/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* eslint "mozilla/no-aArgs": 1 */ /* eslint "no-unused-vars": [2, {"args": "none", "varsIgnorePattern": "^(Cc|Ci|Cr|Cu|EXPORTED_SYMBOLS)$"}] */ /* eslint "semi": [2, "always"] */ /* eslint "valid-jsdoc": [2, {requireReturn: false}] */ var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["AddonTestUtils", "MockAsyncShutdown"]; const CERTDB_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/security/x509certdb;1"; const { AddonManager, AddonManagerPrivate } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm" ); const { AsyncShutdown } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs" ); const { FileUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.sys.mjs" ); const { NetUtil } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs" ); const { EventEmitter } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/EventEmitter.sys.mjs" ); const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { FileTestUtils: "resource://testing-common/FileTestUtils.sys.mjs", MockRegistrar: "resource://testing-common/MockRegistrar.sys.mjs", XPCShellContentUtils: "resource://testing-common/XPCShellContentUtils.sys.mjs", getAppInfo: "resource://testing-common/AppInfo.sys.mjs", updateAppInfo: "resource://testing-common/AppInfo.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(lazy, { ExtensionTestCommon: "resource://testing-common/ExtensionTestCommon.jsm", Management: "resource://gre/modules/Extension.jsm", ExtensionAddonObserver: "resource://gre/modules/Extension.jsm", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetters(lazy, { aomStartup: [ "@mozilla.org/addons/addon-manager-startup;1", "amIAddonManagerStartup", ], }); const PREF_DISABLE_SECURITY = "security.turn_off_all_security_so_that_" + "viruses_can_take_over_this_computer"; const ArrayBufferInputStream = Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/io/arraybuffer-input-stream;1", "nsIArrayBufferInputStream", "setData" ); const nsFile = Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/file/local;1", "nsIFile", "initWithPath" ); const ZipReader = Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/libjar/zip-reader;1", "nsIZipReader", "open" ); const ZipWriter = Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/zipwriter;1", "nsIZipWriter", "open" ); function isRegExp(val) { return val && typeof val === "object" && typeof val.test === "function"; } class MockBarrier { constructor(name) { this.name = name; this.blockers = []; } addBlocker(name, blocker, options) { this.blockers.push({ name, blocker, options }); } async trigger() { await Promise.all( this.blockers.map(async ({ blocker, name }) => { try { if (typeof blocker == "function") { await blocker(); } else { await blocker; } } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); dump( `Shutdown blocker '${name}' for ${this.name} threw error: ${e} :: ${e.stack}\n` ); } }) ); this.blockers = []; } } // Mock out AddonManager's reference to the AsyncShutdown module so we can shut // down AddonManager from the test var MockAsyncShutdown = { profileBeforeChange: new MockBarrier("profileBeforeChange"), profileChangeTeardown: new MockBarrier("profileChangeTeardown"), quitApplicationGranted: new MockBarrier("quitApplicationGranted"), // We can use the real Barrier Barrier: AsyncShutdown.Barrier, }; AddonManagerPrivate.overrideAsyncShutdown(MockAsyncShutdown); class AddonsList { constructor(file) { this.extensions = []; this.themes = []; this.xpis = []; if (!file.exists()) { return; } let data = lazy.aomStartup.readStartupData(); for (let loc of Object.values(data)) { let dir = loc.path && new nsFile(loc.path); for (let addon of Object.values(loc.addons)) { let file; if (dir) { file = dir.clone(); try { file.appendRelativePath(addon.path); } catch (e) { file = new nsFile(addon.path); } } else if (addon.path) { file = new nsFile(addon.path); } if (!file) { continue; } this.xpis.push(file); if (addon.enabled) { addon.type = addon.type || "extension"; if (addon.type == "theme") { this.themes.push(file); } else { this.extensions.push(file); } } } } } hasItem(type, dir, id) { var path = dir.clone(); path.append(id); var xpiPath = dir.clone(); xpiPath.append(`${id}.xpi`); return this[type].some(file => { if (!file.exists()) { throw new Error( `Non-existent path found in addonStartup.json: ${file.path}` ); } if (file.isDirectory()) { return file.equals(path); } if (file.isFile()) { return file.equals(xpiPath); } return false; }); } hasTheme(dir, id) { return this.hasItem("themes", dir, id); } hasExtension(dir, id) { return this.hasItem("extensions", dir, id); } } var AddonTestUtils = { addonIntegrationService: null, addonsList: null, appInfo: null, addonStartup: null, collectedTelemetryEvents: [], testScope: null, testUnpacked: false, useRealCertChecks: false, usePrivilegedSignatures: true, certSignatureDate: null, overrideEntry: null, maybeInit(testScope) { if (this.testScope != testScope) { this.init(testScope); } }, init(testScope, enableLogging = true) { if (this.testScope === testScope) { return; } this.testScope = testScope; // Get the profile directory for tests to use. this.profileDir = testScope.do_get_profile(); this.profileExtensions = this.profileDir.clone(); this.profileExtensions.append("extensions"); this.addonStartup = this.profileDir.clone(); this.addonStartup.append("addonStartup.json.lz4"); // Register a temporary directory for the tests. this.tempDir = this.profileDir.clone(); this.tempDir.append("temp"); this.tempDir.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY); this.registerDirectory("TmpD", this.tempDir); // Create a replacement app directory for the tests. const appDirForAddons = this.profileDir.clone(); appDirForAddons.append("appdir-addons"); appDirForAddons.create( Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY ); this.registerDirectory("XREAddonAppDir", appDirForAddons); // Enable more extensive EM logging. if (enableLogging) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.logging.enabled", true); } // By default only load extensions from the profile install location Services.prefs.setIntPref( "extensions.enabledScopes", AddonManager.SCOPE_PROFILE ); // By default don't disable add-ons from any scope Services.prefs.setIntPref("extensions.autoDisableScopes", 0); // And scan for changes at startup Services.prefs.setIntPref("extensions.startupScanScopes", 15); // By default, don't cache add-ons in AddonRepository.jsm Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.getAddons.cache.enabled", false); // Point update checks to the local machine for fast failures Services.prefs.setCharPref( "extensions.update.url", "" ); Services.prefs.setCharPref( "extensions.update.background.url", "" ); Services.prefs.setCharPref( "services.settings.server", "data:,#remote-settings-dummy/v1" ); // By default ignore bundled add-ons Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.installDistroAddons", false); // Ensure signature checks are enabled by default Services.prefs.setBoolPref("xpinstall.signatures.required", true); // Make sure that a given path does not exist function pathShouldntExist(file) { if (file.exists()) { throw new Error( `Test cleanup: path ${file.path} exists when it should not` ); } } testScope.registerCleanupFunction(() => { // Force a GC to ensure that anything holding a ref to temp file releases it. // XXX This shouldn't be needed here, since cleanupTempXPIs() does a GC if // something fails; see bug 1761255 this.info(`Force a GC`); Cu.forceGC(); this.cleanupTempXPIs(); let ignoreEntries = new Set(); { // FileTestUtils lazily creates a directory to hold the temporary files // it creates. If that directory exists, ignore it. let { value } = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( lazy.FileTestUtils, "_globalTemporaryDirectory" ); if (value) { ignoreEntries.add(value.leafName); } } // Check that the temporary directory is empty var entries = []; for (let { leafName } of this.iterDirectory(this.tempDir)) { if (!ignoreEntries.has(leafName)) { entries.push(leafName); } } if (entries.length) { throw new Error( `Found unexpected files in temporary directory: ${entries.join(", ")}` ); } try { appDirForAddons.remove(true); } catch (ex) { testScope.info(`Got exception removing addon app dir: ${ex}`); } // ensure no leftover files in the system addon upgrade location let featuresDir = this.profileDir.clone(); featuresDir.append("features"); // upgrade directories will be in UUID folders under features/ for (let dir of this.iterDirectory(featuresDir)) { dir.append("stage"); pathShouldntExist(dir); } // ensure no leftover files in the user addon location let testDir = this.profileDir.clone(); testDir.append("extensions"); testDir.append("trash"); pathShouldntExist(testDir); testDir.leafName = "staged"; pathShouldntExist(testDir); return this.promiseShutdownManager(); }); }, initMochitest(testScope) { if (this.testScope === testScope) { return; } this.testScope = testScope; this.profileDir = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", []); this.profileExtensions = FileUtils.getDir("ProfD", ["extensions"]); this.tempDir = FileUtils.getDir("TmpD", []); this.tempDir.append("addons-mochitest"); this.tempDir.createUnique( Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY ); testScope.registerCleanupFunction(() => { // Defer testScope cleanup until the last cleanup function has run. testScope.registerCleanupFunction(() => { this.testScope = null; }); this.cleanupTempXPIs(); try { this.tempDir.remove(true); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } }); }, /** * Iterates over the entries in a given directory. * * Fails silently if the given directory does not exist. * * @param {nsIFile} dir * Directory to iterate. */ *iterDirectory(dir) { let dirEnum; try { dirEnum = dir.directoryEntries; let file; while ((file = dirEnum.nextFile)) { yield file; } } catch (e) { if (dir.exists()) { Cu.reportError(e); } } finally { if (dirEnum) { dirEnum.close(); } } }, /** * Creates a new HttpServer for testing, and begins listening on the * specified port. Automatically shuts down the server when the test * unit ends. * * @param {object} [options = {}] * The options object. * @param {integer} [options.port = -1] * The port to listen on. If omitted, listen on a random * port. The latter is the preferred behavior. * @param {sequence?} [options.hosts = null] * A set of hosts to accept connections to. Support for this is * implemented using a proxy filter. * * @returns {HttpServer} * The HTTP server instance. */ createHttpServer(...args) { lazy.XPCShellContentUtils.ensureInitialized(this.testScope); return lazy.XPCShellContentUtils.createHttpServer(...args); }, registerJSON(...args) { return lazy.XPCShellContentUtils.registerJSON(...args); }, info(msg) { // info() for mochitests, do_print for xpcshell. let print = this.testScope.info || this.testScope.do_print; print(msg); }, cleanupTempXPIs() { let didGC = false; for (let file of this.tempXPIs.splice(0)) { if (file.exists()) { try { Services.obs.notifyObservers(file, "flush-cache-entry"); file.remove(false); } catch (e) { if (didGC) { Cu.reportError(`Failed to remove ${file.path}: ${e}`); } else { // Bug 1606684 - Sometimes XPI files are still in use by a process // after the test has been finished. Force a GC once and try again. this.info(`Force a GC`); Cu.forceGC(); didGC = true; try { file.remove(false); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(`Failed to remove ${file.path} after GC: ${e}`); } } } } } }, createAppInfo(ID, name, version, platformVersion = "1.0") { lazy.updateAppInfo({ ID, name, version, platformVersion, crashReporter: true, }); this.appInfo = lazy.getAppInfo(); }, getManifestURI(file) { if (file.isDirectory()) { file.leafName = "manifest.json"; if (file.exists()) { return NetUtil.newURI(file); } throw new Error("No manifest file present"); } let zip = ZipReader(file); try { let uri = NetUtil.newURI(file); if (zip.hasEntry("manifest.json")) { return NetUtil.newURI(`jar:${uri.spec}!/manifest.json`); } throw new Error("No manifest file present"); } finally { zip.close(); } }, getIDFromExtension(file) { return this.getIDFromManifest(this.getManifestURI(file)); }, async getIDFromManifest(manifestURI) { let body = await fetch(manifestURI.spec); let manifest = await body.json(); try { if (manifest.browser_specific_settings?.gecko?.id) { return manifest.browser_specific_settings.gecko.id; } return manifest.applications.gecko.id; } catch (e) { // IDs for WebExtensions are extracted from the certificate when // not present in the manifest, so just generate a random one. return Services.uuid.generateUUID().number; } }, overrideCertDB() { let verifyCert = async (file, result, cert, callback) => { if ( result == Cr.NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_NOT_SIGNED && !this.useRealCertChecks && callback.wrappedJSObject ) { // Bypassing XPConnect allows us to create a fake x509 certificate from JS callback = callback.wrappedJSObject; try { let id; try { let manifestURI = this.getManifestURI(file); id = await this.getIDFromManifest(manifestURI); } catch (err) { if (file.leafName.endsWith(".xpi")) { id = file.leafName.slice(0, -4); } } let fakeCert = { commonName: id }; if (this.usePrivilegedSignatures) { let privileged = typeof this.usePrivilegedSignatures == "function" ? this.usePrivilegedSignatures(id) : this.usePrivilegedSignatures; if (privileged === "system") { fakeCert.organizationalUnit = "Mozilla Components"; } else if (privileged) { fakeCert.organizationalUnit = "Mozilla Extensions"; } } if (this.certSignatureDate) { // addon.signedDate is derived from this, used by the blocklist. fakeCert.validity = { notBefore: this.certSignatureDate * 1000, }; } return [callback, Cr.NS_OK, fakeCert]; } catch (e) { // If there is any error then just pass along the original results } finally { // Make sure to close the open zip file or it will be locked. if (file.isFile()) { Services.obs.notifyObservers( file, "flush-cache-entry", "cert-override" ); } } } return [callback, result, cert]; }; let FakeCertDB = { init() { for (let property of Object.keys( this._genuine.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIX509CertDB) )) { if (property in this) { continue; } if (typeof this._genuine[property] == "function") { this[property] = this._genuine[property].bind(this._genuine); } } }, openSignedAppFileAsync(root, file, callback) { // First try calling the real cert DB this._genuine.openSignedAppFileAsync( root, file, (result, zipReader, cert) => { verifyCert(file.clone(), result, cert, callback).then( ([callback, result, cert]) => { callback.openSignedAppFileFinished(result, zipReader, cert); } ); } ); }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIX509CertDB"]), }; // Unregister the real database. This only works because the add-ons manager // hasn't started up and grabbed the certificate database yet. lazy.MockRegistrar.register(CERTDB_CONTRACTID, FakeCertDB); // Initialize the mock service. Cc[CERTDB_CONTRACTID].getService(); FakeCertDB.init(); }, /** * Load the data from the specified files into the *real* blocklist providers. * Loads using loadBlocklistRawData, which will treat this as an update. * * @param {nsIFile} dir * The directory in which the files live. * @param {string} prefix * a prefix for the files which ought to be loaded. * This method will suffix -extensions.json * to the prefix it is given, and attempt to load it. * If it exists, its data will be dumped into * the respective store, and the update handler * will be called. */ async loadBlocklistData(dir, prefix) { let loadedData = {}; let fileSuffix = "extensions"; const fileName = `${prefix}-${fileSuffix}.json`; try { loadedData[fileSuffix] = await IOUtils.readJSON( PathUtils.join(dir.path, fileName) ); this.info(`Loaded ${fileName}`); } catch (e) {} return this.loadBlocklistRawData(loadedData); }, /** * Load the following data into the *real* blocklist providers. * Fires update methods as would happen if this data came from * an actual blocklist update, etc. * * @param {object} data * The data to load. */ async loadBlocklistRawData(data) { const { BlocklistPrivate } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/Blocklist.jsm" ); const blocklistMapping = { extensions: BlocklistPrivate.ExtensionBlocklistRS, extensionsMLBF: BlocklistPrivate.ExtensionBlocklistMLBF, }; for (const [dataProp, blocklistObj] of Object.entries(blocklistMapping)) { let newData = data[dataProp]; if (!newData) { continue; } if (!Array.isArray(newData)) { throw new Error( "Expected an array of new items to put in the " + dataProp + " blocklist!" ); } for (let item of newData) { if (!item.id) { item.id = Services.uuid.generateUUID().number.slice(1, -1); } if (!item.last_modified) { item.last_modified = Date.now(); } } blocklistObj.ensureInitialized(); let db = await blocklistObj._client.db; const collectionTimestamp = Math.max( ...newData.map(r => r.last_modified) ); await db.importChanges({}, collectionTimestamp, newData, { clear: true, }); // We manually call _onUpdate... which is evil, but at the moment kinto doesn't have // a better abstraction unless you want to mock your own http server to do the update. await blocklistObj._onUpdate(); } }, /** * Starts up the add-on manager as if it was started by the application. * * @param {Object} params * The new params are in an object and new code should use that. * @param {boolean} params.earlyStartup * Notifies early startup phase. default is true * @param {boolean} params.lateStartup * Notifies late startup phase which ensures addons are started or * listeners are primed. default is true * @param {boolean} params.newVersion * If provided, the application version is changed to this string * before the AddonManager is started. */ async promiseStartupManager(params) { if (this.addonIntegrationService) { throw new Error( "Attempting to startup manager that was already started." ); } // Support old arguments if (typeof params != "object") { params = { newVersion: arguments[0], }; } let { earlyStartup = true, lateStartup = true, newVersion } = params; lateStartup = earlyStartup && lateStartup; if (newVersion) { this.appInfo.version = newVersion; this.appInfo.platformVersion = newVersion; } // AddonListeners are removed when the addonManager is shutdown, // ensure the Extension observer is added. We call uninit in // promiseShutdown to allow re-initialization. lazy.ExtensionAddonObserver.init(); const { XPIInternal, XPIProvider } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm" ); XPIInternal.overrideAsyncShutdown(MockAsyncShutdown); XPIInternal.BootstrapScope.prototype._beforeCallBootstrapMethod = ( method, params, reason ) => { try { this.emit("bootstrap-method", { method, params, reason }); } catch (e) { try { this.testScope.do_throw(e); } catch (e) { // Le sigh. } } }; this.addonIntegrationService = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/addons/integration;1" ].getService(Ci.nsIObserver); this.addonIntegrationService.observe(null, "addons-startup", null); this.emit("addon-manager-started"); await Promise.all(XPIProvider.startupPromises); // Load the add-ons list as it was after extension registration await this.loadAddonsList(true); // Wait for all add-ons to finish starting up before resolving. await Promise.all( Array.from( XPIProvider.activeAddons.values(), addon => addon.startupPromise ) ); if (earlyStartup) { lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.notifyEarlyStartup(); } if (lateStartup) { lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.notifyLateStartup(); } }, async promiseShutdownManager({ clearOverrides = true, clearL10nRegistry = true, } = {}) { if (!this.addonIntegrationService) { return false; } if (this.overrideEntry && clearOverrides) { this.overrideEntry.destruct(); this.overrideEntry = null; } const { XPIProvider } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm" ); const { XPIDatabase } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIDatabase.jsm" ); // Ensure some startup observers in XPIProvider are released. Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "test-load-xpi-database"); Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "quit-application-granted"); await MockAsyncShutdown.quitApplicationGranted.trigger(); // If XPIDatabase.asyncLoadDB() has been called before, then _dbPromise is // a promise, potentially still pending. Wait for it to settle before // triggering profileBeforeChange, because the latter can trigger errors in // the pending asyncLoadDB() by an indirect call to XPIDatabase.shutdown(). await XPIDatabase._dbPromise; await MockAsyncShutdown.profileBeforeChange.trigger(); await MockAsyncShutdown.profileChangeTeardown.trigger(); this.emit("addon-manager-shutdown"); this.addonIntegrationService = null; // Load the add-ons list as it was after application shutdown await this.loadAddonsList(); // Flush the jar cache entries for each bootstrapped XPI so that // we don't run into file locking issues on Windows. for (let file of this.addonsList.xpis) { Services.obs.notifyObservers(file, "flush-cache-entry"); } // Clear L10nRegistry entries so restaring the AOM will work correctly with locales. if (clearL10nRegistry) { L10nRegistry.getInstance().clearSources(); } // Clear any crash report annotations this.appInfo.annotations = {}; // Force the XPIProvider provider to reload to better // simulate real-world usage. // This would be cleaner if I could get it as the rejection reason from // the AddonManagerInternal.shutdown() promise let shutdownError = XPIDatabase._saveError; AddonManagerPrivate.unregisterProvider(XPIProvider); Cu.unload("resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm"); Cu.unload("resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIDatabase.jsm"); Cu.unload("resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIInstall.jsm"); lazy.ExtensionAddonObserver.uninit(); lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.resetStartupPromises(); if (shutdownError) { throw shutdownError; } return true; }, /** * Asynchronously restart the AddonManager. If newVersion is provided, * simulate an application upgrade (or downgrade) where the version * is changed to newVersion when re-started. * * @param {Object} params * The new params are in an object and new code should use that. * See promiseStartupManager for param details. */ async promiseRestartManager(params) { await this.promiseShutdownManager({ clearOverrides: false }); await this.promiseStartupManager(params); }, /** * If promiseStartupManager is called with earlyStartup: false, then * use this to notify early startup. * * @returns {Promise} resolves when notification is complete */ notifyEarlyStartup() { return lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.notifyEarlyStartup(); }, /** * If promiseStartupManager is called with lateStartup: false, then * use this to notify late startup. You should also call early startup * if necessary. * * @returns {Promise} resolves when notification is complete */ notifyLateStartup() { return lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.notifyLateStartup(); }, async loadAddonsList(flush = false) { if (flush) { const { XPIInternal } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm" ); XPIInternal.XPIStates.save(); await XPIInternal.XPIStates._jsonFile._save(); } this.addonsList = new AddonsList(this.addonStartup); }, /** * Writes the given data to a file in the given zip file. * * @param {string|nsIFile} zipFile * The zip file to write to. * @param {Object} files * An object containing filenames and the data to write to the * corresponding paths in the zip file. * @param {integer} [flags = 0] * Additional flags to open the file with. */ writeFilesToZip(zipFile, files, flags = 0) { if (typeof zipFile == "string") { zipFile = nsFile(zipFile); } var zipW = ZipWriter( zipFile, FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY | FileUtils.MODE_CREATE | flags ); for (let [path, data] of Object.entries(files)) { if ( typeof data === "object" && ChromeUtils.getClassName(data) === "Object" ) { data = JSON.stringify(data); } if (!(data instanceof ArrayBuffer)) { data = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode(data).buffer; } let stream = ArrayBufferInputStream(data, 0, data.byteLength); // Note these files are being created in the XPI archive with date // 1 << 49, which is a valid time for ZipWriter. zipW.addEntryStream( path, Math.pow(2, 49), Ci.nsIZipWriter.COMPRESSION_NONE, stream, false ); } zipW.close(); }, async promiseWriteFilesToZip(zip, files, flags) { await IOUtils.makeDirectory(PathUtils.parent(zip)); this.writeFilesToZip(zip, files, flags); return Promise.resolve(nsFile(zip)); }, async promiseWriteFilesToDir(dir, files) { await IOUtils.makeDirectory(dir); for (let [path, data] of Object.entries(files)) { path = path.split("/"); let leafName = path.pop(); // Create parent directories, if necessary. let dirPath = dir; for (let subDir of path) { dirPath = PathUtils.join(dirPath, subDir); await PathUtils.makeDirectory(dirPath); } const leafPath = PathUtils.join(dirPath, leafName); if ( typeof data == "object" && ChromeUtils.getClassName(data) == "Object" ) { await IOUtils.writeJSON(leafPath, data); } else if (typeof data == "string") { await IOUtils.writeUTF8(leafPath, data); } } return nsFile(dir); }, promiseWriteFilesToExtension(dir, id, files, unpacked = this.testUnpacked) { if (unpacked) { let path = PathUtils.join(dir, id); return this.promiseWriteFilesToDir(path, files); } let xpi = PathUtils.join(dir, `${id}.xpi`); return this.promiseWriteFilesToZip(xpi, files); }, tempXPIs: [], allocTempXPIFile() { let file = this.tempDir.clone(); let uuid = Services.uuid.generateUUID().number.slice(1, -1); file.append(`${uuid}.xpi`); this.tempXPIs.push(file); return file; }, /** * Creates an XPI file for some manifest data in the temporary directory and * returns the nsIFile for it. The file will be deleted when the test completes. * * @param {object} files * The object holding data about the add-on * @return {nsIFile} A file pointing to the created XPI file */ createTempXPIFile(files) { let file = this.allocTempXPIFile(); this.writeFilesToZip(file.path, files); return file; }, /** * Creates an XPI file for some WebExtension data in the temporary directory and * returns the nsIFile for it. The file will be deleted when the test completes. * * @param {Object} data * The object holding data about the add-on, as expected by * |ExtensionTestCommon.generateXPI|. * @return {nsIFile} A file pointing to the created XPI file */ createTempWebExtensionFile(data) { let file = lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.generateXPI(data); this.tempXPIs.push(file); return file; }, /** * Creates an XPI with the given files and installs it. * * @param {object} files * A files object as would be passed to {@see #createTempXPI}. * @returns {Promise} * A promise which resolves when the add-on is installed. */ promiseInstallXPI(files) { return this.promiseInstallFile(this.createTempXPIFile(files)); }, /** * Creates an extension proxy file. * See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/Setting_up_extension_development_environment#Firefox_extension_proxy_file * * @param {nsIFile} dir * The directory to add the proxy file to. * @param {nsIFile} addon * An nsIFile for the add-on file that this is a proxy file for. * @param {string} id * A string to use for the add-on ID. * @returns {Promise} Resolves when the file has been created. */ promiseWriteProxyFileToDir(dir, addon, id) { let files = { [id]: addon.path, }; return this.promiseWriteFilesToDir(dir.path, files); }, /** * Manually installs an XPI file into an install location by either copying the * XPI there or extracting it depending on whether unpacking is being tested * or not. * * @param {nsIFile} xpiFile * The XPI file to install. * @param {nsIFile} [installLocation = this.profileExtensions] * The install location (an nsIFile) to install into. * @param {string} [id] * The ID to install as. * @param {boolean} [unpacked = this.testUnpacked] * If true, install as an unpacked directory, rather than a * packed XPI. * @returns {nsIFile} * A file pointing to the installed location of the XPI file or * unpacked directory. */ async manuallyInstall( xpiFile, installLocation = this.profileExtensions, id = null, unpacked = this.testUnpacked ) { if (id == null) { id = await this.getIDFromExtension(xpiFile); } if (unpacked) { let dir = installLocation.clone(); dir.append(id); dir.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY); let zip = ZipReader(xpiFile); for (let entry of zip.findEntries(null)) { let target = dir.clone(); for (let part of entry.split("/")) { target.append(part); } if (!target.parent.exists()) { target.parent.create( Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY ); } try { zip.extract(entry, target); } catch (e) { if ( e.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_DIR_NOT_EMPTY && !(target.exists() && target.isDirectory()) ) { throw e; } } target.permissions |= FileUtils.PERMS_FILE; } zip.close(); return dir; } let target = installLocation.clone(); target.append(`${id}.xpi`); xpiFile.copyTo(target.parent, target.leafName); return target; }, /** * Manually uninstalls an add-on by removing its files from the install * location. * * @param {nsIFile} installLocation * The nsIFile of the install location to remove from. * @param {string} id * The ID of the add-on to remove. * @param {boolean} [unpacked = this.testUnpacked] * If true, uninstall an unpacked directory, rather than a * packed XPI. */ manuallyUninstall(installLocation, id, unpacked = this.testUnpacked) { let file = this.getFileForAddon(installLocation, id, unpacked); // In reality because the app is restarted a flush isn't necessary for XPIs // removed outside the app, but for testing we must flush manually. if (file.isFile()) { Services.obs.notifyObservers(file, "flush-cache-entry"); } file.remove(true); }, /** * Gets the nsIFile for where an add-on is installed. It may point to a file or * a directory depending on whether add-ons are being installed unpacked or not. * * @param {nsIFile} dir * The nsIFile for the install location * @param {string} id * The ID of the add-on * @param {boolean} [unpacked = this.testUnpacked] * If true, return the path to an unpacked directory, rather than a * packed XPI. * @returns {nsIFile} * A file pointing to the XPI file or unpacked directory where * the add-on should be installed. */ getFileForAddon(dir, id, unpacked = this.testUnpacked) { dir = dir.clone(); if (unpacked) { dir.append(id); } else { dir.append(`${id}.xpi`); } return dir; }, /** * Sets the last modified time of the extension, usually to trigger an update * of its metadata. * * @param {nsIFile} ext A file pointing to either the packed extension or its unpacked directory. * @param {number} time The time to which we set the lastModifiedTime of the extension * * @deprecated Please use promiseSetExtensionModifiedTime instead */ setExtensionModifiedTime(ext, time) { ext.lastModifiedTime = time; if (ext.isDirectory()) { for (let file of this.iterDirectory(ext)) { this.setExtensionModifiedTime(file, time); } } }, async promiseSetExtensionModifiedTime(path, time) { await IOUtils.setModificationTime(path, time); const stat = await IOUtils.stat(path); if (stat.type !== "directory") { return; } const children = await IOUtils.getChildren(path); try { await Promise.all( children.map(entry => this.promiseSetExtensionModifiedTime(entry, time)) ); } catch (ex) { if (DOMException.isInstance(ex)) { return; } throw ex; } }, registerDirectory(key, dir) { var dirProvider = { getFile(prop, persistent) { persistent.value = false; if (prop == key) { return dir.clone(); } return null; }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIDirectoryServiceProvider"]), }; Services.dirsvc.registerProvider(dirProvider); try { Services.dirsvc.undefine(key); } catch (e) { // This throws if the key is not already registered, but that // doesn't matter. if (e.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE) { throw e; } } }, /** * Returns a promise that resolves when the given add-on event is fired. The * resolved value is an array of arguments passed for the event. * * @param {string} event * The name of the AddonListener event handler method for which * an event is expected. * @param {function} checkFn [optional] * A function to check if this is the right event. Should return true * for the event that it wants, false otherwise. Will be passed * all the relevant arguments. * If not passed, any event will do to resolve the promise. * @returns {Promise} * Resolves to an array containing the event handler's * arguments the first time it is called. */ promiseAddonEvent(event, checkFn) { return new Promise(resolve => { let listener = { [event](...args) { if (typeof checkFn == "function" && !checkFn(...args)) { return; } AddonManager.removeAddonListener(listener); resolve(args); }, }; AddonManager.addAddonListener(listener); }); }, promiseInstallEvent(event) { return new Promise(resolve => { let listener = { [event](...args) { AddonManager.removeInstallListener(listener); resolve(args); }, }; AddonManager.addInstallListener(listener); }); }, /** * A helper method to install AddonInstall and wait for completion. * * @param {AddonInstall} install * The add-on to install. * @returns {Promise} * Resolves when the install completes, either successfully or * in failure. */ promiseCompleteInstall(install) { let listener; return new Promise(resolve => { let installPromise; listener = { onDownloadFailed: resolve, onDownloadCancelled: resolve, onInstallFailed: resolve, onInstallCancelled: resolve, onInstallEnded() { // onInstallEnded is called right when an add-on has been installed. // install() may still be pending, e.g. for updates, and be awaiting // the completion of the update, part of which is the removal of the // temporary XPI file of the downloaded update. To avoid intermittent // test failures due to lingering temporary files, await install(). resolve(installPromise); }, onInstallPostponed: resolve, }; install.addListener(listener); installPromise = install.install(); }).then(() => { install.removeListener(listener); return install; }); }, /** * A helper method to install a file. * * @param {nsIFile} file * The file to install * @param {boolean} [ignoreIncompatible = false] * Optional parameter to ignore add-ons that are incompatible * with the application * @param {Object} [installTelemetryInfo = undefined] * Optional parameter to set the install telemetry info for the * installed addon * @returns {Promise} * Resolves when the install has completed. */ async promiseInstallFile( file, ignoreIncompatible = false, installTelemetryInfo ) { let install = await AddonManager.getInstallForFile( file, null, installTelemetryInfo ); if (!install) { throw new Error(`No AddonInstall created for ${file.path}`); } if (install.state != AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOADED) { throw new Error( `Expected file to be downloaded for install of ${file.path}` ); } if (ignoreIncompatible && install.addon.appDisabled) { return null; } await install.install(); return install; }, /** * A helper method to install an array of files. * * @param {Iterable} files * The files to install * @param {boolean} [ignoreIncompatible = false] * Optional parameter to ignore add-ons that are incompatible * with the application * @returns {Promise} * Resolves when the installs have completed. */ promiseInstallAllFiles(files, ignoreIncompatible = false) { return Promise.all( Array.from(files, file => this.promiseInstallFile(file, ignoreIncompatible) ) ); }, promiseCompleteAllInstalls(installs) { return Promise.all(Array.from(installs, this.promiseCompleteInstall)); }, /** * @property {number} updateReason * The default update reason for {@see promiseFindAddonUpdates} * calls. May be overwritten by tests which primarily check for * updates with a particular reason. */ updateReason: AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_PERIODIC_UPDATE, /** * Returns a promise that will be resolved when an add-on update check is * complete. The value resolved will be an AddonInstall if a new version was * found. * * @param {object} addon The add-on to find updates for. * @param {integer} reason The type of update to find. * @param {Array} args Additional args to pass to `checkUpdates` after * the update reason. * @return {Promise} an object containing information about the update. */ promiseFindAddonUpdates( addon, reason = AddonTestUtils.updateReason, ...args ) { // Retrieve the test assertion helper from the testScope // (which is `equal` in xpcshell-test and `is` in mochitest) let equal = this.testScope.equal || this.testScope.is; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let result = {}; addon.findUpdates( { onNoCompatibilityUpdateAvailable(addon2) { if ("compatibilityUpdate" in result) { throw new Error("Saw multiple compatibility update events"); } equal(addon, addon2, "onNoCompatibilityUpdateAvailable"); result.compatibilityUpdate = false; }, onCompatibilityUpdateAvailable(addon2) { if ("compatibilityUpdate" in result) { throw new Error("Saw multiple compatibility update events"); } equal(addon, addon2, "onCompatibilityUpdateAvailable"); result.compatibilityUpdate = true; }, onNoUpdateAvailable(addon2) { if ("updateAvailable" in result) { throw new Error("Saw multiple update available events"); } equal(addon, addon2, "onNoUpdateAvailable"); result.updateAvailable = false; }, onUpdateAvailable(addon2, install) { if ("updateAvailable" in result) { throw new Error("Saw multiple update available events"); } equal(addon, addon2, "onUpdateAvailable"); result.updateAvailable = install; }, onUpdateFinished(addon2, error) { equal(addon, addon2, "onUpdateFinished"); if (error == AddonManager.UPDATE_STATUS_NO_ERROR) { resolve(result); } else { result.error = error; reject(result); } }, }, reason, ...args ); }); }, /** * Monitors console output for the duration of a task, and returns a promise * which resolves to a tuple containing a list of all console messages * generated during the task's execution, and the result of the task itself. * * @param {function} task * The task to run while monitoring console output. May be * an async function, or an ordinary function which returns a promose. * @return {Promise<[Array, *]>} * Resolves to an object containing a `messages` property, with * the array of console messages emitted during the execution * of the task, and a `result` property, containing the task's * return value. */ async promiseConsoleOutput(task) { const DONE = "=== xpcshell test console listener done ==="; let listener, messages = []; let awaitListener = new Promise(resolve => { listener = msg => { if (msg == DONE) { resolve(); } else { msg instanceof Ci.nsIScriptError; messages.push(msg); } }; }); Services.console.registerListener(listener); try { let result = await task(); Services.console.logStringMessage(DONE); await awaitListener; return { messages, result }; } finally { Services.console.unregisterListener(listener); } }, /** * An object describing an expected or forbidden console message. Each * property in the object corresponds to a property with the same name * in a console message. If the value in the pattern object is a * regular expression, it must match the value of the corresponding * console message property. If it is any other value, it must be * strictly equal to the correspondng console message property. * * @typedef {object} ConsoleMessagePattern */ /** * Checks the list of messages returned from `promiseConsoleOutput` * against the given set of expected messages. * * This is roughly equivalent to the expected and forbidden message * matching functionality of SimpleTest.monitorConsole. * * @param {Array} messages * The array of console messages to match. * @param {object} options * Options describing how to perform the match. * @param {Array} [options.expected = []] * An array of messages which must appear in `messages`. The * matching messages in the `messages` array must appear in the * same order as the patterns in the `expected` array. * @param {Array} [options.forbidden = []] * An array of messages which must not appear in the `messages` * array. * @param {bool} [options.forbidUnexpected = false] * If true, the `messages` array must not contain any messages * which are not matched by the given `expected` patterns. */ checkMessages( messages, { expected = [], forbidden = [], forbidUnexpected = false } ) { function msgMatches(msg, expectedMsg) { for (let [prop, pattern] of Object.entries(expectedMsg)) { if (isRegExp(pattern) && typeof msg[prop] === "string") { if (!pattern.test(msg[prop])) { return false; } } else if (msg[prop] !== pattern) { return false; } } return true; } function validateOptionFormat(optionName, optionValue) { for (let item of optionValue) { if (!item || typeof item !== "object" || isRegExp(item)) { throw new Error( `Unexpected format in AddonTestUtils.checkMessages "${optionName}" parameter` ); } } } validateOptionFormat("expected", expected); validateOptionFormat("forbidden", forbidden); let i = 0; for (let msg of messages) { if (forbidden.some(pat => msgMatches(msg, pat))) { this.testScope.ok(false, `Got forbidden console message: ${msg}`); continue; } if (i < expected.length && msgMatches(msg, expected[i])) { this.info(`Matched expected console message: ${msg}`); i++; } else if (forbidUnexpected) { this.testScope.ok(false, `Got unexpected console message: ${msg}`); } } for (let pat of expected.slice(i)) { this.testScope.ok( false, `Did not get expected console message: ${uneval(pat)}` ); } }, /** * Asserts that the expected installTelemetryInfo properties are available * on the AddonWrapper or AddonInstall objects. * * @param {AddonWrapper|AddonInstall} addonOrInstall * The addon or addonInstall object to check. * @param {Object} expectedInstallInfo * The expected installTelemetryInfo properties * (every property can be a primitive value or a regular expression). * @param {string} [msg] * Optional assertion message suffix. */ checkInstallInfo(addonOrInstall, expectedInstallInfo, msg = undefined) { const installInfo = addonOrInstall.installTelemetryInfo; const { Assert } = this.testScope; msg = msg ? ` ${msg}` : ""; for (const key of Object.keys(expectedInstallInfo)) { const actual = installInfo[key]; let expected = expectedInstallInfo[key]; // Assert the property value using a regular expression. if (expected && typeof expected.test == "function") { Assert.ok( expected.test(actual), `${key} value "${actual}" has the value expected "${expected}"${msg}` ); } else { Assert.deepEqual( actual, expected, `Got the expected value for ${key}${msg}` ); } } }, /** * Helper to wait for a webextension to completely start * * @param {string} [id] * An optional extension id to look for. * * @returns {Promise} * A promise that resolves with the extension, once it is started. */ promiseWebExtensionStartup(id) { return new Promise(resolve => { lazy.Management.on("ready", function listener(event, extension) { if (!id || extension.id == id) { lazy.Management.off("ready", listener); resolve(extension); } }); }); }, /** * Wait until an extension with a search provider has been loaded. * This should be called after the extension has started, but before shutdown. * * @param {object} extension * The return value of ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension. * For browser tests, see mochitest/tests/SimpleTest/ExtensionTestUtils.js * For xpcshell tests, see toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionXPCShellUtils.jsm * @param {object} [options] * Optional options. * @param {boolean} [options.expectPending = false] * Whether to expect the search provider to still be starting up. */ async waitForSearchProviderStartup( extension, { expectPending = false } = {} ) { // In xpcshell tests, equal/ok are defined in the global scope. let { equal, ok } = this.testScope; if (!equal || !ok) { // In mochitests, these are available via Assert.sys.mjs. let { Assert } = this.testScope; equal = Assert.equal.bind(Assert); ok = Assert.ok.bind(Assert); } equal( extension.state, "running", "Search provider extension should be running" ); ok(extension.id, "Extension ID of search provider should be set"); // The map of promises from browser/components/extensions/parent/ext-chrome-settings-overrides.js let { pendingSearchSetupTasks } = lazy.Management.global; let searchStartupPromise = pendingSearchSetupTasks.get(extension.id); if (expectPending) { ok( searchStartupPromise, "Search provider registration should be in progress" ); } return searchStartupPromise; }, /** * Initializes the URLPreloader, which is required in order to load * built_in_addons.json. This has the side-effect of setting * preferences which flip Cu.isInAutomation to true. */ initializeURLPreloader() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_DISABLE_SECURITY, true); lazy.aomStartup.initializeURLPreloader(); }, /** * Override chrome URL for specifying allowed built-in add-ons. * * @param {object} data - An object specifying which add-on IDs are permitted * to load, for instance: { "system": ["id1", "..."] } */ async overrideBuiltIns(data) { // We need to set this in order load the URL preloader service, which // is only possible when running in automation. let prevPrefVal = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_DISABLE_SECURITY, false); this.initializeURLPreloader(); let file = this.tempDir.clone(); file.append("override.txt"); this.tempXPIs.push(file); let manifest = Services.io.newFileURI(file); await IOUtils.writeJSON(file.path, data); this.overrideEntry = lazy.aomStartup.registerChrome(manifest, [ [ "override", "chrome://browser/content/built_in_addons.json", Services.io.newFileURI(file).spec, ], ]); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_DISABLE_SECURITY, prevPrefVal); }, // AMTelemetry events helpers. /** * Formerly this function re-routed telemetry events. Now it just ensures * that there are no unexamined events after the test file is exiting. */ hookAMTelemetryEvents() { this.testScope.registerCleanupFunction(() => { this.testScope.Assert.deepEqual( [], this.getAMTelemetryEvents(), "No unexamined telemetry events after test is finished" ); }); }, /** * Retrive any AMTelemetry event collected and clears _all_ telemetry events. * * @returns {Array} * The array of the collected telemetry data. */ getAMTelemetryEvents() { // This duplicates some logic from TelemetryTestUtils. let snapshots = Services.telemetry.snapshotEvents( Ci.nsITelemetry.DATASET_PRERELEASE_CHANNELS, /* clear = */ true ); let events = (snapshots.parent ?? []) .filter(entry => entry[1] == "addonsManager") .map(entry => ({ // The callers don't expect the timestamp or the category. method: entry[2], object: entry[3], value: entry[4], extra: entry[5], })); return events; }, }; for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(AddonTestUtils)) { if (typeof val == "function") { AddonTestUtils[key] = val.bind(AddonTestUtils); } } EventEmitter.decorate(AddonTestUtils);