/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef TelemetryCommon_h__ #define TelemetryCommon_h__ #include "PLDHashTable.h" #include "js/RootingAPI.h" #include "js/TypeDecls.h" #include "mozilla/TypedEnumBits.h" #include "mozilla/TelemetryProcessEnums.h" #include "nsHashtablesFwd.h" #include "nsTHashSet.h" #include "nsTHashtable.h" #include "nsIScriptError.h" #include "nsXULAppAPI.h" namespace mozilla { namespace Telemetry { namespace Common { typedef nsTHashSet StringHashSet; enum class RecordedProcessType : uint16_t { Main = (1 << GeckoProcessType_Default), // Also known as "parent process" Content = (1 << GeckoProcessType_Content), Gpu = (1 << GeckoProcessType_GPU), Socket = (1 << GeckoProcessType_Socket), Utility = (1 << GeckoProcessType_Utility), AllChildren = 0xFFFF - 1, // All the child processes (i.e. content, gpu, ...) // Always `All-Main` to allow easy matching. All = 0xFFFF // All the processes }; MOZ_MAKE_ENUM_CLASS_BITWISE_OPERATORS(RecordedProcessType); static_assert(static_cast(RecordedProcessType::Main) == 1, "Main process type must be equal to 1 to allow easy matching in " "CanRecordInProcess"); enum class SupportedProduct : uint8_t { Firefox = (1 << 0), Fennec = (1 << 1), // Note that `1 << 2` (former GeckoView) is missing in the representation // but isn't necessary to be maintained, but we see no point in filling it // at this time. GeckoviewStreaming = (1 << 3), Thunderbird = (1 << 4), }; MOZ_MAKE_ENUM_CLASS_BITWISE_OPERATORS(SupportedProduct); template class AutoHashtable : public nsTHashtable { public: explicit AutoHashtable( uint32_t initLength = PLDHashTable::kDefaultInitialLength); typedef bool (*ReflectEntryFunc)(EntryType* entry, JSContext* cx, JS::Handle obj); bool ReflectIntoJS(ReflectEntryFunc entryFunc, JSContext* cx, JS::Handle obj); }; template AutoHashtable::AutoHashtable(uint32_t initLength) : nsTHashtable(initLength) {} /** * Reflect the individual entries of table into JS, usually by defining * some property and value of obj. entryFunc is called for each entry. */ template bool AutoHashtable::ReflectIntoJS(ReflectEntryFunc entryFunc, JSContext* cx, JS::Handle obj) { for (auto iter = this->Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { if (!entryFunc(iter.Get(), cx, obj)) { return false; } } return true; } bool IsExpiredVersion(const char* aExpiration); bool IsInDataset(uint32_t aDataset, uint32_t aContainingDataset); bool CanRecordDataset(uint32_t aDataset, bool aCanRecordBase, bool aCanRecordExtended); bool CanRecordInProcess(RecordedProcessType aProcesses, GeckoProcessType aProcess); bool CanRecordInProcess(RecordedProcessType aProcesses, ProcessID aProcess); bool CanRecordProduct(SupportedProduct aProducts); /** * Return the number of milliseconds since process start using monotonic * timestamps (unaffected by system clock changes). Depending on the platform, * this can include the time the device was suspended (Windows) or not (Linux, * macOS). * * @return NS_OK on success. */ nsresult MsSinceProcessStart(double* aResult); /** * Return the number of milliseconds since process start using monotonic * timestamps (unaffected by system clock changes), including the time the * system was suspended. * * @return NS_OK on success, NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if the data is unavailable * (this can happen on old operating systems). */ nsresult MsSinceProcessStartIncludingSuspend(double* aResult); /** * Return the number of milliseconds since process start using monotonic * timestamps (unaffected by system clock changes), excluding the time the * system was suspended. * * @return NS_OK on success, NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if the data is unavailable * (this can happen on old operating systems). */ nsresult MsSinceProcessStartExcludingSuspend(double* aResult); /** * Dumps a log message to the Browser Console using the provided level. * * @param aLogLevel The level to use when displaying the message in the browser * console (e.g. nsIScriptError::warningFlag, ...). * @param aMsg The text message to print to the console. */ void LogToBrowserConsole(uint32_t aLogLevel, const nsAString& aMsg); /** * Get the name string for a ProcessID. * This is the name we use for the Telemetry payloads. */ const char* GetNameForProcessID(ProcessID process); /** * Get the process id give a process name. * * @param aProcessName - the name of the process. * @returns {ProcessID} one value from ProcessID::* or ProcessID::Count if the * name of the process was not found. */ ProcessID GetIDForProcessName(const char* aProcessName); /** * Get the GeckoProcessType for a ProcessID. * Telemetry distinguishes between more process types than the GeckoProcessType, * so the mapping is not direct. */ GeckoProcessType GetGeckoProcessType(ProcessID process); /** * Check if the passed telemetry identifier is valid. * * @param aStr The string identifier. * @param aMaxLength The maximum length of the identifier. * @param aAllowInfixPeriod Whether or not to allow infix dots. * @param aAllowInfixUnderscore Whether or not to allow infix underscores. * @returns true if the string validates correctly, false otherwise. */ bool IsValidIdentifierString(const nsACString& aStr, const size_t aMaxLength, const bool aAllowInfixPeriod, const bool aAllowInfixUnderscore); /** * Convert the given UTF8 string to a JavaScript string. The returned * string's contents will be the UTF16 conversion of the given string. * * @param cx The JS context. * @param aStr The UTF8 string. * @returns a JavaScript string. */ JSString* ToJSString(JSContext* cx, const nsACString& aStr); /** * Convert the given UTF16 string to a JavaScript string. * * @param cx The JS context. * @param aStr The UTF16 string. * @returns a JavaScript string. */ JSString* ToJSString(JSContext* cx, const nsAString& aStr); /** * Get an identifier for the currently-running product. * This is not stable over time and may change. * * @returns the product identifier */ SupportedProduct GetCurrentProduct(); } // namespace Common } // namespace Telemetry } // namespace mozilla #endif // TelemetryCommon_h__