# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Features must be added here to be accessible through the NimbusFeature API. "no-feature-firefox-desktop": description: A dummy feature for experiments that target no feature. owner: barret@mozilla.com applications: - firefox-desktop - firefox-desktop-background-task hasExposure: false variables: {} testFeature: description: Test only feature owner: barret@mozilla.com applications: - firefox-desktop - firefox-desktop-background-task hasExposure: false isEarlyStartup: true variables: enabled: type: boolean description: Whether or not this feature is enabled testInt: type: int fallbackPref: nimbus.testing.testInt description: Int pref used by platform API tests testSetString: type: string setPref: nimbus.testing.testSetString description: A string pref set by Nimbus tests nimbus-qa-1: description: A feature for testing pref-setting on the default branch. owner: barret@mozilla.com hasExposure: false variables: value: type: string setPref: nimbus.qa.pref-1 description: The value to set for the pref. nimbus-qa-2: description: A feature for testing pref-setting on the user branch. owner: barret@mozilla.com isEarlyStartup: true hasExposure: false variables: value: type: string setPref: nimbus.qa.pref-2 description: The value to set for the pref. search: description: The Search Services owner: search-and-suggest-program@mozilla.com hasExposure: false variables: experiment: type: string fallbackPref: browser.search.experiment description: >- Used to activate only matching configurations that contain the value in `experiment` extraParams: type: json description: Query parameters values for search engine configurations. seperatePrivateDefaultUIEnabled: type: boolean description: Whether the UI for the separate private default feature is enabled. seperatePrivateDefaultUrlbarResultEnabled: type: boolean description: Whether the urlbar result for the separate private default is shown. urlbar: description: The Address Bar owner: search-and-suggest-program@mozilla.com hasExposure: true exposureDescription: >- The timing of the exposure event depends on the experiment, but generally the event is recorded once per app session when the user first encounters the UI of the experiment in which they're enrolled. variables: autoFillAdaptiveHistoryEnabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.autoFill.adaptiveHistory.enabled description: Whether enabling adaptive history autofill. autoFillAdaptiveHistoryMinCharsThreshold: type: int fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.autoFill.adaptiveHistory.minCharsThreshold description: Minimum char length of the user's search string to trigger adaptive history autofill. autoFillAdaptiveHistoryUseCountThreshold: type: string description: This value assumes float expression like "0.47". Threshold for use count of input history that we handle as adaptive history autofill. If the use count is this value or more, it will be a candidate. bestMatchBlockingEnabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.bestMatch.blockingEnabled description: Whether best match Suggest suggestions can be blocked. bestMatchEnabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.bestMatch.enabled description: Gate for the best match feature. If false, the best match preferences UI and best match suggestions will not be shown. If true, the preferences UI will be shown, and the user can turn best match suggestions on or off. experimentType: type: string description: The type of the experiment (or rollout). If "best-match", then the Nimbus exposure event will be recorded when the user first triggers a best match (or would have triggered a best match, for users in the control group). If "modal", the event will be recorded when the user first triggers to show the onbording dialog. If empty, the event will be recorded when the user first triggers any type of Suggest suggestion. enum: - best-match - modal - "" isBestMatchExperiment: type: boolean description: >- Whether the experiment (or rollout) is related to best match. If true, then the Nimbus exposure event will be recorded when the user first triggers a best match (or would have triggered a best match, for users in the control group). Deprecated, please use `experimentType: "best-match"` instead. merinoClientVariants: type: string fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.merino.clientVariants description: >- Comma separated list of client variants to report to the Merino server. May impact server behavior. merinoEnabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.merino.enabled description: Whether Merino is enabled as a quick suggest source merinoEndpointURL: type: string fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.merino.endpointURL description: The Merino endpoint URL, not including parameters. merinoProviders: type: string fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.merino.providers description: >- Comma-separated list of providers to request from the Merino server. Merino will return suggestions only for these providers. merinoTimeoutMs: type: int fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.merino.timeoutMs description: Timeout for Merino fetches (ms) quickSuggestAllowPositionInSuggestions: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.allowPositionInSuggestions description: Whether quick suggest results can be shown in position specified in the suggestions. quickSuggestBlockingEnabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.blockingEnabled description: Whether the usual non-best-match Suggest suggestions can be blocked. quickSuggestDataCollectionEnabled: type: boolean description: Whether data collection should be enabled by default. If this variable is specified, it will override the value implied by the scenario. It will never override the user's local preference to disable (or enable) data collection, if the user has already toggled that preference. quickSuggestEnabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.enabled description: Gate for the Firefox Suggest feature as a whole. If false, the Firefox Suggest preferences UI and Suggest suggestions will not be shown. If true, the preferences UI will be shown, and the user can turn suggestions on or off. quickSuggestImpressionCapsSponsoredEnabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.impressionCaps.sponsoredEnabled description: Whether sponsored suggestions are subject to impression frequency caps. If false, sponsored suggestions can be shown an unlimited number of times over any given period. If true, sponsored suggestion impressions will be subject to the caps in the remote settings configuration. quickSuggestImpressionCapsNonSponsoredEnabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.impressionCaps.nonSponsoredEnabled description: Whether non-sponsored suggestions are subject to impression frequency caps. If false, non-sponsored suggestions can be shown an unlimited number of times over any given period. If true, non-sponsored suggestion impressions will be subject to the caps in the remote settings configuration. quickSuggestNonSponsoredEnabled: type: boolean description: Whether non-sponsored suggestions should be enabled by default. If this variable is specified, it will override the value implied by the scenario. It will never override the user's local preference to disable (or enable) non-sponsored suggestions, if the user has already toggled that preference. quickSuggestNonSponsoredIndex: type: int fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.nonSponsoredIndex description: >- The index of non-sponsored QuickSuggest results within the general group. A negative index is relative to the end of the group quickSuggestOnboardingDialogVariation: type: string description: >- Specify the messages/UI variation for QuickSuggest onboarding dialog. This value is case insensitive. quickSuggestRemoteSettingsDataType: type: string description: The `type` of the suggestions data in remote settings. If not specified, "data" is used. quickSuggestRemoteSettingsEnabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.remoteSettings.enabled description: Whether Remote Settings is enabled as a quick suggest source quickSuggestScenario: # IMPORTANT: This should not have a fallbackPref. See UrlbarPrefs.jsm. type: string description: The Firefox Suggest scenario in which the user is enrolled enum: - history - offline - online quickSuggestShouldShowOnboardingDialog: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.shouldShowOnboardingDialog description: Whether or not to show the QuickSuggest onboarding dialog quickSuggestShowOnboardingDialogAfterNRestarts: type: int fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.showOnboardingDialogAfterNRestarts description: Show QuickSuggest onboarding dialog after N browser restarts quickSuggestSponsoredEnabled: type: boolean description: Whether sponsored suggestions should be enabled by default. If this variable is specified, it will override the value implied by the scenario. It will never override the user's local preference to disable (or enable) sponsored suggestions, if the user has already toggled that preference. quickSuggestSponsoredIndex: type: int fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.sponsoredIndex description: >- The index of sponsored QuickSuggest results within the general group. A negative index is relative to the end of the group searchEngagementTelemetryEnabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.searchEngagementTelemetry.enabled description: Whether search engagement telemetry should be enabled. showSearchTermsFeatureGate: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.showSearchTerms.featureGate description: Gate for the show search terms feature. If false, the preference#search will not show the search terms feature checkbox, and search terms will never persist in the urlbar. If true, the preference checkbox will be shown on preferences#search, and the user can choose to persist search terms on or off in the urlbar. weatherFeatureGate: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.urlbar.weather.featureGate description: Feature gate that controls exposing all aspects of weather suggestions to the user. aboutwelcome: description: "The about:welcome page" owner: omc@mozilla.com hasExposure: true exposureDescription: >- Exposure is sent once per browsing session when the about:welcome URL is first accessed. isEarlyStartup: true variables: enabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.aboutwelcome.enabled description: >- Should users see about:welcome? If this is false, users will see a regular new tab instead. id: type: string description: >- Descriptive ID for the about:welcome content screens: type: json fallbackPref: browser.aboutwelcome.screens description: Content to show in the onboarding flow skipFocus: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.aboutwelcome.skipFocus description: >- Should the urlbar should be focused when users first land on about:welcome? languageMismatchEnabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: intl.multilingual.aboutWelcome.languageMismatchEnabled description: >- Suggest to change the language on about:welcome when there is a mismatch with the OS. transitions: type: boolean description: Enable transition effect between screens templateMR: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.aboutwelcome.templateMR description: >- Should users see the MR 50-50 split template? showModal: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.aboutwelcome.showModal description: >- Should users see window modal onboarding backdrop: type: string fallbackPref: browser.aboutwelcome.backdrop description: >- Specify the color to be used to update the background color moreFromMozilla: description: "New page on about:preferences to suggest more Mozilla products" owner: omc@mozilla.com hasExposure: true exposureDescription: >- Exposure is sent once per browsing session when the about:preferences URL is first accessed. variables: enabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.preferences.moreFromMozilla description: Should users see the new more from Mozilla section. template: type: string fallbackPref: browser.preferences.moreFromMozilla.template description: UI template used to display Mozilla products. Possible values simple, advanced. Default is simple. abouthomecache: description: "The startup about:home cache." owner: omc@mozilla.com hasExposure: false isEarlyStartup: true variables: enabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.startup.homepage.abouthome_cache.enabled description: Is the feature enabled? newtab: description: "The about:newtab page" owner: omc@mozilla.com hasExposure: true exposureDescription: >- Exposure is sent once per browsing session when the first newtab page loads (either about:newtab or about:home). isEarlyStartup: true variables: newTheme: type: boolean description: Enable the new theme customizationMenuEnabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.customizationMenu.enabled description: Enable the customization panel inside of the newtab prefsButtonIcon: type: string description: Icon url to use for the preferences button topSitesContileEnabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.topsites.contile.enabled description: Enable the Contile integration for Sponsored Top Sites pocketNewtab: description: The Pocket section in newtab owner: sdowne@getpocket.com hasExposure: false isEarlyStartup: true variables: spocPositions: type: string fallbackPref: browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.spoc-positions description: CSV string of spoc position indexes on newtab grid spocAdTypes: type: string fallbackPref: browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.spocAdTypes description: CSV string of data to set the spoc content. spocZoneIds: type: string fallbackPref: browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.spocZoneIds description: CSV string of data to set the spoc content. spocTopsitesAdTypes: type: string fallbackPref: browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.spocTopsitesAdTypes description: CSV string of data to set the spoc content. spocTopsitesZoneIds: type: string fallbackPref: browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.spocTopsitesZoneIds description: CSV string of data to set the spoc content. spocSiteId: type: string fallbackPref: browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.spocSiteId description: String ID to set the spoc content. widgetPositions: type: string fallbackPref: browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.widget-positions description: CSV string of widget position indexes on newtab grid hybridLayout: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.hybridLayout.enabled description: Enable compact cards on newtab grid only for specific breakpoints hideCardBackground: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.hideCardBackground.enabled description: Removes Pocket card background and borders. fourCardLayout: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.fourCardLayout.enabled description: Enable four Pocket cards per row. newFooterSection: type: boolean fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.newFooterSection.enabled description: Enable an updated Pocket section topics footer saveToPocketCard: type: boolean fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.saveToPocketCard.enabled description: >- A save to Pocket button inside the card, shown on the card thumbnail, on hover. saveToPocketCardRegions: type: string fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.saveToPocketCardRegions description: >- CSV string of regions that support the save to Pocket button inside the card. hideDescriptions: type: boolean fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.hideDescriptions.enabled description: >- Hide or display descriptions for Pocket stories on newtab. hideDescriptionsRegions: type: string fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.hideDescriptionsRegions description: >- CSV string of regions that hide descriptions for Pocket stories on newtab. compactGrid: type: boolean fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.compactGrid.enabled description: >- Reduce the number of pixels between the Pocket cards on newtab. compactImages: type: boolean fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.compactImages.enabled description: >- Reduce the height on Pocket card images on newtab. imageGradient: type: boolean fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.imageGradient.enabled description: >- Add a gradient to the bottom of Pocket card images on newtab to blend the image in with the card. titleLines: type: int fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.titleLines description: >- Changes the maximum number of lines a title can be for Pocket cards on newtab. descLines: type: int fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.descLines description: >- Changes the maximum number of lines a description can be for Pocket cards on newtab. essentialReadsHeader: type: boolean fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.essentialReadsHeader.enabled description: >- Updates the Pocket section header and title to say "Today’s Essential Reads", moves the "Recommended by Pocket" header to the right side. editorsPicksHeader: type: boolean fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.editorsPicksHeader.enabled description: >- Updates the Pocket section header and title to say "Editor’s Picks", if used with essentialReadsHeader, creates a second section 2 rows down for editorsPicksHeader. recentSavesEnabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.recentSaves.enabled description: >- Updates the Pocket section with a new header and 1 row of recently saved Pocket stories. readTime: type: boolean fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.readTime.enabled description: >- Displays an estimated read time for Pocket cards on newtab. newSponsoredLabel: type: boolean fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.newSponsoredLabel.enabled description: >- Updates the sponsored label position to below the image for Pocket cards on newtab. sendToPocket: type: boolean fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.sendToPocket.enabled description: >- Decides what to do when a logged out user click "Save to Pocket" from a Pocket card. recsPersonalized: type: boolean fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.recs.personalized description: >- Enables Pocket stories personalization. spocsPersonalized: type: boolean fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.spocs.personalized description: >- Enables Pocket sponsored content personalization. spocsCacheTimeout: type: int fallbackPref: >- browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.spocs.cacheTimeout description: >- Set sponsored content cache timeout in minutes. discoveryStreamConfig: description: A JSON blob of discovery stream configuration. type: string setPref: "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.config" spocsEndpoint: description: The URL for the spocs endpoint. type: string setPref: "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.spocs-endpoint" regionStoriesConfig: description: A comma-separated list of locales to get stories for. type: string setPref: "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.region-stories-config" regionStoriesBlock: description: A comma-separated list of regions that do not get stories, regardless of locale-list-config. type: string setPref: "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.region-stories-block" localeListConfig: description: A comma-separated list of locales that get stories, regardless of region-stories-config. type: string setPref: "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.locale-list-config" regionSpocsConfig: description: A comma-separated list of regions that get spocs by default. type: string setPref: "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.region-spocs-config" saveToPocket: description: The save to Pocket feature owner: sdowne@getpocket.com hasExposure: false isEarlyStartup: true variables: emailButton: type: boolean fallbackPref: extensions.pocket.refresh.emailButton.enabled description: Just for the new Pocket panels, enables the email signup button. hideRecentSaves: type: boolean fallbackPref: extensions.pocket.refresh.hideRecentSaves.enabled description: Hides the recently saved section in the home panel. password-autocomplete: description: A special autocomplete UI for password fields. owner: sgalich@mozilla.com hasExposure: false variables: directMigrateSingleProfile: type: boolean description: Enable direct migration? shellService: description: "Interface with OS, e.g., pinning and set default" owner: desktop-integrations@mozilla.com hasExposure: false isEarlyStartup: true variables: disablePin: type: boolean description: Disable pin to taskbar feature setDefaultBrowserUserChoice: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.shell.setDefaultBrowserUserChoice description: Should it set as default browser setDefaultPDFHandler: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.shell.setDefaultPDFHandler description: Should setting it as the default browser set it as the default PDF handler. setDefaultPDFHandlerOnlyReplaceBrowsers: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.shell.setDefaultPDFHandler.onlyReplaceBrowsers description: >- Should setting it as the default PDF handler only replace existing PDF handlers that are browsers, and not other PDF handlers such as Acrobat Reader or Nitro PDF. upgradeDialog: description: The dialog shown for major upgrades owner: omc@mozilla.com hasExposure: false isEarlyStartup: true variables: enabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: browser.startup.upgradeDialog.enabled description: Is the feature enabled? readerMode: description: Firefox Reader Mode owner: sdowne@getpocket.com hasExposure: false isEarlyStartup: true variables: pocketCTAVersion: type: string fallbackPref: reader.pocket.ctaVersion description: >- What version of Pocket CTA to show in Reader Mode (Empty string is no CTA) cfr: description: "A Firefox Messaging System message for the cfr message channel" owner: omc@mozilla.com hasExposure: true exposureDescription: "Exposure is sent if the message is about to be shown after trigger and targeting conditions on the message matched." isEarlyStartup: false schema: uri: "resource://activity-stream/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" path: "browser/components/newtab/content-src/asrouter/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" variables: {} "moments-page": description: "A Firefox Messaging System message for the moments-page message channel" owner: omc@mozilla.com hasExposure: true exposureDescription: >- "Exposure is sent if the message is about to be shown after trigger and targeting conditions on the message matched." isEarlyStartup: false schema: uri: "resource://activity-stream/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" path: "browser/components/newtab/content-src/asrouter/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" variables: {} infobar: description: "A Firefox Messaging system message for the infobar message channel" owner: omc@mozilla.com hasExposure: true exposureDescription: >- "Exposure is sent if the message is about to be shown after trigger and targeting conditions on the message matched." isEarlyStartup: false schema: uri: "resource://activity-stream/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" path: "browser/components/newtab/content-src/asrouter/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" variables: {} spotlight: description: "A Firefox Messaging System message for the spotlight message channel" owner: omc@mozilla.com hasExposure: true exposureDescription: >- "Exposure is sent if the message is about to be shown after trigger and targeting conditions on the message matched." isEarlyStartup: false schema: uri: "resource://activity-stream/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" path: "browser/components/newtab/content-src/asrouter/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" variables: {} # currently in use by 107+ exp/rollout pair of Import Bookmarks Infrequent # Existing Users with 5 bookmarks: # https://experimenter.services.mozilla.com/nimbus/import-infrequent-rollout-make-yourself-at-home/summary # More info about the fx-message-* feature id prototype is available at: # https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KdtaNycZL5j240nXofbibm9yKh7qVvu1-uZFLdmYM7Y/ fxms-message-1: description: "A Firefox Messaging System message" owner: omc@mozilla.com hasExposure: true exposureDescription: >- "Exposure is sent if the message is about to be shown after trigger and targeting conditions on the message matched." isEarlyStartup: false schema: uri: "resource://activity-stream/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" path: "browser/components/newtab/content-src/asrouter/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" variables: {} # next planned use: 110+ exp/rollout pair of Fox Doodle: Pin experiment winner # (Existing Users) # More info about the fx-message-* feature id prototype is available at: # https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KdtaNycZL5j240nXofbibm9yKh7qVvu1-uZFLdmYM7Y/ fxms-message-2: description: "Firefox Messaging System message 2" owner: omc@mozilla.com hasExposure: true exposureDescription: >- "Exposure is sent if the message is about to be shown after trigger and targeting conditions on the message matched." isEarlyStartup: false schema: uri: "resource://activity-stream/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" path: "browser/components/newtab/content-src/asrouter/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" variables: {} # next planned use: 110+ exp/rollout pair of Fox Doodle: Set Default (Existing # Users) # More info about the fx-message-* feature id prototype is available at: # https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KdtaNycZL5j240nXofbibm9yKh7qVvu1-uZFLdmYM7Y/ fxms-message-3: description: "Firefox Messaging System message 3" owner: omc@mozilla.com hasExposure: true exposureDescription: >- "Exposure is sent if the message is about to be shown after trigger and targeting conditions on the message matched." isEarlyStartup: false schema: uri: "resource://activity-stream/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" path: "browser/components/newtab/content-src/asrouter/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" variables: {} pbNewtab: description: "A Firefox Messaging System message for the pbNewtab message channel" owner: omc@mozilla.com hasExposure: true exposureDescription: >- Exposure is sent if the message is about to be shown after trigger and targeting conditions on the message matched. isEarlyStartup: false schema: uri: "resource://activity-stream/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" path: "browser/components/newtab/content-src/asrouter/schemas/MessagingExperiment.schema.json" variables: {} backgroundTaskMessage: description: "A Firefox Messaging System message for the background task message channel" owner: nalexander@mozilla.com applications: - firefox-desktop-background-task hasExposure: true exposureDescription: >- Exposure is sent if the message is about to be shown after trigger and targeting conditions on the message matched. isEarlyStartup: false schema: uri: "resource://activity-stream/schemas/BackgroundTaskMessagingExperiment.schema.json" path: "browser/components/newtab/content-src/asrouter/schemas/BackgroundTaskMessagingExperiment.schema.json" variables: {} syncAfterTabChange: description: "Schedule a sync after any tab change" owner: sync-team@mozilla.com hasExposure: false isEarlyStartup: false variables: syncDelayAfterTabChange: type: int fallbackPref: "services.sync.syncedTabs.syncDelayAfterTabChange" description: >- "How long to wait (in milliseconds) to schedule a sync after tab change" syncDelayAfterTabChangeOverride: type: boolean description: Whether to override the pref in case we need to lengthen or diable the increased sync pictureinpicture: description: Message for first time Picture-in-Picture users owner: nbaumgardner@mozilla.com hasExposure: true exposureDescription: Exposure is sent when a user hovers over a video and Picture-in-Picture has not been used before variables: title: type: string description: The title to be used for the PiP toggle message: type: string description: The message to be used in the PiP toggle showIconOnly: type: boolean description: Whether to show the first time PiP toggle or show the PiP icon only glean: description: "The Glean data collection SDK within Firefox Desktop" owner: glean-team@mozilla.com hasExposure: false variables: newtabPingEnabled: type: "boolean" fallbackPref: "browser.newtabpage.ping.enabled" description: "Whether to submit the 'newtab' ping" majorRelease2022: description: Major Release 2022 owner: firefoxview@mozilla.com hasExposure: false isEarlyStartup: true variables: feltPrivacyPBMDarkTheme: type: boolean fallbackPref: "browser.theme.dark-private-windows" description: "Use dark theme variant for PBM windows. This is only supported if the theme sets darkTheme data." feltPrivacyPBMNewIndicator: type: boolean fallbackPref: "browser.privatebrowsing.enable-new-indicator" description: "Enables the new private browsing indicator." feltPrivacyPBMNewLogo: type: boolean fallbackPref: "browser.privatebrowsing.enable-new-logo" description: "Enables the new about:privatebrowsing logo." feltPrivacyShowPreferencesSection: type: boolean fallbackPref: "browser.privacySegmentation.preferences.show" description: "Controls visibility of the privacy segmentation preferences section." feltPrivacyWindowSeparation: type: boolean fallbackPref: "browser.privateWindowSeparation.enabled" description: "Whether or not private browsing windows use a separate icon in the Windows taskbar" colorwayCloset: type: boolean fallbackPref: "browser.theme.colorway-closet" description: "Whether or not to show the colorway closet modal" firefoxView: type: boolean fallbackPref: "browser.tabs.firefox-view" description: "Whether or not to show the firefox view tab" onboarding: type: boolean fallbackPref: "browser.majorrelease.onboarding" description: "Whether or not to use the MR2022 onboarding settings." featureCallout: description: "Prefs that control users' progress through Feature Callout tours" owner: omc@mozilla.com hasExposure: false isEarlyStartup: false variables: pdfJsTourProgress: description: A JSON blob capturing a user's progress in the PDF.js feature tour type: string setPref: "browser.pdfjs.feature-tour" firefoxViewTourProgress: description: A JSON blob capturing a user's progress in the Firefox View feature tour type: string setPref: "browser.firefox-view.feature-tour" browserLowMemoryPrefs: description: Prefs which control the browser's behaviour under low memory. owner: haftandilian@mozilla.com hasExposure: false variables: lowMemoryResponseMask: description: Control the response on macOS when under memory pressure. type: int setPref: "browser.lowMemoryResponseMask" lowMemoryResponseOnWarn: description: Controls which macOS memory-pressure levels trigger the browser low memory response. type: boolean setPref: "browser.lowMemoryResponseOnWarn" tabsUnloadOnLowMemory: description: Whether to unload tabs when available memory is running low. type: boolean setPref: "browser.tabs.unloadOnLowMemory" scriptLoaderPrefs: description: Prefs that control the script loader. owner: npierron@mozilla.com hasExposure: false variables: delazificationStrategy: description: >- Selects which parsing/delazification strategy should be used while parsing scripts off-main-thread. See DelazificationOption in CompileOptions.h for values. type: int setPref: "dom.script_loader.delazification.strategy" echPrefs: description: Prefs that control Encrypted Client Hello. owner: kershaw@mozilla.com hasExposure: false variables: configEnabled: description: Whether to enable encrypted client hello. type: boolean setPref: "network.dns.echconfig.enabled" greaseProbability: description: Probability of GREASEing a TLS connection with ECH (0-100). type: int setPref: "security.tls.ech.grease_probability" pingsender: description: "In-product usage of the pingsender telemetry reporter." owner: nalexander@mozilla.com hasExposure: false variables: backgroundTaskEnabled: type: "boolean" fallbackPref: "toolkit.telemetry.shutdownPingSender.backgroundtask.enabled" description: "Whether to use the `pingsender` background task to send shutdown telemetry" dapTelemetry: description: DAP Telemetry owner: simon@mozilla.com hasExposure: false isEarlyStartup: true # Data is sent on startup with a trigger in BrowserGlue.sys.mjs variables: enabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: toolkit.telemetry.dap_enabled description: Whether to automatically send DAP measurements. task1Enabled: type: boolean fallbackPref: toolkit.telemetry.dap_task1_enabled description: Whether to send fake measurements for verification task 1. etpLevel2PBMPref: description: The pref that controls the ETP level 2 list in the private browsing mode owner: tihuang@mozilla.com hasExposure: false variables: enabled: description: Whether to enable ETP level 2 list in the private browsing mode. type: boolean setPref: "privacy.annotate_channels.strict_list.pbmode.enabled"