//* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "ProtocolParser.h" #include "LookupCache.h" #include "nsNetCID.h" #include "mozilla/Components.h" #include "mozilla/Logging.h" #include "prnetdb.h" #include "prprf.h" #include "nsUrlClassifierDBService.h" #include "nsUrlClassifierUtils.h" #include "nsPrintfCString.h" #include "mozilla/Base64.h" #include "RiceDeltaDecoder.h" #include "mozilla/EndianUtils.h" #include "mozilla/ErrorNames.h" #include "mozilla/IntegerPrintfMacros.h" // MOZ_LOG=UrlClassifierProtocolParser:5 mozilla::LazyLogModule gUrlClassifierProtocolParserLog( "UrlClassifierProtocolParser"); #define PARSER_LOG(args) \ MOZ_LOG(gUrlClassifierProtocolParserLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug, args) namespace mozilla { namespace safebrowsing { // Updates will fail if fed chunks larger than this const uint32_t MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = (4 * 1024 * 1024); // Updates will fail if the total number of tocuhed chunks is larger than this const uint32_t MAX_CHUNK_RANGE = 1000000; const uint32_t DOMAIN_SIZE = 4; // Parse one stringified range of chunks of the form "n" or "n-m" from a // comma-separated list of chunks. Upon return, 'begin' will point to the // next range of chunks in the list of chunks. static bool ParseChunkRange(const nsAutoCString& string, uint32_t* aFirst, uint32_t* aLast) { uint32_t numRead = PR_sscanf(string.get(), "%u-%u", aFirst, aLast); if (numRead == 2) { if (*aFirst > *aLast) { uint32_t tmp = *aFirst; *aFirst = *aLast; *aLast = tmp; } return true; } if (numRead == 1) { *aLast = *aFirst; return true; } return false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ProtocolParser implementation ProtocolParser::ProtocolParser() : mUpdateStatus(NS_OK), mUpdateWaitSec(0) {} ProtocolParser::~ProtocolParser() = default; nsresult ProtocolParser::Begin(const nsACString& aTable, const nsTArray& aUpdateTables) { // ProtocolParser objects should never be reused. MOZ_ASSERT(mPending.IsEmpty()); MOZ_ASSERT(mTableUpdates.IsEmpty()); MOZ_ASSERT(mForwards.IsEmpty()); MOZ_ASSERT(mRequestedTables.IsEmpty()); MOZ_ASSERT(mTablesToReset.IsEmpty()); if (!aTable.IsEmpty()) { SetCurrentTable(aTable); } SetRequestedTables(aUpdateTables); return NS_OK; } RefPtr ProtocolParser::GetTableUpdate(const nsACString& aTable) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mTableUpdates.Length(); i++) { if (aTable.Equals(mTableUpdates[i]->TableName())) { return mTableUpdates[i]; } } // We free automatically on destruction, ownership of these // updates can be transferred to DBServiceWorker, which passes // them back to Classifier when doing the updates, and that // will free them. RefPtr update = CreateTableUpdate(aTable); mTableUpdates.AppendElement(update); return update; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ProtocolParserV2 ProtocolParserV2::ProtocolParserV2() : mState(PROTOCOL_STATE_CONTROL), mTableUpdate(nullptr) {} ProtocolParserV2::~ProtocolParserV2() = default; void ProtocolParserV2::SetCurrentTable(const nsACString& aTable) { RefPtr update = GetTableUpdate(aTable); mTableUpdate = TableUpdate::Cast(update); } nsresult ProtocolParserV2::AppendStream(const nsACString& aData) { if (NS_FAILED(mUpdateStatus)) return mUpdateStatus; nsresult rv; if (!mPending.Append(aData, mozilla::fallible)) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } #ifdef MOZ_SAFEBROWSING_DUMP_FAILED_UPDATES mRawUpdate.Append(aData); #endif bool done = false; while (!done) { if (nsUrlClassifierDBService::ShutdownHasStarted()) { return NS_ERROR_ABORT; } if (mState == PROTOCOL_STATE_CONTROL) { rv = ProcessControl(&done); } else if (mState == PROTOCOL_STATE_CHUNK) { rv = ProcessChunk(&done); } else { NS_ERROR("Unexpected protocol state"); rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { mUpdateStatus = rv; return rv; } } return NS_OK; } void ProtocolParserV2::End() { // Inbound data has already been processed in every AppendStream() call. mTableUpdate = nullptr; } nsresult ProtocolParserV2::ProcessControl(bool* aDone) { nsresult rv; nsAutoCString line; *aDone = true; while (NextLine(line)) { PARSER_LOG(("Processing %s\n", line.get())); if (StringBeginsWith(line, "i:"_ns)) { // Set the table name from the table header line. SetCurrentTable(Substring(line, 2)); } else if (StringBeginsWith(line, "n:"_ns)) { if (PR_sscanf(line.get(), "n:%d", &mUpdateWaitSec) != 1) { PARSER_LOG(("Error parsing n: '%s' (%d)", line.get(), mUpdateWaitSec)); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } else if (line.EqualsLiteral("r:pleasereset")) { PARSER_LOG(("All tables will be reset.")); mTablesToReset = mRequestedTables.Clone(); } else if (StringBeginsWith(line, "u:"_ns)) { rv = ProcessForward(line); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } else if (StringBeginsWith(line, "a:"_ns) || StringBeginsWith(line, "s:"_ns)) { rv = ProcessChunkControl(line); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); *aDone = false; return NS_OK; } else if (StringBeginsWith(line, "ad:"_ns) || StringBeginsWith(line, "sd:"_ns)) { rv = ProcessExpirations(line); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } } *aDone = true; return NS_OK; } nsresult ProtocolParserV2::ProcessExpirations(const nsCString& aLine) { if (!mTableUpdate) { NS_WARNING("Got an expiration without a table."); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } const nsACString& list = Substring(aLine, 3); for (const auto& str : list.Split(',')) { uint32_t first, last; if (ParseChunkRange(nsAutoCString(str), &first, &last)) { if (last < first) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (last - first > MAX_CHUNK_RANGE) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; for (uint32_t num = first; num <= last; num++) { if (aLine[0] == 'a') { nsresult rv = mTableUpdate->NewAddExpiration(num); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } else { nsresult rv = mTableUpdate->NewSubExpiration(num); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } } } else { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } return NS_OK; } nsresult ProtocolParserV2::ProcessChunkControl(const nsCString& aLine) { if (!mTableUpdate) { NS_WARNING("Got a chunk before getting a table."); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } mState = PROTOCOL_STATE_CHUNK; char command; mChunkState.Clear(); if (PR_sscanf(aLine.get(), "%c:%d:%d:%d", &command, &mChunkState.num, &mChunkState.hashSize, &mChunkState.length) != 4) { NS_WARNING(("PR_sscanf failed")); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (mChunkState.length > MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) { NS_WARNING("Invalid length specified in update."); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (!(mChunkState.hashSize == PREFIX_SIZE || mChunkState.hashSize == COMPLETE_SIZE)) { NS_WARNING("Invalid hash size specified in update."); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (StringEndsWith(mTableUpdate->TableName(), "-shavar"_ns) || StringEndsWith(mTableUpdate->TableName(), "-simple"_ns)) { // Accommodate test tables ending in -simple for now. mChunkState.type = (command == 'a') ? CHUNK_ADD : CHUNK_SUB; } else if (StringEndsWith(mTableUpdate->TableName(), "-digest256"_ns)) { mChunkState.type = (command == 'a') ? CHUNK_ADD_DIGEST : CHUNK_SUB_DIGEST; } nsresult rv; switch (mChunkState.type) { case CHUNK_ADD: rv = mTableUpdate->NewAddChunk(mChunkState.num); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } break; case CHUNK_SUB: rv = mTableUpdate->NewSubChunk(mChunkState.num); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } break; case CHUNK_ADD_DIGEST: rv = mTableUpdate->NewAddChunk(mChunkState.num); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } break; case CHUNK_SUB_DIGEST: rv = mTableUpdate->NewSubChunk(mChunkState.num); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } break; } return NS_OK; } nsresult ProtocolParserV2::ProcessForward(const nsCString& aLine) { const nsACString& forward = Substring(aLine, 2); return AddForward(forward); } nsresult ProtocolParserV2::AddForward(const nsACString& aUrl) { if (!mTableUpdate) { NS_WARNING("Forward without a table name."); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } ForwardedUpdate* forward = mForwards.AppendElement(); forward->table = mTableUpdate->TableName(); forward->url.Assign(aUrl); return NS_OK; } nsresult ProtocolParserV2::ProcessChunk(bool* aDone) { if (!mTableUpdate) { NS_WARNING("Processing chunk without an active table."); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_ASSERTION(mChunkState.num != 0, "Must have a chunk number."); if (mPending.Length() < mChunkState.length) { *aDone = true; return NS_OK; } // Pull the chunk out of the pending stream data. nsAutoCString chunk; chunk.Assign(Substring(mPending, 0, mChunkState.length)); mPending.Cut(0, mChunkState.length); *aDone = false; mState = PROTOCOL_STATE_CONTROL; if (StringEndsWith(mTableUpdate->TableName(), "-shavar"_ns)) { return ProcessShaChunk(chunk); } if (StringEndsWith(mTableUpdate->TableName(), "-digest256"_ns)) { return ProcessDigestChunk(chunk); } return ProcessPlaintextChunk(chunk); } /** * Process a plaintext chunk (currently only used in unit tests). */ nsresult ProtocolParserV2::ProcessPlaintextChunk(const nsACString& aChunk) { if (!mTableUpdate) { NS_WARNING("Chunk received with no table."); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } PARSER_LOG(("Handling a %zd-byte simple chunk", aChunk.Length())); nsTArray lines; ParseString(PromiseFlatCString(aChunk), '\n', lines); // non-hashed tables need to be hashed for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lines.Length(); i++) { nsCString& line = lines[i]; if (mChunkState.type == CHUNK_ADD) { if (mChunkState.hashSize == COMPLETE_SIZE) { Completion hash; hash.FromPlaintext(line); nsresult rv = mTableUpdate->NewAddComplete(mChunkState.num, hash); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } else { NS_ASSERTION(mChunkState.hashSize == 4, "Only 32- or 4-byte hashes can be used for add chunks."); Prefix hash; hash.FromPlaintext(line); nsresult rv = mTableUpdate->NewAddPrefix(mChunkState.num, hash); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } } else { nsCString::const_iterator begin, iter, end; line.BeginReading(begin); line.EndReading(end); iter = begin; uint32_t addChunk; if (!FindCharInReadable(':', iter, end) || PR_sscanf(lines[i].get(), "%d:", &addChunk) != 1) { NS_WARNING("Received sub chunk without associated add chunk."); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } iter++; if (mChunkState.hashSize == COMPLETE_SIZE) { Completion hash; hash.FromPlaintext(Substring(iter, end)); nsresult rv = mTableUpdate->NewSubComplete(addChunk, hash, mChunkState.num); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } else { NS_ASSERTION(mChunkState.hashSize == 4, "Only 32- or 4-byte hashes can be used for add chunks."); Prefix hash; hash.FromPlaintext(Substring(iter, end)); nsresult rv = mTableUpdate->NewSubPrefix(addChunk, hash, mChunkState.num); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } } } return NS_OK; } nsresult ProtocolParserV2::ProcessShaChunk(const nsACString& aChunk) { uint32_t start = 0; while (start < aChunk.Length()) { // First four bytes are the domain key. Prefix domain; domain.Assign(Substring(aChunk, start, DOMAIN_SIZE)); start += DOMAIN_SIZE; // Then a count of entries. uint8_t numEntries = static_cast(aChunk[start]); start++; PARSER_LOG( ("Handling a %zd-byte shavar chunk containing %u entries" " for domain %X", aChunk.Length(), numEntries, domain.ToUint32())); nsresult rv; if (mChunkState.type == CHUNK_ADD && mChunkState.hashSize == PREFIX_SIZE) { rv = ProcessHostAdd(domain, numEntries, aChunk, &start); } else if (mChunkState.type == CHUNK_ADD && mChunkState.hashSize == COMPLETE_SIZE) { rv = ProcessHostAddComplete(numEntries, aChunk, &start); } else if (mChunkState.type == CHUNK_SUB && mChunkState.hashSize == PREFIX_SIZE) { rv = ProcessHostSub(domain, numEntries, aChunk, &start); } else if (mChunkState.type == CHUNK_SUB && mChunkState.hashSize == COMPLETE_SIZE) { rv = ProcessHostSubComplete(numEntries, aChunk, &start); } else { NS_WARNING("Unexpected chunk type/hash size!"); PARSER_LOG(("Got an unexpected chunk type/hash size: %s:%d", mChunkState.type == CHUNK_ADD ? "add" : "sub", mChunkState.hashSize)); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } return NS_OK; } nsresult ProtocolParserV2::ProcessDigestChunk(const nsACString& aChunk) { PARSER_LOG(("Handling a %zd-byte digest256 chunk", aChunk.Length())); if (mChunkState.type == CHUNK_ADD_DIGEST) { return ProcessDigestAdd(aChunk); } if (mChunkState.type == CHUNK_SUB_DIGEST) { return ProcessDigestSub(aChunk); } return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } nsresult ProtocolParserV2::ProcessDigestAdd(const nsACString& aChunk) { MOZ_ASSERT(mTableUpdate); // The ABNF format for add chunks is (HASH)+, where HASH is 32 bytes. MOZ_ASSERT(aChunk.Length() % 32 == 0, "Chunk length in bytes must be divisible by 4"); uint32_t start = 0; while (start < aChunk.Length()) { Completion hash; hash.Assign(Substring(aChunk, start, COMPLETE_SIZE)); start += COMPLETE_SIZE; nsresult rv = mTableUpdate->NewAddComplete(mChunkState.num, hash); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } return NS_OK; } nsresult ProtocolParserV2::ProcessDigestSub(const nsACString& aChunk) { MOZ_ASSERT(mTableUpdate); // The ABNF format for sub chunks is (ADDCHUNKNUM HASH)+, where ADDCHUNKNUM // is a 4 byte chunk number, and HASH is 32 bytes. MOZ_ASSERT(aChunk.Length() % 36 == 0, "Chunk length in bytes must be divisible by 36"); uint32_t start = 0; while (start < aChunk.Length()) { // Read ADDCHUNKNUM const nsACString& addChunkStr = Substring(aChunk, start, 4); start += 4; uint32_t addChunk; memcpy(&addChunk, addChunkStr.BeginReading(), 4); addChunk = PR_ntohl(addChunk); // Read the hash Completion hash; hash.Assign(Substring(aChunk, start, COMPLETE_SIZE)); start += COMPLETE_SIZE; nsresult rv = mTableUpdate->NewSubComplete(addChunk, hash, mChunkState.num); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } return NS_OK; } nsresult ProtocolParserV2::ProcessHostAdd(const Prefix& aDomain, uint8_t aNumEntries, const nsACString& aChunk, uint32_t* aStart) { MOZ_ASSERT(mTableUpdate); NS_ASSERTION(mChunkState.hashSize == PREFIX_SIZE, "ProcessHostAdd should only be called for prefix hashes."); if (aNumEntries == 0) { nsresult rv = mTableUpdate->NewAddPrefix(mChunkState.num, aDomain); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } return NS_OK; } if (*aStart + (PREFIX_SIZE * aNumEntries) > aChunk.Length()) { NS_WARNING("Chunk is not long enough to contain the expected entries."); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < aNumEntries; i++) { Prefix hash; hash.Assign(Substring(aChunk, *aStart, PREFIX_SIZE)); PARSER_LOG(("Add prefix %X", hash.ToUint32())); nsresult rv = mTableUpdate->NewAddPrefix(mChunkState.num, hash); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } *aStart += PREFIX_SIZE; } return NS_OK; } nsresult ProtocolParserV2::ProcessHostSub(const Prefix& aDomain, uint8_t aNumEntries, const nsACString& aChunk, uint32_t* aStart) { MOZ_ASSERT(mTableUpdate); NS_ASSERTION(mChunkState.hashSize == PREFIX_SIZE, "ProcessHostSub should only be called for prefix hashes."); if (aNumEntries == 0) { if ((*aStart) + 4 > aChunk.Length()) { NS_WARNING("Received a zero-entry sub chunk without an associated add."); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } const nsACString& addChunkStr = Substring(aChunk, *aStart, 4); *aStart += 4; uint32_t addChunk; memcpy(&addChunk, addChunkStr.BeginReading(), 4); addChunk = PR_ntohl(addChunk); PARSER_LOG(("Sub prefix (addchunk=%u)", addChunk)); nsresult rv = mTableUpdate->NewSubPrefix(addChunk, aDomain, mChunkState.num); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } return NS_OK; } if (*aStart + ((PREFIX_SIZE + 4) * aNumEntries) > aChunk.Length()) { NS_WARNING("Chunk is not long enough to contain the expected entries."); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < aNumEntries; i++) { const nsACString& addChunkStr = Substring(aChunk, *aStart, 4); *aStart += 4; uint32_t addChunk; memcpy(&addChunk, addChunkStr.BeginReading(), 4); addChunk = PR_ntohl(addChunk); Prefix prefix; prefix.Assign(Substring(aChunk, *aStart, PREFIX_SIZE)); *aStart += PREFIX_SIZE; PARSER_LOG(("Sub prefix %X (addchunk=%u)", prefix.ToUint32(), addChunk)); nsresult rv = mTableUpdate->NewSubPrefix(addChunk, prefix, mChunkState.num); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } return NS_OK; } nsresult ProtocolParserV2::ProcessHostAddComplete(uint8_t aNumEntries, const nsACString& aChunk, uint32_t* aStart) { MOZ_ASSERT(mTableUpdate); NS_ASSERTION( mChunkState.hashSize == COMPLETE_SIZE, "ProcessHostAddComplete should only be called for complete hashes."); if (aNumEntries == 0) { // this is totally comprehensible. // My sarcasm detector is going off! NS_WARNING("Expected > 0 entries for a 32-byte hash add."); return NS_OK; } if (*aStart + (COMPLETE_SIZE * aNumEntries) > aChunk.Length()) { NS_WARNING("Chunk is not long enough to contain the expected entries."); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < aNumEntries; i++) { Completion hash; hash.Assign(Substring(aChunk, *aStart, COMPLETE_SIZE)); nsresult rv = mTableUpdate->NewAddComplete(mChunkState.num, hash); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } *aStart += COMPLETE_SIZE; } return NS_OK; } nsresult ProtocolParserV2::ProcessHostSubComplete(uint8_t aNumEntries, const nsACString& aChunk, uint32_t* aStart) { MOZ_ASSERT(mTableUpdate); NS_ASSERTION( mChunkState.hashSize == COMPLETE_SIZE, "ProcessHostSubComplete should only be called for complete hashes."); if (aNumEntries == 0) { // this is totally comprehensible. NS_WARNING("Expected > 0 entries for a 32-byte hash sub."); return NS_OK; } if (*aStart + ((COMPLETE_SIZE + 4) * aNumEntries) > aChunk.Length()) { NS_WARNING("Chunk is not long enough to contain the expected entries."); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < aNumEntries; i++) { const nsACString& addChunkStr = Substring(aChunk, *aStart, 4); *aStart += 4; uint32_t addChunk; memcpy(&addChunk, addChunkStr.BeginReading(), 4); addChunk = PR_ntohl(addChunk); Completion hash; hash.Assign(Substring(aChunk, *aStart, COMPLETE_SIZE)); *aStart += COMPLETE_SIZE; nsresult rv = mTableUpdate->NewSubComplete(addChunk, hash, mChunkState.num); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } return NS_OK; } bool ProtocolParserV2::NextLine(nsACString& aLine) { int32_t newline = mPending.FindChar('\n'); if (newline == kNotFound) { return false; } aLine.Assign(Substring(mPending, 0, newline)); mPending.Cut(0, newline + 1); return true; } RefPtr ProtocolParserV2::CreateTableUpdate( const nsACString& aTableName) const { return new TableUpdateV2(aTableName); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ProtocolParserProtobuf ProtocolParserProtobuf::ProtocolParserProtobuf() = default; ProtocolParserProtobuf::~ProtocolParserProtobuf() = default; void ProtocolParserProtobuf::SetCurrentTable(const nsACString& aTable) { // Should never occur. MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("SetCurrentTable shouldn't be called"); } RefPtr ProtocolParserProtobuf::CreateTableUpdate( const nsACString& aTableName) const { return new TableUpdateV4(aTableName); } nsresult ProtocolParserProtobuf::AppendStream(const nsACString& aData) { // Protobuf data cannot be parsed progressively. Just save the incoming data. if (!mPending.Append(aData, mozilla::fallible)) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return NS_OK; } void ProtocolParserProtobuf::End() { // mUpdateStatus will be updated to success as long as not all // the responses are invalid. mUpdateStatus = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; FetchThreatListUpdatesResponse response; if (!response.ParseFromArray(mPending.get(), mPending.Length())) { NS_WARNING("ProtocolParserProtobuf failed parsing data."); return; } auto minWaitDuration = response.minimum_wait_duration(); mUpdateWaitSec = minWaitDuration.seconds() + minWaitDuration.nanos() / 1000000000; for (int i = 0; i < response.list_update_responses_size(); i++) { auto r = response.list_update_responses(i); nsAutoCString listName; nsresult rv = ProcessOneResponse(r, listName); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { mUpdateStatus = rv; } else { nsAutoCString errorName; mozilla::GetErrorName(rv, errorName); NS_WARNING(nsPrintfCString("Failed to process one response for '%s': %s", listName.get(), errorName.get()) .get()); if (!listName.IsEmpty()) { PARSER_LOG(("Table %s will be reset.", listName.get())); mTablesToReset.AppendElement(listName); } } } } nsresult ProtocolParserProtobuf::ProcessOneResponse( const ListUpdateResponse& aResponse, nsACString& aListName) { MOZ_ASSERT(aListName.IsEmpty()); // A response must have a threat type. if (!aResponse.has_threat_type()) { NS_WARNING( "Threat type not initialized. This seems to be an invalid response."); return NS_ERROR_UC_PARSER_MISSING_PARAM; } nsUrlClassifierUtils* urlUtil = nsUrlClassifierUtils::GetInstance(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!urlUtil)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // Convert threat type to list name. nsCString possibleListNames; nsresult rv = urlUtil->ConvertThreatTypeToListNames(aResponse.threat_type(), possibleListNames); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { PARSER_LOG(("Threat type to list name conversion error: %d", aResponse.threat_type())); return NS_ERROR_UC_PARSER_UNKNOWN_THREAT; } // Match the table name we received with one of the ones we requested. // We ignore the case where a threat type matches more than one list // per provider and return the first one. See bug 1287059." nsTArray possibleListNameArray; Classifier::SplitTables(possibleListNames, possibleListNameArray); for (auto possibleName : possibleListNameArray) { if (mRequestedTables.Contains(possibleName)) { aListName = possibleName; break; } } if (aListName.IsEmpty()) { PARSER_LOG( ("We received an update for a list we didn't ask for. Ignoring it.")); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // Test if this is a full update. bool isFullUpdate = false; if (aResponse.has_response_type()) { isFullUpdate = aResponse.response_type() == ListUpdateResponse::FULL_UPDATE; } else { NS_WARNING("Response type not initialized."); return NS_ERROR_UC_PARSER_MISSING_PARAM; } // Warn if there's no new state. if (!aResponse.has_new_client_state()) { NS_WARNING("New state not initialized."); return NS_ERROR_UC_PARSER_MISSING_PARAM; } auto tu = GetTableUpdate(aListName); auto tuV4 = TableUpdate::Cast(tu); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(tuV4, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); nsCString state(aResponse.new_client_state().c_str(), aResponse.new_client_state().size()); tuV4->SetNewClientState(state); if (aResponse.has_checksum()) { tuV4->SetSHA256(aResponse.checksum().sha256()); } PARSER_LOG( ("==== Update for threat type '%d' ====", aResponse.threat_type())); PARSER_LOG(("* aListName: %s\n", PromiseFlatCString(aListName).get())); PARSER_LOG(("* newState: %s\n", aResponse.new_client_state().c_str())); PARSER_LOG(("* isFullUpdate: %s\n", (isFullUpdate ? "yes" : "no"))); PARSER_LOG( ("* hasChecksum: %s\n", (aResponse.has_checksum() ? "yes" : "no"))); PARSER_LOG(("* additions: %d\n", aResponse.additions().size())); PARSER_LOG(("* removals: %d\n", aResponse.removals().size())); tuV4->SetFullUpdate(isFullUpdate); rv = ProcessAdditionOrRemoval(*tuV4, aResponse.additions(), true /*aIsAddition*/); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = ProcessAdditionOrRemoval(*tuV4, aResponse.removals(), false); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); PARSER_LOG(("\n\n")); return NS_OK; } nsresult ProtocolParserProtobuf::ProcessAdditionOrRemoval( TableUpdateV4& aTableUpdate, const ThreatEntrySetList& aUpdate, bool aIsAddition) { nsresult ret = NS_OK; for (int i = 0; i < aUpdate.size(); i++) { auto update = aUpdate.Get(i); if (!update.has_compression_type()) { NS_WARNING(nsPrintfCString("%s with no compression type.", aIsAddition ? "Addition" : "Removal") .get()); continue; } switch (update.compression_type()) { case COMPRESSION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED: NS_WARNING("Unspecified compression type."); break; case RAW: ret = (aIsAddition ? ProcessRawAddition(aTableUpdate, update) : ProcessRawRemoval(aTableUpdate, update)); break; case RICE: ret = (aIsAddition ? ProcessEncodedAddition(aTableUpdate, update) : ProcessEncodedRemoval(aTableUpdate, update)); break; } } return ret; } nsresult ProtocolParserProtobuf::ProcessRawAddition( TableUpdateV4& aTableUpdate, const ThreatEntrySet& aAddition) { if (!aAddition.has_raw_hashes()) { PARSER_LOG(("* No raw addition.")); return NS_OK; } auto rawHashes = aAddition.raw_hashes(); if (!rawHashes.has_prefix_size()) { NS_WARNING("Raw hash has no prefix size"); return NS_OK; } uint32_t prefixSize = rawHashes.prefix_size(); MOZ_ASSERT(prefixSize >= PREFIX_SIZE && prefixSize <= COMPLETE_SIZE); nsCString prefixes; if (!prefixes.Assign(rawHashes.raw_hashes().c_str(), rawHashes.raw_hashes().size(), mozilla::fallible)) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } MOZ_ASSERT(prefixes.Length() % prefixSize == 0, "PrefixString length must be a multiple of the prefix size."); if (LOG_ENABLED()) { PARSER_LOG((" Raw addition (%d-byte prefixes)", prefixSize)); PARSER_LOG((" - # of prefixes: %zu", prefixes.Length() / prefixSize)); if (4 == prefixSize) { uint32_t* fixedLengthPrefixes = (uint32_t*)prefixes.get(); PARSER_LOG((" - Memory address: 0x%p", fixedLengthPrefixes)); } } aTableUpdate.NewPrefixes(prefixSize, prefixes); return NS_OK; } nsresult ProtocolParserProtobuf::ProcessRawRemoval( TableUpdateV4& aTableUpdate, const ThreatEntrySet& aRemoval) { if (!aRemoval.has_raw_indices()) { NS_WARNING("A removal has no indices."); return NS_OK; } // indices is an array of int32. auto indices = aRemoval.raw_indices().indices(); PARSER_LOG(("* Raw removal")); PARSER_LOG((" - # of removal: %d", indices.size())); nsresult rv = aTableUpdate.NewRemovalIndices((const uint32_t*)indices.data(), indices.size()); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { PARSER_LOG(("Failed to create new removal indices.")); return rv; } return NS_OK; } static nsresult DoRiceDeltaDecode(const RiceDeltaEncoding& aEncoding, nsTArray& aDecoded) { if (aEncoding.num_entries() > 0 && (!aEncoding.has_rice_parameter() || !aEncoding.has_encoded_data())) { PARSER_LOG(("Rice parameter or encoded data is missing.")); return NS_ERROR_UC_PARSER_MISSING_PARAM; } else if (aEncoding.num_entries() == 0 && !aEncoding.has_first_value()) { PARSER_LOG(("Missing first_value for an single-integer Rice encoding.")); return NS_ERROR_UC_PARSER_MISSING_VALUE; } auto first_value = aEncoding.has_first_value() ? aEncoding.first_value() : 0; PARSER_LOG(("* Encoding info:")); PARSER_LOG((" - First value: %" PRId64, first_value)); PARSER_LOG((" - Num of entries: %d", aEncoding.num_entries())); PARSER_LOG((" - Rice parameter: %d", aEncoding.rice_parameter())); // Set up the input buffer. Note that the bits should be read // from LSB to MSB so that we in-place reverse the bits before // feeding to the decoder. auto encoded = const_cast(aEncoding).mutable_encoded_data(); RiceDeltaDecoder decoder((uint8_t*)encoded->c_str(), encoded->size()); // Setup the output buffer. The "first value" is included in // the output buffer. if (!aDecoded.SetLength(aEncoding.num_entries() + 1, mozilla::fallible)) { NS_WARNING("Not enough memory to decode the RiceDelta input."); return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } // Decode! bool rv = decoder.Decode( aEncoding.rice_parameter(), first_value, aEncoding.num_entries(), // # of entries (first value not included). &aDecoded[0]); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(rv, NS_ERROR_UC_PARSER_DECODE_FAILURE); return NS_OK; } nsresult ProtocolParserProtobuf::ProcessEncodedAddition( TableUpdateV4& aTableUpdate, const ThreatEntrySet& aAddition) { if (!aAddition.has_rice_hashes()) { PARSER_LOG(("* No rice encoded addition.")); return NS_OK; } nsTArray decoded; nsresult rv = DoRiceDeltaDecode(aAddition.rice_hashes(), decoded); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { PARSER_LOG(("Failed to parse encoded prefixes.")); return rv; } // Say we have the following raw prefixes // BE LE // 00 00 00 01 1 16777216 // 00 00 02 00 512 131072 // 00 03 00 00 196608 768 // 04 00 00 00 67108864 4 // // which can be treated as uint32 (big-endian) sorted in increasing order: // // [1, 512, 196608, 67108864] // // According to https://developers.google.com/safe-browsing/v4/compression, // the following should be done prior to compression: // // 1) re-interpret in little-endian ==> [16777216, 131072, 768, 4] // 2) sort in increasing order ==> [4, 768, 131072, 16777216] // // In order to get the original byte stream from |decoded| // ([4, 768, 131072, 16777216] in this case), we have to: // // 1) sort in big-endian order ==> [16777216, 131072, 768, 4] // 2) copy each uint32 in little-endian to the result string // // The 4-byte prefixes have to be re-sorted in Big-endian increasing order. struct CompareBigEndian { bool Equals(const uint32_t& aA, const uint32_t& aB) const { return aA == aB; } bool LessThan(const uint32_t& aA, const uint32_t& aB) const { return NativeEndian::swapToBigEndian(aA) < NativeEndian::swapToBigEndian(aB); } }; decoded.Sort(CompareBigEndian()); // The encoded prefixes are always 4 bytes. nsCString prefixes; if (!prefixes.SetCapacity(decoded.Length() * 4, mozilla::fallible)) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } for (size_t i = 0; i < decoded.Length(); i++) { // Note that the third argument is the number of elements we want // to copy (and swap) but not the number of bytes we want to copy. char p[4]; NativeEndian::copyAndSwapToLittleEndian(p, &decoded[i], 1); prefixes.Append(p, 4); } aTableUpdate.NewPrefixes(4, prefixes); return NS_OK; } nsresult ProtocolParserProtobuf::ProcessEncodedRemoval( TableUpdateV4& aTableUpdate, const ThreatEntrySet& aRemoval) { if (!aRemoval.has_rice_indices()) { PARSER_LOG(("* No rice encoded removal.")); return NS_OK; } nsTArray decoded; nsresult rv = DoRiceDeltaDecode(aRemoval.rice_indices(), decoded); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { PARSER_LOG(("Failed to decode encoded removal indices.")); return rv; } // The encoded prefixes are always 4 bytes. rv = aTableUpdate.NewRemovalIndices(&decoded[0], decoded.Length()); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { PARSER_LOG(("Failed to create new removal indices.")); return rv; } return NS_OK; } } // namespace safebrowsing } // namespace mozilla