/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const { FileUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.sys.mjs" ); function do_check_throws(f, result, stack) { if (!stack) { stack = Components.stack.caller; } try { f(); } catch (exc) { if (exc.result == result) { return; } do_throw("expected result " + result + ", caught " + exc, stack); } do_throw("expected result " + result + ", none thrown", stack); } const gProfD = do_get_profile(); add_test(function test_getFile() { let file = FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", ["foobar"]); Assert.ok(file instanceof Ci.nsIFile); Assert.ok(!file.exists()); let other = gProfD.clone(); other.append("foobar"); Assert.ok(file.equals(other)); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_getFile_nonexistentDir() { do_check_throws(function() { FileUtils.getFile("NonexistentD", ["foobar"]); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_getFile_createDirs() { let file = FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", ["a", "b", "foobar"]); Assert.ok(file instanceof Ci.nsIFile); Assert.ok(!file.exists()); let other = gProfD.clone(); other.append("a"); Assert.ok(other.isDirectory()); other.append("b"); Assert.ok(other.isDirectory()); other.append("foobar"); Assert.ok(file.equals(other)); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_getDir() { let dir = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", ["foodir"]); Assert.ok(dir instanceof Ci.nsIFile); Assert.ok(!dir.exists()); let other = gProfD.clone(); other.append("foodir"); Assert.ok(dir.equals(other)); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_getDir_nonexistentDir() { do_check_throws(function() { FileUtils.getDir("NonexistentD", ["foodir"]); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_getDir_shouldCreate() { let dir = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", ["c", "d", "foodir"], true); Assert.ok(dir instanceof Ci.nsIFile); Assert.ok(dir.exists()); let other = gProfD.clone(); other.append("c"); Assert.ok(other.isDirectory()); other.append("d"); Assert.ok(other.isDirectory()); other.append("foodir"); Assert.ok(dir.equals(other)); run_next_test(); }); var openFileOutputStream_defaultFlags = function(aKind, aFileName) { let file = FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", [aFileName]); let fos; Assert.ok(aKind == "atomic" || aKind == "safe" || aKind == ""); if (aKind == "atomic") { fos = FileUtils.openAtomicFileOutputStream(file); } else if (aKind == "safe") { fos = FileUtils.openSafeFileOutputStream(file); } else { fos = FileUtils.openFileOutputStream(file); } Assert.ok(fos instanceof Ci.nsIFileOutputStream); if (aKind == "atomic" || aKind == "safe") { Assert.ok(fos instanceof Ci.nsISafeOutputStream); } // FileUtils.openFileOutputStream or FileUtils.openAtomicFileOutputStream() // or FileUtils.openSafeFileOutputStream() opens the stream with DEFER_OPEN // which means the file will not be open until we write to it. Assert.ok(!file.exists()); let data = "test_default_flags"; fos.write(data, data.length); Assert.ok(file.exists()); // No nsIXULRuntime in xpcshell, so use this trick to determine whether we're // on Windows. if ("@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1" in Cc) { Assert.equal(file.permissions, 0o666); } else { Assert.equal(file.permissions, FileUtils.PERMS_FILE); } run_next_test(); }; var openFileOutputStream_modeFlags = function(aKind, aFileName) { let file = FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", [aFileName]); let fos; Assert.ok(aKind == "atomic" || aKind == "safe" || aKind == ""); if (aKind == "atomic") { fos = FileUtils.openAtomicFileOutputStream(file, FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY); } else if (aKind == "safe") { fos = FileUtils.openSafeFileOutputStream(file, FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY); } else { fos = FileUtils.openFileOutputStream(file, FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY); } let data = "test_modeFlags"; do_check_throws(function() { fos.write(data, data.length); }, Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); Assert.ok(!file.exists()); run_next_test(); }; var closeFileOutputStream = function(aKind, aFileName) { let file = FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", [aFileName]); let fos; Assert.ok(aKind == "atomic" || aKind == "safe"); if (aKind == "atomic") { fos = FileUtils.openAtomicFileOutputStream(file); } else if (aKind == "safe") { fos = FileUtils.openSafeFileOutputStream(file); } // We can write data to the stream just fine while it's open. let data = "testClose"; fos.write(data, data.length); // But once we close it, we can't anymore. if (aKind == "atomic") { FileUtils.closeAtomicFileOutputStream(fos); } else if (aKind == "safe") { FileUtils.closeSafeFileOutputStream(fos); } do_check_throws(function() { fos.write(data, data.length); }, Cr.NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED); run_next_test(); }; add_test(function test_openFileOutputStream_defaultFlags() { openFileOutputStream_defaultFlags("", "george"); }); // openFileOutputStream will uses MODE_WRONLY | MODE_CREATE | MODE_TRUNCATE // as the default mode flags, but we can pass in our own if we want to. add_test(function test_openFileOutputStream_modeFlags() { openFileOutputStream_modeFlags("", "ringo"); }); add_test(function test_openAtomicFileOutputStream_defaultFlags() { openFileOutputStream_defaultFlags("atomic", "peiyong"); }); // openAtomicFileOutputStream will uses MODE_WRONLY | MODE_CREATE | MODE_TRUNCATE // as the default mode flags, but we can pass in our own if we want to. add_test(function test_openAtomicFileOutputStream_modeFlags() { openFileOutputStream_modeFlags("atomic", "lin"); }); add_test(function test_closeAtomicFileOutputStream() { closeFileOutputStream("atomic", "peiyonglin"); }); add_test(function test_openSafeFileOutputStream_defaultFlags() { openFileOutputStream_defaultFlags("safe", "john"); }); // openSafeFileOutputStream will uses MODE_WRONLY | MODE_CREATE | MODE_TRUNCATE // as the default mode flags, but we can pass in our own if we want to. add_test(function test_openSafeFileOutputStream_modeFlags() { openFileOutputStream_modeFlags("safe", "paul"); }); add_test(function test_closeSafeFileOutputStream() { closeFileOutputStream("safe", "georgee"); }); add_test(function test_newFile() { let testfile = FileUtils.getFile("ProfD", ["test"]); let testpath = testfile.path; let file = new FileUtils.File(testpath); Assert.ok(file instanceof Ci.nsIFile); Assert.ok(file.equals(testfile)); Assert.equal(file.path, testpath); run_next_test(); });