/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include "mozilla/Components.h" #include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h" #include "mozilla/IntegerPrintfMacros.h" #include "mozilla/intl/LocaleService.h" #include "nsNavHistory.h" #include "mozIPlacesAutoComplete.h" #include "nsNavBookmarks.h" #include "nsFaviconService.h" #include "nsPlacesMacros.h" #include "nsPlacesTriggers.h" #include "mozilla/intl/AppDateTimeFormat.h" #include "History.h" #include "Helpers.h" #include "NotifyRankingChanged.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsPrintfCString.h" #include "nsPromiseFlatString.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include "prsystem.h" #include "prtime.h" #include "nsEscape.h" #include "nsIEffectiveTLDService.h" #include "nsIClassInfoImpl.h" #include "nsIIDNService.h" #include "nsQueryObject.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs.h" #include "nsMathUtils.h" #include "nsReadableUtils.h" #include "mozilla/storage.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::places; // The maximum number of things that we will store in the recent events list // before calling ExpireNonrecentEvents. This number should be big enough so it // is very difficult to get that many unconsumed events (for example, typed but // never visited) in the RECENT_EVENT_THRESHOLD. Otherwise, we'll start // checking each one for every page visit, which will be somewhat slower. #define RECENT_EVENT_QUEUE_MAX_LENGTH 128 // preference ID strings #define PREF_HISTORY_ENABLED "places.history.enabled" #define PREF_MATCH_DIACRITICS "places.search.matchDiacritics" #define PREF_FREC_NUM_VISITS "places.frecency.numVisits" #define PREF_FREC_NUM_VISITS_DEF 10 #define PREF_FREC_FIRST_BUCKET_CUTOFF "places.frecency.firstBucketCutoff" #define PREF_FREC_FIRST_BUCKET_CUTOFF_DEF 4 #define PREF_FREC_SECOND_BUCKET_CUTOFF "places.frecency.secondBucketCutoff" #define PREF_FREC_SECOND_BUCKET_CUTOFF_DEF 14 #define PREF_FREC_THIRD_BUCKET_CUTOFF "places.frecency.thirdBucketCutoff" #define PREF_FREC_THIRD_BUCKET_CUTOFF_DEF 31 #define PREF_FREC_FOURTH_BUCKET_CUTOFF "places.frecency.fourthBucketCutoff" #define PREF_FREC_FOURTH_BUCKET_CUTOFF_DEF 90 #define PREF_FREC_FIRST_BUCKET_WEIGHT "places.frecency.firstBucketWeight" #define PREF_FREC_FIRST_BUCKET_WEIGHT_DEF 100 #define PREF_FREC_SECOND_BUCKET_WEIGHT "places.frecency.secondBucketWeight" #define PREF_FREC_SECOND_BUCKET_WEIGHT_DEF 70 #define PREF_FREC_THIRD_BUCKET_WEIGHT "places.frecency.thirdBucketWeight" #define PREF_FREC_THIRD_BUCKET_WEIGHT_DEF 50 #define PREF_FREC_FOURTH_BUCKET_WEIGHT "places.frecency.fourthBucketWeight" #define PREF_FREC_FOURTH_BUCKET_WEIGHT_DEF 30 #define PREF_FREC_DEFAULT_BUCKET_WEIGHT "places.frecency.defaultBucketWeight" #define PREF_FREC_DEFAULT_BUCKET_WEIGHT_DEF 10 #define PREF_FREC_EMBED_VISIT_BONUS "places.frecency.embedVisitBonus" #define PREF_FREC_EMBED_VISIT_BONUS_DEF 0 #define PREF_FREC_FRAMED_LINK_VISIT_BONUS "places.frecency.framedLinkVisitBonus" #define PREF_FREC_FRAMED_LINK_VISIT_BONUS_DEF 0 #define PREF_FREC_LINK_VISIT_BONUS "places.frecency.linkVisitBonus" #define PREF_FREC_LINK_VISIT_BONUS_DEF 100 #define PREF_FREC_TYPED_VISIT_BONUS "places.frecency.typedVisitBonus" #define PREF_FREC_TYPED_VISIT_BONUS_DEF 2000 #define PREF_FREC_BOOKMARK_VISIT_BONUS "places.frecency.bookmarkVisitBonus" #define PREF_FREC_BOOKMARK_VISIT_BONUS_DEF 75 #define PREF_FREC_DOWNLOAD_VISIT_BONUS "places.frecency.downloadVisitBonus" #define PREF_FREC_DOWNLOAD_VISIT_BONUS_DEF 0 #define PREF_FREC_PERM_REDIRECT_VISIT_BONUS \ "places.frecency.permRedirectVisitBonus" #define PREF_FREC_PERM_REDIRECT_VISIT_BONUS_DEF 0 #define PREF_FREC_TEMP_REDIRECT_VISIT_BONUS \ "places.frecency.tempRedirectVisitBonus" #define PREF_FREC_TEMP_REDIRECT_VISIT_BONUS_DEF 0 #define PREF_FREC_REDIR_SOURCE_VISIT_BONUS \ "places.frecency.redirectSourceVisitBonus" #define PREF_FREC_REDIR_SOURCE_VISIT_BONUS_DEF 25 #define PREF_FREC_DEFAULT_VISIT_BONUS "places.frecency.defaultVisitBonus" #define PREF_FREC_DEFAULT_VISIT_BONUS_DEF 0 #define PREF_FREC_UNVISITED_BOOKMARK_BONUS \ "places.frecency.unvisitedBookmarkBonus" #define PREF_FREC_UNVISITED_BOOKMARK_BONUS_DEF 140 #define PREF_FREC_UNVISITED_TYPED_BONUS "places.frecency.unvisitedTypedBonus" #define PREF_FREC_UNVISITED_TYPED_BONUS_DEF 200 #define PREF_FREC_RELOAD_VISIT_BONUS "places.frecency.reloadVisitBonus" #define PREF_FREC_RELOAD_VISIT_BONUS_DEF 0 // This is a 'hidden' pref for the purposes of unit tests. #define PREF_FREC_DECAY_RATE "places.frecency.decayRate" #define PREF_FREC_DECAY_RATE_DEF 0.975f // An adaptive history entry is removed if unused for these many days. #define ADAPTIVE_HISTORY_EXPIRE_DAYS 90 // In order to avoid calling PR_now() too often we use a cached "now" value // for repeating stuff. These are milliseconds between "now" cache refreshes. #define RENEW_CACHED_NOW_TIMEOUT ((int32_t)3 * PR_MSEC_PER_SEC) // These macros are used when splitting history by date. // These are the day containers and catch-all final container. #define HISTORY_ADDITIONAL_DATE_CONT_NUM 3 // We use a guess of the number of months considering all of them 30 days // long, but we split only the last 6 months. #define HISTORY_DATE_CONT_NUM(_daysFromOldestVisit) \ (HISTORY_ADDITIONAL_DATE_CONT_NUM + \ std::min(6, (int32_t)ceilf((float)_daysFromOldestVisit / 30))) // Max number of containers, used to initialize the params hash. #define HISTORY_DATE_CONT_LENGTH 8 // Initial length of the recent events cache. #define RECENT_EVENTS_INITIAL_CACHE_LENGTH 64 // Observed topics. #define TOPIC_IDLE_DAILY "idle-daily" #define TOPIC_PREF_CHANGED "nsPref:changed" #define TOPIC_PROFILE_TEARDOWN "profile-change-teardown" #define TOPIC_PROFILE_CHANGE "profile-before-change" #define TOPIC_APP_LOCALES_CHANGED "intl:app-locales-changed" static const char* kObservedPrefs[] = {PREF_HISTORY_ENABLED, PREF_MATCH_DIACRITICS, PREF_FREC_NUM_VISITS, PREF_FREC_FIRST_BUCKET_CUTOFF, PREF_FREC_SECOND_BUCKET_CUTOFF, PREF_FREC_THIRD_BUCKET_CUTOFF, PREF_FREC_FOURTH_BUCKET_CUTOFF, PREF_FREC_FIRST_BUCKET_WEIGHT, PREF_FREC_SECOND_BUCKET_WEIGHT, PREF_FREC_THIRD_BUCKET_WEIGHT, PREF_FREC_FOURTH_BUCKET_WEIGHT, PREF_FREC_DEFAULT_BUCKET_WEIGHT, PREF_FREC_EMBED_VISIT_BONUS, PREF_FREC_FRAMED_LINK_VISIT_BONUS, PREF_FREC_LINK_VISIT_BONUS, PREF_FREC_TYPED_VISIT_BONUS, PREF_FREC_BOOKMARK_VISIT_BONUS, PREF_FREC_DOWNLOAD_VISIT_BONUS, PREF_FREC_PERM_REDIRECT_VISIT_BONUS, PREF_FREC_TEMP_REDIRECT_VISIT_BONUS, PREF_FREC_REDIR_SOURCE_VISIT_BONUS, PREF_FREC_DEFAULT_VISIT_BONUS, PREF_FREC_UNVISITED_BOOKMARK_BONUS, PREF_FREC_UNVISITED_TYPED_BONUS, nullptr}; NS_IMPL_ADDREF(nsNavHistory) NS_IMPL_RELEASE(nsNavHistory) NS_IMPL_CLASSINFO(nsNavHistory, nullptr, nsIClassInfo::SINGLETON, NS_NAVHISTORYSERVICE_CID) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN(nsNavHistory) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsINavHistoryService) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIObserver) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupportsWeakReference) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(mozIStorageVacuumParticipant) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsINavHistoryService) NS_IMPL_QUERY_CLASSINFO(nsNavHistory) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END // We don't care about flattening everything NS_IMPL_CI_INTERFACE_GETTER(nsNavHistory, nsINavHistoryService) namespace { static nsCString GetSimpleBookmarksQueryParent( const RefPtr& aQuery, const RefPtr& aOptions); static void ParseSearchTermsFromQuery(const RefPtr& aQuery, nsTArray* aTerms); void GetTagsSqlFragment(int64_t aTagsFolder, const nsACString& aRelation, bool aHasSearchTerms, nsACString& _sqlFragment) { if (!aHasSearchTerms) _sqlFragment.AssignLiteral("null"); else { // This subquery DOES NOT order tags for performance reasons. _sqlFragment.Assign( nsLiteralCString("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(t_t.title, ',') " "FROM moz_bookmarks b_t " "JOIN moz_bookmarks t_t ON t_t.id = +b_t.parent " "WHERE b_t.fk = ") + aRelation + nsLiteralCString(" " "AND t_t.parent = ") + nsPrintfCString("%" PRId64, aTagsFolder) + nsLiteralCString(" " ")")); } _sqlFragment.AppendLiteral(" AS tags "); } /** * Recalculates invalid frecencies in chunks on the storage thread, optionally * decays frecencies, and notifies history observers on the main thread. */ class FixAndDecayFrecencyRunnable final : public Runnable { public: explicit FixAndDecayFrecencyRunnable(Database* aDB, float aDecayRate) : Runnable("places::FixAndDecayFrecencyRunnable"), mDB(aDB), mDecayRate(aDecayRate), mDecayReason(mozIStorageStatementCallback::REASON_FINISHED) {} // MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY until Runnable::Run is marked // MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT. See bug 1535398. MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY NS_IMETHOD Run() override { if (NS_IsMainThread()) { nsNavHistory* navHistory = nsNavHistory::GetHistoryService(); NS_ENSURE_STATE(navHistory); navHistory->DecayFrecencyCompleted(); if (mozIStorageStatementCallback::REASON_FINISHED == mDecayReason) { NotifyRankingChanged().Run(); } return NS_OK; } MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread(), "Frecencies should be recalculated on async thread"); nsCOMPtr updateStmt = mDB->GetStatement( "UPDATE moz_places " "SET frecency = CALCULATE_FRECENCY(id) " "WHERE id IN (" "SELECT id FROM moz_places " "WHERE recalc_frecency = 1 " "ORDER BY frecency DESC " "LIMIT 400" ")"); NS_ENSURE_STATE(updateStmt); nsresult rv = updateStmt->Execute(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr selectStmt = mDB->GetStatement( "SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE recalc_frecency = 1 " "LIMIT 1"); NS_ENSURE_STATE(selectStmt); bool hasResult = false; rv = selectStmt->ExecuteStep(&hasResult); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (hasResult) { // There are more invalid frecencies to fix. Re-dispatch to the async // storage thread for the next chunk. return NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(this); } mozStorageTransaction transaction( mDB->MainConn(), false, mozIStorageConnection::TRANSACTION_IMMEDIATE); // XXX Handle the error, bug 1696133. Unused << NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(transaction.Start())); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(DecayFrecencies()))) { mDecayReason = mozIStorageStatementCallback::REASON_ERROR; } // We've finished fixing and decaying frecencies. Trigger frecency updates // for all affected origins. nsCOMPtr updateOriginFrecenciesStmt = mDB->GetStatement("DELETE FROM moz_updateoriginsupdate_temp"); NS_ENSURE_STATE(updateOriginFrecenciesStmt); rv = updateOriginFrecenciesStmt->Execute(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = transaction.Commit(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Re-dispatch to the main thread to notify observers. return NS_DispatchToMainThread(this); } private: nsresult DecayFrecencies() { TimeStamp start = TimeStamp::Now(); // Globally decay places frecency rankings to estimate reduced frecency // values of pages that haven't been visited for a while, i.e., they do // not get an updated frecency. A scaling factor of .975 results in .5 the // original value after 28 days. // When changing the scaling factor, ensure that the barrier in // moz_places_afterupdate_frecency_trigger still ignores these changes. nsCOMPtr decayFrecency = mDB->GetStatement( "UPDATE moz_places SET frecency = ROUND(frecency * :decay_rate) " "WHERE frecency > 0 AND recalc_frecency = 0"); NS_ENSURE_STATE(decayFrecency); nsresult rv = decayFrecency->BindDoubleByName( "decay_rate"_ns, static_cast(mDecayRate)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = decayFrecency->Execute(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Decay potentially unused adaptive entries (e.g. those that are at 1) // to allow better chances for new entries that will start at 1. nsCOMPtr decayAdaptive = mDB->GetStatement( "UPDATE moz_inputhistory SET use_count = use_count * :decay_rate"); NS_ENSURE_STATE(decayAdaptive); rv = decayAdaptive->BindDoubleByName("decay_rate"_ns, static_cast(mDecayRate)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = decayAdaptive->Execute(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Delete any adaptive entries that won't help in ordering anymore. nsCOMPtr deleteAdaptive = mDB->GetStatement( "DELETE FROM moz_inputhistory WHERE use_count < :use_count"); NS_ENSURE_STATE(deleteAdaptive); rv = deleteAdaptive->BindDoubleByName( "use_count"_ns, std::pow(static_cast(mDecayRate), ADAPTIVE_HISTORY_EXPIRE_DAYS)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = deleteAdaptive->Execute(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); Telemetry::AccumulateTimeDelta( Telemetry::PLACES_IDLE_FRECENCY_DECAY_TIME_MS, start); return NS_OK; } RefPtr mDB; float mDecayRate; uint16_t mDecayReason; }; } // namespace // Queries rows indexes to bind or get values, if adding a new one, be sure to // update nsNavBookmarks statements and its kGetChildrenIndex_* constants const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_PageID = 0; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_URL = 1; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_Title = 2; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_RevHost = 3; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_VisitCount = 4; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_VisitDate = 5; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_FaviconURL = 6; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_ItemId = 7; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_ItemDateAdded = 8; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_ItemLastModified = 9; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_ItemParentId = 10; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_ItemTags = 11; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_Frecency = 12; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_Hidden = 13; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_Guid = 14; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_VisitId = 15; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_FromVisitId = 16; const int32_t nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_VisitType = 17; // These columns are followed by corresponding constants in nsNavBookmarks.cpp, // which must be kept in sync: // nsNavBookmarks::kGetChildrenIndex_Guid = 18; // nsNavBookmarks::kGetChildrenIndex_Position = 19; // nsNavBookmarks::kGetChildrenIndex_Type = 20; // nsNavBookmarks::kGetChildrenIndex_PlaceID = 21; PLACES_FACTORY_SINGLETON_IMPLEMENTATION(nsNavHistory, gHistoryService) nsNavHistory::nsNavHistory() : mCachedNow(0), mRecentTyped(RECENT_EVENTS_INITIAL_CACHE_LENGTH), mRecentLink(RECENT_EVENTS_INITIAL_CACHE_LENGTH), mRecentBookmark(RECENT_EVENTS_INITIAL_CACHE_LENGTH), mHistoryEnabled(true), mMatchDiacritics(false), mNumVisitsForFrecency(10), mDecayFrecencyPendingCount(0), mTagsFolder(-1), mLastCachedStartOfDay(INT64_MAX), mLastCachedEndOfDay(0) { NS_ASSERTION(!gHistoryService, "Attempting to create two instances of the service!"); gHistoryService = this; } nsNavHistory::~nsNavHistory() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "Must be called on the main thread"); // remove the static reference to the service. Check to make sure its us // in case somebody creates an extra instance of the service. NS_ASSERTION(gHistoryService == this, "Deleting a non-singleton instance of the service"); if (gHistoryService == this) gHistoryService = nullptr; } nsresult nsNavHistory::Init() { LoadPrefs(); mDB = Database::GetDatabase(); NS_ENSURE_STATE(mDB); /***************************************************************************** *** IMPORTANT NOTICE! *** *** Nothing after these add observer calls should return anything but NS_OK. *** If a failure code is returned, this nsNavHistory object will be held onto *** by the observer service and the preference service. ****************************************************************************/ // Observe preferences changes. Preferences::AddWeakObservers(this, kObservedPrefs); nsCOMPtr obsSvc = services::GetObserverService(); if (obsSvc) { (void)obsSvc->AddObserver(this, TOPIC_PLACES_CONNECTION_CLOSED, true); (void)obsSvc->AddObserver(this, TOPIC_IDLE_DAILY, true); (void)obsSvc->AddObserver(this, TOPIC_APP_LOCALES_CHANGED, true); } // Don't add code that can fail here! Do it up above, before we add our // observers. return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::GetDatabaseStatus(uint16_t* aDatabaseStatus) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aDatabaseStatus); *aDatabaseStatus = mDB->GetDatabaseStatus(); return NS_OK; } uint32_t nsNavHistory::GetRecentFlags(nsIURI* aURI) { uint32_t result = 0; nsAutoCString spec; nsresult rv = aURI->GetSpec(spec); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Unable to get aURI's spec"); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { if (CheckIsRecentEvent(&mRecentTyped, spec)) result |= RECENT_TYPED; if (CheckIsRecentEvent(&mRecentLink, spec)) result |= RECENT_ACTIVATED; if (CheckIsRecentEvent(&mRecentBookmark, spec)) result |= RECENT_BOOKMARKED; } return result; } nsresult nsNavHistory::GetIdForPage(nsIURI* aURI, int64_t* _pageId, nsCString& _GUID) { *_pageId = 0; nsCOMPtr stmt = mDB->GetStatement( "SELECT id, url, title, rev_host, visit_count, guid " "FROM moz_places " "WHERE url_hash = hash(:page_url) AND url = :page_url "); NS_ENSURE_STATE(stmt); mozStorageStatementScoper scoper(stmt); nsresult rv = URIBinder::Bind(stmt, "page_url"_ns, aURI); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); bool hasEntry = false; rv = stmt->ExecuteStep(&hasEntry); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (hasEntry) { rv = stmt->GetInt64(0, _pageId); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = stmt->GetUTF8String(5, _GUID); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsNavHistory::GetOrCreateIdForPage(nsIURI* aURI, int64_t* _pageId, nsCString& _GUID) { nsresult rv = GetIdForPage(aURI, _pageId, _GUID); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (*_pageId != 0) { return NS_OK; } { // Create a new hidden, untyped and unvisited entry. nsCOMPtr stmt = mDB->GetStatement( "INSERT INTO moz_places (url, url_hash, rev_host, hidden, frecency, " "guid) " "VALUES (:page_url, hash(:page_url), :rev_host, :hidden, :frecency, " ":guid) "); NS_ENSURE_STATE(stmt); mozStorageStatementScoper scoper(stmt); rv = URIBinder::Bind(stmt, "page_url"_ns, aURI); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // host (reversed with trailing period) nsAutoString revHost; rv = GetReversedHostname(aURI, revHost); // Not all URI types have hostnames, so this is optional. if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = stmt->BindStringByName("rev_host"_ns, revHost); } else { rv = stmt->BindNullByName("rev_host"_ns); } NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = stmt->BindInt32ByName("hidden"_ns, 1); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsAutoCString spec; rv = aURI->GetSpec(spec); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = stmt->BindInt32ByName("frecency"_ns, IsQueryURI(spec) ? 0 : -1); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = GenerateGUID(_GUID); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = stmt->BindUTF8StringByName("guid"_ns, _GUID); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = stmt->Execute(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); *_pageId = sLastInsertedPlaceId; } { // Trigger the updates to the moz_origins tables nsCOMPtr stmt = mDB->GetStatement("DELETE FROM moz_updateoriginsinsert_temp"); NS_ENSURE_STATE(stmt); mozStorageStatementScoper scoper(stmt); } return NS_OK; } void nsNavHistory::LoadPrefs() { // History preferences. mHistoryEnabled = Preferences::GetBool(PREF_HISTORY_ENABLED, true); mMatchDiacritics = Preferences::GetBool(PREF_MATCH_DIACRITICS, false); // Frecency preferences. #define FRECENCY_PREF(_prop, _pref) \ _prop = Preferences::GetInt(_pref, _pref##_DEF) FRECENCY_PREF(mNumVisitsForFrecency, PREF_FREC_NUM_VISITS); FRECENCY_PREF(mFirstBucketCutoffInDays, PREF_FREC_FIRST_BUCKET_CUTOFF); FRECENCY_PREF(mSecondBucketCutoffInDays, PREF_FREC_SECOND_BUCKET_CUTOFF); FRECENCY_PREF(mThirdBucketCutoffInDays, PREF_FREC_THIRD_BUCKET_CUTOFF); FRECENCY_PREF(mFourthBucketCutoffInDays, PREF_FREC_FOURTH_BUCKET_CUTOFF); FRECENCY_PREF(mEmbedVisitBonus, PREF_FREC_EMBED_VISIT_BONUS); FRECENCY_PREF(mFramedLinkVisitBonus, PREF_FREC_FRAMED_LINK_VISIT_BONUS); FRECENCY_PREF(mLinkVisitBonus, PREF_FREC_LINK_VISIT_BONUS); FRECENCY_PREF(mTypedVisitBonus, PREF_FREC_TYPED_VISIT_BONUS); FRECENCY_PREF(mBookmarkVisitBonus, PREF_FREC_BOOKMARK_VISIT_BONUS); FRECENCY_PREF(mDownloadVisitBonus, PREF_FREC_DOWNLOAD_VISIT_BONUS); FRECENCY_PREF(mPermRedirectVisitBonus, PREF_FREC_PERM_REDIRECT_VISIT_BONUS); FRECENCY_PREF(mTempRedirectVisitBonus, PREF_FREC_TEMP_REDIRECT_VISIT_BONUS); FRECENCY_PREF(mRedirectSourceVisitBonus, PREF_FREC_REDIR_SOURCE_VISIT_BONUS); FRECENCY_PREF(mDefaultVisitBonus, PREF_FREC_DEFAULT_VISIT_BONUS); FRECENCY_PREF(mUnvisitedBookmarkBonus, PREF_FREC_UNVISITED_BOOKMARK_BONUS); FRECENCY_PREF(mUnvisitedTypedBonus, PREF_FREC_UNVISITED_TYPED_BONUS); FRECENCY_PREF(mReloadVisitBonus, PREF_FREC_RELOAD_VISIT_BONUS); FRECENCY_PREF(mFirstBucketWeight, PREF_FREC_FIRST_BUCKET_WEIGHT); FRECENCY_PREF(mSecondBucketWeight, PREF_FREC_SECOND_BUCKET_WEIGHT); FRECENCY_PREF(mThirdBucketWeight, PREF_FREC_THIRD_BUCKET_WEIGHT); FRECENCY_PREF(mFourthBucketWeight, PREF_FREC_FOURTH_BUCKET_WEIGHT); FRECENCY_PREF(mDefaultWeight, PREF_FREC_DEFAULT_BUCKET_WEIGHT); #undef FRECENCY_PREF } void nsNavHistory::UpdateDaysOfHistory(PRTime visitTime) { if (sDaysOfHistory == 0) { sDaysOfHistory = 1; } if (visitTime > mLastCachedEndOfDay || visitTime < mLastCachedStartOfDay) { InvalidateDaysOfHistory(); } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::RecalculateOriginFrecencyStats(nsIObserver* aCallback) { RefPtr self(this); nsMainThreadPtrHandle callback( !aCallback ? nullptr : new nsMainThreadPtrHolder( "nsNavHistory::RecalculateOriginFrecencyStats callback", aCallback)); nsCOMPtr target(do_GetInterface(mDB->MainConn())); NS_ENSURE_STATE(target); nsresult rv = target->Dispatch(NS_NewRunnableFunction( "nsNavHistory::RecalculateOriginFrecencyStats", [self, callback] { Unused << self->mDB->RecalculateOriginFrecencyStatsInternal(); Unused << NS_DispatchToMainThread(NS_NewRunnableFunction( "nsNavHistory::RecalculateOriginFrecencyStats callback", [callback] { if (callback) { Unused << callback->Observe(nullptr, "", nullptr); } })); })); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return NS_OK; } Atomic nsNavHistory::sLastInsertedPlaceId(0); Atomic nsNavHistory::sLastInsertedVisitId(0); void // static nsNavHistory::StoreLastInsertedId(const nsACString& aTable, const int64_t aLastInsertedId) { if (aTable.EqualsLiteral("moz_places")) { nsNavHistory::sLastInsertedPlaceId = aLastInsertedId; } else if (aTable.EqualsLiteral("moz_historyvisits")) { nsNavHistory::sLastInsertedVisitId = aLastInsertedId; } else { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Trying to store the insert id for an unknown table?"); } } Atomic nsNavHistory::sDaysOfHistory(-1); void // static nsNavHistory::InvalidateDaysOfHistory() { sDaysOfHistory = -1; } int32_t nsNavHistory::GetDaysOfHistory() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); if (sDaysOfHistory != -1) return sDaysOfHistory; // SQLite doesn't have a CEIL() function, so we must do that later. // We should also take into account timers resolution, that may be as bad as // 16ms on Windows, so in some cases the difference may be 0, if the // check is done near the visit. Thus remember to check for NULL separately. nsCOMPtr stmt = mDB->GetStatement( "SELECT CAST(( " "strftime('%s','now','localtime','utc') - " "(SELECT MIN(visit_date)/1000000 FROM moz_historyvisits) " ") AS DOUBLE) " "/86400, " "strftime('%s','now','localtime','+1 day','start of day','utc') * " "1000000"); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(stmt, 0); mozStorageStatementScoper scoper(stmt); bool hasResult; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(stmt->ExecuteStep(&hasResult)) && hasResult) { // If we get NULL, then there are no visits, otherwise there must always be // at least 1 day of history. bool hasNoVisits; (void)stmt->GetIsNull(0, &hasNoVisits); sDaysOfHistory = hasNoVisits ? 0 : std::max(1, static_cast(ceil(stmt->AsDouble(0)))); mLastCachedStartOfDay = NormalizeTime(nsINavHistoryQuery::TIME_RELATIVE_TODAY, 0); mLastCachedEndOfDay = stmt->AsInt64(1) - 1; // Start of tomorrow - 1. } return sDaysOfHistory; } PRTime nsNavHistory::GetNow() { if (!mCachedNow) { mCachedNow = PR_Now(); if (!mExpireNowTimer) mExpireNowTimer = NS_NewTimer(); if (mExpireNowTimer) mExpireNowTimer->InitWithNamedFuncCallback( expireNowTimerCallback, this, RENEW_CACHED_NOW_TIMEOUT, nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT, "nsNavHistory::GetNow"); } return mCachedNow; } void nsNavHistory::expireNowTimerCallback(nsITimer* aTimer, void* aClosure) { nsNavHistory* history = static_cast(aClosure); if (history) { history->mCachedNow = 0; history->mExpireNowTimer = nullptr; } } /** * Code borrowed from mozilla/xpfe/components/history/src/nsGlobalHistory.cpp * Pass in a pre-normalized now and a date, and we'll find the difference since * midnight on each of the days. */ static PRTime NormalizeTimeRelativeToday(PRTime aTime) { // round to midnight this morning PRExplodedTime explodedTime; PR_ExplodeTime(aTime, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &explodedTime); // set to midnight (0:00) explodedTime.tm_min = explodedTime.tm_hour = explodedTime.tm_sec = explodedTime.tm_usec = 0; return PR_ImplodeTime(&explodedTime); } // nsNavHistory::NormalizeTime // // Converts a nsINavHistoryQuery reference+offset time into a PRTime // relative to the epoch. // // It is important that this function NOT use the current time optimization. // It is called to update queries, and we really need to know what right // now is because those incoming values will also have current times that // we will have to compare against. PRTime // static nsNavHistory::NormalizeTime(uint32_t aRelative, PRTime aOffset) { PRTime ref; switch (aRelative) { case nsINavHistoryQuery::TIME_RELATIVE_EPOCH: return aOffset; case nsINavHistoryQuery::TIME_RELATIVE_TODAY: ref = NormalizeTimeRelativeToday(PR_Now()); break; case nsINavHistoryQuery::TIME_RELATIVE_NOW: ref = PR_Now(); break; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Invalid relative time"); return 0; } return ref + aOffset; } // nsNavHistory::DomainNameFromURI // // This does the www.mozilla.org -> mozilla.org and // foo.theregister.co.uk -> theregister.co.uk conversion void nsNavHistory::DomainNameFromURI(nsIURI* aURI, nsACString& aDomainName) { // lazily get the effective tld service if (!mTLDService) mTLDService = do_GetService(NS_EFFECTIVETLDSERVICE_CONTRACTID); if (mTLDService) { // get the base domain for a given hostname. // e.g. for "images.bbc.co.uk", this would be "bbc.co.uk". nsresult rv = mTLDService->GetBaseDomain(aURI, 0, aDomainName); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) return; } // just return the original hostname // (it's also possible the host is an IP address) aURI->GetAsciiHost(aDomainName); } bool nsNavHistory::hasHistoryEntries() { return GetDaysOfHistory() > 0; } // Call this method before visiting a URL in order to help determine the // transition type of the visit. // // @see MarkPageAsTyped NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::MarkPageAsFollowedBookmark(nsIURI* aURI) { NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aURI); // don't add when history is disabled if (IsHistoryDisabled()) return NS_OK; nsAutoCString uriString; nsresult rv = aURI->GetSpec(uriString); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mRecentBookmark.InsertOrUpdate(uriString, GetNow()); if (mRecentBookmark.Count() > RECENT_EVENT_QUEUE_MAX_LENGTH) ExpireNonrecentEvents(&mRecentBookmark); return NS_OK; } // nsNavHistory::CanAddURI // // Filter out unwanted URIs such as "chrome:", "mailbox:", etc. // // The model is if we don't know differently then add which basically means // we are suppose to try all the things we know not to allow in and then if // we don't bail go on and allow it in. NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::CanAddURI(nsIURI* aURI, bool* canAdd) { NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aURI); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(canAdd); // If history is disabled, don't add any entry. *canAdd = !IsHistoryDisabled() && BaseHistory::CanStore(aURI); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::GetNewQuery(nsINavHistoryQuery** _retval) { NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval); RefPtr query = new nsNavHistoryQuery(); query.forget(_retval); return NS_OK; } // nsNavHistory::GetNewQueryOptions NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::GetNewQueryOptions(nsINavHistoryQueryOptions** _retval) { NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval); RefPtr queryOptions = new nsNavHistoryQueryOptions(); queryOptions.forget(_retval); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::ExecuteQuery(nsINavHistoryQuery* aQuery, nsINavHistoryQueryOptions* aOptions, nsINavHistoryResult** _retval) { NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aQuery); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aOptions); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval); // Clone the input query and options, because the caller might change the // objects, but we always want to reflect the original parameters. nsCOMPtr queryClone; aQuery->Clone(getter_AddRefs(queryClone)); NS_ENSURE_STATE(queryClone); RefPtr query = do_QueryObject(queryClone); NS_ENSURE_STATE(query); nsCOMPtr optionsClone; aOptions->Clone(getter_AddRefs(optionsClone)); NS_ENSURE_STATE(optionsClone); RefPtr options = do_QueryObject(optionsClone); NS_ENSURE_STATE(options); // Create the root node. RefPtr rootNode; nsCString folderGuid = GetSimpleBookmarksQueryParent(query, options); if (!folderGuid.IsEmpty()) { // In the simple case where we're just querying children of a single // bookmark folder, we can more efficiently generate results. nsNavBookmarks* bookmarks = nsNavBookmarks::GetBookmarksService(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(bookmarks, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); RefPtr tempRootNode; nsresult rv = bookmarks->ResultNodeForContainer( folderGuid, options, getter_AddRefs(tempRootNode)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rootNode = tempRootNode->GetAsContainer(); } else { NS_WARNING("Generating a generic empty node for a broken query!"); // This is a perf hack to generate an empty query that skips filtering. options->SetExcludeItems(true); } } if (!rootNode) { // Either this is not a folder shortcut, or is a broken one. In both cases // just generate a query node. nsAutoCString queryUri; nsresult rv = QueryToQueryString(query, options, queryUri); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rootNode = new nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode(""_ns, 0, queryUri, query, options); } // Create the result that will hold nodes. Inject batching status into it. RefPtr result = new nsNavHistoryResult(rootNode, query, options); result.forget(_retval); return NS_OK; } // determine from our nsNavHistoryQuery array and nsNavHistoryQueryOptions // if this is the place query from the history menu. // from browser-menubar.inc, our history menu query is: // place:sort=4&maxResults=10 // note, any maxResult > 0 will still be considered a history menu query // or if this is the place query from the old "Most Visited" item in some // profiles: folder: place:sort=8&maxResults=10 note, any maxResult > 0 will // still be considered a Most Visited menu query static bool IsOptimizableHistoryQuery( const RefPtr& aQuery, const RefPtr& aOptions, uint16_t aSortMode) { if (aOptions->QueryType() != nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY) return false; if (aOptions->ResultType() != nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_URI) return false; if (aOptions->SortingMode() != aSortMode) return false; if (aOptions->MaxResults() <= 0) return false; if (aOptions->ExcludeItems()) return false; if (aOptions->IncludeHidden()) return false; if (aQuery->MinVisits() != -1 || aQuery->MaxVisits() != -1) return false; if (aQuery->BeginTime() || aQuery->BeginTimeReference()) return false; if (aQuery->EndTime() || aQuery->EndTimeReference()) return false; if (!aQuery->SearchTerms().IsEmpty()) return false; if (aQuery->OnlyBookmarked()) return false; if (aQuery->DomainIsHost() || !aQuery->Domain().IsEmpty()) return false; if (aQuery->AnnotationIsNot() || !aQuery->Annotation().IsEmpty()) return false; if (aQuery->Parents().Length() > 0) return false; if (aQuery->Tags().Length() > 0) return false; if (aQuery->Transitions().Length() > 0) return false; return true; } static bool NeedToFilterResultSet(const RefPtr& aQuery, nsNavHistoryQueryOptions* aOptions) { return aOptions->ExcludeQueries(); } // ** Helper class for ConstructQueryString **/ class PlacesSQLQueryBuilder { public: PlacesSQLQueryBuilder(const nsCString& aConditions, const RefPtr& aQuery, const RefPtr& aOptions, bool aUseLimit, nsNavHistory::StringHash& aAddParams, bool aHasSearchTerms); nsresult GetQueryString(nsCString& aQueryString); private: nsresult Select(); nsresult SelectAsURI(); nsresult SelectAsVisit(); nsresult SelectAsDay(); nsresult SelectAsSite(); nsresult SelectAsTag(); nsresult SelectAsRoots(); nsresult SelectAsLeftPane(); nsresult Where(); nsresult GroupBy(); nsresult OrderBy(); nsresult Limit(); void OrderByColumnIndexAsc(int32_t aIndex); void OrderByColumnIndexDesc(int32_t aIndex); // Use these if you want a case insensitive sorting. void OrderByTextColumnIndexAsc(int32_t aIndex); void OrderByTextColumnIndexDesc(int32_t aIndex); const nsCString& mConditions; bool mUseLimit; bool mHasSearchTerms; uint16_t mResultType; uint16_t mQueryType; bool mIncludeHidden; uint16_t mSortingMode; uint32_t mMaxResults; nsCString mQueryString; nsCString mGroupBy; bool mHasDateColumns; bool mSkipOrderBy; nsNavHistory::StringHash& mAddParams; }; PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::PlacesSQLQueryBuilder( const nsCString& aConditions, const RefPtr& aQuery, const RefPtr& aOptions, bool aUseLimit, nsNavHistory::StringHash& aAddParams, bool aHasSearchTerms) : mConditions(aConditions), mUseLimit(aUseLimit), mHasSearchTerms(aHasSearchTerms), mResultType(aOptions->ResultType()), mQueryType(aOptions->QueryType()), mIncludeHidden(aOptions->IncludeHidden()), mSortingMode(aOptions->SortingMode()), mMaxResults(aOptions->MaxResults()), mSkipOrderBy(false), mAddParams(aAddParams) { mHasDateColumns = (mQueryType == nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS); // Force the default sorting mode for tag queries. if (mSortingMode == nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_NONE && aQuery->Tags().Length() > 0) { mSortingMode = nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_TITLE_ASCENDING; } } nsresult PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::GetQueryString(nsCString& aQueryString) { nsresult rv = Select(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = Where(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = GroupBy(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = OrderBy(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = Limit(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); aQueryString = mQueryString; return NS_OK; } nsresult PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::Select() { nsresult rv; switch (mResultType) { case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_URI: rv = SelectAsURI(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_VISIT: rv = SelectAsVisit(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_DATE_QUERY: case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_DATE_SITE_QUERY: rv = SelectAsDay(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_SITE_QUERY: rv = SelectAsSite(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_TAGS_ROOT: rv = SelectAsTag(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_ROOTS_QUERY: rv = SelectAsRoots(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_LEFT_PANE_QUERY: rv = SelectAsLeftPane(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); break; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Invalid result type"); } return NS_OK; } nsresult PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::SelectAsURI() { nsNavHistory* history = nsNavHistory::GetHistoryService(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(history, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); nsAutoCString tagsSqlFragment; switch (mQueryType) { case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY: GetTagsSqlFragment(history->GetTagsFolder(), "h.id"_ns, mHasSearchTerms, tagsSqlFragment); mQueryString = nsLiteralCString( "SELECT h.id, h.url, h.title AS page_title, " "h.rev_host, h.visit_count, " "h.last_visit_date, null, null, null, null, null, ") + tagsSqlFragment + nsLiteralCString( ", h.frecency, h.hidden, h.guid, " "null, null, null " "FROM moz_places h " // WHERE 1 is a no-op since additonal conditions will // start with AND. "WHERE 1 " "{QUERY_OPTIONS_VISITS} {QUERY_OPTIONS_PLACES} " "{ADDITIONAL_CONDITIONS} "); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS: GetTagsSqlFragment(history->GetTagsFolder(), "b.fk"_ns, mHasSearchTerms, tagsSqlFragment); mQueryString = nsLiteralCString( "SELECT b.fk, h.url, b.title AS page_title, " "h.rev_host, h.visit_count, h.last_visit_date, null, b.id, " "b.dateAdded, b.lastModified, b.parent, ") + tagsSqlFragment + nsLiteralCString( ", h.frecency, h.hidden, h.guid," "null, null, null, b.guid, b.position, b.type, b.fk " "FROM moz_bookmarks b " "JOIN moz_places h ON b.fk = h.id " "WHERE NOT EXISTS " "(SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks " "WHERE id = b.parent AND parent = ") + nsPrintfCString("%" PRId64, history->GetTagsFolder()) + nsLiteralCString( ") " "AND NOT h.url_hash BETWEEN hash('place', 'prefix_lo') AND " "hash('place', 'prefix_hi') " "{ADDITIONAL_CONDITIONS}"); break; default: return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } return NS_OK; } nsresult PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::SelectAsVisit() { nsNavHistory* history = nsNavHistory::GetHistoryService(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(history, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); nsAutoCString tagsSqlFragment; GetTagsSqlFragment(history->GetTagsFolder(), "h.id"_ns, mHasSearchTerms, tagsSqlFragment); mQueryString = nsLiteralCString( "SELECT h.id, h.url, h.title AS page_title, h.rev_host, " "h.visit_count, " "v.visit_date, null, null, null, null, null, ") + tagsSqlFragment + nsLiteralCString( ", h.frecency, h.hidden, h.guid, " "v.id, v.from_visit, v.visit_type " "FROM moz_places h " "JOIN moz_historyvisits v ON h.id = v.place_id " // WHERE 1 is a no-op since additonal conditions will start with AND. "WHERE 1 " "{QUERY_OPTIONS_VISITS} {QUERY_OPTIONS_PLACES} " "{ADDITIONAL_CONDITIONS} "); return NS_OK; } nsresult PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::SelectAsDay() { mSkipOrderBy = true; // Sort child queries based on sorting mode if it's provided, otherwise // fallback to default sort by title ascending. uint16_t sortingMode = nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_TITLE_ASCENDING; if (mSortingMode != nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_NONE && mResultType == nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_DATE_QUERY) sortingMode = mSortingMode; uint16_t resultType = mResultType == nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_DATE_QUERY ? (uint16_t)nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_URI : (uint16_t)nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_SITE_QUERY; // beginTime will become the node's time property, we don't use endTime // because it could overlap, and we use time to sort containers and find // insert position in a result. mQueryString = nsPrintfCString( "SELECT null, " "'place:type=%d&sort=%d&beginTime='||beginTime||'&endTime='||endTime, " "dayTitle, null, null, beginTime, null, null, null, null, null, null, " "null, null, null " "FROM (", // TOUTER BEGIN resultType, sortingMode); nsNavHistory* history = nsNavHistory::GetHistoryService(); NS_ENSURE_STATE(history); int32_t daysOfHistory = history->GetDaysOfHistory(); for (int32_t i = 0; i <= HISTORY_DATE_CONT_NUM(daysOfHistory); i++) { nsAutoCString dateName; // Timeframes are calculated as BeginTime <= container < EndTime. // Notice times can't be relative to now, since to recognize a query we // must ensure it won't change based on the time it is built. // So, to select till now, we really select till start of tomorrow, that is // a fixed timestamp. // These are used as limits for the inside containers. nsAutoCString sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime, sqlFragmentContainerEndTime; // These are used to query if the container should be visible. nsAutoCString sqlFragmentSearchBeginTime, sqlFragmentSearchEndTime; switch (i) { case 0: // Today history->GetStringFromName("finduri-AgeInDays-is-0", dateName); // From start of today sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime = nsLiteralCString( "(strftime('%s','now','localtime','start of day','utc')*1000000)"); // To now (tomorrow) sqlFragmentContainerEndTime = nsLiteralCString( "(strftime('%s','now','localtime','start of day','+1 " "day','utc')*1000000)"); // Search for the same timeframe. sqlFragmentSearchBeginTime = sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime; sqlFragmentSearchEndTime = sqlFragmentContainerEndTime; break; case 1: // Yesterday history->GetStringFromName("finduri-AgeInDays-is-1", dateName); // From start of yesterday sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime = nsLiteralCString( "(strftime('%s','now','localtime','start of day','-1 " "day','utc')*1000000)"); // To start of today sqlFragmentContainerEndTime = nsLiteralCString( "(strftime('%s','now','localtime','start of day','utc')*1000000)"); // Search for the same timeframe. sqlFragmentSearchBeginTime = sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime; sqlFragmentSearchEndTime = sqlFragmentContainerEndTime; break; case 2: // Last 7 days history->GetAgeInDaysString(7, "finduri-AgeInDays-last-is", dateName); // From start of 7 days ago sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime = nsLiteralCString( "(strftime('%s','now','localtime','start of day','-7 " "days','utc')*1000000)"); // To now (tomorrow) sqlFragmentContainerEndTime = nsLiteralCString( "(strftime('%s','now','localtime','start of day','+1 " "day','utc')*1000000)"); // This is an overlapped container, but we show it only if there are // visits older than yesterday. sqlFragmentSearchBeginTime = sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime; sqlFragmentSearchEndTime = nsLiteralCString( "(strftime('%s','now','localtime','start of day','-1 " "day','utc')*1000000)"); break; case 3: // This month history->GetStringFromName("finduri-AgeInMonths-is-0", dateName); // From start of this month sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime = nsLiteralCString( "(strftime('%s','now','localtime','start of " "month','utc')*1000000)"); // To now (tomorrow) sqlFragmentContainerEndTime = nsLiteralCString( "(strftime('%s','now','localtime','start of day','+1 " "day','utc')*1000000)"); // This is an overlapped container, but we show it only if there are // visits older than 7 days ago. sqlFragmentSearchBeginTime = sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime; sqlFragmentSearchEndTime = nsLiteralCString( "(strftime('%s','now','localtime','start of day','-7 " "days','utc')*1000000)"); break; default: if (i == HISTORY_ADDITIONAL_DATE_CONT_NUM + 6) { // Older than 6 months history->GetAgeInDaysString(6, "finduri-AgeInMonths-isgreater", dateName); // From start of epoch sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime = "(datetime(0, 'unixepoch')*1000000)"_ns; // To start of 6 months ago ( 5 months + this month). sqlFragmentContainerEndTime = nsLiteralCString( "(strftime('%s','now','localtime','start of month','-5 " "months','utc')*1000000)"); // Search for the same timeframe. sqlFragmentSearchBeginTime = sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime; sqlFragmentSearchEndTime = sqlFragmentContainerEndTime; break; } int32_t MonthIndex = i - HISTORY_ADDITIONAL_DATE_CONT_NUM; // Previous months' titles are month's name if inside this year, // month's name and year for previous years. PRExplodedTime tm; PR_ExplodeTime(PR_Now(), PR_LocalTimeParameters, &tm); uint16_t currentYear = tm.tm_year; // Set day before month, setting month without day could cause issues. // For example setting month to February when today is 30, since // February has not 30 days, will return March instead. // Also, we use day 2 instead of day 1, so that the GMT month is always // the same as the local month. (Bug 603002) tm.tm_mday = 2; tm.tm_month -= MonthIndex; // Notice we use GMTParameters because we just want to get the first // day of each month. Using LocalTimeParameters would instead force us // to apply a DST correction that we don't really need here. PR_NormalizeTime(&tm, PR_GMTParameters); // If the container is for a past year, add the year to its title, // otherwise just show the month name. if (tm.tm_year < currentYear) { nsNavHistory::GetMonthYear(tm, dateName); } else { nsNavHistory::GetMonthName(tm, dateName); } // From start of MonthIndex + 1 months ago sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime = nsLiteralCString( "(strftime('%s','now','localtime','start of month','-"); sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime.AppendInt(MonthIndex); sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime.AppendLiteral(" months','utc')*1000000)"); // To start of MonthIndex months ago sqlFragmentContainerEndTime = nsLiteralCString( "(strftime('%s','now','localtime','start of month','-"); sqlFragmentContainerEndTime.AppendInt(MonthIndex - 1); sqlFragmentContainerEndTime.AppendLiteral(" months','utc')*1000000)"); // Search for the same timeframe. sqlFragmentSearchBeginTime = sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime; sqlFragmentSearchEndTime = sqlFragmentContainerEndTime; break; } nsPrintfCString dateParam("dayTitle%d", i); mAddParams.InsertOrUpdate(dateParam, dateName); nsPrintfCString dayRange( "SELECT :%s AS dayTitle, " "%s AS beginTime, " "%s AS endTime " "WHERE EXISTS ( " "SELECT id FROM moz_historyvisits " "WHERE visit_date >= %s " "AND visit_date < %s " "AND visit_type NOT IN (0,%d,%d) " "{QUERY_OPTIONS_VISITS} " "LIMIT 1 " ") ", dateParam.get(), sqlFragmentContainerBeginTime.get(), sqlFragmentContainerEndTime.get(), sqlFragmentSearchBeginTime.get(), sqlFragmentSearchEndTime.get(), nsINavHistoryService::TRANSITION_EMBED, nsINavHistoryService::TRANSITION_FRAMED_LINK); mQueryString.Append(dayRange); if (i < HISTORY_DATE_CONT_NUM(daysOfHistory)) mQueryString.AppendLiteral(" UNION ALL "); } mQueryString.AppendLiteral(") "); // TOUTER END return NS_OK; } nsresult PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::SelectAsSite() { nsAutoCString localFiles; nsNavHistory* history = nsNavHistory::GetHistoryService(); NS_ENSURE_STATE(history); history->GetStringFromName("localhost", localFiles); mAddParams.InsertOrUpdate("localhost"_ns, localFiles); // If there are additional conditions the query has to join on visits too. nsAutoCString visitsJoin; nsAutoCString additionalConditions; nsAutoCString timeConstraints; if (!mConditions.IsEmpty()) { visitsJoin.AssignLiteral("JOIN moz_historyvisits v ON v.place_id = h.id "); additionalConditions.AssignLiteral( "{QUERY_OPTIONS_VISITS} " "{QUERY_OPTIONS_PLACES} " "{ADDITIONAL_CONDITIONS} "); timeConstraints.AssignLiteral( "||'&beginTime='||:begin_time||" "'&endTime='||:end_time"); } mQueryString = nsPrintfCString( "SELECT null, 'place:type=%d&sort=%d&domain=&domainIsHost=true'%s, " ":localhost, :localhost, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, " "null, null, null " "WHERE EXISTS ( " "SELECT h.id FROM moz_places h " "%s " "WHERE h.hidden = 0 " "AND h.visit_count > 0 " "AND h.url_hash BETWEEN hash('file', 'prefix_lo') AND " "hash('file', 'prefix_hi') " "%s " "LIMIT 1 " ") " "UNION ALL " "SELECT null, " "'place:type=%d&sort=%d&domain='||host||'&domainIsHost=true'%s, " "host, host, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, " "null, null, null " "FROM ( " "SELECT get_unreversed_host(h.rev_host) AS host " "FROM moz_places h " "%s " "WHERE h.hidden = 0 " "AND h.rev_host <> '.' " "AND h.visit_count > 0 " "%s " "GROUP BY h.rev_host " "ORDER BY host ASC " ") ", nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_URI, mSortingMode, timeConstraints.get(), visitsJoin.get(), additionalConditions.get(), nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_URI, mSortingMode, timeConstraints.get(), visitsJoin.get(), additionalConditions.get()); return NS_OK; } nsresult PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::SelectAsTag() { nsNavHistory* history = nsNavHistory::GetHistoryService(); NS_ENSURE_STATE(history); // This allows sorting by date fields what is not possible with // other history queries. mHasDateColumns = true; // TODO (Bug 1449939): This is likely wrong, since the tag name should // probably be urlencoded, and we have no util for that in SQL, yet. // We could encode the tag when the user sets it though. mQueryString = nsPrintfCString( "SELECT null, 'place:tag=' || title, " "title, null, null, null, null, null, dateAdded, " "lastModified, null, null, null, null, null, null " "FROM moz_bookmarks " "WHERE parent = %" PRId64, history->GetTagsFolder()); return NS_OK; } nsresult PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::SelectAsRoots() { nsNavHistory* history = nsNavHistory::GetHistoryService(); NS_ENSURE_STATE(history); nsAutoCString toolbarTitle; nsAutoCString menuTitle; nsAutoCString unfiledTitle; history->GetStringFromName("BookmarksToolbarFolderTitle", toolbarTitle); mAddParams.InsertOrUpdate("BookmarksToolbarFolderTitle"_ns, toolbarTitle); history->GetStringFromName("BookmarksMenuFolderTitle", menuTitle); mAddParams.InsertOrUpdate("BookmarksMenuFolderTitle"_ns, menuTitle); history->GetStringFromName("OtherBookmarksFolderTitle", unfiledTitle); mAddParams.InsertOrUpdate("OtherBookmarksFolderTitle"_ns, unfiledTitle); nsAutoCString mobileString; if (Preferences::GetBool(MOBILE_BOOKMARKS_PREF, false)) { nsAutoCString mobileTitle; history->GetStringFromName("MobileBookmarksFolderTitle", mobileTitle); mAddParams.InsertOrUpdate("MobileBookmarksFolderTitle"_ns, mobileTitle); mobileString = nsLiteralCString( "," "(null, 'place:parent=" MOBILE_ROOT_GUID "', :MobileBookmarksFolderTitle, null, null, null, " "null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, " "'" MOBILE_BOOKMARKS_VIRTUAL_GUID "', null) "); } mQueryString = nsLiteralCString( "SELECT * FROM (" "VALUES(null, 'place:parent=" TOOLBAR_ROOT_GUID "', :BookmarksToolbarFolderTitle, null, null, null, " "null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, 'toolbar____v', null), " "(null, 'place:parent=" MENU_ROOT_GUID "', :BookmarksMenuFolderTitle, null, null, null, " "null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, 'menu_______v', null), " "(null, 'place:parent=" UNFILED_ROOT_GUID "', :OtherBookmarksFolderTitle, null, null, null, " "null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, 'unfiled____v', null) ") + mobileString + ")"_ns; return NS_OK; } nsresult PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::SelectAsLeftPane() { nsNavHistory* history = nsNavHistory::GetHistoryService(); NS_ENSURE_STATE(history); nsAutoCString historyTitle; nsAutoCString downloadsTitle; nsAutoCString tagsTitle; nsAutoCString allBookmarksTitle; history->GetStringFromName("OrganizerQueryHistory", historyTitle); mAddParams.InsertOrUpdate("OrganizerQueryHistory"_ns, historyTitle); history->GetStringFromName("OrganizerQueryDownloads", downloadsTitle); mAddParams.InsertOrUpdate("OrganizerQueryDownloads"_ns, downloadsTitle); history->GetStringFromName("TagsFolderTitle", tagsTitle); mAddParams.InsertOrUpdate("TagsFolderTitle"_ns, tagsTitle); history->GetStringFromName("OrganizerQueryAllBookmarks", allBookmarksTitle); mAddParams.InsertOrUpdate("OrganizerQueryAllBookmarks"_ns, allBookmarksTitle); mQueryString = nsPrintfCString( "SELECT * FROM (" "VALUES" "(null, 'place:type=%d&sort=%d', :OrganizerQueryHistory, null, null, " "null, " "null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, 'history____v', null), " "(null, 'place:transition=%d&sort=%d', :OrganizerQueryDownloads, null, " "null, null, " "null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, 'downloads__v', null), " "(null, 'place:type=%d&sort=%d', :TagsFolderTitle, null, null, null, " "null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, 'tags_______v', null), " "(null, 'place:type=%d', :OrganizerQueryAllBookmarks, null, null, null, " "null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null, 'allbms_____v', null) " ")", nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_DATE_QUERY, nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING, nsINavHistoryService::TRANSITION_DOWNLOAD, nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING, nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_TAGS_ROOT, nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_TITLE_ASCENDING, nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_ROOTS_QUERY); return NS_OK; } nsresult PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::Where() { // Set query options nsAutoCString additionalVisitsConditions; nsAutoCString additionalPlacesConditions; if (!mIncludeHidden) { additionalPlacesConditions += "AND hidden = 0 "_ns; } if (mQueryType == nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY) { // last_visit_date is updated for any kind of visit, so it's a good // indicator whether the page has visits. additionalPlacesConditions += "AND last_visit_date NOTNULL "_ns; } if (mResultType == nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_URI && !additionalVisitsConditions.IsEmpty()) { // URI results don't join on visits. nsAutoCString tmp = additionalVisitsConditions; additionalVisitsConditions = "AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM moz_historyvisits WHERE place_id = h.id "; additionalVisitsConditions.Append(tmp); additionalVisitsConditions.AppendLiteral("LIMIT 1)"); } mQueryString.ReplaceSubstring("{QUERY_OPTIONS_VISITS}", additionalVisitsConditions.get()); mQueryString.ReplaceSubstring("{QUERY_OPTIONS_PLACES}", additionalPlacesConditions.get()); // If we used WHERE already, we inject the conditions // in place of {ADDITIONAL_CONDITIONS} if (mQueryString.Find("{ADDITIONAL_CONDITIONS}") != kNotFound) { nsAutoCString innerCondition; // If we have condition AND it if (!mConditions.IsEmpty()) { innerCondition = " AND ("; innerCondition += mConditions; innerCondition += ")"; } mQueryString.ReplaceSubstring("{ADDITIONAL_CONDITIONS}", innerCondition.get()); } else if (!mConditions.IsEmpty()) { mQueryString += "WHERE "; mQueryString += mConditions; } return NS_OK; } nsresult PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::GroupBy() { mQueryString += mGroupBy; return NS_OK; } nsresult PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::OrderBy() { if (mSkipOrderBy) return NS_OK; // Sort clause: we will sort later, but if it comes out of the DB sorted, // our later sort will be basically free. The DB can sort these for free // most of the time anyway, because it has indices over these items. switch (mSortingMode) { case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_NONE: // Ensure sorting does not change based on tables status. if (mResultType == nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_URI) { if (mQueryType == nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS) mQueryString += " ORDER BY b.id ASC "_ns; else if (mQueryType == nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY) mQueryString += " ORDER BY h.id ASC "_ns; } break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_TITLE_ASCENDING: case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_TITLE_DESCENDING: // If the user wants few results, we limit them by date, necessitating // a sort by date here (see the IDL definition for maxResults). // Otherwise we will do actual sorting by title, but since we could need // to special sort for some locale we will repeat a second sorting at the // end in nsNavHistoryResult, that should be faster since the list will be // almost ordered. if (mMaxResults > 0) OrderByColumnIndexDesc(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_VisitDate); else if (mSortingMode == nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_TITLE_ASCENDING) OrderByTextColumnIndexAsc(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_Title); else OrderByTextColumnIndexDesc(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_Title); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_DATE_ASCENDING: OrderByColumnIndexAsc(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_VisitDate); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING: OrderByColumnIndexDesc(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_VisitDate); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_URI_ASCENDING: OrderByColumnIndexAsc(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_URL); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_URI_DESCENDING: OrderByColumnIndexDesc(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_URL); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_VISITCOUNT_ASCENDING: OrderByColumnIndexAsc(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_VisitCount); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_VISITCOUNT_DESCENDING: OrderByColumnIndexDesc(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_VisitCount); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_DATEADDED_ASCENDING: if (mHasDateColumns) OrderByColumnIndexAsc(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_ItemDateAdded); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_DATEADDED_DESCENDING: if (mHasDateColumns) OrderByColumnIndexDesc(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_ItemDateAdded); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_LASTMODIFIED_ASCENDING: if (mHasDateColumns) OrderByColumnIndexAsc(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_ItemLastModified); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_LASTMODIFIED_DESCENDING: if (mHasDateColumns) OrderByColumnIndexDesc(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_ItemLastModified); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_TAGS_ASCENDING: case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_TAGS_DESCENDING: break; // Sort later in nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode::FillChildren() case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_FRECENCY_ASCENDING: OrderByColumnIndexAsc(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_Frecency); break; case nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_FRECENCY_DESCENDING: OrderByColumnIndexDesc(nsNavHistory::kGetInfoIndex_Frecency); break; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Invalid sorting mode"); } return NS_OK; } void PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::OrderByColumnIndexAsc(int32_t aIndex) { mQueryString += nsPrintfCString(" ORDER BY %d ASC", aIndex + 1); } void PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::OrderByColumnIndexDesc(int32_t aIndex) { mQueryString += nsPrintfCString(" ORDER BY %d DESC", aIndex + 1); } void PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::OrderByTextColumnIndexAsc(int32_t aIndex) { mQueryString += nsPrintfCString(" ORDER BY %d COLLATE NOCASE ASC", aIndex + 1); } void PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::OrderByTextColumnIndexDesc(int32_t aIndex) { mQueryString += nsPrintfCString(" ORDER BY %d COLLATE NOCASE DESC", aIndex + 1); } nsresult PlacesSQLQueryBuilder::Limit() { if (mUseLimit && mMaxResults > 0) { mQueryString += " LIMIT "_ns; mQueryString.AppendInt(mMaxResults); mQueryString.Append(' '); } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsNavHistory::ConstructQueryString( const RefPtr& aQuery, const RefPtr& aOptions, nsCString& queryString, bool& aParamsPresent, nsNavHistory::StringHash& aAddParams) { // For information about visit_type see nsINavHistoryService.idl. // visitType == 0 is undefined (see bug #375777 for details). // Some sites, especially Javascript-heavy ones, load things in frames to // display them, resulting in a lot of these entries. This is the reason // why such visits are filtered out. nsresult rv; aParamsPresent = false; int32_t sortingMode = aOptions->SortingMode(); NS_ASSERTION( sortingMode >= nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_NONE && sortingMode <= nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_FRECENCY_DESCENDING, "Invalid sortingMode found while building query!"); bool hasSearchTerms = !aQuery->SearchTerms().IsEmpty(); nsAutoCString tagsSqlFragment; GetTagsSqlFragment(GetTagsFolder(), "h.id"_ns, hasSearchTerms, tagsSqlFragment); if (IsOptimizableHistoryQuery( aQuery, aOptions, nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING) || IsOptimizableHistoryQuery( aQuery, aOptions, nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_VISITCOUNT_DESCENDING)) { // Generate an optimized query for the history menu and the old most visited // bookmark that was inserted into profiles. queryString = nsLiteralCString( "SELECT h.id, h.url, h.title AS page_title, h.rev_host, " "h.visit_count, h.last_visit_date, " "null, null, null, null, null, ") + tagsSqlFragment + nsLiteralCString( ", h.frecency, h.hidden, h.guid, " "null, null, null " "FROM moz_places h " "WHERE h.hidden = 0 " "AND EXISTS (SELECT id FROM moz_historyvisits WHERE place_id = " "h.id " "AND visit_type NOT IN ") + nsPrintfCString("(0,%d,%d) ", nsINavHistoryService::TRANSITION_EMBED, nsINavHistoryService::TRANSITION_FRAMED_LINK) + nsLiteralCString( "LIMIT 1) " "{QUERY_OPTIONS} "); queryString.AppendLiteral("ORDER BY "); if (sortingMode == nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING) queryString.AppendLiteral("last_visit_date DESC "); else queryString.AppendLiteral("visit_count DESC "); queryString.AppendLiteral("LIMIT "); queryString.AppendInt(aOptions->MaxResults()); nsAutoCString additionalQueryOptions; queryString.ReplaceSubstring("{QUERY_OPTIONS}", additionalQueryOptions.get()); return NS_OK; } // If the query is a tag query, the type is bookmarks. if (!aQuery->Tags().IsEmpty()) { aOptions->SetQueryType(nsNavHistoryQueryOptions::QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS); } nsAutoCString conditions; nsCString queryClause; rv = QueryToSelectClause(aQuery, aOptions, &queryClause); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!queryClause.IsEmpty()) { // TODO: This should be set on a case basis, not blindly. aParamsPresent = true; conditions += queryClause; } // Determine whether we can push maxResults constraints into the query // as LIMIT, or if we need to do result count clamping later // using FilterResultSet() bool useLimitClause = !NeedToFilterResultSet(aQuery, aOptions); PlacesSQLQueryBuilder queryStringBuilder( conditions, aQuery, aOptions, useLimitClause, aAddParams, hasSearchTerms); rv = queryStringBuilder.GetQueryString(queryString); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return NS_OK; } // nsNavHistory::GetQueryResults // // Call this to get the results from a complex query. This is used by // nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode to populate its children. For simple bookmark // queries, use nsNavBookmarks::QueryFolderChildren. // // THIS DOES NOT DO SORTING. You will need to sort the container yourself // when you get the results. This is because sorting depends on tree // statistics that will be built from the perspective of the tree. See // nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode::FillChildren // // FIXME: This only does keyword searching for the first query, and does // it ANDed with the all the rest of the queries. nsresult nsNavHistory::GetQueryResults( nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode* aResultNode, const RefPtr& aQuery, const RefPtr& aOptions, nsCOMArray* aResults) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aQuery); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aOptions); NS_ASSERTION(aResults->Count() == 0, "Initial result array must be empty"); nsCString queryString; bool paramsPresent = false; nsNavHistory::StringHash addParams(HISTORY_DATE_CONT_LENGTH); nsresult rv = ConstructQueryString(aQuery, aOptions, queryString, paramsPresent, addParams); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // create statement nsCOMPtr statement = mDB->GetStatement(queryString); #ifdef DEBUG if (!statement) { nsCOMPtr conn = mDB->MainConn(); if (conn) { nsAutoCString lastErrorString; (void)conn->GetLastErrorString(lastErrorString); int32_t lastError = 0; (void)conn->GetLastError(&lastError); printf( "Places failed to create a statement from this query:\n%s\nStorage " "error (%d): %s\n", queryString.get(), lastError, lastErrorString.get()); } } #endif NS_ENSURE_STATE(statement); mozStorageStatementScoper scoper(statement); if (paramsPresent) { rv = BindQueryClauseParameters(statement, aQuery, aOptions); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } for (const auto& entry : addParams) { nsresult rv = statement->BindUTF8StringByName(entry.GetKey(), entry.GetData()); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { break; } } // Optimize the case where there is no need for any post-query filtering. if (NeedToFilterResultSet(aQuery, aOptions)) { // Generate the top-level results. nsCOMArray toplevel; rv = ResultsAsList(statement, aOptions, &toplevel); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); FilterResultSet(aResultNode, toplevel, aResults, aQuery, aOptions); } else { rv = ResultsAsList(statement, aOptions, aResults); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::GetHistoryDisabled(bool* _retval) { NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval); *_retval = IsHistoryDisabled(); return NS_OK; } // Call this method before visiting a URL in order to help determine the // transition type of the visit. // // @see MarkPageAsFollowedBookmark NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::MarkPageAsTyped(nsIURI* aURI) { NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aURI); // don't add when history is disabled if (IsHistoryDisabled()) return NS_OK; nsAutoCString uriString; nsresult rv = aURI->GetSpec(uriString); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mRecentTyped.InsertOrUpdate(uriString, GetNow()); if (mRecentTyped.Count() > RECENT_EVENT_QUEUE_MAX_LENGTH) ExpireNonrecentEvents(&mRecentTyped); return NS_OK; } // Call this method before visiting a URL in order to help determine the // transition type of the visit. // // @see MarkPageAsTyped NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::MarkPageAsFollowedLink(nsIURI* aURI) { NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aURI); // don't add when history is disabled if (IsHistoryDisabled()) return NS_OK; nsAutoCString uriString; nsresult rv = aURI->GetSpec(uriString); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mRecentLink.InsertOrUpdate(uriString, GetNow()); if (mRecentLink.Count() > RECENT_EVENT_QUEUE_MAX_LENGTH) ExpireNonrecentEvents(&mRecentLink); return NS_OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// mozIStorageVacuumParticipant NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::GetDatabaseConnection(mozIStorageConnection** _DBConnection) { return GetDBConnection(_DBConnection); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::GetExpectedDatabasePageSize(int32_t* _expectedPageSize) { NS_ENSURE_STATE(mDB); NS_ENSURE_STATE(mDB->MainConn()); return mDB->MainConn()->GetDefaultPageSize(_expectedPageSize); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::OnBeginVacuum(bool* _vacuumGranted) { // TODO: Check if we have to deny the vacuum in some heavy-load case. // We could maybe want to do that during batches? *_vacuumGranted = true; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::OnEndVacuum(bool aSucceeded) { NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(aSucceeded, "Places.sqlite vacuum failed."); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::GetDBConnection(mozIStorageConnection** _DBConnection) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_DBConnection); nsCOMPtr connection = mDB->MainConn(); connection.forget(_DBConnection); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::GetShutdownClient(nsIAsyncShutdownClient** _shutdownClient) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_shutdownClient); nsCOMPtr client = mDB->GetClientsShutdown(); if (!client) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } client.forget(_shutdownClient); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::GetConnectionShutdownClient( nsIAsyncShutdownClient** _shutdownClient) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_shutdownClient); nsCOMPtr client = mDB->GetConnectionShutdown(); if (!client) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } client.forget(_shutdownClient); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::AsyncExecuteLegacyQuery(nsINavHistoryQuery* aQuery, nsINavHistoryQueryOptions* aOptions, mozIStorageStatementCallback* aCallback, mozIStoragePendingStatement** _stmt) { NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aQuery); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aOptions); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aCallback); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_stmt); RefPtr query = do_QueryObject(aQuery); NS_ENSURE_STATE(query); RefPtr options = do_QueryObject(aOptions); NS_ENSURE_ARG(options); nsCString queryString; bool paramsPresent = false; nsNavHistory::StringHash addParams(HISTORY_DATE_CONT_LENGTH); nsresult rv = ConstructQueryString(query, options, queryString, paramsPresent, addParams); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr statement = mDB->GetAsyncStatement(queryString); NS_ENSURE_STATE(statement); #ifdef DEBUG if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { nsCOMPtr conn = mDB->MainConn(); if (conn) { nsAutoCString lastErrorString; (void)mDB->MainConn()->GetLastErrorString(lastErrorString); int32_t lastError = 0; (void)mDB->MainConn()->GetLastError(&lastError); printf( "Places failed to create a statement from this query:\n%s\nStorage " "error (%d): %s\n", queryString.get(), lastError, lastErrorString.get()); } } #endif NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (paramsPresent) { rv = BindQueryClauseParameters(statement, query, options); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } for (const auto& entry : addParams) { nsresult rv = statement->BindUTF8StringByName(entry.GetKey(), entry.GetData()); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { break; } } rv = statement->ExecuteAsync(aCallback, _stmt); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return NS_OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// nsIObserver NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic, const char16_t* aData) { NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "This can only be called on the main thread"); if (strcmp(aTopic, TOPIC_PROFILE_TEARDOWN) == 0 || strcmp(aTopic, TOPIC_PROFILE_CHANGE) == 0 || strcmp(aTopic, TOPIC_SIMULATE_PLACES_SHUTDOWN) == 0) { // These notifications are used by tests to simulate a Places shutdown. // They should just be forwarded to the Database handle. mDB->Observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData); } else if (strcmp(aTopic, TOPIC_PREF_CHANGED) == 0) { LoadPrefs(); } else if (strcmp(aTopic, TOPIC_IDLE_DAILY) == 0) { (void)DecayFrecency(); } else if (strcmp(aTopic, TOPIC_APP_LOCALES_CHANGED) == 0) { mBundle = nullptr; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::DecayFrecency() { float decayRate = Preferences::GetFloat(PREF_FREC_DECAY_RATE, PREF_FREC_DECAY_RATE_DEF); if (decayRate > 1.0f) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "The frecency decay rate should not be greater than 1.0"); decayRate = PREF_FREC_DECAY_RATE_DEF; } RefPtr runnable = new FixAndDecayFrecencyRunnable(mDB, decayRate); nsCOMPtr target = do_GetInterface(mDB->MainConn()); NS_ENSURE_STATE(target); mDecayFrecencyPendingCount++; return target->Dispatch(runnable, NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL); } void nsNavHistory::DecayFrecencyCompleted() { MOZ_ASSERT(mDecayFrecencyPendingCount > 0); mDecayFrecencyPendingCount--; } bool nsNavHistory::IsFrecencyDecaying() const { return mDecayFrecencyPendingCount > 0; } // Query stuff ***************************************************************** // Helper class for QueryToSelectClause // // This class helps to build part of the WHERE clause. class ConditionBuilder { public: ConditionBuilder& Condition(const char* aStr) { if (!mClause.IsEmpty()) mClause.AppendLiteral(" AND "); Str(aStr); return *this; } ConditionBuilder& Str(const char* aStr) { mClause.Append(' '); mClause.Append(aStr); mClause.Append(' '); return *this; } ConditionBuilder& Param(const char* aParam) { mClause.Append(' '); mClause.Append(aParam); mClause.Append(' '); return *this; } void GetClauseString(nsCString& aResult) { aResult = mClause; } private: nsCString mClause; }; // nsNavHistory::QueryToSelectClause // // THE BEHAVIOR SHOULD BE IN SYNC WITH BindQueryClauseParameters // // I don't check return values from the query object getters because there's // no way for those to fail. nsresult nsNavHistory::QueryToSelectClause( const RefPtr& aQuery, const RefPtr& aOptions, nsCString* aClause) { bool hasIt; // We don't use the value from options here - we post filter if that // is set. bool excludeQueries = false; ConditionBuilder clause; if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(aQuery->GetHasBeginTime(&hasIt)) && hasIt) || (NS_SUCCEEDED(aQuery->GetHasEndTime(&hasIt)) && hasIt)) { clause.Condition( "EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM moz_historyvisits " "WHERE place_id = h.id"); // begin time if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aQuery->GetHasBeginTime(&hasIt)) && hasIt) clause.Condition("visit_date >=").Param(":begin_time"); // end time if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aQuery->GetHasEndTime(&hasIt)) && hasIt) clause.Condition("visit_date <=").Param(":end_time"); clause.Str(" LIMIT 1)"); } // search terms int32_t searchBehavior = mozIPlacesAutoComplete::BEHAVIOR_HISTORY | mozIPlacesAutoComplete::BEHAVIOR_BOOKMARK; if (!aQuery->SearchTerms().IsEmpty()) { // Re-use the autocomplete_match function. Setting the behavior to match // history or typed history or bookmarks or open pages will match almost // everything. clause.Condition("AUTOCOMPLETE_MATCH(") .Param(":search_string") .Str(", h.url, page_title, tags, ") .Str(nsPrintfCString("1, 1, 1, 1, %d, %d", mozIPlacesAutoComplete::MATCH_ANYWHERE_UNMODIFIED, searchBehavior) .get()) .Str(", NULL)"); // Serching by terms implicitly exclude queries. excludeQueries = true; } // min and max visit count if (aQuery->MinVisits() >= 0) clause.Condition("h.visit_count >=").Param(":min_visits"); if (aQuery->MaxVisits() >= 0) clause.Condition("h.visit_count <=").Param(":max_visits"); // only bookmarked, has no affect on bookmarks-only queries if (aOptions->QueryType() != nsINavHistoryQueryOptions::QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS && aQuery->OnlyBookmarked()) clause.Condition("EXISTS (SELECT b.fk FROM moz_bookmarks b WHERE b.type = ") .Str(nsPrintfCString("%d", nsNavBookmarks::TYPE_BOOKMARK).get()) .Str("AND b.fk = h.id)"); // domain if (!aQuery->Domain().IsVoid()) { bool domainIsHost = false; aQuery->GetDomainIsHost(&domainIsHost); if (domainIsHost) clause.Condition("h.rev_host =").Param(":domain_lower"); else // see domain setting in BindQueryClauseParameters for why we do this clause.Condition("h.rev_host >=") .Param(":domain_lower") .Condition("h.rev_host <") .Param(":domain_upper"); } // URI if (aQuery->Uri()) { clause.Condition("h.url_hash = hash(") .Param(":uri") .Str(")") .Condition("h.url =") .Param(":uri"); } // annotation if (!aQuery->Annotation().IsEmpty()) { clause.Condition(""); if (aQuery->AnnotationIsNot()) clause.Str("NOT"); clause .Str( "EXISTS " "(SELECT h.id " "FROM moz_annos anno " "JOIN moz_anno_attributes annoname " "ON anno.anno_attribute_id = annoname.id " "WHERE anno.place_id = h.id " "AND annoname.name = ") .Param(":anno") .Str(")"); // annotation-based queries don't get the common conditions, so you get // all URLs with that annotation } // tags const nsTArray& tags = aQuery->Tags(); if (tags.Length() > 0) { clause.Condition("h.id"); if (aQuery->TagsAreNot()) clause.Str("NOT"); clause .Str( "IN " "(SELECT bms.fk " "FROM moz_bookmarks bms " "JOIN moz_bookmarks tags ON bms.parent = tags.id " "WHERE tags.parent =") .Param(":tags_folder") .Str("AND lower(tags.title) IN ("); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tags.Length(); ++i) { nsPrintfCString param(":tag%d_", i); clause.Param(param.get()); if (i < tags.Length() - 1) clause.Str(","); } clause.Str(")"); if (!aQuery->TagsAreNot()) { clause.Str("GROUP BY bms.fk HAVING count(*) >=").Param(":tag_count"); } clause.Str(")"); } // transitions const nsTArray& transitions = aQuery->Transitions(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < transitions.Length(); ++i) { nsPrintfCString param(":transition%d_", i); clause .Condition( "h.id IN (SELECT place_id FROM moz_historyvisits " "WHERE visit_type = ") .Param(param.get()) .Str(")"); } // parents const nsTArray& parents = aQuery->Parents(); if (parents.Length() > 0) { aOptions->SetQueryType(nsNavHistoryQueryOptions::QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS); clause.Condition( "b.parent IN( " "WITH RECURSIVE parents(id) AS ( " "SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE GUID IN ("); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < parents.Length(); ++i) { nsPrintfCString param(":parentguid%d_", i); clause.Param(param.get()); if (i < parents.Length() - 1) { clause.Str(","); } } clause.Str( ") " "UNION ALL " "SELECT b2.id " "FROM moz_bookmarks b2 " "JOIN parents p ON b2.parent = p.id " "WHERE b2.type = 2 " ") " "SELECT id FROM parents " ")"); } if (excludeQueries) { // Serching by terms implicitly exclude queries and folder shortcuts. clause.Condition( "NOT h.url_hash BETWEEN hash('place', 'prefix_lo') AND " "hash('place', 'prefix_hi')"); } clause.GetClauseString(*aClause); return NS_OK; } // nsNavHistory::BindQueryClauseParameters // // THE BEHAVIOR SHOULD BE IN SYNC WITH QueryToSelectClause nsresult nsNavHistory::BindQueryClauseParameters( mozIStorageBaseStatement* statement, const RefPtr& aQuery, const RefPtr& aOptions) { nsresult rv; bool hasIt; // begin time if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aQuery->GetHasBeginTime(&hasIt)) && hasIt) { PRTime time = NormalizeTime(aQuery->BeginTimeReference(), aQuery->BeginTime()); rv = statement->BindInt64ByName("begin_time"_ns, time); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } // end time if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aQuery->GetHasEndTime(&hasIt)) && hasIt) { PRTime time = NormalizeTime(aQuery->EndTimeReference(), aQuery->EndTime()); rv = statement->BindInt64ByName("end_time"_ns, time); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } // search terms if (!aQuery->SearchTerms().IsEmpty()) { rv = statement->BindStringByName("search_string"_ns, aQuery->SearchTerms()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } // min and max visit count int32_t visits = aQuery->MinVisits(); if (visits >= 0) { rv = statement->BindInt32ByName("min_visits"_ns, visits); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } visits = aQuery->MaxVisits(); if (visits >= 0) { rv = statement->BindInt32ByName("max_visits"_ns, visits); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } // domain (see GetReversedHostname for more info on reversed host names) if (!aQuery->Domain().IsVoid()) { nsString revDomain; GetReversedHostname(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(aQuery->Domain()), revDomain); if (aQuery->DomainIsHost()) { rv = statement->BindStringByName("domain_lower"_ns, revDomain); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } else { // for "mozilla.org" do query >= "gro.allizom." AND < "gro.allizom/" // which will get everything starting with "gro.allizom." while using the // index (using SUBSTRING() causes indexes to be discarded). NS_ASSERTION(revDomain[revDomain.Length() - 1] == '.', "Invalid rev. host"); rv = statement->BindStringByName("domain_lower"_ns, revDomain); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); revDomain.Truncate(revDomain.Length() - 1); revDomain.Append(char16_t('/')); rv = statement->BindStringByName("domain_upper"_ns, revDomain); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } } // URI if (aQuery->Uri()) { rv = URIBinder::Bind(statement, "uri"_ns, aQuery->Uri()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } // annotation if (!aQuery->Annotation().IsEmpty()) { rv = statement->BindUTF8StringByName("anno"_ns, aQuery->Annotation()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } // tags const nsTArray& tags = aQuery->Tags(); if (tags.Length() > 0) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tags.Length(); ++i) { nsPrintfCString paramName("tag%d_", i); nsString utf16Tag = tags[i]; ToLowerCase(utf16Tag); NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 tag(utf16Tag); rv = statement->BindUTF8StringByName(paramName, tag); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } int64_t tagsFolder = GetTagsFolder(); rv = statement->BindInt64ByName("tags_folder"_ns, tagsFolder); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!aQuery->TagsAreNot()) { rv = statement->BindInt32ByName("tag_count"_ns, tags.Length()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } } // transitions const nsTArray& transitions = aQuery->Transitions(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < transitions.Length(); ++i) { nsPrintfCString paramName("transition%d_", i); rv = statement->BindInt64ByName(paramName, transitions[i]); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } // parents const nsTArray& parents = aQuery->Parents(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < parents.Length(); ++i) { nsPrintfCString paramName("parentguid%d_", i); rv = statement->BindUTF8StringByName(paramName, parents[i]); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } return NS_OK; } // nsNavHistory::ResultsAsList // nsresult nsNavHistory::ResultsAsList( mozIStorageStatement* statement, nsNavHistoryQueryOptions* aOptions, nsCOMArray* aResults) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr row = do_QueryInterface(statement, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); bool hasMore = false; while (NS_SUCCEEDED(statement->ExecuteStep(&hasMore)) && hasMore) { RefPtr result; rv = RowToResult(row, aOptions, getter_AddRefs(result)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); aResults->AppendElement(result.forget()); } return NS_OK; } int64_t nsNavHistory::GetTagsFolder() { // cache our tags folder // note, we can't do this in nsNavHistory::Init(), // as getting the bookmarks service would initialize it. if (mTagsFolder == -1) { nsNavBookmarks* bookmarks = nsNavBookmarks::GetBookmarksService(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(bookmarks, -1); nsresult rv = bookmarks->GetTagsFolder(&mTagsFolder); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, -1); } return mTagsFolder; } // nsNavHistory::FilterResultSet // // This does some post-query-execution filtering: // - searching on title, url and tags // - limit count // // Note: changes to filtering in FilterResultSet() // may require changes to NeedToFilterResultSet() // static nsresult nsNavHistory::FilterResultSet( nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode* aQueryNode, const nsCOMArray& aSet, nsCOMArray* aFiltered, const RefPtr& aQuery, nsNavHistoryQueryOptions* aOptions) { // parse the search terms nsTArray terms; ParseSearchTermsFromQuery(aQuery, &terms); bool excludeQueries = aOptions->ExcludeQueries(); for (int32_t nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < aSet.Count(); nodeIndex++) { if (excludeQueries && aSet[nodeIndex]->IsQuery()) { continue; } if (aSet[nodeIndex]->mItemId != -1 && aQueryNode && aQueryNode->mItemId == aSet[nodeIndex]->mItemId) { continue; } // If there are search terms, we are already getting only uri nodes, // thus we don't need to filter node types. Though, we must check for // matching terms. if (terms.Length()) { // Filter based on search terms. // Convert title and url for the current node to UTF16 strings. NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 nodeTitle(aSet[nodeIndex]->mTitle); // Unescape the URL for search terms matching. nsAutoCString cNodeURL(aSet[nodeIndex]->mURI); NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 nodeURL(NS_UnescapeURL(cNodeURL)); // Determine if every search term matches anywhere in the title, url or // tag. bool matchAllTerms = true; for (int32_t termIndex = terms.Length() - 1; termIndex >= 0 && matchAllTerms; termIndex--) { nsString& term = terms.ElementAt(termIndex); // True if any of them match; false makes us quit the loop matchAllTerms = CaseInsensitiveFindInReadable(term, nodeTitle) || CaseInsensitiveFindInReadable(term, nodeURL) || CaseInsensitiveFindInReadable(term, aSet[nodeIndex]->mTags); } // Skip the node if we don't match all terms in the title, url or tag if (!matchAllTerms) { continue; } } aFiltered->AppendObject(aSet[nodeIndex]); // Stop once we have reached max results. if (aOptions->MaxResults() > 0 && (uint32_t)aFiltered->Count() >= aOptions->MaxResults()) break; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::MakeGuid(nsACString& aGuid) { if (NS_FAILED(GenerateGUID(aGuid))) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Shouldn't fail to create a guid!"); aGuid.SetIsVoid(true); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNavHistory::HashURL(const nsACString& aSpec, const nsACString& aMode, uint64_t* _hash) { return places::HashURL(aSpec, aMode, _hash); } // nsNavHistory::CheckIsRecentEvent // // Sees if this URL happened "recently." // // It is always removed from our recent list no matter what. It only counts // as "recent" if the event happened more recently than our event // threshold ago. bool nsNavHistory::CheckIsRecentEvent(RecentEventHash* hashTable, const nsACString& url) { PRTime eventTime; if (hashTable->Get(url, reinterpret_cast(&eventTime))) { hashTable->Remove(url); if (eventTime > GetNow() - RECENT_EVENT_THRESHOLD) return true; return false; } return false; } // nsNavHistory::ExpireNonrecentEvents // // This goes through our void nsNavHistory::ExpireNonrecentEvents(RecentEventHash* hashTable) { int64_t threshold = GetNow() - RECENT_EVENT_THRESHOLD; for (auto iter = hashTable->Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { if (iter.Data() < threshold) { iter.Remove(); } } } // nsNavHistory::RowToResult // // Here, we just have a generic row. It could be a query, URL, visit, // or full visit. nsresult nsNavHistory::RowToResult(mozIStorageValueArray* aRow, nsNavHistoryQueryOptions* aOptions, nsNavHistoryResultNode** aResult) { NS_ASSERTION(aRow && aOptions && aResult, "Null pointer in RowToResult"); // URL nsAutoCString url; nsresult rv = aRow->GetUTF8String(kGetInfoIndex_URL, url); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // In case of data corruption URL may be null, but our UI code prefers an // empty string. if (url.IsVoid()) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Found a NULL url in moz_places"); url.SetIsVoid(false); } // title nsAutoCString title; bool isNull; rv = aRow->GetIsNull(kGetInfoIndex_Title, &isNull); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!isNull) { rv = aRow->GetUTF8String(kGetInfoIndex_Title, title); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } uint32_t accessCount = aRow->AsInt32(kGetInfoIndex_VisitCount); PRTime time = aRow->AsInt64(kGetInfoIndex_VisitDate); // itemId int64_t itemId = aRow->AsInt64(kGetInfoIndex_ItemId); if (itemId == 0) { // This is not a bookmark. For non-bookmarks we use a -1 itemId value. // Notice ids in sqlite tables start from 1, so itemId cannot ever be 0. itemId = -1; } if (IsQueryURI(url)) { // Special case "place:" URIs: turn them into containers. if (itemId != -1) { // We should never expose the history title for query nodes if the // bookmark-item's title is set to null (the history title may be the // query string without the place: prefix). Thus we call getItemTitle // explicitly. Doing this in the SQL query would be less performant since // it should be done for all results rather than only for queries. nsNavBookmarks* bookmarks = nsNavBookmarks::GetBookmarksService(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(bookmarks, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); rv = bookmarks->GetItemTitle(itemId, title); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } nsAutoCString guid; if (itemId != -1) { rv = aRow->GetUTF8String(nsNavBookmarks::kGetChildrenIndex_Guid, guid); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } if (aOptions->ResultType() == nsNavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_ROOTS_QUERY || aOptions->ResultType() == nsNavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_LEFT_PANE_QUERY) { rv = aRow->GetUTF8String(kGetInfoIndex_Guid, guid); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } RefPtr resultNode; rv = QueryRowToResult(itemId, guid, url, title, accessCount, time, getter_AddRefs(resultNode)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (itemId != -1 || aOptions->ResultType() == nsNavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_TAGS_ROOT) { // RESULTS_AS_TAGS_ROOT has date columns resultNode->mDateAdded = aRow->AsInt64(kGetInfoIndex_ItemDateAdded); resultNode->mLastModified = aRow->AsInt64(kGetInfoIndex_ItemLastModified); if (resultNode->IsFolder()) { // If it's a simple folder node (i.e. a shortcut to another folder), // apply our options for it. However, if the parent type was tag query, // we do not apply them, because it would not yield any results. resultNode->GetAsContainer()->mOptions = aOptions; } } resultNode.forget(aResult); return rv; } else if (aOptions->ResultType() == nsNavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_URI) { RefPtr resultNode = new nsNavHistoryResultNode(url, title, accessCount, time); if (itemId != -1) { resultNode->mItemId = itemId; resultNode->mDateAdded = aRow->AsInt64(kGetInfoIndex_ItemDateAdded); resultNode->mLastModified = aRow->AsInt64(kGetInfoIndex_ItemLastModified); rv = aRow->GetUTF8String(nsNavBookmarks::kGetChildrenIndex_Guid, resultNode->mBookmarkGuid); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } resultNode->mFrecency = aRow->AsInt32(kGetInfoIndex_Frecency); resultNode->mHidden = !!aRow->AsInt32(kGetInfoIndex_Hidden); nsAutoString tags; rv = aRow->GetString(kGetInfoIndex_ItemTags, tags); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!tags.IsVoid()) { resultNode->mTags.Assign(tags); } rv = aRow->GetUTF8String(kGetInfoIndex_Guid, resultNode->mPageGuid); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); resultNode.forget(aResult); return NS_OK; } if (aOptions->ResultType() == nsNavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_VISIT) { RefPtr resultNode = new nsNavHistoryResultNode(url, title, accessCount, time); nsAutoString tags; rv = aRow->GetString(kGetInfoIndex_ItemTags, tags); if (!tags.IsVoid()) resultNode->mTags.Assign(tags); rv = aRow->GetUTF8String(kGetInfoIndex_Guid, resultNode->mPageGuid); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = aRow->GetInt64(kGetInfoIndex_VisitId, &resultNode->mVisitId); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); int64_t fromVisitId; rv = aRow->GetInt64(kGetInfoIndex_FromVisitId, &fromVisitId); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (fromVisitId > 0) { resultNode->mFromVisitId = fromVisitId; } resultNode->mTransitionType = aRow->AsInt32(kGetInfoIndex_VisitType); resultNode.forget(aResult); return NS_OK; } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // nsNavHistory::QueryRowToResult // // Called by RowToResult when the URI is a place: URI to generate the proper // folder or query node. nsresult nsNavHistory::QueryRowToResult(int64_t itemId, const nsACString& aBookmarkGuid, const nsACString& aURI, const nsACString& aTitle, uint32_t aAccessCount, PRTime aTime, nsNavHistoryResultNode** aNode) { // Only assert if the itemId is set. In some cases (e.g. virtual queries), we // have a guid, but not an itemId. if (itemId != -1) { MOZ_ASSERT(!aBookmarkGuid.IsEmpty()); } nsCOMPtr query; nsCOMPtr options; nsresult rv = QueryStringToQuery(aURI, getter_AddRefs(query), getter_AddRefs(options)); RefPtr resultNode; RefPtr queryObj = do_QueryObject(query); NS_ENSURE_STATE(queryObj); RefPtr optionsObj = do_QueryObject(options); NS_ENSURE_STATE(optionsObj); // If this failed the query does not parse correctly, let the error pass and // handle it later. if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // Check if this is a folder shortcut, so we can take a faster path. nsCString targetFolderGuid = GetSimpleBookmarksQueryParent(queryObj, optionsObj); if (!targetFolderGuid.IsEmpty()) { nsNavBookmarks* bookmarks = nsNavBookmarks::GetBookmarksService(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(bookmarks, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); rv = bookmarks->ResultNodeForContainer(targetFolderGuid, optionsObj, getter_AddRefs(resultNode)); // If this failed the shortcut is pointing to nowhere, let the error pass // and handle it later. if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // At this point the node is set up like a regular folder node. Here // we make the necessary change to make it a folder shortcut. resultNode->mItemId = itemId; resultNode->mBookmarkGuid = aBookmarkGuid; resultNode->GetAsFolder()->mTargetFolderGuid = targetFolderGuid; // Use the query item title, unless it's empty (in that case use the // concrete folder title). if (!aTitle.IsEmpty()) { resultNode->mTitle = aTitle; } } } else { // This is a regular query. resultNode = new nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode(aTitle, aTime, aURI, queryObj, optionsObj); resultNode->mItemId = itemId; resultNode->mBookmarkGuid = aBookmarkGuid; } } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("Generating a generic empty node for a broken query!"); // This is a broken query, that either did not parse or points to not // existing data. We don't want to return failure since that will kill the // whole result. Instead make a generic empty query node. resultNode = new nsNavHistoryQueryResultNode(aTitle, 0, aURI, queryObj, optionsObj); resultNode->mItemId = itemId; resultNode->mBookmarkGuid = aBookmarkGuid; // This is a perf hack to generate an empty query that skips filtering. resultNode->GetAsQuery()->Options()->SetExcludeItems(true); } resultNode.forget(aNode); return NS_OK; } // nsNavHistory::VisitIdToResultNode // // Used by the query results to create new nodes on the fly when // notifications come in. This just creates a node for the given visit ID. nsresult nsNavHistory::VisitIdToResultNode(int64_t visitId, nsNavHistoryQueryOptions* aOptions, nsNavHistoryResultNode** aResult) { MOZ_ASSERT(visitId > 0, "The passed-in visit id must be valid"); nsAutoCString tagsFragment; GetTagsSqlFragment(GetTagsFolder(), "h.id"_ns, true, tagsFragment); nsCOMPtr statement; switch (aOptions->ResultType()) { case nsNavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_VISIT: // visit query - want exact visit time // Should match kGetInfoIndex_* (see GetQueryResults) statement = mDB->GetStatement( nsLiteralCString( "SELECT h.id, h.url, h.title, h.rev_host, h.visit_count, " "v.visit_date, null, null, null, null, null, ") + tagsFragment + nsLiteralCString(", h.frecency, h.hidden, h.guid, " "v.id, v.from_visit, v.visit_type " "FROM moz_places h " "JOIN moz_historyvisits v ON h.id = v.place_id " "WHERE v.id = :visit_id ")); break; case nsNavHistoryQueryOptions::RESULTS_AS_URI: // URL results - want last visit time // Should match kGetInfoIndex_* (see GetQueryResults) statement = mDB->GetStatement( nsLiteralCString( "SELECT h.id, h.url, h.title, h.rev_host, h.visit_count, " "h.last_visit_date, null, null, null, null, null, ") + tagsFragment + nsLiteralCString(", h.frecency, h.hidden, h.guid, " "null, null, null " "FROM moz_places h " "JOIN moz_historyvisits v ON h.id = v.place_id " "WHERE v.id = :visit_id ")); break; default: // Query base types like RESULTS_AS_*_QUERY handle additions // by registering their own observers when they are expanded. return NS_OK; } NS_ENSURE_STATE(statement); mozStorageStatementScoper scoper(statement); nsresult rv = statement->BindInt64ByName("visit_id"_ns, visitId); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); bool hasMore = false; rv = statement->ExecuteStep(&hasMore); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!hasMore) { // Oops, we were passed an id that doesn't exist! It is indeed possible // that between the insertion and the notification time, another enqueued // task removed it. Since this can happen, we'll just issue a warning. NS_WARNING( "Cannot build a result node for a non existing visit id, was it " "removed?"); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } nsCOMPtr row = do_QueryInterface(statement, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return RowToResult(row, aOptions, aResult); } nsresult nsNavHistory::BookmarkIdToResultNode( int64_t aBookmarkId, nsNavHistoryQueryOptions* aOptions, nsNavHistoryResultNode** aResult) { MOZ_ASSERT(aBookmarkId > 0, "The passed-in bookmark id must be valid"); nsAutoCString tagsFragment; GetTagsSqlFragment(GetTagsFolder(), "h.id"_ns, true, tagsFragment); // Should match kGetInfoIndex_* nsCOMPtr stmt = mDB->GetStatement( nsLiteralCString( "SELECT b.fk, h.url, b.title, " "h.rev_host, h.visit_count, h.last_visit_date, null, b.id, " "b.dateAdded, b.lastModified, b.parent, ") + tagsFragment + nsLiteralCString(", h.frecency, h.hidden, h.guid, " "null, null, null, b.guid, b.position, b.type, b.fk " "FROM moz_bookmarks b " "JOIN moz_places h ON b.fk = h.id " "WHERE b.id = :item_id ")); NS_ENSURE_STATE(stmt); mozStorageStatementScoper scoper(stmt); nsresult rv = stmt->BindInt64ByName("item_id"_ns, aBookmarkId); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); bool hasMore = false; rv = stmt->ExecuteStep(&hasMore); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!hasMore) { // Oops, we were passed an id that doesn't exist! It is indeed possible // that between the insertion and the notification time, another enqueued // task removed it. Since this can happen, we'll just issue a warning. NS_WARNING( "Cannot build a result node for a non existing bookmark id, was it " "removed?"); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } nsCOMPtr row = do_QueryInterface(stmt, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return RowToResult(row, aOptions, aResult); } nsresult nsNavHistory::URIToResultNode(nsIURI* aURI, nsNavHistoryQueryOptions* aOptions, nsNavHistoryResultNode** aResult) { MOZ_ASSERT(aURI, "The passed-in URI must be not-null"); nsAutoCString tagsFragment; GetTagsSqlFragment(GetTagsFolder(), "h.id"_ns, true, tagsFragment); // Should match kGetInfoIndex_* nsCOMPtr stmt = mDB->GetStatement( nsLiteralCString("SELECT h.id, :page_url, COALESCE(b.title, h.title), " "h.rev_host, h.visit_count, h.last_visit_date, null, " "b.id, b.dateAdded, b.lastModified, b.parent, ") + tagsFragment + nsLiteralCString( ", h.frecency, h.hidden, h.guid, " "null, null, null, b.guid, b.position, b.type, b.fk " "FROM moz_places h " "LEFT JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON b.fk = h.id " "WHERE h.url_hash = hash(:page_url) AND h.url = :page_url ")); NS_ENSURE_STATE(stmt); mozStorageStatementScoper scoper(stmt); nsresult rv = URIBinder::Bind(stmt, "page_url"_ns, aURI); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); bool hasMore = false; rv = stmt->ExecuteStep(&hasMore); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!hasMore) { // Oops, we were passed an URL that doesn't exist! It is indeed possible // that between the insertion and the notification time, another enqueued // task removed it. Since this can happen, we'll just issue a warning. NS_WARNING( "Cannot build a result node for a non existing page id, was it " "removed?"); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } nsCOMPtr row = do_QueryInterface(stmt, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return RowToResult(row, aOptions, aResult); } void nsNavHistory::GetAgeInDaysString(int32_t aInt, const char* aName, nsACString& aResult) { nsIStringBundle* bundle = GetBundle(); if (bundle) { AutoTArray strings; strings.AppendElement()->AppendInt(aInt); nsAutoString value; nsresult rv = bundle->FormatStringFromName(aName, strings, value); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { CopyUTF16toUTF8(value, aResult); return; } } aResult.Assign(aName); } void nsNavHistory::GetStringFromName(const char* aName, nsACString& aResult) { nsIStringBundle* bundle = GetBundle(); if (bundle) { nsAutoString value; nsresult rv = bundle->GetStringFromName(aName, value); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { CopyUTF16toUTF8(value, aResult); return; } } aResult.Assign(aName); } // static void nsNavHistory::GetMonthName(const PRExplodedTime& aTime, nsACString& aResult) { nsAutoString month; mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::ComponentsBag components; components.month = Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Month::Long); nsresult rv = mozilla::intl::AppDateTimeFormat::Format(components, &aTime, month); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { aResult = nsPrintfCString("[%d]", aTime.tm_month + 1); return; } CopyUTF16toUTF8(month, aResult); } // static void nsNavHistory::GetMonthYear(const PRExplodedTime& aTime, nsACString& aResult) { nsAutoString monthYear; mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::ComponentsBag components; components.month = Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Month::Long); components.year = Some(mozilla::intl::DateTimeFormat::Numeric::Numeric); nsresult rv = mozilla::intl::AppDateTimeFormat::Format(components, &aTime, monthYear); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { aResult = nsPrintfCString("[%d-%d]", aTime.tm_month + 1, aTime.tm_year); return; } CopyUTF16toUTF8(monthYear, aResult); } namespace { // GetSimpleBookmarksQueryParent // // Determines if this is a simple bookmarks query for a // folder with no other constraints. In these common cases, we can more // efficiently compute the results. // // A simple bookmarks query will result in a hierarchical tree of // bookmark items, folders and separators. // // Returns the folder ID if it is a simple folder query, 0 if not. static nsCString GetSimpleBookmarksQueryParent( const RefPtr& aQuery, const RefPtr& aOptions) { if (aQuery->Parents().Length() != 1) return ""_ns; bool hasIt; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aQuery->GetHasBeginTime(&hasIt)) && hasIt) return ""_ns; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aQuery->GetHasEndTime(&hasIt)) && hasIt) return ""_ns; if (!aQuery->Domain().IsVoid()) return ""_ns; if (aQuery->Uri()) return ""_ns; if (!aQuery->SearchTerms().IsEmpty()) return ""_ns; if (aQuery->Tags().Length() > 0) return ""_ns; if (aOptions->MaxResults() > 0) return ""_ns; // Don't care about onlyBookmarked flag, since specifying a bookmark // folder is inferring onlyBookmarked. return aQuery->Parents()[0]; } // ParseSearchTermsFromQuery // // Construct an array of search terms from the given query. // Within a query, all the terms are ANDed together. // // This just breaks the query up into words. We don't do anything fancy, // not even quoting. We do, however, strip quotes, because people might // try to input quotes expecting them to do something and get no results // back. inline bool isQueryWhitespace(char16_t ch) { return ch == ' '; } void ParseSearchTermsFromQuery(const RefPtr& aQuery, nsTArray* aTerms) { int32_t lastBegin = -1; if (!aQuery->SearchTerms().IsEmpty()) { const nsString& searchTerms = aQuery->SearchTerms(); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < searchTerms.Length(); j++) { if (isQueryWhitespace(searchTerms[j]) || searchTerms[j] == '"') { if (lastBegin >= 0) { // found the end of a word aTerms->AppendElement( Substring(searchTerms, lastBegin, j - lastBegin)); lastBegin = -1; } } else { if (lastBegin < 0) { // found the beginning of a word lastBegin = j; } } } // last word if (lastBegin >= 0) aTerms->AppendElement(Substring(searchTerms, lastBegin)); } } } // namespace nsresult nsNavHistory::UpdateFrecency(int64_t aPlaceId) { nsCOMPtr updateFrecencyStmt = mDB->GetAsyncStatement( "UPDATE moz_places " "SET frecency = CALCULATE_FRECENCY(:page_id) " "WHERE id = :page_id"); NS_ENSURE_STATE(updateFrecencyStmt); NS_DispatchToMainThread(new NotifyRankingChanged()); nsresult rv = updateFrecencyStmt->BindInt64ByName("page_id"_ns, aPlaceId); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr updateHiddenStmt = mDB->GetAsyncStatement( "UPDATE moz_places " "SET hidden = 0 " "WHERE id = :page_id AND frecency <> 0"); NS_ENSURE_STATE(updateHiddenStmt); rv = updateHiddenStmt->BindInt64ByName("page_id"_ns, aPlaceId); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr conn = mDB->MainConn(); if (!conn) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } nsTArray> stmts = { ToRefPtr(std::move(updateFrecencyStmt)), ToRefPtr(std::move(updateHiddenStmt)), }; nsCOMPtr ps; rv = conn->ExecuteAsync(stmts, nullptr, getter_AddRefs(ps)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Trigger frecency updates for all affected origins. nsCOMPtr updateOriginFrecenciesStmt = mDB->GetAsyncStatement("DELETE FROM moz_updateoriginsupdate_temp"); NS_ENSURE_STATE(updateOriginFrecenciesStmt); rv = updateOriginFrecenciesStmt->ExecuteAsync(nullptr, getter_AddRefs(ps)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return NS_OK; } const mozilla::intl::Collator* nsNavHistory::GetCollator() { if (mCollator) { return mCollator.get(); } auto result = mozilla::intl::LocaleService::TryCreateComponent< mozilla::intl::Collator>(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(result.isOk(), nullptr); auto collator = result.unwrap(); // Sort in a case-insensitive way, where "base" letters are considered // equal, e.g: a = á, a = A, a ≠ b. using mozilla::intl::Collator; Collator::Options options{}; options.sensitivity = Collator::Sensitivity::Base; auto optResult = collator->SetOptions(options); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(optResult.isOk(), nullptr); mCollator = UniquePtr(collator.release()); return mCollator.get(); } nsIStringBundle* nsNavHistory::GetBundle() { if (!mBundle) { nsCOMPtr bundleService = components::StringBundle::Service(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(bundleService, nullptr); nsresult rv = bundleService->CreateBundle( "chrome://places/locale/places.properties", getter_AddRefs(mBundle)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, nullptr); } return mBundle; }