/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ActionSchemas"]; const ActionSchemas = { "console-log": { $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", title: "Log a message to the console", type: "object", required: ["message"], properties: { message: { description: "Message to log to the console", type: "string", default: "", }, }, }, "messaging-experiment": { $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", title: "Messaging Experiment", type: "object", required: ["slug", "branches", "isEnrollmentPaused"], properties: { slug: { description: "Unique identifier for this experiment", type: "string", pattern: "^[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+$", }, isEnrollmentPaused: { description: "If true, new users will not be enrolled in the study.", type: "boolean", default: true, }, branches: { description: "List of experimental branches", type: "array", minItems: 1, items: { type: "object", required: ["slug", "value", "ratio", "groups"], properties: { slug: { description: "Unique identifier for this branch of the experiment.", type: "string", pattern: "^[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+$", }, value: { description: "Message content.", type: "object", properties: {}, }, ratio: { description: "Ratio of users who should be grouped into this branch.", type: "integer", minimum: 1, }, groups: { description: "A list of experiment groups that can be used to exclude or select related experiments. May be empty.", type: "array", items: { type: "string", description: "Identifier of the group", }, }, }, }, }, }, }, "preference-rollout": { $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", title: "Change preferences permanently", type: "object", required: ["slug", "preferences"], properties: { slug: { description: "Unique identifer for the rollout, used in telemetry and rollbacks", type: "string", pattern: "^[a-z0-9\\-_]+$", }, preferences: { description: "The preferences to change, and their values", type: "array", minItems: 1, items: { type: "object", required: ["preferenceName", "value"], properties: { preferenceName: { description: "Full dotted-path of the preference being changed", type: "string", }, value: { description: "Value to set the preference to", type: ["string", "integer", "boolean"], }, }, }, }, }, }, "preference-rollback": { $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", title: "Undo a preference rollout", type: "object", required: ["rolloutSlug"], properties: { rolloutSlug: { description: "Unique identifer for the rollout to undo", type: "string", pattern: "^[a-z0-9\\-_]+$", }, }, }, "addon-study": { $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", title: "Enroll a user in an opt-out SHIELD study", type: "object", required: [ "name", "description", "addonUrl", "extensionApiId", "isEnrollmentPaused", ], properties: { name: { description: "User-facing name of the study", type: "string", minLength: 1, }, description: { description: "User-facing description of the study", type: "string", minLength: 1, }, addonUrl: { description: "URL of the add-on XPI file", type: "string", format: "uri", minLength: 1, }, extensionApiId: { description: "The record ID of the extension used for Normandy API calls.", type: "integer", }, isEnrollmentPaused: { description: "If true, new users will not be enrolled in the study.", type: "boolean", default: true, }, }, }, "addon-rollout": { $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", title: "Install add-on permanently", type: "object", required: ["extensionApiId", "slug"], properties: { extensionApiId: { description: "The record ID of the extension used for Normandy API calls.", type: "integer", }, slug: { description: "Unique identifer for the rollout, used in telemetry and rollbacks.", type: "string", pattern: "^[a-z0-9\\-_]+$", }, }, }, "addon-rollback": { $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", title: "Undo an add-on rollout", type: "object", required: ["rolloutSlug"], properties: { rolloutSlug: { description: "Unique identifer for the rollout to undo.", type: "string", pattern: "^[a-z0-9\\-_]+$", }, }, }, "branched-addon-study": { $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", title: "Enroll a user in an add-on experiment, with managed branches", type: "object", required: [ "slug", "userFacingName", "userFacingDescription", "branches", "isEnrollmentPaused", ], properties: { slug: { description: "Machine-readable identifier", type: "string", minLength: 1, }, userFacingName: { description: "User-facing name of the study", type: "string", minLength: 1, }, userFacingDescription: { description: "User-facing description of the study", type: "string", minLength: 1, }, isEnrollmentPaused: { description: "If true, new users will not be enrolled in the study.", type: "boolean", default: true, }, branches: { description: "List of experimental branches", type: "array", minItems: 1, items: { type: "object", required: ["slug", "ratio", "extensionApiId"], properties: { slug: { description: "Unique identifier for this branch of the experiment.", type: "string", pattern: "^[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+$", }, ratio: { description: "Ratio of users who should be grouped into this branch.", type: "integer", minimum: 1, }, extensionApiId: { description: "The record ID of the add-on uploaded to the Normandy server. May be null, in which case no add-on will be installed.", type: ["number", "null"], default: null, }, }, }, }, }, }, "show-heartbeat": { $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", title: "Show a Heartbeat survey.", description: "This action shows a single survey.", type: "object", required: [ "surveyId", "message", "thanksMessage", "postAnswerUrl", "learnMoreMessage", "learnMoreUrl", ], properties: { repeatOption: { type: "string", enum: ["once", "xdays", "nag"], description: "Determines how often a prompt is shown executes.", default: "once", }, repeatEvery: { description: "For repeatOption=xdays, how often (in days) the prompt is displayed.", default: null, type: ["number", "null"], }, includeTelemetryUUID: { type: "boolean", description: "Include unique user ID in post-answer-url and Telemetry", default: false, }, surveyId: { type: "string", description: "Slug uniquely identifying this survey in telemetry", }, message: { description: "Message to show to the user", type: "string", }, engagementButtonLabel: { description: "Text for the engagement button. If specified, this button will be shown instead of rating stars.", default: null, type: ["string", "null"], }, thanksMessage: { description: "Thanks message to show to the user after they've rated Firefox", type: "string", }, postAnswerUrl: { description: "URL to redirect the user to after rating Firefox or clicking the engagement button", default: null, type: ["string", "null"], }, learnMoreMessage: { description: "Message to show to the user to learn more", default: null, type: ["string", "null"], }, learnMoreUrl: { description: "URL to show to the user when they click Learn More", default: null, type: ["string", "null"], }, }, }, "multi-preference-experiment": { $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", title: "Run a feature experiment activated by a set of preferences.", type: "object", required: [ "slug", "userFacingName", "userFacingDescription", "branches", "isEnrollmentPaused", ], properties: { slug: { description: "Unique identifier for this experiment", type: "string", pattern: "^[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+$", }, userFacingName: { description: "User-facing name of the experiment", type: "string", minLength: 1, }, userFacingDescription: { description: "User-facing description of the experiment", type: "string", minLength: 1, }, experimentDocumentUrl: { description: "URL of a document describing the experiment", type: "string", format: "uri", default: "", }, isHighPopulation: { description: "Marks the preference experiment as a high population experiment, that should be excluded from certain types of telemetry", type: "boolean", default: "false", }, isEnrollmentPaused: { description: "If true, new users will not be enrolled in the study.", type: "boolean", default: true, }, branches: { description: "List of experimental branches", type: "array", minItems: 1, items: { type: "object", required: ["slug", "ratio", "preferences"], properties: { slug: { description: "Unique identifier for this branch of the experiment", type: "string", pattern: "^[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+$", }, ratio: { description: "Ratio of users who should be grouped into this branch", type: "integer", minimum: 1, }, preferences: { description: "The set of preferences to be set if this branch is chosen", type: "object", patternProperties: { ".*": { type: "object", properties: { preferenceType: { description: "Data type of the preference that controls this experiment", type: "string", enum: ["string", "integer", "boolean"], }, preferenceBranchType: { description: "Controls whether the default or user value of the preference is modified", type: "string", enum: ["user", "default"], default: "default", }, preferenceValue: { description: "Value for this preference when this branch is chosen", type: ["string", "number", "boolean"], }, }, required: [ "preferenceType", "preferenceBranchType", "preferenceValue", ], }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, "single-preference-experiment": { $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", title: "Run a feature experiment activated by a preference.", type: "object", required: [ "slug", "preferenceName", "preferenceType", "branches", "isEnrollmentPaused", ], properties: { slug: { description: "Unique identifier for this experiment", type: "string", pattern: "^[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+$", }, experimentDocumentUrl: { description: "URL of a document describing the experiment", type: "string", format: "uri", default: "", }, preferenceName: { description: "Full dotted-path of the preference that controls this experiment", type: "string", }, preferenceType: { description: "Data type of the preference that controls this experiment", type: "string", enum: ["string", "integer", "boolean"], }, preferenceBranchType: { description: "Controls whether the default or user value of the preference is modified", type: "string", enum: ["user", "default"], default: "default", }, isHighPopulation: { description: "Marks the preference experiment as a high population experiment, that should be excluded from certain types of telemetry", type: "boolean", default: "false", }, isEnrollmentPaused: { description: "If true, new users will not be enrolled in the study.", type: "boolean", default: true, }, branches: { description: "List of experimental branches", type: "array", minItems: 1, items: { type: "object", required: ["slug", "value", "ratio"], properties: { slug: { description: "Unique identifier for this branch of the experiment", type: "string", pattern: "^[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+$", }, value: { description: "Value to set the preference to for this branch", type: ["string", "number", "boolean"], }, ratio: { description: "Ratio of users who should be grouped into this branch", type: "integer", minimum: 1, }, }, }, }, }, }, }; // Legacy name used on Normandy server ActionSchemas["opt-out-study"] = ActionSchemas["addon-study"]; // If running in Node.js, export the schemas. if (typeof module !== "undefined") { /* globals module */ module.exports = ActionSchemas; }