/* -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { Region: "resource://gre/modules/Region.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "INVALID_SHAREABLE_SCHEMES", "services.sync.engine.tabs.filteredSchemes", "", null, val => { return new Set(val.split("|")); } ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "gLocalization", () => { return new Localization(["toolkit/global/browser-utils.ftl"], true); }); function stringPrefToSet(prefVal) { return new Set( prefVal .toLowerCase() .split(/\s*,\s*/g) // split on commas, ignoring whitespace .filter(v => !!v) // discard any falsey values ); } export var BrowserUtils = { /** * Return or create a principal with the content of one, and the originAttributes * of an existing principal (e.g. on a docshell, where the originAttributes ought * not to change, that is, we should keep the userContextId, privateBrowsingId, * etc. the same when changing the principal). * * @param principal * The principal whose content/null/system-ness we want. * @param existingPrincipal * The principal whose originAttributes we want, usually the current * principal of a docshell. * @return an nsIPrincipal that matches the content/null/system-ness of the first * param, and the originAttributes of the second. */ principalWithMatchingOA(principal, existingPrincipal) { // Don't care about system principals: if (principal.isSystemPrincipal) { return principal; } // If the originAttributes already match, just return the principal as-is. if (existingPrincipal.originSuffix == principal.originSuffix) { return principal; } let secMan = Services.scriptSecurityManager; if (principal.isContentPrincipal) { return secMan.principalWithOA( principal, existingPrincipal.originAttributes ); } if (principal.isNullPrincipal) { return secMan.createNullPrincipal(existingPrincipal.originAttributes); } throw new Error( "Can't change the originAttributes of an expanded principal!" ); }, /** * Returns true if |mimeType| is text-based, or false otherwise. * * @param mimeType * The MIME type to check. */ mimeTypeIsTextBased(mimeType) { return ( mimeType.startsWith("text/") || mimeType.endsWith("+xml") || mimeType.endsWith("+json") || mimeType == "application/x-javascript" || mimeType == "application/javascript" || mimeType == "application/json" || mimeType == "application/xml" ); }, /** * Returns true if we can show a find bar, including FAYT, for the specified * document location. The location must not be in a blocklist of specific * "about:" pages for which find is disabled. * * This can be called from the parent process or from content processes. */ canFindInPage(location) { return ( !location.startsWith("about:addons") && !location.startsWith( "chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/aboutaddons.html" ) && !location.startsWith("about:preferences") ); }, isFindbarVisible(docShell) { const FINDER_SYS_MJS = "resource://gre/modules/Finder.sys.mjs"; return ( Cu.isESModuleLoaded(FINDER_SYS_MJS) && ChromeUtils.importESModule(FINDER_SYS_MJS).Finder.isFindbarVisible( docShell ) ); }, /** * Returns a Promise which resolves when the given observer topic has been * observed. * * @param {string} topic * The topic to observe. * @param {function(nsISupports, string)} [test] * An optional test function which, when called with the * observer's subject and data, should return true if this is the * expected notification, false otherwise. * @returns {Promise} */ promiseObserved(topic, test = () => true) { return new Promise(resolve => { let observer = (subject, topic, data) => { if (test(subject, data)) { Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, topic); resolve({ subject, data }); } }; Services.obs.addObserver(observer, topic); }); }, formatURIStringForDisplay(uriString, options = {}) { try { return this.formatURIForDisplay(Services.io.newURI(uriString), options); } catch (ex) { return uriString; } }, formatURIForDisplay(uri, options = {}) { let { showInsecureHTTP = false } = options; switch (uri.scheme) { case "view-source": let innerURI = uri.spec.substring("view-source:".length); return this.formatURIStringForDisplay(innerURI, options); case "http": // Fall through. case "https": let host = uri.displayHostPort; if (!showInsecureHTTP && host.startsWith("www.")) { host = Services.eTLD.getSchemelessSite(uri); } if (showInsecureHTTP && uri.scheme == "http") { return "http://" + host; } return host; case "about": return "about:" + uri.filePath; case "blob": try { let url = new URL(uri.specIgnoringRef); // _If_ we find a non-null origin, report that. if (url.origin && url.origin != "null") { return this.formatURIStringForDisplay(url.origin, options); } // otherwise, fall through... } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError( "Invalid blob URI passed to formatURIForDisplay: " + ex ); } /* For blob URIs without an origin, fall through and use the data URI * logic (shows just "(data)", localized). */ case "data": return lazy.gLocalization.formatValueSync("browser-utils-url-data"); case "chrome": case "resource": case "jar": case "file": default: try { let url = uri.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIURL); // Just the filename if we have one: if (url.fileName) { return url.fileName; } // We won't get a filename for a path that looks like: // /foo/bar/baz/ // So try the directory name: if (url.directory) { let parts = url.directory.split("/"); // Pop off any empty bits at the end: let last; while (!last && parts.length) { last = parts.pop(); } if (last) { return last; } } } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(ex); } } return uri.asciiHost || uri.spec; }, isShareableURL(url) { if (!url) { return false; } // Disallow sharing URLs with more than 65535 characters. if (url.spec.length > 65535) { return false; } // Use the same preference as synced tabs to disable what kind // of tabs we can send to another device return !lazy.INVALID_SHAREABLE_SCHEMES.has(url.scheme); }, /** * Extracts linkNode and href for a click event. * * @param event * The click event. * @return [href, linkNode, linkPrincipal]. * * @note linkNode will be null if the click wasn't on an anchor * element. This includes SVG links, because callers expect |node| * to behave like an element, which SVG links (XLink) don't. */ hrefAndLinkNodeForClickEvent(event) { // We should get a window off the event, and bail if not: let content = event.view || event.composedTarget?.ownerGlobal; if (!content?.HTMLAnchorElement) { return null; } function isHTMLLink(aNode) { // Be consistent with what nsContextMenu.js does. return ( (content.HTMLAnchorElement.isInstance(aNode) && aNode.href) || (content.HTMLAreaElement.isInstance(aNode) && aNode.href) || content.HTMLLinkElement.isInstance(aNode) ); } let node = event.composedTarget; while (node && !isHTMLLink(node)) { node = node.flattenedTreeParentNode; } if (node) { return [node.href, node, node.ownerDocument.nodePrincipal]; } // If there is no linkNode, try simple XLink. let href, baseURI; node = event.composedTarget; while (node && !href) { if ( node.nodeType == content.Node.ELEMENT_NODE && (node.localName == "a" || node.namespaceURI == "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML") ) { href = node.getAttribute("href") || node.getAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href"); if (href) { baseURI = node.ownerDocument.baseURIObject; break; } } node = node.flattenedTreeParentNode; } // In case of XLink, we don't return the node we got href from since // callers expect -like elements. // Note: makeURI() will throw if aUri is not a valid URI. return [ href ? Services.io.newURI(href, null, baseURI).spec : null, null, node && node.ownerDocument.nodePrincipal, ]; }, /** * whereToOpenLink() looks at an event to decide where to open a link. * * The event may be a mouse event (click, double-click, middle-click) or keypress event (enter). * * On Windows, the modifiers are: * Ctrl new tab, selected * Shift new window * Ctrl+Shift new tab, in background * Alt save * * Middle-clicking is the same as Ctrl+clicking (it opens a new tab). * * Exceptions: * - Alt is ignored for menu items selected using the keyboard so you don't accidentally save stuff. * (Currently, the Alt isn't sent here at all for menu items, but that will change in bug 126189.) * - Alt is hard to use in context menus, because pressing Alt closes the menu. * - Alt can't be used on the bookmarks toolbar because Alt is used for "treat this as something draggable". * - The button is ignored for the middle-click-paste-URL feature, since it's always a middle-click. * * @param e {Event|Object} Event or JSON Object * @param ignoreButton {Boolean} * @param ignoreAlt {Boolean} * @returns {"current" | "tabshifted" | "tab" | "save" | "window"} */ whereToOpenLink(e, ignoreButton, ignoreAlt) { // This method must treat a null event like a left click without modifier keys (i.e. // e = { shiftKey:false, ctrlKey:false, metaKey:false, altKey:false, button:0 }) // for compatibility purposes. if (!e) { return "current"; } e = this.getRootEvent(e); var shift = e.shiftKey; var ctrl = e.ctrlKey; var meta = e.metaKey; var alt = e.altKey && !ignoreAlt; // ignoreButton allows "middle-click paste" to use function without always opening in a new window. let middle = !ignoreButton && e.button == 1; let middleUsesTabs = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick", true ); let middleUsesNewWindow = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "middlemouse.openNewWindow", false ); // Don't do anything special with right-mouse clicks. They're probably clicks on context menu items. var metaKey = AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ? meta : ctrl; if (metaKey || (middle && middleUsesTabs)) { return shift ? "tabshifted" : "tab"; } if (alt && Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.altClickSave", false)) { return "save"; } if (shift || (middle && !middleUsesTabs && middleUsesNewWindow)) { return "window"; } return "current"; }, // Utility function to check command events for potential middle-click events // from checkForMiddleClick and unwrap them. getRootEvent(aEvent) { // Part of the fix for Bug 1523813. // Middle-click events arrive here wrapped in different numbers (1-2) of // command events, depending on the button originally clicked. if (!aEvent) { return aEvent; } let tempEvent = aEvent; while (tempEvent.sourceEvent) { if (tempEvent.sourceEvent.button == 1) { aEvent = tempEvent.sourceEvent; break; } tempEvent = tempEvent.sourceEvent; } return aEvent; }, /** * An enumeration of the promotion types that can be passed to shouldShowPromo */ PromoType: { DEFAULT: 0, // invalid VPN: 1, RELAY: 2, FOCUS: 3, PIN: 4, }, /** * Should a given promo be shown to the user now, based on things including: * * current region * home region * where ads for a particular thing are allowed * where they are illegal * in what regions is the thing being promoted supported? * whether there is an active enterprise policy * settings of specific preferences related to this promo * * @param {BrowserUtils.PromoType} promoType - What promo are we checking on? * * @return {boolean} - should we display this promo now or not? */ shouldShowPromo(promoType) { switch (promoType) { case this.PromoType.VPN: case this.PromoType.FOCUS: case this.PromoType.PIN: case this.PromoType.RELAY: break; default: throw new Error("Unknown promo type: ", promoType); } const info = PromoInfo[promoType]; const promoEnabled = !info.enabledPref || Services.prefs.getBoolPref(info.enabledPref, true); const homeRegion = lazy.Region.home || ""; const currentRegion = lazy.Region.current || ""; let inSupportedRegion = true; if ("supportedRegions" in info.lazyStringSetPrefs) { const supportedRegions = info.lazyStringSetPrefs.supportedRegions.lazyValue; inSupportedRegion = supportedRegions.has(currentRegion.toLowerCase()) || supportedRegions.has(homeRegion.toLowerCase()); } const avoidAdsRegions = info.lazyStringSetPrefs.disallowedRegions?.lazyValue; // Don't show promo if there's an active enterprise policy const noActivePolicy = !Services.policies || Services.policies.status !== Services.policies.ACTIVE; // Promos may add custom checks that must pass. const passedExtraCheck = !info.extraCheck || info.extraCheck(); return ( promoEnabled && !avoidAdsRegions?.has(homeRegion.toLowerCase()) && !avoidAdsRegions?.has(currentRegion.toLowerCase()) && !info.illegalRegions.includes(homeRegion.toLowerCase()) && !info.illegalRegions.includes(currentRegion.toLowerCase()) && inSupportedRegion && noActivePolicy && passedExtraCheck ); }, /** * @deprecated in favor of shouldShowPromo */ shouldShowVPNPromo() { return this.shouldShowPromo(this.PromoType.VPN); }, // Return true if Send to Device emails are supported for user's locale sendToDeviceEmailsSupported() { const userLocale = Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47.toLowerCase(); return this.emailSupportedLocales.has(userLocale); }, }; /** * A table of promos used by shouldShowPromo to decide whether or not to show. * Each entry defines the criteria for a given promo, and also houses lazy * getters for specified string set preferences. */ let PromoInfo = { [BrowserUtils.PromoType.VPN]: { enabledPref: "browser.vpn_promo.enabled", lazyStringSetPrefs: { supportedRegions: { name: "browser.contentblocking.report.vpn_region", default: "us,ca,nz,sg,my,gb,de,fr", }, disallowedRegions: { name: "browser.vpn_promo.disallowed_regions", default: "ae,by,cn,cu,iq,ir,kp,om,ru,sd,sy,tm,tr,ua", }, }, illegalRegions: ["cn", "kp", "tm"], }, [BrowserUtils.PromoType.FOCUS]: { enabledPref: "browser.promo.focus.enabled", lazyStringSetPrefs: { // there are no particular limitions to where it is "supported", // so we leave out the supported pref disallowedRegions: { name: "browser.promo.focus.disallowed_regions", default: "cn", }, }, illegalRegions: ["cn"], }, [BrowserUtils.PromoType.PIN]: { enabledPref: "browser.promo.pin.enabled", lazyStringSetPrefs: {}, illegalRegions: [], }, [BrowserUtils.PromoType.RELAY]: { lazyStringSetPrefs: {}, illegalRegions: [], // Returns true if user is using the FxA "production" instance, or returns // false for custom FxA instance (such as accounts.firefox.com.cn for the // China repack) which doesn't support authentication for addons like Relay. extraCheck: () => !Services.prefs.getCharPref("identity.fxaccounts.autoconfig.uri", "") && [ "identity.fxaccounts.remote.root", "identity.fxaccounts.auth.uri", "identity.fxaccounts.remote.oauth.uri", "identity.fxaccounts.remote.profile.uri", "identity.fxaccounts.remote.pairing.uri", "identity.sync.tokenserver.uri", ].every(pref => !Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(pref)), }, }; /* * Finish setting up the PromoInfo data structure by attaching lazy prefs getters * as specified in the structure. (the object for each pref in the lazyStringSetPrefs * gets a `lazyValue` property attached to it). */ for (let promo of Object.values(PromoInfo)) { for (let prefObj of Object.values(promo.lazyStringSetPrefs)) { XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( prefObj, "lazyValue", prefObj.name, prefObj.default, null, stringPrefToSet ); } } XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( BrowserUtils, "navigationRequireUserInteraction", "browser.navigation.requireUserInteraction", false ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( BrowserUtils, "emailSupportedLocales", "browser.send_to_device_locales", "de,en-GB,en-US,es-AR,es-CL,es-ES,es-MX,fr,id,pl,pt-BR,ru,zh-TW", null, stringPrefToSet );