/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/Base64.h" #include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h" #include "nsIScriptableBase64Encoder.h" #include "nsIInputStream.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "mozilla/gtest/MozAssertions.h" struct Chunk { Chunk(uint32_t l, const char* c) : mLength(l), mData(c) {} uint32_t mLength; const char* mData; }; struct Test { Test(Chunk* c, const char* r) : mChunks(c), mResult(r) {} Chunk* mChunks; const char* mResult; }; static Chunk kTest1Chunks[] = {Chunk(9, "Hello sir"), Chunk(0, nullptr)}; static Chunk kTest2Chunks[] = {Chunk(3, "Hel"), Chunk(3, "lo "), Chunk(3, "sir"), Chunk(0, nullptr)}; static Chunk kTest3Chunks[] = {Chunk(1, "I"), Chunk(0, nullptr)}; static Chunk kTest4Chunks[] = {Chunk(2, "Hi"), Chunk(0, nullptr)}; static Chunk kTest5Chunks[] = {Chunk(1, "B"), Chunk(2, "ob"), Chunk(0, nullptr)}; static Chunk kTest6Chunks[] = {Chunk(2, "Bo"), Chunk(1, "b"), Chunk(0, nullptr)}; static Chunk kTest7Chunks[] = {Chunk(1, "F"), // Carry over 1 Chunk(4, "iref"), // Carry over 2 Chunk(2, "ox"), // 1 Chunk(4, " is "), // 2 Chunk(2, "aw"), // 1 Chunk(4, "esom"), // 2 Chunk(2, "e!"), Chunk(0, nullptr)}; static Chunk kTest8Chunks[] = {Chunk(5, "ALL T"), Chunk(1, "H"), Chunk(4, "ESE "), Chunk(2, "WO"), Chunk(21, "RLDS ARE YOURS EXCEPT"), Chunk(9, " EUROPA. "), Chunk(25, "ATTEMPT NO LANDING THERE."), Chunk(0, nullptr)}; static Test kTests[] = { // Test 1, test a simple round string in one chunk Test(kTest1Chunks, "SGVsbG8gc2ly"), // Test 2, test a simple round string split into round chunks Test(kTest2Chunks, "SGVsbG8gc2ly"), // Test 3, test a single chunk that's 2 short Test(kTest3Chunks, "SQ=="), // Test 4, test a single chunk that's 1 short Test(kTest4Chunks, "SGk="), // Test 5, test a single chunk that's 2 short, followed by a chunk of 2 Test(kTest5Chunks, "Qm9i"), // Test 6, test a single chunk that's 1 short, followed by a chunk of 1 Test(kTest6Chunks, "Qm9i"), // Test 7, test alternating carryovers Test(kTest7Chunks, "RmlyZWZveCBpcyBhd2Vzb21lIQ=="), // Test 8, test a longish string Test(kTest8Chunks, "QUxMIFRIRVNFIFdPUkxEUyBBUkUgWU9VUlMgRVhDRVBUIEVVUk9QQS4gQVRURU1QVCBOT" "yBMQU5ESU5HIFRIRVJFLg=="), // Terminator Test(nullptr, nullptr)}; class FakeInputStream final : public nsIInputStream { ~FakeInputStream() = default; public: FakeInputStream() : mTestNumber(0), mTest(&kTests[0]), mChunk(&mTest->mChunks[0]), mClosed(false) {} NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIINPUTSTREAM void Reset(); bool NextTest(); void CheckTest(nsACString& aResult); void CheckTest(nsAString& aResult); private: uint32_t mTestNumber; const Test* mTest; const Chunk* mChunk; bool mClosed; }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(FakeInputStream, nsIInputStream) NS_IMETHODIMP FakeInputStream::Close() { mClosed = true; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP FakeInputStream::Available(uint64_t* aAvailable) { *aAvailable = 0; if (mClosed) return NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED; const Chunk* chunk = mChunk; while (chunk->mLength) { *aAvailable += chunk->mLength; chunk++; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP FakeInputStream::Read(char* aBuffer, uint32_t aCount, uint32_t* aOut) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP FakeInputStream::ReadSegments(nsWriteSegmentFun aWriter, void* aClosure, uint32_t aCount, uint32_t* aRead) { *aRead = 0; if (mClosed) return NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED; while (mChunk->mLength) { uint32_t written = 0; nsresult rv = (*aWriter)(this, aClosure, mChunk->mData, *aRead, mChunk->mLength, &written); *aRead += written; NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mChunk++; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP FakeInputStream::IsNonBlocking(bool* aIsBlocking) { *aIsBlocking = false; return NS_OK; } void FakeInputStream::Reset() { mClosed = false; mChunk = &mTest->mChunks[0]; } bool FakeInputStream::NextTest() { mTestNumber++; mTest = &kTests[mTestNumber]; mChunk = &mTest->mChunks[0]; mClosed = false; return mTest->mChunks ? true : false; } void FakeInputStream::CheckTest(nsACString& aResult) { ASSERT_STREQ(aResult.BeginReading(), mTest->mResult); } void FakeInputStream::CheckTest(nsAString& aResult) { ASSERT_TRUE(aResult.EqualsASCII(mTest->mResult)) << "Actual: " << aResult.BeginReading() << std::endl << "Expected: " << mTest->mResult; } TEST(Base64, StreamEncoder) { nsCOMPtr encoder = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/scriptablebase64encoder;1"); ASSERT_TRUE(encoder); RefPtr stream = new FakeInputStream(); do { nsString wideString; nsCString string; nsresult rv; rv = encoder->EncodeToString(stream, 0, wideString); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); stream->Reset(); rv = encoder->EncodeToCString(stream, 0, string); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); stream->CheckTest(wideString); stream->CheckTest(string); } while (stream->NextTest()); } struct EncodeDecodeTestCase { const char* mInput; const char* mOutput; }; static EncodeDecodeTestCase sRFC4648TestCases[] = { {"", ""}, {"f", "Zg=="}, {"fo", "Zm8="}, {"foo", "Zm9v"}, {"foob", "Zm9vYg=="}, {"fooba", "Zm9vYmE="}, {"foobar", "Zm9vYmFy"}, }; TEST(Base64, RFC4648Encoding) { for (auto& testcase : sRFC4648TestCases) { nsDependentCString in(testcase.mInput); nsAutoCString out; nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64Encode(in, out); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); ASSERT_TRUE(out.EqualsASCII(testcase.mOutput)); } for (auto& testcase : sRFC4648TestCases) { NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 in(testcase.mInput); nsAutoString out; nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64Encode(in, out); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); ASSERT_TRUE(out.EqualsASCII(testcase.mOutput)); } } TEST(Base64, RFC4648Encoding_TransformAndAppend_EmptyPrefix) { for (auto& testcase : sRFC4648TestCases) { nsDependentCString in(testcase.mInput); nsAutoString out; nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64EncodeAppend(in.BeginReading(), in.Length(), out); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); ASSERT_TRUE(out.EqualsASCII(testcase.mOutput)); } } TEST(Base64, RFC4648Encoding_TransformAndAppend_NonEmptyPrefix) { for (auto& testcase : sRFC4648TestCases) { nsDependentCString in(testcase.mInput); nsAutoString out{u"foo"_ns}; nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64EncodeAppend(in.BeginReading(), in.Length(), out); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); ASSERT_TRUE(StringBeginsWith(out, u"foo"_ns)); ASSERT_TRUE(Substring(out, 3).EqualsASCII(testcase.mOutput)); } } TEST(Base64, RFC4648Decoding) { for (auto& testcase : sRFC4648TestCases) { nsDependentCString out(testcase.mOutput); nsAutoCString in; nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64Decode(out, in); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); ASSERT_TRUE(in.EqualsASCII(testcase.mInput)); } for (auto& testcase : sRFC4648TestCases) { NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 out(testcase.mOutput); nsAutoString in; nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64Decode(out, in); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); ASSERT_TRUE(in.EqualsASCII(testcase.mInput)); } } TEST(Base64, RFC4648DecodingRawPointers) { for (auto& testcase : sRFC4648TestCases) { size_t outputLength = strlen(testcase.mOutput); size_t inputLength = strlen(testcase.mInput); // This will be allocated by Base64Decode. char* buffer = nullptr; uint32_t binaryLength = 0; nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64Decode(testcase.mOutput, outputLength, &buffer, &binaryLength); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); ASSERT_EQ(binaryLength, inputLength); ASSERT_STREQ(testcase.mInput, buffer); free(buffer); } } static EncodeDecodeTestCase sNonASCIITestCases[] = { {"\x80", "gA=="}, {"\xff", "/w=="}, {"\x80\x80", "gIA="}, {"\x80\x81", "gIE="}, {"\xff\xff", "//8="}, {"\x80\x80\x80", "gICA"}, {"\xff\xff\xff", "////"}, {"\x80\x80\x80\x80", "gICAgA=="}, {"\xff\xff\xff\xff", "/////w=="}, }; TEST(Base64, NonASCIIEncoding) { for (auto& testcase : sNonASCIITestCases) { nsDependentCString in(testcase.mInput); nsAutoCString out; nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64Encode(in, out); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); ASSERT_TRUE(out.EqualsASCII(testcase.mOutput)); } } TEST(Base64, NonASCIIEncodingWideString) { for (auto& testcase : sNonASCIITestCases) { nsAutoString in, out; // XXX Handles Latin1 despite the name AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsDependentCString(testcase.mInput), in); nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64Encode(in, out); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); ASSERT_TRUE(out.EqualsASCII(testcase.mOutput)); } } TEST(Base64, NonASCIIDecoding) { for (auto& testcase : sNonASCIITestCases) { nsDependentCString out(testcase.mOutput); nsAutoCString in; nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64Decode(out, in); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); ASSERT_TRUE(in.Equals(testcase.mInput)); } } TEST(Base64, NonASCIIDecodingWideString) { for (auto& testcase : sNonASCIITestCases) { nsAutoString in, out; // XXX Handles Latin1 despite the name AppendASCIItoUTF16(nsDependentCString(testcase.mOutput), out); nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64Decode(out, in); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); // Can't use EqualsASCII, because our comparison string isn't ASCII. for (size_t i = 0; i < in.Length(); ++i) { ASSERT_TRUE(((unsigned int)in[i] & 0xff00) == 0); ASSERT_EQ((unsigned char)in[i], (unsigned char)testcase.mInput[i]); } ASSERT_TRUE(strlen(testcase.mInput) == in.Length()); } } // For historical reasons, our wide string base64 encode routines mask off // the high bits of non-latin1 wide strings. TEST(Base64, EncodeNon8BitWideString) { { const nsAutoString non8Bit(u"\x1ff"); nsAutoString out; nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64Encode(non8Bit, out); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); ASSERT_TRUE(out.EqualsLiteral("/w==")); } { const nsAutoString non8Bit(u"\xfff"); nsAutoString out; nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64Encode(non8Bit, out); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); ASSERT_TRUE(out.EqualsLiteral("/w==")); } } // For historical reasons, our wide string base64 decode routines mask off // the high bits of non-latin1 wide strings. TEST(Base64, DecodeNon8BitWideString) { { // This would be "/w==" in a nsCString const nsAutoString non8Bit(u"\x12f\x177=="); const nsAutoString expectedOutput(u"\xff"); ASSERT_EQ(non8Bit.Length(), 4u); nsAutoString out; nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64Decode(non8Bit, out); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); ASSERT_TRUE(out.Equals(expectedOutput)); } { const nsAutoString non8Bit(u"\xf2f\xf77=="); const nsAutoString expectedOutput(u"\xff"); nsAutoString out; nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64Decode(non8Bit, out); ASSERT_NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); ASSERT_TRUE(out.Equals(expectedOutput)); } } TEST(Base64, DecodeWideTo8Bit) { for (auto& testCase : sRFC4648TestCases) { const nsAutoCString in8bit(testCase.mOutput); const NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 inWide(testCase.mOutput); nsAutoCString out2; nsAutoCString out1; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(mozilla::Base64Decode(inWide, out1))); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(mozilla::Base64Decode(in8bit, out2))); ASSERT_EQ(out1, out2); } } TEST(Base64, TruncateOnInvalidDecodeCString) { constexpr auto invalid = "@@=="_ns; nsAutoCString out("I should be truncated!"); nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64Decode(invalid, out); ASSERT_NS_FAILED(rv); ASSERT_EQ(out.Length(), 0u); } TEST(Base64, TruncateOnInvalidDecodeWideString) { constexpr auto invalid = u"@@=="_ns; nsAutoString out(u"I should be truncated!"); nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64Decode(invalid, out); ASSERT_NS_FAILED(rv); ASSERT_EQ(out.Length(), 0u); } // TODO: Add tests for OOM handling.