/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef nsNavBookmarks_h_ #define nsNavBookmarks_h_ #include "nsINavBookmarksService.h" #include "nsNavHistory.h" #include "nsToolkitCompsCID.h" #include "nsCategoryCache.h" #include "nsTHashtable.h" #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "prtime.h" class nsNavBookmarks; namespace mozilla { namespace places { enum BookmarkStatementId { DB_FIND_REDIRECTED_BOOKMARK = 0, DB_GET_BOOKMARKS_FOR_URI }; struct BookmarkData { int64_t id = -1; nsCString url; nsCString title; int32_t position = -1; int64_t placeId = -1; int64_t parentId = -1; int64_t grandParentId = -1; int32_t type = 0; int32_t syncStatus = nsINavBookmarksService::SYNC_STATUS_UNKNOWN; nsCString serviceCID; PRTime dateAdded = 0; PRTime lastModified = 0; nsCString guid; nsCString parentGuid; }; struct ItemVisitData { BookmarkData bookmark; int64_t visitId; uint32_t transitionType; PRTime time; }; struct ItemChangeData { BookmarkData bookmark; bool isAnnotation = false; bool updateLastModified = false; uint16_t source = nsINavBookmarksService::SOURCE_DEFAULT; nsCString property; nsCString newValue; nsCString oldValue; }; struct TombstoneData { nsCString guid; PRTime dateRemoved; }; typedef void (nsNavBookmarks::*ItemVisitMethod)(const ItemVisitData&); typedef void (nsNavBookmarks::*ItemChangeMethod)(const ItemChangeData&); enum BookmarkDate { LAST_MODIFIED }; } // namespace places } // namespace mozilla class nsNavBookmarks final : public nsINavBookmarksService, public nsIObserver, public nsSupportsWeakReference { public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSINAVBOOKMARKSSERVICE NS_DECL_NSIOBSERVER nsNavBookmarks(); /** * Obtains the service's object. */ static already_AddRefed GetSingleton(); /** * Initializes the service's object. This should only be called once. */ nsresult Init(); static nsNavBookmarks* GetBookmarksService() { if (!gBookmarksService) { nsCOMPtr serv = do_GetService(NS_NAVBOOKMARKSSERVICE_CONTRACTID); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(serv, nullptr); NS_ASSERTION(gBookmarksService, "Should have static instance pointer now"); } return gBookmarksService; } typedef mozilla::places::BookmarkData BookmarkData; typedef mozilla::places::ItemVisitData ItemVisitData; typedef mozilla::places::ItemChangeData ItemChangeData; typedef mozilla::places::BookmarkStatementId BookmarkStatementId; nsresult OnVisit(nsIURI* aURI, int64_t aVisitId, PRTime aTime, int64_t aSessionId, int64_t aReferringId, uint32_t aTransitionType, const nsACString& aGUID, bool aHidden, uint32_t aVisitCount, uint32_t aTyped, const nsAString& aLastKnownTitle); nsresult ResultNodeForContainer(const nsCString& aGUID, nsNavHistoryQueryOptions* aOptions, nsNavHistoryResultNode** aNode); // Find all the children of a folder, using the given query and options. // For each child, a ResultNode is created and added to |children|. // The results are ordered by folder position. nsresult QueryFolderChildren(int64_t aFolderId, nsNavHistoryQueryOptions* aOptions, nsCOMArray* children); /** * Turns aRow into a node and appends it to aChildren if it is appropriate to * do so. * * @param aRow * A Storage statement (in the case of synchronous execution) or row of * a result set (in the case of asynchronous execution). * @param aOptions * The options of the parent folder node. These are the options used * to fill the parent node. * @param aChildren * The children of the parent folder node. * @param aCurrentIndex * The index of aRow within the results. When called on the first row, * this should be set to -1. */ nsresult ProcessFolderNodeRow(mozIStorageValueArray* aRow, nsNavHistoryQueryOptions* aOptions, nsCOMArray* aChildren, int32_t& aCurrentIndex); /** * The async version of QueryFolderChildren. * * @param aNode * The folder node that will receive the children. * @param _pendingStmt * The Storage pending statement that will be used to control async * execution. */ nsresult QueryFolderChildrenAsync(nsNavHistoryFolderResultNode* aNode, mozIStoragePendingStatement** _pendingStmt); /** * Fetches information about the specified id from the database. * * @param aItemId * Id of the item to fetch information for. * @param aBookmark * BookmarkData to store the information. */ nsresult FetchItemInfo(int64_t aItemId, BookmarkData& _bookmark); /** * Fetches information about the specified GUID from the database. * * @param aGUID * GUID of the item to fetch information for. * @param aBookmark * BookmarkData to store the information. */ nsresult FetchItemInfo(const nsCString& aGUID, BookmarkData& _bookmark); /** * Notifies that a bookmark has been visited. * * @param aItemId * The visited item id. * @param aData * Details about the new visit. */ void NotifyItemVisited(const ItemVisitData& aData); /** * Notifies that a bookmark has changed. * * @param aItemId * The changed item id. * @param aData * Details about the change. */ void NotifyItemChanged(const ItemChangeData& aData); static const int32_t kGetChildrenIndex_Guid; static const int32_t kGetChildrenIndex_Position; static const int32_t kGetChildrenIndex_Type; static const int32_t kGetChildrenIndex_PlaceID; static const int32_t kGetChildrenIndex_SyncStatus; static mozilla::Atomic sLastInsertedItemId; static void StoreLastInsertedId(const nsACString& aTable, const int64_t aLastInsertedId); static mozilla::Atomic sTotalSyncChanges; static void NoteSyncChange(); private: static nsNavBookmarks* gBookmarksService; ~nsNavBookmarks(); nsresult AdjustIndices(int64_t aFolder, int32_t aStartIndex, int32_t aEndIndex, int32_t aDelta); nsresult AdjustSeparatorsSyncCounter(int64_t aFolderId, int32_t aStartIndex, int64_t aSyncChangeDelta); /** * Fetches properties of a folder. * * @param aFolderId * Folder to count children for. * @param _folderCount * Number of children in the folder. * @param _guid * Unique id of the folder. * @param _parentId * Id of the parent of the folder. * * @throws If folder does not exist. */ nsresult FetchFolderInfo(int64_t aFolderId, int32_t* _folderCount, nsACString& _guid, int64_t* _parentId); nsresult AddSyncChangesForBookmarksWithURL(const nsACString& aURL, int64_t aSyncChangeDelta); // Bumps the change counter for all bookmarks with |aURI|. This is used to // update tagged bookmarks when adding or changing a tag entry. nsresult AddSyncChangesForBookmarksWithURI(nsIURI* aURI, int64_t aSyncChangeDelta); // Bumps the change counter for all bookmarked URLs within |aFolderId|. This // is used to update tagged bookmarks when changing or removing a tag folder. nsresult AddSyncChangesForBookmarksInFolder(int64_t aFolderId, int64_t aSyncChangeDelta); // Inserts a tombstone for a removed synced item. nsresult InsertTombstone(const BookmarkData& aBookmark); // Inserts tombstones for removed synced items. nsresult InsertTombstones( const nsTArray& aTombstones); // Removes a stale synced bookmark tombstone. nsresult RemoveTombstone(const nsACString& aGUID); nsresult SetItemTitleInternal(BookmarkData& aBookmark, const nsACString& aTitle, int64_t aSyncChangeDelta); /** * This is an handle to the Places database. */ RefPtr mDB; nsMaybeWeakPtrArray mObservers; nsresult SetItemDateInternal(enum mozilla::places::BookmarkDate aDateType, int64_t aSyncChangeDelta, int64_t aItemId, PRTime aValue); MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT nsresult RemoveFolderChildren(int64_t aFolderId, uint16_t aSource); // Recursive method to build an array of folder's children nsresult GetDescendantChildren(int64_t aFolderId, const nsACString& aFolderGuid, int64_t aGrandParentId, nsTArray& aFolderChildrenArray); enum ItemType { BOOKMARK = TYPE_BOOKMARK, FOLDER = TYPE_FOLDER, SEPARATOR = TYPE_SEPARATOR, }; /** * Helper to insert a bookmark in the database. * * @param aItemId * The itemId to insert, pass -1 to generate a new one. * @param aPlaceId * The placeId to which this bookmark refers to, pass nullptr for * items that don't refer to an URI (eg. folders, separators, ...). * @param aItemType * The type of the new bookmark, see TYPE_* constants. * @param aParentId * The itemId of the parent folder. * @param aIndex * The position inside the parent folder. * @param aTitle * The title for the new bookmark. * Pass a void string to set a NULL title. * @param aDateAdded * The date for the insertion. * @param [optional] aLastModified * The last modified date for the insertion. * It defaults to aDateAdded. * * @return The new item id that has been inserted. * * @note This will also update last modified date of the parent folder. */ nsresult InsertBookmarkInDB(int64_t aPlaceId, enum ItemType aItemType, int64_t aParentId, int32_t aIndex, const nsACString& aTitle, PRTime aDateAdded, PRTime aLastModified, const nsACString& aParentGuid, int64_t aGrandParentId, nsIURI* aURI, uint16_t aSource, int64_t* _itemId, nsACString& _guid); nsresult GetBookmarksForURI(nsIURI* aURI, nsTArray& _bookmarks); // Used to enable and disable the observer notifications. bool mCanNotify; }; #endif // nsNavBookmarks_h_