/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* eslint-env mozilla/chrome-worker */ "use strict"; importScripts("utils_worker.js"); // Test suite code info("Test suite configured"); /* import-globals-from /toolkit/components/workerloader/require.js */ importScripts("resource://gre/modules/workers/require.js"); info("Loader imported"); var PATH = "chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/toolkit/components/workerloader/tests/"; var tests = []; var add_test = function(test) { tests.push(test); }; add_test(function test_setup() { ok(typeof require != "undefined", "Function |require| is defined"); }); // Test simple loading (moduleA-depends.js requires moduleB-dependency.js) add_test(function test_load() { let A = require(PATH + "moduleA-depends.js"); ok(true, "Opened module A"); is(A.A, true, "Module A exported value A"); ok(!("B" in A), "Module A did not export value B"); is(A.importedFoo, "foo", "Module A re-exported B.foo"); // re-evaluating moduleB-dependency.js would cause an error, but re-requiring it shouldn't let B = require(PATH + "moduleB-dependency.js"); ok(true, "Managed to re-require module B"); is(B.B, true, "Module B exported value B"); is(B.foo, "foo", "Module B exported value foo"); }); // Test simple circular loading (moduleC-circular.js and moduleD-circular.js require each other) add_test(function test_circular() { let C = require(PATH + "moduleC-circular.js"); ok(true, "Loaded circular modules C and D"); is( C.copiedFromD.copiedFromC.enteredC, true, "Properties exported by C before requiring D can be seen by D immediately" ); let D = require(PATH + "moduleD-circular.js"); is( D.exportedFromC.finishedC, true, "Properties exported by C after requiring D can be seen by D eventually" ); }); // Testing error cases add_test(function test_exceptions() { let should_throw = function(f) { try { f(); return null; } catch (ex) { return ex; } }; let exn = should_throw(() => require(PATH + "this module doesn't exist")); ok(!!exn, "Attempting to load a module that doesn't exist raises an error"); exn = should_throw(() => require(PATH + "moduleE-throws-during-require.js")); ok( !!exn, "Attempting to load a module that throws at toplevel raises an error" ); is( exn.moduleName, PATH + "moduleE-throws-during-require.js", "moduleName is correct" ); isnot( exn.moduleStack.indexOf("moduleE-throws-during-require.js"), -1, "moduleStack contains the name of the module" ); is(exn.lineNumber, 12, "The error comes with the right line number"); exn = should_throw(() => require(PATH + "moduleF-syntaxerror.xml")); ok(!!exn, "Attempting to load a non-well formatted module raises an error"); exn = should_throw(() => require(PATH + "moduleG-throws-later.js").doThrow()); ok(!!exn, "G.doThrow() has raised an error"); info(exn); ok(exn.toString().startsWith("TypeError"), "The exception is a TypeError."); is( exn.moduleName, PATH + "moduleG-throws-later.js", "The name of the module is correct" ); isnot( exn.moduleStack.indexOf("moduleG-throws-later.js"), -1, "The name of the right file appears somewhere in the stack" ); is(exn.lineNumber, 13, "The error comes with the right line number"); }); function get_exn(f) { try { f(); return undefined; } catch (ex) { return ex; } } // Test module.exports add_test(function test_module_dot_exports() { let H = require(PATH + "moduleH-module-dot-exports.js"); is(H.key, "value", "module.exports worked"); let H2 = require(PATH + "moduleH-module-dot-exports.js"); is(H2.key, "value", "module.exports returned the same key"); ok(H2 === H, "module.exports returned the same module the second time"); let exn = get_exn(() => (H.key = "this should not be accepted")); ok( exn instanceof TypeError, "Cannot alter value in module.exports after export" ); exn = get_exn(() => (H.key2 = "this should not be accepted, either")); ok( exn instanceof TypeError, "Cannot add value to module.exports after export" ); }); // Test relative imports (moduleI-depends.js requires moduleJ-dependency.js) add_test(function test_load() { let I = require(PATH + "moduleI-depends.js"); ok(true, "Opened module I"); is(I.I, true, "Module I exported value I"); ok(!("J" in I), "Module I did not export value J"); is(I.importedFoo, "foo", "Module I re-exported J.foo"); // re-evaluating moduleJ-dependency.js would cause an error, but re-requiring it shouldn't let J = require(PATH + "moduleJ-dependency.js"); ok(true, "Managed to re-require module J"); is(J.J, true, "Module J exported value J"); is(J.foo, "foo", "Module J exported value foo"); }); self.onmessage = function(message) { for (let test of tests) { info("Entering " + test.name); try { test(); } catch (ex) { ok(false, "Test " + test.name + " failed"); info(ex); info(ex.stack); } info("Leaving " + test.name); } finish(); };