "testing", "quora"]) ); Assert.equal(wrapper.tallied[3][0], f); wrapper.tallied = null; let g = () => 0; root.testing.quora(g); Assert.equal( JSON.stringify(wrapper.tallied.slice(0, -1)), JSON.stringify(["call", "testing", "quora"]) ); Assert.equal(wrapper.tallied[3][0], g); wrapper.tallied = null; root.testing.quileute(10); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "quileute", [null, 10]); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.queets(), /queets is not a function/, "should throw for unsupported functions" ); root.testing.quintuplets({ a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "quintuplets", [{ a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 }]); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.quintuplets({ a: 10, b: 20, c: 30, d: "hi" }), /Expected integer instead of "hi"/, "should throw for wrong additionalProperties type" ); root.testing.quasar({ func: f }); Assert.equal( JSON.stringify(wrapper.tallied.slice(0, -1)), JSON.stringify(["call", "testing", "quasar"]) ); Assert.equal(wrapper.tallied[3][0].func, f); root.testing.quosimodo({ a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "quosimodo", [{ a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 }]); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.quosimodo(10), /Incorrect argument types/, "should throw for wrong type" ); root.testing.patternprop({ prop1: "12", prop2: "42", Prop3: "43", foo1: "x", }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "patternprop", [ { prop1: "12", prop2: "42", Prop3: "43", foo1: "x" }, ]); root.testing.patternprop({ prop1: "12" }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "patternprop", [{ prop1: "12" }]); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.patternprop({ prop1: "12", foo1: null }), /Expected string instead of null/, "should throw for wrong property type" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.patternprop({ prop1: "xx", prop2: "yy" }), /String "xx" must match \/\^\\d\+\$\//, "should throw for wrong property type" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.patternprop({ prop1: "12", prop2: 42 }), /Expected string instead of 42/, "should throw for wrong property type" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.patternprop({ prop1: "12", prop2: null }), /Expected string instead of null/, "should throw for wrong property type" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.patternprop({ prop1: "12", propx: "42" }), /Unexpected property "propx"/, "should throw for unexpected property" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.patternprop({ prop1: "12", Foo1: "x" }), /Unexpected property "Foo1"/, "should throw for unexpected property" ); root.testing.pattern("DEADbeef"); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "pattern", ["DEADbeef"]); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.pattern("DEADcow"), /String "DEADcow" must match \/\^\[0-9a-f\]\+\$\/i/, "should throw for non-match" ); root.testing.format({ hostname: "foo" }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "format", [ { hostname: "foo", imageDataOrStrictRelativeUrl: null, origin: null, relativeUrl: null, strictRelativeUrl: null, url: null, }, ]); for (let invalid of ["", " ", "http://foo", "foo/bar", "foo.com/", "foo?"]) { Assert.throws( () => root.testing.format({ hostname: invalid }), /Invalid hostname/, "should throw for invalid hostname" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.format({ canonicalDomain: invalid }), /Invalid domain /, `should throw for invalid canonicalDomain (${invalid})` ); } for (let invalid of [ "%61", // ASCII should not be URL-encoded. "foo:12345", // It is a common mistake to use .host instead of .hostname. "2", // Single digit is an IPv4 address, but should be written as "::1", // IPv6 addresses should have brackets. "[::1A]", // not lowercase. "[::ffff:]", // not a canonical IPv6 representation. "UPPERCASE", // not lowercase. "straß.de", // not punycode. ]) { Assert.throws( () => root.testing.format({ canonicalDomain: invalid }), /Invalid domain /, `should throw for invalid canonicalDomain (${invalid})` ); } for (let valid of ["", "[::1]", "[::1a]", "lowercase", "."]) { root.testing.format({ canonicalDomain: valid }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "format", [ { canonicalDomain: valid, hostname: null, imageDataOrStrictRelativeUrl: null, origin: null, relativeUrl: null, strictRelativeUrl: null, url: null, }, ]); } for (let valid of [ "https://example.com", "http://example.com", "https://foo.bar.栃木.jp", ]) { root.testing.format({ origin: valid }); } for (let invalid of [ "https://example.com/testing", "file:/foo/bar", "file:///foo/bar", "", " ", "https://foo.bar.栃木.jp/", "https://user:pass@example.com", "https://*.example.com", "https://example.com#test", "https://example.com?test", ]) { Assert.throws( () => root.testing.format({ origin: invalid }), /Invalid origin/, "should throw for invalid origin" ); } root.testing.format({ url: "http://foo/bar", relativeUrl: "http://foo/bar" }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "format", [ { hostname: null, imageDataOrStrictRelativeUrl: null, origin: null, relativeUrl: "http://foo/bar", strictRelativeUrl: null, url: "http://foo/bar", }, ]); root.testing.format({ relativeUrl: "foo.html", strictRelativeUrl: "foo.html", }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "format", [ { hostname: null, imageDataOrStrictRelativeUrl: null, origin: null, relativeUrl: `${wrapper.url}foo.html`, strictRelativeUrl: `${wrapper.url}foo.html`, url: null, }, ]); root.testing.format({ imageDataOrStrictRelativeUrl: "", }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "format", [ { hostname: null, imageDataOrStrictRelativeUrl: "", origin: null, relativeUrl: null, strictRelativeUrl: null, url: null, }, ]); root.testing.format({ imageDataOrStrictRelativeUrl: "", }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "format", [ { hostname: null, imageDataOrStrictRelativeUrl: "", origin: null, relativeUrl: null, strictRelativeUrl: null, url: null, }, ]); root.testing.format({ imageDataOrStrictRelativeUrl: "foo.html" }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "format", [ { hostname: null, imageDataOrStrictRelativeUrl: `${wrapper.url}foo.html`, origin: null, relativeUrl: null, strictRelativeUrl: null, url: null, }, ]); for (let format of ["url", "relativeUrl"]) { Assert.throws( () => root.testing.format({ [format]: "chrome://foo/content/" }), /Access denied/, "should throw for access denied" ); } for (let urlString of ["//foo.html", "http://foo/bar.html"]) { Assert.throws( () => root.testing.format({ strictRelativeUrl: urlString }), /must be a relative URL/, "should throw for non-relative URL" ); } Assert.throws( () => root.testing.format({ imageDataOrStrictRelativeUrl: "data:image/svg+xml;utf8,A", }), /must be a relative or PNG or JPG data:image URL/, "should throw for non-relative or non PNG/JPG data URL" ); const dates = [ "2016-03-04", "2016-03-04T08:00:00Z", "2016-03-04T08:00:00.000Z", "2016-03-04T08:00:00-08:00", "2016-03-04T08:00:00.000-08:00", "2016-03-04T08:00:00+08:00", "2016-03-04T08:00:00.000+08:00", "2016-03-04T08:00:00+0800", "2016-03-04T08:00:00-0800", ]; dates.forEach(str => { root.testing.formatDate({ date: str }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "formatDate", [{ date: str }]); }); // Make sure that a trivial change to a valid date invalidates it. dates.forEach(str => { Assert.throws( () => root.testing.formatDate({ date: "0" + str }), /Invalid date string/, "should throw for invalid iso date string" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.formatDate({ date: str + "0" }), /Invalid date string/, "should throw for invalid iso date string" ); }); const badDates = [ "I do not look anything like a date string", "2016-99-99", "2016-03-04T25:00:00Z", ]; badDates.forEach(str => { Assert.throws( () => root.testing.formatDate({ date: str }), /Invalid date string/, "should throw for invalid iso date string" ); }); root.testing.deep({ foo: { bar: [{ baz: { required: 12, optional: "42" } }] }, }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "deep", [ { foo: { bar: [{ baz: { optional: "42", required: 12 } }] } }, ]); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.deep({ foo: { bar: [{ baz: { optional: "42" } }] } }), /Type error for parameter arg \(Error processing foo\.bar\.0\.baz: Property "required" is required\) for testing\.deep/, "should throw with the correct object path" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.deep({ foo: { bar: [{ baz: { optional: 42, required: 12 } }] }, }), /Type error for parameter arg \(Error processing foo\.bar\.0\.baz\.optional: Expected string instead of 42\) for testing\.deep/, "should throw with the correct object path" ); wrapper.talliedErrors.length = 0; root.testing.errors({ default: "0123", ignore: "0123", warn: "0123" }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "errors", [ { default: "0123", ignore: "0123", warn: "0123" }, ]); wrapper.checkErrors([]); root.testing.errors({ default: "0123", ignore: "x123", warn: "0123" }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "errors", [ { default: "0123", ignore: null, warn: "0123" }, ]); wrapper.checkErrors([]); ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(false); root.testing.errors({ default: "0123", ignore: "0123", warn: "x123" }); ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(true); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "errors", [ { default: "0123", ignore: "0123", warn: null }, ]); wrapper.checkErrors(['String "x123" must match /^\\d+$/']); root.testing.onFoo.addListener(f); Assert.equal( JSON.stringify(wrapper.tallied.slice(0, -1)), JSON.stringify(["addListener", "testing", "onFoo"]) ); Assert.equal(wrapper.tallied[3][0], f); Assert.equal(JSON.stringify(wrapper.tallied[3][1]), JSON.stringify([])); wrapper.tallied = null; root.testing.onFoo.removeListener(f); Assert.equal( JSON.stringify(wrapper.tallied.slice(0, -1)), JSON.stringify(["removeListener", "testing", "onFoo"]) ); Assert.equal(wrapper.tallied[3][0], f); wrapper.tallied = null; root.testing.onFoo.hasListener(f); Assert.equal( JSON.stringify(wrapper.tallied.slice(0, -1)), JSON.stringify(["hasListener", "testing", "onFoo"]) ); Assert.equal(wrapper.tallied[3][0], f); wrapper.tallied = null; Assert.throws( () => root.testing.onFoo.addListener(10), /Invalid listener/, "addListener with non-function should throw" ); root.testing.onBar.addListener(f, 10); Assert.equal( JSON.stringify(wrapper.tallied.slice(0, -1)), JSON.stringify(["addListener", "testing", "onBar"]) ); Assert.equal(wrapper.tallied[3][0], f); Assert.equal(JSON.stringify(wrapper.tallied[3][1]), JSON.stringify([10])); wrapper.tallied = null; root.testing.onBar.addListener(f); Assert.equal( JSON.stringify(wrapper.tallied.slice(0, -1)), JSON.stringify(["addListener", "testing", "onBar"]) ); Assert.equal(wrapper.tallied[3][0], f); Assert.equal(JSON.stringify(wrapper.tallied[3][1]), JSON.stringify([1])); wrapper.tallied = null; Assert.throws( () => root.testing.onBar.addListener(f, "hi"), /Incorrect argument types/, "addListener with wrong extra parameter should throw" ); let target = { prop1: 12, prop2: ["value1", "value3"] }; let proxy = new Proxy(target, {}); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.quack(proxy), /Expected a plain JavaScript object, got a Proxy/, "should throw when passing a Proxy" ); if (Symbol.toStringTag) { let stringTarget = { prop1: 12, prop2: ["value1", "value3"] }; stringTarget[Symbol.toStringTag] = () => "[object Object]"; let stringProxy = new Proxy(stringTarget, {}); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.quack(stringProxy), /Expected a plain JavaScript object, got a Proxy/, "should throw when passing a Proxy" ); } root.testing.localize({ foo: "__MSG_foo__", bar: "__MSG_foo__", url: "__MSG_http://example.com/__", }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "localize", [ { bar: "__MSG_foo__", foo: "FOO", url: "http://example.com/" }, ]); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.localize({ url: "__MSG_/foo/bar__" }), /\/FOO\/BAR is not a valid URL\./, "should throw for invalid URL" ); root.testing.extended1({ prop1: "foo", prop2: "bar" }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "extended1", [ { prop1: "foo", prop2: "bar" }, ]); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.extended1({ prop1: "foo", prop2: 12 }), /Expected string instead of 12/, "should throw for wrong property type" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.extended1({ prop1: "foo" }), /Property "prop2" is required/, "should throw for missing property" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.extended1({ prop1: "foo", prop2: "bar", prop3: "xxx" }), /Unexpected property "prop3"/, "should throw for extra property" ); root.testing.extended2("foo"); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "extended2", ["foo"]); root.testing.extended2(12); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "extended2", [12]); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.extended2(true), /Incorrect argument types/, "should throw for wrong argument type" ); root.testing.prop3.sub_foo(); wrapper.verify("call", "testing.prop3", "sub_foo", []); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.prop4.sub_foo(), /root.testing.prop4 is undefined/, "should throw for unsupported submodule" ); root.foreign.foreignRef.sub_foo(); wrapper.verify("call", "foreign.foreignRef", "sub_foo", []); root.testing.callderived1({ baseprop: "s1", derivedprop: "s2" }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "callderived1", [ { baseprop: "s1", derivedprop: "s2" }, ]); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.callderived1({ baseprop: "s1", derivedprop: 42 }), /Error processing derivedprop: Expected string/, "Two different objects may $import the same base object" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.callderived1({ baseprop: "s1" }), /Property "derivedprop" is required/, "Object using $import has its local properites" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.callderived1({ derivedprop: "s2" }), /Property "baseprop" is required/, "Object using $import has imported properites" ); root.testing.callderived2({ baseprop: "s1", derivedprop: 42 }); wrapper.verify("call", "testing", "callderived2", [ { baseprop: "s1", derivedprop: 42 }, ]); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.callderived2({ baseprop: "s1", derivedprop: "s2" }), /Error processing derivedprop: Expected integer/, "Two different objects may $import the same base object" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.callderived2({ baseprop: "s1" }), /Property "derivedprop" is required/, "Object using $import has its local properites" ); Assert.throws( () => root.testing.callderived2({ derivedprop: 42 }), /Property "baseprop" is required/, "Object using $import has imported properites" ); }); let deprecatedJson = [ { namespace: "deprecated", properties: { accessor: { type: "string", writable: true, deprecated: "This is not the property you are looking for", }, }, types: [ { id: "Type", type: "string", }, ], functions: [ { name: "property", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg", type: "object", properties: { foo: { type: "string", }, }, additionalProperties: { type: "any", deprecated: "Unknown property", }, }, ], }, { name: "value", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg", choices: [ { type: "integer", }, { type: "string", deprecated: "Please use an integer, not ${value}", }, ], }, ], }, { name: "choices", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg", deprecated: "You have no choices", choices: [ { type: "integer", }, ], }, ], }, { name: "ref", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg", choices: [ { $ref: "Type", deprecated: "Deprecated alias", }, ], }, ], }, { name: "method", type: "function", deprecated: "Do not call this method", parameters: [], }, ], events: [ { name: "onDeprecated", type: "function", deprecated: "This event does not work", }, ], }, ]; add_task(async function testDeprecation() { let wrapper = getContextWrapper(); // This whole test expects deprecation warnings. ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(false); let url = "data:," + JSON.stringify(deprecatedJson); Schemas._rootSchema = null; await Schemas.load(url); let root = {}; Schemas.inject(root, wrapper); root.deprecated.property({ foo: "bar", xxx: "any", yyy: "property" }); wrapper.verify("call", "deprecated", "property", [ { foo: "bar", xxx: "any", yyy: "property" }, ]); wrapper.checkErrors([ "Warning processing xxx: Unknown property", "Warning processing yyy: Unknown property", ]); root.deprecated.value(12); wrapper.verify("call", "deprecated", "value", [12]); wrapper.checkErrors([]); root.deprecated.value("12"); wrapper.verify("call", "deprecated", "value", ["12"]); wrapper.checkErrors(['Please use an integer, not "12"']); root.deprecated.choices(12); wrapper.verify("call", "deprecated", "choices", [12]); wrapper.checkErrors(["You have no choices"]); root.deprecated.ref("12"); wrapper.verify("call", "deprecated", "ref", ["12"]); wrapper.checkErrors(["Deprecated alias"]); root.deprecated.method(); wrapper.verify("call", "deprecated", "method", []); wrapper.checkErrors(["Do not call this method"]); void root.deprecated.accessor; wrapper.verify("get", "deprecated", "accessor", null); wrapper.checkErrors(["This is not the property you are looking for"]); root.deprecated.accessor = "x"; wrapper.verify("set", "deprecated", "accessor", "x"); wrapper.checkErrors(["This is not the property you are looking for"]); root.deprecated.onDeprecated.addListener(() => {}); wrapper.checkErrors(["This event does not work"]); root.deprecated.onDeprecated.removeListener(() => {}); wrapper.checkErrors(["This event does not work"]); root.deprecated.onDeprecated.hasListener(() => {}); wrapper.checkErrors(["This event does not work"]); ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(true); Assert.throws( () => root.deprecated.onDeprecated.hasListener(() => {}), /This event does not work/, "Deprecation warning with extensions.webextensions.warnings-as-errors=true" ); }); let choicesJson = [ { namespace: "choices", types: [], functions: [ { name: "meh", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg", choices: [ { type: "string", enum: ["foo", "bar", "baz"], }, { type: "string", pattern: "florg.*meh", }, { type: "integer", minimum: 12, maximum: 42, }, ], }, ], }, { name: "foo", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg", choices: [ { type: "object", properties: { blurg: { type: "string", unsupported: true, optional: true, }, }, additionalProperties: { type: "string", }, }, { type: "string", }, { type: "array", minItems: 2, maxItems: 3, items: { type: "integer", }, }, ], }, ], }, { name: "bar", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg", choices: [ { type: "object", properties: { baz: { type: "string", }, }, }, { type: "array", items: { type: "integer", }, }, ], }, ], }, ], }, ]; add_task(async function testChoices() { let wrapper = getContextWrapper(); let url = "data:," + JSON.stringify(choicesJson); Schemas._rootSchema = null; await Schemas.load(url); let root = {}; Schemas.inject(root, wrapper); Assert.throws( () => root.choices.meh("frog"), /Value "frog" must either: be one of \["foo", "bar", "baz"\], match the pattern \/florg\.\*meh\/, or be an integer value/ ); Assert.throws( () => root.choices.meh(4), /be a string value, or be at least 12/ ); Assert.throws( () => root.choices.meh(43), /be a string value, or be no greater than 42/ ); Assert.throws( () => root.choices.foo([]), /be an object value, be a string value, or have at least 2 items/ ); Assert.throws( () => root.choices.foo([1, 2, 3, 4]), /be an object value, be a string value, or have at most 3 items/ ); Assert.throws( () => root.choices.foo({ foo: 12 }), /.foo must be a string value, be a string value, or be an array value/ ); Assert.throws( () => root.choices.foo({ blurg: "foo" }), /not contain an unsupported "blurg" property, be a string value, or be an array value/ ); Assert.throws( () => root.choices.bar({}), /contain the required "baz" property, or be an array value/ ); Assert.throws( () => root.choices.bar({ baz: "x", quux: "y" }), /not contain an unexpected "quux" property, or be an array value/ ); Assert.throws( () => root.choices.bar({ baz: "x", quux: "y", foo: "z" }), /not contain the unexpected properties \[foo, quux\], or be an array value/ ); }); let permissionsJson = [ { namespace: "noPerms", types: [], functions: [ { name: "noPerms", type: "function", parameters: [], }, { name: "fooPerm", type: "function", permissions: ["foo"], parameters: [], }, ], }, { namespace: "fooPerm", permissions: ["foo"], types: [], functions: [ { name: "noPerms", type: "function", parameters: [], }, { name: "fooBarPerm", type: "function", permissions: ["foo.bar"], parameters: [], }, ], }, ]; add_task(async function testPermissions() { let url = "data:," + JSON.stringify(permissionsJson); Schemas._rootSchema = null; await Schemas.load(url); let wrapper = getContextWrapper(); let root = {}; Schemas.inject(root, wrapper); equal(typeof root.noPerms, "object", "noPerms namespace should exist"); equal( typeof root.noPerms.noPerms, "function", "noPerms.noPerms method should exist" ); equal( root.noPerms.fooPerm, undefined, "noPerms.fooPerm should not method exist" ); equal(root.fooPerm, undefined, "fooPerm namespace should not exist"); info('Add "foo" permission'); wrapper.permissions.add("foo"); root = {}; Schemas.inject(root, wrapper); equal(typeof root.noPerms, "object", "noPerms namespace should exist"); equal( typeof root.noPerms.noPerms, "function", "noPerms.noPerms method should exist" ); equal( typeof root.noPerms.fooPerm, "function", "noPerms.fooPerm method should exist" ); equal(typeof root.fooPerm, "object", "fooPerm namespace should exist"); equal( typeof root.fooPerm.noPerms, "function", "noPerms.noPerms method should exist" ); equal( root.fooPerm.fooBarPerm, undefined, "fooPerm.fooBarPerm method should not exist" ); info('Add "foo.bar" permission'); wrapper.permissions.add("foo.bar"); root = {}; Schemas.inject(root, wrapper); equal(typeof root.noPerms, "object", "noPerms namespace should exist"); equal( typeof root.noPerms.noPerms, "function", "noPerms.noPerms method should exist" ); equal( typeof root.noPerms.fooPerm, "function", "noPerms.fooPerm method should exist" ); equal(typeof root.fooPerm, "object", "fooPerm namespace should exist"); equal( typeof root.fooPerm.noPerms, "function", "noPerms.noPerms method should exist" ); equal( typeof root.fooPerm.fooBarPerm, "function", "noPerms.fooBarPerm method should exist" ); }); let nestedNamespaceJson = [ { namespace: "nested.namespace", types: [ { id: "CustomType", type: "object", events: [ { name: "onEvent", type: "function", }, ], properties: { url: { type: "string", }, }, functions: [ { name: "functionOnCustomType", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "title", type: "string", }, ], }, ], }, ], properties: { instanceOfCustomType: { $ref: "CustomType", }, }, functions: [ { name: "create", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "title", type: "string", }, ], }, ], }, ]; add_task(async function testNestedNamespace() { let url = "data:," + JSON.stringify(nestedNamespaceJson); let wrapper = getContextWrapper(); Schemas._rootSchema = null; await Schemas.load(url); let root = {}; Schemas.inject(root, wrapper); ok(root.nested, "The root object contains the first namespace level"); ok( root.nested.namespace, "The first level object contains the second namespace level" ); ok( root.nested.namespace.create, "Got the expected function in the nested namespace" ); equal( typeof root.nested.namespace.create, "function", "The property is a function as expected" ); let { instanceOfCustomType } = root.nested.namespace; ok( instanceOfCustomType, "Got the expected instance of the CustomType defined in the schema" ); ok( instanceOfCustomType.functionOnCustomType, "Got the expected method in the CustomType instance" ); ok( instanceOfCustomType.onEvent && instanceOfCustomType.onEvent.addListener && typeof instanceOfCustomType.onEvent.addListener == "function", "Got the expected event defined in the CustomType instance" ); instanceOfCustomType.functionOnCustomType("param_value"); wrapper.verify( "call", "nested.namespace.instanceOfCustomType", "functionOnCustomType", ["param_value"] ); let fakeListener = () => {}; instanceOfCustomType.onEvent.addListener(fakeListener); wrapper.verify( "addListener", "nested.namespace.instanceOfCustomType", "onEvent", [fakeListener, []] ); instanceOfCustomType.onEvent.removeListener(fakeListener); wrapper.verify( "removeListener", "nested.namespace.instanceOfCustomType", "onEvent", [fakeListener] ); // TODO: test support properties in a SubModuleType defined in the schema, // once implemented, e.g.: // ok("url" in instanceOfCustomType, // "Got the expected property defined in the CustomType instance"); }); let $importJson = [ { namespace: "from_the", $import: "future", }, { namespace: "future", properties: { PROP1: { value: "original value" }, PROP2: { value: "second original" }, }, types: [ { id: "Colour", type: "string", enum: ["red", "white", "blue"], }, ], functions: [ { name: "dye", type: "function", parameters: [{ name: "arg", $ref: "Colour" }], }, ], }, { namespace: "embrace", $import: "future", properties: { PROP2: { value: "overridden value" }, }, types: [ { id: "Colour", type: "string", enum: ["blue", "orange"], }, ], }, ]; add_task(async function test_$import() { let wrapper = getContextWrapper(); let url = "data:," + JSON.stringify($importJson); Schemas._rootSchema = null; await Schemas.load(url); let root = {}; Schemas.inject(root, wrapper); equal(root.from_the.PROP1, "original value", "imported property"); equal(root.from_the.PROP2, "second original", "second imported property"); equal(root.from_the.Colour.RED, "red", "imported enum type"); equal(typeof root.from_the.dye, "function", "imported function"); root.from_the.dye("white"); wrapper.verify("call", "from_the", "dye", ["white"]); Assert.throws( () => root.from_the.dye("orange"), /Invalid enumeration value/, "original imported argument type Colour doesn't include 'orange'" ); equal(root.embrace.PROP1, "original value", "imported property"); equal(root.embrace.PROP2, "overridden value", "overridden property"); equal(root.embrace.Colour.ORANGE, "orange", "overridden enum type"); equal(typeof root.embrace.dye, "function", "imported function"); root.embrace.dye("orange"); wrapper.verify("call", "embrace", "dye", ["orange"]); Assert.throws( () => root.embrace.dye("white"), /Invalid enumeration value/, "overridden argument type Colour doesn't include 'white'" ); }); add_task(async function testLocalAPIImplementation() { let countGet2 = 0; let countProp3 = 0; let countProp3SubFoo = 0; let testingApiObj = { get PROP1() { // PROP1 is a schema-defined constant. throw new Error("Unexpected get PROP1"); }, get prop2() { ++countGet2; return "prop2 val"; }, get prop3() { throw new Error("Unexpected get prop3"); }, set prop3(v) { // prop3 is a submodule, defined as a function, so the API should not pass // through assignment to prop3. throw new Error("Unexpected set prop3"); }, }; let submoduleApiObj = { get sub_foo() { ++countProp3; return () => { return ++countProp3SubFoo; }; }, }; let localWrapper = { manifestVersion: 2, cloneScope: global, shouldInject(ns, name) { return name == "testing" || ns == "testing" || ns == "testing.prop3"; }, getImplementation(ns, name) { Assert.ok(ns == "testing" || ns == "testing.prop3"); if (ns == "testing.prop3" && name == "sub_foo") { // It is fine to use `null` here because we don't call async functions. return new LocalAPIImplementation(submoduleApiObj, name, null); } // It is fine to use `null` here because we don't call async functions. return new LocalAPIImplementation(testingApiObj, name, null); }, }; let root = {}; Schemas.inject(root, localWrapper); Assert.equal(countGet2, 0); Assert.equal(countProp3, 0); Assert.equal(countProp3SubFoo, 0); Assert.equal(root.testing.PROP1, 20); Assert.equal(root.testing.prop2, "prop2 val"); Assert.equal(countGet2, 1); Assert.equal(root.testing.prop2, "prop2 val"); Assert.equal(countGet2, 2); info(JSON.stringify(root.testing)); Assert.equal(root.testing.prop3.sub_foo(), 1); Assert.equal(countProp3, 1); Assert.equal(countProp3SubFoo, 1); Assert.equal(root.testing.prop3.sub_foo(), 2); Assert.equal(countProp3, 2); Assert.equal(countProp3SubFoo, 2); root.testing.prop3.sub_foo = () => { return "overwritten"; }; Assert.equal(root.testing.prop3.sub_foo(), "overwritten"); root.testing.prop3 = { sub_foo() { return "overwritten again"; }, }; Assert.equal(root.testing.prop3.sub_foo(), "overwritten again"); Assert.equal(countProp3SubFoo, 2); }); let defaultsJson = [ { namespace: "defaultsJson", types: [], functions: [ { name: "defaultFoo", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg", type: "object", optional: true, properties: { prop1: { type: "integer", optional: true }, }, default: { prop1: 1 }, }, ], returns: { type: "object", additionalProperties: true, }, }, ], }, ]; add_task(async function testDefaults() { let url = "data:," + JSON.stringify(defaultsJson); Schemas._rootSchema = null; await Schemas.load(url); let testingApiObj = { defaultFoo: function(arg) { if (Object.keys(arg) != "prop1") { throw new Error( `Received the expected default object, default: ${JSON.stringify( arg )}` ); } arg.newProp = 1; return arg; }, }; let localWrapper = { manifestVersion: 2, cloneScope: global, shouldInject(ns) { return true; }, getImplementation(ns, name) { return new LocalAPIImplementation(testingApiObj, name, null); }, }; let root = {}; Schemas.inject(root, localWrapper); deepEqual(root.defaultsJson.defaultFoo(), { prop1: 1, newProp: 1 }); deepEqual(root.defaultsJson.defaultFoo({ prop1: 2 }), { prop1: 2, newProp: 1, }); deepEqual(root.defaultsJson.defaultFoo(), { prop1: 1, newProp: 1 }); }); let returnsJson = [ { namespace: "returns", types: [ { id: "Widget", type: "object", properties: { size: { type: "integer" }, colour: { type: "string", optional: true }, }, }, ], functions: [ { name: "complete", type: "function", returns: { $ref: "Widget" }, parameters: [], }, { name: "optional", type: "function", returns: { $ref: "Widget" }, parameters: [], }, { name: "invalid", type: "function", returns: { $ref: "Widget" }, parameters: [], }, ], }, ]; add_task(async function testReturns() { const url = "data:," + JSON.stringify(returnsJson); Schemas._rootSchema = null; await Schemas.load(url); const apiObject = { complete() { return { size: 3, colour: "orange" }; }, optional() { return { size: 4 }; }, invalid() { return {}; }, }; const localWrapper = { manifestVersion: 2, cloneScope: global, shouldInject(ns) { return true; }, getImplementation(ns, name) { return new LocalAPIImplementation(apiObject, name, null); }, }; const root = {}; Schemas.inject(root, localWrapper); deepEqual(root.returns.complete(), { size: 3, colour: "orange" }); deepEqual( root.returns.optional(), { size: 4 }, "Missing optional properties is allowed" ); if (AppConstants.DEBUG) { Assert.throws( () => root.returns.invalid(), /Type error for result value \(Property "size" is required\)/, "Should throw for invalid result in DEBUG builds" ); } else { deepEqual( root.returns.invalid(), {}, "Doesn't throw for invalid result value in release builds" ); } }); let booleanEnumJson = [ { namespace: "booleanEnum", types: [ { id: "enumTrue", type: "boolean", enum: [true], }, ], functions: [ { name: "paramMustBeTrue", type: "function", parameters: [{ name: "arg", $ref: "enumTrue" }], }, ], }, ]; add_task(async function testBooleanEnum() { let wrapper = getContextWrapper(); let url = "data:," + JSON.stringify(booleanEnumJson); Schemas._rootSchema = null; await Schemas.load(url); let root = {}; Schemas.inject(root, wrapper); ok(root.booleanEnum, "namespace exists"); root.booleanEnum.paramMustBeTrue(true); wrapper.verify("call", "booleanEnum", "paramMustBeTrue", [true]); Assert.throws( () => root.booleanEnum.paramMustBeTrue(false), /Type error for parameter arg \(Invalid value false\) for booleanEnum\.paramMustBeTrue\./, "should throw because enum of the type restricts parameter to true" ); }); let xoriginJson = [ { namespace: "xorigin", types: [], functions: [ { name: "foo", type: "function", parameters: [ { name: "arg", type: "any", }, ], }, { name: "crossFoo", type: "function", allowCrossOriginArguments: true, parameters: [ { name: "arg", type: "any", }, ], }, ], }, ]; add_task(async function testCrossOriginArguments() { let url = "data:," + JSON.stringify(xoriginJson); Schemas._rootSchema = null; await Schemas.load(url); let sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox("http://test.com"); let testingApiObj = { foo(arg) { sandbox.result = JSON.stringify(arg); }, crossFoo(arg) { sandbox.xResult = JSON.stringify(arg); }, }; let localWrapper = { manifestVersion: 2, cloneScope: sandbox, shouldInject(ns) { return true; }, getImplementation(ns, name) { return new LocalAPIImplementation(testingApiObj, name, null); }, }; let root = {}; Schemas.inject(root, localWrapper); Assert.throws( () => root.xorigin.foo({ key: 13 }), /Permission denied to pass object/ ); equal(sandbox.result, undefined, "Foo can't read cross origin object."); root.xorigin.crossFoo({ answer: 42 }); equal(sandbox.xResult, '{"answer":42}', "Can read cross origin object."); });