gedit roadmap - done tasks ========================== Documentation for contributors ------------------------------ Write a guide to get started with gedit development. Done during the GNOME 3.34 development cycle. Tepl-ification of the gedit core -------------------------------- - gedit 3.36: - Start to use the Tepl library. - Use some Tepl utility functions. - Use TeplFileMetadata, remove GeditMetadataManager. - gedit 3.38: - Move some utility functions to the Tepl library. - Refactor and move some I/O error infobars to Tepl. - GeditView now inherits from TeplView. - Port to the new Tepl metadata API. - Use TeplStyleSchemeChooserWidget in the preferences dialog. - Create GeditFactory class, subclass of TeplAbstractFactory. - gedit 40: - Use `tepl_pango_font_description_to_css()`. - Use TeplLanguageChooser's, for choosing a language for the syntax highlighting. Remove GeditHighlightModeSelector and GeditHighlightModeDialog. - Use TeplProgressInfoBar. Remove GeditProgressInfoBar. - GeditDocument now inherits from TeplBuffer, start to use the TeplBuffer and TeplFile APIs. Tepl-ification of the gedit plugins ----------------------------------- - gedit 40: - Draw Spaces plugin: new implementation based on TeplSpaceDrawerPrefs. Other done tasks in gedit plugins --------------------------------- - gedit 40: - Smart Spaces plugin: new implementation based on a GtkSourceView feature. New version of gedit on Windows ------------------------------- gedit is available in [MSYS2]( The integration with Windows is not perfect, but it mostly works.