[DEFAULT] prefs = signon.rememberSignons=true signon.autofillForms.http=true signon.showAutoCompleteFooter=true signon.showAutoCompleteImport="" signon.testOnlyUserHasInteractedByPrefValue=true signon.testOnlyUserHasInteractedWithDocument=true network.auth.non-web-content-triggered-resources-http-auth-allow=true # signon.relatedRealms.enabled pref needed until Bug 1699698 lands signon.relatedRealms.enabled=true signon.usernameOnlyForm.enabled=true signon.usernameOnlyForm.lookupThreshold=100 support-files = ../../../prompts/test/chromeScript.js !/toolkit/components/prompts/test/prompt_common.js ../../../satchel/test/parent_utils.js !/toolkit/components/satchel/test/satchel_common.js ../blank.html ../browser/form_autofocus_js.html ../browser/form_basic.html ../browser/formless_basic.html ../browser/form_cross_origin_secure_action.html ../browser/form_same_origin_action.html auth2/authenticate.sjs file_history_back.html form_basic_shadow_DOM_both_fields_together_in_a_shadow_root.html form_basic_shadow_DOM_each_field_in_its_own_shadow_root.html form_basic_shadow_DOM_form_and_fields_together_in_a_shadow_root.html form_nested_shadow_DOM_both_fields_together_in_a_shadow_root.html form_nested_shadow_DOM_each_field_in_its_own_shadow_root.html form_nested_shadow_DOM_form_and_fields_together_in_a_shadow_root.html formless_basic_shadow_DOM_both_fields_together_in_a_shadow_root.html formless_basic_shadow_DOM_each_field_in_its_own_shadow_root.html formless_basic_shadow_DOM_form_and_fields_together_in_a_shadow_root.html multiple_forms_shadow_DOM_all_known_variants.html pwmgr_common.js pwmgr_common_parent.js ../authenticate.sjs skip-if = toolkit == 'android' && !is_fennec # Don't run on GeckoView # Note: new tests should use scheme = https unless they have a specific reason not to [test_autocomplete_autofill_related_realms_no_dupes.html] skip-if = fission && xorigin # Bug 1716412 - New fission platform triage scheme = https [test_autocomplete_basic_form.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # autocomplete debug && (os == 'linux' || os == 'win') # Bug 1541945 os == 'linux' && tsan # Bug 1590928 fission && xorigin && (!debug || os == "mac") # Bug 1716412 - New fission platform triage scheme = https [test_autocomplete_basic_form_insecure.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # autocomplete os == 'linux' # bug 1325778 fission && xorigin && (os == "win" || os == "mac") # Bug 1716412 - New fission platform triage [test_autocomplete_basic_form_formActionOrigin.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # android:autocomplete. scheme = https [test_autocomplete_basic_form_related_realms.html] skip-if = fission && xorigin # Bug 1716412 - New fission platform triage scheme = https [test_autocomplete_basic_form_subdomain.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # android:autocomplete. scheme = https [test_autocomplete_hasBeenTypePassword.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # autocomplete [test_autocomplete_highlight.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # autocomplete [test_autocomplete_highlight_non_login.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # autocomplete [test_autocomplete_highlight_username_only_form.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # autocomplete [test_autocomplete_https_downgrade.html] scheme = http # Tests downgrading skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # autocomplete os == 'linux' && debug # Bug 1554959 fission && xorigin # Bug 1716412 - New fission platform triage [test_autocomplete_https_upgrade.html] scheme = https skip-if = verify || toolkit == 'android' || (os == 'linux' && debug) # autocomplete && Bug 1554959 for linux debug disable [test_autocomplete_password_generation.html] scheme = https skip-if = xorigin || toolkit == 'android' # autocomplete [test_autocomplete_password_generation_confirm.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # autocomplete [test_autocomplete_password_open.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' || verify # autocomplete [test_autocomplete_sandboxed.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # autocomplete [test_autocomplete_tab_between_fields.html] scheme = https skip-if = xorigin || toolkit == 'android' # autocomplete [test_autofill_autocomplete_types.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # bug 1533965 [test_autofill_different_formActionOrigin.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # Bug 1259768 [test_autofill_different_subdomain.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # Bug 1259768 [test_autofill_from_bfcache.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # bug 1527403 support-files = form_basic_bfcache.html [test_autofill_hasBeenTypePassword.html] scheme = https [test_autofill_highlight.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # Bug 1531185 [test_autofill_highlight_empty_username.html] scheme = https [test_autofill_highlight_username_only_form.html] scheme = https [test_autofill_https_downgrade.html] scheme = http # we need http to test handling of https logins on http forms [test_autofill_https_upgrade.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # Bug 1259768 [test_autofill_sandboxed.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' [test_autofill_password-only.html] [test_autofill_username-only.html] [test_autofill_username-only_threshold.html] [test_autofocus_js.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # autocomplete [test_basic_form.html] [test_basic_form_0pw.html] [test_basic_form_1pw.html] [test_basic_form_1pw_2.html] [test_basic_form_2pw_1.html] [test_basic_form_2pw_2.html] [test_basic_form_3pw_1.html] [test_basic_form_honor_autocomplete_off.html] scheme = https skip-if = xorigin || toolkit == 'android' # android:autocomplete. [test_formless_submit_form_removal.html] [test_formless_submit_form_removal_negative.html] [test_password_field_autocomplete.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # android:autocomplete. [test_insecure_form_field_no_saved_login.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # android:autocomplete. [test_basic_form_html5.html] [test_basic_form_pwevent.html] skip-if = xorigin [test_basic_form_pwonly.html] [test_bug_627616.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # Tests desktop prompts [test_bug_776171.html] [test_case_differences.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # autocomplete scheme = https [test_dismissed_doorhanger_in_shadow_DOM.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # Tests desktop prompt scheme = https [test_DOMInputPasswordAdded_fired_between_DOMContentLoaded_and_load_events.html] scheme = https support-files = slow_image.sjs slow_image.html [test_form_action_1.html] [test_form_action_2.html] [test_form_action_javascript.html] [test_formless_autofill.html] skip-if = xorigin [test_formless_submit.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' && debug # bug 1397615 [test_formless_submit_navigation.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' && debug # bug 1397615 [test_formless_submit_navigation_negative.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' && debug # bug 1397615 [test_formLike_rootElement_with_Shadow_DOM.html] scheme = https [test_input_events.html] skip-if = xorigin [test_input_events_for_identical_values.html] [test_LoginManagerContent_passwordEditedOrGenerated.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # password generation [test_primary_password.html] scheme = https skip-if = os != 'mac' || verify || xorigin # Tests desktop prompts and bug 1333264 support-files = chrome_timeout.js subtst_primary_pass.html [test_maxlength.html] [test_munged_values.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # bug 1527403 [test_one_doorhanger_per_un_pw.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # bug 1535505 [test_onsubmit_value_change.html] [test_passwords_in_type_password.html] [test_prompt.html] skip-if = os == "linux" || toolkit == 'android' # Tests desktop prompts [test_prompt_async.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # Tests desktop prompts support-files = subtst_prompt_async.html [test_prompt_http.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # Tests desktop prompts os == "linux" fission && xorigin # Bug 1716412 - New fission platform triage [test_prompt_noWindow.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # Tests desktop prompts. [test_password_length.html] scheme = https skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # bug 1527403 [test_prompt_promptAuth.html] skip-if = os == "linux" || toolkit == 'android' # Tests desktop prompts [test_prompt_promptAuth_proxy.html] skip-if = os == "linux" || toolkit == 'android' # Tests desktop prompts [test_recipe_login_fields.html] skip-if = xorigin [test_submit_without_field_modifications.html] support-files = subtst_prefilled_form.html skip-if = xorigin [test_username_focus.html] skip-if = xorigin || toolkit == 'android' # android:autocomplete. [test_xhr.html] skip-if = toolkit == 'android' # Tests desktop prompts [test_xhr_2.html] [test_autofill_tab_between_fields.html] scheme = https