To open the search entry field, click on:
To open the Find and Replace dialog, click on:
Usually, the text that you've searched for will remain highlighted in the document. To remove the highlight, click on:
If you first select a portion of text in the document, and then start a simple search or open the Find and Replace dialog, the text you've selected will appear in the search entry.
The Find and Replace dialog presents the search options as check boxes.
For the simple search, click on the
For example, if you searched for the word “and” with this option selected, the word “and” would be matched, but the words “sand” and “commander” would not be matched.
In a search or replace entry, you can use escape sequences with the following meanings:
Carriage return
Backslash. If you actually want a backslash and avoid one of the above special meanings, the backslash needs to be escaped.