/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "_RemoteSettingsExperimentLoader", "RemoteSettingsExperimentLoader", ]; const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs" ); const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { JsonSchema: "resource://gre/modules/JsonSchema.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(lazy, { ASRouterTargeting: "resource://activity-stream/lib/ASRouterTargeting.jsm", TargetingContext: "resource://messaging-system/targeting/Targeting.jsm", ExperimentManager: "resource://nimbus/lib/ExperimentManager.jsm", RemoteSettings: "resource://services-settings/remote-settings.js", CleanupManager: "resource://normandy/lib/CleanupManager.jsm", NimbusFeatures: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.jsm", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "log", () => { const { Logger } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://messaging-system/lib/Logger.jsm" ); return new Logger("RSLoader"); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "timerManager", "@mozilla.org/updates/timer-manager;1", "nsIUpdateTimerManager" ); const COLLECTION_ID_PREF = "messaging-system.rsexperimentloader.collection_id"; const COLLECTION_ID_FALLBACK = "nimbus-desktop-experiments"; const ENABLED_PREF = "messaging-system.rsexperimentloader.enabled"; const TIMER_NAME = "rs-experiment-loader-timer"; const TIMER_LAST_UPDATE_PREF = `app.update.lastUpdateTime.${TIMER_NAME}`; // Use the same update interval as normandy const RUN_INTERVAL_PREF = "app.normandy.run_interval_seconds"; const NIMBUS_DEBUG_PREF = "nimbus.debug"; const NIMBUS_VALIDATION_PREF = "nimbus.validation.enabled"; const NIMBUS_APPID_PREF = "nimbus.appId"; const STUDIES_ENABLED_CHANGED = "nimbus:studies-enabled-changed"; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "COLLECTION_ID", COLLECTION_ID_PREF, COLLECTION_ID_FALLBACK ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "NIMBUS_DEBUG", NIMBUS_DEBUG_PREF, false ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "APP_ID", NIMBUS_APPID_PREF, "firefox-desktop" ); const SCHEMAS = { get NimbusExperiment() { return fetch("resource://nimbus/schemas/NimbusExperiment.schema.json", { credentials: "omit", }) .then(rsp => rsp.json()) .then(json => json.definitions.NimbusExperiment); }, }; class _RemoteSettingsExperimentLoader { constructor() { // Has the timer been set? this._initialized = false; // Are we in the middle of updating recipes already? this._updating = false; // Make it possible to override for testing this.manager = lazy.ExperimentManager; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "remoteSettingsClient", () => { return lazy.RemoteSettings(lazy.COLLECTION_ID); }); Services.obs.addObserver(this, STUDIES_ENABLED_CHANGED); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "enabled", ENABLED_PREF, false, this.onEnabledPrefChange.bind(this) ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "intervalInSeconds", RUN_INTERVAL_PREF, 21600, () => this.setTimer() ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "validationEnabled", NIMBUS_VALIDATION_PREF, true ); } get studiesEnabled() { return this.manager.studiesEnabled; } /** * Initialize the loader, updating recipes from Remote Settings. * * @param {Object} options additional options. * @param {bool} options.forceSync force Remote Settings to sync recipe collection * before updating recipes; throw if sync fails. * @return {Promise} which resolves after initialization and recipes * are updated. */ async init(options = {}) { const { forceSync = false } = options; if (this._initialized || !this.enabled || !this.studiesEnabled) { return; } this.setTimer(); lazy.CleanupManager.addCleanupHandler(() => this.uninit()); this._initialized = true; await this.updateRecipes(undefined, { forceSync }); } uninit() { if (!this._initialized) { return; } lazy.timerManager.unregisterTimer(TIMER_NAME); this._initialized = false; this._updating = false; } async evaluateJexl(jexlString, customContext) { if (customContext && !customContext.experiment) { throw new Error( "Expected an .experiment property in second param of this function" ); } if (!customContext.source) { throw new Error( "Expected a .source property that identifies which targeting expression is being evaluated." ); } const context = lazy.TargetingContext.combineContexts( customContext, this.manager.createTargetingContext(), lazy.ASRouterTargeting.Environment ); lazy.log.debug("Testing targeting expression:", jexlString); const targetingContext = new lazy.TargetingContext(context, { source: customContext.source, }); let result = null; try { result = await targetingContext.evalWithDefault(jexlString); } catch (e) { lazy.log.debug("Targeting failed because of an error", e); Cu.reportError(e); } return result; } /** * Checks targeting of a recipe if it is defined * @param {Recipe} recipe * @param {{[key: string]: any}} customContext A custom filter context * @returns {Promise} Should we process the recipe? */ async checkTargeting(recipe) { if (!recipe.targeting) { lazy.log.debug("No targeting for recipe, so it matches automatically"); return true; } const result = await this.evaluateJexl(recipe.targeting, { experiment: recipe, source: recipe.slug, }); return Boolean(result); } /** * Get all recipes from remote settings * @param {string} trigger What caused the update to occur? * @param {Object} options additional options. * @param {bool} options.forceSync force Remote Settings to sync recipe collection * before updating recipes; throw if sync fails. * @return {Promise} which resolves after recipes are updated. */ async updateRecipes(trigger, options = {}) { if (this._updating || !this._initialized) { return; } const { forceSync = false } = options; // Since this method is async, the enabled pref could change between await // points. We don't want to half validate experiments, so we cache this to // keep it consistent throughout updating. const validationEnabled = this.validationEnabled; this._updating = true; lazy.log.debug( "Updating recipes" + (trigger ? ` with trigger ${trigger}` : "") ); let recipes; let loadingError = false; try { recipes = await this.remoteSettingsClient.get({ forceSync, // Throw instead of returning an empty list. emptyListFallback: false, }); lazy.log.debug(`Got ${recipes.length} recipes from Remote Settings`); } catch (e) { lazy.log.debug("Error getting recipes from remote settings."); loadingError = true; Cu.reportError(e); } let recipeValidator; if (validationEnabled) { recipeValidator = new lazy.JsonSchema.Validator( await SCHEMAS.NimbusExperiment ); } let matches = 0; let recipeMismatches = []; let invalidRecipes = []; let invalidBranches = new Map(); let invalidFeatures = new Map(); let validatorCache = {}; if (recipes && !loadingError) { for (const r of recipes) { if (r.appId !== "firefox-desktop") { // Skip over recipes not intended for desktop. Experimenter publishes // recipes into a collection per application (desktop goes to // `nimbus-desktop-experiments`) but all preview experiments share the // same collection (`nimbus-preview`). // // This is *not* the same as `lazy.APP_ID` which is used to // distinguish between desktop Firefox and the desktop background // updater. continue; } const validateFeatures = validationEnabled && !r.featureValidationOptOut; if (validationEnabled) { let validation = recipeValidator.validate(r); if (!validation.valid) { Cu.reportError( `Could not validate experiment recipe ${r.id}: ${JSON.stringify( validation.errors, undefined, 2 )}` ); if (r.slug) { invalidRecipes.push(r.slug); } continue; } } const featureIds = r.featureIds ?? r.branches .flatMap(branch => branch.features ?? [branch.feature]) .map(featureDef => featureDef.featureId); let haveAllFeatures = true; for (const featureId of featureIds) { const feature = lazy.NimbusFeatures[featureId]; // If validation is enabled, we want to catch this later in // _validateBranches to collect the correct stats for telemetry. if (!feature) { continue; } if (!feature.applications.includes(lazy.APP_ID)) { lazy.log.debug( `${r.id} uses feature ${featureId} which is not enabled for this application (${lazy.APP_ID}) -- skipping` ); haveAllFeatures = false; break; } } if (!haveAllFeatures) { continue; } if (!(await this.checkTargeting(r))) { lazy.log.debug(`${r.id} did not match due to targeting`); recipeMismatches.push(r.slug); continue; } const type = r.isRollout ? "rollout" : "experiment"; lazy.log.debug(`[${type}] ${r.id} matched targeting`); matches++; if (validateFeatures) { const result = await this._validateBranches(r, validatorCache); if (!result.valid) { if (result.invalidBranchSlugs.length) { invalidBranches.set(r.slug, result.invalidBranchSlugs); } if (result.invalidFeatureIds.length) { invalidFeatures.set(r.slug, result.invalidFeatureIds); } lazy.log.debug(`${r.id} did not validate`); continue; } } await this.manager.onRecipe(r, "rs-loader"); } lazy.log.debug( `${matches} recipes matched. Finalizing ExperimentManager.` ); this.manager.onFinalize("rs-loader", { recipeMismatches, invalidRecipes, invalidBranches, invalidFeatures, validationEnabled, }); } if (trigger !== "timer") { const lastUpdateTime = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000); Services.prefs.setIntPref(TIMER_LAST_UPDATE_PREF, lastUpdateTime); } this._updating = false; } async optInToExperiment({ slug, branch: branchSlug, collection }) { lazy.log.debug(`Attempting force enrollment with ${slug} / ${branchSlug}`); if (!lazy.NIMBUS_DEBUG) { lazy.log.debug( `Force enrollment only works when '${NIMBUS_DEBUG_PREF}' is enabled.` ); // More generic error if no debug preference is on. throw new Error("Could not opt in."); } if (!this.studiesEnabled) { lazy.log.debug( "Force enrollment does not work when studies are disabled." ); throw new Error("Could not opt in: studies are disabled."); } let recipes; try { recipes = await lazy .RemoteSettings(collection || lazy.COLLECTION_ID) .get({ // Throw instead of returning an empty list. emptyListFallback: false, }); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); throw new Error("Error getting recipes from remote settings."); } let recipe = recipes.find(r => r.slug === slug); if (!recipe) { throw new Error( `Could not find experiment slug ${slug} in collection ${collection || lazy.COLLECTION_ID}.` ); } let branch = recipe.branches.find(b => b.slug === branchSlug); if (!branch) { throw new Error(`Could not find branch slug ${branchSlug} in ${slug}.`); } return lazy.ExperimentManager.forceEnroll(recipe, branch); } /** * Handles feature status based on feature pref and STUDIES_OPT_OUT_PREF. * Changing any of them to false will turn off any recipe fetching and * processing. */ onEnabledPrefChange() { if (this._initialized && !(this.enabled && this.studiesEnabled)) { this.uninit(); } else if (!this._initialized && this.enabled && this.studiesEnabled) { // If the feature pref is turned on then turn on recipe processing. // If the opt in pref is turned on then turn on recipe processing only if // the feature pref is also enabled. this.init(); } } observe(aSubect, aTopic, aData) { if (aTopic === STUDIES_ENABLED_CHANGED) { this.onEnabledPrefChange(); } } /** * Sets a timer to update recipes every this.intervalInSeconds */ setTimer() { if (this.intervalInSeconds === 0) { // Used in tests where we want to turn this mechanism off return; } // The callbacks will be called soon after the timer is registered lazy.timerManager.registerTimer( TIMER_NAME, () => this.updateRecipes("timer"), this.intervalInSeconds ); lazy.log.debug("Registered update timer"); } /** * Validate the branches of an experiment using schemas * * @param {object} recipe The recipe object. * @param {object} validatorCache A cache of JSON Schema validators keyed by feature * ID. * * @returns {object} The lists of invalid branch slugs and invalid feature * IDs. */ async _validateBranches({ id, branches }, validatorCache = {}) { const invalidBranchSlugs = []; const invalidFeatureIds = new Set(); for (const [branchIdx, branch] of branches.entries()) { const features = branch.features ?? [branch.feature]; for (const feature of features) { const { featureId, value } = feature; if (!lazy.NimbusFeatures[featureId]) { Cu.reportError( `Experiment ${id} has unknown featureId: ${featureId}` ); invalidFeatureIds.add(featureId); continue; } let validator; if (validatorCache[featureId]) { validator = validatorCache[featureId]; } else if (lazy.NimbusFeatures[featureId].manifest.schema?.uri) { const uri = lazy.NimbusFeatures[featureId].manifest.schema.uri; try { const schema = await fetch(uri, { credentials: "omit" }).then(rsp => rsp.json() ); validator = validatorCache[ featureId ] = new lazy.JsonSchema.Validator(schema); } catch (e) { throw new Error( `Could not fetch schema for feature ${featureId} at "${uri}": ${e}` ); } } else { const schema = this._generateVariablesOnlySchema( featureId, lazy.NimbusFeatures[featureId].manifest ); validator = validatorCache[featureId] = new lazy.JsonSchema.Validator( schema ); } const result = validator.validate(value); if (!result.valid) { Cu.reportError( `Experiment ${id} branch ${branchIdx} feature ${featureId} does not validate: ${JSON.stringify( result.errors, undefined, 2 )}` ); invalidBranchSlugs.push(branch.slug); } } } return { invalidBranchSlugs, invalidFeatureIds: Array.from(invalidFeatureIds), valid: invalidBranchSlugs.length === 0 && invalidFeatureIds.size === 0, }; } _generateVariablesOnlySchema(featureId, manifest) { // See-also: https://github.com/mozilla/experimenter/blob/main/app/experimenter/features/__init__.py#L21-L64 const schema = { $schema: "https://json-schema.org/draft/2019-09/schema", title: featureId, description: manifest.description, type: "object", properties: {}, additionalProperties: true, }; for (const [varName, desc] of Object.entries(manifest.variables)) { const prop = {}; switch (desc.type) { case "boolean": case "string": prop.type = desc.type; break; case "int": prop.type = "integer"; break; case "json": // NB: Don't set a type of json fields, since they can be of any type. break; default: // NB: Experimenter doesn't outright reject invalid types either. Cu.reportError( `Feature ID ${featureId} has variable ${varName} with invalid FML type: ${prop.type}` ); break; } if (prop.type === "string" && !!desc.enum) { prop.enum = [...desc.enum]; } schema.properties[varName] = prop; } return schema; } } const RemoteSettingsExperimentLoader = new _RemoteSettingsExperimentLoader();