/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { PromiseUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/PromiseUtils.sys.mjs"; const XUL_PAGE = "chrome://global/content/win.xhtml"; const gAllHiddenFrames = new Set(); let cleanupRegistered = false; function ensureCleanupRegistered() { if (!cleanupRegistered) { cleanupRegistered = true; Services.obs.addObserver(function() { for (let hiddenFrame of gAllHiddenFrames) { hiddenFrame.destroy(); } }, "xpcom-shutdown"); } } /** * An hidden frame object. It takes care of creating a windowless browser and * passing the window containing a blank XUL back. */ export function HiddenFrame() {} HiddenFrame.prototype = { _frame: null, _browser: null, _listener: null, _webProgress: null, _deferred: null, /** * Gets the |contentWindow| of the hidden frame. Creates the frame if needed. * @returns Promise Returns a promise which is resolved when the hidden frame has finished * loading. */ get() { if (!this._deferred) { this._deferred = PromiseUtils.defer(); this._create(); } return this._deferred.promise; }, /** * Fetch a sync ref to the window inside the frame (needed for the add-on SDK). */ getWindow() { this.get(); return this._browser.document.ownerGlobal; }, destroy() { if (this._browser) { if (this._listener) { this._webProgress.removeProgressListener(this._listener); this._listener = null; this._webProgress = null; } this._frame = null; this._deferred = null; gAllHiddenFrames.delete(this); this._browser.close(); this._browser = null; } }, _create() { ensureCleanupRegistered(); let chromeFlags = Ci.nsIWebBrowserChrome.CHROME_REMOTE_WINDOW; if (Services.appinfo.fissionAutostart) { chromeFlags |= Ci.nsIWebBrowserChrome.CHROME_FISSION_WINDOW; } this._browser = Services.appShell.createWindowlessBrowser( true, chromeFlags ); this._browser.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor); gAllHiddenFrames.add(this); this._webProgress = this._browser.getInterface(Ci.nsIWebProgress); this._listener = { QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIWebProgressListener", "nsIWebProgressListener2", "nsISupportsWeakReference", ]), }; this._listener.onStateChange = (wbp, request, stateFlags, status) => { if (!request) { return; } if (stateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP) { this._webProgress.removeProgressListener(this._listener); this._listener = null; this._webProgress = null; // Get the window reference via the document. this._frame = this._browser.document.ownerGlobal; this._deferred.resolve(this._frame); } }; this._webProgress.addProgressListener( this._listener, Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_DOCUMENT ); let docShell = this._browser.docShell; let systemPrincipal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(); docShell.createAboutBlankContentViewer(systemPrincipal, systemPrincipal); let browsingContext = this._browser.browsingContext; browsingContext.useGlobalHistory = false; let loadURIOptions = { triggeringPrincipal: systemPrincipal, }; this._browser.loadURI(XUL_PAGE, loadURIOptions); }, };