/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Maintains a circular buffer of recent messages, and notifies * listeners when new messages are logged. */ /* Threadsafe. */ #include "nsCOMArray.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "nsConsoleService.h" #include "nsConsoleMessage.h" #include "nsIClassInfoImpl.h" #include "nsIConsoleListener.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #include "nsPrintfCString.h" #include "nsProxyRelease.h" #include "nsIScriptError.h" #include "nsISupportsPrimitives.h" #include "mozilla/dom/WindowGlobalParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ContentParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BrowserParent.h" #include "mozilla/SchedulerGroup.h" #include "mozilla/Services.h" #if defined(ANDROID) # include # include "mozilla/dom/ContentChild.h" # include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_consoleservice.h" #endif #ifdef XP_WIN # include #endif using namespace mozilla; NS_IMPL_ADDREF(nsConsoleService) NS_IMPL_RELEASE(nsConsoleService) NS_IMPL_CLASSINFO(nsConsoleService, nullptr, nsIClassInfo::THREADSAFE | nsIClassInfo::SINGLETON, NS_CONSOLESERVICE_CID) NS_IMPL_QUERY_INTERFACE_CI(nsConsoleService, nsIConsoleService, nsIObserver) NS_IMPL_CI_INTERFACE_GETTER(nsConsoleService, nsIConsoleService, nsIObserver) static const bool gLoggingEnabled = true; static const bool gLoggingBuffered = true; #ifdef XP_WIN static bool gLoggingToDebugger = true; #endif // XP_WIN nsConsoleService::MessageElement::~MessageElement() = default; nsConsoleService::nsConsoleService() : mCurrentSize(0), // XXX grab this from a pref! // hm, but worry about circularity, bc we want to be able to report // prefs errs... mMaximumSize(250), mDeliveringMessage(false), mLock("nsConsoleService.mLock") { #ifdef XP_WIN // This environment variable controls whether the console service // should be prevented from putting output to the attached debugger. // It only affects the Windows platform. // // To disable OutputDebugString, set: // MOZ_CONSOLESERVICE_DISABLE_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT=1 // const char* disableDebugLoggingVar = getenv("MOZ_CONSOLESERVICE_DISABLE_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT"); gLoggingToDebugger = !disableDebugLoggingVar || (disableDebugLoggingVar[0] == '0'); #endif // XP_WIN } void nsConsoleService::ClearMessagesForWindowID(const uint64_t innerID) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); MutexAutoLock lock(mLock); for (MessageElement* e = mMessages.getFirst(); e != nullptr;) { // Only messages implementing nsIScriptError interface expose the // inner window ID. nsCOMPtr scriptError = do_QueryInterface(e->Get()); if (!scriptError) { e = e->getNext(); continue; } uint64_t innerWindowID; nsresult rv = scriptError->GetInnerWindowID(&innerWindowID); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || innerWindowID != innerID) { e = e->getNext(); continue; } MessageElement* next = e->getNext(); e->remove(); delete e; mCurrentSize--; MOZ_ASSERT(mCurrentSize < mMaximumSize); e = next; } } void nsConsoleService::ClearMessages() { // NB: A lock is not required here as it's only called from |Reset| which // locks for us and from the dtor. while (!mMessages.isEmpty()) { MessageElement* e = mMessages.popFirst(); delete e; } mCurrentSize = 0; } nsConsoleService::~nsConsoleService() { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); ClearMessages(); } class AddConsolePrefWatchers : public Runnable { public: explicit AddConsolePrefWatchers(nsConsoleService* aConsole) : mozilla::Runnable("AddConsolePrefWatchers"), mConsole(aConsole) {} NS_IMETHOD Run() override { nsCOMPtr obs = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); MOZ_ASSERT(obs); obs->AddObserver(mConsole, NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID, false); obs->AddObserver(mConsole, "inner-window-destroyed", false); if (!gLoggingBuffered) { mConsole->Reset(); } return NS_OK; } private: RefPtr mConsole; }; nsresult nsConsoleService::Init() { NS_DispatchToMainThread(new AddConsolePrefWatchers(this)); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsConsoleService::MaybeForwardScriptError(nsIConsoleMessage* aMessage, bool* sent) { *sent = false; nsCOMPtr scriptError = do_QueryInterface(aMessage); if (!scriptError) { // Not an nsIScriptError return NS_OK; } uint64_t windowID; nsresult rv; rv = scriptError->GetInnerWindowID(&windowID); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!windowID) { // Does not set window id return NS_OK; } RefPtr windowGlobalParent = mozilla::dom::WindowGlobalParent::GetByInnerWindowId(windowID); if (!windowGlobalParent) { // Could not find parent window by id return NS_OK; } RefPtr browserParent = windowGlobalParent->GetBrowserParent(); if (!browserParent) { return NS_OK; } mozilla::dom::ContentParent* contentParent = browserParent->Manager(); if (!contentParent) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsAutoString msg, sourceName, sourceLine; nsCString category; uint32_t lineNum, colNum, flags; uint64_t innerWindowId; bool fromPrivateWindow, fromChromeContext; rv = scriptError->GetErrorMessage(msg); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = scriptError->GetSourceName(sourceName); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = scriptError->GetSourceLine(sourceLine); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = scriptError->GetCategory(getter_Copies(category)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = scriptError->GetLineNumber(&lineNum); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = scriptError->GetColumnNumber(&colNum); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = scriptError->GetFlags(&flags); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = scriptError->GetIsFromPrivateWindow(&fromPrivateWindow); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = scriptError->GetIsFromChromeContext(&fromChromeContext); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = scriptError->GetInnerWindowID(&innerWindowId); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); *sent = contentParent->SendScriptError( msg, sourceName, sourceLine, lineNum, colNum, flags, category, fromPrivateWindow, innerWindowId, fromChromeContext); return NS_OK; } namespace { class LogMessageRunnable : public Runnable { public: LogMessageRunnable(nsIConsoleMessage* aMessage, nsConsoleService* aService) : mozilla::Runnable("LogMessageRunnable"), mMessage(aMessage), mService(aService) {} NS_DECL_NSIRUNNABLE private: nsCOMPtr mMessage; RefPtr mService; }; NS_IMETHODIMP LogMessageRunnable::Run() { // Snapshot of listeners so that we don't reenter this hash during // enumeration. nsCOMArray listeners; mService->CollectCurrentListeners(listeners); mService->SetIsDelivering(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < listeners.Count(); ++i) { listeners[i]->Observe(mMessage); } mService->SetDoneDelivering(); return NS_OK; } } // namespace // nsIConsoleService methods NS_IMETHODIMP nsConsoleService::LogMessage(nsIConsoleMessage* aMessage) { return LogMessageWithMode(aMessage, nsIConsoleService::OutputToLog); } // This can be called off the main thread. nsresult nsConsoleService::LogMessageWithMode( nsIConsoleMessage* aMessage, nsIConsoleService::OutputMode aOutputMode) { if (!aMessage) { return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } if (!gLoggingEnabled) { return NS_OK; } if (NS_IsMainThread() && mDeliveringMessage) { nsCString msg; aMessage->ToString(msg); NS_WARNING( nsPrintfCString( "Reentrancy error: some client attempted to display a message to " "the console while in a console listener. The following message " "was discarded: \"%s\"", msg.get()) .get()); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (XRE_IsParentProcess() && NS_IsMainThread()) { // If mMessage is a scriptError with an innerWindowId set, // forward it to the matching ContentParent // This enables logging from parent to content process bool sent; nsresult rv = MaybeForwardScriptError(aMessage, &sent); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (sent) { return NS_OK; } } RefPtr r; nsCOMPtr retiredMessage; /* * Lock while updating buffer, and while taking snapshot of * listeners array. */ { MutexAutoLock lock(mLock); #if defined(ANDROID) if (StaticPrefs::consoleservice_logcat() && aOutputMode == OutputToLog) { nsCString msg; aMessage->ToString(msg); /** Attempt to use the process name as the log tag. */ mozilla::dom::ContentChild* child = mozilla::dom::ContentChild::GetSingleton(); nsCString appName; if (child) { child->GetProcessName(appName); } else { appName = "GeckoConsole"; } uint32_t logLevel = 0; aMessage->GetLogLevel(&logLevel); android_LogPriority logPriority = ANDROID_LOG_INFO; switch (logLevel) { case nsIConsoleMessage::debug: logPriority = ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG; break; case nsIConsoleMessage::info: logPriority = ANDROID_LOG_INFO; break; case nsIConsoleMessage::warn: logPriority = ANDROID_LOG_WARN; break; case nsIConsoleMessage::error: logPriority = ANDROID_LOG_ERROR; break; } __android_log_print(logPriority, appName.get(), "%s", msg.get()); } #endif #ifdef XP_WIN if (gLoggingToDebugger && IsDebuggerPresent()) { nsString msg; aMessage->GetMessageMoz(msg); msg.Append('\n'); OutputDebugStringW(msg.get()); } #endif if (gLoggingBuffered) { MessageElement* e = new MessageElement(aMessage); mMessages.insertBack(e); if (mCurrentSize != mMaximumSize) { mCurrentSize++; } else { MessageElement* p = mMessages.popFirst(); MOZ_ASSERT(p); p->swapMessage(retiredMessage); delete p; } } if (mListeners.Count() > 0) { r = new LogMessageRunnable(aMessage, this); } } if (retiredMessage) { // Release |retiredMessage| on the main thread in case it is an instance of // a mainthread-only class like nsScriptErrorWithStack and we're off the // main thread. NS_ReleaseOnMainThread("nsConsoleService::retiredMessage", retiredMessage.forget()); } if (r) { // avoid failing in XPCShell tests nsCOMPtr mainThread = do_GetMainThread(); if (mainThread) { SchedulerGroup::Dispatch(TaskCategory::Other, r.forget()); } } return NS_OK; } void nsConsoleService::CollectCurrentListeners( nsCOMArray& aListeners) { MutexAutoLock lock(mLock); // XXX When MakeBackInserter(nsCOMArray&) is added, we can do: // AppendToArray(aListeners, mListeners.Values()); for (const auto& listener : mListeners.Values()) { aListeners.AppendObject(listener); } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsConsoleService::LogStringMessage(const char16_t* aMessage) { if (!gLoggingEnabled) { return NS_OK; } RefPtr msg(new nsConsoleMessage( aMessage ? nsDependentString(aMessage) : EmptyString())); return LogMessage(msg); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsConsoleService::GetMessageArray( nsTArray>& aMessages) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); MutexAutoLock lock(mLock); if (mMessages.isEmpty()) { return NS_OK; } MOZ_ASSERT(mCurrentSize <= mMaximumSize); aMessages.SetCapacity(mCurrentSize); for (MessageElement* e = mMessages.getFirst(); e != nullptr; e = e->getNext()) { aMessages.AppendElement(e->Get()); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsConsoleService::RegisterListener(nsIConsoleListener* aListener) { if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { NS_ERROR("nsConsoleService::RegisterListener is main thread only."); return NS_ERROR_NOT_SAME_THREAD; } nsCOMPtr canonical = do_QueryInterface(aListener); MOZ_ASSERT(canonical); MutexAutoLock lock(mLock); return mListeners.WithEntryHandle(canonical, [&](auto&& entry) { if (entry) { // Reregistering a listener isn't good return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } entry.Insert(aListener); return NS_OK; }); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsConsoleService::UnregisterListener(nsIConsoleListener* aListener) { if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { NS_ERROR("nsConsoleService::UnregisterListener is main thread only."); return NS_ERROR_NOT_SAME_THREAD; } nsCOMPtr canonical = do_QueryInterface(aListener); MutexAutoLock lock(mLock); return mListeners.Remove(canonical) ? NS_OK // Unregistering a listener that was never registered? : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsConsoleService::Reset() { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); /* * Make sure nobody trips into the buffer while it's being reset */ MutexAutoLock lock(mLock); ClearMessages(); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsConsoleService::ResetWindow(uint64_t windowInnerId) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); ClearMessagesForWindowID(windowInnerId); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsConsoleService::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic, const char16_t* aData) { if (!strcmp(aTopic, NS_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_ID)) { // Dump all our messages, in case any are cycle collected. Reset(); // We could remove ourselves from the observer service, but it is about to // drop all observers anyways, so why bother. } else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "inner-window-destroyed")) { nsCOMPtr supportsInt = do_QueryInterface(aSubject); MOZ_ASSERT(supportsInt); uint64_t windowId; MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS(supportsInt->GetData(&windowId)); ClearMessagesForWindowID(windowId); } else { MOZ_CRASH(); } return NS_OK; }