/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80 filetype=javascript: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /** * Read the data saved by nsTerminator during shutdown and feed it to the * relevant telemetry histograms. */ const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { PromiseUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PromiseUtils.sys.mjs", setTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", }); function nsTerminatorTelemetry() { this._wasNotified = false; this._deferred = lazy.PromiseUtils.defer(); IOUtils.sendTelemetry.addBlocker( "TerminatoryTelemetry: Waiting to submit telemetry", this._deferred.promise, () => ({ wasNotified: this._wasNotified, }) ); } var HISTOGRAMS = { "quit-application": "SHUTDOWN_PHASE_DURATION_TICKS_QUIT_APPLICATION", "profile-change-net-teardown": "SHUTDOWN_PHASE_DURATION_TICKS_PROFILE_CHANGE_NET_TEARDOWN", "profile-change-teardown": "SHUTDOWN_PHASE_DURATION_TICKS_PROFILE_CHANGE_TEARDOWN", "profile-before-change": "SHUTDOWN_PHASE_DURATION_TICKS_PROFILE_BEFORE_CHANGE", "profile-before-change-qm": "SHUTDOWN_PHASE_DURATION_TICKS_PROFILE_BEFORE_CHANGE_QM", "xpcom-will-shutdown": "SHUTDOWN_PHASE_DURATION_TICKS_XPCOM_WILL_SHUTDOWN", "xpcom-shutdown": "SHUTDOWN_PHASE_DURATION_TICKS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN", }; nsTerminatorTelemetry.prototype = { classID: Components.ID("{3f78ada1-cba2-442a-82dd-d5fb300ddea7}"), // nsISupports QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIObserver"]), // nsIObserver observe: function DS_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { this._wasNotified = true; (async () => { try { // // This data is hardly critical, reading it can wait for a few seconds. // await new Promise(resolve => lazy.setTimeout(resolve, 3000)); let PATH = PathUtils.join( Services.dirsvc.get("ProfLD", Ci.nsIFile).path, "ShutdownDuration.json" ); let data; try { data = await IOUtils.readJSON(PATH); } catch (ex) { if (DOMException.isInstance(ex) && ex.name == "NotFoundError") { return; } // Let other errors be reported by Promise's error-reporting. throw ex; } // Clean up await IOUtils.remove(PATH); await IOUtils.remove(PATH + ".tmp"); for (let k of Object.keys(data)) { let id = HISTOGRAMS[k]; try { let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById(id); if (!histogram) { throw new Error("Unknown histogram " + id); } histogram.add(Number.parseInt(data[k])); } catch (ex) { // Make sure that the error is reported and causes test failures, // but otherwise, ignore it. Promise.reject(ex); continue; } } // Inform observers that we are done. Services.obs.notifyObservers( null, "shutdown-terminator-telemetry-updated" ); } finally { this._deferred.resolve(); } })(); }, }; // Module var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["nsTerminatorTelemetry"];