"use strict"; const { Heartbeat } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://normandy/lib/Heartbeat.jsm" ); /** * Assert an array is in non-descending order, and that every element is a number */ function assertOrdered(arr) { for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { Assert.equal(typeof arr[i], "number", `element ${i} is type "number"`); } for (let i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) { Assert.lessOrEqual( arr[i], arr[i + 1], `element ${i} is less than or equal to element ${i + 1}` ); } } /* Close every notification in a target window and notification box */ function closeAllNotifications(targetWindow, notificationBox) { if (notificationBox.allNotifications.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve(); } return new Promise(resolve => { const notificationSet = new Set(notificationBox.allNotifications); const observer = new targetWindow.MutationObserver(mutations => { for (const mutation of mutations) { for (let i = 0; i < mutation.removedNodes.length; i++) { const node = mutation.removedNodes.item(i); if (notificationSet.has(node)) { notificationSet.delete(node); } } } if (notificationSet.size === 0) { Assert.equal( notificationBox.allNotifications.length, 0, "No notifications left" ); observer.disconnect(); resolve(); } }); observer.observe(notificationBox.stack, { childList: true }); for (const notification of notificationBox.allNotifications) { notification.close(); } }); } /* Check that the correct telemetry was sent */ function assertTelemetrySent(hb, eventNames) { return new Promise(resolve => { hb.eventEmitter.once("TelemetrySent", payload => { const events = [0]; for (const name of eventNames) { Assert.equal( typeof payload[name], "number", `payload field ${name} is a number` ); events.push(payload[name]); } events.push(Date.now()); assertOrdered(events); resolve(); }); }); } function getStars(notice) { return notice.buttonContainer.querySelectorAll(".star-x"); } add_setup(async function() { let win = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow(); // Open a new tab to keep the window open. await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab( win.gBrowser, "https://example.com" ); }); // Several of the behaviors of heartbeat prompt are mutually exclusive, so checks are broken up // into three batches. /* Batch #1 - General UI, Stars, and telemetry data */ add_task(async function() { const targetWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); const notificationBox = targetWindow.gNotificationBox; const preCount = notificationBox.allNotifications.length; const hb = new Heartbeat(targetWindow, { testing: true, flowId: "test", message: "test", engagementButtonLabel: undefined, learnMoreMessage: "Learn More", learnMoreUrl: "https://example.org/learnmore", }); // Check UI const learnMoreEl = hb.notice.messageText.querySelector(".text-link"); Assert.equal( notificationBox.allNotifications.length, preCount + 1, "Correct number of notifications open" ); Assert.equal(getStars(hb.notice).length, 5, "Correct number of stars"); Assert.equal( hb.notice.buttonContainer.querySelectorAll(".notification-button").length, 0, "Engagement button not shown" ); Assert.equal( learnMoreEl.href, "https://example.org/learnmore", "Learn more url correct" ); Assert.equal(learnMoreEl.value, "Learn More", "Learn more label correct"); // There's a space included before the learn more link in proton. Assert.equal( hb.notice.messageText.textContent, "test ", "Message is correct" ); // Check that when clicking the learn more link, a tab opens with the right URL let loadedPromise; const tabOpenPromise = new Promise(resolve => { targetWindow.gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener( "TabOpen", event => { let tab = event.target; loadedPromise = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded( tab.linkedBrowser, true, url => url && url !== "about:blank" ); resolve(tab); }, { once: true } ); }); learnMoreEl.click(); const tab = await tabOpenPromise; const tabUrl = await loadedPromise; Assert.equal( tabUrl, "https://example.org/learnmore", "Learn more link opened the right url" ); const telemetrySentPromise = assertTelemetrySent(hb, [ "offeredTS", "learnMoreTS", "closedTS", ]); // Close notification to trigger telemetry to be sent await closeAllNotifications(targetWindow, notificationBox); await telemetrySentPromise; BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); }); // Batch #2 - Engagement buttons add_task(async function() { const targetWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); const notificationBox = targetWindow.gNotificationBox; const hb = new Heartbeat(targetWindow, { testing: true, flowId: "test", message: "test", engagementButtonLabel: "Click me!", postAnswerUrl: "https://example.org/postAnswer", learnMoreMessage: "Learn More", learnMoreUrl: "https://example.org/learnMore", }); const engagementButton = hb.notice.buttonContainer.querySelector( ".notification-button" ); Assert.equal(getStars(hb.notice).length, 0, "Stars not shown"); Assert.ok(engagementButton, "Engagement button added"); Assert.equal( engagementButton.label, "Click me!", "Engagement button has correct label" ); const engagementEl = hb.notice.buttonContainer.querySelector( ".notification-button" ); let loadedPromise; const tabOpenPromise = new Promise(resolve => { targetWindow.gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener( "TabOpen", event => { let tab = event.target; loadedPromise = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded( tab.linkedBrowser, true, url => url && url !== "about:blank" ); resolve(tab); }, { once: true } ); }); engagementEl.click(); const tab = await tabOpenPromise; const tabUrl = await loadedPromise; // the postAnswer url gets query parameters appended onto the end, so use Assert.startsWith instead of Assert.equal Assert.ok( tabUrl.startsWith("https://example.org/postAnswer"), "Engagement button opened the right url" ); const telemetrySentPromise = assertTelemetrySent(hb, [ "offeredTS", "engagedTS", "closedTS", ]); // Close notification to trigger telemetry to be sent await closeAllNotifications(targetWindow, notificationBox); await telemetrySentPromise; BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); }); // Batch 3 - Closing the window while heartbeat is open add_task(async function() { const targetWindow = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow(); const hb = new Heartbeat(targetWindow, { testing: true, flowId: "test", message: "test", }); const telemetrySentPromise = assertTelemetrySent(hb, [ "offeredTS", "windowClosedTS", ]); // triggers sending ping to normandy await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(targetWindow); await telemetrySentPromise; }); add_task(async function cleanup() { const win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win); });