/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Server side http server script for application update tests. */ // Definitions from test and other files used by the tests /* global getState */ function getTestDataFile(aFilename) { let file = Services.dirsvc.get("CurWorkD", Ci.nsIFile); let pathParts = REL_PATH_DATA.split("/"); for (let i = 0; i < pathParts.length; ++i) { file.append(pathParts[i]); } if (aFilename) { file.append(aFilename); } return file; } function loadHelperScript(aScriptFile) { let scriptSpec = Services.io.newFileURI(aScriptFile).spec; Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(scriptSpec, this); } var scriptFile = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile); scriptFile.initWithPath(getState("__LOCATION__")); scriptFile = scriptFile.parent; /* import-globals-from ../browser/testConstants.js */ scriptFile.append("testConstants.js"); loadHelperScript(scriptFile); /* import-globals-from sharedUpdateXML.js */ scriptFile = getTestDataFile("sharedUpdateXML.js"); loadHelperScript(scriptFile); const SERVICE_URL = URL_HOST + "/" + REL_PATH_DATA + FILE_SIMPLE_MAR; const BAD_SERVICE_URL = URL_HOST + "/" + REL_PATH_DATA + "not_here.mar"; // A value of 10 caused the tests to intermittently fail on Mac OS X so be // careful when changing this value. const SLOW_RESPONSE_INTERVAL = 100; const MAX_SLOW_RESPONSE_RETRIES = 200; var gSlowDownloadTimer; var gSlowCheckTimer; function handleRequest(aRequest, aResponse) { let params = {}; if (aRequest.queryString) { params = parseQueryString(aRequest.queryString); } let statusCode = params.statusCode ? parseInt(params.statusCode) : 200; let statusReason = params.statusReason ? params.statusReason : "OK"; aResponse.setStatusLine(aRequest.httpVersion, statusCode, statusReason); aResponse.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache", false); // When a mar download is started by the update service it can finish // downloading before the ui has loaded. By specifying a serviceURL for the // update patch that points to this file and has a slowDownloadMar param the // mar will be downloaded asynchronously which will allow the ui to load // before the download completes. if (params.slowDownloadMar) { aResponse.processAsync(); aResponse.setHeader("Content-Type", "binary/octet-stream"); aResponse.setHeader("Content-Length", SIZE_SIMPLE_MAR); // BITS will first make a HEAD request followed by a GET request. if (aRequest.method == "HEAD") { aResponse.finish(); return; } let retries = 0; gSlowDownloadTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); gSlowDownloadTimer.initWithCallback( function(aTimer) { let continueFile = getTestDataFile(CONTINUE_DOWNLOAD); retries++; if (continueFile.exists() || retries == MAX_SLOW_RESPONSE_RETRIES) { try { // If the continue file is in use try again the next time the timer // fires unless the retries has reached the value defined by // MAX_SLOW_RESPONSE_RETRIES in which case let the test remove the // continue file. if (retries < MAX_SLOW_RESPONSE_RETRIES) { continueFile.remove(false); } gSlowDownloadTimer.cancel(); aResponse.write(readFileBytes(getTestDataFile(FILE_SIMPLE_MAR))); aResponse.finish(); } catch (e) {} } }, SLOW_RESPONSE_INTERVAL, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_REPEATING_SLACK ); return; } if (params.uiURL) { aResponse.write( '
' + params.uiURL + "