// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ReaderMode"]; // Constants for telemetry. const DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS = 0; const DOWNLOAD_ERROR_XHR = 1; const DOWNLOAD_ERROR_NO_DOC = 2; const PARSE_SUCCESS = 0; const PARSE_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ELEMENTS = 1; const PARSE_ERROR_WORKER = 2; const PARSE_ERROR_NO_ARTICLE = 3; // Class names to preserve in the readerized output. We preserve these class // names so that rules in aboutReader.css can match them. const CLASSES_TO_PRESERVE = [ "caption", "emoji", "hidden", "invisible", "sr-only", "visually-hidden", "visuallyhidden", "wp-caption", "wp-caption-text", "wp-smiley", ]; const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs" ); const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( lazy, "ReaderWorker", "resource://gre/modules/reader/ReaderWorker.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( lazy, "LanguageDetector", "resource://gre/modules/translation/LanguageDetector.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( lazy, "Readerable", "resource://gre/modules/Readerable.jsm" ); const gIsFirefoxDesktop = Services.appinfo.ID == "{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}"; Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled("readermode", true); var ReaderMode = { DEBUG: 0, // For time spent telemetry enterTime: undefined, leaveTime: undefined, /** * Enter the reader mode by going forward one step in history if applicable, * if not, append the about:reader page in the history instead. */ enterReaderMode(docShell, win) { this.enterTime = Date.now(); Services.telemetry.recordEvent("readermode", "view", "on", null, { subcategory: "feature", }); let url = win.document.location.href; let readerURL = "about:reader?url=" + encodeURIComponent(url); if (!Services.appinfo.sessionHistoryInParent) { let webNav = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation); let sh = webNav.sessionHistory; if (webNav.canGoForward) { let forwardEntry = sh.legacySHistory.getEntryAtIndex(sh.index + 1); let forwardURL = forwardEntry.URI.spec; if (forwardURL && (forwardURL == readerURL || !readerURL)) { webNav.goForward(); return; } } } // This could possibly move to the parent. See bug 1664982. win.document.location = readerURL; }, /** * Exit the reader mode by going back one step in history if applicable, * if not, append the original page in the history instead. */ leaveReaderMode(docShell, win) { this.leaveTime = Date.now(); // Measured in seconds (whole number) let timeSpentInReaderMode = Math.floor( (this.leaveTime - this.enterTime) / 1000 ); // Measured as percentage (whole number) let scrollPosition = Math.floor( ((win.scrollY + win.innerHeight) / win.document.body.clientHeight) * 100 ); Services.telemetry.recordEvent("readermode", "view", "off", null, { subcategory: "feature", reader_time: `${timeSpentInReaderMode}`, scroll_position: `${scrollPosition}`, }); let url = win.document.location.href; let originalURL = this.getOriginalUrl(url); let webNav = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation); if (!Services.appinfo.sessionHistoryInParent) { let sh = webNav.sessionHistory; if (webNav.canGoBack) { let prevEntry = sh.legacySHistory.getEntryAtIndex(sh.index - 1); let prevURL = prevEntry.URI.spec; if (prevURL && (prevURL == originalURL || !originalURL)) { webNav.goBack(); return; } } } let referrerURI, principal; try { referrerURI = Services.io.newURI(url); principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal( referrerURI, win.document.nodePrincipal.originAttributes ); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); return; } let loadFlags = webNav.LOAD_FLAGS_DISALLOW_INHERIT_PRINCIPAL; let ReferrerInfo = Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/referrer-info;1", "nsIReferrerInfo", "init" ); let loadURIOptions = { triggeringPrincipal: principal, loadFlags, referrerInfo: new ReferrerInfo( Ci.nsIReferrerInfo.EMPTY, true, referrerURI ), }; // This could possibly move to the parent. See bug 1664982. webNav.loadURI(originalURL, loadURIOptions); }, /** * Returns original URL from an about:reader URL. * * @param url An about:reader URL. * @return The original URL for the article, or null if we did not find * a properly formatted about:reader URL. */ getOriginalUrl(url) { if (!url.startsWith("about:reader?")) { return null; } let outerHash = ""; try { let uriObj = Services.io.newURI(url); url = uriObj.specIgnoringRef; outerHash = uriObj.ref; } catch (ex) { /* ignore, use the raw string */ } let searchParams = new URLSearchParams( url.substring("about:reader?".length) ); if (!searchParams.has("url")) { return null; } let originalUrl = searchParams.get("url"); if (outerHash) { try { let uriObj = Services.io.newURI(originalUrl); uriObj = Services.io.newURI("#" + outerHash, null, uriObj); originalUrl = uriObj.spec; } catch (ex) {} } return originalUrl; }, getOriginalUrlObjectForDisplay(url) { let originalUrl = this.getOriginalUrl(url); if (originalUrl) { let uriObj; try { uriObj = Services.uriFixup.getFixupURIInfo(originalUrl).preferredURI; } catch (ex) { return null; } try { return Services.io.createExposableURI(uriObj); } catch (ex) { return null; } } return null; }, /** * Gets an article from a loaded browser's document. This method will not attempt * to parse certain URIs (e.g. about: URIs). * * @param doc A document to parse. * @return {Promise} * @resolves JS object representing the article, or null if no article is found. */ parseDocument(doc) { if ( !lazy.Readerable.shouldCheckUri(doc.documentURIObject) || !lazy.Readerable.shouldCheckUri(doc.baseURIObject, true) ) { this.log("Reader mode disabled for URI"); return null; } return this._readerParse(doc); }, /** * Downloads and parses a document from a URL. * * @param url URL to download and parse. * @return {Promise} * @resolves JS object representing the article, or null if no article is found. */ async downloadAndParseDocument(url, docContentType = "document") { let result = await this._downloadDocument(url, docContentType); if (!result?.doc) { return null; } let { doc, newURL } = result; if ( !lazy.Readerable.shouldCheckUri(doc.documentURIObject) || !lazy.Readerable.shouldCheckUri(doc.baseURIObject, true) ) { this.log("Reader mode disabled for URI"); return null; } let article = await this._readerParse(doc); // If we have to redirect, reject to the caller with the parsed article, // so we can update the URL before displaying it. if (newURL) { return Promise.reject({ newURL, article }); } // Otherwise, we can just continue with the article. return article; }, _downloadDocument(url, docContentType = "document") { try { if (!lazy.Readerable.shouldCheckUri(Services.io.newURI(url))) { return null; } } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError( new Error(`Couldn't create URI from ${url} to download: ${ex}`) ); return null; } let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById( "READER_MODE_DOWNLOAD_RESULT" ); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", url, true); xhr.onerror = evt => reject(evt.error); xhr.responseType = docContentType === "text/plain" ? "text" : "document"; xhr.onload = evt => { if (xhr.status !== 200) { reject("Reader mode XHR failed with status: " + xhr.status); histogram.add(DOWNLOAD_ERROR_XHR); return; } let doc = xhr.responseType === "text" ? xhr.responseText : xhr.responseXML; if (!doc) { reject("Reader mode XHR didn't return a document"); histogram.add(DOWNLOAD_ERROR_NO_DOC); return; } let responseURL = xhr.responseURL; let givenURL = url; // Convert these to real URIs to make sure the escaping (or lack // thereof) is identical: try { responseURL = Services.io.newURI(responseURL).specIgnoringRef; } catch (ex) { /* Ignore errors - we'll use what we had before */ } try { givenURL = Services.io.newURI(givenURL).specIgnoringRef; } catch (ex) { /* Ignore errors - we'll use what we had before */ } if (xhr.responseType != "document") { let initialText = doc; let parser = new DOMParser(); doc = parser.parseFromString(`
`, "text/html"); doc.querySelector("pre").textContent = initialText; } // We treat redirects as download successes here: histogram.add(DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS); let result = { doc }; if (responseURL != givenURL) { result.newURL = xhr.responseURL; } resolve(result); }; xhr.send(); }); }, log(msg) { if (this.DEBUG) { dump("Reader: " + msg); } }, /** * Attempts to parse a document into an article. Heavy lifting happens * in readerWorker.js. * * @param doc The document to parse. * @return {Promise} * @resolves JS object representing the article, or null if no article is found. */ async _readerParse(doc) { let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById( "READER_MODE_PARSE_RESULT" ); if (this.parseNodeLimit) { let numTags = doc.getElementsByTagName("*").length; if (numTags > this.parseNodeLimit) { this.log( "Aborting parse for " + doc.baseURIObject.spec + "; " + numTags + " elements found" ); histogram.add(PARSE_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ELEMENTS); return null; } } // Fetch this here before we send `doc` off to the worker thread, as later on the // document might be nuked but we will still want the URI. let { documentURI } = doc; let uriParam; uriParam = { spec: doc.baseURIObject.spec, prePath: doc.baseURIObject.prePath, scheme: doc.baseURIObject.scheme, // Fallback host: documentURI, pathBase: documentURI, }; // nsIURI.host throws an exception if a host doesn't exist. try { uriParam.host = doc.baseURIObject.host; uriParam.pathBase = Services.io.newURI(".", null, doc.baseURIObject).spec; } catch (ex) { // Fall back to the initial values we assigned. console.warn("Error accessing host name: ", ex); } // convert text/plain document, if any, to XHTML format if (this._isDocumentPlainText(doc)) { doc = this._convertPlainTextDocument(doc); } let serializer = new XMLSerializer(); let serializedDoc = serializer.serializeToString(doc); // Explicitly null out doc to make it clear it might not be available from this // point on. doc = null; let options = { classesToPreserve: CLASSES_TO_PRESERVE, }; let article = null; try { article = await lazy.ReaderWorker.post("parseDocument", [ uriParam, serializedDoc, options, ]); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError("Error in ReaderWorker: " + e); histogram.add(PARSE_ERROR_WORKER); } if (!article) { this.log("Worker did not return an article"); histogram.add(PARSE_ERROR_NO_ARTICLE); return null; } // Readability returns a URI object based on the baseURI, but we only care // about the original document's URL from now on. This also avoids spoofing // attempts where the baseURI doesn't match the domain of the documentURI article.url = documentURI; delete article.uri; let flags = Ci.nsIDocumentEncoder.OutputSelectionOnly | Ci.nsIDocumentEncoder.OutputAbsoluteLinks; article.title = Cc["@mozilla.org/parserutils;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIParserUtils) .convertToPlainText(article.title, flags, 0); if (gIsFirefoxDesktop) { await this._assignLanguage(article); this._maybeAssignTextDirection(article); } this._assignReadTime(article); histogram.add(PARSE_SUCCESS); return article; }, /** * Sets a global language string value if the result is confident * * @return Promise * @resolves when the language is detected */ _assignLanguage(article) { return lazy.LanguageDetector.detectLanguage(article.textContent).then( result => { article.language = result.confident ? result.language : null; } ); }, _maybeAssignTextDirection(article) { // TODO: Remove the hardcoded language codes below once bug 1320265 is resolved. if ( !article.dir && ["ar", "fa", "he", "ug", "ur"].includes(article.language) ) { article.dir = "rtl"; } }, /** * Assigns the estimated reading time range of the article to the article object. * * @param article the article object to assign the reading time estimate to. */ _assignReadTime(article) { let lang = article.language || "en"; const readingSpeed = this._getReadingSpeedForLanguage(lang); const charactersPerMinuteLow = readingSpeed.cpm - readingSpeed.variance; const charactersPerMinuteHigh = readingSpeed.cpm + readingSpeed.variance; const length = article.length; article.readingTimeMinsSlow = Math.ceil(length / charactersPerMinuteLow); article.readingTimeMinsFast = Math.ceil(length / charactersPerMinuteHigh); }, /** * Returns the reading speed of a selection of languages with likely variance. * * Reading speed estimated from a study done on reading speeds in various languages. * study can be found here: http://iovs.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2166061 * * @return object with characters per minute and variance. Defaults to English * if no suitable language is found in the collection. */ _getReadingSpeedForLanguage(lang) { const readingSpeed = new Map([ ["en", { cpm: 987, variance: 118 }], ["ar", { cpm: 612, variance: 88 }], ["de", { cpm: 920, variance: 86 }], ["es", { cpm: 1025, variance: 127 }], ["fi", { cpm: 1078, variance: 121 }], ["fr", { cpm: 998, variance: 126 }], ["he", { cpm: 833, variance: 130 }], ["it", { cpm: 950, variance: 140 }], ["jw", { cpm: 357, variance: 56 }], ["nl", { cpm: 978, variance: 143 }], ["pl", { cpm: 916, variance: 126 }], ["pt", { cpm: 913, variance: 145 }], ["ru", { cpm: 986, variance: 175 }], ["sk", { cpm: 885, variance: 145 }], ["sv", { cpm: 917, variance: 156 }], ["tr", { cpm: 1054, variance: 156 }], ["zh", { cpm: 255, variance: 29 }], ]); return readingSpeed.get(lang) || readingSpeed.get("en"); }, /** * * Check if the document to be parsed is text document. * @param doc the doc object to be parsed. * @return boolean * */ _isDocumentPlainText(doc) { return doc.contentType == "text/plain"; }, /** * * The document to be parsed is text document and is converted to HTML format. * @param doc the doc object to be parsed. * @return doc * */ _convertPlainTextDocument(doc) { let preTag = doc.querySelector("pre"); let docFrag = doc.createDocumentFragment(); let content = preTag.textContent; let paragraphs = content.split(/\r?\n\r?\n/); for (let para of paragraphs) { let pElem = doc.createElement("p"); let lines = para.split(/\n/); for (let line of lines) { pElem.append(line); let brElem = doc.createElement("br"); pElem.append(brElem); } docFrag.append(pElem); } // Clone the document to avoid the original document being affected // (which shows up when exiting reader mode again). let clone = doc.documentElement.cloneNode(true); clone.querySelector("pre").replaceWith(docFrag); return clone; }, }; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( ReaderMode, "maxElemsToParse", "reader.parse-node-limit", 0 );