/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /* global classnames PropTypes React ReactDOM */ /** * Shorthand for creating elements (to avoid using a JSX preprocessor) */ const r = React.createElement; /** * Dispatches a page event to the privileged frame script for this tab. * @param {String} action * @param {Object} data */ function sendPageEvent(action, data) { const event = new CustomEvent("ShieldPageEvent", { bubbles: true, detail: { action, data }, }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } function readOptinParams() { let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(new URL(location).search); return { slug: searchParams.get("optin_slug"), branch: searchParams.get("optin_branch"), collection: searchParams.get("optin_collection"), }; } /** * Handle basic layout and routing within about:studies. */ class AboutStudies extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.remoteValueNameMap = { AddonStudyList: "addonStudies", PreferenceStudyList: "prefStudies", MessagingSystemList: "experiments", ShieldLearnMoreHref: "learnMoreHref", StudiesEnabled: "studiesEnabled", ShieldTranslations: "translations", DebugModeOn: "debugMode", }; this.state = {}; for (const stateName of Object.values(this.remoteValueNameMap)) { this.state[stateName] = null; } this.state.optInMessage = false; } initializeData() { for (const remoteName of Object.keys(this.remoteValueNameMap)) { document.addEventListener(`ReceiveRemoteValue:${remoteName}`, this); sendPageEvent(`GetRemoteValue:${remoteName}`); } } componentWillMount() { let optinParams = readOptinParams(); if (optinParams.branch && optinParams.slug) { const onOptIn = ({ detail: value }) => { this.setState({ optInMessage: value }); this.initializeData(); document.removeEventListener( `ReceiveRemoteValue:OptInMessage`, onOptIn ); }; document.addEventListener(`ReceiveRemoteValue:OptInMessage`, onOptIn); sendPageEvent(`ExperimentOptIn`, optinParams); } else { this.initializeData(); } } componentWillUnmount() { for (const remoteName of Object.keys(this.remoteValueNameMap)) { document.removeEventListener(`ReceiveRemoteValue:${remoteName}`, this); } } /** Event handle to receive remote values from documentAddEventListener */ handleEvent({ type, detail: value }) { const prefix = "ReceiveRemoteValue:"; if (type.startsWith(prefix)) { const name = type.substring(prefix.length); this.setState({ [this.remoteValueNameMap[name]]: value }); } } render() { const { translations, learnMoreHref, studiesEnabled, addonStudies, prefStudies, experiments, optInMessage, debugMode, } = this.state; // Wait for all values to be loaded before rendering. Some of the values may // be falsey, so an explicit null check is needed. if (Object.values(this.state).some(v => v === null)) { return null; } return r( "div", { className: "about-studies-container main-content" }, r(WhatsThisBox, { translations, learnMoreHref, studiesEnabled }), optInMessage && r(OptInBox, optInMessage), r(StudyList, { translations, addonStudies, prefStudies, experiments, debugMode, }) ); } } /** * Explains the contents of the page, and offers a way to learn more and update preferences. */ class WhatsThisBox extends React.Component { handleUpdateClick() { sendPageEvent("NavigateToDataPreferences"); } render() { const { learnMoreHref, studiesEnabled, translations } = this.props; return r( "div", { className: "info-box" }, r( "div", { className: "info-box-content" }, r( "span", {}, studiesEnabled ? translations.enabledList : translations.disabledList ), r( "a", { id: "shield-studies-learn-more", href: learnMoreHref }, translations.learnMore ), r( "button", { id: "shield-studies-update-preferences", onClick: this.handleUpdateClick, }, r( "div", { className: "button-box" }, navigator.platform.includes("Win") ? translations.updateButtonWin : translations.updateButtonUnix ) ) ) ); } } /**OptInMessage * Explains the contents of the page, and offers a way to learn more and update preferences. */ function OptInBox({ error, message }) { return r( "div", { className: "opt-in-box" + (error ? " opt-in-error" : "") }, message ); } /** * Shows a list of studies, with an option to end in-progress ones. */ class StudyList extends React.Component { render() { const { addonStudies, prefStudies, translations, experiments, debugMode, } = this.props; if (!addonStudies.length && !prefStudies.length && !experiments.length) { return r("p", { className: "study-list-info" }, translations.noStudies); } const activeStudies = []; const inactiveStudies = []; // Since we are modifying the study objects, it is polite to make copies for (const study of addonStudies) { const clonedStudy = Object.assign({}, study, { type: "addon", sortDate: study.studyStartDate, }); if (study.active) { activeStudies.push(clonedStudy); } else { inactiveStudies.push(clonedStudy); } } for (const study of prefStudies) { const clonedStudy = Object.assign({}, study, { type: "pref", sortDate: new Date(study.lastSeen), }); if (study.expired) { inactiveStudies.push(clonedStudy); } else { activeStudies.push(clonedStudy); } } for (const study of experiments) { const clonedStudy = Object.assign({}, study, { type: study.experimentType, sortDate: new Date(study.lastSeen), }); if (!study.active && !study.isRollout) { inactiveStudies.push(clonedStudy); } else { activeStudies.push(clonedStudy); } } activeStudies.sort((a, b) => b.sortDate - a.sortDate); inactiveStudies.sort((a, b) => b.sortDate - a.sortDate); return r( "div", {}, r("h2", {}, translations.activeStudiesList), r( "ul", { className: "study-list active-study-list" }, activeStudies.map(study => { if (study.type === "addon") { return r(AddonStudyListItem, { key: study.slug, study, translations, }); } if (study.type === "nimbus" || study.type === "rollout") { return r(MessagingSystemListItem, { key: study.slug, study, translations, debugMode, }); } if (study.type === "pref") { return r(PreferenceStudyListItem, { key: study.slug, study, translations, }); } return null; }) ), r("h2", {}, translations.completedStudiesList), r( "ul", { className: "study-list inactive-study-list" }, inactiveStudies.map(study => { if (study.type === "addon") { return r(AddonStudyListItem, { key: study.slug, study, translations, }); } if ( study.type === "nimbus" || study.type === "messaging_experiment" ) { return r(MessagingSystemListItem, { key: study.slug, study, translations, }); } if (study.type === "pref") { return r(PreferenceStudyListItem, { key: study.slug, study, translations, }); } return null; }) ) ); } } StudyList.propTypes = { addonStudies: PropTypes.array.isRequired, translations: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; class MessagingSystemListItem extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleClickRemove = this.handleClickRemove.bind(this); } handleClickRemove() { sendPageEvent("RemoveMessagingSystemExperiment", { slug: this.props.study.slug, reason: "individual-opt-out", }); } render() { const { study, translations, debugMode } = this.props; const userFacingName = study.userFacingName || study.slug; const userFacingDescription = study.userFacingDescription || "Nimbus experiment."; if (study.isRollout && !debugMode) { return null; } return r( "li", { className: classnames("study nimbus", { disabled: !study.active, }), "data-study-slug": study.slug, // used to identify this row in tests }, r("div", { className: "study-icon" }, userFacingName.slice(0, 1)), r( "div", { className: "study-details" }, r( "div", { className: "study-header" }, r("span", { className: "study-name" }, userFacingName), r("span", {}, "\u2022"), // • r( "span", { className: "study-status" }, study.active ? translations.activeStatus : translations.completeStatus ) ), r("div", { className: "study-description" }, userFacingDescription) ), r( "div", { className: "study-actions" }, study.active && r( "button", { className: "remove-button", onClick: this.handleClickRemove }, r("div", { className: "button-box" }, translations.removeButton) ) ) ); } } /** * Details about an individual add-on study, with an option to end it if it is active. */ class AddonStudyListItem extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleClickRemove = this.handleClickRemove.bind(this); } handleClickRemove() { sendPageEvent("RemoveAddonStudy", { recipeId: this.props.study.recipeId, reason: "individual-opt-out", }); } render() { const { study, translations } = this.props; return r( "li", { className: classnames("study addon-study", { disabled: !study.active }), "data-study-slug": study.slug, // used to identify this row in tests }, r( "div", { className: "study-icon" }, study.userFacingName .replace(/-?add-?on-?/i, "") .replace(/-?study-?/i, "") .slice(0, 1) ), r( "div", { className: "study-details" }, r( "div", { className: "study-header" }, r("span", { className: "study-name" }, study.userFacingName), r("span", {}, "\u2022"), // • r( "span", { className: "study-status" }, study.active ? translations.activeStatus : translations.completeStatus ) ), r( "div", { className: "study-description" }, study.userFacingDescription ) ), r( "div", { className: "study-actions" }, study.active && r( "button", { className: "remove-button", onClick: this.handleClickRemove }, r("div", { className: "button-box" }, translations.removeButton) ) ) ); } } AddonStudyListItem.propTypes = { study: PropTypes.shape({ recipeId: PropTypes.number.isRequired, slug: PropTypes.string.isRequired, userFacingName: PropTypes.string.isRequired, active: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, userFacingDescription: PropTypes.string.isRequired, }).isRequired, translations: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; /** * Details about an individual preference study, with an option to end it if it is active. */ class PreferenceStudyListItem extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleClickRemove = this.handleClickRemove.bind(this); } handleClickRemove() { sendPageEvent("RemovePreferenceStudy", { experimentName: this.props.study.slug, reason: "individual-opt-out", }); } render() { const { study, translations } = this.props; let iconLetter = (study.userFacingName || study.slug) .replace(/-?pref-?(flip|study)-?/, "") .replace(/-?study-?/, "") .slice(0, 1) .toUpperCase(); let description = study.userFacingDescription; if (!description) { // Assume there is exactly one preference (old-style preference experiment). const [preferenceName, { preferenceValue }] = Object.entries( study.preferences )[0]; // Sanitize the values by setting them as the text content of an element, // and then getting the HTML representation of that text. This will have the // browser safely sanitize them. Use outerHTML to also include the // element in the string. const sanitizer = document.createElement("code"); sanitizer.textContent = preferenceName; const sanitizedPreferenceName = sanitizer.outerHTML; sanitizer.textContent = preferenceValue; const sanitizedPreferenceValue = sanitizer.outerHTML; description = translations.preferenceStudyDescription .replace(/%(?:1\$)?S/, sanitizedPreferenceName) .replace(/%(?:2\$)?S/, sanitizedPreferenceValue); } return r( "li", { className: classnames("study pref-study", { disabled: study.expired }), "data-study-slug": study.slug, // used to identify this row in tests }, r("div", { className: "study-icon" }, iconLetter), r( "div", { className: "study-details" }, r( "div", { className: "study-header" }, r( "span", { className: "study-name" }, study.userFacingName || study.slug ), r("span", {}, "\u2022"), // • r( "span", { className: "study-status" }, study.expired ? translations.completeStatus : translations.activeStatus ) ), r("div", { className: "study-description", dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: description }, }) ), r( "div", { className: "study-actions" }, !study.expired && r( "button", { className: "remove-button", onClick: this.handleClickRemove }, r("div", { className: "button-box" }, translations.removeButton) ) ) ); } } PreferenceStudyListItem.propTypes = { study: PropTypes.shape({ slug: PropTypes.string.isRequired, userFacingName: PropTypes.string, userFacingDescription: PropTypes.string, expired: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, preferenceName: PropTypes.string.isRequired, preferenceValue: PropTypes.oneOf( PropTypes.string, PropTypes.bool, PropTypes.number ).isRequired, }).isRequired, translations: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; ReactDOM.render(r(AboutStudies), document.getElementById("app"));