var { OS } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); /** * Test optional duration reporting that can be used for telemetry. */ add_task(async function duration() { const availableDurations = [ "outSerializationDuration", "outExecutionDuration", ]; Services.prefs.setBoolPref("toolkit.osfile.log", true); // Options structure passed to a OS.File copy method. let copyOptions = { // These fields should be overwritten with the actual duration // measurements. outSerializationDuration: null, outExecutionDuration: null, }; let currentDir = await OS.File.getCurrentDirectory(); let pathSource = OS.Path.join(currentDir, "test_duration.js"); let copyFile = pathSource + ".bak"; function testOptions(options, name, durations = availableDurations) { for (let duration of durations) { info(`Checking ${duration} for operation: ${name}`); info(`${name}: Gathered method duration time: ${options[duration]} ms`); // Making sure that duration was updated. Assert.equal(typeof options[duration], "number"); Assert.ok(options[duration] >= 0); } } function testOptionIncrements( options, name, backupDuration, durations = availableDurations ) { for (let duration of durations) { info(`Checking ${duration} increment for operation: ${name}`); info(`${name}: Gathered method duration time: ${options[duration]} ms`); info(`${name}: Previous duration: ${backupDuration[duration]} ms`); // Making sure that duration was incremented. Assert.ok(options[duration] >= backupDuration[duration]); } } // Testing duration of OS.File.copy. await OS.File.copy(pathSource, copyFile, copyOptions); testOptions(copyOptions, "OS.File.copy"); await OS.File.remove(copyFile); // Trying an operation where options are cloned. let pathDest = OS.Path.join( OS.Constants.Path.tmpDir, "osfile async test read writeAtomic.tmp" ); let tmpPath = pathDest + ".tmp"; let readOptions = { // We do not check for |outSerializationDuration| since || // may not be called whenever |read| is called. outExecutionDuration: null, }; let contents = await, undefined, readOptions); testOptions(readOptions, "", ["outExecutionDuration"]); // Options structure passed to a OS.File writeAtomic method. let writeAtomicOptions = { // This field should be first initialized with the actual // duration measurement then progressively incremented. outExecutionDuration: null, tmpPath, }; // Note that |contents| cannot be reused after this call since it is detached. await OS.File.writeAtomic(pathDest, contents, writeAtomicOptions); testOptions(writeAtomicOptions, "OS.File.writeAtomic", [ "outExecutionDuration", ]); await OS.File.remove(pathDest); info( `Ensuring that we can use ${availableDurations.join( ", " )} to accumulate durations` ); let ARBITRARY_BASE_DURATION = 5; copyOptions = { // This field should now be incremented with the actual duration // measurement. outSerializationDuration: ARBITRARY_BASE_DURATION, outExecutionDuration: ARBITRARY_BASE_DURATION, }; // We need to copy the object, since having a reference would make this pointless. let backupDuration = Object.assign({}, copyOptions); // Testing duration of OS.File.copy. await OS.File.copy(pathSource, copyFile, copyOptions); testOptionIncrements(copyOptions, "copy", backupDuration); backupDuration = Object.assign({}, copyOptions); await OS.File.remove(copyFile, copyOptions); testOptionIncrements(copyOptions, "remove", backupDuration); // Trying an operation where options are cloned. // Options structure passed to a OS.File writeAtomic method. writeAtomicOptions = { // We do not check for |outSerializationDuration| since || // may not be called whenever |writeAtomic| is called. outExecutionDuration: ARBITRARY_BASE_DURATION, }; writeAtomicOptions.tmpPath = tmpPath; backupDuration = Object.assign({}, writeAtomicOptions); contents = await, undefined, readOptions); await OS.File.writeAtomic(pathDest, contents, writeAtomicOptions); testOptionIncrements( writeAtomicOptions, "writeAtomicOptions", backupDuration, ["outExecutionDuration"] ); OS.File.remove(pathDest); // Testing an operation that doesn't take arguments at all let file = await; await file.stat(); await file.close(); });