// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { PrivateBrowsingUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.sys.mjs", }); // This object implements the JS parts of nsIWebNavigation. class RemoteWebNavigation { constructor(aBrowser) { this._browser = aBrowser; this._cancelContentJSEpoch = 1; this._currentURI = null; this._canGoBack = false; this._canGoForward = false; this.referringURI = null; } swapBrowser(aBrowser) { this._browser = aBrowser; } maybeCancelContentJSExecution(aNavigationType, aOptions = {}) { const epoch = this._cancelContentJSEpoch++; this._browser.frameLoader.remoteTab.maybeCancelContentJSExecution( aNavigationType, { ...aOptions, epoch } ); return epoch; } get canGoBack() { if (Services.appinfo.sessionHistoryInParent) { return this._browser.browsingContext.sessionHistory?.index > 0; } return this._canGoBack; } get canGoForward() { if (Services.appinfo.sessionHistoryInParent) { let sessionHistory = this._browser.browsingContext.sessionHistory; return sessionHistory?.index < sessionHistory?.count - 1; } return this._canGoForward; } goBack(requireUserInteraction = false) { let cancelContentJSEpoch = this.maybeCancelContentJSExecution( Ci.nsIRemoteTab.NAVIGATE_BACK ); this._browser.browsingContext.goBack( cancelContentJSEpoch, requireUserInteraction, true ); } goForward(requireUserInteraction = false) { let cancelContentJSEpoch = this.maybeCancelContentJSExecution( Ci.nsIRemoteTab.NAVIGATE_FORWARD ); this._browser.browsingContext.goForward( cancelContentJSEpoch, requireUserInteraction, true ); } gotoIndex(aIndex) { let cancelContentJSEpoch = this.maybeCancelContentJSExecution( Ci.nsIRemoteTab.NAVIGATE_INDEX, { index: aIndex } ); this._browser.browsingContext.goToIndex(aIndex, cancelContentJSEpoch, true); } loadURI(aURI, aLoadURIOptions) { let uri; try { let fixupFlags = Services.uriFixup.webNavigationFlagsToFixupFlags( aURI, aLoadURIOptions.loadFlags ); let isBrowserPrivate = lazy.PrivateBrowsingUtils.isBrowserPrivate( this._browser ); if (isBrowserPrivate) { fixupFlags |= Services.uriFixup.FIXUP_FLAG_PRIVATE_CONTEXT; } uri = Services.uriFixup.getFixupURIInfo(aURI, fixupFlags).preferredURI; // We know the url is going to be loaded, let's start requesting network // connection before the content process asks. // Note that we might have already setup the speculative connection in // some cases, especially when the url is from location bar or its popup // menu. if (uri.schemeIs("http") || uri.schemeIs("https")) { let principal = aLoadURIOptions.triggeringPrincipal; // We usually have a triggeringPrincipal assigned, but in case we // don't have one or if it's a SystemPrincipal, let's create it with OA // inferred from the current context. if (!principal || principal.isSystemPrincipal) { let attrs = { userContextId: this._browser.getAttribute("usercontextid") || 0, privateBrowsingId: isBrowserPrivate ? 1 : 0, }; principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal( uri, attrs ); } Services.io.speculativeConnect(uri, principal, null); } } catch (ex) { // Can't setup speculative connection for this uri string for some // reason (such as failing to parse the URI), just ignore it. } let cancelContentJSEpoch = this.maybeCancelContentJSExecution( Ci.nsIRemoteTab.NAVIGATE_URL, { uri } ); this._browser.browsingContext.loadURI(aURI, { ...aLoadURIOptions, cancelContentJSEpoch, }); } reload(aReloadFlags) { this._browser.browsingContext.reload(aReloadFlags); } stop(aStopFlags) { this._browser.browsingContext.stop(aStopFlags); } get document() { return this._browser.contentDocument; } get currentURI() { if (!this._currentURI) { this._currentURI = Services.io.newURI("about:blank"); } return this._currentURI; } set currentURI(aURI) { // Bug 1498600 verify usages of systemPrincipal here let loadURIOptions = { triggeringPrincipal: Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), }; this.loadURI(aURI.spec, loadURIOptions); } // Bug 1233803 - accessing the sessionHistory of remote browsers should be // done in content scripts. get sessionHistory() { throw new Components.Exception( "Not implemented", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ); } set sessionHistory(aValue) { throw new Components.Exception( "Not implemented", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ); } _sendMessage(aMessage, aData) { try { this._browser.sendMessageToActor(aMessage, aData, "WebNavigation"); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } } } var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["RemoteWebNavigation"];