path: root/po/fr.po
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1 files changed, 28070 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..966ac51
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+# French translation for The GIMP.
+# Copyright (C) 1998-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the gimp package.
+# Vincent Renardias <>, 1998-2000.
+# David Monniaux <>, 1999-2000.
+# Daniel Egger <>, 1999.
+# Christophe Merlet <>, 2000-2004.
+# Raymond Ostertag <>, 2002-2007.
+# Thomas Morin <>, 2002-2003.
+# Jean-Louis Berliet <>, 2004.
+# Jonathan Ernst <>, 2006-2007.
+# Stéphane Raimbault <>, 2007-2008.
+# Laurent Monin <>, 2007.
+# Yannick Tailliez <>, 2008.
+# Robert-André Mauchin <>, 2008.
+# Claude Paroz <>, 2009-2011, 2018-2020.
+# Alexandre Franke, <>, 2012.
+# Julien Hardelin <>, 2004-2020.
+# Charles Monzat <>, 2019.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: GIMP master\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-09-13 20:01+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-20 10:35+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Julien Hardelin <>\n"
+"Language-Team: GNOME French Team <>\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n"
+#: ../desktop/
+#: ../desktop/ ../app/about.h:26
+msgid "GNU Image Manipulation Program"
+msgstr "Éditeur d’image GIMP"
+# Utilisation de l’infinitif dans les infobulles du Bureau
+#: ../desktop/
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Create images and edit photographs"
+msgstr "Créer des images et modifier des photographies"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely "
+"distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition "
+"and image authoring."
+msgstr ""
+"GIMP est l’acronyme de GNU Image Manipulation Program. C’est un programme "
+"libre destiné à des tâches comme la retouche de photographies, la "
+"composition et la création d’images."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"It has many capabilities. It can be used as a simple paint program, an "
+"expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, "
+"a mass production image renderer, an image format converter, etc."
+msgstr ""
+"Ses capacités sont très nombreuses. On peut s’en servir comme d’un simple "
+"programme de peinture, d’un programme expert de retouche photo, d’un système "
+"de traitement par lots en ligne, d’un convertisseur de format d’image, etc."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is designed to be augmented with plug-"
+"ins and extensions to do just about anything. The advanced scripting "
+"interface allows everything from the simplest task to the most complex image "
+"manipulation procedures to be easily scripted. GIMP is available for Linux, "
+"Microsoft Windows and OS X."
+msgstr ""
+"GIMP est extensible. Il est prévu pour être complété par des extensions "
+"appelées greffons qui lui permettent de réaliser à peu près tout. "
+"l’interface avancée de script offre la possibilité d’effectuer facilement "
+"depuis la plus simple tâche jusqu’aux procédures de manipulation d’image les "
+"plus complexes. GIMP est disponible pour Linux, Microsoft Windows et OS X."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Painting in GIMP"
+msgstr "Peinture dans GIMP"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Photo editing in GIMP"
+msgstr "Retouche photo dans GIMP"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "GIMP 2.10.22 is mainly a bug fix release. Notable changes:"
+msgstr ""
+"GIMP 2.10.22 est principalement une version de corrections de bogues. Les "
+"changements notables :"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"HEIF support improvements: optional exporting with high bit depth, AVIF "
+"importing and exporting"
+msgstr ""
+"Améliorations de prise en charge du format HEIF : exportation facultative "
+"avec grande profondeur de bits, importation et exportation AVIF"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Multiple improvements in Corel PaintShop Pro support"
+msgstr "Améliorations multiples dans la prise en charge de Corel PaintShop Pro"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"The option enabling OpenCL support has been moved to the Playground tab in "
+msgstr ""
+"L’option activant la prise en charge OpenCL a été déplacée dans l’onglet "
+"« Aire de jeu » des préférences"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Matting Levin is now the default engine of Foreground Select tool as it "
+"performs a lot better"
+msgstr ""
+"L’extraction Levin est dorénavant le moteur par défaut de l’outil de sélection "
+"de premier plan car il est bien plus efficace"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Various bug fixes"
+msgstr "Diverses résolutions de bogues"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"GIMP 2.10.20 comes with new features as well as important bugfixes. Notable "
+msgstr ""
+"GIMP 2.10.20 apporte de nouvelles fonctions et un grand nombre de "
+"corrections de bogues. Les changements les plus notables sont :"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Tool groups now expand on hover rather than click by default"
+msgstr ""
+"Les groupes d’outils se développent dorénavant par défaut au survol plutôt "
+"qu’au clic"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Non-destructive cropping now available by cropping the canvas rather than "
+"actual pixels"
+msgstr ""
+"Un rognage non destructif est disponible en rognant le canevas plutôt que "
+"les pixels eux-mêmes"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Better PSD support: exporting of 16-bit files now available, reading/writing "
+"channels in the right order"
+msgstr ""
+"Meilleure prise en compte du format PSD : l’exportation des fichiers 16 bits "
+"est maintenant disponible, avec lecture ou écriture des canaux dans le bon "
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "On-canvas controls for the Vignette filter"
+msgstr "Réglages sur canevas pour le filtre Vignette"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "New filters: Bloom, Focus Blur, Lens Blur, Variable Blur"
+msgstr ""
+"Nouveaux filtres : Fleur, Flou de diaphragme, Flou de lentille, Flou "
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Over 30 bugfixes"
+msgstr "Plus de 30 résolutions de bogues"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"GIMP 2.10.18 fixes some critical bugs, introduces naive support for CMYK PSD "
+"files, and adds a higher-contrast variation of the symbolic icon theme."
+msgstr ""
+"GIMP 2.10.18 corrige quelques anomalies critiques, introduit une prise en "
+"charge native des fichiers PSD CMYK et ajoute une variation à plus fort "
+"contraste du thème d’icônes symboliques."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"GIMP 2.10.16 delivers several major usability improvements, a new tool for "
+"transformations in 3D space, new release checker, and the usual amount of "
+"bug fixes. Notable improvements:"
+msgstr ""
+"GIMP-2.10.16 apporte plusieurs améliorations majeures d’utilisation, un "
+"nouvel outil pour des transformations dans l’espace 3D, un nouvel "
+"explorateur de version, et le lot habituel de résolutions de bogues. "
+"Améliorations notables :"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Tools are now grouped in the toolbox by default"
+msgstr "Les outils sont maintenant groupés dans la Boîte à outils par défaut"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Sliders now use a compact style with improved user interaction"
+msgstr ""
+"Les curseurs utilisent maintenant un style compact avec une interaction "
+"utilisateur améliorée"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Vastly improved user experience for the transformation preview"
+msgstr ""
+"Expérience utilisateur largement améliorée pour l’aperçu de transformation"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Dockable areas now highlighted when a dockable dialog is being dragged"
+msgstr ""
+"Les zones ancrables sont maintenant surlignées quand une boîte de dialogue "
+"ancrable est en cours de glissement"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "New 3D Transform tool to rotate and pan items"
+msgstr ""
+"Nouvel outil Transformation 3D pour faire tourner et défiler des objets"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Much smoother brush outline motion on the canvas"
+msgstr "Mouvement de contour de brosse beaucoup plus doux sur le canevas"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Consolidated user interface for merging down and anchoring layers"
+msgstr ""
+"Interface utilisateur renforcée pour la fusion et l’ancrage des calques"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Update check to notify users that a new release/installer is available"
+msgstr ""
+"Contrôle de mise à jour pour avertir les utilisateurs qu’une nouvelle "
+"version/installation est disponible"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"GIMP 2.10.14 is again mostly a bug fix release, making GIMP rock-solid. "
+"Furthermore many old filters got finally ported to GEGL. Of course it also "
+"has a few noteworthy improvements:"
+msgstr ""
+"GIMP 2.10.14 est à nouveau une version consacrée à la résolution de bogues, "
+"visant à rendre GIMP solide comme un roc. En outre, plusieurs filtres "
+"anciens ont été transférés vers GEGL. Bien sûr, il y aussi quelques "
+"améliorations notables :"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"View menu: new \"Show All\" option to reveal pixels outside the canvas "
+msgstr ""
+"Menu affichage : nouvelle option « Tout afficher » pour révéler les pixels "
+"en dehors des limites du canevas."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Filters: new \"Clipping\" option to allow layer resize when relevant"
+msgstr ""
+"Filtres : nouvelle option « Rognage » pour permettre le redimensionnement de "
+"calques lorsque c’est utile."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Foreground Select tool: new \"Grayscale\" Preview Mode"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil Extraction du premier plan : nouveau mode d’aperçu « Niveaux de gris »."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Foreground Select tool: color/opacity selector for \"Color\" preview"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil Extraction du premier plan : sélecteur couleur/opacité pour l’aperçu "
+"« Couleur »."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Free Select tool: improved copy-paste interaction"
+msgstr "Outil Sélection à main levée : interaction copier-coller améliorée."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Transform tools: new Image transform type to transform the whole image"
+msgstr ""
+"Outils de transformation : nouveau type de transformation Image pour "
+"transformer l’image complète."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Preferences: new \"Allow editing on non-visible layers\" setting"
+msgstr ""
+"Préférences : nouveau paramètre « Autoriser les modifications sur les "
+"calques non visibles »."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "HEIF import/export: color profile support"
+msgstr "Importation/Exportation HEIF : gestion du profil de couleur."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "PDF export: text layers in layer groups now exported as texts"
+msgstr ""
+"Exportation PDF : les calques de texte dans les groupes de calques sont "
+"maintenant exportés comme des textes."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "TIFF import: now asks how to process unspecified TIFF channels"
+msgstr ""
+"Importation TIFF : demande maintenant comment traiter les canaux TIFF non "
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"GIMP 2.10.12 is a significant bug fix release, which is to be expected after "
+"a 2.10.10 with so many changes! Still, very cool improvements are also "
+"available, in particular for curves editing:"
+msgstr ""
+"Gimp 2.10.12 apporte le règlement de nombreux bogues, ce qui était attendu "
+"après une version 2.10.10 avec tant de changements ! Il y a également de "
+"nouvelles améliorations, notamment dans le traitement des courbes :"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Improved curves interaction overall"
+msgstr "Améliorations dans l’interaction des courbes."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "A few enhancements specific to the Curves tool"
+msgstr "Quelques améliorations spécifiques à l’outil Courbes."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Layer support in TIFF"
+msgstr "Gestion des calques en TIFF."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Discovery of user-installed fonts in Windows"
+msgstr "Découverte des polices installées par l’utilisateur dans Windows."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Incremental mode in the Dodge/Burn tool"
+msgstr "Mode incrémentiel dans l’outil Éclaircir/Assombrir."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Free Select tool creates preliminary selection"
+msgstr "L’outil Sélection à main levée crée une sélection préliminaire."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"GIMP 2.10.10 is quite a big update with many new features and bug fixes. "
+"Notable improvements include:"
+msgstr ""
+"Gimp 2.10.10 est vraiment une importante mise à jour avec de nombreuses "
+"nouvelles caractéristiques et de nombreux bogues réglés. Les améliorations "
+"notables comprennent :"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Bucket Fill tool: new \"Fill by line art detection\" for not perfectly "
+"closed line art zones"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil Pot de peinture : « Remplir par détection de dessin au trait » pour "
+"les zones de dessin au trait incomplètement fermées."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Bucket Fill tool can now quickly color-pick with Ctrl+click"
+msgstr ""
+"Le Pot de peinture peut maintenant prélever rapidement une couleur par Ctrl"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Bucket Fill tool allows holding the mouse when filling \"similar colors\" "
+"and \"by line art detection\""
+msgstr ""
+"L’outil Pot de peinture permet le maintien de la souris lors du remplissage "
+"« couleurs similaires » et « par détection de dessin au trait »."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Scale tool scales around center even when using numeric input"
+msgstr ""
+"L’outil Mise à l’échelle met à l’échelle même si on utilise une entrée "
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Unified Transform tool now defaults to preserving aspect ratio when scaling "
+"up or down"
+msgstr ""
+"L’outil Transformation unifiée préserve maintenant par défaut les "
+"proportions lors de la réduction ou de l’augmentation d’échelle."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Add \"Constrain handles\" and \"Around center\" options to the perspective-"
+"transform tool's GUI"
+msgstr ""
+"Les options « Poignées contraintes » et « Autour du centre » ont été "
+"ajoutées à l’interface de l’outil Transformation de perspective."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "New generic canvas modifier 'Alt + middle click' to pick layers"
+msgstr ""
+"Nouvelle combinaison de touche « Alt + clic milieu » pour prélever les "
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Parametric brushes now 32-bit float to avoid posterization"
+msgstr ""
+"Les brosses paramétriques sont maintenant en 32 bits virgule flottante pour "
+"éviter la postérisation."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Clipboard brushes and pattern can now be duplicated"
+msgstr ""
+"Les brosses et les motifs du presse-papiers peuvent maintenant être "
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Failure to edit locked layers will blink to shift attention to the cause of "
+"the error"
+msgstr ""
+"Les calques verrouillés où la tentative de modification échoue scintillent "
+"pour attirer l’attention sur la cause de l’erreur."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"New on-canvas GUI (simple lines) for circular, linear, and zoom motion blur"
+msgstr ""
+"Nouvelle présentation sur canevas (simples lignes) pour le flou cinétique "
+"circulaire, linéaire et zoom."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Several optimizations including faster layer group rendering"
+msgstr ""
+"Plusieurs optimisations incluant un rendu plus rapide des groupes de calques."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Swap and cache files are not saved in the configuration directory anymore"
+msgstr ""
+"Les fichiers cache et d’échange (Swap) ne sont plus enregistrés dans le "
+"répertoire de configuration."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Various file saving/exporting made more robust to error by not saving "
+"partial files"
+msgstr ""
+"Plusieurs enregistrements et exportations de fichiers rendus plus résistants "
+"aux erreurs en n’enregistrant pas de fichiers partiels."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "HiDPI support improvements"
+msgstr "Améliorations de la gestion de HiDPI."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "New preference to choose the default export file type"
+msgstr ""
+"Nouvelle préférence pour choisir le type de fichier d’exportation par défaut."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"New option to export PNG, JPEG and TIFF with a color profile; always export "
+"PSD with a color profile"
+msgstr ""
+"Nouvelle option pour exporter les fichiers PNG, JPEG et TIFF avec profil de "
+"couleur ; exporte toujours PSD avec un profil colorimétrique."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "New DDS format loading/exporting plug-in"
+msgstr "Nouveau greffon de chargement et d’exportation du format DDS."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Full rewrite of the Spyrogimp plug-in with more options and better "
+msgstr ""
+"Ré-écriture complète du greffon Spyrogimp avec plus d’options et une "
+"meilleure interaction."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"GIMP 2.10.8 is mostly a bug fix and optimization release. In particular, it "
+msgstr ""
+"GIMP 2.10.8 est principalement une publication de correction de bogues et "
+"d’optimisation. Elle contient en particulier :"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Adaptative chunk size when rendering projections, improving responsiveness "
+msgstr ""
+"Taille de bloc adaptative lors du rendu de projections, ce qui améliore "
+"dynamiquement la réactivité."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Detection of RawTherapee (version 5.5 and above) improved on Windows"
+msgstr ""
+"Amélioration de la détection de RawTherapee (version 5.5 ou ultérieure) sous "
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"XCF compatibility information in the Save dialog more understandable and "
+msgstr ""
+"Informations de compatibilité XCF dans la boîte de dialogue d’enregistrement "
+"plus compréhensibles et visibles."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Various performance log tools added and log recording made available in the "
+"Dashboard dock"
+msgstr ""
+"Ajout de divers outils de journalisation des performances et mise à "
+"disposition de l’enregistrement des journaux dans le tableau de bord "
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"GIMP 2.10.6 comes with a lot of bug fixes, optimizations and features. Most "
+"notable changes are:"
+msgstr ""
+"GIMP 2.10.6 apporte de nombreuses corrections de bogues, des optimisations "
+"et des fonctionnalités. Les changements les plus significatifs sont :"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Text layers can now represent vertical texts (with various character "
+"orientations and line directions)"
+msgstr ""
+"Les calques de texte peuvent dorénavant représenter du texte vertical (avec "
+"diverses orientations de caractères et de directions de ligne)."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "New \"Little Planet\" (gegl:stereographic-projection) filter"
+msgstr "Nouveau filtre « Petite planète » (gegl :stereographic-projection)."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "New \"Long Shadow\" filter"
+msgstr "Nouveau filtre « Ombre allongée »."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"The \"Straighten\" option of the Measure Tool now allows vertical "
+msgstr ""
+"L’option « Redresser » de l’outil de mesure autorise dorénavant le "
+"redressement vertical."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Drawable previews are now rendered asynchronously and layer group previews "
+"can be disabled in Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+"Les aperçus d’objets graphiques sont maintenant produits de manière "
+"asynchrone et les aperçus de groupes de calques peuvent être désactivés dans "
+"les préférences."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"New \"async\" field in the Dashboard \"misc\" group, showing the number of "
+"async operations currently running"
+msgstr ""
+"Nouveau champ « asynchrone » dans le groupe « divers » du tableau de bord, "
+"affichant le nombre d’opérations asynchrones en cours."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "File format filtering in Open/Save/Export dialogs made less confusing"
+msgstr ""
+"Filtrage de format de fichier dans les boîtes de dialogue Ouvrir/Enregistrer/"
+"Exporter rendu plus clair."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "New language (having GIMP translated in 81 languages now): Marathi"
+msgstr ""
+"Nouvelle langue (portant le nombre de langues traduites à 81) : Marathi."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"GIMP 2.10.4 includes a lot of bug fixes as well as various optimizations. "
+"Most notable changes are:"
+msgstr ""
+"GIMP 2.10.4 apporte un grand nombre de corrections de bogues ainsi que "
+"diverses optimisations. Les changements les plus notables sont :"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Straightening in Measurement tool: layers can be rotated using the "
+"measurement line as horizon"
+msgstr ""
+"Redressement dans l’outil de mesure : les calques peuvent être pivotés en "
+"utilisant la ligne de mesure comme horizon."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Fast startup: fonts loading is not blocking startup anymore"
+msgstr ""
+"Démarrage rapide : le chargement des polices ne bloque plus le démarrage."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Fonts Tagging with the same user interface as for brushes, patterns, and "
+msgstr ""
+"L’étiquetage des polices utilise la même interface que les brosses, les "
+"modèles et les dégradés."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "PSD support: a pre-composited version of a PSD image can be imported"
+msgstr ""
+"Prise en charge PSD : une version précomposite d’une image PSD peut être "
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Dashboard update: new \"Memory\" group and improved \"Swap\" group showing "
+"various metrics"
+msgstr ""
+"Mise à jour du tableau de bord : nouveau groupe « Mémoire » et groupe "
+"« Échange » amélioré affichant diverses mesures."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"This second release in the GIMP 2.10 series, so soon after 2.10.0, is mostly "
+"the usual bug-fixing version after a major release, with a few dozen bugs "
+msgstr ""
+"Cette deuxième publication de la série GIMP 2.10, si proche de la version "
+"2.10.0, vise essentiellement à corriger les bogues habituels après une "
+"nouvelle version majeure, avec la correction de quelques dizaines de bogues."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"It also features a new plug-in for the support of the HEIF format, both for "
+"importing and exporting, as well as 2 new filters: \"Spherize\" and "
+"\"Recursive Transform\". These are nice examples of our relaxed feature "
+"policy in stable micro releases."
+msgstr ""
+"Elle offre également un nouveau greffon pour la prise en charge du format "
+"HEIF, aussi bien pour l’importation que l’exportation, de même que deux "
+"nouveaux filtres : « Sphère » et « Transformation récursive ». Il s’agit "
+"d’un bel exemple de notre politique plus souple d’ajout de fonctionnalité "
+"dans les publications stables mineures."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"First release of the 2.10 series which prominently features the port to a "
+"new image processing engine, GEGL. The most outstanding changes are:"
+msgstr ""
+"Première version de la série 2.10 qui concerne surtout le passage à GEGL, un "
+"nouvel outil de traitement de l’image. Les principaux changement sont :"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "High bit depth color processing (16/32-bit per color channel)"
+msgstr ""
+"Traitement de la couleur en grande profondeur de bits (16 à 32 bits par "
+"canal de couleur)."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Color management is a core feature now, most widgets and preview areas are "
+msgstr ""
+"La gestion de la couleur appartient maintenant au cœur de GIMP, la plupart "
+"des éléments graphiques et des zones d’aperçu sont en gestion de couleur "
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"On-canvas effect preview, with split view for before/after processing pixels"
+msgstr ""
+"Aperçus directement sur le canevas, avec partage en deux vues, avant et "
+"après le traitement des pixels."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Multi-threaded and hardware-accelerated rendering, processing and painting"
+msgstr ""
+"Peinture, traitement et rendu accélérés au niveau matériel et en multi-"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Most tools improved, several new transformation tools"
+msgstr ""
+"La plupart des outils ont été améliorés, avec plusieurs nouveaux outils de "
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Improved support for many image formats, in particular better PSD importing"
+msgstr ""
+"Gestion améliorée de plusieurs formats d’image, en particulier une meilleure "
+"importation du PSD."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Newly supported image formats: OpenEXR, RGBE, WebP, HGT…"
+msgstr "Gestion de nouveaux formats d’image : OpenEXR, RVBE, WebP, HGT…"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Improved digital painting: canvas rotation and flipping, symmetry painting, "
+"MyPaint brushes…"
+msgstr ""
+"Amélioration de la peinture numérique : rotation et retournement du canevas, "
+"peinture en symétrie, brosses MyPaint…"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Metadata viewing and editing for Exif, XMP, IPTC, and DICOM"
+msgstr ""
+"Affichage et modification des métadonnées pour Exif, XMP, IPTC, et DICOM."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Basic HiDPI support: automatically or user-selected icon size"
+msgstr ""
+"Gestion HiDPI élémentaire : taille d’icône sélectionnée par l’utilisateur ou "
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "New themes for GIMP: Light, Gray, Dark, and System"
+msgstr "Nouveaux thèmes pour GIMP : Clair, Gris, Sombre, et Système."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "And much, much more…"
+msgstr "Et beaucoup, beaucoup plus…"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"In this second release candidate before GIMP 2.10.0, while debugging is "
+"still a prime target, a new focus has been put on speed and optimization in "
+"order to provide a smoother painting experience. Bigger changes are:"
+msgstr ""
+"Dans cette seconde version candidate avant GIMP 2.10.0, alors que le "
+"débogage est toujours le but principal, une nouvelle cible a été déterminée "
+"concernant la vitesse et l’optimisation afin d’offrir un vécu plus facile "
+"lors de la peinture. Les plus grands changements sont :"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Major core optimizations for painting and display, including parallelized "
+"painting code"
+msgstr ""
+"Optimisations majeures du cœur concernant la peinture et l’affichage, y "
+"compris du code de peinture en parallèle."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Symmetries are now preserved in XCF files (saved as image parasites)"
+msgstr ""
+"Les symétries sont maintenant préservées dans les fichiers XCF (enregistrées "
+"en tant que parasites d’image)."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"\"Light\" and \"Dark\" themes rewritten from scratch to get rid of various "
+"usability issues. \"Lighter\" and \"Darker\" themes removed."
+msgstr ""
+"Les thèmes « Clair » et « Sombre » ont été complètement ré-écrits pour les "
+"débarrasser de divers problèmes d’utilisation. Les thèmes « Plus clair » et "
+"« Plus foncé » ont été supprimés."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"New GimpToolGyroscope on-canvas control, currently used for the Panorama "
+"Projection filter. The widget provides on-canvas interaction for 3D rotation "
+"(yaw, pitch, roll)."
+msgstr ""
+"Nouvelle commande sur canevas GimpToolGyroscope, couramment utilisée par le "
+"filtre Projection panorama. Fournit une interaction sur canevas pour la "
+"rotation 3D (lacet, tangage, roulis)."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"Plug-in debugging improved to output stack traces from plug-ins with --stack-"
+"trace-mode command line option not only on receiving signals but also on "
+"warnings and critical errors when \"fatal-warnings\" debug key is set"
+msgstr ""
+"Débogage de greffon amélioré pour produire des traces de pile à partir des "
+"greffons, avec l’option en ligne de commande --stack-trace-mode, non "
+"seulement lors de la réception de signaux mais aussi lors des avertissements "
+"et des erreurs critiques quand la clé de débogage « fatal-warning » est "
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"GIMP 2.10.0-RC1 is the first release candidate before GIMP 2.10.0 stable "
+"release, with a focus on debugging and stability. Other than the many bug "
+"fixes, most notable improvements are:"
+msgstr ""
+"GIMP 2.10.0-RC1 est la première version candidate avant la version 2.10.0 "
+"stable, visant particulièrement la résolution de bogues et la stabilité. En "
+"dehors des nombreux bogues réglés, les améliorations les plus importantes "
+"sont :"
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "New dashboard dockable to monitor GIMP resource usage"
+msgstr ""
+"Un nouveau tableau de bord ancrable pour surveiller l’utilisation des "
+"ressources par GIMP."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"New debug dialog to produce back traces and other debug data, encouraging to "
+"report bugs"
+msgstr ""
+"Une nouvelle boîte de dialogue de débogage pour présenter des traces et "
+"autres données de débogage, encourageant les signalements de bogues."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Unsaved images can now be recovered after a crash"
+msgstr ""
+"Les images non enregistrées peuvent maintenant être récupérées après un "
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Layer masks on layer groups"
+msgstr "Des masques de calque sur les groupes de calques."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "JPEG 2000 support improved for high bit depth and various color spaces"
+msgstr ""
+"Gestion du JPEG 2000 amélioré pour une grande profondeur de bits et divers "
+"espaces de couleurs."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Screenshot and color picking improved on various platforms"
+msgstr ""
+"Capture d’écran et prélèvement de couleur amélioré sur diverses plateformes."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Metadata defaults preferences now available"
+msgstr ""
+"Des préférences par défaut concernant les métadonnées sont maintenant "
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Various GUI polishing"
+msgstr "Diverses améliorations de l’interface utilisateur."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid ""
+"GIMP 2.9.8 introduces on-canvas gradient editing and various enhancements "
+"while focusing on bugfixing and stability."
+msgstr ""
+"GIMP 2.9.8 introduit la possibilité de modifier un dégradé directement sur "
+"le canevas et diverses améliorations orientées vers la résolution de bogues "
+"et la stabilité."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "On-canvas gradient editing"
+msgstr "Modification de dégradé directement sur le canevas."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Notification when an image is over/underexposed"
+msgstr "Notification émise quand une image est sur- ou sous-exposée."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Better and faster color management"
+msgstr "Gestion des couleurs meilleure et plus rapide."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Support for color picker and screenshots in Wayland on KDE Plasma"
+msgstr ""
+"Gestion de la pipette à couleurs et des captures d’écran pour KDE/Wayland."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Paste in place feature"
+msgstr "Fonctionnalité coller en place."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Many usability improvements"
+msgstr "Nombreuses améliorations d’usage."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Manual can be displayed in the user's preferred language"
+msgstr "Le manuel peut être affiché dans la langue préférée de l’utilisateur."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Improvements for the Wavelet Decompose filter"
+msgstr "Améliorations du filtre Décomposition en ondelettes."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Improved compatibility with Photoshop .psd files"
+msgstr "Amélioration de la compatibilité avec les fichiers .psd Photoshop."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "New support for password-protected PDF"
+msgstr "Nouvelle gestion des PDF protégés par mot de passe."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "New support for HGT format (Digital Elevation Model data)"
+msgstr "Nouvelle gestion du format HGT (données Digital Elevation Model)."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Extra files for GIMP"
+msgstr "Fichiers en supplément pour GIMP."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Patterns, gradients, and other extra files for GIMP"
+msgstr "Motifs, dégradés et autres fichiers supplémentaires pour GIMP."
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "Image Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur d’image"
+#. Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or localize the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon!
+#: ../desktop/
+msgid "GIMP;graphic;design;illustration;painting;"
+msgstr "GIMP;graphisme;conception;design;illustration;image;peinture;"
+#: ../app/about.h:23
+msgid "GIMP"
+msgstr "GIMP"
+#. The year of the last commit (UTC) will be inserted into this string.
+#: ../app/about.h:30
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Copyright © 1995-%s\n"
+"Spencer Kimball, Peter Mattis and the GIMP Development Team"
+msgstr ""
+"Copyright © 1995-%s\n"
+"Spencer Kimball, Peter Mattis et l’équipe de développement de GIMP."
+#. TRANSLATORS: do not end the license URL with a dot, because it would
+#. * be in the link. Because of technical limitations, make sure the URL
+#. * ends with a space, a newline or is end of text.
+#. * Cf. bug 762282.
+#: ../app/about.h:39
+msgid ""
+"GIMP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the "
+"terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software "
+"Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later "
+"GIMP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY "
+"WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS "
+"FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more "
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"GIMP. If not, see:"
+msgstr ""
+"GIMP est un logiciel libre ; vous pouvez le diffuser et/ou le modifier "
+"suivant les termes de la Licence Publique Générale GNU telle que publiée par "
+"la Free Software Foundation ; soit la version 3 de cette licence, soit (à "
+"votre convenance) une version ultérieure.\n"
+"GIMP est diffusé dans l’espoir qu’il sera utile, mais SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE ; "
+"sans même une garantie implicite de COMMERCIALISATION ou d’ADÉQUATION À UN "
+"USAGE PARTICULIER. Voyez la Licence Publique Générale GNU pour plus de "
+"Vous devriez avoir reçu une copie de la Licence Publique Générale GNU avec "
+"GIMP. Sinon, consultez"
+#: ../app/gimp-update.c:261
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A new version of GIMP (%s) was released.\n"
+"It is recommended to update."
+msgstr ""
+"Une nouvelle version de GIMP (%s) est sortie.\n"
+"Il est recommandé de faire la mise à jour."
+#: ../app/gimp-version.c:66 ../app/gimp-version.c:185
+#, c-format
+msgid "using %s version %s (compiled against version %s)"
+msgstr "utilisation de %s version %s (compilé avec la version %s)"
+#: ../app/gimp-version.c:213
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s version %s"
+msgstr "%s version %s"
+#: ../app/main.c:164
+msgid "Show version information and exit"
+msgstr "Afficher l’information de version et quitter"
+#: ../app/main.c:169
+msgid "Show license information and exit"
+msgstr "Afficher l’information de licence et quitter"
+#: ../app/main.c:174
+msgid "Be more verbose"
+msgstr "Être plus bavard"
+#: ../app/main.c:179
+msgid "Start a new GIMP instance"
+msgstr "Démarrer une nouvelle instance de GIMP"
+#: ../app/main.c:184
+msgid "Open images as new"
+msgstr "Ouvrir en tant que nouvelles images"
+#: ../app/main.c:189
+msgid "Run without a user interface"
+msgstr "Lancer sans interface utilisateur"
+#: ../app/main.c:194
+msgid "Do not load brushes, gradients, patterns, ..."
+msgstr "Ne pas charger les brosses, dégradés, palettes, motifs…"
+#: ../app/main.c:199
+msgid "Do not load any fonts"
+msgstr "Ne charger aucune police"
+#: ../app/main.c:204
+msgid "Do not show a splash screen"
+msgstr "Ne pas afficher d’écran de démarrage"
+#: ../app/main.c:209
+msgid "Do not use shared memory between GIMP and plug-ins"
+msgstr "Ne pas utiliser la mémoire partagée entre GIMP et ses greffons"
+#: ../app/main.c:214
+msgid "Do not use special CPU acceleration functions"
+msgstr "Ne pas utiliser les accélérations propres aux CPU"
+#: ../app/main.c:219
+msgid "Use an alternate sessionrc file"
+msgstr "Utiliser un autre fichier sessionrc"
+#: ../app/main.c:224
+msgid "Use an alternate user gimprc file"
+msgstr "Utiliser un autre fichier utilisateur gimprc"
+#: ../app/main.c:229
+msgid "Use an alternate system gimprc file"
+msgstr "Utiliser un autre fichier système gimprc"
+#: ../app/main.c:234
+msgid "Batch command to run (can be used multiple times)"
+msgstr "Commande batch à lancer (peut être utilisé plusieurs fois)"
+#: ../app/main.c:239
+msgid "The procedure to process batch commands with"
+msgstr "La procédure pour exécuter les commandes batch"
+#: ../app/main.c:244
+msgid "Send messages to console instead of using a dialog"
+msgstr ""
+"Envoyer les messages dans la console au lieu d’utiliser une boîte de dialogue"
+#. don't translate the mode names (off|on|warn)
+#: ../app/main.c:250
+msgid "PDB compatibility mode (off|on|warn)"
+msgstr "Mode compatibilité PDB (off|on|warn)"
+#. don't translate the mode names (never|query|always)
+#: ../app/main.c:256
+msgid "Debug in case of a crash (never|query|always)"
+msgstr "Débogage en cas d’arrêt brutal (never|query|always)"
+#: ../app/main.c:261
+msgid "Enable non-fatal debugging signal handlers"
+msgstr "Activer le débogage pour les signaux non fatals"
+#: ../app/main.c:266
+msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
+msgstr "Rendre tous les signaux fatals"
+#: ../app/main.c:271
+msgid "Output a gimprc file with default settings"
+msgstr "Créer un fichier gimprc avec les paramètres par défaut"
+#: ../app/main.c:287
+msgid "Output a sorted list of deprecated procedures in the PDB"
+msgstr "Créer une liste triée des procédures invalidées de la BDP"
+#: ../app/main.c:292
+msgid "Show a preferences page with experimental features"
+msgstr ""
+"Afficher une page de préférences avec des caractéristique expérimentales"
+#: ../app/main.c:297
+msgid "Show an image submenu with debug actions"
+msgstr "Afficher un sous-menu d’image avec des actions de débogage"
+#: ../app/main.c:578
+msgid "[FILE|URI...]"
+msgstr "[FICHIER|URI…]"
+#: ../app/main.c:596
+msgid ""
+"GIMP could not initialize the graphical user interface.\n"
+"Make sure a proper setup for your display environment exists."
+msgstr ""
+"GIMP ne peut pas initialiser l’interface graphique utilisateur.\n"
+"Assurez-vous qu’une configuration adaptée à l’environnement d’affichage "
+#: ../app/main.c:615
+msgid "Another GIMP instance is already running."
+msgstr "Une autre instance de GIMP est déjà lancée."
+#: ../app/main.c:706
+msgid "GIMP output. Type any character to close this window."
+msgstr ""
+"Sortie GIMP. Saisissez n’importe quel caractère pour fermer cette fenêtre."
+#: ../app/main.c:707
+#, c-format
+msgid "(Type any character to close this window)\n"
+msgstr "(saisissez n’importe quel caractère pour fermer cette fenêtre)\n"
+#: ../app/main.c:724
+msgid "GIMP output. You can minimize this window, but don't close it."
+msgstr "Sortie GIMP. Vous pouvez réduire cette fenêtre mais ne la fermez pas."
+#: ../app/sanity.c:562
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The configured filename encoding cannot be converted to UTF-8: %s\n"
+"Please check the value of the environment variable G_FILENAME_ENCODING."
+msgstr ""
+"Le codage de caractères configuré pour le nom de fichier ne peut pas être "
+"converti en UTF-8 : %s\n"
+"Vérifiez la valeur de la variable d’environnement G_FILENAME_ENCODING."
+#: ../app/sanity.c:581
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The name of the directory holding the GIMP user configuration cannot be "
+"converted to UTF-8: %s\n"
+"Your filesystem probably stores files in an encoding other than UTF-8 and "
+"you didn't tell GLib about this. Please set the environment variable "
+msgstr ""
+"Le nom du répertoire contenant la configuration utilisateur de GIMP ne peut "
+"être converti en UTF-8 : %s\n"
+"Très probablement, le système de fichiers stocke les fichiers avec un codage "
+"différent d’UTF-8 et vous ne l’avez pas déclaré auprès de GLib. Définissez "
+"la valeur de la variable d’environnement G_FILENAME_ENCODING."
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:111 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:422
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:89
+msgid "Brush Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur de brosses"
+#. initialize the list of gimp brushes
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:114 ../app/core/gimp-data-factories.c:349
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:337 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3254
+msgid "Brushes"
+msgstr "Brosses"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:117 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:358
+msgid "Buffers"
+msgstr "Presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:120 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:376
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-newsprint.c:160
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppickablepopup.c:246
+msgid "Channels"
+msgstr "Canaux"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:123 ../app/dialogs/convert-indexed-dialog.c:178
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:384
+msgid "Colormap"
+msgstr "Palette"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:126
+msgid "Context"
+msgstr "Contexte"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:129 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:324
+msgid "Pointer Information"
+msgstr "Information de pointeur"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:132 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:328
+msgid "Dashboard"
+msgstr "Tableau de bord"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:135
+msgid "Debug"
+msgstr "Débogage"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:138
+msgid "Dialogs"
+msgstr "Boîtes de dialogue"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:141
+msgid "Dock"
+msgstr "Groupe de fenêtres"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:144
+msgid "Dockable"
+msgstr "Ancrable"
+#. Document History
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:147 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:364
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1228
+msgid "Document History"
+msgstr "Historique des documents"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:150
+msgid "Drawable"
+msgstr "Objet graphique"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:153 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:340
+msgid "Paint Dynamics"
+msgstr "Dynamique de la brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:156 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:426
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:97
+msgid "Paint Dynamics Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur de dynamique de brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:159
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Édition"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:162 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:320
+msgid "Error Console"
+msgstr "Console d’erreurs"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:165
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Fichier"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:168
+msgid "Filters"
+msgstr "Filtres"
+#. initialize the list of gimp fonts
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:171 ../app/core/gimp-data-factories.c:383
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:355 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3284
+msgid "Fonts"
+msgstr "Polices"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:174 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:430
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:289
+msgid "Gradient Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur de dégradés"
+#. initialize the list of gimp gradients
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:177 ../app/core/gimp-data-factories.c:374
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:349 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3278
+msgid "Gradients"
+msgstr "Dégradés"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:180 ../app/core/gimp-data-factories.c:390
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:361 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3290
+msgid "Tool Presets"
+msgstr "Préréglages d’outils"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:183 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:438
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:96
+msgid "Tool Preset Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur de préréglages d’outils"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:186
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Aide"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:189
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Image"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:192 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:334
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppickablepopup.c:176
+msgid "Images"
+msgstr "Images"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:195 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:372
+#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:144 ../app/widgets/gimppickablepopup.c:227
+msgid "Layers"
+msgstr "Calques"
+#. initialize the list of mypaint brushes
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:198 ../app/core/gimp-data-factories.c:359
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:343 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3296
+msgid "MyPaint Brushes"
+msgstr "Brosses MyPaint"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:201 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:434
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppaletteeditor.c:155
+msgid "Palette Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur de palette"
+#. initialize the list of gimp palettes
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:204 ../app/core/gimp-data-factories.c:369
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:352 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3272
+msgid "Palettes"
+msgstr "Palettes"
+#. initialize the list of gimp patterns
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:207 ../app/core/gimp-data-factories.c:364
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:346 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3266
+msgid "Patterns"
+msgstr "Motifs"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:210 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3302
+msgid "Plug-ins"
+msgstr "Greffons"
+#. Quick Mask Color
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:213 ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:358
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1777
+msgid "Quick Mask"
+msgstr "Masque rapide"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:216 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:404
+msgid "Sample Points"
+msgstr "Points d’échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:219
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Sélection"
+#. initialize the template list
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:222 ../app/core/gimp.c:837
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:367
+msgid "Templates"
+msgstr "Modèles"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:225
+msgid "Text Tool"
+msgstr "Outil Texte"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:228
+msgid "Text Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur de texte"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:231 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:312
+#: ../app/gui/gui.c:554
+msgid "Tool Options"
+msgstr "Options de l’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:234 ../app/widgets/gimptoolpalette.c:294
+msgid "Tools"
+msgstr "Outils"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:237 ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:380
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:163
+msgid "Paths"
+msgstr "Chemins"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:240
+msgid "View"
+msgstr "Affichage"
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:243
+msgid "Windows"
+msgstr "Fenêtres"
+#. value description and new value shown in the status bar
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:617
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: %.2f"
+msgstr "%s : %.2f"
+#. value description and new value shown in the status bar
+#: ../app/actions/actions.c:643
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: %d"
+msgstr "%s : %d"
+#: ../app/actions/brush-editor-actions.c:43
+msgctxt "brush-editor-action"
+msgid "Brush Editor Menu"
+msgstr "Menu de l’éditeur de brosses"
+#: ../app/actions/brush-editor-actions.c:50
+msgctxt "brush-editor-action"
+msgid "Edit Active Brush"
+msgstr "Modifier la brosse active"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:43
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "Brushes Menu"
+msgstr "Menu des brosses"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:47
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "_Open Brush as Image"
+msgstr "_Ouvrir la brosse en tant qu’image"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:48
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "Open brush as image"
+msgstr "Ouvrir la brosse en tant qu’image"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:53
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "_New Brush"
+msgstr "_Nouvelle brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:54
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "Create a new brush"
+msgstr "Créer une nouvelle brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:59
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "D_uplicate Brush"
+msgstr "D_upliquer la brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:60
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "Duplicate this brush"
+msgstr "Dupliquer cette brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "Copy Brush _Location"
+msgstr "Copier l’_emplacement de la brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "Copy brush file location to clipboard"
+msgstr "Copier l’emplacement du fichier de brosse dans le presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:71
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "Show in _File Manager"
+msgstr "Afficher dans le gestionnaire de _fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "Show brush file location in the file manager"
+msgstr ""
+"Affiche l’emplacement du fichier de brosse dans le gestionnaire de fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:77
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "_Delete Brush"
+msgstr "_Supprimer la brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "Delete this brush"
+msgstr "Supprimer cette brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:83
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "_Refresh Brushes"
+msgstr "_Actualiser les brosses"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:84
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "Refresh brushes"
+msgstr "Actualiser les brosses"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:92
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "_Edit Brush..."
+msgstr "Mo_difier la brosse…"
+#: ../app/actions/brushes-actions.c:93
+msgctxt "brushes-action"
+msgid "Edit this brush"
+msgstr "Modifie cette brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:42
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "Buffers Menu"
+msgstr "Menu du presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:46
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "Paste Buffer as _New Image"
+msgstr "Coller le tampon en tant que _nouvelle image"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:47
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "Paste the selected buffer as a new image"
+msgstr "Colle le tampon sélectionné comme une nouvelle image"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:52
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "_Delete Buffer"
+msgstr "_Supprimer le tampon"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:53
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "Delete the selected buffer"
+msgstr "Supprime le tampon sélectionné"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:61
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "_Paste Buffer"
+msgstr "C_oller le tampon"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:62
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "Paste the selected buffer"
+msgstr "Colle le tampon sélectionné"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:67
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "Paste Buffer In Pl_ace"
+msgstr "Coller le tampon en pl_ace"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:68
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "Paste the selected buffer at its original position"
+msgstr "Colle le tampon sélectionné à sa position d’origine"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:73
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "Paste Buffer _Into The Selection"
+msgstr "Coller le tampon _dans la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:74
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "Paste the selected buffer into the selection"
+msgstr "Colle le tampon sélectionné dans la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:79
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "Paste Buffer Into The Selection In Place"
+msgstr "Coller le tampon dans la sélection en place"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:81
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "Paste the selected buffer into the selection at its original position"
+msgstr "Colle le tampon sélectionné dans la sélection à sa position d’origine"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:86
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "Paste Buffer as New _Layer"
+msgstr "Coller le tampon en tant que nouveau ca_lque"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:87
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "Paste the selected buffer as a new layer"
+msgstr "Colle le tampon sélectionné comme un nouveau calque"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:92
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "Paste Buffer as New Layer in Place"
+msgstr "Coller le tampon en tant que nouveau calque en place"
+#: ../app/actions/buffers-actions.c:94
+msgctxt "buffers-action"
+msgid "Paste the selected buffer as a new layer at its original position"
+msgstr ""
+"Colle le tampon sélectionné comme un nouveau calque à sa position d’origine"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:45
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Channels Menu"
+msgstr "Menu des canaux"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:49
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Color Tag"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:53
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "_Edit Channel Attributes..."
+msgstr "Mo_difier les attributs du canal…"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:54
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Edit the channel's name, color and opacity"
+msgstr "Modifie le nom, la couleur et l’opacité du canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:59
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "_New Channel..."
+msgstr "_Nouveau canal…"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:60
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Create a new channel"
+msgstr "Crée un nouveau canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "_New Channel"
+msgstr "_Nouveau canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Create a new channel with last used values"
+msgstr "Crée un nouveau canal avec les dernières valeurs utilisées"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:71
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "D_uplicate Channel"
+msgstr "D_upliquer le canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:73
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Create a duplicate of this channel and add it to the image"
+msgstr "Crée une copie de ce canal et l’ajoute à l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "_Delete Channel"
+msgstr "Su_pprimer le canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:79
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Delete this channel"
+msgstr "Supprime ce canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:84
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "_Raise Channel"
+msgstr "_Remonter le canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:85
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Raise this channel one step in the channel stack"
+msgstr "Remonte ce canal d’un niveau dans la pile des canaux"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:90
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Raise Channel to _Top"
+msgstr "Remonter le canal tout en _haut"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:92
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Raise this channel to the top of the channel stack"
+msgstr "Remonte ce canal tout en haut de la pile des canaux"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:97
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "_Lower Channel"
+msgstr "_Descendre le canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:98
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Lower this channel one step in the channel stack"
+msgstr "Descend ce canal d’un niveau dans la pile des canaux"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:103
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Lower Channel to _Bottom"
+msgstr "Descendre le canal tout en _bas"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:105
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Lower this channel to the bottom of the channel stack"
+msgstr "Descend ce canal tout en bas de la pile des canaux"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:113
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Toggle Channel _Visibility"
+msgstr "Activer/désactiver la _visibilité du canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:119
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Toggle Channel _Linked State"
+msgstr "Activer/désactiver l’état _lié du canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:125
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "L_ock Pixels of Channel"
+msgstr "Verr_ouiller les pixels du canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:131
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "L_ock Position of Channel"
+msgstr "Verr_ouiller la position du canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:140
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Aucune"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:141
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Channel Color Tag: Clear"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du canal : effacer"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:146
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Blue"
+msgstr "Bleu"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:147
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Channel Color Tag: Set to Blue"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du canal : mettre en bleu"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:152
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Green"
+msgstr "Vert"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:153
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Channel Color Tag: Set to Green"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du canal : mettre en vert"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:158
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Yellow"
+msgstr "Jaune"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:159
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Channel Color Tag: Set to Yellow"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du canal : mettre en jaune"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:164
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Orange"
+msgstr "Orange"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:165
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Channel Color Tag: Set to Orange"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du canal : mettre en orange"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:170
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Brown"
+msgstr "Marron"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:171
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Channel Color Tag: Set to Brown"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du canal : mettre en marron"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:176
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Red"
+msgstr "Rouge"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:177
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Channel Color Tag: Set to Red"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du canal : mettre en rouge"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:182
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Violet"
+msgstr "Violet"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:183
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Channel Color Tag: Set to Violet"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du canal : mettre en violet"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:188
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Gray"
+msgstr "Gris"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:189
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Channel Color Tag: Set to Gray"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du canal : mettre en gris"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:197
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Channel to Sele_ction"
+msgstr "Canal vers _sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:198
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Replace the selection with this channel"
+msgstr "Remplace la sélection par ce canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:203
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "_Add to Selection"
+msgstr "A_jouter à la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:204
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Add this channel to the current selection"
+msgstr "Ajoute ce canal à la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:209
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "_Subtract from Selection"
+msgstr "S_oustraire de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:210
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Subtract this channel from the current selection"
+msgstr "Soustrait ce canal de la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:215
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "_Intersect with Selection"
+msgstr "_Intersection avec la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:216
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Intersect this channel with the current selection"
+msgstr "Intersection de ce canal avec la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:224
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Select _Top Channel"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le canal du _haut"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:225
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Select the topmost channel"
+msgstr "Sélectionne le canal le plus haut"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:230
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Select _Bottom Channel"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le canal du _bas"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:231
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Select the bottommost channel"
+msgstr "Sélectionne le canal le plus bas"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:236
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Select _Previous Channel"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le canal _précédent"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:237
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Select the channel above the current channel"
+msgstr "Sélectionne le canal juste au-dessus du canal actuel"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:242
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Select _Next Channel"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le canal _suivant"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-actions.c:243
+msgctxt "channels-action"
+msgid "Select the channel below the current channel"
+msgstr "Sélectionne le canal juste au-dessous du canal actuel"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:115
+#: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:538
+msgid "Channel Attributes"
+msgstr "Attributs du canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:118
+msgid "Edit Channel Attributes"
+msgstr "Modification des attributs du canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:120
+msgid "Edit Channel Color"
+msgstr "Modification du canal de couleur"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:121
+#: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:167
+msgid "_Fill opacity:"
+msgstr "Opacité du _remplissage :"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:161
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpchanneltreeview.c:324
+msgid "New Channel"
+msgstr "Nouveau canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:164
+msgid "Create a New Channel"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau canal"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:166
+msgid "New Channel Color"
+msgstr "Nouveau canal de couleur"
+#: ../app/actions/channels-commands.c:285 ../app/core/gimpimage-new.c:278
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:696
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpchanneltreeview.c:255
+#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:828
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Channel Copy"
+msgstr "Copie du canal %s"
+#: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:45
+msgctxt "colormap-action"
+msgid "Colormap Menu"
+msgstr "Menu de la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:49
+msgctxt "colormap-action"
+msgid "_Edit Color..."
+msgstr "Mo_difier la couleur…"
+#: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:50
+msgctxt "colormap-action"
+msgid "Edit this color"
+msgstr "Modifie la couleur"
+#: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:58
+msgctxt "colormap-action"
+msgid "_Add Color from FG"
+msgstr "A_jouter la couleur depuis le PP"
+#: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:59
+msgctxt "colormap-action"
+msgid "Add current foreground color"
+msgstr "Ajoute la couleur de premier plan actuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:64
+msgctxt "colormap-action"
+msgid "_Add Color from BG"
+msgstr "A_jouter la couleur depuis l’AP"
+#: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "colormap-action"
+msgid "Add current background color"
+msgstr "Ajoute la couleur d’arrière-plan actuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:73
+msgctxt "colormap-action"
+msgid "_Select this Color"
+msgstr "_Sélectionner cette couleur"
+#: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:74
+msgctxt "colormap-action"
+msgid "Select all pixels with this color"
+msgstr "Sélectionne tous les pixels de cette couleur"
+#: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:79
+msgctxt "colormap-action"
+msgid "_Add to Selection"
+msgstr "A_jouter à la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:80
+msgctxt "colormap-action"
+msgid "Add all pixels with this color to the current selection"
+msgstr "Ajoute tous les pixels de cette couleur à la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:85
+msgctxt "colormap-action"
+msgid "_Subtract from Selection"
+msgstr "S_oustraire de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:86
+msgctxt "colormap-action"
+msgid "Subtract all pixels with this color from the current selection"
+msgstr "Soustrait tous les pixels de cette couleur de la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:91
+msgctxt "colormap-action"
+msgid "_Intersect with Selection"
+msgstr "_Intersection avec la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/colormap-actions.c:92
+msgctxt "colormap-action"
+msgid "Intersect all pixels with this color with the current selection"
+msgstr ""
+"Intersection de tous les pixels de cette couleur avec la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:47
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "_Context"
+msgstr "_Contexte"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:49
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "_Colors"
+msgstr "Coule_urs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:51
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "_Opacity"
+msgstr "_Opacité"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:53
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Paint _Mode"
+msgstr "Mode de _peinture"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:55
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "_Tool"
+msgstr "_Outil"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:57
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "_Brush"
+msgstr "_Brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:59
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "_Pattern"
+msgstr "_Motif"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:61
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "_Palette"
+msgstr "_Palette"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:63
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "_Gradient"
+msgstr "_Dégradé"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "_Font"
+msgstr "_Police"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:68
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "_Shape"
+msgstr "_Forme"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:70
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "_Radius"
+msgstr "_Rayon"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "S_pikes"
+msgstr "_Pointes"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:74
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "_Hardness"
+msgstr "_Dureté"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:76
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "_Aspect Ratio"
+msgstr "Proport_ions"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "A_ngle"
+msgstr "_Angle"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:81
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "_Default Colors"
+msgstr "Couleurs par _défaut"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:83
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Set foreground color to black, background color to white"
+msgstr ""
+"Définit la couleur de premier plan comme noir et la couleur d’arrière-plan "
+"comme blanc"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:88
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "S_wap Colors"
+msgstr "Échan_ger les couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:89
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Exchange foreground and background colors"
+msgstr "Échange les couleurs de premier plan et d’arrière-plan"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:97
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Set Color From Palette"
+msgstr "Premier plan : régler la couleur d’après une palette"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:101
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Use First Palette Color"
+msgstr "Premier plan : utiliser la première couleur de la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:105
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Use Last Palette Color"
+msgstr "Premier plan : utiliser la dernière couleur de la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:109
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Use Previous Palette Color"
+msgstr "Premier plan : utiliser la couleur précédente de la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:113
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Use Next Palette Color"
+msgstr "Premier plan : utiliser la couleur suivante de la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:117
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Skip Back Palette Color"
+msgstr "Premier plan : sauter la couleur en arrière dans la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:121
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Skip Forward Palette Color"
+msgstr "Premier plan : sauter la couleur en avant dans la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:129
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Set Color From Palette"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : régler la couleur d’après une palette"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:133
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Use First Palette Color"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : utiliser la première couleur de la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:137
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Use Last Palette Color"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : utiliser la dernière couleur de la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:141
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Use Previous Palette Color"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : utiliser la couleur précédente de la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:145
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Use Next Palette Color"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : utiliser la couleur suivante de la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:149
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Skip Back Palette Color"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : sauter la couleur en arrière dans la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:153
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Skip Forward Palette Color"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : sauter la couleur en avant dans la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:161
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Set Color From Colormap"
+msgstr "Premier plan : définir la couleur à partir d’une carte de couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:165
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Use First Color From Colormap"
+msgstr "Premier plan : utiliser la première couleur de la carte de couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:169
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Use Last Color From Colormap"
+msgstr "Premier plan : utiliser la dernière couleur de la carte de couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:173
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Use Previous Color From Colormap"
+msgstr "Premier plan : utiliser la couleur précédente de la carte de couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:177
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Use Next Color From Colormap"
+msgstr "Premier plan : utiliser la couleur suivante de la carte de couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:181
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Skip Back Color From Colormap"
+msgstr "Premier plan : sauter la couleur en arrière dans la carte de couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:185
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Skip Forward Color From Colormap"
+msgstr "Premier plan : sauter la couleur en avant dans la carte de couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:193
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Set Color From Colormap"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : définir la couleur à partir d’une carte de couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:197
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Use First Color From Colormap"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : utiliser la première couleur de la carte de couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:201
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Use Last Color From Colormap"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : utiliser la dernière couleur de la carte de couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:205
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Use Previous Color From Colormap"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : utiliser la couleur précédente de la carte de couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:209
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Use Next Color From Colormap"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : utiliser la couleur suivante de la carte de couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:213
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Skip Back Color From Colormap"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : sauter la couleur en arrière dans la carte de couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:217
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Skip Forward Color From Colormap"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : sauter la couleur en avant dans la carte de couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:225
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Set Color From Swatch"
+msgstr "Premier plan : définir la couleur à partir d’un échantillon"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:229
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Use First Color From Swatch"
+msgstr "Premier plan : utiliser la première couleur de l’échantillon"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:233
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Use Last Color From Swatch"
+msgstr "Premier plan : utiliser la dernière couleur de l’échantillon"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:237
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Use Previous Color From Swatch"
+msgstr "Premier plan : utiliser la couleur précédente de l’échantillon"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:241
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Use Next Color From Swatch"
+msgstr "Premier plan : utiliser la couleur suivante de l’échantillon"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:245
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Skip Back Color From Swatch"
+msgstr "Premier plan : sauter la couleur en arrière de l’échantillon"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:249
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground: Skip Forward Color From Swatch"
+msgstr "Premier plan : sauter la couleur en avant de l’échantillon"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:257
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Set Color From Swatch"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : régler la couleur à partir d’un échantillon"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:261
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Use First Color From Swatch"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : utiliser la première couleur de l’échantillon"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:265
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Use Last Color From Swatch"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : utiliser la dernière couleur de l’échantillon"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:269
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Use Previous Color From Swatch"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : utiliser la couleur précédente de l’échantillon"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:273
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Use Next Color From Swatch"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : utiliser la couleur suivante de l’échantillon"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:277
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Skip Color Back From Swatch"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : sauter la couleur en arrière dans l’échantillon"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:281
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background: Skip Color Forward From Swatch"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : sauter la couleur en avant dans l’échantillon"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:289
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Red: Set"
+msgstr "Rouge du premier plan : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:293
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Red: Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Rouge du premier plan : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:297
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Red: Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Rouge du premier plan : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:301
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Red: Decrease by 1%"
+msgstr "Rouge du premier plan : diminuer de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:305
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Red: Increase by 1%"
+msgstr "Rouge du premier plan : augmenter de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:309
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Red: Decrease by 10%"
+msgstr "Rouge du premier plan : diminuer de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:313
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Red: Increase by 10%"
+msgstr "Rouge du premier plan : augmenter de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:321
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Green: Set"
+msgstr "Vert du premier plan : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:325
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Green: Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Vert du premier plan : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:329
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Green: Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Vert du premier plan : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:333
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Green: Decrease by 1%"
+msgstr "Vert du premier plan : diminuer de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:337
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Green: Increase by 1%"
+msgstr "Vert du premier plan : augmenter de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:341
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Green: Decrease by 10%"
+msgstr "Vert du premier plan : diminuer de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:345
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Green: Increase by 10%"
+msgstr "Vert du premier plan : augmenter de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:353
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Blue: Set"
+msgstr "Bleu du premier plan : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:357
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Blue: Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Bleu du premier plan : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:361
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Blue: Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Bleu du premier plan : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:365
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Blue: Decrease by 1%"
+msgstr "Bleu du premier plan : diminuer de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:369
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Blue: Increase by 1%"
+msgstr "Bleu du premier plan : augmenter de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:373
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Blue: Decrease by 10%"
+msgstr "Bleu du premier plan : diminuer de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:377
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Blue: Increase by 10%"
+msgstr "Bleu du premier plan : augmenter de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:385
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Red: Set"
+msgstr "Rouge de l’arrière-plan : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:389
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Red: Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Rouge de l’arrière-plan : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:393
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Red: Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Rouge de l’arrière-plan : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:397
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Red: Decrease by 1%"
+msgstr "Rouge de l’arrière-plan : diminuer de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:401
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Red: Increase by 1%"
+msgstr "Rouge de l’arrière-plan : augmenter de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:405
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Red: Decrease by 10%"
+msgstr "Rouge de l’arrière-plan : diminuer de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:409
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Red: Increase by 10%"
+msgstr "Rouge de l’arrière-plan : augmenter de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:417
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Green: Set"
+msgstr "Vert de l’arrière-plan : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:421
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Green: Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Vert de l’arrière-plan : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:425
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Green: Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Vert de l’arrière-plan : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:429
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Green: Decrease by 1%"
+msgstr "Vert de l’arrière-plan : diminuer de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:433
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Green: Increase by 1%"
+msgstr "Vert de l’arrière-plan : augmenter de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:437
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Green: Decrease by 10%"
+msgstr "Vert de l’arrière-plan : diminuer de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:441
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Green: Increase by 10%"
+msgstr "Vert de l’arrière-plan : augmenter de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:449
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Blue: Set"
+msgstr "Bleu de l’arrière-plan : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:453
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Blue: Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Bleu de l’arrière-plan : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:457
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Blue: Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Bleu de l’arrière-plan : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:461
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Blue: Decrease by 1%"
+msgstr "Bleu de l’arrière-plan : diminuer de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:465
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Blue: Increase by 1%"
+msgstr "Bleu de l’arrière-plan : augmenter de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:469
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Blue: Decrease by 10%"
+msgstr "Bleu de l’arrière-plan : diminuer de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:473
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Blue: Increase by 10%"
+msgstr "Bleu de l’arrière-plan : augmenter de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:481
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Hue: Set"
+msgstr "Teinte du premier plan : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:485
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Hue: Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Teinte du premier plan : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:489
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Hue: Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Teinte du premier plan : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:493
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Hue: Decrease by 1%"
+msgstr "Teinte du premier plan : diminuer de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:497
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Hue: Increase by 1%"
+msgstr "Teinte du premier plan : augmenter de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:501
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Hue: Decrease by 10%"
+msgstr "Teinte du premier plan : diminuer de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:505
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Hue: Increase by 10%"
+msgstr "Teinte du premier plan : augmenter de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:513
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Saturation: Set"
+msgstr "Saturation du premier plan : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:517
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Saturation: Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Saturation du premier plan : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:521
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Saturation: Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Saturation du premier plan : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:525
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Saturation: Decrease by 1%"
+msgstr "Saturation du premier plan : diminuer de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:529
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Saturation: Increase by 1%"
+msgstr "Saturation du premier plan : augmenter de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:533
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Saturation: Decrease by 10%"
+msgstr "Saturation du premier plan : diminuer de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:537
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Saturation: Increase by 10%"
+msgstr "Saturation du premier plan : augmenter de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:545
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Value: Set"
+msgstr "Valeur du premier plan : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:549
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Value: Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Valeur du premier plan : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:553
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Value: Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Valeur du premier plan : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:557
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Value: Decrease by 1%"
+msgstr "Valeur du premier plan : diminuer de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:561
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Value: Increase by 1%"
+msgstr "Valeur du premier plan : augmenter de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:565
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Value: Decrease by 10%"
+msgstr "Valeur du premier plan : diminuer de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:569
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Foreground Value: Increase by 10%"
+msgstr "Valeur du premier plan : augmenter de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:577
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Hue: Set"
+msgstr "Teinte de l’arrière-plan : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:581
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Hue: Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Teinte de l’arrière-plan : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:585
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Hue: Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Teinte de l’arrière-plan : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:589
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Hue: Decrease by 1%"
+msgstr "Teinte de l’arrière-plan : diminuer de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:593
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Hue: Increase by 1%"
+msgstr "Teinte de l’arrière-plan : augmenter de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:597
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Hue: Decrease by 10%"
+msgstr "Teinte de l’arrière-plan : diminuer de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:601
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Hue: Increase by 10%"
+msgstr "Teinte de l’arrière-plan : augmenter de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:609
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Saturation: Set"
+msgstr "Saturation de l’arrière-plan : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:613
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Saturation: Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Saturation de l’arrière-plan : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:617
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Saturation: Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Saturation de l’arrière-plan : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:621
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Saturation: Decrease by 1%"
+msgstr "Saturation de l’arrière-plan : diminuer de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:625
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Saturation: Increase by 1%"
+msgstr "Saturation de l’arrière-plan : augmenter de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:629
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Saturation: Decrease by 10%"
+msgstr "Saturation de l’arrière-plan : diminuer de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:633
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Saturation: Increase by 10%"
+msgstr "Saturation de l’arrière-plan : augmenter de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:641
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Value: Set"
+msgstr "Valeur de l’arrière-plan : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:645
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Value: Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Valeur de l’arrière-plan : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:649
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Value: Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Valeur de l’arrière-plan : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:653
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Value: Decrease by 1%"
+msgstr "Valeur de l’arrière-plan : diminuer de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:657
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Value: Increase by 1%"
+msgstr "Valeur de l’arrière-plan : augmenter de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:661
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Value: Decrease by 10%"
+msgstr "Valeur de l’arrière-plan : diminuer de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:665
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Background Value: Increase by 10%"
+msgstr "Valeur de l’arrière-plan : augmenter de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:673
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Opacity: Set Transparency"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : régler la transparence"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:677
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Opacity: Make Completely Transparent"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : rendre complètement transparente"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:681
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Opacity: Make Completely Opaque"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : rendre complètement opaque"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:685
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Opacity: Make 1% More Transparent"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : augmenter la transparence de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:689
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Opacity: Make 1% More Opaque"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : augmenter l’opacité de 1 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:693
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Opacity: Make 10% More Transparent"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : augmenter la transparence de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:697
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Opacity: Make 10% More Opaque"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : augmenter l’opacité de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:705
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Paint Mode: Select First"
+msgstr "Mode de peinture de l’outil : sélectionner le premier"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:709
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Paint Mode: Select Last"
+msgstr "Mode de peinture de l’outil : sélectionner le dernier"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:713
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Paint Mode: Select Previous"
+msgstr "Mode de peinture de l’outil : sélectionner le précédent"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:717
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Paint Mode: Select Next"
+msgstr "Mode de peinture de l’outil : sélectionner le suivant"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:725
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Selection: Choose by Index"
+msgstr "Sélection de l’outil : choisir par l’indice"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:729
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Selection: Switch to First"
+msgstr "Sélection de l’outil : passer au premier"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:733
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Selection: Switch to Last"
+msgstr "Sélection de l’outil : passer au dernier"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:737
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Selection: Switch to Previous"
+msgstr "Sélection de l’outil : passer au précédent"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:741
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Tool Selection: Switch to Next"
+msgstr "Sélection de l’outil : passer au suivant"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:749
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Selection: Select by Index"
+msgstr "Sélection de la brosse : sélectionner par indice"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:753
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Selection: Switch to First"
+msgstr "Sélection de la brosse : passer à la première"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:757
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Selection: Switch to Last"
+msgstr "Sélection de la brosse : passer à la dernière"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:761
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Selection: Switch to Previous"
+msgstr "Sélection de la brosse : passer à la précédente"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:765
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Selection: Switch to Next"
+msgstr "Sélection de la brosse : passer à la suivante"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:773
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Pattern Selection: Select by Index"
+msgstr "Sélection du motif : sélectionner par indice"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:777
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Pattern Selection: Switch to First"
+msgstr "Sélection du motif : passer au premier"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:781
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Pattern Selection: Switch to Last"
+msgstr "Sélection du motif : passer au dernier"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:785
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Pattern Selection: Switch to Previous"
+msgstr "Sélection du motif : passer au précédent"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:789
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Pattern Selection: Switch to Next"
+msgstr "Sélection du motif : passer au suivant"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:797
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Palette Selection: Select by Index"
+msgstr "Sélection de la palette : sélectionner par indice"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:801
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Palette Selection: Switch to First"
+msgstr "Sélection de la palette : passer à la première"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:805
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Palette Selection: Switch to Last"
+msgstr "Sélection de la palette : passer à la dernière"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:809
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Palette Selection: Switch to Previous"
+msgstr "Sélection de la palette : passer à la précédente"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:813
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Palette Selection: Switch to Next"
+msgstr "Sélection de la palette : passer à la suivante"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:821
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Gradient Selection: Select by Index"
+msgstr "Sélection du dégradé : sélectionner par indice"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:825
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Gradient Selection: Switch to First"
+msgstr "Sélection du dégradé : passer au premier"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:829
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Gradient Selection: Switch to Last"
+msgstr "Sélection du dégradé : passer au dernier"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:833
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Gradient Selection: Switch to Previous"
+msgstr "Sélection du dégradé : passer au précédent"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:837
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Gradient Selection: Switch to Next"
+msgstr "Sélection du dégradé : passer au suivant"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:845
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Font Selection: Select by Index"
+msgstr "Sélection de la police : sélection par indice"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:849
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Font Selection: Switch to First"
+msgstr "Sélection de la police : passer à la première"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:853
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Font Selection: Switch to Last"
+msgstr "Sélection de la police : passer à la dernière"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:857
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Font Selection: Switch to Previous"
+msgstr "Sélection de la police : passer à la précédente"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:861
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Font Selection: Switch to Next"
+msgstr "Sélection de la police : passer à la suivante"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:869
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Spacing (Editor): Set"
+msgstr "Espacement de la brosse (éditeur) : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:873
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Spacing (Editor): Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Espacement de la brosse (éditeur) : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:877
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Spacing (Editor): Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Espacement de la brosse (éditeur) : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:881
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Spacing (Editor): Decrease by 1"
+msgstr "Espacement de la brosse (éditeur) : diminuer de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:885
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Spacing (Editor): Increase by 1"
+msgstr "Espacement de la brosse (éditeur) : augmenter de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:889
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Spacing (Editor): Decrease by 10"
+msgstr "Espacement de la brosse (éditeur) : diminuer de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:893
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Spacing (Editor): Increase by 10"
+msgstr "Espacement de la brosse (éditeur) : augmenter de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:901
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Shape (Editor): Use Circular"
+msgstr "Forme de la brosse (éditeur) : utiliser le cercle"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:905
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Shape (Editor): Use Square"
+msgstr "Forme de la brosse (éditeur) : utiliser le carré"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:909
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Shape (Editor): Use Diamond"
+msgstr "Forme de la brosse (éditeur) : utiliser le losange"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:917
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Radius (Editor): Set"
+msgstr "Rayon de la brosse (éditeur) : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:921
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Radius (Editor): Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Rayon de la brosse (éditeur) : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:925
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Radius (Editor): Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Rayon de la brosse (éditeur) : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:929
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Radius (Editor): Decrease by 0.1"
+msgstr "Rayon de la brosse (éditeur) : diminuer de 0,1"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:933
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Radius (Editor): Increase by 0.1"
+msgstr "Rayon de la brosse (éditeur) : augmenter de 0,1"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:937
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Radius (Editor): Decrease by 1"
+msgstr "Rayon de la brosse (éditeur) : diminuer de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:941
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Radius (Editor): Increase by 1"
+msgstr "Rayon de la brosse (éditeur) : augmenter de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:945
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Radius (Editor): Decrease by 10"
+msgstr "Rayon de la brosse (éditeur) : diminuer de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:949
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Radius (Editor): Increase by 10"
+msgstr "Rayon de la brosse (éditeur) : augmenter de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:953
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Radius (Editor): Decrease Relative"
+msgstr "Rayon de la brosse (éditeur) : diminuer en proportion"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:957
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Radius (Editor): Increase Relative"
+msgstr "Rayon de la brosse (éditeur) : augmenter en proportion"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:965
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Spikes (Editor): Set"
+msgstr "Pics de la brosse (éditeur) : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:969
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Spikes (Editor): Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Pics de la brosse (éditeur) : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:973
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Spikes (Editor): Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Pics de la brosse (éditeur) : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:977
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Spikes (Editor): Decrease by 1"
+msgstr "Pics de la brosse (éditeur) : diminuer de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:981
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Spikes (Editor): Increase by 1"
+msgstr "Pics de la brosse (éditeur) : augmenter de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:985
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Spikes (Editor): Decrease by 4"
+msgstr "Pics de la brosse (éditeur) : diminuer de 4"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:989
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Spikes (Editor): Increase by 4"
+msgstr "Pics de la brosse (éditeur) : augmenter de 4"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:997
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Hardness (Editor): Set"
+msgstr "Dureté de la brosse (éditeur) : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1001
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Hardness (Editor): Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Dureté de la brosse (éditeur) : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1005
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Hardness (Editor): Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Dureté de la brosse (éditeur) : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1009
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Hardness (Editor): Decrease by 0.01"
+msgstr "Dureté de la brosse (éditeur) : diminuer de 0,01"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1013
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Hardness (Editor): Increase by 0.01"
+msgstr "Dureté de la brosse (éditeur) : augmenter de 0,01"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1017
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Hardness (Editor): Decrease by 0.1"
+msgstr "Dureté de la brosse (éditeur) : diminuer de 0,1"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1021
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Hardness (Editor): Increase by 0.1"
+msgstr "Dureté de la brosse (éditeur) : augmenter de 0,1"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1029
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Aspect Ratio (Editor): Set"
+msgstr "Proportions de la brosse (éditeur) : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1033
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Aspect Ratio (Editor): Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Proportions de la brosse (éditeur) : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1037
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Aspect Ratio (Editor): Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Proportions de la brosse (éditeur) : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1041
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Aspect Ratio (Editor): Decrease by 0.1"
+msgstr "Proportions de la brosse (éditeur) : diminuer de 0,1"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1045
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Aspect Ratio (Editor): Increase by 0.1"
+msgstr "Proportions de la brosse (éditeur) : augmenter de 0,1"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1049
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Aspect Ratio (Editor): Decrease by 1"
+msgstr "Proportions de la brosse (éditeur) : diminuer de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1053
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Aspect Ratio (Editor): Increase by 1"
+msgstr "Proportions de la brosse (éditeur) : augmenter de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1061
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Angle (Editor): Set"
+msgstr "Angle de la brosse (éditeur) : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1065
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Angle (Editor): Make Horizontal"
+msgstr "Angle de la brosse (éditeur) : rendre horizontal"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1069
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Angle (Editor): Make Vertical"
+msgstr "Angle de la brosse (éditeur) : rendre vertical"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1073
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Angle (Editor): Rotate Right by 1°"
+msgstr "Angle de la brosse (éditeur) : tourner vers la droite de 1°"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1077
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Angle (Editor): Rotate Left by 1°"
+msgstr "Angle de la brosse (éditeur) : tourner vers la gauche de 1°"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1081
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Angle (Editor): Rotate Right by 15°"
+msgstr "Angle de la brosse (éditeur) : tourner vers la droite de 15°"
+#: ../app/actions/context-actions.c:1085
+msgctxt "context-action"
+msgid "Brush Angle (Editor): Rotate Left by 15°"
+msgstr "Angle de la brosse (éditeur) : tourner vers la gauche de 15°"
+#: ../app/actions/context-commands.c:458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Paint Mode: %s"
+msgstr "Mode de peinture : %s"
+#: ../app/actions/context-commands.c:612
+#, c-format
+msgid "Brush Shape: %s"
+msgstr "Forme de la brosse : %s"
+#: ../app/actions/context-commands.c:675
+#, c-format
+msgid "Brush Radius: %2.2f"
+msgstr "Rayon de la brosse : %2.2f"
+#: ../app/actions/context-commands.c:795
+#, c-format
+msgid "Brush Angle: %2.2f"
+msgstr "Angle de la brosse : %2.2f"
+#: ../app/actions/cursor-info-actions.c:41
+msgctxt "cursor-info-action"
+msgid "Pointer Information Menu"
+msgstr "Menu d’information du pointeur"
+#: ../app/actions/cursor-info-actions.c:48
+msgctxt "cursor-info-action"
+msgid "_Sample Merged"
+msgstr "_Échantillonner sur tous les calques"
+#: ../app/actions/cursor-info-actions.c:49
+msgctxt "cursor-info-action"
+msgid "Use the composite color of all visible layers"
+msgstr "Utiliser la couleur composée à partir de tous les calques visibles"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:40
+msgctxt "dashboard-action"
+msgid "Dashboard Menu"
+msgstr "Menu du tableau de bord"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:44
+msgctxt "dashboard-action"
+msgid "_Groups"
+msgstr "_Groupes"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:46
+msgctxt "dashboard-action"
+msgid "_Update Interval"
+msgstr "_Intervalle de mise à jour"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:48
+msgctxt "dashboard-action"
+msgid "_History Duration"
+msgstr "Durée de l’_historique"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:51
+msgctxt "dashboard-action"
+msgid "_Start/Stop Recording..."
+msgstr "_Démarrer/arrêter l’enregistrement…"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:52
+msgctxt "dashboard-action"
+msgid "Start/stop recording performance log"
+msgstr "Démarre/arrête l’enregistrement du journal de performance"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:56
+msgctxt "dashboard-action"
+msgid "_Add Marker..."
+msgstr "_Ajouter un marqueur…"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:57
+msgctxt "dashboard-action"
+msgid "Add an event marker to the performance log"
+msgstr "Ajoute un marqueur d’évènement au journal de performance"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:62
+msgctxt "dashboard-action"
+msgid "Add _Empty Marker"
+msgstr "Ajouter un marqueur _vide"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:63
+msgctxt "dashboard-action"
+msgid "Add an empty event marker to the performance log"
+msgstr "Ajoute un marqueur vide au journal de performance"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:69
+msgctxt "dashboard-action"
+msgid "_Reset"
+msgstr "_Réinitialiser"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:70
+msgctxt "dashboard-action"
+msgid "Reset cumulative data"
+msgstr "Réinitialise les données cumulées"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "dashboard-action"
+msgid "_Low Swap Space Warning"
+msgstr "_Avertissement d’espace d’échange bas"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:79
+msgctxt "dashboard-action"
+msgid "Raise the dashboard when the swap size approaches its limit"
+msgstr ""
+"Fait apparaître le tableau de bord quand la taille de l’espace d’échange "
+"approche de sa limite"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:89
+msgctxt "dashboard-update-interval"
+msgid "0.25 Seconds"
+msgstr "0,25 seconde"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:94
+msgctxt "dashboard-update-interval"
+msgid "0.5 Seconds"
+msgstr "0,5 seconde"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:99
+msgctxt "dashboard-update-interval"
+msgid "1 Second"
+msgstr "1 seconde"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:104
+msgctxt "dashboard-update-interval"
+msgid "2 Seconds"
+msgstr "2 secondes"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:109
+msgctxt "dashboard-update-interval"
+msgid "4 Seconds"
+msgstr "4 secondes"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:117
+msgctxt "dashboard-history-duration"
+msgid "15 Seconds"
+msgstr "15 secondes"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:122
+msgctxt "dashboard-history-duration"
+msgid "30 Seconds"
+msgstr "30 secondes"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:127
+msgctxt "dashboard-history-duration"
+msgid "60 Seconds"
+msgstr "60 secondes"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:132
+msgctxt "dashboard-history-duration"
+msgid "120 Seconds"
+msgstr "120 secondes"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-actions.c:137
+msgctxt "dashboard-history-duration"
+msgid "240 Seconds"
+msgstr "240 secondes"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-commands.c:118
+#: ../app/actions/documents-commands.c:237 ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:167
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-commands.c:100
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:424
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:409
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:520
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-commands.c:79 ../app/actions/plug-in-commands.c:185
+#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:249
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-commands.c:65
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-commands.c:123
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:210
+#: ../app/actions/window-commands.c:77
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:136
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:154
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:172
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:190
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:208
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-indexed-dialog.c:142
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-precision-dialog.c:168
+#: ../app/dialogs/data-delete-dialog.c:86
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-open-location-dialog.c:80
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:714 ../app/dialogs/fill-dialog.c:115
+#: ../app/dialogs/grid-dialog.c:102
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:100
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:106 ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:325
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-scale-dialog.c:210
+#: ../app/dialogs/item-options-dialog.c:145
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-add-mask-dialog.c:110
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:162
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:291
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:665
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1134
+#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:124 ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:171
+#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:186
+#: ../app/dialogs/resolution-calibrate-dialog.c:75
+#: ../app/dialogs/scale-dialog.c:137 ../app/dialogs/stroke-dialog.c:128
+#: ../app/dialogs/template-options-dialog.c:118
+#: ../app/dialogs/vectors-export-dialog.c:83
+#: ../app/dialogs/vectors-import-dialog.c:88
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:179
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-filter-dialog.c:87
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-rotate-dialog.c:122
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-scale-dialog.c:122
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:346
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:320 ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1763
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridtool.c:1263
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:434 ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:668
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordialog.c:110
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:662
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:564
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceeditor.c:509 ../app/widgets/gimpdnd-xds.c:228
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:327 ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:447
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:796 ../app/widgets/gimpiconpicker.c:484
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpprogressdialog.c:91 ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:726
+msgid "_Cancel"
+msgstr "A_nnuler"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-commands.c:119
+msgid "_Record"
+msgstr "_Enregistrer"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-commands.c:141
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Tous les fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-commands.c:146
+msgid "Log Files (*.log)"
+msgstr "Fichiers journaux (*.log)"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-commands.c:179
+msgid "Log samples per second"
+msgstr "Échantillons de journal par seconde"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-commands.c:183
+msgid "Sample fre_quency:"
+msgstr "Fré_quence d’échantillon :"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-commands.c:202
+msgid "_Backtrace"
+msgstr "_Trace d’erreur"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-commands.c:203
+msgid "Include backtraces in log"
+msgstr "Inclure les traces d’erreurs dans le journal"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-commands.c:215
+msgid "_Messages"
+msgstr "_Messages"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-commands.c:217
+msgid "Include diagnostic messages in log"
+msgstr "Inclure les messages de diagnostic dans le journal"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-commands.c:229
+msgid "Progressi_ve"
+msgstr "Progressi_f"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-commands.c:231
+msgid "Produce complete log even if not properly terminated"
+msgstr "Produire un journal complet même s’il n'est pas terminé correctement"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-commands.c:294
+msgid "Add Marker"
+msgstr "Ajouter un marqueur"
+#: ../app/actions/dashboard-commands.c:296
+msgid "Enter a description for the marker"
+msgstr "Saisissez la description du marqueur"
+#: ../app/actions/data-commands.c:91 ../app/actions/documents-commands.c:393
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:211 ../app/dialogs/file-open-dialog.c:229
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-open-dialog.c:270
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-open-location-dialog.c:227
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-open-location-dialog.c:243
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:638
+#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:786 ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox.c:801
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-dnd.c:170
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Opening '%s' failed:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"l’ouverture de « %s » a échoué :\n"
+#: ../app/actions/data-commands.c:116 ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:75
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:121 ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2180
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette.c:463 ../app/core/gimppalette-import.c:213
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:194
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:778 ../app/widgets/gimpdnd-xds.c:89
+msgid "Untitled"
+msgstr "Sans titre"
+#: ../app/actions/data-commands.c:217 ../app/actions/documents-commands.c:194
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:530
+#, c-format
+msgid "Can't show file in file manager: %s"
+msgstr "Impossible d’afficher le fichier dans le gestionnaire de fichiers : %s"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:47
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "Tool_box"
+msgstr "_Boîte à outils"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:53
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Tool _Options"
+msgstr "Options de l’ou_til"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:54
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the tool options dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue des options de l’outil sélectionné"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:59
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Device Status"
+msgstr "État des périphéri_ques"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:60
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the device status dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue État des périphériques"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Symmetry Painting"
+msgstr "Peinture en s_ymétrie"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the symmetry dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Peinture en symétrie"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:71
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Layers"
+msgstr "_Calques"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the layers dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Calques"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:77
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Channels"
+msgstr "Ca_naux"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the channels dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Canaux"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:83
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Paths"
+msgstr "C_hemins"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:84
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the paths dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Chemins"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:89
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Color_map"
+msgstr "_Palette des couleurs indexées"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:90
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the colormap dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Palette des couleurs indexées"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:95
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Histogra_m"
+msgstr "Histo_gramme"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:96
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the histogram dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Histogramme"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:101
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Selection Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur de _sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:102
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the selection editor"
+msgstr "Ouvre l’éditeur de sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:107
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Na_vigation"
+msgstr "Na_vigation"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:108
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the display navigation dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Naviguer dans l’affichage"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:113
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Undo _History"
+msgstr "Histori_que d’annulation"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:114
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the undo history dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Historique d’annulation"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:119
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Pointer"
+msgstr "_Pointeur"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:120
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the pointer information dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Pointeur"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:125
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Sample Points"
+msgstr "Points d’_échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:126
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the sample points dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Points d’échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:131
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Colo_rs"
+msgstr "Couleu_rs"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:132
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the FG/BG color dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Couleur PP/AP"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:137
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Brushes"
+msgstr "_Brosses"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:138
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the brushes dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Brosses"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:143
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Brush Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur de brosses"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:144
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the brush editor"
+msgstr "Ouvre l’éditeur de brosses"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:149
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Paint D_ynamics"
+msgstr "D_ynamique de la brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:150
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open paint dynamics dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Dynamique de brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:155
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Paint Dynamics Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur de dynamique de brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:156
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the paint dynamics editor"
+msgstr "Ouvre l’éditeur de dynamique de brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:161
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_MyPaint Brushes"
+msgstr "Brosses _MyPaint"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:162
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the mypaint brushes dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Brosses MyPaint"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:167
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "P_atterns"
+msgstr "_Motifs"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:168
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the patterns dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Motifs"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:173
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Gradients"
+msgstr "_Dégradés"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:174
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the gradients dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Dégradés"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:179
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Gradient Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur de dégradés"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:180
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the gradient editor"
+msgstr "Ouvre l’éditeur de dégradés"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:185
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Pal_ettes"
+msgstr "Pal_ettes"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:186
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the palettes dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Palettes"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:191
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Palette _Editor"
+msgstr "Édit_eur de palette"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:192
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the palette editor"
+msgstr "Ouvre l’éditeur de palette"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:197
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Tool Pre_sets"
+msgstr "_Préréglages d’outils"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:198
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open tool presets dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre le préréglage d’outils"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:203
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Fonts"
+msgstr "Po_lices"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:204
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the fonts dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre le sélecteur de polices"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:209
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "B_uffers"
+msgstr "Presse-p_apiers"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:210
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the named buffers dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:215
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Images"
+msgstr "_Images"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:216
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the images dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Images"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:221
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Document Histor_y"
+msgstr "Histori_que des documents"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:222
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the document history dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Historique des documents"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:227
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Templates"
+msgstr "Mod_èles"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:228
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the image templates dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Modèles d’image"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:233
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Error Co_nsole"
+msgstr "Console d’erre_urs"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:234
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the error console"
+msgstr "Ouvre la console d’erreurs"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:239
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Dashboard"
+msgstr "Tableau de bor_d"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:240
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the dashboard"
+msgstr "Ouvre le tableau de bord"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:250
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Preferences"
+msgstr "_Préférences"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:251
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the preferences dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue Préférences"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:256
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Input Devices"
+msgstr "Périp_hériques d’entrée"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:257
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the input devices editor"
+msgstr "Ouvre l’éditeur de périphériques d’entrée"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:262
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Raccourcis cla_vier"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:263
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the keyboard shortcuts editor"
+msgstr "Ouvre l’éditeur de raccourcis clavier"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:268
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Modules"
+msgstr "_Modules"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:269
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Open the module manager dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue du gestionnaire de modules"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:274
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Tip of the Day"
+msgstr "Conseil du _jour"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:275
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Show some helpful tips on using GIMP"
+msgstr "Affiche des astuces sur l’utilisation de GIMP"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:281 ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:288
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "About GIMP"
+msgstr "À propos de GIMP"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:283
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "About"
+msgstr "À propos"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:285
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_About"
+msgstr "À _propos"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:293
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "_Search and Run a Command"
+msgstr "_Rechercher et exécuter une commande"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:294
+msgctxt "dialogs-action"
+msgid "Search commands by keyword, and run them"
+msgstr "Recherche les commandes par mots-clés et les exécute"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:357
+msgid "Tool_box"
+msgstr "_Boîte à outils"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:358
+msgid "Raise the toolbox"
+msgstr "Affiche la boîte à outils"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:362
+msgid "New Tool_box"
+msgstr "Nouvelle _boîte à outils"
+#: ../app/actions/dialogs-actions.c:363
+msgid "Create a new toolbox"
+msgstr "Crée une nouvelle boîte à outils"
+#: ../app/actions/dock-actions.c:46
+msgctxt "dock-action"
+msgid "M_ove to Screen"
+msgstr "_Aller à l’écran"
+#: ../app/actions/dock-actions.c:50
+msgctxt "dock-action"
+msgid "Close Dock"
+msgstr "Fermer la fenêtre"
+#: ../app/actions/dock-actions.c:55
+msgctxt "dock-action"
+msgid "_Open Display..."
+msgstr "_Ouvrir l’affichage…"
+#: ../app/actions/dock-actions.c:56
+msgctxt "dock-action"
+msgid "Connect to another display"
+msgstr "Se connecter à un autre affichage"
+#: ../app/actions/dock-actions.c:64
+msgctxt "dock-action"
+msgid "_Show Image Selection"
+msgstr "Afficher la _sélection d’image"
+#: ../app/actions/dock-actions.c:70
+msgctxt "dock-action"
+msgid "Auto _Follow Active Image"
+msgstr "Suivre automatiquement l’_image active"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:49
+msgctxt "dockable-action"
+msgid "Dialogs Menu"
+msgstr "Menu des boîtes de dialogue"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:54
+msgctxt "dockable-action"
+msgid "_Add Tab"
+msgstr "A_jouter un onglet"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:56
+msgctxt "dockable-action"
+msgid "_Preview Size"
+msgstr "Taille des aperç_us"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:58
+msgctxt "dockable-action"
+msgid "_Tab Style"
+msgstr "_Style d’onglet"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:61
+msgctxt "dockable-action"
+msgid "_Close Tab"
+msgstr "_Fermer l’onglet"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "dockable-action"
+msgid "_Detach Tab"
+msgstr "_Détacher l’onglet"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:85
+msgctxt "preview-size"
+msgid "_Tiny"
+msgstr "_Minuscule"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:87
+msgctxt "preview-size"
+msgid "E_xtra Small"
+msgstr "_Très petite"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:89
+msgctxt "preview-size"
+msgid "_Small"
+msgstr "_Petite"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:91
+msgctxt "preview-size"
+msgid "_Medium"
+msgstr "_Moyenne"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:93
+msgctxt "preview-size"
+msgid "_Large"
+msgstr "_Grande"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:95
+msgctxt "preview-size"
+msgid "Ex_tra Large"
+msgstr "T_rès grande"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:97
+msgctxt "preview-size"
+msgid "_Huge"
+msgstr "_Immense"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:99
+msgctxt "preview-size"
+msgid "_Enormous"
+msgstr "_Énorme"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:101
+msgctxt "preview-size"
+msgid "_Gigantic"
+msgstr "_Gigantesque"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:107
+msgctxt "tab-style"
+msgid "_Icon"
+msgstr "_Icône"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:109
+msgctxt "tab-style"
+msgid "Current _Status"
+msgstr "_État actuel"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:111
+msgctxt "tab-style"
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "Te_xte"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:113
+msgctxt "tab-style"
+msgid "I_con & Text"
+msgstr "_Icône et texte"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:115
+msgctxt "tab-style"
+msgid "St_atus & Text"
+msgstr "_État et texte"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:117 ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:222
+msgctxt "tab-style"
+msgid "Automatic"
+msgstr "Automatique"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:127
+msgctxt "dockable-action"
+msgid "Loc_k Tab to Dock"
+msgstr "_Verrouille l’onglet au groupe de fenêtres"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:129
+msgctxt "dockable-action"
+msgid "Protect this tab from being dragged with the mouse pointer"
+msgstr "Empêche de déplacer cet onglet avec le pointeur de la souris"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:135
+msgctxt "dockable-action"
+msgid "Show _Button Bar"
+msgstr "Afficher la ba_rre des boutons"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:144
+msgctxt "dockable-action"
+msgid "View as _List"
+msgstr "Afficher en _liste"
+#: ../app/actions/dockable-actions.c:149
+msgctxt "dockable-action"
+msgid "View as _Grid"
+msgstr "Afficher en _grille"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:42
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Documents Menu"
+msgstr "Menu des documents"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:46
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "_Open Image"
+msgstr "_Ouvrir une image"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:47
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Open the selected entry"
+msgstr "Ouvre l’élément sélectionné"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:52
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "_Raise or Open Image"
+msgstr "_Remonter ou ouvrir une image"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:53
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Raise window if already open"
+msgstr "Remonter la fenêtre si elle est déjà ouverte"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:58
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "File Open _Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de _dialogue d’ouverture de fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:59
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Open image dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvre la boîte de dialogue d’image"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:64
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Copy Image _Location"
+msgstr "Copier l’em_placement de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Copy image location to clipboard"
+msgstr "Copier l’emplacement de l’image dans le presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:70
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Show in _File Manager"
+msgstr "Afficher dans le _gestionnaire de fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:71
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Show image location in the file manager"
+msgstr "Afficher l’emplacement de l’image dans le gestionnaire de fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:76
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Remove _Entry"
+msgstr "Supprimer l’_entrée"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:77
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Remove the selected entry"
+msgstr "Supprimer l’entrée sélectionnée"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:82
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "_Clear History"
+msgstr "_Vider l’historique"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:83
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Clear the entire document history"
+msgstr "Vider entièrement l’historique des documents"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:88
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Recreate _Preview"
+msgstr "Régénérer l’a_perçu"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:89
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Recreate preview"
+msgstr "Régénérer l’aperçu"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:94
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Reload _all Previews"
+msgstr "Recharger tous les _aperçus"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:95
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Reload all previews"
+msgstr "Recharger tous les aperçus"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:100
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Remove Dangling E_ntries"
+msgstr "Supprimer les e_ntrées incorrectes"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-actions.c:102
+msgctxt "documents-action"
+msgid "Remove entries for which the corresponding file is not available"
+msgstr ""
+"Supprimer les entrées pour lesquelles le fichier correspondant n’est plus "
+#: ../app/actions/documents-commands.c:230
+msgid "Clear Document History"
+msgstr "Vider l’historique des documents"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-commands.c:238 ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:168
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:666
+msgid "Cl_ear"
+msgstr "_Effacer"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-commands.c:253
+msgid "Clear the Recent Documents list?"
+msgstr "Faut-il effacer la liste des documents récents ?"
+#: ../app/actions/documents-commands.c:256
+msgid ""
+"Clearing the document history will permanently remove all images from the "
+"recent documents list."
+msgstr ""
+"Vider l’historique des documents enlève définitivement toutes les entrées de "
+"la liste des documents récents dans toutes les applications."
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:45
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "_Equalize"
+msgstr "_Égaliser"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:46
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Automatic contrast enhancement"
+msgstr "Amélioration automatique du contraste"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:51
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "_White Balance"
+msgstr "_Balance des blancs"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:52
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Automatic white balance correction"
+msgstr "Correction automatique de la balance des blancs"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:60
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Toggle Drawable _Visibility"
+msgstr "Activer/désactiver la _visibilité de l’objet graphique"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Toggle Drawable _Linked State"
+msgstr "Activer/désactiver l’état _lié de l’objet graphique"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "L_ock Pixels of Drawable"
+msgstr "Verr_ouiller les pixels de l’objet graphique"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:74
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Keep the pixels on this drawable from being modified"
+msgstr "Empêcher toute modification des pixels de cet objet graphique"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:80
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "L_ock Position of Drawable"
+msgstr "Verr_ouiller la position de l’objet graphique"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:82
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Keep the position on this drawable from being modified"
+msgstr "Empêcher toute modification de la position de cet objet graphique"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:91
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Flip _Horizontally"
+msgstr "Miroir _horizontal"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:92
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Flip drawable horizontally"
+msgstr "Objet graphique en miroir horizontal"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:97
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Flip _Vertically"
+msgstr "Miroir _vertical"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:98
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Flip drawable vertically"
+msgstr "Objet graphique en miroir vertical"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:106
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Rotate 90° _clockwise"
+msgstr "Rotation 90° sens _horaire"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:107
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Rotate drawable 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Rotation de l’objet graphique de 90 degrés vers la droite"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:112
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Rotate _180°"
+msgstr "Rotation _180°"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:113
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Turn drawable upside-down"
+msgstr "Retourner l’objet graphique"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:118
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Rotate 90° counter-clock_wise"
+msgstr "Rotation 90° sens _anti-horaire"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-actions.c:119
+msgctxt "drawable-action"
+msgid "Rotate drawable 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Rotation de l’objet graphique de 90 degrés vers la gauche"
+#: ../app/actions/drawable-commands.c:78
+msgid "White Balance operates only on RGB color layers."
+msgstr "La balance des blancs ne fonctionne que sur des calques RVB."
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:43
+msgctxt "dynamics-action"
+msgid "Paint Dynamics Menu"
+msgstr "Menu Dynamique de brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:47
+msgctxt "dynamics-action"
+msgid "_New Dynamics"
+msgstr "_Nouvelle dynamique"
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:48
+msgctxt "dynamics-action"
+msgid "Create a new dynamics"
+msgstr "Crée une nouvelle dynamique"
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:53
+msgctxt "dynamics-action"
+msgid "D_uplicate Dynamics"
+msgstr "D_upliquer la dynamique"
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:54
+msgctxt "dynamics-action"
+msgid "Duplicate this dynamics"
+msgstr "Dupliquer cette dynamique"
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:59
+msgctxt "dynamics-action"
+msgid "Copy Dynamics _Location"
+msgstr "Copier l’_emplacement de la dynamique"
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:60
+msgctxt "dynamics-action"
+msgid "Copy dynamics file location to clipboard"
+msgstr "Copier l’emplacement du fichier de dynamique dans le presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "dynamics-action"
+msgid "Show in _File Manager"
+msgstr "Afficher dans le gestionnaire de _fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "dynamics-action"
+msgid "Show dynamics file location in the file manager"
+msgstr ""
+"Afficher l’emplacement du fichier de dynamique dans le gestionnaire de "
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:71
+msgctxt "dynamics-action"
+msgid "_Delete Dynamics"
+msgstr "_Supprimer la dynamique"
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "dynamics-action"
+msgid "Delete this dynamics"
+msgstr "Supprime cette dynamique"
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:77
+msgctxt "dynamics-action"
+msgid "_Refresh Dynamics"
+msgstr "_Actualiser la dynamique"
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "dynamics-action"
+msgid "Refresh dynamics"
+msgstr "Actualiser la dynamique"
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:86
+msgctxt "dynamics-action"
+msgid "_Edit Dynamics..."
+msgstr "Mo_difier la dynamique…"
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-actions.c:87
+msgctxt "dynamics-action"
+msgid "Edit this dynamics"
+msgstr "Modifier cette dynamique"
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-editor-actions.c:43
+msgctxt "dynamics-editor-action"
+msgid "Paint Dynamics Editor Menu"
+msgstr "Menu Éditeur de dynamique de brosse"
+#: ../app/actions/dynamics-editor-actions.c:51
+msgctxt "dynamics-editor-action"
+msgid "Edit Active Dynamics"
+msgstr "Modifier la dynamique active"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "É_dition"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Paste _as"
+msgstr "Coller c_omme"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:67
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "_Buffer"
+msgstr "P_resse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:70
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Undo History Menu"
+msgstr "Menu de l’historique d’annulation"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:74
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "Ann_uler"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:75
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Undo the last operation"
+msgstr "Annuler la dernière opération"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:80
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "_Redo"
+msgstr "_Rétablir"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:81
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Redo the last operation that was undone"
+msgstr "Rétablir la dernière opération annulée"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:86
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Strong Undo"
+msgstr "Annulation forcée"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:87
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Undo the last operation, skipping visibility changes"
+msgstr ""
+"Annuler la dernière opération sans prendre en compte les changements de "
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:92
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Strong Redo"
+msgstr "Rétablir de force"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:94
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Redo the last operation that was undone, skipping visibility changes"
+msgstr ""
+"Rétablir la dernière opération annulée sans prendre en compte les "
+"changements de visibilité"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:99
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "_Clear Undo History"
+msgstr "_Vider l’historique d’annulation"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:100
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Remove all operations from the undo history"
+msgstr "Enlever toutes les opérations de l’historique d’annulation"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:105
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Cu_t"
+msgstr "_Couper"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:106
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Move the selected pixels to the clipboard"
+msgstr "Déplacer les pixels sélectionnés dans le presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:111
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "_Copy"
+msgstr "Co_pier"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:112
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Copy the selected pixels to the clipboard"
+msgstr "Copier les pixels sélectionnés dans le presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:117
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Copy _Visible"
+msgstr "Copier visi_ble"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:118
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Copy what is visible in the selected region"
+msgstr "Copier ce qui est visible dans la région sélectionnée"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:123
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "From _Clipboard"
+msgstr "Depuis le _presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:124 ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:130
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Create a new image from the content of the clipboard"
+msgstr "Créer une nouvelle image à partir du contenu du presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:129
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "_New Image"
+msgstr "Nouvelle _image"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:135
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Cu_t Named..."
+msgstr "_Couper (nommé)…"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:136
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Move the selected pixels to a named buffer"
+msgstr "Déplacer les pixels sélectionnés dans un presse-papiers nommé"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:141
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "_Copy Named..."
+msgstr "Co_pier (nommé)…"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:142
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Copy the selected pixels to a named buffer"
+msgstr "Copier les pixels sélectionnés dans un presse-papiers nommé"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:147
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Copy _Visible Named..."
+msgstr "Copier _visible (nommé)…"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:149
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Copy what is visible in the selected region to a named buffer"
+msgstr ""
+"Copier ce qui est visible dans la région sélectionnée, dans un presse-"
+"papiers nommé"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:154
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "_Paste Named..."
+msgstr "C_oller (nommé)…"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:155
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Paste the content of a named buffer"
+msgstr "Coller le contenu d’un presse-papiers nommé"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:160
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Cl_ear"
+msgstr "_Effacer"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:161
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Clear the selected pixels"
+msgstr "Effacer les pixels sélectionnés"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:169
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "_Paste"
+msgstr "C_oller"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:170
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Paste the content of the clipboard"
+msgstr "Coller le contenu du presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:175
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Paste In P_lace"
+msgstr "Coller en p_lace"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:177
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Paste the content of the clipboard at its original position"
+msgstr "Colle le contenu du presse-papiers à sa position d’origine"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:182
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Paste _Into Selection"
+msgstr "Coller _dans la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:184
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Paste the content of the clipboard into the current selection"
+msgstr "Colle le contenu du presse-papiers dans la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:189
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Paste Int_o Selection In Place"
+msgstr "Coller dans la sélecti_on en place"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:191
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid ""
+"Paste the content of the clipboard into the current selection at its "
+"original position"
+msgstr ""
+"Colle le contenu du presse-papiers dans la sélection actuelle à sa position "
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:197
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "New _Layer"
+msgstr "Nouveau _calque"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:198
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Create a new layer from the content of the clipboard"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau calque à partir du contenu du presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:203
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "New Layer In _Place"
+msgstr "Nouveau calque en _place"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:205
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid ""
+"Create a new layer from the content of the clipboard and place it at its "
+"original position"
+msgstr ""
+"Crée un nouveau calque à partir du contenu du presse-papiers et le met en "
+"place à sa position d’origine"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:214
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Fill with _FG Color"
+msgstr "Rempl_ir avec la couleur de PP"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:215
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Fill the selection using the foreground color"
+msgstr "Remplir la sélection avec la couleur de premier plan"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:220
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Fill with B_G Color"
+msgstr "Remplir avec la couleur d’_AP"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:221
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Fill the selection using the background color"
+msgstr "Remplir la sélection avec la couleur d’arrière-plan"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:226
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Fill _with Pattern"
+msgstr "Remplir avec un mo_tif"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:227
+msgctxt "edit-action"
+msgid "Fill the selection using the active pattern"
+msgstr "Remplir la sélection avec le motif actif"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:336 ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:338
+#, c-format
+msgid "_Undo %s"
+msgstr "Ann_uler %s"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:342 ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:344
+#, c-format
+msgid "_Redo %s"
+msgstr "_Rétablir %s"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:355
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "Ann_uler"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-actions.c:356
+msgid "_Redo"
+msgstr "_Rétablir"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:159
+msgid "Clear Undo History"
+msgstr "Vider l’historique d’annulation"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:186
+msgid "Really clear image's undo history?"
+msgstr "Vraiment effacer les images de l’historique d’annulation ?"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:199
+#, c-format
+msgid "Clearing the undo history of this image will gain %s of memory."
+msgstr ""
+"Vider l’historique d’annulation de cette image fera gagner %s de mémoire."
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:238
+msgid "Cut layer to the clipboard."
+msgstr "Couper la couche dans le presse-papiers."
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:239
+msgid "Cut pixels to the clipboard."
+msgstr "Couper les pixels dans le presse-papiers."
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:275
+msgid "Copied layer to the clipboard."
+msgstr "Couche copiée dans le presse-papiers."
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:276 ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:306
+msgid "Copied pixels to the clipboard."
+msgstr "Pixels copiés dans le presse-papiers."
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:386 ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:629
+#: ../app/tools/gimpseamlessclonetool.c:297
+msgid "There is no image data in the clipboard to paste."
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de données d’image à coller depuis le presse-papiers."
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:402
+msgid "Cut Named"
+msgstr "Couper (nommé)"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:405 ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:426
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:447
+msgid "Enter a name for this buffer"
+msgstr "Saisissez un nom pour ce presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:423
+msgid "Copy Named"
+msgstr "Copier (nommé)"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:444
+msgid "Copy Visible Named "
+msgstr "Copier visible (nommé)"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:539 ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:887
+msgid "The active layer's alpha channel is locked."
+msgstr "Le canal alpha du calque actif est verrouillé."
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:598 ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:483
+msgid "Pasted as new layer because the target is a layer group."
+msgstr "Collé comme nouveau calque car la cible est un groupe de calques."
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:605 ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:492
+msgid "Pasted as new layer because the target's pixels are locked."
+msgstr ""
+"Collé comme nouveau calque car les pixels du calque cible sont verrouillés."
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:646
+msgid "There is no active layer or channel to cut from."
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de calque ou de canal actif depuis lequel couper."
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:651 ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:683
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:707
+msgid "(Unnamed Buffer)"
+msgstr "(Presse-papiers sans nom)"
+#: ../app/actions/edit-commands.c:678
+msgid "There is no active layer or channel to copy from."
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de calque ou de canal actif depuis lequel copier."
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:40
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "Error Console Menu"
+msgstr "Menu de la console d’erreurs"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:44
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "_Clear"
+msgstr "Eff_acer"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:45
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "Clear error console"
+msgstr "Effacer les erreurs dans la console"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:50
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "Select _All"
+msgstr "_Tout sélectionner"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:51
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "Select all error messages"
+msgstr "Sélectionner toutes les erreurs"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:56
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "_Highlight"
+msgstr "_Mise en évidence"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:63
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "_Save Error Log to File..."
+msgstr "_Enregistrer les messages d’erreur dans un fichier…"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:64
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "Write all error messages to a file"
+msgstr "Écrire toutes les erreurs dans un fichier"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:69
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "Save S_election to File..."
+msgstr "Enregistrer la _sélection dans un fichier…"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:70
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "Write the selected error messages to a file"
+msgstr "Exporter les paramètres sélectionnés dans un fichier"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "_Errors"
+msgstr "_Erreurs"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:79
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "Highlight error console on errors"
+msgstr "Met en évidence la console d’erreurs en cas d’erreur"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:85
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "_Warnings"
+msgstr "_Avertissements"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:86
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "Highlight error console on warnings"
+msgstr "Met en évidence la console d’erreurs en cas d’avertissement"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:92
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "_Messages"
+msgstr "_Messages"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-actions.c:93
+msgctxt "error-console-action"
+msgid "Highlight error console on messages"
+msgstr "Met en évidence la console d’erreurs en cas de message"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-commands.c:88
+msgid "Cannot save. Nothing is selected."
+msgstr "Impossible d’enregistrer. Rien n’est sélectionné."
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-commands.c:97
+msgid "Save Error Log to File"
+msgstr "Enregistrer le journal d’erreurs dans un fichier"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-commands.c:101
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-commands.c:80 ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:715
+#: ../app/dialogs/input-devices-dialog.c:65
+#: ../app/dialogs/keyboard-shortcuts-dialog.c:69
+#: ../app/dialogs/vectors-export-dialog.c:84
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:177
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsavedialog.c:142 ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:728
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Enregistrer"
+#: ../app/actions/error-console-commands.c:189
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Error writing file '%s':\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur lors de l’écriture du fichier « %s » :\n"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Fichier"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:73
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Crea_te"
+msgstr "_Créer"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:74
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Open _Recent"
+msgstr "_Récemment ouverts"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:77
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "_Open..."
+msgstr "_Ouvrir…"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Open an image file"
+msgstr "Ouvre un fichier image"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:83
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Op_en as Layers..."
+msgstr "Ouvrir en tant que ca_lques…"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:84
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Open an image file as layers"
+msgstr "Ouvre un fichier image en tant que calques"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:89
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Open _Location..."
+msgstr "O_uvrir suivant l’emplacement…"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:90
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Open an image file from a specified location"
+msgstr "Ouvre une image depuis l’emplacement indiqué"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:95
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Create _Template..."
+msgstr "Créer un _modèle…"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:96
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Create a new template from this image"
+msgstr "Crée un nouveau modèle depuis cette image"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:101
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Re_vert"
+msgstr "_Rétablir"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:102
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Reload the image file from disk"
+msgstr "Recharge le fichier image depuis le disque"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:107
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "C_lose All"
+msgstr "_Tout fermer"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:108
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Close all opened images"
+msgstr "Ferme toutes les images ouvertes"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:113
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Copy _Image Location"
+msgstr "Copier l’_emplacement de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:114
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Copy image file location to clipboard"
+msgstr "Copie l’emplacement de l’image dans le presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:119
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Show in _File Manager"
+msgstr "Afficher dans le gestionnaire de _fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:120
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Show image file location in the file manager"
+msgstr ""
+"Affiche l’emplacement du fichier d’image dans le gestionnaire de fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:125
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "_Quit"
+msgstr "_Quitter"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:126
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Quit the GNU Image Manipulation Program"
+msgstr "Quitte l’éditeur d’image GIMP"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:134 ../app/actions/file-actions.c:309
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Enregistrer"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:135
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Save this image"
+msgstr "Enregistrer cette image"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:140
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Save _As..."
+msgstr "Enregistrer _sous…"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:141
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Save this image with a different name"
+msgstr "Enregistre cette image sous un autre nom"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:146
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Save a Cop_y..."
+msgstr "Enre_gistrer une copie…"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:148
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid ""
+"Save a copy of this image, without affecting the source file (if any) or the "
+"current state of the image"
+msgstr ""
+"Enregistre une copie de cette image, sans affecter le fichier source (s’il "
+"existe), ni l’état actuel de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:154
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Save and Close..."
+msgstr "Enregistrer et fermer…"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:155
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Save this image and close its window"
+msgstr "Enregistre cette image et ferme sa fenêtre"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:160 ../app/actions/file-actions.c:334
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "E_xport..."
+msgstr "E_xporter…"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:161
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Export the image"
+msgstr "Exporte l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:166
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Over_write"
+msgstr "É_craser"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:167
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Export the image back to the imported file in the import format"
+msgstr ""
+"Ré-exporte l’image dans le fichier importé, dans le format d’importation"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:172
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "E_xport As..."
+msgstr "E_xporter sous…"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:173
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "Export the image to various file formats such as PNG or JPEG"
+msgstr "Exporte l’image vers divers formats de fichier tels que PNG ou JPEG"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:315
+msgctxt "file-action"
+msgid "_Save..."
+msgstr "_Enregistrer…"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:320
+#, c-format
+msgid "Export to %s"
+msgstr "Exporter vers %s"
+#: ../app/actions/file-actions.c:326
+#, c-format
+msgid "Over_write %s"
+msgstr "_Écraser %s"
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:119 ../app/actions/file-commands.c:554
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpopendialog.c:84
+msgid "Open Image"
+msgstr "Ouvrir une image"
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:141
+msgid "Open Image as Layers"
+msgstr "Ouverture d’une image en tant que calques"
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:283
+msgid "No changes need to be saved"
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de modification à enregistrer"
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:290 ../app/actions/file-commands.c:763
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsavedialog.c:139
+msgid "Save Image"
+msgstr "Enregistrer l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:296
+msgid "Save a Copy of the Image"
+msgstr "Enregistrer une copie de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:374
+msgid "Create New Template"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau modèle"
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:378
+msgid "Enter a name for this template"
+msgstr "Saisissez un nom pour ce modèle"
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:407
+msgid "Revert failed. No file name associated with this image."
+msgstr ""
+"Le rétablissement a échoué. Aucun nom de fichier associé à cette image."
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:419
+msgid "Revert Image"
+msgstr "Rétablir l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:425
+msgid "_Revert"
+msgstr "_Rétablir"
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:443
+#, c-format
+msgid "Revert '%s' to '%s'?"
+msgstr "Rétablir « %s » à « %s » ?"
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:448
+msgid ""
+"By reverting the image to the state saved on disk, you will lose all "
+"changes, including all undo information."
+msgstr ""
+"En rétablissant à l’état enregistré sur le disque, vous perdrez toutes vos "
+"modifications ainsi que les informations d’annulation."
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:785
+msgid "(Unnamed Template)"
+msgstr "(modèle sans nom)"
+#: ../app/actions/file-commands.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Reverting to '%s' failed:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Le rétablissement vers « %s » a échoué :\n"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:59
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Filte_rs"
+msgstr "Filt_res"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:61
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Recently _Used"
+msgstr "Récemment _utilisés"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:63
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Blur"
+msgstr "_Flou"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Noise"
+msgstr "_Bruit"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:67
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Edge-De_tect"
+msgstr "Dé_tection de bord"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:69
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "En_hance"
+msgstr "A_mélioration"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:71
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "C_ombine"
+msgstr "Combi_ner"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:73
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Generic"
+msgstr "_Génériques"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:75
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Light and Shadow"
+msgstr "_Ombres et lumières"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:77
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Distorts"
+msgstr "_Distorsions"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:79
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Artistic"
+msgstr "Artisti_ques"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:81
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Decor"
+msgstr "_Décoration"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:83
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Map"
+msgstr "Cart_e"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:85
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Render"
+msgstr "_Rendu"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:87
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Clouds"
+msgstr "N_uages"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:89
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Fractals"
+msgstr "Frac_taliser"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:91
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Nature"
+msgstr "_Nature"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:93
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "N_oise"
+msgstr "_Bruit"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:95
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Pattern"
+msgstr "_Motif"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:97
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Web"
+msgstr "_Web"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:99
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "An_imation"
+msgstr "_Animation"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:105
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Antialias"
+msgstr "Lissa_ge"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:110
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Color Enhance"
+msgstr "Renforcer les _couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:115
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "L_inear Invert"
+msgstr "_Inversion linéaire"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:120
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "In_vert"
+msgstr "In_verser"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:125
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Value Invert"
+msgstr "_Inversion de valeur"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:130
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Stretch Contrast HSV"
+msgstr "Étendre le contraste _TSV"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:138
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Dilate"
+msgstr "_Dilater"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:139
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Grow lighter areas of the image"
+msgstr "Augmenter les zones claires de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:154
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Erode"
+msgstr "Érod_er"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:155
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Grow darker areas of the image"
+msgstr "Augmenter les zones sombres de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:173
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Alien Map..."
+msgstr "Ps_ychédélique…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:178
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Apply Canvas..."
+msgstr "Appli_quer le canevas…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:183
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Apply _Lens..."
+msgstr "Appli_quer la lentille…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:188
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Bayer Matrix..."
+msgstr "Matrice de _Bayer…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:193
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Bloom..."
+msgstr "_Fleur…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:198
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "B_rightness-Contrast..."
+msgstr "_Luminosité-Contraste…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:203
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Bump Map..."
+msgstr "Rep_oussage d’après une carte…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:208
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Color to Gray..."
+msgstr "_Couleur vers gris…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:213
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Ca_rtoon..."
+msgstr "_Bande dessinée…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:218
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Channel Mixer..."
+msgstr "Mi_xeur de canaux…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:223
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Checkerboard..."
+msgstr "_Damier…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:228
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Color _Balance..."
+msgstr "_Balance des couleurs…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:233
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Color Exchange..."
+msgstr "Éc_hange des couleurs…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:238
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Colori_ze..."
+msgstr "_Colorier…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:243
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Dithe_r..."
+msgstr "T_ramage…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:248
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Rotate Colors..."
+msgstr "_Rotation des couleurs…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:253
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Color T_emperature..."
+msgstr "T_empérature de couleur…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:258
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Color to _Alpha..."
+msgstr "Couleur vers alp_ha…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:263
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Extract Component..."
+msgstr "_Extraire le composant…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:268
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Convolution Matrix..."
+msgstr "Matrice de _transformation…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:273
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Cubism..."
+msgstr "_Cubisme…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:278
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Curves..."
+msgstr "C_ourbes…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:283
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Deinterlace..."
+msgstr "_Désentrelacer…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:288
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Desaturate..."
+msgstr "_Désaturer…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:293
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Difference of _Gaussians..."
+msgstr "Différence de _gaussiens…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:298
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "D_iffraction Patterns..."
+msgstr "Motifs de d_iffraction…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:303
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Displace..."
+msgstr "_Déplacer…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:308
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Distance _Map..."
+msgstr "_Carte de distance…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:313
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Drop Shadow..."
+msgstr "_Ombre portée…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:318
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Edge..."
+msgstr "_Bord…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:323
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Laplace"
+msgstr "_Laplace"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:328
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Neon..."
+msgstr "_Néon…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:333
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Sobel..."
+msgstr "_Sobel…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:338
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Emboss..."
+msgstr "Relie_f…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:343
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "En_grave..."
+msgstr "_Graver…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:348
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "E_xposure..."
+msgstr "E_xposition…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:353
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Fattal et al. 2002..."
+msgstr "_Fattal et al. 2002…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:358
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Focus Blur..."
+msgstr "Flou de f_ocus…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:363
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Fractal Trace..."
+msgstr "Tracé de _fractale…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:368
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Gaussian Blur..."
+msgstr "Flou ga_ussien…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:373
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Selective Gaussian Blur..."
+msgstr "Flou gaussien _sélectif…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:378
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_GEGL graph..."
+msgstr "Graphique _GEGL…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:383
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Grid..."
+msgstr "_Grille…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:388
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_High Pass..."
+msgstr "Passe-_haut…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:393
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Hue-_Chroma..."
+msgstr "Teinte-_Chroma…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:398
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Hue-_Saturation..."
+msgstr "_Teinte-Saturation…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:403
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Illusion..."
+msgstr "Ill_usion…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:408
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Image Gradient..."
+msgstr "Dégradé d’_image…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:413
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Kaleidoscope..."
+msgstr "_Kaléidoscope…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:418
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Le_ns Blur..."
+msgstr "Flou de le_ntille…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:423
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Le_ns Distortion..."
+msgstr "Distorsion de le_ntille…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:428
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Lens _Flare..."
+msgstr "Éclat de _lentille…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:433
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Levels..."
+msgstr "Niveau_x…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:438
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Linear Sinusoid..."
+msgstr "Sinusoïde _linéaire…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:443
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Little Planet..."
+msgstr "_Petite planète…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:448
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Long Shadow..."
+msgstr "Ombre longue…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:453
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Mantiuk 2006..."
+msgstr "_Mantiuk 2006…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:458
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Maze..."
+msgstr "_Labyrinthe…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:463
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Mean C_urvature Blur..."
+msgstr "Flou co_urbure moyenne…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:468
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Median Blur..."
+msgstr "Flou _médiane…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:473
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Mono Mixer..."
+msgstr "_Mixeur mono…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:478
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Mosaic..."
+msgstr "_Mosaïque…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:483
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Circular Motion Blur..."
+msgstr "Flou cinétique _circulaire…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:488
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Linear Motion Blur..."
+msgstr "Flou cinétique _linéaire…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:493
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Zoom Motion Blur..."
+msgstr "Flou cinétique de _zoom…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:498
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Cell Noise..."
+msgstr "Brouillage _cellulaire…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:503
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Newsprint..."
+msgstr "Papier jour_nal…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:508
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_CIE lch Noise..."
+msgstr "Brouillage _CIE Lch…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:513
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "HS_V Noise..."
+msgstr "Brouillage TS_V…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:518
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Hurl..."
+msgstr "_Jeter…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:523
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Perlin _Noise..."
+msgstr "Bruit de Perli_n…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:528
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Pick..."
+msgstr "_Piquer…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:533
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_RGB Noise..."
+msgstr "Brouillage _RVB…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:538
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Noise R_eduction..."
+msgstr "Réd_uction de bruit…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:543
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Simplex Noise..."
+msgstr "Bruit _Simplex…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:548
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Slur..."
+msgstr "_Mélanger…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:553
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Solid Noise..."
+msgstr "Bruit uni_forme…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:558
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Sp_read..."
+msgstr "_Éparpiller…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:563
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Normal Map..."
+msgstr "_Carte normale…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:568
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Offset..."
+msgstr "_Décalage…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:573
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Oili_fy..."
+msgstr "Peinture à l’_huile…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:578
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Panorama Projection..."
+msgstr "_Projection panoramique…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:583
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Photocopy..."
+msgstr "Ph_otocopie…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:588
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Pixelize..."
+msgstr "_Pixéliser…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:593
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Plasma..."
+msgstr "_Plasma…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:598
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "P_olar Coordinates..."
+msgstr "Coordonnées p_olaires…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:603
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Posterize..."
+msgstr "_Postériser…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:608
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Recursive Transform..."
+msgstr "Transformation _récursive…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:613
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Red Eye Removal..."
+msgstr "_Suppression des yeux rouges…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:618
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Reinhard 2005..."
+msgstr "_Reinhard 2005…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:623
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "RGB _Clip..."
+msgstr "_Clip RVB…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:628
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Ripple..."
+msgstr "Ond_uler…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:633
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Sat_uration..."
+msgstr "Sat_uration…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:638
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Semi-Flatten..."
+msgstr "_Aplatir à moitié…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:643
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Sepia..."
+msgstr "_Sépia…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:648
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "S_hadows-Highlights..."
+msgstr "T_ons sombres - Tons clairs…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:653
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Shift..."
+msgstr "_Déplacer…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:658
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Sinus..."
+msgstr "_Sinus…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:663
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Simple Linear Iterative Clustering..."
+msgstr "Groupement itératif linéaire _simple…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:668
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Symmetric Nearest Neighbor..."
+msgstr "Plus proche voisin _symétrique…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:673
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Softglow..."
+msgstr "_Lueur douce…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:678
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Spheri_ze..."
+msgstr "Sp_hériser…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:683
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "S_piral..."
+msgstr "S_pirale…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:688
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Stretch Contrast..."
+msgstr "_Étendre le contraste…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:693
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Stress..."
+msgstr "_Stress…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:698
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Super_nova..."
+msgstr "Super_nova…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:703
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Threshold..."
+msgstr "_Seuil…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:708
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Threshold Alpha..."
+msgstr "_Seuil Alpha…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:713
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Glass Tile..."
+msgstr "Carreaux de _verre…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:718
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Paper Tile..."
+msgstr "_Morceaux de papier…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:723
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Tile Seamless..."
+msgstr "_Rendre raccordable…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:728
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Sharpen (_Unsharp Mask)..."
+msgstr "_Renforcer la netteté…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:733
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Value Propagate..."
+msgstr "_Propagation de valeur…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:738
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Variable Blur..."
+msgstr "Flou _variable…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:743
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Vi_deo Degradation..."
+msgstr "Dégradation vi_déo…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:748
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Vignette..."
+msgstr "_Médaillon…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:753
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Waterpixels..."
+msgstr "_Waterpixels…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:758
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "_Waves..."
+msgstr "_Vagues…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:763
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "W_hirl and Pinch..."
+msgstr "_Tourner et aspirer…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:768
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "W_ind..."
+msgstr "V_ent…"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:776
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Re_peat Last"
+msgstr "Ré_péter le dernier"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:778
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Rerun the last used filter using the same settings"
+msgstr "Relancer le dernier greffon utilisé avec les mêmes paramètres"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:783
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "R_e-Show Last"
+msgstr "Ré_afficher le dernier"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:784
+msgctxt "filters-action"
+msgid "Show the last used filter dialog again"
+msgstr "Afficher à nouveau la boîte de dialogue du dernier greffon utilisé"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:1126
+#, c-format
+msgid "Re_peat \"%s\""
+msgstr "Ré_péter « %s »"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:1127
+#, c-format
+msgid "R_e-Show \"%s\""
+msgstr "R_éafficher « %s »"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:1165
+msgid "Repeat Last"
+msgstr "Répéter le dernier"
+#: ../app/actions/filters-actions.c:1167
+msgid "Re-Show Last"
+msgstr "Réafficher le dernier"
+#: ../app/actions/fonts-actions.c:44
+msgctxt "fonts-action"
+msgid "Fonts Menu"
+msgstr "Menu des polices"
+#: ../app/actions/fonts-actions.c:48
+msgctxt "fonts-action"
+msgid "_Rescan Font List"
+msgstr "_Recharger la liste des polices"
+#: ../app/actions/fonts-actions.c:49
+msgctxt "fonts-action"
+msgid "Rescan the installed fonts"
+msgstr "Recharger les polices installées"
+#: ../app/actions/gimpgeglprocedure.c:322
+#, c-format
+msgid "There are no last settings for '%s', showing the filter dialog instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Il n’y a pas de paramètre restant pour « %s » ; affichage de la boîte de "
+"dialogue à la place."
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:46
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "Gradient Editor Menu"
+msgstr "Menu Éditeur de dégradés"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:50
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "Left Color Type"
+msgstr "Type de couleur gauche"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:52
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "_Load Left Color From"
+msgstr "Charger la couleur _gauche depuis"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:54
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "_Save Left Color To"
+msgstr "Enregi_strer la couleur gauche vers"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:57
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "Right Color Type"
+msgstr "Type de couleur droite"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:59
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "Load Right Color Fr_om"
+msgstr "Charger la couleur _droite depuis"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:61
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "Sa_ve Right Color To"
+msgstr "Enre_gistrer la couleur droite vers"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:67
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "L_eft Endpoint's Color..."
+msgstr "Couleur de l’_extrémité gauche…"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "R_ight Endpoint's Color..."
+msgstr "Couleur de l’extrémité dro_ite…"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:112
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "Ble_nd Endpoints' Colors"
+msgstr "Méla_nger les couleurs des extrémités"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:117
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "Blend Endpoints' Opacit_y"
+msgstr "Mélanger les _opacités des extrémités"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:125
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "Edit Active Gradient"
+msgstr "Modifier le dégradé actif"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:156
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "_Left Neighbor's Right Endpoint"
+msgstr "Extrémité droite du voisin _gauche"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:161
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "_Right Endpoint"
+msgstr "Extrémité _droite"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:166
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:214
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "_Foreground Color"
+msgstr "Couleur de _premier plan"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:171
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:219
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "_Background Color"
+msgstr "Couleur d’_arrière-plan"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:204
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "_Right Neighbor's Left Endpoint"
+msgstr "Extrémité gauche du voisin de _droite"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:209
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-action"
+msgid "_Left Endpoint"
+msgstr "Extrémité _gauche"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:258
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:288
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-color-type"
+msgid "_Fixed"
+msgstr "_Fixé"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:263
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:293
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-color-type"
+msgid "F_oreground Color"
+msgstr "Couleur de p_remier plan"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:269
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:299
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-color-type"
+msgid "Fo_reground Color (Transparent)"
+msgstr "Couleur de premier plan (transparent)"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:274
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:304
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-color-type"
+msgid "_Background Color"
+msgstr "Couleur d’_arrière-plan"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:280
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:310
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-color-type"
+msgid "B_ackground Color (Transparent)"
+msgstr "Couleur d’arrière-plan (transparent)"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:318
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-blending"
+msgid "_Linear"
+msgstr "_Linéaire"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:323
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-blending"
+msgid "_Curved"
+msgstr "_Incurvé"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:328
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-blending"
+msgid "_Sinusoidal"
+msgstr "_Sinusoïdal"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:333
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-blending"
+msgid "Spherical (i_ncreasing)"
+msgstr "Sphérique (croissa_nt)"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:338
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-blending"
+msgid "Spherical (_decreasing)"
+msgstr "Sphérique (_décroissant)"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:343
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-blending"
+msgid "S_tep"
+msgstr "_Pas"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:348
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-blending"
+msgid "(Varies)"
+msgstr "(divers)"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:356
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-coloring"
+msgid "_RGB"
+msgstr "_RVB"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:361
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-coloring"
+msgid "HSV (_counter-clockwise hue)"
+msgstr "TSV (teintes sens _anti-horaire)"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:366
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-coloring"
+msgid "HSV (clockwise _hue)"
+msgstr "TSV (teintes sens _horaire)"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:371
+msgctxt "gradient-editor-coloring"
+msgid "(Varies)"
+msgstr "(divers)"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:379
+msgid "Zoom In"
+msgstr "Zoom avant"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:380
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:90
+msgid "Zoom in"
+msgstr "Zoom avant"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:385
+msgid "Zoom Out"
+msgstr "Zoom arrière"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:386
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:96
+msgid "Zoom out"
+msgstr "Zoom arrière"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:391
+msgid "Zoom All"
+msgstr "Zoom ajusté à la fenêtre"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:392
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:102
+msgid "Zoom all"
+msgstr "Zoom ajusté à la fenêtre"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:784
+msgid "_Blending Function for Segment"
+msgstr "Type de _mélange pour le segment"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:786
+msgid "Coloring _Type for Segment"
+msgstr "_Type de coloriage pour le segment"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:789
+msgid "_Flip Segment"
+msgstr "_Retourner le segment"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:791
+msgid "_Replicate Segment..."
+msgstr "_Dupliquer le segment…"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:793
+msgid "Split Segment at _Midpoint"
+msgstr "Couper le segment en son point _médian"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:795
+msgid "Split Segment _Uniformly..."
+msgstr "Couper le segment _uniformément…"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:797
+msgid "_Delete Segment"
+msgstr "_Effacer le segment"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:799
+msgid "Re-_center Segment's Midpoint"
+msgstr "Re_centrer le point médian du segment"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:801
+msgid "Re-distribute _Handles in Segment"
+msgstr "Redistribuer les _poignées dans le segment"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:806
+msgid "_Blending Function for Selection"
+msgstr "Type de _mélange pour la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:808
+msgid "Coloring _Type for Selection"
+msgstr "_Type de coloriage pour la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:811
+msgid "_Flip Selection"
+msgstr "_Retourner la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:813
+msgid "_Replicate Selection..."
+msgstr "_Dupliquer la sélection…"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:815
+msgid "Split Segments at _Midpoints"
+msgstr "Couper les segments en leur _milieu"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:817
+msgid "Split Segments _Uniformly..."
+msgstr "Couper les segments _uniformément…"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:819
+msgid "_Delete Selection"
+msgstr "_Effacer la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:821
+msgid "Re-_center Midpoints in Selection"
+msgstr "Re_centrer les points médians dans la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-actions.c:823
+msgid "Re-distribute _Handles in Selection"
+msgstr "Redistribuer les _poignées dans la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:391
+msgid "Replicate Segment"
+msgstr "Dupliquer le segment"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:392
+msgid "Replicate Gradient Segment"
+msgstr "Dupliquer le segment de dégradé"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:396
+msgid "Replicate Selection"
+msgstr "Dupliquer la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:397
+msgid "Replicate Gradient Selection"
+msgstr "Dupliquer la sélection du dégradé"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:410
+msgid "_Replicate"
+msgstr "_Dupliquer"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:431
+msgid ""
+"Select the number of times\n"
+"to replicate the selected segment."
+msgstr ""
+"Sélectionnez le nombre de fois\n"
+"qu’il faut dupliquer le segment sélectionné."
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:434
+msgid ""
+"Select the number of times\n"
+"to replicate the selection."
+msgstr ""
+"Sélectionnez le nombre de fois\n"
+"qu’il faut dupliquer la sélection."
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:502
+msgid "Split Segment Uniformly"
+msgstr "Couper le segment uniformément"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:503
+msgid "Split Gradient Segment Uniformly"
+msgstr "Couper le segment de dégradé uniformément"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:507
+msgid "Split Segments Uniformly"
+msgstr "Couper les segments uniformément"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:508
+msgid "Split Gradient Segments Uniformly"
+msgstr "Couper les segments de dégradé uniformément"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:521
+msgid "_Split"
+msgstr "Dé_couper"
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:543
+msgid ""
+"Select the number of uniform parts\n"
+"in which to split the selected segment."
+msgstr ""
+"Sélectionnez le nombre de parties uniformes\n"
+"en lequel couper le segment sélectionné."
+#: ../app/actions/gradient-editor-commands.c:546
+msgid ""
+"Select the number of uniform parts\n"
+"in which to split the segments in the selection."
+msgstr ""
+"Sélectionnez le nombre de parties uniformes\n"
+"en lequel couper les segments dans la sélection."
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:44
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "Gradients Menu"
+msgstr "Menu des dégradés"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:48
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "_New Gradient"
+msgstr "_Nouveau dégradé"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:49
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "Create a new gradient"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau dégradé"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:54
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "D_uplicate Gradient"
+msgstr "D_upliquer le dégradé"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:55
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "Duplicate this gradient"
+msgstr "Duplique ce dégradé"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:60
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "Copy Gradient _Location"
+msgstr "Copier l’_emplacement du dégradé"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:61
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "Copy gradient file location to clipboard"
+msgstr "Copie l’emplacement du fichier de dégradé dans le presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "Show in _File Manager"
+msgstr "Afficher dans le gestionnaire de _fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:67
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "Show gradient file location in the file manager"
+msgstr ""
+"Affiche l’emplacement du fichier de dégradé dans le gestionnaire de fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "Save as _POV-Ray..."
+msgstr "Enregistrer en _POV-Ray…"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:73
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "Save gradient as POV-Ray"
+msgstr "Enregistre le dégradé au format POV-Ray"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "_Delete Gradient"
+msgstr "Supprimer le _dégradé"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:79
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "Delete this gradient"
+msgstr "Supprime ce dégradé"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:84
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "_Refresh Gradients"
+msgstr "_Actualiser les dégradés"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:85
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "Refresh gradients"
+msgstr "Actualise les dégradés"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:93
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "_Edit Gradient..."
+msgstr "Mo_difier le dégradé…"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-actions.c:94
+msgctxt "gradients-action"
+msgid "Edit this gradient"
+msgstr "Modifie ce dégradé"
+#: ../app/actions/gradients-commands.c:73
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save '%s' as POV-Ray"
+msgstr "Enregistrer « %s » au format POV-Ray"
+#: ../app/actions/help-actions.c:38 ../app/actions/help-actions.c:41
+msgctxt "help-action"
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Aid_e"
+#: ../app/actions/help-actions.c:42
+msgctxt "help-action"
+msgid "Open the GIMP user manual"
+msgstr "Ouvrir le manuel de l’utilisateur de GIMP"
+#: ../app/actions/help-actions.c:47
+msgctxt "help-action"
+msgid "_Context Help"
+msgstr "Aide _contextuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/help-actions.c:48
+msgctxt "help-action"
+msgid "Show the help for a specific user interface item"
+msgstr "Afficher l’aide pour un élément spécifique de l’interface utilisateur"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:51 ../app/actions/image-actions.c:55
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Image Menu"
+msgstr "Menu des images"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:58
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Image"
+msgstr "_Image"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:59
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Mode"
+msgstr "_Mode"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:60
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Pr_ecision"
+msgstr "Préci_sion"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:62
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Encoding"
+msgstr "_Codage"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Color Ma_nagement"
+msgstr "Gestion des co_uleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Transform"
+msgstr "Tra_nsformer"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:67
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Guides"
+msgstr "_Guides"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:68
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Meta_data"
+msgstr "Méta_données"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:70
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Colors"
+msgstr "Coule_urs"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:71
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "I_nfo"
+msgstr "I_nformations"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Auto"
+msgstr "_Auto"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:73
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Map"
+msgstr "Cart_e"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:74
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Tone Mapping"
+msgstr "_Tonalités chromatiques"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:75
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "C_omponents"
+msgstr "Co_mposants"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:76
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "D_esaturate"
+msgstr "D_ésaturation"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:79
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_New..."
+msgstr "_Nouvelle image…"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:80
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Create a new image"
+msgstr "Crée une nouvelle image"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:85
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Duplicate"
+msgstr "_Dupliquer"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:86
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Create a duplicate of this image"
+msgstr "Crée une copie de cette image"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:91
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Assign Color Profile..."
+msgstr "Attribuer un _profil de couleur…"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:92
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Set a color profile on the image"
+msgstr "Définir un profil de couleur pour l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:97
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Convert to Color Profile..."
+msgstr "_Convertir en profil colorimétrique…"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:98
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Apply a color profile to the image"
+msgstr "Applique un profil de couleur à l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:103
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Discard Color Profile"
+msgstr "_Rejeter le profil de couleur"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:104
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Remove the image's color profile"
+msgstr "Supprime le profil de couleur de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:109
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Save Color Profile to File..."
+msgstr "_Enregistrer le profil de couleur dans un fichier…"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:110
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Save the image's color profile to an ICC file"
+msgstr "Enregistre le profil de couleur de l’image dans un fichier ICC"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:115
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Can_vas Size..."
+msgstr "Taille du _canevas…"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:116
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Adjust the image dimensions"
+msgstr "Ajuste les dimensions de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:121
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Fit Canvas to L_ayers"
+msgstr "A_juster le canevas aux calques"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:122
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Resize the image to enclose all layers"
+msgstr "Redimensionne l’image pour inclure tous les calques"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:127
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "F_it Canvas to Selection"
+msgstr "A_juster le canevas à la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:128
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Resize the image to the extents of the selection"
+msgstr "Redimensionne l’image à l’étendue de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:133
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Print Size..."
+msgstr "Taille de l’_impression…"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:134
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Adjust the print resolution"
+msgstr "Ajuste la définition d’impression"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:139
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Scale Image..."
+msgstr "_Échelle et taille de l’image…"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:140
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Change the size of the image content"
+msgstr "Modifie la taille du contenu de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:145
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Crop to Selection"
+msgstr "_Rogner selon la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:146
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Crop the image to the extents of the selection"
+msgstr "Rogne l’image suivant le contour de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:151
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Crop to C_ontent"
+msgstr "Rogner selon le c_ontenu"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:152
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid ""
+"Crop the image to the extents of its content (remove empty borders from the "
+msgstr ""
+"Rogner l’image suivant le contour du contenu (supprime les bordures vides de "
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:157
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Merge Visible _Layers..."
+msgstr "Fusionner les calques _visibles…"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:158
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Merge all visible layers into one layer"
+msgstr "Fusionne tous les calques visibles en un seul"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:163
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Flatten Image"
+msgstr "Aplatir l’ima_ge"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:164
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Merge all layers into one and remove transparency"
+msgstr "Fusionne tous les calques en un seul et supprime la transparence"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:169
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Configure G_rid..."
+msgstr "Configurer la g_rille…"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:170
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Configure the grid for this image"
+msgstr "Configure la grille pour cette image"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:175
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Image Pr_operties"
+msgstr "_Propriétés de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:176
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Display information about this image"
+msgstr "Affiche des informations sur cette image"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:184
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "_Enable Color Management"
+msgstr "Activer la _gestion des couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:185
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image is color managed. Disabling color management is equivalent "
+"to assigning a built-in sRGB color profile. Better leave color management "
+msgstr ""
+"Indique si les couleurs de l’image sont gérées. La désactivation de la "
+"gestion des couleurs équivaut à attribuer un profil de couleur sRVB intégré. "
+"Mieux vaut laisser la gestion des couleurs activée."
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:196 ../app/actions/image-actions.c:447
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "_RGB"
+msgstr "_RVB"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:197
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "Convert the image to the RGB colorspace"
+msgstr "Convertit l’image dans l’espace de couleurs RVB"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:201 ../app/actions/image-actions.c:449
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "_Grayscale"
+msgstr "Niveaux de _gris"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:202
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "Convert the image to grayscale"
+msgstr "Convertit l’image en niveaux de gris"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:206
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "_Indexed..."
+msgstr "Couleurs _indexées…"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:207
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "Convert the image to indexed colors"
+msgstr "Convertit l’image en couleurs indexées"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:214
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "8 bit integer"
+msgstr "Entier 8 bits"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:216
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "Convert the image to 8 bit integer"
+msgstr "Convertit l’image en entier 8 bits"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:220
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "16 bit integer"
+msgstr "Entier 16 bits"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:222
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "Convert the image to 16 bit integer"
+msgstr "Convertit l’image en entier 16 bits"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:226
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "32 bit integer"
+msgstr "Entier 32 bits"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:228
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "Convert the image to 32 bit integer"
+msgstr "Convertit l’image en entier 32 bits"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:232
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "16 bit floating point"
+msgstr "Virgule flottante 16 bits"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:234
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "Convert the image to 16 bit floating point"
+msgstr "Convertit l’image en virgule flottante 16 bits"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:238
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "32 bit floating point"
+msgstr "Virgule flottante 32 bits"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:240
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "Convert the image to 32 bit floating point"
+msgstr "Convertit l’image en virgule flottante 32 bits"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:244
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "64 bit floating point"
+msgstr "Virgule flottante 64 bits"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:246
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "Convert the image to 64 bit floating point"
+msgstr "Convertit l’image en virgule flottante 64 bits"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:253
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "Perceptual gamma (sRGB)"
+msgstr "Gamma perceptuel (SRVB)"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:255
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "Convert the image to perceptual (sRGB) gamma"
+msgstr "Convertit l’image en gamma perceptuel (sRVB)"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:259
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "Linear light"
+msgstr "Lumière linéaire"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:261
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "Convert the image to linear light"
+msgstr "Convertit l’image en lumière linéaire"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:268
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Flip _Horizontally"
+msgstr "Miroir _horizontal"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:269
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Flip image horizontally"
+msgstr "Image en miroir _horizontal"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:274
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Flip _Vertically"
+msgstr "Miroir _vertical"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:275
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Flip image vertically"
+msgstr "Image en miroir _vertical"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:283
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Rotate 90° _clockwise"
+msgstr "Rotation 90° sens _horaire"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:284
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Rotation 90 degrés vers la droite de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:289
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Rotate _180°"
+msgstr "Rotation _180°"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:290
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Turn the image upside-down"
+msgstr "Retourner l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:295
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Rotate 90° counter-clock_wise"
+msgstr "Rotation 90° sens _anti-horaire"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:296
+msgctxt "image-action"
+msgid "Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Rotation 90 degrés vers la gauche de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:440
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "_RGB..."
+msgstr "_RVB…"
+#: ../app/actions/image-actions.c:442
+msgctxt "image-convert-action"
+msgid "_Grayscale..."
+msgstr "Niveaux de _gris…"
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:566
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving color profile failed: %s"
+msgstr "L’enregistrement du profil de couleur a échoué : %s"
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:606
+msgid "Save Color Profile"
+msgstr "Enregistrer le profil de couleur"
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:655
+msgid "Set Image Canvas Size"
+msgstr "Régler la taille du canevas"
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:686 ../app/actions/image-commands.c:711
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:1410
+msgid "Resizing"
+msgstr "Redimensionnement"
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:745
+msgid "Set Image Print Resolution"
+msgstr "Ajuster la définition d’impression de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:815 ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:174
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:269
+#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:228 ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:136
+msgid "Flipping"
+msgstr "Retournement"
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:842 ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:650
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:749
+#: ../app/pdb/image-transform-cmds.c:250 ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:536
+#: ../app/pdb/transform-tools-cmds.c:265 ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:131
+msgid "Rotating"
+msgstr "Rotation"
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:870 ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:859
+msgid "Cannot crop because the current selection is empty."
+msgstr "Impossible de rogner car la sélection actuelle est vide."
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:909
+msgid "Cannot crop because the image has no content."
+msgstr "Impossible de rogner car l’image est vide."
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:915
+msgid "Cannot crop because the image is already cropped to its content."
+msgstr "Impossible de rogner car l’image est déjà rognée à son contenu."
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:1081
+#, c-format
+msgid "Converting to RGB (%s)"
+msgstr "Convertir en RVB (%s)"
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:1119
+#, c-format
+msgid "Converting to grayscale (%s)"
+msgstr "Conversion de l’image en niveaux de gris (%s)"
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:1181
+msgid "Converting to indexed colors"
+msgstr "Conversion en couleurs indexées"
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:1269
+#, c-format
+msgid "Converting image to %s"
+msgstr "Conversion de l’image en %s"
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:1300
+msgid "Assign color profile"
+msgstr "Attribuer un profil de couleur"
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:1346
+#, c-format
+msgid "Converting to '%s'"
+msgstr "Convertir en « %s »"
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:1452
+msgid "Change Print Size"
+msgstr "Modifier la taille de l’impression"
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:1496
+msgid "Scale Image"
+msgstr "Échelle et taille de l’image"
+#. Scaling
+#: ../app/actions/image-commands.c:1505 ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:1668
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1699
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:843
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:939
+#: ../app/pdb/image-transform-cmds.c:122 ../app/pdb/image-transform-cmds.c:158
+#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:640 ../app/pdb/layer-cmds.c:401
+#: ../app/pdb/layer-cmds.c:448 ../app/pdb/transform-tools-cmds.c:360
+#: ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:122
+msgid "Scaling"
+msgstr "Mise à l’échelle"
+#: ../app/actions/images-actions.c:43
+msgctxt "images-action"
+msgid "Images Menu"
+msgstr "Menu Images"
+#: ../app/actions/images-actions.c:47
+msgctxt "images-action"
+msgid "_Raise Views"
+msgstr "_Remonter les vues"
+#: ../app/actions/images-actions.c:48
+msgctxt "images-action"
+msgid "Raise this image's displays"
+msgstr "Met les fenêtres de cette image au premier plan"
+#: ../app/actions/images-actions.c:53
+msgctxt "images-action"
+msgid "_New View"
+msgstr "_Nouvelle vue"
+#: ../app/actions/images-actions.c:54
+msgctxt "images-action"
+msgid "Create a new display for this image"
+msgstr "Crée une nouvelle vue pour cette image"
+#: ../app/actions/images-actions.c:59
+msgctxt "images-action"
+msgid "_Delete Image"
+msgstr "_Supprimer l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/images-actions.c:60
+msgctxt "images-action"
+msgid "Delete this image"
+msgstr "Supprime cette image"
+#: ../app/actions/items-commands.c:204 ../app/actions/items-commands.c:249
+msgid "There is no active layer or channel to fill."
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de calque ou de canal actif depuis lequel couper."
+#: ../app/actions/items-commands.c:289 ../app/actions/items-commands.c:334
+msgid "There is no active layer or channel to stroke to."
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de calque ou de canal actif sur lequel tracer."
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:52
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layers Menu"
+msgstr "Menu des calques"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:56
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Blend Space"
+msgstr "Espace de fusion"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:60
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Composite Space"
+msgstr "Espace composite"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:64
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Composite Mode"
+msgstr "Mode composite"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:68
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Color Tag"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Layer"
+msgstr "_Calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:74
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Stac_k"
+msgstr "Pil_e"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:76
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Mask"
+msgstr "_Masque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Tr_ansparency"
+msgstr "_Transparence"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:80
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Transform"
+msgstr "Trans_former"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:82
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Properties"
+msgstr "_Propriétés"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:84
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Opacity"
+msgstr "_Opacité"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:86
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer _Mode"
+msgstr "_Mode de calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:89
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Default Edit Action"
+msgstr "Action de modification par défaut"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:90
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Activate the default edit action for this type of layer"
+msgstr "Activer l’action de modification par défaut sur ce type de calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:95
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Edit Te_xt on canvas"
+msgstr "Modifier le te_xte sur le canevas"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:96
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Edit this text layer content on canvas"
+msgstr "Modifier le contenu de ce calque de texte sur le canevas"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:101
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Edit Layer Attributes..."
+msgstr "Mo_difier les attributs du calque…"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:102
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Edit the layer's name"
+msgstr "Modifier le nom du calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:107 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:929
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_New Layer..."
+msgstr "_Nouveau calque…"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:108
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Create a new layer and add it to the image"
+msgstr "Crée un nouveau calque et l’ajoute à l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:113 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:930
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_New Layer"
+msgstr "_Nouveau calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:114
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Create a new layer with last used values"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau calque avec les dernières valeurs utilisées"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:119
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "New from _Visible"
+msgstr "Nouveau depuis le _visible"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:121
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Create a new layer from what is visible in this image"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau calque depuis ce qui est visible dans cette image"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:126
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "New Layer _Group"
+msgstr "Nouveau _groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:127
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Create a new layer group and add it to the image"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau groupe de calques et l’ajouter à l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:132
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "D_uplicate Layer"
+msgstr "D_upliquer le calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:134
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Create a duplicate of the layer and add it to the image"
+msgstr "Créer une copie de ce calque et l’ajouter à l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:139
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Delete Layer"
+msgstr "_Supprimer le calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:140
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Delete this layer"
+msgstr "Supprimer ce calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:145
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Raise Layer"
+msgstr "_Remonter le calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:146
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Raise this layer one step in the layer stack"
+msgstr "Remonter ce calque d’un rang dans la pile des calques"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:151
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer to _Top"
+msgstr "Calque tout en hau_t"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:152
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Move this layer to the top of the layer stack"
+msgstr "Déplacer ce calque tout en haut de la pile des calques"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:157
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Lower Layer"
+msgstr "_Descendre le calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:158
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Lower this layer one step in the layer stack"
+msgstr "Descendre ce calque d’un rang dans la pile des calques"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:163
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer to _Bottom"
+msgstr "Calque tout en _bas"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:164
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Move this layer to the bottom of the layer stack"
+msgstr "Déplacer ce calque tout en bas de la pile des calques"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:169
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Anchor Layer"
+msgstr "An_crer le calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:170
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Anchor the floating layer"
+msgstr "Ancrer le calque flottant"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:175 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:184
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Merge Do_wn"
+msgstr "_Fusionner vers le bas"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:176 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:185
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Merge this layer with the first visible layer below it"
+msgstr "Fusionner ce calque avec le premier calque visible en dessous"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:190
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Merge Layer Group"
+msgstr "Fusionner le groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:191
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Merge the layer group's layers into one normal layer"
+msgstr "Fusionner tous les calques du groupe de calques dans un seul"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:196
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Merge _Visible Layers..."
+msgstr "Fusionner les calques visi_bles…"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:197
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Merge all visible layers into one layer"
+msgstr "Fusionner tous les calques visibles dans un seul"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:202
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Merge _Visible Layers"
+msgstr "Fusionner les calques _visibles"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:203
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Merge all visible layers with last used values"
+msgstr ""
+"Fusionne tous les calques visibles avec les dernières valeurs utilisées"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:208
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Flatten Image"
+msgstr "Apla_tir l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:209
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Merge all layers into one and remove transparency"
+msgstr "Fusionner tous les calques en un seul et supprimer la transparence"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:214
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Discard Text Information"
+msgstr "A_bandonner l’information de texte"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:215
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Turn this text layer into a normal layer"
+msgstr "Transformer ce calque de texte en calque normal"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:220
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Text to _Path"
+msgstr "Texte vers _chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:221
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Create a path from this text layer"
+msgstr "Créer un chemin depuis ce calque de texte"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:226
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Text alon_g Path"
+msgstr "Texte le _long d’un chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:227
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Warp this layer's text along the current path"
+msgstr "Déformer ce calque de texte selon le chemin actuel"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:232
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer B_oundary Size..."
+msgstr "Taille des _bords du calque…"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:233
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Adjust the layer dimensions"
+msgstr "Ajuster les dimensions du calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:238
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer to _Image Size"
+msgstr "Calque aux _dimensions de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:239
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Resize the layer to the size of the image"
+msgstr "Redimensionner le calque à la taille de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:244
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Scale Layer..."
+msgstr "_Échelle et taille du calque…"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:245
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Change the size of the layer content"
+msgstr "Modifier la taille du contenu du calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:250
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Crop to Selection"
+msgstr "_Rogner selon la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:251
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Crop the layer to the extents of the selection"
+msgstr "Rogner le calque suivant le contour de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:256
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Crop to C_ontent"
+msgstr "Rogner selon le c_ontenu"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:257
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid ""
+"Crop the layer to the extents of its content (remove empty borders from the "
+msgstr ""
+"Rogner le calque suivant le contour du contenu (supprimer les bordures vides "
+"de l’image)"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:262 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:272
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Add La_yer Mask..."
+msgstr "Ajouter un masque de cal_que…"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:264 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:274
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Add a mask that allows non-destructive editing of transparency"
+msgstr ""
+"Ajouter un masque qui permet la modification non destructive de la "
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:279
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Add La_yer Mask"
+msgstr "Ajouter un masq_ue de calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:281
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Add a mask with last used values"
+msgstr "Ajouter un masque avec les dernières valeurs utilisées"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:286
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Add Alpha C_hannel"
+msgstr "Ajouter un canal alp_ha"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:287
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Add transparency information to the layer"
+msgstr "Ajouter l’information de transparence au calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:292
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Remove Alpha Channel"
+msgstr "Supprimer le canal _alpha"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:293
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Remove transparency information from the layer"
+msgstr "Supprimer les informations de transparence du calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:301
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Edit Layer Mask"
+msgstr "Mo_difier le masque de calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:302
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Work on the layer mask"
+msgstr "Travailler sur le masque de calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:308
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "S_how Layer Mask"
+msgstr "Affich_er le masque de calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:314
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Disable Layer Mask"
+msgstr "_Désactiver le masque de calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:315
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Dismiss the effect of the layer mask"
+msgstr "Désactiver l’effet du masque de calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:321
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Toggle Layer _Visibility"
+msgstr "Activer/désactiver la _visibilité du calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:327
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Toggle Layer _Linked State"
+msgstr "Activer/désactiver l’état _lié du calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:333
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "L_ock Pixels of Layer"
+msgstr "Verr_ouiller les pixels du calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:339
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "L_ock Position of Layer"
+msgstr "Verr_ouiller la position du calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:345
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Lock Alph_a Channel"
+msgstr "_Verrouiller le canal alpha"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:347
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Keep transparency information on this layer from being modified"
+msgstr "Empêcher de modifier l’information de transparence de ce calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:356 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:377
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:398
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Auto"
+msgstr "Auto"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:357
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Blend Space: Auto"
+msgstr "Espace de fusion du calque : auto"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:362 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:383
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "RGB (linear)"
+msgstr "RVB (linéaire)"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:363
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Blend Space: RGB (linear)"
+msgstr "Espace de fusion du calque : RVB (linéaire)"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:368 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:389
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "RGB (perceptual)"
+msgstr "RVB (perceptuel)"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:369
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Blend Space: RGB (perceptual)"
+msgstr "Espace de fusion du calque : RVB (perceptuel)"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:378
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Composite Space: Auto"
+msgstr "Espace composite du calque : auto"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:384
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Composite Space: RGB (linear)"
+msgstr "Espace composite du calque : RVB (linéaire)"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:390
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Composite Space: RGB (perceptual)"
+msgstr "Espace composite du calque : RVB (perceptuel)"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:399
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Composite Mode: Auto"
+msgstr "Mode composite du calque : auto"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:404
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Union"
+msgstr "Union"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:405
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Composite Mode: Union"
+msgstr "Mode composite du calque : union"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:410
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Clip to Backdrop"
+msgstr "Réduire à la toile de fond"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:411
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Composite Mode: Clip to Backdrop"
+msgstr "Mode composite du calque : réduire à la toile de fond"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:416
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Clip to Layer"
+msgstr "Réduire au calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:417
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Composite Mode: Clip to Layer"
+msgstr "Mode composite du calque : réduire au calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:422
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Intersection"
+msgstr "Intersection"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:423
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Composite Mode: Intersection"
+msgstr "Mode composite du calque : intersection"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:431
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Aucune"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:432
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Color Tag: Clear"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du calque : effacer"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:437
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Blue"
+msgstr "Bleu"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:438
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Color Tag: Set to Blue"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du calque : mettre en bleu"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:443
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Green"
+msgstr "Vert"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:444
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Color Tag: Set to Green"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du calque : mettre en vert"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:449
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Yellow"
+msgstr "Jaune"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:450
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Color Tag: Set to Yellow"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du calque : mettre en jaune"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:455
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Orange"
+msgstr "Orange"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:456
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Color Tag: Set to Orange"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du calque : mettre en orange"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:461
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Brown"
+msgstr "Marron"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:462
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Color Tag: Set to Brown"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du calque : mettre en marron"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:467
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Red"
+msgstr "Rouge"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:468
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Color Tag: Set to Red"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du calque : mettre en rouge"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:473
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Violet"
+msgstr "Violet"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:474
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Color Tag: Set to Violet"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du calque : mettre en violet"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:479
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Gray"
+msgstr "Gris"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:480
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Color Tag: Set to Gray"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du calque : mettre en gris"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:488
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Apply Layer _Mask"
+msgstr "Appliquer le _masque de calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:489
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Apply the effect of the layer mask and remove it"
+msgstr "Appliquer l’effet du masque de calque et supprime le masque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:494
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Delete Layer Mas_k"
+msgstr "Supprimer le masque de ca_lque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:495
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Remove the layer mask and its effect"
+msgstr "Supprimer le masque de calque et son effet"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:503
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Mask to Selection"
+msgstr "Masque ve_rs sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:504
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Replace the selection with the layer mask"
+msgstr "Remplacer la sélection par le masque de calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:509
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Add to Selection"
+msgstr "A_jouter à la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:510
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Add the layer mask to the current selection"
+msgstr "Ajoute le masque de calque à la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:515 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:544
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Subtract from Selection"
+msgstr "S_oustraire de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:516
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Subtract the layer mask from the current selection"
+msgstr "Soustraire le masque de calque de la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:521 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:551
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "_Intersect with Selection"
+msgstr "_Intersection avec la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:522
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Intersect the layer mask with the current selection"
+msgstr "Intersection du masque de calque avec la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:530
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Al_pha to Selection"
+msgstr "Al_pha vers sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:532
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Replace the selection with the layer's alpha channel"
+msgstr "Remplacer la sélection avec le canal alpha du calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:537
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "A_dd to Selection"
+msgstr "A_jouter à la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:539
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Add the layer's alpha channel to the current selection"
+msgstr "Ajouter le canal alpha du calque à la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:546
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Subtract the layer's alpha channel from the current selection"
+msgstr "Soustrait le canal alpha du calque de la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:553
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Intersect the layer's alpha channel with the current selection"
+msgstr "Intersection du canal alpha du calque avec la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:561
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Select _Top Layer"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le calque du _haut"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:562
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Select the topmost layer"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le calque le plus haut"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:567
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Select _Bottom Layer"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le calque du _bas"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:568
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Select the bottommost layer"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le calque le plus bas"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:573
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Select _Previous Layer"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le calque _précédent"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:574
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Select the layer above the current layer"
+msgstr "Sélectionne le calque juste au-dessus du calque actuel"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:579
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Select _Next Layer"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le calque _suivant"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:580
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Select the layer below the current layer"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le calque juste en dessous du calque actuel"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:588
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Opacity: Set"
+msgstr "Opacité du calque : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:592
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Opacity: Make Completely Transparent"
+msgstr "Opacité du calque : rendre complètement transparent"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:596
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Opacity: Make Completely Opaque"
+msgstr "Opacité du calque : rendre complètement opaque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:600
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Opacity: Make More Transparent"
+msgstr "Opacité du calque : augmenter la transparence"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:604
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Opacity: Make More Opaque"
+msgstr "Opacité du calque : augmenter l’opacité"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:608
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Opacity: Make 10% More Transparent"
+msgstr "Opacité du calque : augmenter la transparence de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:612
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Opacity: Make 10% More Opaque"
+msgstr "Opacité du calque : augmenter l’opacité de 10 %"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:620
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Mode: Select First"
+msgstr "Mode de calque : sélectionner le premier"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:624
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Mode: Select Last"
+msgstr "Mode de calque : sélectionner le dernier"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:628
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Mode: Select Previous"
+msgstr "Mode de calque : sélectionner le précédent"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:632
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "Layer Mode: Select Next"
+msgstr "Mode de calque : sélectionner le suivant"
+#. Will be followed with e.g. "Shift-Click
+#. on thumbnail"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:661
+msgid "Shortcut: "
+msgstr "Raccourci : "
+#. Will be prepended with a modifier key
+#. string, e.g. "Shift"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:666
+msgid "-Click on thumbnail in Layers dockable"
+msgstr "-Cliquer sur la vignette dans le groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:924 ../app/actions/layers-actions.c:925
+msgctxt "layers-action"
+msgid "To _New Layer"
+msgstr "Vers _nouveau calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:265 ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:1517
+msgid "Layer Attributes"
+msgstr "Attributs du calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:268
+msgid "Edit Layer Attributes"
+msgstr "Modifier les attributs du calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:342
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdrawabletreeview.c:343
+#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:905
+msgid "New Layer"
+msgstr "Nouveau calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:345
+msgid "Create a New Layer"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:447
+msgid "Visible"
+msgstr "Visible"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:762
+msgid "Set Layer Boundary Size"
+msgstr "Régler la taille de la bordure du calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:826
+msgid "Scale Layer"
+msgstr "Échelle et taille du calque"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:869
+msgid "Crop Layer to Selection"
+msgstr "Rogner le calque selon la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:900
+msgid "Crop Layer to Content"
+msgstr "Rogner le calque selon le contenu"
+#: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:913
+msgid "Cannot crop because the active layer has no content."
+msgstr "Impossible de rogner car le calque actif est vide."
+#: ../app/actions/layers-commands.c:920
+msgid "Cannot crop because the active layer is already cropped to its content."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de rogner car le calque actif est déjà rogné jusqu’à son contenu."
+#: ../app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c:43
+msgctxt "mypaint-brushes-action"
+msgid "MyPaint Brushes Menu"
+msgstr "Menu des brosses MyPaint"
+#: ../app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c:47
+msgctxt "mypaint-brushes-action"
+msgid "_New MyPaint Brush"
+msgstr "_Nouvelle brosse MyPaint"
+#: ../app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c:48
+msgctxt "mypaint-brushes-action"
+msgid "Create a new MyPaint brush"
+msgstr "Créer une nouvelle brosse MyPaint"
+#: ../app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c:53
+msgctxt "mypaint-brushes-action"
+msgid "D_uplicate MyPaint Brush"
+msgstr "D_upliquer la brosse MyPaint"
+#: ../app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c:54
+msgctxt "mypaint-brushes-action"
+msgid "Duplicate this MyPaint brush"
+msgstr "Dupliquer cette brosse MyPaint"
+#: ../app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c:59
+msgctxt "mypaint-brushes-action"
+msgid "Copy MyPaint Brush _Location"
+msgstr "Copier l’_emplacement de la brosse MyPaint"
+#: ../app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c:60
+msgctxt "mypaint-brushes-action"
+msgid "Copy MyPaint brush file location to clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+"Copier l’emplacement du fichier de brosse MyPaint dans le presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "mypaint-brushes-action"
+msgid "Show in _File Manager"
+msgstr "Afficher dans le gestionnaire de _fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "mypaint-brushes-action"
+msgid "Show MyPaint brush file location in the file manager"
+msgstr ""
+"Afficher l’emplacement du fichier de brosse Mypaint dans le gestionnaire de "
+#: ../app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c:71
+msgctxt "mypaint-brushes-action"
+msgid "_Delete MyPaint Brush"
+msgstr "_Supprimer la brosse Mypaint"
+#: ../app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "mypaint-brushes-action"
+msgid "Delete this MyPaint brush"
+msgstr "Supprimer cette brosse MyPaint"
+#: ../app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c:77
+msgctxt "mypaint-brushes-action"
+msgid "_Refresh MyPaint Brushes"
+msgstr "_Actualiser les brosses MyPaint"
+#: ../app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "mypaint-brushes-action"
+msgid "Refresh MyPaint brushes"
+msgstr "Actualiser les brosses Mypaint"
+#: ../app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c:86
+msgctxt "mypaint-brushes-action"
+msgid "_Edit MyPaint Brush..."
+msgstr "Mo_difier la brosse MyPaint…"
+#: ../app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c:87
+msgctxt "mypaint-brushes-action"
+msgid "Edit MyPaint brush"
+msgstr "Modifier cette brosse Mypaint"
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:44
+msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
+msgid "Palette Editor Menu"
+msgstr "Menu de l’éditeur de palette"
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:48
+msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
+msgid "_Edit Color..."
+msgstr "Mo_difier la couleur…"
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:49
+msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
+msgid "Edit this entry"
+msgstr "Modifier la couleur choisie"
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:54
+msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
+msgid "_Delete Color"
+msgstr "_Supprimer la couleur"
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:55
+msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
+msgid "Delete this entry"
+msgstr "Supprimer la couleur choisie"
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:63
+msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
+msgid "Edit Active Palette"
+msgstr "Modifier la palette active"
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
+msgid "New Color from _FG"
+msgstr "Nouvelle couleur depuis le _PP"
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:74
+msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
+msgid "Create a new entry from the foreground color"
+msgstr "Créer une nouvelle couleur depuis la couleur de premier plan"
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:79
+msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
+msgid "New Color from _BG"
+msgstr "Nouvelle couleur depuis l’_AP"
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:81
+msgctxt "palette-editor-action"
+msgid "Create a new entry from the background color"
+msgstr "Créer une nouvelle couleur depuis la couleur d’arrière-plan"
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:89
+msgid "Zoom _In"
+msgstr "Zoom a_vant"
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:95
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Zoom a_rrière"
+#: ../app/actions/palette-editor-actions.c:101
+msgid "Zoom _All"
+msgstr "Zoom _ajusté à la fenêtre"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:44
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "Palettes Menu"
+msgstr "Menu des palettes"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:48
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "_New Palette"
+msgstr "_Nouvelle palette"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:49
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "Create a new palette"
+msgstr "Créer une nouvelle palette"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:54
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "_Import Palette..."
+msgstr "_Importer une palette…"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:55
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "Import palette"
+msgstr "Importer une palette"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:60
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "D_uplicate Palette"
+msgstr "D_upliquer la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:61
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "Duplicate this palette"
+msgstr "Dupliquer cette palette"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "_Merge Palettes..."
+msgstr "_Fusionner les palettes…"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:67
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "Merge palettes"
+msgstr "Fusionner les palettes"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "Copy Palette _Location"
+msgstr "Copier l’emplacement de la _palette"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:73
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "Copy palette file location to clipboard"
+msgstr "Copier l’emplacement du fichier de la palette dans le presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "Show in _File Manager"
+msgstr "Afficher dans le gestionnaire de _fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:79
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "Show palette file location in the file manager"
+msgstr ""
+"Afficher l’emplacement du fichier de la palette dans le gestionnaire de "
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:84
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "_Delete Palette"
+msgstr "_Supprimer la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:85
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "Delete this palette"
+msgstr "Supprimer la palette"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:90
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "_Refresh Palettes"
+msgstr "_Actualiser les palettes"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:91
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "Refresh palettes"
+msgstr "Actualiser les palettes"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:99
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "_Edit Palette..."
+msgstr "Mo_difier la palette…"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-actions.c:100
+msgctxt "palettes-action"
+msgid "Edit this palette"
+msgstr "Modifier cette palette"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-commands.c:85
+msgid "Merge Palettes"
+msgstr "Fusionner les palettes"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-commands.c:89
+msgid "Enter a name for the merged palette"
+msgstr "Saisissez un nom pour la palette fusionnée"
+#: ../app/actions/palettes-commands.c:125
+msgid "There must be at least two palettes selected to merge."
+msgstr "Il doit y avoir au moins deux palettes pour pouvoir fusionner."
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:43
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "Patterns Menu"
+msgstr "Menu des motifs"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:47
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "_Open Pattern as Image"
+msgstr "Ouvrir le _motif en tant qu’image"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:48
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "Open this pattern as an image"
+msgstr "Ouvrir le motif en tant qu’image"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:53
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "_New Pattern"
+msgstr "_Nouveau motif"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:54
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "Create a new pattern"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau motif"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:59
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "D_uplicate Pattern"
+msgstr "_Dupliquer le motif"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:60
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "Duplicate this pattern"
+msgstr "Dupliquer le motif"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "Copy Pattern _Location"
+msgstr "Copier l’_emplacement du motif"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "Copy pattern file location to clipboard"
+msgstr "Copier l’emplacement du fichier de motif dans le presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:71
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "Show in _File Manager"
+msgstr "Afficher dans le gestionnaire de _fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "Show pattern file location in the file manager"
+msgstr ""
+"Afficher l’emplacement du fichier de motif dans le gestionnaire de fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:77
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "_Delete Pattern"
+msgstr "_Supprimer le motif"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "Delete this pattern"
+msgstr "Supprimer ce motif"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:83
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "_Refresh Patterns"
+msgstr "_Actualiser les motifs"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:84
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "Refresh patterns"
+msgstr "Actualiser les motifs"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:92
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "_Edit Pattern..."
+msgstr "Mo_difier le motif…"
+#: ../app/actions/patterns-actions.c:93
+msgctxt "patterns-action"
+msgid "Edit pattern"
+msgstr "Modifier le motif"
+#: ../app/actions/plug-in-actions.c:84
+msgctxt "plug-in-action"
+msgid "Reset all _Filters"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser to_us les filtres"
+#: ../app/actions/plug-in-actions.c:85
+msgctxt "plug-in-action"
+msgid "Reset all plug-ins to their default settings"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser tous les greffons à leurs valeurs par défaut"
+#: ../app/actions/plug-in-commands.c:180
+msgid "Reset all Filters"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser tous les filtres"
+#: ../app/actions/plug-in-commands.c:186
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:211 ../app/dialogs/fill-dialog.c:114
+#: ../app/dialogs/grid-dialog.c:101 ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:105
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:292
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1133
+#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:123 ../app/dialogs/scale-dialog.c:136
+#: ../app/dialogs/stroke-dialog.c:127
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-rotate-dialog.c:121
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:345 ../app/tools/gimptransformgridtool.c:1260
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordialog.c:109
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:331
+msgid "_Reset"
+msgstr "_Réinitialiser"
+#: ../app/actions/plug-in-commands.c:200
+msgid "Do you really want to reset all filters to default values?"
+msgstr ""
+"Voulez-vous vraiment réinitialiser tous les filtres à leurs valeurs par "
+"défaut ?"
+#: ../app/actions/quick-mask-actions.c:43
+msgctxt "quick-mask-action"
+msgid "Quick Mask Menu"
+msgstr "Menu du masque rapide"
+#: ../app/actions/quick-mask-actions.c:47
+msgctxt "quick-mask-action"
+msgid "_Configure Color and Opacity..."
+msgstr "_Configurer la couleur et l’opacité…"
+#: ../app/actions/quick-mask-actions.c:55
+msgctxt "quick-mask-action"
+msgid "Toggle _Quick Mask"
+msgstr "(Dés)activ_er le masque rapide"
+#: ../app/actions/quick-mask-actions.c:56
+msgctxt "quick-mask-action"
+msgid "Toggle Quick Mask on/off"
+msgstr "(Dés)activer le masque rapide"
+#: ../app/actions/quick-mask-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "quick-mask-action"
+msgid "Mask _Selected Areas"
+msgstr "Masquer les régions _sélectionnées"
+#: ../app/actions/quick-mask-actions.c:70
+msgctxt "quick-mask-action"
+msgid "Mask _Unselected Areas"
+msgstr "Masquer les régions _non sélectionnées"
+#: ../app/actions/quick-mask-commands.c:127
+msgid "Quick Mask Attributes"
+msgstr "Attributs du masque rapide"
+#: ../app/actions/quick-mask-commands.c:130
+msgid "Edit Quick Mask Attributes"
+msgstr "Modifier les attributs du masque rapide"
+#: ../app/actions/quick-mask-commands.c:132
+msgid "Edit Quick Mask Color"
+msgstr "Modifier la couleur du masque rapide"
+#: ../app/actions/quick-mask-commands.c:133
+msgid "_Mask opacity:"
+msgstr "Opacité du _masque :"
+#: ../app/actions/sample-points-actions.c:40
+msgctxt "sample-points-action"
+msgid "Sample Point Menu"
+msgstr "Menu de points d’échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/actions/sample-points-actions.c:47
+msgctxt "sample-points-action"
+msgid "_Sample Merged"
+msgstr "_Échantillonner sur tous les calques"
+#: ../app/actions/sample-points-actions.c:49
+msgctxt "sample-points-action"
+msgid "Use the composite color of all visible layers"
+msgstr "Utiliser la couleur composée à partir de tous les calques visibles"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:44
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Selection Editor Menu"
+msgstr "Menu de l’éditeur de sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:47
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "_Select"
+msgstr "_Sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:50
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "_All"
+msgstr "_Tout"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:51
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Select everything"
+msgstr "Tout sélectionner"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:56
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "_None"
+msgstr "_Aucune"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:57
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Dismiss the selection"
+msgstr "Annuler la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:62
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "_Invert"
+msgstr "_Inverser"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:63
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Invert the selection"
+msgstr "Inverser la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:68
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "_Float"
+msgstr "_Flottante"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:69
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Create a floating selection"
+msgstr "Créer une sélection flottante"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:74
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Fea_ther..."
+msgstr "Ado_ucir…"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:76
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Blur the selection border so that it fades out smoothly"
+msgstr "Modifier le bord de la sélection pour obtenir un fondu progressif"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:81
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "_Sharpen"
+msgstr "E_nlever l’adoucissement"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:82
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Remove fuzziness from the selection"
+msgstr "Supprimer le flou de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:87
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "S_hrink..."
+msgstr "_Réduire…"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:88
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Contract the selection"
+msgstr "Contracter la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:93
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "_Grow..."
+msgstr "A_grandir…"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:94
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Enlarge the selection"
+msgstr "Agrandir la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:99
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Bo_rder..."
+msgstr "_Bordure…"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:100
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Replace the selection by its border"
+msgstr "Remplacer la sélection par sa bordure"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:105
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Re_move Holes"
+msgstr "En_lever les trous"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:106
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Remove holes from the selection"
+msgstr "Supprimer les trous de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:111
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Save to _Channel"
+msgstr "Enregistrer dans un c_anal"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:112
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Save the selection to a channel"
+msgstr "Enregistrer la sélection dans un canal"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:117
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "_Fill Selection Outline..."
+msgstr "_Remplir le contour de la sélection…"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:118
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Fill the selection outline"
+msgstr "Remplir le contour de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:123
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "_Fill Selection Outline"
+msgstr "_Remplir le contour de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:124
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Fill the selection outline with last used values"
+msgstr ""
+"Remplir le contour de la sélection avec les dernières valeurs utilisées"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:129
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "_Stroke Selection..."
+msgstr "Tracer la _sélection…"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:130
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Paint along the selection outline"
+msgstr "Peindre le long du contour de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:135
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "_Stroke Selection"
+msgstr "_Tracer la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-actions.c:136
+msgctxt "select-action"
+msgid "Stroke the selection with last used values"
+msgstr "Tracer la sélection avec les dernières valeurs utilisées"
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:162
+msgid "Feather Selection"
+msgstr "Adoucissement de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:166
+msgid "Feather selection by"
+msgstr "Adoucir la sélection de"
+#. Edge lock button
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:175 ../app/actions/select-commands.c:251
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:379
+msgid "_Selected areas continue outside the image"
+msgstr "Les zones _sélectionnées continuent en dehors de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:178
+msgid "When feathering, act as if selected areas continued outside the image."
+msgstr ""
+"Lors de l’adoucissement, agit comme si les zones sélectionnées continuaient "
+"en dehors de l’image."
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:237
+msgid "Shrink Selection"
+msgstr "Réduction de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:241
+msgid "Shrink selection by"
+msgstr "Réduire la sélection de"
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:254
+msgid "When shrinking, act as if selected areas continued outside the image."
+msgstr ""
+"Lors de la réduction, agit comme si les zones sélectionnées continuaient en "
+"dehors de l’image."
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:300
+msgid "Grow Selection"
+msgstr "Agrandissement de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:304
+msgid "Grow selection by"
+msgstr "Agrandir la sélection de"
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:352
+msgid "Border Selection"
+msgstr "Border la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:356
+msgid "Border selection by"
+msgstr "Border la sélection de"
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:368
+msgid "Border style"
+msgstr "Style de bordure"
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:382
+msgid "When bordering, act as if selected areas continued outside the image."
+msgstr ""
+"Lors de l’action « Border », agit comme si les zones sélectionnées "
+"continuaient en dehors de l’image."
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:449
+msgid "Fill Selection Outline"
+msgstr "Remplir le contour de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/select-commands.c:480
+msgid "Stroke Selection"
+msgstr "Tracer la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:42
+msgctxt "templates-action"
+msgid "Templates Menu"
+msgstr "Menu des modèles"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:46
+msgctxt "templates-action"
+msgid "_Create Image from Template"
+msgstr "_Créer une image à partir d’un modèle"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:47
+msgctxt "templates-action"
+msgid "Create a new image from the selected template"
+msgstr "Créer une nouvelle image à partir du modèle sélectionné"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:52
+msgctxt "templates-action"
+msgid "_New Template..."
+msgstr "_Nouveau modèle…"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:53
+msgctxt "templates-action"
+msgid "Create a new template"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau modèle"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:58
+msgctxt "templates-action"
+msgid "D_uplicate Template..."
+msgstr "D_upliquer le modèle…"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:59
+msgctxt "templates-action"
+msgid "Duplicate this template"
+msgstr "Dupliquer le modèle sélectionné"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:64
+msgctxt "templates-action"
+msgid "_Edit Template..."
+msgstr "Mo_difier le modèle…"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "templates-action"
+msgid "Edit this template"
+msgstr "Modification du modèle"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:70
+msgctxt "templates-action"
+msgid "_Delete Template"
+msgstr "_Supprimer le modèle"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-actions.c:71
+msgctxt "templates-action"
+msgid "Delete this template"
+msgstr "Suppression du modèle"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:133
+msgid "New Template"
+msgstr "Nouveau modèle"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:136
+msgid "Create a New Template"
+msgstr "Création d’un nouveau modèle"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:205
+#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:208
+msgid "Edit Template"
+msgstr "Modification du modèle"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:245
+msgid "Delete Template"
+msgstr "Suppression du modèle"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:250
+#: ../app/dialogs/data-delete-dialog.c:87 ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceeditor.c:510
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "Su_pprimer"
+#: ../app/actions/templates-commands.c:271
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to delete template '%s' from the list and from disk?"
+msgstr ""
+"Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer le modèle « %s » de la liste et du disque ?"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:44
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Ouvrir"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:45
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgid "Load text from file"
+msgstr "Charger le texte depuis le fichier"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:50
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Effacer"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:51
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgid "Clear all text"
+msgstr "Effacer tout le texte"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:59
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgid "LTR"
+msgstr "GvD"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:60
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgid "From left to right"
+msgstr "De gauche à droite"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgid "RTL"
+msgstr "DvG"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgid "From right to left"
+msgstr "De droite à gauche"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:71
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgid "TTB-RTL"
+msgstr "TTB-DvG"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgid "Vertical, right to left (mixed orientation)"
+msgstr "Vertical, droite à gauche (orientation mixte)"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:77
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgstr "TTB-DvG-DEBOUT"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgid "Vertical, right to left (upright orientation)"
+msgstr "Vertical, droite à gauche (orientation debout)"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:83
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgid "TTB-LTR"
+msgstr "TTB-GvD"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:84
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgid "Vertical, left to right (mixed orientation)"
+msgstr "Vertical, gauche à droite (orientation mixte)"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:89
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgstr "TTB-GvD-DEBOUT"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-actions.c:90
+msgctxt "text-editor-action"
+msgid "Vertical, left to right (upright orientation)"
+msgstr "Vertical, gauche à droite (orientation debout)"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-commands.c:61
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-commands.c:119
+msgid "Open Text File (UTF-8)"
+msgstr "Ouvrir un fichier texte (UTF-8)"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-commands.c:66
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-commands.c:124
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-open-location-dialog.c:81
+#: ../app/dialogs/vectors-import-dialog.c:89
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpiconpicker.c:485 ../app/widgets/gimpopendialog.c:87
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:728
+msgid "_Open"
+msgstr "_Ouvrir"
+#: ../app/actions/text-editor-commands.c:141
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-commands.c:217 ../app/config/gimpconfig-file.c:71
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-import.c:512 ../app/plug-in/gimpenvirontable.c:289
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimpinterpreterdb.c:234
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool-settings.c:170
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextbuffer.c:1674
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open '%s' for reading: %s"
+msgstr "Impossible d’ouvrir « %s » en lecture : %s"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:50
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "Text Tool Menu"
+msgstr "Menu de l’outil Texte"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:54
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "Input _Methods"
+msgstr "_Méthodes de saisie"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:58
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "Cu_t"
+msgstr "_Couper"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:63
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "_Copy"
+msgstr "Co_pier"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:68
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "_Paste"
+msgstr "C_oller"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:73
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "_Supprimer"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "_Open text file..."
+msgstr "O_uvrir un fichier texte…"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:83
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "Cl_ear"
+msgstr "_Effacer"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:84
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "Clear all text"
+msgstr "Effacer tout le texte"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:89
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "_Path from Text"
+msgstr "C_réer un chemin depuis le texte"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:91
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "Create a path from the outlines of the current text"
+msgstr "Créer un chemin suivant les contours du texte actuel"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:96
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "Text _along Path"
+msgstr "_Texte le long d’un chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:98
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "Bend the text along the currently active path"
+msgstr "Déformer ce calque de texte selon le chemin actuel"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:106
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "From left to right"
+msgstr "De gauche à droite"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:111
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "From right to left"
+msgstr "De droite à gauche"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:116
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "Vertical, right to left (mixed orientation)"
+msgstr "Vertical, de droite à gauche (orientation mixte)"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:121
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "Vertical, right to left (upright orientation)"
+msgstr "Vertical, de droite à gauche (orientation debout)"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:126
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "Vertical, left to right (mixed orientation)"
+msgstr "Vertical, de gauche à droite (orientation mixte)"
+#: ../app/actions/text-tool-actions.c:131
+msgctxt "text-tool-action"
+msgid "Vertical, left to right (upright orientation)"
+msgstr "Vertical, de gauche à droite (orientation debout)"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:58
+msgctxt "tool-options-action"
+msgid "Tool Options Menu"
+msgstr "Menu des options de l’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:62
+msgctxt "tool-options-action"
+msgid "_Save Tool Preset"
+msgstr "_Enregistrer le préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "tool-options-action"
+msgid "_Restore Tool Preset"
+msgstr "_Restaurer le préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:70
+msgctxt "tool-options-action"
+msgid "E_dit Tool Preset"
+msgstr "Mo_difier le préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:74
+msgctxt "tool-options-action"
+msgid "_Delete Tool Preset"
+msgstr "_Supprimer le préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "tool-options-action"
+msgid "_New Tool Preset..."
+msgstr "_Nouveau préréglage d’outil…"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:83
+msgctxt "tool-options-action"
+msgid "R_eset Tool Options"
+msgstr "Ré_initialiser les options de l’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:84
+msgctxt "tool-options-action"
+msgid "Reset to default values"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser aux valeurs par défaut"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:89
+msgctxt "tool-options-action"
+msgid "Reset _all Tool Options"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser _toutes les options de l’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-actions.c:90
+msgctxt "tool-options-action"
+msgid "Reset all tool options"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser toutes les options de l’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:203
+msgid "Reset All Tool Options"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser toutes les options de l’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-options-commands.c:227
+msgid "Do you really want to reset all tool options to default values?"
+msgstr ""
+"Voulez-vous vraiment réinitialiser toutes les options de l’outil à ses "
+"valeurs par défaut ?"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-editor-actions.c:44
+msgctxt "tool-preset-editor-action"
+msgid "Tool Preset Editor Menu"
+msgstr "Menu de l’éditeur de préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-editor-actions.c:48
+msgctxt "tool-preset-editor-action"
+msgid "_Save Tool Options to Preset"
+msgstr "_Enregistrer les options de l’outil dans un préréglage"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-editor-actions.c:49
+msgctxt "tool-preset-editor-action"
+msgid "Save the active tool options to this tool preset"
+msgstr "Enregistre les options actives de cet outil dans ce préréglage"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-editor-actions.c:55
+msgctxt "tool-preset-editor-action"
+msgid "_Restore Tool Preset"
+msgstr "_Restaurer le préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-editor-actions.c:56
+msgctxt "tool-preset-editor-action"
+msgid "Restore this tool preset"
+msgstr "Restaure ce préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-editor-actions.c:65
+msgctxt "tool-preset-editor-action"
+msgid "Edit Active Tool Preset"
+msgstr "Modifier le préréglage de l’outil actif"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-preset-editor-commands.c:65
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-commands.c:68
+#, c-format
+msgid "Can't save '%s' tool options to an existing '%s' tool preset."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible d’enregistrer les options de l’outil « %s » dans un préréglage "
+"« %s » existant."
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:46
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "Tool Presets Menu"
+msgstr "Menu des préréglages d’outils"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:50
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "_New Tool Preset"
+msgstr "_Nouveau préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:51
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "Create a new tool preset"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:56
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "D_uplicate Tool Preset"
+msgstr "D_upliquer le préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:57
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "Duplicate this tool preset"
+msgstr "Dupliquer ce préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:62
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "Copy Tool Preset _Location"
+msgstr "Copier l’_emplacement du préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:63
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "Copy tool preset file location to clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+"Copier l’emplacement du fichier de préréglage d’outil dans le presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:68
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "Show in _File Manager"
+msgstr "Afficher dans le gestionnaire de _fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:69
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "Show tool preset file location in the file manager"
+msgstr ""
+"Afficher l’emplacement du fichier de préréglage d’outil dans le gestionnaire "
+"de fichiers"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:74
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "_Save Tool Options to Preset"
+msgstr "_Enregistrer les options de l’outil dans un préréglage"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:75
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "Save the active tool options to this tool preset"
+msgstr "Enregistre les options de l’outil actif dans ce préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:81
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "_Restore Tool Preset"
+msgstr "_Restaurer le préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:82
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "Restore this tool preset"
+msgstr "Restaure ce préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:87
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "_Delete Tool Preset"
+msgstr "_Supprimer le préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:88
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "Delete this tool preset"
+msgstr "Supprimer ce préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:93
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "_Refresh Tool Presets"
+msgstr "_Actualiser les préréglages d’outils"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:94
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "Refresh tool presets"
+msgstr "Actualiser les préréglages d’outils"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:102
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "_Edit Tool Preset..."
+msgstr "Mo_difier le préréglage d’outil…"
+#: ../app/actions/tool-presets-actions.c:103
+msgctxt "tool-presets-action"
+msgid "Edit this tool preset"
+msgstr "Modifier ce préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:47
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Outils"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:48
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "_Selection Tools"
+msgstr "Outils de _sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:49
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "_Paint Tools"
+msgstr "Outils de _peinture"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:50
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "_Transform Tools"
+msgstr "Outils de _transformation"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:51
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "_Color Tools"
+msgstr "Outils de _couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:57
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "_By Color"
+msgstr "Par _couleur"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:58
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Select regions with similar colors"
+msgstr "Sélectionner des régions de couleurs similaires"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:63 ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:69
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "_Arbitrary Rotation..."
+msgstr "Rotation ar_bitraire…"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:64
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Rotate drawable by an arbitrary angle"
+msgstr "Rotation du graphisme d’un angle arbitraire"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:70
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Rotate image by an arbitrary angle"
+msgstr "Rotation de l’image d’un angle arbitraire"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:158
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Airbrush Rate: Set"
+msgstr "Taux de l’aérographe : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:162
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Airbrush Rate: Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Taux de l’aérographe : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:166
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Airbrush Rate: Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Taux de l’aérographe : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:170
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Airbrush Rate: Decrease by 1"
+msgstr "Taux de l’aérographe : diminuer de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:174
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Airbrush Rate: Increase by 1"
+msgstr "Taux de l’aérographe : augmenter de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:178
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Airbrush Rate: Decrease by 10"
+msgstr "Taux de l’aérographe : diminuer de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:182
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Airbrush Rate: Increase by 10"
+msgstr "Taux de l’aérographe : augmenter de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:190
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Airbrush Flow: Set"
+msgstr "Débit de l’aérographe : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:194
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Airbrush Flow: Set to Minimum"
+msgstr "Débit de l’aérographe : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:198
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Airbrush Flow: Set to Maximum"
+msgstr "Débit de l’aérographe : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:202
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Airbrush Flow: Decrease by 1"
+msgstr "Débit de l’aérographe : diminuer de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:206
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Airbrush Flow: Increase by 1"
+msgstr "Débit de l’aérographe : augmenter de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:210
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Airbrush Flow: Decrease by 10"
+msgstr "Débit de l’aérographe : diminuer de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:214
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Airbrush Flow: Increase by 10"
+msgstr "Débit de l’aérographe : augmenter de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:271
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Opacity: Set"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:275
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Opacity: Set to Default Value"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : régler aux valeurs par défaut"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:279
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Opacity: Minimize"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:283
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Opacity: Maximize"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:287
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Opacity: Decrease by 1"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : diminuer de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:291
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Opacity: Increase by 1"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : augmenter de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:295
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Opacity: Decrease by 10"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : diminuer de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:299
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Opacity: Increase by 10"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : augmenter de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:303
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Opacity: Decrease Relative"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : diminuer en proportions"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:307
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Opacity: Increase Relative"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’outil : augmenter en proportions"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:315
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Size: Set"
+msgstr "Taille de l’outil : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:319
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Size: Set to Default Value"
+msgstr "Taille de l’outil : mettre à la valeur par défaut"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:323
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Size: Minimize"
+msgstr "Taille de l’outil : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:327
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Size: Maximize"
+msgstr "Taille de l’outil : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:331
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Size: Decrease by 1"
+msgstr "Taille de l’outil : diminuer de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:335
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Size: Increase by 1"
+msgstr "Taille de l’outil : augmenter de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:339
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Size: Decrease by 10"
+msgstr "Taille de l’outil : diminuer de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:343
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Size: Increase by 10"
+msgstr "Taille de l’outil : augmenter de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:347
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Size: Decrease Relative"
+msgstr "Taille de l’outil : diminuer en proportions"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:351
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Size: Increase Relative"
+msgstr "Taille de l’outil : augmenter en proportions"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:359
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Aspect Ratio: Set"
+msgstr "Proportions de l’outil : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:363
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Aspect Ratio: Set To Default Value"
+msgstr "Proportions de l’outil : régler à la valeur par défaut"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:367
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Aspect Ratio: Minimize"
+msgstr "Proportions de l’outil : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:371
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Aspect Ratio: Maximize"
+msgstr "Proportions de l’outil : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:375
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Aspect Ratio: Decrease by 0.1"
+msgstr "Proportions de l’outil : diminuer de 0,1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:379
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Aspect Ratio: Increase by 0.1"
+msgstr "Proportions de l’outil : augmenter de 0,1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:383
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Aspect Ratio: Decrease by 1"
+msgstr "Proportions de l’outil : diminuer de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:387
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Aspect Ratio: Increase by 1"
+msgstr "Proportions de l’outil : augmenter de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:391
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Aspect Ratio: Decrease Relative"
+msgstr "Proportions de l’outil : diminuer en proportions"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:395
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Aspect Ratio: Increase Relative"
+msgstr "Proportions de l’outil : augmenter en proportions"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:403
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Angle: Set"
+msgstr "Angle de l’outil : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:407
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Angle: Set Angle To Default Value"
+msgstr "Angle de l’outil : régler l’angle à la valeur par défaut"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:411
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Angle: Minimize"
+msgstr "Angle de l’outil : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:415
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Angle: Maximize"
+msgstr "Angle de l’outil : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:419
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Angle: Decrease by 1°"
+msgstr "Angle de l’outil : diminuer de 1°"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:423
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Angle: Increase by 1°"
+msgstr "Angle de l’outil : augmenter de 1°"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:427
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Angle: Decrease by 15°"
+msgstr "Angle de l’outil : diminuer de 15°"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:431
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Angle: Increase by 15°"
+msgstr "Angle de l’outil : augmenter de 15°"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:435
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Angle: Decrease Relative"
+msgstr "Angle de l’outil : diminuer en proportions"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:439
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Angle: Increase Relative"
+msgstr "Angle de l’outil : augmenter en proportions"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:447
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Spacing: Set"
+msgstr "Espacement de l’outil : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:451
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Spacing: Set To Default Value"
+msgstr "Espacement de l’outil : régler à la valeur par défaut"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:455
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Spacing: Minimize"
+msgstr "Espacement de l’outil : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:459
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Spacing: Maximize"
+msgstr "Espacement de l’outil : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:463
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Spacing: Decrease by 1"
+msgstr "Espacement de l’outil : diminuer de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:467
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Spacing: Increase by 1"
+msgstr "Espacement de l’outil : augmenter de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:471
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Spacing: Decrease by 10"
+msgstr "Espacement de l’outil : diminuer de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:475
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Spacing: Increase by 10"
+msgstr "Espacement de l’outil : augmenter de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:479
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Spacing: Decrease Relative"
+msgstr "Espacement de l’outil : diminuer en proportions"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:483
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Spacing: Increase Relative"
+msgstr "Espacement de l’outil : augmenter en proportions"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:491
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Hardness: Set"
+msgstr "Dureté de l’outil : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:495
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Hardness: Set to Default Value"
+msgstr "Dureté de l’outil : régler à la valeur par défaut"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:499
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Hardness: Minimize"
+msgstr "Dureté de l’outil : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:503
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Hardness: Maximize"
+msgstr "Dureté de l’outil : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:507
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Hardness: Decrease by 1"
+msgstr "Dureté de l’outil : diminuer de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:511
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Hardness: Increase by 1"
+msgstr "Dureté de l’outil : augmenter de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:515
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Hardness: Decrease by 10"
+msgstr "Dureté de l’outil : diminuer de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:519
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Hardness: Increase by 10"
+msgstr "Dureté de l’outil : augmenter de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:523
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Hardness: Decrease Relative"
+msgstr "Dureté de l’outil : diminuer en proportions"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:527
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Hardness: Increase Relative"
+msgstr "Dureté de l’outil : augmenter en proportions"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:535
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Force: Set"
+msgstr "Force de l’outil : régler"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:539
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Force: Set to Default Value"
+msgstr "Force de l’outil : régler à la valeur par défaut"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:543
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Force: Minimize"
+msgstr "Force de l’outil : mettre au minimum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:547
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Force: Maximize"
+msgstr "Force de l’outil : mettre au maximum"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:551
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Force: Decrease by 1"
+msgstr "Force de l’outil : diminuer de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:555
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Force: Increase by 1"
+msgstr "Force de l’outil : augmenter de 1"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:559
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Force: Decrease by 10"
+msgstr "Force de l’outil : diminuer de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:563
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Force: Increase by 10"
+msgstr "Force de l’outil : augmenter de 10"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:567
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Force: Decrease Relative"
+msgstr "Force de l’outil : diminuer en proportions"
+#: ../app/actions/tools-actions.c:571
+msgctxt "tools-action"
+msgid "Tool's Force: Increase Relative"
+msgstr "Force de l’outil : augmenter en proportions"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:46
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Paths Menu"
+msgstr "Menu des chemins"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:50
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Color Tag"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:54
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Edit Pa_th"
+msgstr "Modifier le _chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:55
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Edit the active path"
+msgstr "Modifier le chemin actif"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:60
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "_Edit Path Attributes..."
+msgstr "Mo_difier les attributs du chemin…"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:61
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Edit path attributes"
+msgstr "Modifier les attributs du chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:66
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "_New Path..."
+msgstr "_Nouveau chemin…"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:67
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Create a new path..."
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau chemin…"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "_New Path with last values"
+msgstr "_Nouveau chemin avec les dernières valeurs"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:73
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Create a new path with last used values"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau chemin avec les dernières valeurs utilisées"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:78
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "D_uplicate Path"
+msgstr "D_upliquer le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:79
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Duplicate this path"
+msgstr "Dupliquer le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:84
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "_Delete Path"
+msgstr "Su_pprimer le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:85
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Delete this path"
+msgstr "Supprimer le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:90
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Merge _Visible Paths"
+msgstr "Fusionner les chemins _visibles"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:95
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "_Raise Path"
+msgstr "_Remonter le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:96
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Raise this path"
+msgstr "Remonter le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:101
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Raise Path to _Top"
+msgstr "Placer le chemin tout en _haut"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:102
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Raise this path to the top"
+msgstr "Placer le chemin tout en haut"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:107
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "_Lower Path"
+msgstr "_Descendre le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:108
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Lower this path"
+msgstr "Descendre le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:113
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Lower Path to _Bottom"
+msgstr "Placer le chemin tout en _bas"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:114
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Lower this path to the bottom"
+msgstr "Placer le chemin tout en bas"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:119
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Fill Pat_h..."
+msgstr "Remplir le c_hemin…"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:120
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Fill the path"
+msgstr "Remplir le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:125
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Fill Path"
+msgstr "Remplir le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:126
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Fill the path with last values"
+msgstr "Remplir le chemin avec les dernières valeurs"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:131
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Stro_ke Path..."
+msgstr "_Tracer le chemin…"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:132
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Paint along the path"
+msgstr "Peindre le long du chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:137
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Stro_ke Path"
+msgstr "_Tracer le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:138
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Paint along the path with last values"
+msgstr "Peindre le long du chemin avec les dernières valeurs"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:143
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Co_py Path"
+msgstr "Co_pier le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:148
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Paste Pat_h"
+msgstr "C_oller le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:153
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "E_xport Path..."
+msgstr "E_xporter le chemin…"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:158
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "I_mport Path..."
+msgstr "Impor_ter un chemin…"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:166
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Toggle Path _Visibility"
+msgstr "Activer/désactiver la _visibilité du chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:172
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Toggle Path _Linked State"
+msgstr "Activer/désactiver l’état _lié du chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:178
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "L_ock Strokes of Path"
+msgstr "Verr_ouiller les tracés du chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:184
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "L_ock Position of Path"
+msgstr "Verr_ouiller la position du chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:193
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Aucune"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:194
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Path Color Tag: Clear"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du chemin : effacer"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:199
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Blue"
+msgstr "Bleu"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:200
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Path Color Tag: Set to Blue"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du chemin : mettre en bleu"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:205
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Green"
+msgstr "Vert"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:206
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Path Color Tag: Set to Green"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du chemin : mettre en vert"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:211
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Yellow"
+msgstr "Jaune"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:212
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Path Color Tag: Set to Yellow"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du chemin : mettre en jaune"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:217
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Orange"
+msgstr "Orange"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:218
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Path Color Tag: Set to Orange"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du chemin : mettre en orange"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:223
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Brown"
+msgstr "Marron"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:224
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Path Color Tag: Set to Brown"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du chemin : mettre en marron"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:229
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Red"
+msgstr "Rouge"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:230
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Path Color Tag: Set to Red"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du chemin : mettre en rouge"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:235
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Violet"
+msgstr "Violet"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:236
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Path Color Tag: Set to Violet"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du chemin : mettre en violet"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:241
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Gray"
+msgstr "Gris"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:242
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Path Color Tag: Set to Gray"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur du chemin : mettre en gris"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:250
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Path to Sele_ction"
+msgstr "Ch_emin vers sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:251
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Path to selection"
+msgstr "Chemin vers sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:256
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Fr_om Path"
+msgstr "_Depuis le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:257
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Replace selection with path"
+msgstr "Remplacer la sélection par le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:262
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "_Add to Selection"
+msgstr "A_jouter à la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:263
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Add path to selection"
+msgstr "Ajouter le chemin à la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:268
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "_Subtract from Selection"
+msgstr "S_oustraire de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:269
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Subtract path from selection"
+msgstr "Soustraire le chemin de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:274
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "_Intersect with Selection"
+msgstr "_Intersection avec la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:275
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Intersect path with selection"
+msgstr "Intersection du chemin et de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:283
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Selecti_on to Path"
+msgstr "Sélection vers c_hemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:284 ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:290
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Selection to path"
+msgstr "Sélection vers chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:289
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "To _Path"
+msgstr "_Vers chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:295
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Selection to Path (_Advanced)"
+msgstr "Sélection vers chemin (_avancée)"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:296
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Advanced options"
+msgstr "Options avancées"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:304
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Select _Top Path"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le chemin du _haut"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:305
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Select the topmost path"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le chemin le plus haut"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:310
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Select _Bottom Path"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le chemin du _bas"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:311
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Select the bottommost path"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le chemin le plus bas"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:316
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Select _Previous Path"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le chemin _précédent"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:317
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Select the path above the current path"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le chemin juste au-dessus du chemin actuel"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:322
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Select _Next Path"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le chemin _suivant"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-actions.c:323
+msgctxt "vectors-action"
+msgid "Select the vector below the current path"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le chemin juste en dessous du chemin actuel"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-commands.c:164 ../app/actions/vectors-commands.c:750
+msgid "Path Attributes"
+msgstr "Attributs du chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-commands.c:167
+msgid "Edit Path Attributes"
+msgstr "Modification des attributs du chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-commands.c:206
+msgid "New Path"
+msgstr "Nouveau chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-commands.c:209
+msgid "Create a New Path"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-commands.c:442 ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:202
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:740
+msgid "Fill Path"
+msgstr "Remplir le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/vectors-commands.c:474 ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:210
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:812
+msgid "Stroke Path"
+msgstr "Tracer le chemin"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:70
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Affichage"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:71
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Zoom"
+msgstr "_Zoom"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:72
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Flip & Rotate"
+msgstr "Mir_oir et rotation"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:73
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Padding Color"
+msgstr "Couleur de r_emplissage"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:76
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Color Management"
+msgstr "Gestion des couleurs"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:79
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Display _Rendering Intent"
+msgstr "Mo_de de rendu de l’affichage"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:82
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Soft-Proofing Re_ndering Intent"
+msgstr "Mode de rend_u de l’épreuve sur écran"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:85
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Move to Screen"
+msgstr "Aller à l’écran"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:89
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_New View"
+msgstr "_Nouvelle vue"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:90
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Create another view on this image"
+msgstr "Créer une nouvelle vue de cette image"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:95
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Close View"
+msgstr "_Fermer la vue"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:96
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Close the active image view"
+msgstr "Fermer la vue de l’image active"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:101
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "C_enter Image in Window"
+msgstr "C_entrer l’image dans la fenêtre"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:102
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Scroll the image so that it is centered in the window"
+msgstr "Décale l’image pour qu’elle soit centrée dans la fenêtre"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:107
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Fit Image in Window"
+msgstr "A_juster l’image dans la fenêtre"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:108
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Adjust the zoom ratio so that the image becomes fully visible"
+msgstr "Ajuster le facteur de zoom pour que l’image soit entièrement visible"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:113
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Fi_ll Window"
+msgstr "Ajuster à la _fenêtre"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:114
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Adjust the zoom ratio so that the entire window is used"
+msgstr ""
+"Ajuster le facteur de zoom pour que la fenêtre soit entièrement utilisée"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:119
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Zoom to _Selection"
+msgstr "Zoomer jusqu’à la _sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:120
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Adjust the zoom ratio so that the selection fills the window"
+msgstr ""
+"Ajuster le facteur de zoom pour que la fenêtre soit entièrement utilisée"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:125
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Re_vert Zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom _précédent"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:126
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Restore the previous zoom level"
+msgstr "Restaurer le précédent niveau de zoom"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:131
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Othe_r rotation angle..."
+msgstr "Aut_re angle de rotation…"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:132
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Set a custom rotation angle"
+msgstr "Définir un angle de rotation personnalisé"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:137
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Na_vigation Window"
+msgstr "Fenêtre de na_vigation"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:138
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Show an overview window for this image"
+msgstr "Afficher une vue d’ensemble de cette image"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:143
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Display _Filters..."
+msgstr "_Filtres d’affichage…"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:144
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Configure filters applied to this view"
+msgstr "Configurer les filtres appliqués à cette vue"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:149
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "As in _Preferences"
+msgstr "Comme dans les pré_férences"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:151
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Reset color management to what's configured in preferences"
+msgstr "Utiliser la couleur de remplissage définie dans les préférences"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:156
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Soft-_Proofing Profile..."
+msgstr "_Profil d’épreuve sur écran…"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:157
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Set the soft-proofing profile"
+msgstr "Régler le profil d’épreuve sur écran"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:162
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Shrink _Wrap"
+msgstr "Aj_uster la fenêtre à l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:163
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Reduce the image window to the size of the image display"
+msgstr "Réduire la fenêtre d’image à la taille de l’affichage de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:168
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Open Display..."
+msgstr "_Ouvrir l’affichage…"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:169
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Connect to another display"
+msgstr "Se connecter à un autre affichage"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:178
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Show _All"
+msgstr "_Tout afficher"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:179
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Show full image content"
+msgstr "Affiche tout le contenu de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:185
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Dot for Dot"
+msgstr "_Point pour point"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:186
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "A pixel on the screen represents an image pixel"
+msgstr "Un pixel de l’écran représente un pixel de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:192
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Color-Manage this View"
+msgstr "Gestion des _couleurs de cette vue"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:193
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Use color management for this view"
+msgstr "Utiliser la gestion des couleurs pour cette vue"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:199
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Proof Colors"
+msgstr "Couleurs de correction"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:200
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Use this view for soft-proofing"
+msgstr "Utiliser cette vue pour l’épreuve sur écran"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:206 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:213
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Black Point Compensation"
+msgstr "Compensation du point _noir"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:207
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Use black point compensation for image display"
+msgstr "Utiliser la compensation du point noir pour l’affichage de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:214
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Use black point compensation for soft-proofing"
+msgstr "Utiliser la compensation du point noir pour l’épreuve sur écran"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:220
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Mark Out Of Gamut Colors"
+msgstr "_Indiquer les couleurs hors gamme"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:221
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid ""
+"When soft-proofing, mark colors which cannot be represented in the target "
+"color space"
+msgstr ""
+"Lors de l’épreuve sur écran, indique les couleurs qui ne peuvent pas être "
+"représentées dans l’espace de couleur cible"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:228
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Show _Selection"
+msgstr "Afficher la _sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:229
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Display the selection outline"
+msgstr "Afficher le contour de la sélection"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:235
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Show _Layer Boundary"
+msgstr "Afficher les _bords du calque"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:236
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Draw a border around the active layer"
+msgstr "Tracer une bordure autour du calque actif"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:242
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Show Canvas Bounda_ry"
+msgstr "Afficher les _bords du canevas"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:243
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Draw a border around the canvas"
+msgstr "Tracer une bordure autour du canevas"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:249
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Show _Guides"
+msgstr "Afficher les g_uides"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:250
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Display the image's guides"
+msgstr "Afficher les guides de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:256
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "S_how Grid"
+msgstr "Afficher la gr_ille"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:257
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Display the image's grid"
+msgstr "Afficher la grille de l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:263
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Sh_ow Sample Points"
+msgstr "Afficher les p_oints d’échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:264
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Display the image's color sample points"
+msgstr "Afficher les points d’échantillonnage de couleur sur l’image"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:270
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Snap to Gu_ides"
+msgstr "Aligner sur les gu_ides"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:271
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Tool operations snap to guides"
+msgstr "Aligner les opérations des outils sur les guides"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:277
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Sna_p to Grid"
+msgstr "Aligner sur la gri_lle"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:278
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Tool operations snap to the grid"
+msgstr "Aligner les opérations des outils sur la grille"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:284
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Snap to _Canvas Edges"
+msgstr "Aligner sur les bords du _canevas"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:285
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Tool operations snap to the canvas edges"
+msgstr "Aligner les opérations des outils sur les bords du canevas"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:291
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Snap t_o Active Path"
+msgstr "Aligner sur le c_hemin actif"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:292
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Tool operations snap to the active path"
+msgstr "Aligner les opérations des outils sur le chemin actif"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:298
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Show _Menubar"
+msgstr "Afficher la barre de _menu"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:299
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Show this window's menubar"
+msgstr "Afficher la barre de menu de cette fenêtre"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:305
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Show R_ulers"
+msgstr "Afficher les _règles"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:306
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Show this window's rulers"
+msgstr "Afficher les règles de cette fenêtre"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:312
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Show Scroll_bars"
+msgstr "Afficher les barres de _défilement"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:313
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Show this window's scrollbars"
+msgstr "Afficher les barres de défilement de cette fenêtre"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:319
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Show S_tatusbar"
+msgstr "Afficher la barre d’é_tat"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:320
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Show this window's statusbar"
+msgstr "Afficher la barre d’état de cette fenêtre"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:326
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Fullscr_een"
+msgstr "Plein écr_an"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:327
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Toggle fullscreen view"
+msgstr "Basculer la vue plein écran"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:336
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Set zoom factor"
+msgstr "Définir le facteur de zoom"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:341
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom out as far as possible"
+msgstr "Zoom arrière autant que possible"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:346
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom in as far as possible"
+msgstr "Zoom avant autant que possible"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:351
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom _Out"
+msgstr "Zoom a_rrière"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:352 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:364
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom out"
+msgstr "Zoom arrière"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:357
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom _In"
+msgstr "Zoom a_vant"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:358 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:370
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom in"
+msgstr "Zoom avant"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:363
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom Out"
+msgstr "Zoom arrière"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:369
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom In"
+msgstr "Zoom avant"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:375
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom out a lot"
+msgstr "Zoom beaucoup en arrière"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:380
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom in a lot"
+msgstr "Zoom beaucoup en avant"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:388 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:394
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "1_6:1 (1600%)"
+msgstr "1_6:1 (1600 %)"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:389 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:395
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom 16:1"
+msgstr "Zoom 16:1"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:400 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:406
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "_8:1 (800%)"
+msgstr "_8:1 (800 %)"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:401 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:407
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom 8:1"
+msgstr "Zoom 8:1"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:412 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:418
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "_4:1 (400%)"
+msgstr "_4:1 (400 %)"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:413 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:419
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom 4:1"
+msgstr "Zoom 4:1"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:424 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:430
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "_2:1 (200%)"
+msgstr "_2:1 (200 %)"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:425 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:431
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom 2:1"
+msgstr "Zoom 2:1"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:436 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:442
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "_1:1 (100%)"
+msgstr "_1:1 (100 %)"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:437 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:443
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom 1:1"
+msgstr "Zoom 1:1"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:448
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "1:_2 (50%)"
+msgstr "1:_2 (50 %)"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:449
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom 1:2"
+msgstr "Zoom 1:2"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:454
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "1:_4 (25%)"
+msgstr "1:_4 (25 %)"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:455
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom 1:4"
+msgstr "Zoom 1:4"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:460
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "1:_8 (12.5%)"
+msgstr "1:_8 (12,5 %)"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:461
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom 1:8"
+msgstr "Zoom 1:8"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:466
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "1:1_6 (6.25%)"
+msgstr "1:1_6 (6,25 %)"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:467
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Zoom 1:16"
+msgstr "Zoom 1:16"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:472
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Othe_r zoom factor..."
+msgstr "Aut_re facteur de zoom…"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:473
+msgctxt "view-zoom-action"
+msgid "Set a custom zoom factor"
+msgstr "Définir un facteur de zoom personnalisé"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:481
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Flip _Horizontally"
+msgstr "Miroir _horizontal"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:482
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Flip the view horizontally"
+msgstr "Affichage en miroir horizontal"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:488
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Flip _Vertically"
+msgstr "Miroir _vertical"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:489
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Flip the view vertically"
+msgstr "Affichage en miroir vertical"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:503
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Reset Flip & Rotate"
+msgstr "_Réinitialiser Miroir et rotation"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:505
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Reset flipping to unflipped and the angle of rotation to 0°"
+msgstr "Remettre le miroir en place et l’angle de rotation à 0°"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:513
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Rotate 15° _clockwise"
+msgstr "Rotation de 15° en sens _horaire"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:514
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Rotate the view 15 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Rotation de l’affichage de 15 degrés vers la droite"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:519
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Rotate 90° _clockwise"
+msgstr "Rotation de 90° en sens h_oraire"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:520
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Rotate the view 90 degrees to the right"
+msgstr "Rotation de l’affichage de 90 degrés vers la droite"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:525
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Rotate _180°"
+msgstr "Rotation de _180°"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:526
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Turn the view upside-down"
+msgstr "Retourner l’affichage"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:531
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Rotate 90° counter-clock_wise"
+msgstr "Rotation de 90° en sens _anti-horaire"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:532
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Rotate the view 90 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Rotation de l’affichage de 90 degrés vers la gauche"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:537
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Rotate 15° counter-clock_wise"
+msgstr "Rotation de 15° en sens a_nti-horaire"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:538
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Rotate the view 15 degrees to the left"
+msgstr "Rotation de l’affichage de 15 degrés vers la gauche"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:546 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:573
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Perceptual"
+msgstr "_Perceptuel"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:547
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Display rendering intent is perceptual"
+msgstr "Le mode de rendu de l’affichage est perceptuel"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:552 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:579
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Relative Colorimetric"
+msgstr "Colorimétrique _relatif"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:553
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Display rendering intent is relative colorimetric"
+msgstr "Le mode de rendu de l’affichage est colorimétrique relatif"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:558 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:585
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Saturation"
+msgstr "_Saturation"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:559
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Display rendering intent is saturation"
+msgstr "Le mode de rendu de l’affichage est saturation"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:564 ../app/actions/view-actions.c:591
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "_Absolute Colorimetric"
+msgstr "Colorimétrique _absolu"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:565
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Display rendering intent is absolute colorimetric"
+msgstr "Le mode de rendu de l’affichage est colorimétrique absolu"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:574
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Soft-proofing rendering intent is perceptual"
+msgstr "Le mode de rendu de l’épreuve sur écran est perceptuel"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:580
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Soft-proofing rendering intent is relative colorimetric"
+msgstr "Le mode de rendu de l’épreuve sur écran est colorimétrique relatif"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:586
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Soft-proofing rendering intent is saturation"
+msgstr "Le mode de rendu de l’épreuve sur écran est saturation"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:592
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Soft-proofing rendering intent is absolute colorimetric"
+msgstr "Le mode de rendu de l’épreuve sur écran est colorimétrique absolu"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:600
+msgctxt "view-padding-color"
+msgid "From _Theme"
+msgstr "Depuis le _thème"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:601
+msgctxt "view-padding-color"
+msgid "Use the current theme's background color"
+msgstr "Utilise la couleur d’arrière-plan du thème actuel"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:606
+msgctxt "view-padding-color"
+msgid "_Light Check Color"
+msgstr "Couleur _claire du damier"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:607
+msgctxt "view-padding-color"
+msgid "Use the light check color"
+msgstr "Utilise la couleur claire du damier"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:612
+msgctxt "view-padding-color"
+msgid "_Dark Check Color"
+msgstr "Couleur _sombre du damier"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:613
+msgctxt "view-padding-color"
+msgid "Use the dark check color"
+msgstr "Utilise la couleur sombre du damier"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:618
+msgctxt "view-padding-color"
+msgid "_Custom Color..."
+msgstr "Couleur _personnalisée…"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:619
+msgctxt "view-padding-color"
+msgid "Use an arbitrary color"
+msgstr "Utiliser une couleur arbitraire"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:624
+msgctxt "view-padding-color"
+msgid "As in _Preferences"
+msgstr "Comme dans les pré_férences"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:626
+msgctxt "view-padding-color"
+msgid "Reset padding color to what's configured in preferences"
+msgstr "Utiliser la couleur de remplissage définie dans les préférences"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:634
+msgctxt "view-padding-color"
+msgid "Keep Padding in \"Show _All\" Mode"
+msgstr "Conserver le remplissage en mode « Tout afficher »"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:636
+msgctxt "view-padding-color"
+msgid "Keep canvas padding when \"View -> Show All\" is enabled"
+msgstr ""
+"Conserver le remplissage du canevas lorsque « Affichage -> Tout afficher » "
+"est activé"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:645
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Set horizontal scroll offset"
+msgstr "Régler le décalage du défilement horizontal"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:650
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Scroll to left border"
+msgstr "Défilement vers le bord gauche"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:655
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Scroll to right border"
+msgstr "Défilement vers le bord droit"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:660
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Scroll left"
+msgstr "Défilement gauche"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:665
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Scroll right"
+msgstr "Défilement droit"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:670
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Scroll page left"
+msgstr "Défilement par page à gauche"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:675
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Scroll page right"
+msgstr "Défilement par page à droite"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:683
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Set vertical scroll offset"
+msgstr "Régler le décalage du défilement vertical"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:688
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Scroll to top border"
+msgstr "Défilement vers le bord supérieur"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:693
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Scroll to bottom border"
+msgstr "Défilement vers le bord inférieur"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:698
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Scroll up"
+msgstr "Défilement haut"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:703
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Scroll down"
+msgstr "Défilement bas"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:708
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Scroll page up"
+msgstr "Défilement par page en haut"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:713
+msgctxt "view-action"
+msgid "Scroll page down"
+msgstr "Défilement par page en bas"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:944
+#, c-format
+msgid "Re_vert Zoom (%d%%)"
+msgstr "Zoom _précédent (%d %%)"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:952
+msgid "Re_vert Zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom _précédent"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:1144
+#, c-format
+msgid "Othe_r (%s)..."
+msgstr "A_utre (%s)…"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:1153
+#, c-format
+msgid "_Zoom (%s)"
+msgstr "_Zoom (%s)"
+#. please preserve the trailing space
+#. H: Horizontal, V: Vertical
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:1175
+msgid "(H+V) "
+msgstr "(H+V)"
+#. please preserve the trailing space
+#. H: Horizontal
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:1181
+msgid "(H) "
+msgstr "(H)"
+#. please preserve the trailing space
+#. V: Vertical
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:1187
+msgid "(V) "
+msgstr "(V)"
+#: ../app/actions/view-actions.c:1194
+#, c-format
+msgid "_Flip %s& Rotate (%d°)"
+msgstr "_Miroir %set Rotation (%d°)"
+#: ../app/actions/view-commands.c:1122
+msgid "Set Canvas Padding Color"
+msgstr "Définir des couleurs de remplissage du canevas"
+#: ../app/actions/view-commands.c:1124
+msgid "Set Custom Canvas Padding Color"
+msgstr "Définir des couleurs personnalisées de remplissage du canevas"
+#: ../app/actions/window-actions.c:193
+#, c-format
+msgid "Screen %s"
+msgstr "Écran %s"
+#: ../app/actions/window-actions.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Move this window to screen %s"
+msgstr "Déplacer cette fenêtre vers l’écran %s"
+#: ../app/actions/window-commands.c:78 ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:638
+#: ../app/dialogs/grid-dialog.c:103 ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:107
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:326
+#: ../app/dialogs/item-options-dialog.c:146
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1135
+#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:125
+#: ../app/dialogs/resolution-calibrate-dialog.c:76
+#: ../app/dialogs/template-options-dialog.c:119
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-filter-dialog.c:88
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-rotate-dialog.c:123
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-scale-dialog.c:123 ../app/gui/gui.c:197
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:347 ../app/widgets/gimpcolordialog.c:111
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:663
+#: ../app/widgets/gimperrordialog.c:76 ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:178
+msgid "_OK"
+msgstr "_Valider"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:102
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "_Windows"
+msgstr "Fe_nêtres"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:104
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "_Recently Closed Docks"
+msgstr "Groupes de fenêtres _récemment fermés"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:106
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "_Dockable Dialogs"
+msgstr "_Fenêtres ancrables"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:109
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "Next Image"
+msgstr "Image suivante"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:110
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "Switch to the next image"
+msgstr "Basculer vers l’image suivante"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:115
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "Previous Image"
+msgstr "Image précédente"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:116
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "Switch to the previous image"
+msgstr "Basculer vers l’image précédente"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:121
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "_Tabs Position"
+msgstr "Position des _onglets"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:127
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "_Hide Docks"
+msgstr "_Masquer les groupes de fenêtres"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:128
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, docks and other dialogs are hidden, leaving only image windows."
+msgstr "Si activé, seules persisteront à l’écran les fenêtres d’image."
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:134
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "_Show Tabs"
+msgstr "A_fficher les onglets"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:135
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "When enabled, the image tabs bar is shown."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, la barre des onglets d’image est affichée."
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:141
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "Single-Window _Mode"
+msgstr "_Mode fenêtre unique"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:142
+msgctxt "windows-action"
+msgid "When enabled, GIMP is in a single-window mode."
+msgstr "Si activé, GIMP est en mode fenêtre unique."
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:151
+msgctxt "windows-tabs-position-action"
+msgid "_Top"
+msgstr "_Haut"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:152
+msgctxt "windows-tabs-position-action"
+msgid "Position the tabs on the top"
+msgstr "Placer les onglets tout en haut"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:156
+msgctxt "windows-tabs-position-action"
+msgid "_Bottom"
+msgstr "_Bas"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:157
+msgctxt "windows-tabs-position-action"
+msgid "Position the tabs on the bottom"
+msgstr "Placer les onglets tout en bas"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:161
+msgctxt "windows-tabs-position-action"
+msgid "_Left"
+msgstr "_Gauche"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:162
+msgctxt "windows-tabs-position-action"
+msgid "Position the tabs on the left"
+msgstr "Placer les onglets tout à gauche"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:166
+msgctxt "windows-tabs-position-action"
+msgid "_Right"
+msgstr "_Droit"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-actions.c:167
+msgctxt "windows-tabs-position-action"
+msgid "Position the tabs on the right"
+msgstr "Placer les onglets tout à droite"
+#: ../app/actions/windows-commands.c:208
+msgid ""
+"The chosen recent dock contains a toolbox. Please close the currently open "
+"toolbox and try again."
+msgstr ""
+"Le groupe de fenêtres récemment choisi comporte une boîte à outils. Fermez "
+"la boîte à outils actuellement ouverte et réessayez."
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:25
+msgctxt "canvas-padding-mode"
+msgid "From theme"
+msgstr "Depuis le thème"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:26
+msgctxt "canvas-padding-mode"
+msgid "Light check color"
+msgstr "Couleur claire du damier"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:27
+msgctxt "canvas-padding-mode"
+msgid "Dark check color"
+msgstr "Couleur sombre du damier"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:28
+msgctxt "canvas-padding-mode"
+msgid "Custom color"
+msgstr "Couleur personnalisée"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:56
+msgctxt "cursor-format"
+msgid "Black & white"
+msgstr "Noir et blanc"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:57
+msgctxt "cursor-format"
+msgid "Fancy"
+msgstr "Fantaisie"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:86
+msgctxt "cursor-mode"
+msgid "Tool icon"
+msgstr "Icône de l’outil"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:87
+msgctxt "cursor-mode"
+msgid "Tool icon with crosshair"
+msgstr "Icône de l’outil avec une croix"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:88
+msgctxt "cursor-mode"
+msgid "Crosshair only"
+msgstr "Seulement une croix"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:122
+msgctxt "export-file-type"
+msgid "PNG Image"
+msgstr "Image PNG"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:123
+msgctxt "export-file-type"
+msgid "JPEG Image"
+msgstr "Image JPEG"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:124
+msgctxt "export-file-type"
+msgid "OpenRaster Image"
+msgstr "Image OpenRaster"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:125
+msgctxt "export-file-type"
+msgid "Photoshop Image"
+msgstr "Image Photoshop"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:126
+msgctxt "export-file-type"
+msgid "Portable Document Format"
+msgstr "PDF (Portable Document Format)"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:127
+msgctxt "export-file-type"
+msgid "TIFF Image"
+msgstr "Image TIFF"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:128
+msgctxt "export-file-type"
+msgid "Windows BMP Image"
+msgstr "Image BMP Windows"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:129
+msgctxt "export-file-type"
+msgid "WebP Image"
+msgstr "Image WebP"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:157
+msgctxt "handedness"
+msgid "Left-handed"
+msgstr "Gaucher"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:158
+msgctxt "handedness"
+msgid "Right-handed"
+msgstr "Droitier"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:186
+msgctxt "help-browser-type"
+msgid "GIMP help browser"
+msgstr "Navigateur d’aide GIMP"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:187
+msgctxt "help-browser-type"
+msgid "Web browser"
+msgstr "Navigateur Web"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:219
+msgctxt "icon-size"
+msgid "Guess ideal size"
+msgstr "Estimer la taille idéale"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:220
+msgctxt "icon-size"
+msgid "Theme-set size"
+msgstr "Taille définie par le thème"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:221
+msgctxt "icon-size"
+msgid "Small size"
+msgstr "Petite taille"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:222
+msgctxt "icon-size"
+msgid "Medium size"
+msgstr "Taille moyenne"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:223
+msgctxt "icon-size"
+msgid "Large size"
+msgstr "Grande taille"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:224
+msgctxt "icon-size"
+msgid "Huge size"
+msgstr "Taille énorme"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:254
+msgctxt "position"
+msgid "Top"
+msgstr "Haut"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:255
+msgctxt "position"
+msgid "Bottom"
+msgstr "Bas"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:256
+msgctxt "position"
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Gauche"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:257
+msgctxt "position"
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Droit"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:286
+msgctxt "space-bar-action"
+msgid "No action"
+msgstr "Aucune action"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:287
+msgctxt "space-bar-action"
+msgid "Pan view"
+msgstr "Effectuer un panoramique"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:288
+msgctxt "space-bar-action"
+msgid "Switch to Move tool"
+msgstr "Basculer sur l’outil déplacement"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:317
+msgctxt "tool-group-menu-mode"
+msgid "Show on click"
+msgstr "Afficher au clic"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:318
+msgctxt "tool-group-menu-mode"
+msgid "Show on hover"
+msgstr "Afficher au survol"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:319
+msgctxt "tool-group-menu-mode"
+msgid "Show on hover in single column"
+msgstr "Afficher au survol dans une seule colonne"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:348
+msgctxt "window-hint"
+msgid "Normal window"
+msgstr "Fenêtre normale"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:349
+msgctxt "window-hint"
+msgid "Utility window"
+msgstr "Fenêtre utilitaire"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:350
+msgctxt "window-hint"
+msgid "Keep above"
+msgstr "Garder au-dessus"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:378
+msgctxt "zoom-quality"
+msgid "Low"
+msgstr "Basse"
+#: ../app/config/config-enums.c:379
+msgctxt "zoom-quality"
+msgid "High"
+msgstr "Haute"
+#: ../app/config/gimpconfig-file.c:82
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open '%s' for writing: %s"
+msgstr "Impossible d’ouvrir « %s » en écriture : %s"
+#: ../app/config/gimpconfig-file.c:116
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error parsing '%%s': line longer than %s characters."
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur d’analyse syntaxique « %%s » : ligne plus longue que %s caractères."
+#: ../app/config/gimpconfig-file.c:152 ../app/config/gimpconfig-file.c:196
+#: ../app/core/gimp-tags.c:145 ../app/gui/themes.c:402
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool-settings.c:229
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error writing '%s': %s"
+msgstr "Erreur durant l’écriture de « %s » : %s"
+#: ../app/config/gimpconfig-file.c:182 ../app/plug-in/gimpenvirontable.c:369
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimpinterpreterdb.c:268
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool-settings.c:182
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error reading '%s': %s"
+msgstr "Erreur durant la lecture de « %s » : %s"
+#: ../app/config/gimpconfig-file.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"There was an error parsing your '%s' file. Default values will be used. A "
+"backup of your configuration has been created at '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+"Une erreur est survenue à l’analyse du fichier « %s ». Les valeurs par "
+"défaut seront utilisées. Une sauvegarde de votre configuration a été créée à "
+"« %s »."
+#: ../app/config/gimpdialogconfig.c:307 ../app/core/gimplayer.c:444
+msgid "Layer"
+msgstr "Calque"
+#: ../app/config/gimpdialogconfig.c:407 ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:254
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcurvesconfig.c:110
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:115
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationthreshold.c:89
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpchanneltreeview.c:329
+msgid "Channel"
+msgstr "Canal"
+#: ../app/config/gimpdialogconfig.c:422 ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:227
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpvectorstreeview.c:250
+msgid "Path"
+msgstr "Chemin"
+#. Not all strings defined here are used in the user interface
+#. * (the preferences dialog mainly) and only those that are should
+#. * be marked for translation.
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:13
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, an image will become the active image when its image window "
+"receives the focus. This is useful for window managers using \"click to focus"
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, une image deviendra l’image active quand sa "
+"fenêtre recevra le focus. C’est pratique pour les gestionnaires de fenêtre "
+"utilisant une « sélection par clic »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:23 ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:28
+msgid "Sets the dynamics search path."
+msgstr "Définit le chemin de recherche de la dynamique."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:33
+msgid ""
+"Sets the canvas padding color used if the padding mode is set to custom "
+msgstr ""
+"Définit la couleur de remplissage du canevas utilisée si le mode de "
+"remplissage est défini sur une couleur personnalisée."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:37
+msgid ""
+"Specifies whether to keep the canvas padding when \"View -> Show All\" is "
+msgstr ""
+"Indique s’il faut conserver le remplissage du canevas lorsque « Affichage -> "
+"Tout afficher » est activé."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:41
+msgid "Specifies how the area around the image should be drawn."
+msgstr "Contrôle l’apparence de la zone autour de l’image."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:44
+msgid ""
+"Check for availability of GIMP updates through background internet queries."
+msgstr ""
+"Rechercher la disponibilité des mises à jour de GIMP par interrogation "
+"d’Internet en arrière-plan."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:47
+msgid "Timestamp of the last update check."
+msgstr "Horodatage de la dernière recherche de mise à jour."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:53
+msgid "How to handle embedded color profiles when opening a file."
+msgstr ""
+"Comment traiter les profils de couleurs embarqués, lors de l’ouverture d’un "
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:56
+msgid "Sets the default folder path for all color profile file dialogs."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le nom de chemin de dossier par défaut pour toutes les boîtes de "
+"dialogue des fichiers de profil de couleur."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:59
+msgid "Use compact style for sliders."
+msgstr "Utiliser un style compact pour les curseurs."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:62
+msgid "Sets the type of mouse pointers to use."
+msgstr "Définit le type de pointeur de souris à utiliser."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:65
+msgid "Sets the handedness for cursor positioning."
+msgstr "Règle la manualité de l’orientation du pointeur."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:68
+msgid ""
+"Context-dependent mouse pointers are helpful. They are enabled by default. "
+"However, they require overhead that you may want to do without."
+msgstr ""
+"Les pointeurs dont l’apparence est dépendante du contexte sont utiles et "
+"activés par défaut. Néanmoins, ils demandent des ressources supplémentaires "
+"que vous souhaiteriez peut-être économiser."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:84
+msgid "Show full image content by default."
+msgstr "Affiche par défaut tout le contenu de l’image."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:87
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, this will ensure that each pixel of an image gets mapped to a "
+"pixel on the screen."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, chaque pixel d’une image correspondra à un "
+"pixel de l’écran."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:112
+msgid "This is the distance in pixels where Guide and Grid snapping activates."
+msgstr ""
+"C’est la distance d’activation en pixels de l’alignement sur un guide ou la "
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:116
+msgid "Snap to guides by default in new image windows."
+msgstr ""
+"Alignement sur les guides par défaut dans les nouvelles fenêtres d’image."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:119
+msgid "Snap to the grid by default in new image windows."
+msgstr ""
+"Alignement sur la grille par défaut dans les nouvelles fenêtres d’image."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:122
+msgid "Snap to the canvas edges by default in new image windows."
+msgstr ""
+"Alignement sur les bords du canevas par défaut dans les nouvelles fenêtres "
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:125
+msgid "Snap to the active path by default in new image windows."
+msgstr ""
+"Alignement sur le chemin actif par défaut dans les nouvelles fenêtres "
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:128
+msgid ""
+"Tools such as fuzzy-select and bucket fill find regions based on a seed-fill "
+"algorithm. The seed fill starts at the initially selected pixel and "
+"progresses in all directions until the difference of pixel intensity from "
+"the original is greater than a specified threshold. This value represents "
+"the default threshold."
+msgstr ""
+"Des outils comme la sélection floue et le remplissage utilisent un "
+"algorithme de recherche dit « à germe ». Le remplissage se fait à partir du "
+"pixel initial et progresse dans toutes les directions jusqu’à ce que la "
+"différence de couleur avec le pixel initial dépasse un seuil déterminé. "
+"Cette option représente la valeur par défaut de ce seuil."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:141
+msgid ""
+"The window type hint that is set on dock windows and the toolbox window. "
+"This may affect the way your window manager decorates and handles these "
+msgstr ""
+"Préconisation de type de fenêtre pour les fenêtres ancrables et la boîte à "
+"outils. Cela peut affecter la façon dont le gestionnaire de fenêtres décore "
+"et manipule ces fenêtres."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:161
+msgid "When enabled, the selected brush will be used for all tools."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, la brosse sélectionnée sera utilisée pour tous "
+"les outils."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:164
+msgid "When enabled, the selected dynamics will be used for all tools."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, la dynamique sélectionnée sera utilisée pour "
+"tous les outils."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:170
+msgid "When enabled, the selected gradient will be used for all tools."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, le dégradé sélectionné sera utilisé pour tous "
+"les outils."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:173
+msgid "When enabled, the selected pattern will be used for all tools."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, le motif sélectionné sera utilisé pour tous les "
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:187
+msgid "Sets the browser used by the help system."
+msgstr "Définit le navigateur utilisé par le système d’aide."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:195
+msgid "How many recent settings to keep around in filter tools."
+msgstr "Nombre de réglages récents à conserver dans les outils filtre."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:198
+msgid "Default to the last used settings in filter tools."
+msgstr ""
+"Prendre par défaut les derniers paramètres utilisés dans les outils filtre."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:201
+msgid "Show advanced color options in filter tools."
+msgstr "Afficher les options de couleur avancées dans les outils filtre."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:204
+msgid "Sets the text to appear in image window status bars."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le texte apparaissant dans la barre d’état des fenêtres d’image."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:207
+msgid "Sets the text to appear in image window titles."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le texte apparaissant dans la barre de titre des fenêtres d’image."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:210
+msgid ""
+"Promote imported images to floating point precision. Does not apply to "
+"indexed images."
+msgstr ""
+"Promouvoir les images importées à la précision en virgule flottante. Ne "
+"s’applique pas aux images indexées."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:214
+msgid ""
+"When promoting imported images to floating point precision, also add minimal "
+"noise in order to distribute color values a bit."
+msgstr ""
+"Lors du passage d’images importées en virgule flottante, ajouter aussi un "
+"bruit minimal pour distribuer un peu les valeurs de couleur."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:218
+msgid "Add an alpha channel to all layers of imported images."
+msgstr "Ajouter un canal alpha à tous les calques des images importées."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:221
+msgid "Which plug-in to use for importing raw digital camera files."
+msgstr "Quel greffon utiliser pour l’importation des fichiers photo raw."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:224
+msgid "Export file type used by default."
+msgstr "Type de fichier d’exportation par défaut."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:227
+msgid "Export the image's color profile by default."
+msgstr "Exporte par défaut le profil de couleur de l’image."
+#. Translators: tooltip for configuration option (checkbox).
+#. * It determines how file export plug-ins handle Exif by default.
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:233
+msgid "Export Exif metadata by default."
+msgstr "Exporter les métadonnées Exif par défaut."
+#. Translators: tooltip for configuration option (checkbox).
+#. * It determines how file export plug-ins handle XMP by default.
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:239
+msgid "Export XMP metadata by default."
+msgstr "Exporter les métadonnées XMP par défaut."
+#. Translators: tooltip for configuration option (checkbox).
+#. * It determines how file export plug-ins handle IPTC by default.
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:245
+msgid "Export IPTC metadata by default."
+msgstr "Exporter les métadonnées IPTC par défaut."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:248
+msgid "Try generating debug data for bug reporting when appropriate."
+msgstr ""
+"Tenter de générer des données de débogage pour un rapport d’anomalie quand "
+"cela convient."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:251
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, this will ensure that the full image is visible after a file "
+"is opened, otherwise it will be displayed with a scale of 1:1."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, les images seront intégralement visibles à leur "
+"ouverture, sinon elles seront affichées à l’échelle 1:1."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:255
+msgid ""
+"Sets the level of interpolation used for scaling and other transformations."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le niveau d’interpolation utilisé pour les changements d’échelle et "
+"autres transformations."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:262
+msgid "Specifies the language to use for the user interface."
+msgstr "Définit la langue à utiliser pour l’interface utilisateur."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:265
+msgid ""
+"The last known release version of GIMP as queried from official website."
+msgstr ""
+"Dernière version de GIMP connue d’après l’interrogation du site web officiel."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:268
+msgid "How many recently opened image filenames to keep on the File menu."
+msgstr "Nombre de fichiers récemment ouverts à conserver dans le menu Fichier."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:271
+msgid "The timestamp for the last known release date."
+msgstr "Horodatage de la dernière version connue."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:274
+msgid "The last revision number for the release."
+msgstr "Dernier numéro de révision pour cette version."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:277
+msgid ""
+"Speed of marching ants in the selection outline. This value is in "
+"milliseconds (less time indicates faster marching)."
+msgstr ""
+"Vitesse de défilement des pointillés qui délimitent la sélection ; valeur en "
+"millisecondes (une durée plus courte correspond à un défilement plus rapide)."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:281
+msgid ""
+"GIMP will warn the user if an attempt is made to create an image that would "
+"take more memory than the size specified here."
+msgstr ""
+"GIMP préviendra l’utilisateur si ce dernier tente de créer une image dont la "
+"taille mémoire dépasserait la taille indiquée ici."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:291
+msgid ""
+"Sets the monitor's horizontal resolution, in dots per inch. If set to 0, "
+"forces the X server to be queried for both horizontal and vertical "
+"resolution information."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit la résolution horizontale du moniteur en points par pouce. Si la "
+"valeur est 0, force l’interrogation du serveur X pour les résolutions "
+"verticale et horizontale."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:296
+msgid ""
+"Sets the monitor's vertical resolution, in dots per inch. If set to 0, "
+"forces the X server to be queried for both horizontal and vertical "
+"resolution information."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit la résolution verticale du moniteur en points par pouce. Si la "
+"valeur est 0, force l’interrogation du serveur X pour les résolutions "
+"verticale et horizontale."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:301
+msgid "When enabled, non-visible layers can be edited as normal."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, les calques non visibles peuvent être modifiés "
+"comme les normaux."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:304
+msgid ""
+"If enabled, the move tool sets the edited layer or path as active. This "
+"used to be the default behaviour in older versions."
+msgstr ""
+"Si activé, l’outil déplacer change le calque actif ou le chemin quand un "
+"calque ou un chemin est cliqué. Ceci était le comportement par défaut des "
+"anciennes versions."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:313
+msgid ""
+"Sets the size of the navigation preview available in the lower right corner "
+"of the image window."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit la taille de l’aperçu de navigation accessible dans le coin "
+"inférieur droit de la fenêtre d’image."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:317
+msgid "Sets how many threads GIMP should use for operations that support it."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit combien de fils d’exécution GIMP doit essayer d’utiliser pour les "
+"opérations qui l’acceptent."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:339
+msgid ""
+"Sets whether GIMP should create previews of layers and channels. Previews in "
+"the layers and channels dialog are nice to have but they can slow things "
+"down when working with large images."
+msgstr ""
+"Indique si GIMP doit créer des aperçus pour les calques et les canaux. Ces "
+"derniers sont pratiques mais ils peuvent ralentir l’utilisation de GIMP "
+"lorsque vous travaillez sur des images de grande taille."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:344
+msgid ""
+"Sets whether GIMP should create previews of layer groups. Layer group "
+"previews are more expensive than ordinary layer previews."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit si GIMP doit créer des aperçus des groupes de calques. Les aperçus "
+"des groupes de calques sont plus coûteux que les aperçus de calques "
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:348
+msgid ""
+"Sets the preview size used for layers and channel previews in newly created "
+msgstr ""
+"Définit la taille par défaut des aperçus des calques et des canaux dans les "
+"boîtes de dialogue récemment créées."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:352
+msgid "Sets the default quick mask color."
+msgstr "Définit la couleur par défaut du masque rapide."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:355
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the image window will automatically resize itself whenever the "
+"physical image size changes. This setting only takes effect in multi-window "
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, la fenêtre d’image se redimensionnera "
+"automatiquement à la taille de l’image. Ce réglage ne prend effet que dans "
+"le mode multi-fenêtres."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:360
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the image window will automatically resize itself when zooming "
+"into and out of images. This setting only takes effect in multi-window mode."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, la fenêtre d’image se redimensionnera "
+"automatiquement lorsque vous ferez un zoom avant ou arrière. Ce réglage ne "
+"prend effet que dans le mode multi-fenêtres."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:365
+msgid "Let GIMP try to restore your last saved session on each startup."
+msgstr ""
+"Laisser GIMP tenter de restaurer, à chaque démarrage, votre dernière session "
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:368
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, GIMP will try to restore windows on the monitor they were open "
+"before. When disabled, windows will appear on the currently used monitor."
+msgstr ""
+"Si activé, GIMP tentera de restaurer les fenêtres sur le moniteur où elles "
+"ont été ouvertes auparavant. Si désactivé, les fenêtres s’afficheront sur le "
+"moniteur actuellement utilisé."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:373
+msgid ""
+"Remember the current tool, pattern, color, and brush across GIMP sessions."
+msgstr ""
+"Se souvenir d’une session à l’autre de l’outil, de la couleur, de la brosse "
+"et du motif actuels."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:377
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the same tool and tool options will be used for all input "
+"devices. No tool switching will occur when the input device changes."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, le même outil et les mêmes options d’outil "
+"seront utilisés pour tous les périphériques d’entrée. Aucun basculement "
+"d’outil n’interviendra pendant les changements de périphérique d’entrée."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:382
+msgid ""
+"Keep a permanent record of all opened and saved files in the Recent "
+"Documents list."
+msgstr ""
+"Conserver une trace permanente de tous les fichiers ouverts et enregistrés "
+"dans la liste des documents récents."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:386
+msgid "Save the positions and sizes of the main dialogs when GIMP exits."
+msgstr ""
+"Enregistrer les positions et tailles des fenêtres principales quand on "
+"quitte GIMP."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:389
+msgid "Save the tool options when GIMP exits."
+msgstr "Enregistrer les options des outils quand on quitte GIMP."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:395
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, all paint tools will show a preview of the current brush's "
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, tous les outils de dessin à base de brosse "
+"afficheront un aperçu des contours de la brosse actuelle."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:399
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the brush outline will snap to individual dabs while painting."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, le contour de la brosse collera aux touches de "
+"peinture individuelles."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:403
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, dialogs will show a help button that gives access to the "
+"related help page. Without this button, the help page can still be reached "
+"by pressing F1."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, les boîtes de dialogue afficheront un bouton "
+"d’aide qui vous permettra d’accéder à la page d’aide idoine. Sans ce bouton, "
+"la page d’aide peut toujours être accédée par la touche F1."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:408
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the mouse pointer will be shown over the image while using a "
+"paint tool."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, le pointeur sera affiché par-dessus l’image "
+"quand vous utilisez un outil de peinture."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:412
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the menubar is visible by default. This can also be toggled "
+"with the \"View->Show Menubar\" command."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, la barre de menus sera visible par défaut. Cela "
+"peut aussi être activé ou désactivé via le menu « Affichage -> Afficher la "
+"barre de menu »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:416
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the rulers are visible by default. This can also be toggled "
+"with the \"View->Show Rulers\" command."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, par défaut, les règles seront visibles. "
+"l’affichage de ces dernières peut aussi être contrôlé via le menu "
+"« Affichage -> Afficher les règles »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:420
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the scrollbars are visible by default. This can also be "
+"toggled with the \"View->Show Scrollbars\" command."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, les barres de défilement seront visibles par "
+"défaut. Cela peut aussi être activé ou désactivé via le menu « Affichage -> "
+"Afficher les barres de défilement »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:424
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the statusbar is visible by default. This can also be toggled "
+"with the \"View->Show Statusbar\" command."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, la barre d’état sera visible par défaut. Cela "
+"peut aussi être activé ou désactivé via la commande « Affichage -> Afficher "
+"la barre d’état »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:428
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the selection is visible by default. This can also be toggled "
+"with the \"View->Show Selection\" command."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, la sélection sera visible par défaut. Cela peut "
+"aussi être activé ou désactivé via la commande « Affichage -> Afficher la "
+"sélection »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:432
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the layer boundary is visible by default. This can also be "
+"toggled with the \"View->Show Layer Boundary\" command."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, le contour du calque sera visible par défaut. "
+"Cela peut aussi être activé ou désactivé via la commande « Affichage -> "
+"Afficher les bords du calque »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:436
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the canvas boundary is visible by default. This can also be "
+"toggled with the \"View->Show Canvas Boundary\" command."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, le contour du canevas sera visible par défaut. "
+"Cela peut aussi être activé ou désactivé via la commande « Affichage -> "
+"Afficher les bords du canevas »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:440
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the guides are visible by default. This can also be toggled "
+"with the \"View->Show Guides\" command."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, les guides seront visibles par défaut. Cela "
+"peut aussi être activé ou désactivé via la commande « Affichage -> Afficher "
+"les guides »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:444
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the grid is visible by default. This can also be toggled with "
+"the \"View->Show Grid\" command."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, la grille sera visible par défaut. Cela peut "
+"aussi être activé ou désactivé via la commande « Affichage -> Afficher la "
+"grille »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:448
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the sample points are visible by default. This can also be "
+"toggled with the \"View->Show Sample Points\" command."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, par défaut, les points d’échantillonnage seront "
+"visibles. l’affichage de ces derniers peut aussi être contrôlé via la "
+"commande « Affichage -> Afficher les points d’échantillonnage »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:452
+msgid "Show a tooltip when the pointer hovers over an item."
+msgstr ""
+"Afficher une bulle d’aide lorsque le pointeur est au-dessus d’un élément."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:455
+msgid "Use GIMP in a single-window mode."
+msgstr "Utiliser GIMP en mode fenêtre unique."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:458
+msgid "Hide docks and other windows, leaving only image windows."
+msgstr ""
+"Masquer les fenêtres, groupées ou isolées. Seules persistent les fenêtres "
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:461
+msgid "Show the image tabs bar in single window mode."
+msgstr "Afficher la barre des onglets d’image en mode fenêtre unique."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:464
+msgid "Enable the N-Point Deformation tool."
+msgstr "Activer l’outil Déformation N-Point."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:467
+msgid "Enable the Handle Transform tool."
+msgstr "Activer l’outil Transformation manuelle."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:470
+msgid "Enable symmetry on painting."
+msgstr "Activer la symétrie lors du dessin."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:473
+msgid "Enable the MyPaint Brush tool."
+msgstr "Activer l’outil Brosse MyPaint."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:476
+msgid "Enable the Seamless Clone tool."
+msgstr "Activer l’outil Clonage sans raccord."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:479
+msgid "What to do when the space bar is pressed in the image window."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce qui est à faire lors d’un appui sur la barre d’espace dans la fenêtre "
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:482
+msgid "The compression method used for tile data stored in the swap file."
+msgstr ""
+"Méthode de compression utilisée pour les données de cache stockées dans le "
+"fichier d’échange."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:485
+msgid ""
+"Sets the swap file location. GIMP uses a tile based memory allocation "
+"scheme. The swap file is used to quickly and easily swap tiles out to disk "
+"and back in. Be aware that the swap file can easily get very large if GIMP "
+"is used with large images. Also, things can get horribly slow if the swap "
+"file is created on a folder that is mounted over NFS. For these reasons, it "
+"may be desirable to put your swap file in \"/tmp\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit l’emplacement du fichier d’échange. GIMP utilise une méthode "
+"d’allocation mémoire par bloc. Le fichier d’échange est utilisé pour "
+"échanger rapidement ces blocs entre le disque et la mémoire. Vous devez être "
+"conscient que ce fichier peut devenir très gros si vous travaillez sur des "
+"images de grande taille. De plus, GIMP peut devenir terriblement lent si le "
+"fichier d’échange est créé dans un répertoire situé sur le réseau (NFS, "
+"Samba, etc.). Pour ces raisons il est parfois conseillé de mettre le fichier "
+"d’échange dans « /tmp »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:494
+msgid "When enabled, menus can be torn off."
+msgstr "Si cette option est activée, les menus peuvent être détachés."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:497
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, you can change keyboard shortcuts for menu items by hitting a "
+"key combination while the menu item is highlighted."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, vous pouvez changer à la volée les raccourcis "
+"clavier des éléments des menu en appuyant sur une combinaison de touches "
+"tandis que l’élément de menu est surligné."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:501
+msgid "Save changed keyboard shortcuts when GIMP exits."
+msgstr "Enregistrer les raccourcis clavier modifiés lorsqu’on quitte GIMP."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:504
+msgid "Restore saved keyboard shortcuts on each GIMP startup."
+msgstr "Rétablir, à chaque démarrage, les raccourcis clavier enregistrés."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:507
+msgid ""
+"Sets the folder for temporary storage. Files will appear here during the "
+"course of running GIMP. Most files will disappear when GIMP exits, but some "
+"files are likely to remain, so it is best if this folder not be one that is "
+"shared by other users."
+msgstr ""
+"Indique l’emplacement du répertoire de stockage temporaire. Des fichiers y "
+"apparaîtront lors du fonctionnement de GIMP ; la plupart disparaîtront quand "
+"vous quitterez GIMP, mais il est probable que certains fichiers subsistent. "
+"Ainsi il est préférable que ce répertoire ne soit pas partagé avec d’autres "
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:513
+msgid "The name of the theme to use."
+msgstr "Nom du thème à utiliser."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:528
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default rendering intent for the 'Convert to Color Profile' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit l’intention de rendu par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Convertir en profil colorimétrique »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:531
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default 'Black Point Compensation' state for the 'Convert to Color "
+"Profile' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit l’état « Compensation du point noir » par défaut concernant la boîte "
+"de dialogue « Convertir en profil colorimétrique »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:535
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default layer dithering method for the 'Convert Precision' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit la méthode de tramage du calque par défaut concernant la boîte de "
+"dialogue « Convertir la précision »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:538
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default text layer dithering method for the 'Convert Precision' "
+msgstr ""
+"Définit la méthode de tramage du calque de texte par défaut concernant la "
+"boîte de dialogue « Convertir la précision »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:541
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default channel dithering method for the 'Convert Precision' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit la méthode de tramage du canal par défaut concernant la boîte de "
+"dialogue « Convertir la précision »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:544
+msgid "Sets the default palette type for the 'Convert to Indexed' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le type de palette par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Convertir en couleurs indexées »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:547
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default maximum number of colors for the 'Convert to Indexed' "
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le nombre maximal de couleurs concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Convertir en couleurs indexées »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:550
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default 'Remove duplicate colors' state for the 'Convert to "
+"Indexed' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit l’état par défaut de « Supprimer les couleurs en double » concernant "
+"la boîte de dialogue « Convertir en couleurs indexées »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:553
+msgid "Sets the default dithering type for the 'Convert to Indexed' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le type de tramage par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Convertir en couleurs indexées »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:556
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default 'Dither alpha' state for the 'Convert to Indexed' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit l’état « Tramer l’alpha » par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Convertir en couleurs indexées »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:559
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default 'Dither text layers' state for the 'Convert to Indexed' "
+msgstr ""
+"Définit l’état « Tramer les calques de texte » par défaut concernant la "
+"boîte de dialogue « Convertir en couleurs indexées »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:562
+msgid "Sets the default fill type for the 'Canvas Size' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le type de remplissage par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Taille du canevas »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:565
+msgid "Sets the default set of layers to resize for the 'Canvas Size' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le lot de calques par défaut à redimensionner concernant la boîte de "
+"dialogue « Taille du canevas »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:568
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default 'Resize text layers' state for the 'Canvas Size' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit l’état « Redimensionner les calques de texte » par défaut concernant "
+"la boîte de dialogue « Taille du canevas »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:571
+msgid "Sets the default layer name for the 'New Layer' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le nom du calque par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Nouveau calque »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:574
+msgid "Sets the default mode for the 'New Layer' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le mode par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue « Nouveau "
+"calque »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:577
+msgid "Sets the default blend space for the 'New Layer' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit l’espace de fusion par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Nouveau calque »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:580
+msgid "Sets the default composite space for the 'New Layer' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit l’espace composite par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Nouveau calque »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:583
+msgid "Sets the default composite mode for the 'New Layer' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le mode composite par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Nouveau calque »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:586
+msgid "Sets the default opacity for the 'New Layer' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit l’opacité par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue « Nouveau "
+"calque »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:589
+msgid "Sets the default fill type for the 'New Layer' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le type de remplissage par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Nouveau calque »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:592
+msgid "Sets the default fill type for the 'Layer Boundary Size' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le type de remplissage par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Taille des bords du calque »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:595
+msgid "Sets the default mask for the 'Add Layer Mask' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le masque par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue « Ajouter un "
+"masque de calque »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:598
+msgid "Sets the default 'invert mask' state for the 'Add Layer Mask' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit l’état « Inverser le masque » par défaut concernant la boîte de "
+"dialogue « Ajouter un masque de calque »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:601
+msgid "Sets the default merge type for the 'Merge Visible Layers' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le type de fusion par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Fusionner les calques visibles »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:604
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default 'Active group only' for the 'Merge Visible Layers' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit la valeur par défaut « Groupe actif uniquement » concernant la boîte "
+"de dialogue « Fusionner les calques visibles »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:607
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default 'Discard invisible' for the 'Merge Visible Layers' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit la valeur « Écarter les calques invisibles » par défaut concernant "
+"la boîte de dialogue « Fusionner les calques visibles »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:610
+msgid "Sets the default channel name for the 'New Channel' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le nom de canal par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue « Nouveau "
+"canal »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:613
+msgid "Sets the default color and opacity for the 'New Channel' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit l’opacité et la couleur par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Nouveau canal »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:616
+msgid "Sets the default path name for the 'New Path' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le nom de chemin par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Nouveau chemin »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:619
+msgid "Sets the default folder path for the 'Export Path' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le nom de chemin de dossier par défaut concernant la boîte de "
+"dialogue « Exporter le chemin »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:622
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default 'Export the active path' state for the 'Export Path' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit l’état de « Exporter le chemin actif » par défaut concernant la "
+"boîte de dialogue « Exporter le chemin »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:625
+msgid "Sets the default folder path for the 'Import Path' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le chemin de dossier par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Importer un chemin »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:628
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default 'Merge imported paths' state for the 'Import Path' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit l’état de « Fusionner les chemins importés » par défaut concernant "
+"la boîte de dialogue « Importer un chemin »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:631
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default 'Scale imported paths to fit size' state for the 'Import "
+"Path' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit l’état de « Changer l’échelle des chemins importés pour les ajuster "
+"à l’image » par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue « Importer un "
+"chemin »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:634
+msgid "Sets the default feather radius for the 'Feather Selection' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le rayon d’adoucissement par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Adoucir la sélection »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:637
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default 'Selected areas continue outside the image' setting for the "
+"'Feather Selection' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le paramétrage par défaut des « Zones sélectionnées étendues en "
+"dehors de l’image » concernant la boîte de dialogue « Adoucir la sélection »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:641
+msgid "Sets the default grow radius for the 'Grow Selection' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le rayon d’agrandissement par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Agrandir la sélection »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:644
+msgid "Sets the default shrink radius for the 'Shrink Selection' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le rayon de réduction par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Réduire la sélection »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:647
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default 'Selected areas continue outside the image' setting for the "
+"'Shrink Selection' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le paramétrage par défaut des « Zones sélectionnées étendues en "
+"dehors de l’image » concernant la boîte de dialogue « Réduire la sélection »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:651
+msgid "Sets the default border radius for the 'Border Selection' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le rayon de bordure par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Border la sélection »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:654
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default 'Selected areas continue outside the image' setting for the "
+"'Border Selection' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le paramétrage par défaut des « Zones sélectionnées étendues en "
+"dehors de l’image » concernant la boîte de dialogue « Border la sélection »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:658
+msgid "Sets the default border style for the 'Border Selection' dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le style de bordure par défaut concernant la boîte de dialogue "
+"« Border la sélection »."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:667
+msgid "Sets the size of the thumbnail shown in the Open dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit la taille des vignettes affichées dans la fenêtre de dialogue "
+"d’ouverture des fichiers."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:670
+msgid ""
+"The thumbnail in the Open dialog will be automatically updated if the file "
+"being previewed is smaller than the size set here."
+msgstr ""
+"La vignette dans la boîte de dialogue d’ouverture des fichiers sera "
+"automatiquement mise à jour si le fichier en question est plus petit que la "
+"taille indiquée ici."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:674
+msgid ""
+"When the amount of pixel data exceeds this limit, GIMP will start to swap "
+"tiles to disk. This is a lot slower but it makes it possible to work on "
+"images that wouldn't fit into memory otherwise. If you have a lot of RAM, "
+"you may want to set this to a higher value."
+msgstr ""
+"Quand la quantité de pixels à traiter dépasse cette limite, GIMP va "
+"commencer à swapper sur le disque. C’est un peu plus lent mais il est ainsi "
+"possible de travailler sur des images plus grandes que la mémoire. Si vous "
+"avez beaucoup de RAM, il conviendrait de définir cette valeur plus haut."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:680
+msgid "Show the current foreground and background colors in the toolbox."
+msgstr ""
+"Afficher les couleurs de premier plan et d’arrière-plan dans la boîte à "
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:683
+msgid "Show the currently selected brush, pattern and gradient in the toolbox."
+msgstr ""
+"Afficher les brosses, motifs et dégradés actifs dans la boîte à outils."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:686
+msgid "Menu mode of grouped tools."
+msgstr "Mode de menu des outils groupés."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:689
+msgid "Use a single toolbox button for grouped tools."
+msgstr "Utilise un seul bouton de la boîte à outils pour les outils groupés."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:692
+msgid "Show the currently active image in the toolbox."
+msgstr "Afficher l’image active dans la boîte à outils."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:695
+msgid "Show the GIMP mascot at the top of the toolbox."
+msgstr "Afficher la mascotte de GIMP en haut de la boîte à outils."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:698
+msgid "Sets the manner in which transparency is displayed in images."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit comment les zones transparentes sont représentées dans les images."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:701
+msgid "Sets the size of the checkerboard used to display transparency."
+msgstr "Définit la taille du damier utilisé pour représenter la transparence."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:704
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, GIMP will not save an image if it has not been changed since "
+"it was opened."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, GIMP n’enregistrera l’image que si elle a été "
+"modifiée depuis son ouverture."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:708
+msgid ""
+"Sets the minimal number of operations that can be undone. More undo levels "
+"are kept available until the undo-size limit is reached."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le nombre minimal d’opérations qui pourront être annulées. Tant que "
+"la taille limite de la mémoire d’annulation n’est pas atteinte, les "
+"opérations supplémentaires sont conservées."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:712
+msgid ""
+"Sets an upper limit to the memory that is used per image to keep operations "
+"on the undo stack. Regardless of this setting, at least as many undo-levels "
+"as configured can be undone."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit une limite supérieure à la mémoire utilisée par l’image pour "
+"conserver les opérations de la pile d’annulations. Au minimum, autant de "
+"niveaux d’annulations que configurés par ce paramètre pourront être annulés."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:717
+msgid "Sets the size of the previews in the Undo History."
+msgstr "Définit la taille des aperçus dans l’historique d’annulation."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:720
+msgid "When enabled, pressing F1 will open the help browser."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, l’appui sur la touche F1 ouvrira le navigateur "
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:723
+msgid "When enabled, uses OpenCL for some operations."
+msgstr "Si cette option est activée, utilise OpenCL pour certaines opérations."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:741
+msgid "When enabled, a search of actions will also return inactive actions."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, une recherche des actions renverra aussi les "
+"actions inactives."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-blurbs.h:744
+msgid "The maximum number of actions saved in history."
+msgstr "Nombre maximal d’actions enregistrées dans l’historique."
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-deserialize.c:136 ../app/core/gimp-modules.c:131
+#: ../app/core/gimp-units.c:278 ../app/gui/session.c:309
+#: ../app/plug-in/plug-in-rc.c:251 ../app/tools/gimp-tools.c:502
+msgid "fatal parse error"
+msgstr "erreur fatale à l’analyse"
+#: ../app/config/gimprc-deserialize.c:164
+#, c-format
+msgid "value for token %s is not a valid UTF-8 string"
+msgstr ""
+"la valeur de l’expression %s n’est pas une chaîne de caractère UTF-8 valide"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:27
+msgctxt "align-reference-type"
+msgid "First item"
+msgstr "Premier élément"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:28
+msgctxt "align-reference-type"
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Image"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:29
+msgctxt "align-reference-type"
+msgid "Selection"
+msgstr "Sélection"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:30
+msgctxt "align-reference-type"
+msgid "Active layer"
+msgstr "Calque actif"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:31
+msgctxt "align-reference-type"
+msgid "Active channel"
+msgstr "Canal actif"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:32
+msgctxt "align-reference-type"
+msgid "Active path"
+msgstr "Chemin actif"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:114
+msgctxt "channel-border-style"
+msgid "Hard"
+msgstr "Dur"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:115
+msgctxt "channel-border-style"
+msgid "Smooth"
+msgstr "Lisse"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:116
+msgctxt "channel-border-style"
+msgid "Feathered"
+msgstr "Adouci"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:151
+msgctxt "color-pick-mode"
+msgid "Pixel"
+msgstr "Pixel"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:152
+msgctxt "color-pick-mode"
+msgid "RGB (%)"
+msgstr "RVB (%)"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:153
+msgctxt "color-pick-mode"
+msgid "RGB (0..255)"
+msgstr "RVB (0..255)"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:154
+msgctxt "color-pick-mode"
+msgid "HSV"
+msgstr "TSV"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:155
+msgctxt "color-pick-mode"
+msgid "CIE LCh"
+msgstr "CIE LCh"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:156
+msgctxt "color-pick-mode"
+msgid "CIE LAB"
+msgstr "CIE LAB"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:157
+msgctxt "color-pick-mode"
+msgid "CMYK"
+msgstr "CMJN"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:158
+msgctxt "color-pick-mode"
+msgid "CIE xyY"
+msgstr "CIE xyY"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:159
+msgctxt "color-pick-mode"
+msgid "CIE Yu'v'"
+msgstr "CIE Yu'v'"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:188
+msgctxt "color-profile-policy"
+msgid "Ask what to do"
+msgstr "Demander ce qu’il faut faire"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:189
+msgctxt "color-profile-policy"
+msgid "Keep embedded profile"
+msgstr "Conserver le profil embarqué"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:190
+msgctxt "color-profile-policy"
+msgid "Convert to built-in sRGB or grayscale profile"
+msgstr "Convertir les pixels au profil sRVB ou niveau de gris intégré"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:284
+msgctxt "convert-dither-type"
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Aucun"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:285
+msgctxt "convert-dither-type"
+msgid "Floyd-Steinberg (normal)"
+msgstr "Floyd-Steinberg (normal)"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:286
+msgctxt "convert-dither-type"
+msgid "Floyd-Steinberg (reduced color bleeding)"
+msgstr "Floyd-Steinberg (couleurs qui déteignent moins)"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:287
+msgctxt "convert-dither-type"
+msgid "Positioned"
+msgstr "Positionné"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:346
+msgctxt "curve-point-type"
+msgid "Smooth"
+msgstr "Lisse"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:347
+msgctxt "curve-point-type"
+msgid "Corner"
+msgstr "Coin"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:375
+msgctxt "curve-type"
+msgid "Smooth"
+msgstr "Lissée"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:376
+msgctxt "curve-type"
+msgid "Freehand"
+msgstr "Main levée"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:413
+msgctxt "dash-preset"
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr "Personnalisé"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:414
+msgctxt "dash-preset"
+msgid "Line"
+msgstr "Ligne"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:415
+msgctxt "dash-preset"
+msgid "Long dashes"
+msgstr "Tirets longs"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:416
+msgctxt "dash-preset"
+msgid "Medium dashes"
+msgstr "Tirets moyens"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:417
+msgctxt "dash-preset"
+msgid "Short dashes"
+msgstr "Tirets courts"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:418
+msgctxt "dash-preset"
+msgid "Sparse dots"
+msgstr "Points clairsemés"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:419
+msgctxt "dash-preset"
+msgid "Normal dots"
+msgstr "Points normaux"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:420
+msgctxt "dash-preset"
+msgid "Dense dots"
+msgstr "Points denses"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:421
+msgctxt "dash-preset"
+msgid "Stipples"
+msgstr "Pointillés"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:422
+msgctxt "dash-preset"
+msgid "Dash, dot"
+msgstr "Tiret, point"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:423
+msgctxt "dash-preset"
+msgid "Dash, dot, dot"
+msgstr "Tiret, point, point"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:453
+msgctxt "debug-policy"
+msgid "Debug warnings, critical errors and crashes"
+msgstr "Déboguer les avertissements, les erreurs critiques et les plantages"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:454
+msgctxt "debug-policy"
+msgid "Debug critical errors and crashes"
+msgstr "Déboguer les erreurs critiques et les plantages"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:455
+msgctxt "debug-policy"
+msgid "Debug crashes only"
+msgstr "Déboguer les plantages seulement"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:456
+msgctxt "debug-policy"
+msgid "Never debug GIMP"
+msgstr "Ne jamais déboguer GIMP"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:542
+msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
+msgid "Opacity"
+msgstr "Opacité"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:543
+msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Taille"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:544
+msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
+msgid "Angle"
+msgstr "Angle"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:545
+msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
+msgid "Color"
+msgstr "Couleur"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:546
+msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
+msgid "Hardness"
+msgstr "Dureté"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:547
+msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
+msgid "Force"
+msgstr "Force"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:548
+msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
+msgid "Aspect ratio"
+msgstr "Proportions"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:549
+msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
+msgid "Spacing"
+msgstr "Espacement"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:550
+msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Taux"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:551
+msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
+msgid "Flow"
+msgstr "Débit"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:552
+msgctxt "dynamics-output-type"
+msgid "Jitter"
+msgstr "Fluctuation"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:580
+msgctxt "fill-style"
+msgid "Solid color"
+msgstr "Couleur pleine"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:581
+msgctxt "fill-style"
+msgid "Pattern"
+msgstr "Motif"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:609
+msgctxt "filter-region"
+msgid "Use the selection as input"
+msgstr "Utiliser la sélection comme entrée"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:610
+msgctxt "filter-region"
+msgid "Use the entire layer as input"
+msgstr "Utiliser tout le calque comme entrée"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:641
+msgctxt "gradient-color"
+msgid "Fixed"
+msgstr "Fixé"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:642
+msgctxt "gradient-color"
+msgid "Foreground color"
+msgstr "Couleur de premier plan"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Foreground color".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:645
+msgctxt "gradient-color"
+msgid "FG"
+msgstr "PP"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:646
+msgctxt "gradient-color"
+msgid "Foreground color (transparent)"
+msgstr "Couleur de premier plan (transparent)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Foreground color (transparent)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:649
+msgctxt "gradient-color"
+msgid "FG (t)"
+msgstr "PP (t)"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:650
+msgctxt "gradient-color"
+msgid "Background color"
+msgstr "Couleur d’arrière-plan"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Background color".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:653
+msgctxt "gradient-color"
+msgid "BG"
+msgstr "AP"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:654
+msgctxt "gradient-color"
+msgid "Background color (transparent)"
+msgstr "Couleur d’arrière-plan (transparent)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Background color (transparent)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:657
+msgctxt "gradient-color"
+msgid "BG (t)"
+msgstr "AP (t)"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:770
+msgctxt "histogram-channel"
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valeur"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:771
+msgctxt "histogram-channel"
+msgid "Red"
+msgstr "Rouge"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:772
+msgctxt "histogram-channel"
+msgid "Green"
+msgstr "Vert"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:773
+msgctxt "histogram-channel"
+msgid "Blue"
+msgstr "Bleu"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:774
+msgctxt "histogram-channel"
+msgid "Alpha"
+msgstr "Alpha"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:775
+msgctxt "histogram-channel"
+msgid "Luminance"
+msgstr "Luminance"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:776
+msgctxt "histogram-channel"
+msgid "RGB"
+msgstr "RVB"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:807
+msgctxt "item-set"
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Aucun"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:808
+msgctxt "item-set"
+msgid "All layers"
+msgstr "Tous les calques"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:809
+msgctxt "item-set"
+msgid "Image-sized layers"
+msgstr "Calques à la taille de l’image"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:810
+msgctxt "item-set"
+msgid "All visible layers"
+msgstr "Tous les calques visibles"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:811
+msgctxt "item-set"
+msgid "All linked layers"
+msgstr "Tous les calques enchaînés"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:839
+msgctxt "matting-engine"
+msgid "Matting Global"
+msgstr "Extraction Globale"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:840
+msgctxt "matting-engine"
+msgid "Matting Levin"
+msgstr "Extraction Levin"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:871
+msgctxt "message-severity"
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Message"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:872
+msgctxt "message-severity"
+msgid "Warning"
+msgstr "Avertissement"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:873
+msgctxt "message-severity"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Erreur"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:874
+msgctxt "message-severity"
+msgid "WARNING"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:875
+msgctxt "message-severity"
+msgid "CRITICAL"
+msgstr "CRITIQUE"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:941
+msgctxt "thumbnail-size"
+msgid "No thumbnails"
+msgstr "Aucune vignette"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:942
+msgctxt "thumbnail-size"
+msgid "Normal (128x128)"
+msgstr "Normale (128x128)"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:943
+msgctxt "thumbnail-size"
+msgid "Large (256x256)"
+msgstr "Grande (256x256)"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1133
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "<<invalid>>"
+msgstr "<<non valide>>"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1134
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Scale image"
+msgstr "Échelle et taille de l’image"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1135
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Resize image"
+msgstr "Redimensionner l’image"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1136
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Flip image"
+msgstr "Retourner l’image"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1137
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rotate image"
+msgstr "Rotation de l’image"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1138
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Transform image"
+msgstr "Transformer l’image"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1139
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Crop image"
+msgstr "Découper l’image"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1140
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert image"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1141
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Remove item"
+msgstr "Supprimer l’élément"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1142 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1186
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Reorder item"
+msgstr "Réordonner l’élément"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1143
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Merge layers"
+msgstr "Fusionner les calques"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1144
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Merge paths"
+msgstr "Fusionner les chemins"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1145
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Quick Mask"
+msgstr "Masque rapide"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1146 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1177
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-grid.c:64
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Grid"
+msgstr "Grille"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1147 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1181
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Guide"
+msgstr "Guide"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1148 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1182
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Sample Point"
+msgstr "Point d’échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1149 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1183
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Layer/Channel"
+msgstr "Calque/canal"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1150 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1184
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Layer/Channel modification"
+msgstr "Modification calque/canal"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1151 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1185
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Selection mask"
+msgstr "Masque de sélection"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1152 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1189
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Item visibility"
+msgstr "Visibilité de l’élément"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1153 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1190
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Link/Unlink item"
+msgstr "Élément chaîné/non chaîné"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1154
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Item properties"
+msgstr "Propriétés de l’élément"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1155 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1188
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Move item"
+msgstr "Déplacer l’élément"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1156
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Scale item"
+msgstr "Échelle de l’élément"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1157
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Resize item"
+msgstr "Redimensionner l’élément"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1158
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Add layer"
+msgstr "Ajouter un calque"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1159 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1209
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Add layer mask"
+msgstr "Ajouter un masque de calque"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1160 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1211
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Apply layer mask"
+msgstr "Appliquer le masque de calque"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1161 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1219
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Floating selection to layer"
+msgstr "Sélection flottante vers calque"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1162
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Float selection"
+msgstr "Sélection flottante"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1163
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Anchor floating selection"
+msgstr "Ancrer la sélection flottante"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1164 ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:515
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Paste"
+msgstr "Coller"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1165 ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:733
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Cut"
+msgstr "Couper"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1166
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Text"
+msgstr "Texte"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1167 ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:731
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Transform"
+msgstr "Transformer"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1168 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1221
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Paint"
+msgstr "Peindre"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1169 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1224
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Attach parasite"
+msgstr "Attacher un parasite"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1170 ../app/core/core-enums.c:1225
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Remove parasite"
+msgstr "Supprimer un parasite"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1171
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Import paths"
+msgstr "Importer des chemins"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1172
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Plug-In"
+msgstr "Greffon"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1173
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Image type"
+msgstr "Type d’image"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1174
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Image precision"
+msgstr "Précision de l’image"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1175
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Image size"
+msgstr "Taille d’image"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1176
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Image resolution change"
+msgstr "Changement de résolution d’image"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1178
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Change metadata"
+msgstr "Modifier les métadonnées"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1179
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Change indexed palette"
+msgstr "Changer la palette indexée"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1180
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Change color managed state"
+msgstr "Modifier l’état de gestion des couleurs"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1187
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rename item"
+msgstr "Renommer l’élément"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1191
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Item color tag"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur de l’élément"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1192
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Lock/Unlock content"
+msgstr "Verrouiller/déverrouiller le contenu"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1193
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Lock/Unlock position"
+msgstr "Verrouiller/déverrouiller la position"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1194
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "New layer"
+msgstr "Nouveau calque"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1195
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Delete layer"
+msgstr "Supprimer le calque"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1196
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Set layer mode"
+msgstr "Définir le mode de calque"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1197
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Set layer opacity"
+msgstr "Régler l’opacité du calque"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1198
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Lock/Unlock alpha channel"
+msgstr "Verrouiller/déverrouiller le canal alpha"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1199
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Suspend group layer resize"
+msgstr "Interrompre le redimensionnement du groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1200
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Resume group layer resize"
+msgstr "Poursuivre le redimensionnement du groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1201
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Suspend group layer mask"
+msgstr "Interrompre le masque du groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1202
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Resume group layer mask"
+msgstr "Reprendre le masque du groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1203
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Start transforming group layer"
+msgstr "Commencer la transformation du groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1204
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "End transforming group layer"
+msgstr "Terminer la transformation du groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1205
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert group layer"
+msgstr "Convertir un groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1206
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Text layer"
+msgstr "Calque de texte"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1207
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Text layer modification"
+msgstr "Modification du calque de texte"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1208
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert text layer"
+msgstr "Convertir un calque de texte"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1210
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Delete layer mask"
+msgstr "Supprimer le masque de calque"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1212
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Show layer mask"
+msgstr "Afficher le masque de calque"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1213
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "New channel"
+msgstr "Nouveau canal"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1214
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Delete channel"
+msgstr "Supprimer le canal"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1215
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Channel color"
+msgstr "Couleur du canal"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1216
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "New path"
+msgstr "Nouveau chemin"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1217
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Delete path"
+msgstr "Supprimer le chemin"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1218
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Path modification"
+msgstr "Modification du chemin"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1220
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Transform grid"
+msgstr "Transformer la grille"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1222
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Ink"
+msgstr "Calligraphie"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1223
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Select foreground"
+msgstr "Sélectionner la couleur de premier plan"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1226
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Not undoable"
+msgstr "Non annulable"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1261
+msgctxt "view-size"
+msgid "Tiny"
+msgstr "Minuscule"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1262
+msgctxt "view-size"
+msgid "Very small"
+msgstr "Très petite"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1263
+msgctxt "view-size"
+msgid "Small"
+msgstr "Petite"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1264
+msgctxt "view-size"
+msgid "Medium"
+msgstr "Moyenne"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1265
+msgctxt "view-size"
+msgid "Large"
+msgstr "Grande"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1266
+msgctxt "view-size"
+msgid "Very large"
+msgstr "Très grande"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1267
+msgctxt "view-size"
+msgid "Huge"
+msgstr "Immense"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1268
+msgctxt "view-size"
+msgid "Enormous"
+msgstr "Énorme"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1269
+msgctxt "view-size"
+msgid "Gigantic"
+msgstr "Gigantesque"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1297
+msgctxt "view-type"
+msgid "View as list"
+msgstr "Afficher en liste"
+#: ../app/core/core-enums.c:1298
+msgctxt "view-type"
+msgid "View as grid"
+msgstr "Afficher en grille"
+#. initialize babl fishes
+#: ../app/core/gimp.c:521 ../app/core/gimp.c:551
+msgid "Initialization"
+msgstr "Initialisation"
+#. register all internal procedures
+#: ../app/core/gimp.c:531
+msgid "Internal Procedures"
+msgstr "Procédures internes"
+#. initialize the global parasite table
+#: ../app/core/gimp.c:830
+msgid "Looking for data files"
+msgstr "Recherche des fichiers de données"
+#: ../app/core/gimp.c:830
+msgid "Parasites"
+msgstr "Parasites"
+#. initialize the module list
+#: ../app/core/gimp.c:841 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3314
+msgid "Modules"
+msgstr "Modules"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-batch.c:93 ../app/core/gimp-batch.c:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "The batch interpreter '%s' is not available. Batch mode disabled."
+msgstr ""
+"l’interpréteur batch « %s » n’est pas disponible, le mode batch est "
+#: ../app/core/gimp-contexts.c:153 ../app/core/gimp-internal-data.c:338
+#: ../app/core/gimptooloptions.c:361 ../app/gui/session.c:450
+#: ../app/menus/menus.c:476 ../app/widgets/gimpdevices.c:225
+#, c-format
+msgid "Deleting \"%s\" failed: %s"
+msgstr "La suppression de « %s » a échoué : %s"
+#. initialize the list of gimp dynamics
+#: ../app/core/gimp-data-factories.c:354 ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:722
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3260
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:221
+msgid "Dynamics"
+msgstr "Dynamique de la brosse"
+#. initialize the color history
+#: ../app/core/gimp-data-factories.c:379 ../app/core/gimp-palettes.c:60
+msgid "Color History"
+msgstr "Historique des couleurs"
+#. update tag cache
+#: ../app/core/gimp-data-factories.c:396
+msgid "Updating tag cache"
+msgstr "Mise à jour du cache des mots-clés"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:88
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Cut Layer"
+msgstr "Couper le calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:327 ../app/core/gimpimage-new.c:325
+msgid "Pasted Layer"
+msgstr "Calque copié"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-edit.c:750
+msgid "Global Buffer"
+msgstr "Presse-papiers global"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-gradients.c:64
+msgid "Custom"
+msgstr "Personnalisé"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-gradients.c:74
+msgid "FG to BG (RGB)"
+msgstr "PP vers AP (RVB)"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-gradients.c:82
+msgid "FG to BG (Hardedge)"
+msgstr "PP vers AP (bord dur)"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-gradients.c:90
+msgid "FG to BG (HSV counter-clockwise)"
+msgstr "PP vers AP (TSV sens anti-horaire)"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-gradients.c:98
+msgid "FG to BG (HSV clockwise hue)"
+msgstr "PP vers AP (TSV sens horaire)"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-gradients.c:106
+msgid "FG to Transparent"
+msgstr "PP vers Transparent"
+#. Translator: This message is displayed while GIMP is waiting for
+#. * some operation to finish. The %s argument is a message describing
+#. * the operation.
+#: ../app/core/gimp-gui.c:229
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please wait: %s\n"
+msgstr "Veuillez patienter : %s\n"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-internal-data.c:286 ../app/core/gimp-internal-data.c:299
+#: ../app/core/gimpdata.c:549 ../app/core/gimpdata.c:562
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error saving '%s': "
+msgstr "Erreur durant l’enregistrement de « %s » :"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-internal-data.c:305 ../app/core/gimpdata.c:568
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error saving '%s'"
+msgstr "Erreur durant l’enregistrement de « %s »"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-spawn.c:186
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to fork (%s)"
+msgstr "Échec d’embranchement (%s)"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-spawn.c:223
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to execute child process “%s” (%s)"
+msgstr "Échec à l’exécution du processus enfant « %s » (%s)"
+#. This is a special string to specify the language identifier to
+#. * look for in the gimp-tags-default.xml file. Please translate the
+#. * C in it according to the name of the po file used for
+#. * gimp-tags-default.xml. E.g. lithuanian for the translation,
+#. * that would be "tags-locale:lt".
+#: ../app/core/gimp-tags.c:87
+msgid "tags-locale:C"
+msgstr "tags-locale:fr"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-tags.c:156 ../app/gui/themes.c:414
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error closing '%s': %s"
+msgstr "Erreur durant la fermeture de « %s » : %s"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:215
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It seems you have used GIMP %s before. GIMP will now migrate your user "
+"settings to '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+"Il semble que vous ayez utilisé GIMP %s auparavant. GIMP va maintenant "
+"déplacer vos paramètres utilisateur vers « %s »."
+#: ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:220
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It appears that you are using GIMP for the first time. GIMP will now create "
+"a folder named '%s' and copy some files to it."
+msgstr ""
+"Il apparaît que vous utilisez GIMP pour la première fois. GIMP va maintenant "
+"créer un dossier appelé « %s » et copier quelques fichiers dedans."
+#: ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:419
+#, c-format
+msgid "Copying file '%s' from '%s'..."
+msgstr "Copie du fichier « %s » depuis « %s »…"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:434 ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:460
+#, c-format
+msgid "Creating folder '%s'..."
+msgstr "Création du dossier « %s »…"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:445 ../app/core/gimp-user-install.c:471
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot create folder '%s': %s"
+msgstr "Impossible de créer le dossier « %s » : %s"
+#: ../app/core/gimp-utils.c:533 ../app/core/gimpfilloptions.c:382
+msgid "No patterns available for this operation."
+msgstr "Aucun motif disponible pour cette opération."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:173
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file: Width = 0."
+msgstr "Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse : largeur = 0."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:180
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file: Height = 0."
+msgstr "Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse : hauteur = 0."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:187
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file: Bytes = 0."
+msgstr "Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse : octets = 0."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file: %dx%d over max size."
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse : %dx%d au-delà de la taille "
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:222
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file: Unknown depth %d."
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse : profondeur inconnue %d."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:234
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file: Unknown version %d."
+msgstr "Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse : version inconnue %d."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:242
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unsupported brush format"
+msgstr "Ce format de brosse n’est pas géré"
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:254
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid header data in '%s': Brush name is too long: %lu"
+msgstr ""
+"Données d’en-tête non valides dans « %s » : le nom de brosse est trop long : "
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:272 ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:126
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushpipe-load.c:70
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid UTF-8 string in brush file '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+"Chaîne de caractères UTF-8 non valide dans le fichier de brosse « %s »."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:279 ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:141
+#: ../app/dialogs/template-options-dialog.c:110
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:570
+msgid "Unnamed"
+msgstr "Sans nom"
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:442
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Fatal parse error in brush file:\n"
+"Unsupported brush depth %d\n"
+"GIMP brushes must be GRAY or RGBA."
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse :\n"
+"profondeur %d non prise en charge\n"
+"Les brosses GIMP doivent être TONS DE GRIS ou RVBA."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:519
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable to decode abr format version %d."
+msgstr "Impossible de décoder le format abr de version %d."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:637 ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:856
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file: Brush size value corrupt."
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse : la valeur taille de brosse "
+"est altérée."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:724 ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:914
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file: Brush dimensions out of range."
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse : les dimensions de la brosse "
+"sont hors limites."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:736
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file: Wide brushes are not supported."
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse : les brosses larges ne sont "
+"pas prises en charge."
+# Le caractère « : » de la chaîne originale semble être une erreur. Dans le doute, je laisse en l’état.
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:885
+msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file: File appears truncated: "
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse : le fichier semble tronqué."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:922
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file: Unknown compression method."
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse : méthode de compression "
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:1059
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Fatal parse error in brush file: Unable to decode abr format version %d."
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse : impossible de décoder le "
+"format abr de version %d."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush-load.c:1209
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file: RLE compressed brush data corrupt."
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse : les données de brosse "
+"comprimées RLE sont endommagées."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrush.c:157 ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:225
+msgid "Brush Spacing"
+msgstr "Espacement de la brosse"
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushclipboard.c:185
+msgid "Clipboard Mask"
+msgstr "Masque du presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushclipboard.c:187 ../app/core/gimppatternclipboard.c:163
+msgid "Clipboard Image"
+msgstr "Image du presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:76
+#, c-format
+msgid "Not a GIMP brush file."
+msgstr "Ce n’est pas un fichier de brosse GIMP."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:96
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unknown GIMP brush version."
+msgstr "Version de brosse GIMP inconnue."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:153
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unknown GIMP brush shape."
+msgstr "Forme de brosse GIMP inconnue."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:173
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid brush spacing."
+msgstr "Espacement de brosse non valide."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:190
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid brush radius."
+msgstr "Rayon de brosse non valide."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:209
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid brush spike count."
+msgstr "Nombre de pointes de brosse non valide."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:226
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid brush hardness."
+msgstr "Dureté de brosse non valide."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:242
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid brush aspect ratio."
+msgstr "Proportions de brosse non valides."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:258
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid brush angle."
+msgstr "Angle de brosse non valide."
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated-load.c:281
+#, c-format
+msgid "In line %d of brush file: "
+msgstr "%d de fichiers de brosse en ligne : "
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated.c:135
+msgid "Brush Shape"
+msgstr "Forme de la brosse"
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated.c:143
+msgid "Brush Radius"
+msgstr "Rayon de la brosse"
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated.c:150
+msgid "Brush Spikes"
+msgstr "Pointes de la brosse"
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated.c:157 ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:232
+msgid "Brush Hardness"
+msgstr "Dureté de la brosse"
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated.c:165 ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:211
+msgid "Brush Aspect Ratio"
+msgstr "Proportions de la brosse"
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushgenerated.c:172 ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:218
+msgid "Brush Angle"
+msgstr "Angle de la brosse"
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushpipe-load.c:86 ../app/core/gimpbrushpipe-load.c:110
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file '%s': File is corrupt."
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse « %s » : le fichier est "
+#: ../app/core/gimpbrushpipe-load.c:142
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fatal parse error in brush file '%s': Inconsistent parameters."
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de brosse « %s » : paramètres "
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:66
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rectangle Select"
+msgstr "Sélection rectangulaire"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:114
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Ellipse Select"
+msgstr "Sélection elliptique"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:165
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rounded Rectangle Select"
+msgstr "Sélection rectangulaire arrondie"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:421 ../app/core/gimplayer.c:452
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Alpha to Selection"
+msgstr "Alpha vers sélection"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:460
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "%s Channel to Selection"
+msgstr "Canal %s vers sélection"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:511
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Fuzzy Select"
+msgstr "Sélection contiguë"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:559
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Select by Color"
+msgstr "Sélection par couleur"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel-select.c:598
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Select by Indexed Color"
+msgstr "Sélection par couleur indexée"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:255
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rename Channel"
+msgstr "Renommer le canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:256
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Move Channel"
+msgstr "Déplacer le canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:257
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Scale Channel"
+msgstr "Échelle et taille du canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:258
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Resize Channel"
+msgstr "Redimensionner le canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:259
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Flip Channel"
+msgstr "Retourner le canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:260
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rotate Channel"
+msgstr "Rotation du canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:261 ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:1037
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Transform Channel"
+msgstr "Transformation du canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:262 ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:293
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Fill Channel"
+msgstr "Remplir le canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:263
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Stroke Channel"
+msgstr "Tracer le canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:264
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Channel to Selection"
+msgstr "Canal vers sélection"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:265
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Reorder Channel"
+msgstr "Réordonner le canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:266
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Raise Channel"
+msgstr "Remonter le canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:267
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Raise Channel to Top"
+msgstr "Envoyer le canal au sommet de la pile"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:268
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Lower Channel"
+msgstr "Descendre le canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:269
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Lower Channel to Bottom"
+msgstr "Envoyer le canal au bas de la pile"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:270
+msgid "Channel cannot be raised higher."
+msgstr "Le canal ne peut pas être plus haut."
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:271
+msgid "Channel cannot be lowered more."
+msgstr "Le canal ne peut pas être plus bas."
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:290
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Feather Channel"
+msgstr "Adoucir le canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:291
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Sharpen Channel"
+msgstr "Augmenter la netteté du canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:292
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Clear Channel"
+msgstr "Effacer le canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:294
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Invert Channel"
+msgstr "Inverser le canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:295
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Border Channel"
+msgstr "Bordure du canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:296
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Grow Channel"
+msgstr "Agrandissement du canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:297
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Shrink Channel"
+msgstr "Réduire le canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:298
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Flood Channel"
+msgstr "Inonder le canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:781
+msgid "Cannot fill empty channel."
+msgstr "Impossible de remplir un canal vide."
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:817
+msgid "Cannot stroke empty channel."
+msgstr "Impossible de tracer un canal vide."
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:1646
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Set Channel Color"
+msgstr "Définir la couleur du canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:1697
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Set Channel Opacity"
+msgstr "Définir l’opacité du canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpchannel.c:1786 ../app/core/gimpselection.c:170
+msgid "Selection Mask"
+msgstr "Masque de sélection"
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:684
+msgid "Foreground"
+msgstr "Premier plan"
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:685 ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:94
+msgid "Foreground color"
+msgstr "Couleur de premier plan"
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:691 ../app/core/gimpimage-new.c:150
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan"
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:692 ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:101
+msgid "Background color"
+msgstr "Couleur d’arrière-plan"
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:698 ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:699
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationsettings.c:104
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrushselect.c:177 ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:288
+msgid "Opacity"
+msgstr "Opacité"
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:707 ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:708
+msgid "Paint Mode"
+msgstr "Mode de peinture"
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:715 ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:716
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmybrushoptions-gui.c:54
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:158
+msgid "Brush"
+msgstr "Brosse"
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:723
+msgid "Paint dynamics"
+msgstr "Dynamique de la brosse"
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:729 ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:730
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmybrushtool.c:73
+msgid "MyPaint Brush"
+msgstr "Brosse MyPaint"
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:736 ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:737
+msgid "Pattern"
+msgstr "Motif"
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:743 ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:744
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-edit-cmds.c:253 ../app/pdb/edit-cmds.c:803
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:268 ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool.c:164
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:378
+msgid "Gradient"
+msgstr "Dégradé"
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:750 ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:751
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorselectorpalette.c:59
+msgid "Palette"
+msgstr "Palette"
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:757 ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:758
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:551
+msgid "Font"
+msgstr "Police"
+#: ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:764 ../app/core/gimpcontext.c:765
+msgid "Tool Preset"
+msgstr "Préréglage d’outil"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:351 ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:385
+#: ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:719 ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:750
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Failed to save data:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"l’enregistrement des données a échoué :\n"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:424 ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:427
+#: ../app/core/gimpitem.c:547 ../app/core/gimpitem.c:550
+msgid "copy"
+msgstr "copier"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:436 ../app/core/gimpitem.c:558
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s copy"
+msgstr "Copie de %s"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:587 ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:532
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfontfactoryview.c:97
+msgid "Loading fonts (this may take a while...)"
+msgstr "Chargement des polices (ceci peut prendre un moment…)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:909
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You have a writable data folder configured (%s), but this folder does not "
+"exist. Please create the folder or fix your configuration in the Preferences "
+"dialog's 'Folders' section."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous avez configuré un dossier de données en écriture (%s), mais ce dossier "
+"n’existe pas. Créez le dossier ou adaptez la configuration dans la section "
+"« Dossiers » de la boîte de dialogue des Préférences."
+#: ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:928
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You have a writable data folder configured, but this folder is not part of "
+"your data search path. You probably edited the gimprc file manually, please "
+"fix it in the Preferences dialog's 'Folders' section."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous avez configuré un dossier de données en écriture, mais il ne fait pas "
+"partie du chemin de recherche de données. Vous avez probablement modifié "
+"manuellement le fichier gimprc. Corrigez-le dans la section « Dossiers » des "
+#: ../app/core/gimpdatafactory.c:938
+#, c-format
+msgid "You don't have any writable data folder configured."
+msgstr "Vous n’avez configuré aucun dossier de données accessible en écriture."
+#: ../app/core/gimpdataloaderfactory.c:458
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error loading '%s': "
+msgstr "Erreur durant le chargement de « %s » :"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdataloaderfactory.c:464
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error loading '%s'"
+msgstr "Erreur durant le chargement de « %s »"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdataloaderfactory.c:474 ../app/file-data/file-data-gbr.c:96
+#: ../app/file-data/file-data-gih.c:101 ../app/file-data/file-data-pat.c:97
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf.c:452
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open '%s' for reading: "
+msgstr "Impossible d’ouvrir « %s » en lecture : "
+#: ../app/core/gimpdataloaderfactory.c:534
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Failed to load data:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Le chargement des données a échoué :\n"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable.c:546 ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:121
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Scale"
+msgstr "Mise à l’échelle"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-bucket-fill.c:88
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Bucket Fill"
+msgstr "Remplissage"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-edit.c:151
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Effacer"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-equalize.c:63
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Equalize"
+msgstr "Égaliser"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-floating-selection.c:203
+msgid "Floating Selection"
+msgstr "Sélection flottante"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-foreground-extract.c:66
+msgid "Computing alpha of unknown pixels"
+msgstr "Calcul de l’alpha des pixels inconnus"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-fill.c:212 ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:679
+msgid "Not enough points to fill"
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas assez de points à remplir"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-fill.c:267
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Render Stroke"
+msgstr "Tracer"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-gradient.c:125
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-gradient.c:137 ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool.c:1055
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Gradient"
+msgstr "Dégradé"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-gradient.c:226
+msgid "Calculating distance map"
+msgstr "Calcul de la carte de distance"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-levels.c:72
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:127
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:138
+msgid "Levels"
+msgstr "Niveaux"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-offset.c:79
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Offset Drawable"
+msgstr "Décalage du tracé"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.c:111
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintcore-stroke.c:333 ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:701
+msgid "Not enough points to stroke"
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas assez de points pour le tracé"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:815 ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:135
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Flip"
+msgstr "Retourner"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:895 ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:130
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rotate"
+msgstr "Rotation"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:1035 ../app/core/gimplayer.c:451
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Transform Layer"
+msgstr "Transformation du calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdrawable-transform.c:1048
+msgid "Transformation"
+msgstr "Transformation"
+#: ../app/core/gimpdynamicsoutput.c:135
+msgid "Output type"
+msgstr "Niveaux de sortie"
+#. Style
+#: ../app/core/gimpfilloptions.c:108 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1828
+msgid "Style"
+msgstr "Style"
+#: ../app/core/gimpfilloptions.c:116 ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:100
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:149
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:80 ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:136
+msgid "Antialiasing"
+msgstr "Lissage"
+#: ../app/core/gimpfilloptions.c:123 ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:159
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:87
+msgid "Feather edges"
+msgstr "Adoucir les bords"
+#: ../app/core/gimpfilloptions.c:124 ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:160
+msgid "Enable feathering of fill edges"
+msgstr "Permet l’adoucissement des bords du remplissage"
+#: ../app/core/gimpfilloptions.c:130 ../app/paint/gimpmybrushoptions.c:86
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:166 ../app/tools/gimpcoloroptions.c:85
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselectoptions.c:101
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:94 ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:156
+msgid "Radius"
+msgstr "Rayon"
+#: ../app/core/gimpfilloptions.c:131 ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:167
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:95
+msgid "Radius of feathering"
+msgstr "Rayon d’adoucissement"
+#: ../app/core/gimpfilloptions.c:355
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Fill with Foreground Color"
+msgstr "Remplir avec la couleur de premier plan"
+#: ../app/core/gimpfilloptions.c:360
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Fill with Background Color"
+msgstr "Remplir avec la couleur d’arrière-plan"
+#: ../app/core/gimpfilloptions.c:365
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Fill with White"
+msgstr "Remplir avec du blanc"
+#: ../app/core/gimpfilloptions.c:372
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Fill with Transparency"
+msgstr "Remplir en transparent"
+#: ../app/core/gimpfilloptions.c:388 ../app/core/gimpfilloptions.c:456
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Fill with Pattern"
+msgstr "Remplir avec un motif"
+#: ../app/core/gimpfilloptions.c:453
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Fill with Solid Color"
+msgstr "Remplir avec une couleur unie"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:73
+#, c-format
+msgid "Not a GIMP gradient file."
+msgstr "Ce n’est pas un fichier de dégradé GIMP."
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:96
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid UTF-8 string in gradient file '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+"Chaîne de caractères UTF-8 non valide dans le fichier de dégradé « %s »."
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:122
+#, c-format
+msgid "File is corrupt."
+msgstr "Le fichier est altéré."
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:168 ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:183
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:193 ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:205
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:215 ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:223
+#, c-format
+msgid "Corrupt segment %d."
+msgstr "Segment altéré %d."
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:236 ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:246
+#, c-format
+msgid "Segments do not span the range 0-1."
+msgstr "Les segments ne rentrent pas dans l’intervalle 0-1."
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:261
+#, c-format
+msgid "In line %d of gradient file: "
+msgstr "%d du fichier de dégradé en ligne : "
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-load.c:337
+#, c-format
+msgid "No linear gradients found."
+msgstr "Aucun dégradé linéaire trouvé."
+#: ../app/core/gimpgradient-save.c:202
+#, c-format
+msgid "Writing POV file '%s' failed: %s"
+msgstr "L’écriture du fichier POV « %s » a échoué : %s"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:86
+msgid "Line style"
+msgstr "Style de ligne"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:87
+msgid "Line style used for the grid."
+msgstr "Style de ligne utilisé pour la grille."
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:95
+msgid "The foreground color of the grid."
+msgstr "La couleur du premier plan de la grille."
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:102
+msgid ""
+"The background color of the grid; only used in double dashed line style."
+msgstr ""
+"La couleur de l’arrière-plan de la grille ; utilisée seulement pour le style "
+"de ligne en doubles tirets."
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:109
+msgid "Spacing X"
+msgstr "Espacement X"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:110
+msgid "Horizontal spacing of grid lines."
+msgstr "Espacement horizontal des lignes de la grille."
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:116
+msgid "Spacing Y"
+msgstr "Espacement Y"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:117
+msgid "Vertical spacing of grid lines."
+msgstr "Espacement vertical des lignes de la grille."
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:123
+msgid "Spacing unit"
+msgstr "Unité d’espacement"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:130
+msgid "Offset X"
+msgstr "Décalage X"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:131
+msgid ""
+"Horizontal offset of the first grid line; this may be a negative number."
+msgstr ""
+"Décalage horizontal de la première ligne de la grille ; ce peut être un "
+"nombre négatif."
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:139
+msgid "Offset Y"
+msgstr "Décalage Y"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:140
+msgid "Vertical offset of the first grid line; this may be a negative number."
+msgstr ""
+"Décalage vertical de la première ligne de la grille ; ce peut être un nombre "
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrid.c:148
+msgid "Offset unit"
+msgstr "Unité de décalage"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:287
+msgid "Layer Group"
+msgstr "Groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:288
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rename Layer Group"
+msgstr "Renommer le groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:289
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Move Layer Group"
+msgstr "Déplacer le groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:290
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Scale Layer Group"
+msgstr "Échelle et taille du groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:291
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Resize Layer Group"
+msgstr "Redimensionner le groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:292
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Flip Layer Group"
+msgstr "Retourner le groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:293
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rotate Layer Group"
+msgstr "Rotation du groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/gimpgrouplayer.c:294
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Transform Layer Group"
+msgstr "Transformation du groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:691 ../app/widgets/gimpsymmetryeditor.c:175
+msgid "Symmetry"
+msgstr "Symétrie"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2425
+msgid " (exported)"
+msgstr " (exportée)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2429
+msgid " (overwritten)"
+msgstr " (écrasée)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2438
+msgid " (imported)"
+msgstr " (importée)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2612 ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2626
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2669
+#, c-format
+msgid "Layer mode '%s' was added in %s"
+msgstr "Le mode de calque « %s » a été ajouté dans %s"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2684
+#, c-format
+msgid "Layer groups were added in %s"
+msgstr "Les groupes de calques ont été ajoutés dans %s"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2691
+#, c-format
+msgid "Masks on layer groups were added in %s"
+msgstr ""
+"Les masques de calque sur des groupes de calques ont été ajoutés dans %s"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2707
+#, c-format
+msgid "High bit-depth images were added in %s"
+msgstr "Les images à grande profondeur de bits ont été ajoutées dans %s"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2719
+#, c-format
+msgid "Internal zlib compression was added in %s"
+msgstr "La compression zlib interne a été ajoutée dans %s"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2736
+#, c-format
+msgid "Support for image files larger than 4GB was added in %s"
+msgstr ""
+"La prise en charge de fichiers images plus gros que 4 Go a été ajoutée dans "
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2832
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Change Image Resolution"
+msgstr "Modifier la définition de l’image"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:2884
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Change Image Unit"
+msgstr "Modifier l’unité de l’image"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3835
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"'gimp-comment' parasite validation failed: comment contains invalid UTF-8"
+msgstr ""
+"Échec de validation du parasite « git-comment » : le commentaire contient un "
+"UTF-8 non valide"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3894
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Attach Parasite to Image"
+msgstr "Attacher un parasite à l’image"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:3936
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Remove Parasite from Image"
+msgstr "Supprimer le parasite de l’image"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:4667
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Add Layer"
+msgstr "Ajouter un calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:4709 ../app/core/gimpimage.c:4740
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Remove Layer"
+msgstr "Supprimer le calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:4734
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Remove Floating Selection"
+msgstr "Supprimer la sélection flottante"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:4901
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Add Channel"
+msgstr "Ajouter un canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:4929 ../app/core/gimpimage.c:4953
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Remove Channel"
+msgstr "Supprimer le canal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:5009
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Add Path"
+msgstr "Ajouter un chemin"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage.c:5039 ../app/core/gimpimage.c:5046
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Remove Path"
+msgstr "Supprimer le chemin"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-arrange.c:173
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Arrange Objects"
+msgstr "Arranger les objets"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-color-profile.c:122
+msgid "ICC profile validation failed: Parasite's name is not 'icc-profile'"
+msgstr ""
+"La validation du fichier ICC a échoué : le nom du parasite n’est pas « icc-"
+"profile »"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-color-profile.c:131
+msgid ""
+"ICC profile validation failed: Parasite's flags are not (PERSISTENT | "
+msgstr ""
+"La validation du fichier ICC a échoué : les drapeaux du parasite ne sont pas "
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-color-profile.c:187
+msgid "ICC profile validation failed: "
+msgstr "La validation du fichier ICC a échoué : "
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-color-profile.c:331
+msgid ""
+"ICC profile validation failed: Color profile is not for grayscale color space"
+msgstr ""
+"La validation du fichier ICC a échoué : le profil de couleur n’est pas pour "
+"l’espace de couleurs niveaux de gris"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-color-profile.c:341
+msgid "ICC profile validation failed: Color profile is not for RGB color space"
+msgstr ""
+"La validation du fichier ICC a échoué : le profil de couleur n’est pas pour "
+"l’espace de couleurs RVB"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-color-profile.c:396
+#, c-format
+msgid "Converting from '%s' to '%s'"
+msgstr "Conversion de « %s » en « %s »"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-color-profile.c:401
+msgid "Color profile conversion"
+msgstr "Conversion du profil de couleur"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-colormap.c:66
+#, c-format
+msgid "Colormap of Image #%d (%s)"
+msgstr "Carte des couleurs de l’image n°%d (%s)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-colormap.c:196
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Set Colormap"
+msgstr "Définir la palette des couleurs"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-colormap.c:236
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Unset Colormap"
+msgstr "Désactiver la palette des couleurs"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-colormap.c:289
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Change Colormap entry"
+msgstr "Modifier l’entrée de la palette des couleurs"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-colormap.c:317
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Add Color to Colormap"
+msgstr "Ajouter la couleur à la palette des couleurs"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-indexed.c:794
+msgid "Cannot convert image: palette is empty."
+msgstr "Impossible de convertir l’image : la palette est vide."
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-indexed.c:806
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert Image to Indexed"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en couleurs indexées"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-indexed.c:900
+msgid "Converting to indexed colors (stage 2)"
+msgstr "Convertir en couleurs indexées (étape 2)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-indexed.c:949
+msgid "Converting to indexed colors (stage 3)"
+msgstr "Convertir en couleurs indexées (étape 3)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-precision.c:77
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert Image to 8 bit linear integer"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en entier 8 bits (linéaire)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-precision.c:80
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert Image to 8 bit gamma integer"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en entier 8 bits (gamma)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-precision.c:83
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert Image to 16 bit linear integer"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en entier 16 bits (linéaire)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-precision.c:86
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert Image to 16 bit gamma integer"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en entier 16 bits (gamma)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-precision.c:89
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert Image to 32 bit linear integer"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en entier 32 bits (linéaire)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-precision.c:92
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert Image to 32 bit gamma integer"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en entier 32 bits (gamma)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-precision.c:95
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert Image to 16 bit linear floating point"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en virgule flottante 16 bits (linéaire)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-precision.c:98
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert Image to 16 bit gamma floating point"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en virgule flottante 16 bits (gamma)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-precision.c:101
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert Image to 32 bit linear floating point"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en virgule flottante 32 bits (linéaire)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-precision.c:104
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert Image to 32 bit gamma floating point"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en virgule flottante 32 bits (gamma)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-precision.c:107
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert Image to 64 bit linear floating point"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en virgule flottante 64 bits (linéaire)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-precision.c:110
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert Image to 64 bit gamma floating point"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en virgule flottante 64 bits (gamma)"
+#. dithering
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-precision.c:268
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-precision.c:289
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-indexed-dialog.c:241
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-precision-dialog.c:224
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:128
+msgid "Dithering"
+msgstr "Tramage"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-type.c:84
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert Image to RGB"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en RVB"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-convert-type.c:88
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convert Image to Grayscale"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en niveaux de gris"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-crop.c:72
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Crop Image"
+msgstr "Découper l’image"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-crop.c:75 ../app/core/gimpimage-resize.c:91
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Resize Image"
+msgstr "Redimensionner l’image"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-guides.c:53
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Add Horizontal Guide"
+msgstr "Ajouter un guide horizontal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-guides.c:77
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Add Vertical Guide"
+msgstr "Ajouter un guide vertical"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-guides.c:121
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Remove Guide"
+msgstr "Supprimer le guide"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-guides.c:151
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Move Guide"
+msgstr "Déplacer le guide"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-item-list.c:117
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Translate Items"
+msgstr "Déplacer l’élément"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-item-list.c:157
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Flip Items"
+msgstr "Retourner l’élément"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-item-list.c:201
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rotate Items"
+msgstr "Tourner l’élément"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-item-list.c:256
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Transform Items"
+msgstr "Transformer l’élément"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:135
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Merge Visible Layers"
+msgstr "Fusionner les calques visibles"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:203
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Flatten Image"
+msgstr "Aplatir l’image"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:232
+msgid "Cannot flatten an image without any visible layer."
+msgstr "Impossible d’aplatir une image sans calque visible."
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:260
+msgid "Cannot merge down a floating selection."
+msgstr "Impossible de fusionner une sélection flottante."
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:267
+msgid "Cannot merge down an invisible layer."
+msgstr "Impossible de fusionner vers le bas un calque invisible."
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:292
+msgid "Cannot merge down to a layer group."
+msgstr "Impossible de fusionner vers un groupe de calques."
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:299
+msgid "The layer to merge down to is locked."
+msgstr "Le calque destinataire de la fusion est verrouillé."
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:311
+msgid "There is no visible layer to merge down to."
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de calque visible à fusionner."
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:317
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Merge Down"
+msgstr "Fusionner vers le bas"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:352
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Merge Layer Group"
+msgstr "Fusionner le groupe de calques"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:428
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Merge Visible Paths"
+msgstr "Fusionner les chemins visibles"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-merge.c:464
+msgid "Not enough visible paths for a merge. There must be at least two."
+msgstr ""
+"Il n’y a pas assez de chemins visibles pour une fusion. Il en faut au moins "
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-quick-mask.c:88
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Enable Quick Mask"
+msgstr "Activer le masque rapide"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-quick-mask.c:120
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Disable Quick Mask"
+msgstr "Désactiver le masque rapide"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-sample-points.c:52
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Add Sample Point"
+msgstr "Ajouter un point d’échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-sample-points.c:96
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Remove Sample Point"
+msgstr "Supprimer le point d’échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-sample-points.c:126
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Move Sample Point"
+msgstr "Déplacer le point d’échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-sample-points.c:146
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Set Sample Point Pick Mode"
+msgstr "Définition du mode de sélection de point d’échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-scale.c:79
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Scale Image"
+msgstr "Échelle et taille de l’image"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimage-undo-push.c:1028
+#, c-format
+msgid "Can't undo %s"
+msgstr "Impossible d’annuler %s"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:746 ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1950
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2056
+msgid "Folder"
+msgstr "Dossier"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:751
+msgid "Special File"
+msgstr "Fichier spécial"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:767
+msgid "Remote File"
+msgstr "Fichier distant"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:786
+msgid "Click to create preview"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour créer l’aperçu"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:792
+msgid "Loading preview..."
+msgstr "Chargement de l’aperçu…"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:798
+msgid "Preview is out of date"
+msgstr "Aperçu périmé"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:804
+msgid "Cannot create preview"
+msgstr "Impossible de créer l’aperçu"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:814
+msgid "(Preview may be out of date)"
+msgstr "(l’aperçu est peut être périmé)"
+#. pixel size
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:823 ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:429
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:429 ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:702
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d × %d pixel"
+msgid_plural "%d × %d pixels"
+msgstr[0] "%d x %d pixel"
+msgstr[1] "%d x %d pixels"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:846 ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:349
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d layer"
+msgid_plural "%d layers"
+msgstr[0] "%d calque"
+msgstr[1] "%d calques"
+#: ../app/core/gimpimagefile.c:894
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open thumbnail '%s': %s"
+msgstr "Impossible d’ouvrir la vignette « %s » : %s"
+#: ../app/core/gimpitem.c:2148
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Attach Parasite"
+msgstr "Attacher un parasite"
+#: ../app/core/gimpitem.c:2158
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Attach Parasite to Item"
+msgstr "Attacher un parasite à l’élément"
+#: ../app/core/gimpitem.c:2209 ../app/core/gimpitem.c:2216
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Remove Parasite from Item"
+msgstr "Supprimer un parasite de l’élément"
+#: ../app/core/gimpitem-exclusive.c:82
+msgid "Set Item Exclusive Visible"
+msgstr "Rendre l’élément exclusivement visible"
+#: ../app/core/gimpitem-exclusive.c:173
+msgid "Set Item Exclusive Linked"
+msgstr "Rendre l’élément exclusivement lié"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer-floating-selection.c:120
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Anchor Floating Selection"
+msgstr "Ancrer la sélection flottante"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer-floating-selection.c:176 ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1050
+msgid ""
+"Cannot create a new layer from the floating selection because it belongs to "
+"a layer mask or channel."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de créer un nouveau calque à partir de la sélection flottante car "
+"elle appartient à un canal ou à un masque de calque."
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer-floating-selection.c:183
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Floating Selection to Layer"
+msgstr "Sélection flottante vers calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:445
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rename Layer"
+msgstr "Renommer le calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:446
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Move Layer"
+msgstr "Déplacer le calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:447
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Scale Layer"
+msgstr "Échelle et taille du calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:448
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Resize Layer"
+msgstr "Redimensionner le calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:449
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Flip Layer"
+msgstr "Retourner le calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:450
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rotate Layer"
+msgstr "Rotation du calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:453
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Reorder Layer"
+msgstr "Réordonner le calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:454
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Raise Layer"
+msgstr "Remonter le calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:455
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Raise Layer to Top"
+msgstr "Envoyer le calque tout en haut"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:456
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Lower Layer"
+msgstr "Descendre le calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:457
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Lower Layer to Bottom"
+msgstr "Envoyer le calque tout en bas"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:458
+msgid "Layer cannot be raised higher."
+msgstr "Le calque ne peut pas être monté plus haut."
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:459
+msgid "Layer cannot be lowered more."
+msgstr "Le calque ne peut pas être descendu plus bas."
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:751 ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1966
+#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:285
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s mask"
+msgstr "masque %s"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:790
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Floating Selection\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sélection flottante\n"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1867
+msgid "Unable to add a layer mask since the layer already has one."
+msgstr "Impossible d’ajouter un masque au calque car il en a déjà un."
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1878
+msgid "Cannot add layer mask of different dimensions than specified layer."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible d’ajouter un masque de\n"
+"dimensions différentes de celles du calque."
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:1884
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Add Layer Mask"
+msgstr "Ajouter un masque de calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:2007
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Transfer Alpha to Mask"
+msgstr "Transfert de l’alpha vers le masque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:2169
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Apply Layer Mask"
+msgstr "Appliquer le masque de calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:2170
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Delete Layer Mask"
+msgstr "Supprimer le masque de calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:2277
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Enable Layer Mask"
+msgstr "Activer le masque de calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:2278
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Disable Layer Mask"
+msgstr "Désactiver le masque de calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:2359
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Show Layer Mask"
+msgstr "Afficher le masque de calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:2438
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Add Alpha Channel"
+msgstr "Ajouter un canal alpha"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:2473
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Remove Alpha Channel"
+msgstr "Supprimer le canal alpha"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayer.c:2494
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Layer to Image Size"
+msgstr "Calque aux dimensions de l’image"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:83
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Move Layer Mask"
+msgstr "Déplacer le masque de calque"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:84
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Layer Mask to Selection"
+msgstr "Masque de calque vers sélection"
+#: ../app/core/gimplayermask.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot rename layer masks."
+msgstr "Impossible de renommer les masques de calque."
+#: ../app/core/gimplineart.c:338 ../app/core/gimplineart.c:339
+msgid "Select transparent pixels instead of gray ones"
+msgstr "Sélectionne les pixels transparents au lieu des gris"
+#: ../app/core/gimplineart.c:345 ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:188
+msgid "Line art detection threshold"
+msgstr "Seuil de détection de dessin au trait"
+#: ../app/core/gimplineart.c:346 ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:189
+msgid "Threshold to detect contour (higher values will include more pixels)"
+msgstr ""
+"Seuil pour détecter le contour (des valeurs hautes incluent plus de pixels)"
+#: ../app/core/gimplineart.c:352 ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:195
+msgid "Maximum growing size"
+msgstr "Taille de croissance maximale"
+#: ../app/core/gimplineart.c:353 ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:196
+msgid "Maximum number of pixels grown under the line art"
+msgstr "Nombre maximal de pixels pris en compte sous le dessin au trait"
+#: ../app/core/gimplineart.c:359
+msgid "Maximum curved closing length"
+msgstr "Longueur maximale de fermeture en courbe"
+#: ../app/core/gimplineart.c:360
+msgid "Maximum curved length (in pixels) to close the line art"
+msgstr "Longueur en courbe maximale (en pixels) pour clore le dessin au trait"
+#: ../app/core/gimplineart.c:366
+msgid "Maximum straight closing length"
+msgstr "Longueur maximale de fermeture droite"
+#: ../app/core/gimplineart.c:367
+msgid "Maximum straight length (in pixels) to close the line art"
+msgstr "Longueur droite maximale (en pixels) pour clore le dessin au trait"
+#: ../app/core/gimpmybrush-load.c:75
+#, c-format
+msgid "MyPaint brush file is unreasonably large, skipping."
+msgstr "Le fichier de brosse Mypaint est déraisonnablement gros, on passe."
+#: ../app/core/gimpmybrush-load.c:93
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to deserialize MyPaint brush."
+msgstr "La désérialisation de la brosse Mypaint a échoué."
+#. TRANSLATORS: the "%s" is an item title and "%u" is the number of
+#. occurrences for this item.
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-import.c:212
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (occurs %u)"
+msgstr "%s (est survenu %u fois)"
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-import.c:425
+#, c-format
+msgid "Index %d"
+msgstr "Index %d"
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-import.c:547
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unknown type of palette file: %s"
+msgstr "Type de fichier de palette inconnu : %s"
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:71
+#, c-format
+msgid "Missing magic header."
+msgstr "En-tête magique manquant."
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:94
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid UTF-8 string in palette file '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+"Chaîne de caractères UTF-8 non valide dans le fichier de palette « %s »"
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:114
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid column count."
+msgstr "Nombre de colonnes non valide."
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:121
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Reading palette file '%s': Invalid number of columns in line %d. Using "
+"default value."
+msgstr ""
+"Chargement de la palette « %s » : nombre de colonnes non valide à la ligne "
+"%d. Utilisation de la valeur par défaut."
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:155
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reading palette file '%s': Missing RED component in line %d."
+msgstr ""
+"Chargement de la palette « %s » : composante ROUGE manquante à la ligne %d."
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:163
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reading palette file '%s': Missing GREEN component in line %d."
+msgstr ""
+"Chargement de la palette « %s » : composante VERTE manquante à la ligne %d."
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:171
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reading palette file '%s': Missing BLUE component in line %d."
+msgstr ""
+"Chargement de la palette « %s » : composante BLEUE manquante à la ligne %d."
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:181
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reading palette file '%s': RGB value out of range in line %d."
+msgstr ""
+"Lors du chargement de la palette « %s » : valeur RVB hors limite à la ligne "
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:209 ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:454
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reading palette file '%s': Read %d colors from truncated file: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"Lors du chargement de la palette « %s » : lecture de %d couleurs dans le "
+"fichier tronqué : %s"
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:231
+#, c-format
+msgid "In line %d of palette file: "
+msgstr "%d de fichier de palette en ligne : "
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:427
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not read header from palette file '%s': "
+msgstr "Impossible de lire l’en-tête du fichier de palette « %s » : "
+#: ../app/core/gimppalette-load.c:459
+msgid "Premature end of file."
+msgstr "Fin de fichier prématurée."
+#: ../app/core/gimppalettemru.c:123 ../app/core/gimppalettemru.c:229
+msgid "History Color"
+msgstr "Faire l’historique des couleurs"
+#: ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:60
+msgid "File appears truncated: "
+msgstr "Le fichier est tronqué : "
+#: ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:78
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unknown pattern format version %d."
+msgstr "Version de format de motif inconnue %d."
+#: ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:87
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Unsupported pattern depth %d.\n"
+"GIMP Patterns must be GRAY or RGB."
+msgstr ""
+"Profondeur de motif %d non prise en charge.\n"
+"Les motifs GIMP doivent être TONS DE GRIS ou RVB."
+#: ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:99
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid header data in '%s': width=%lu, height=%lu, bytes=%lu"
+msgstr ""
+"Données d’en-tête non valides dans « %s » : largeur = %lu, hauteur = %lu, "
+"octets = %lu"
+#: ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:115
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid header data in '%s': Pattern name is too long: %lu"
+msgstr ""
+"Données d’en-tête non valides dans « %s » : nom de motif trop long : %lu"
+#: ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:128 ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:166
+msgid "File appears truncated."
+msgstr "Le fichier semble tronqué."
+#: ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid UTF-8 string in pattern file '%s'."
+msgstr "Chaîne UTF-8 non valide dans le fichier de motifs « %s »."
+#: ../app/core/gimppattern-load.c:177
+msgid "Fatal parse error in pattern file: "
+msgstr "Erreur fatale à l’analyse du fichier de motifs : "
+#: ../app/core/gimppdbprogress.c:268
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable to run %s callback. The corresponding plug-in may have crashed."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible d’exécuter la fonction de rappel %s. Le greffon correspondant "
+"s’est peut-être planté."
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:171
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Move Selection"
+msgstr "Déplacer la sélection"
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:172
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Fill Selection"
+msgstr "Remplir la sélection"
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:173
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Stroke Selection"
+msgstr "Tracer la sélection"
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:190
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Feather Selection"
+msgstr "Adoucir la sélection"
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:191
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Sharpen Selection"
+msgstr "Augmenter la netteté de la sélection"
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:192
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Select None"
+msgstr "Ne rien sélectionner"
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:193
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Select All"
+msgstr "Tout sélectionner"
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:194
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Invert Selection"
+msgstr "Inverser la sélection"
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:195
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Border Selection"
+msgstr "Border la sélection"
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:196
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Grow Selection"
+msgstr "Agrandir la sélection"
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:197
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Shrink Selection"
+msgstr "Réduire la sélection"
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:198
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Remove Holes"
+msgstr "Supprimer les trous"
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:306
+msgid "There is no selection to fill."
+msgstr "Aucune sélection à remplir."
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:342
+msgid "There is no selection to stroke."
+msgstr "Aucune sélection à remplir."
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:699
+msgid "Unable to cut or copy because the selected region is empty."
+msgstr "Impossible de copier ou coller car la région sélectionnée est vide."
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:817
+msgid "Cannot float selection because the selected region is empty."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de créer une sélection flottante car la région sélectionnée est "
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:824
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Float Selection"
+msgstr "Sélection flottante"
+#: ../app/core/gimpselection.c:842
+msgid "Floated Layer"
+msgstr "Calque flottant"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsettings.c:151
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last used: %s"
+msgstr "Dernier utilisé : %s"
+#: ../app/core/gimpstrokeoptions.c:155
+msgid "Method"
+msgstr "Méthode"
+#: ../app/core/gimpstrokeoptions.c:163
+msgid "Line width"
+msgstr "Épaisseur de ligne"
+#: ../app/core/gimpstrokeoptions.c:170 ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:150
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:123
+msgid "Unit"
+msgstr "Unités"
+#: ../app/core/gimpstrokeoptions.c:177
+msgid "Cap style"
+msgstr "Style de coiffe"
+#: ../app/core/gimpstrokeoptions.c:184
+msgid "Join style"
+msgstr "Style de jointure"
+#: ../app/core/gimpstrokeoptions.c:191
+msgid "Miter limit"
+msgstr "Limite de pointe"
+#: ../app/core/gimpstrokeoptions.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Convert a mitered join to a bevelled join if the miter would extend to a "
+"distance of more than miter-limit * line-width from the actual join point."
+msgstr ""
+"Convertit une jointure émoussée en une jointure en biseau si la pointe "
+"s’étend au-delà d’une distance dépassant limite-de-pointe * épaisseur-de-"
+"ligne à partir du point de jointure réel."
+#: ../app/core/gimpstrokeoptions.c:201
+msgid "Dash offset"
+msgstr "Décalage du tiret"
+#: ../app/core/gimpstrokeoptions.c:223
+msgid "Emulate brush dynamics"
+msgstr "Émuler une brosse dynamique"
+#. no undo (or redo) steps available
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry.c:137 ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:399
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsymmetryeditor.c:165
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Aucun"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry.c:151
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Actif"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry.c:152
+msgid "Activate symmetry painting"
+msgstr "Activer la peinture en symétrie"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mandala.c:114
+msgid "Mandala"
+msgstr "Mandala"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mandala.c:121
+msgid "Center abscissa"
+msgstr "Abscisse du centre"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mandala.c:133
+msgid "Center ordinate"
+msgstr "Ordonnée du centre"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mandala.c:145
+msgid "Number of points"
+msgstr "Nombre de points"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mandala.c:153 ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mirror.c:151
+msgid "Disable brush transform"
+msgstr "Désactiver la transformation de la brosse"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mandala.c:154
+msgid "Disable brush rotation"
+msgstr "Désactiver la rotation de la brosse"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mandala.c:161
+msgid "Kaleidoscope"
+msgstr "Kaléidoscope"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mandala.c:162
+msgid "Reflect consecutive strokes"
+msgstr "Refléter les coups de pinceau consécutifs"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mirror.c:120
+msgid "Mirror"
+msgstr "Miroir"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mirror.c:127
+msgid "Horizontal Symmetry"
+msgstr "Symétrie horizontale"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mirror.c:128
+msgid "Reflect the initial stroke across a horizontal axis"
+msgstr "Réfléchir le coup de pinceau initial selon un axe horizontal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mirror.c:135
+msgid "Vertical Symmetry"
+msgstr "Symétrie verticale"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mirror.c:136
+msgid "Reflect the initial stroke across a vertical axis"
+msgstr "Réfléchir le coup de pinceau initial selon un axe vertical"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mirror.c:143
+msgid "Central Symmetry"
+msgstr "Symétrie centrale"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mirror.c:144
+msgid "Invert the initial stroke through a point"
+msgstr "Inverser le coup de pinceau initial selon un point"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mirror.c:152
+msgid "Disable brush reflection"
+msgstr "Désactiver la réflexion de la brosse"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mirror.c:159
+msgid "Vertical axis position"
+msgstr "Position de l’axe vertical"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-mirror.c:171
+msgid "Horizontal axis position"
+msgstr "Position de l’axe horizontal"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-tiling.c:98
+msgid "Tiling"
+msgstr "Mosaïque"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-tiling.c:103
+msgid "Interval X"
+msgstr "Intervalle X"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-tiling.c:104
+msgid "Interval on the X axis (pixels)"
+msgstr "Intervalle sur l’axe X (pixels)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-tiling.c:115
+msgid "Interval Y"
+msgstr "Intervalle Y"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-tiling.c:116
+msgid "Interval on the Y axis (pixels)"
+msgstr "Intervalle sur l’axe Y (pixels)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-tiling.c:127
+msgid "Shift"
+msgstr "Décalage"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-tiling.c:128
+msgid "X-shift between lines (pixels)"
+msgstr "Décalage X entre les lignes (pixels)"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-tiling.c:139
+msgid "Max strokes X"
+msgstr "Max coups de pinceau X"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-tiling.c:140
+msgid "Maximum number of strokes on the X axis"
+msgstr "Nombre maximal de coups de pinceau sur l’axe des X"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-tiling.c:147
+msgid "Max strokes Y"
+msgstr "Max coups de pinceau Y"
+#: ../app/core/gimpsymmetry-tiling.c:148
+msgid "Maximum number of strokes on the Y axis"
+msgstr "Nombre maximal de coups de pinceau sur l’axe des Y"
+#: ../app/core/gimptagcache.c:437
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error writing '%s': %s\n"
+msgstr "Erreur durant l’écriture de « %s » : %s\n"
+#: ../app/core/gimptagcache.c:447
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error closing '%s': %s\n"
+msgstr "Erreur durant la fermeture de « %s » : %s\n"
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:134
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Largeur"
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:142
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Hauteur"
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:151
+msgid "The unit used for coordinate display when not in dot-for-dot mode."
+msgstr ""
+"Unité utilisée pour l’affichage des coordonnées sauf en mode point pour "
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:158 ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:166
+msgid "Resolution X"
+msgstr "Résolution X"
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:159
+msgid "The horizontal image resolution."
+msgstr "La résolution horizontale de l’image"
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:167
+msgid "The vertical image resolution."
+msgstr "La résolution verticale de l’image"
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:174
+msgid "Resolution unit"
+msgstr "Unité de résolution"
+#. serialized name
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:181
+msgid "Image type"
+msgstr "Type d’image"
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:188 ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:195
+msgid "Precision"
+msgstr "Précision"
+#. gamma
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:204 ../app/dialogs/convert-precision-dialog.c:198
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:140
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:141 ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:505
+msgid "Gamma"
+msgstr "Gamma"
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:212
+msgid "Color managed"
+msgstr "Gestion des couleurs"
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:213
+msgid ""
+"Whether the image is color managed. Disabling color management is equivalent "
+"to choosing a built-in sRGB profile. Better leave color management enabled."
+msgstr ""
+"Indique si les couleurs de l’image sont gérées. La désactivation de la "
+"gestion des couleurs équivaut à choisir un profil sRVB intégré. Mieux vaut "
+"laisser la gestion des couleurs activée."
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:222
+msgid "Color profile"
+msgstr "Profil de couleur"
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:229 ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:110
+msgid "Fill type"
+msgstr "Type de remplissage"
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:236
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Commentaire"
+#: ../app/core/gimptemplate.c:243
+msgid "Filename"
+msgstr "Nom de fichier"
+#. Translators: this is a noun
+#: ../app/core/gimptoolgroup.c:265
+msgctxt "tool-item"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "Groupe"
+#: ../app/core/gimptoolpreset.c:149
+msgid "Apply stored FG/BG"
+msgstr "Appliquer le PP/AP enregistré"
+#: ../app/core/gimptoolpreset.c:156
+msgid "Apply stored opacity/paint mode"
+msgstr "Appliquer l’opacité/mode de peinture enregistré"
+#: ../app/core/gimptoolpreset.c:163
+msgid "Apply stored brush"
+msgstr "Appliquer la brosse enregistrée"
+#: ../app/core/gimptoolpreset.c:170
+msgid "Apply stored dynamics"
+msgstr "Appliquer la dynamique enregistrée"
+#: ../app/core/gimptoolpreset.c:177
+msgid "Apply stored MyPaint brush"
+msgstr "Appliquer la brosse MyPaint enregistrée"
+#: ../app/core/gimptoolpreset.c:184
+msgid "Apply stored pattern"
+msgstr "Appliquer le motif enregistré"
+#: ../app/core/gimptoolpreset.c:191
+msgid "Apply stored palette"
+msgstr "Appliquer la palette enregistrée"
+#: ../app/core/gimptoolpreset.c:198
+msgid "Apply stored gradient"
+msgstr "Appliquer le dégradé enregistré"
+#: ../app/core/gimptoolpreset.c:205
+msgid "Apply stored font"
+msgstr "Appliquer la police enregistrée"
+#: ../app/core/gimptoolpreset-load.c:64
+msgid "Tool preset file is corrupt."
+msgstr "Le fichier de préréglage d’outil est altéré."
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:60
+msgctxt "unit-singular"
+msgid "pixel"
+msgstr "pixel"
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:60
+msgctxt "unit-plural"
+msgid "pixels"
+msgstr "pixels"
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:64
+msgctxt "unit-singular"
+msgid "inch"
+msgstr "pouce"
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:64
+msgctxt "unit-plural"
+msgid "inches"
+msgstr "pouces"
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:67
+msgctxt "unit-singular"
+msgid "millimeter"
+msgstr "millimètre"
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:67
+msgctxt "unit-plural"
+msgid "millimeters"
+msgstr "millimètres"
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:71
+msgctxt "unit-singular"
+msgid "point"
+msgstr "point"
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:71
+msgctxt "unit-plural"
+msgid "points"
+msgstr "points"
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:74
+msgctxt "unit-singular"
+msgid "pica"
+msgstr "pica"
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:74
+msgctxt "unit-plural"
+msgid "picas"
+msgstr "picas"
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:82
+msgctxt "singular"
+msgid "percent"
+msgstr "pour cent"
+#: ../app/core/gimpunit.c:82
+msgctxt "plural"
+msgid "percent"
+msgstr "pour cent"
+#. Translators: the %s is GIMP version, the %d is the
+#. * installer/package revision.
+#. * For instance: "2.10.18 (revision 2)"
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:132
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (revision %d)"
+msgstr "%s (révision %d)"
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:140
+msgid "About GIMP"
+msgstr "À propos de GIMP"
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:149
+msgid "Visit the GIMP website"
+msgstr "Visitez le site Web de GIMP"
+#. Translators: insert your names here,
+#. separated by newline
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:155
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Christophe Merlet <>\n"
+"Raymond Ostertag <>\n"
+"Vincent Renardias <>\n"
+"David Monniaux <>\n"
+"Daniel Egger <>\n"
+"Thomas Morin <>\n"
+"Jonathan Ernst <>\n"
+"Jean-Louis Berliet <>\n"
+"Julien Hardelin <\n"
+"Jonathan Ernst <>\n"
+"Stéphane Raimbault <>\n"
+"Laurent Monin <>\n"
+"Yannick Tailliez <>"
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:345
+msgid "Update available!"
+msgstr "Une mise à jour est disponible !"
+#. This is actually a new revision of current version.
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:365
+#, c-format
+msgid "Download GIMP %s revision %d (released on %s)\n"
+msgstr "Télécharger GIMP %s révision %d (publiée le %s)\n"
+#. Translators: <> tags are Pango markup. Please keep these
+#. * markups in your translation.
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:375
+#, c-format
+msgid "<u>Release comment</u>: <i>%s</i>"
+msgstr "<u>Commentaire de version</u> : <i>%s</i>"
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:380
+#, c-format
+msgid "Download GIMP %s (released on %s)\n"
+msgstr "Télécharger GIMP %s (publié le %s)\n"
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:405 ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:426
+msgid "Check for updates"
+msgstr "Recherche de mises à jour"
+#. Translators: first string is the date in the locale's date
+#. * representation (e.g., 12/31/99), second is the time in the
+#. * locale's time representation (e.g., 23:13:48).
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:446
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last checked on %s at %s"
+msgstr "Dernière vérification le %s à %s"
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:748
+msgid "GIMP is brought to you by"
+msgstr "GIMP vous est présenté par"
+#: ../app/dialogs/about-dialog.c:824
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"This is an unstable development release\n"
+"commit %s"
+msgstr ""
+"Ceci est une version de développement instable\n"
+"dépôt %s"
+#: ../app/dialogs/action-search-dialog.c:68
+msgid "Search Actions"
+msgstr "Recherche d’actions"
+#: ../app/dialogs/channel-options-dialog.c:126
+msgid "Channel _name:"
+msgstr "_Nom du canal :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/channel-options-dialog.c:128
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:168
+msgid "Lock _pixels"
+msgstr "Verrouiller les _pixels"
+#: ../app/dialogs/channel-options-dialog.c:129
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:169
+msgid "Lock position and _size"
+msgstr "Verrouiller la position et la _taille"
+#: ../app/dialogs/channel-options-dialog.c:171
+msgid "Initialize from _selection"
+msgstr "Initialiser depuis la _sélection"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:128
+msgid "Assign ICC Color Profile"
+msgstr "Attribuer un profil de couleur ICC"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:131
+msgid "Assign a color profile to the image"
+msgstr "Attribuer un profil de couleur à l’image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:137
+msgid "_Assign"
+msgstr "_Attribuer"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:140
+msgid "Assign"
+msgstr "Attribuer"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:146
+msgid "Convert to ICC Color Profile"
+msgstr "Convertir en profil colorimétrique ICC"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:149
+msgid "Convert the image to a color profile"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en un profil de couleur"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:155
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:173
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:191
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-import-dialog.c:105
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-indexed-dialog.c:143
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-precision-dialog.c:169
+msgid "C_onvert"
+msgstr "C_onvertir"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:158
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:176
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:194
+msgid "Convert to"
+msgstr "Convertir en"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:164
+msgid "RGB Conversion"
+msgstr "Conversion RVB"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:167
+msgid "Convert Image to RGB"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en RVB"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:182
+msgid "Grayscale Conversion"
+msgstr "Conversion en niveaux de gris"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:185
+msgid "Convert Image to Grayscale"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en niveaux de gris"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:200
+msgid "Soft-Proof Profile"
+msgstr "Profil d’épreuve sur écran"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:203
+msgid "Select Soft-Proof Profile"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le profil colorimétrique d’épreuve sur écran"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:209
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:321
+msgid "_Select"
+msgstr "_Sélectionner"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:212
+msgid "New Color Profile"
+msgstr "Nouveau profil de couleur"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:241
+msgid "Current Color Profile"
+msgstr "Profil de couleur actuel"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:261
+msgid "Profile _details"
+msgstr "_Détails du profil"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:290
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-import-dialog.c:160
+msgid "_Rendering Intent:"
+msgstr "Mode de _rendu :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:306
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-import-dialog.c:176
+msgid "_Black Point Compensation"
+msgstr "Utiliser la compensation du point _noir"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:386
+msgid "Select Destination Profile"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le profil colorimétrique de destination"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-dialog.c:485
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-constructors.c:86
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-constructors.c:97
+msgctxt "profile"
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Aucun"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-import-dialog.c:85
+msgid "Convert to Grayscale Working Space?"
+msgstr "Convertir vers l’espace de travail niveaux de gris ?"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-import-dialog.c:86
+msgid "Convert the image to the built-in grayscale color profile?"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image au profil niveaux de gris intégré ?"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-import-dialog.c:90
+msgid "Convert to RGB Working Space?"
+msgstr "Convertir vers l’espace de travail RVB ?"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-import-dialog.c:91
+msgid "Convert the image to the built-in sRGB color profile?"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image au profil de couleur sRVB intégré ?"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-import-dialog.c:99
+msgid "Import the image from a color profile"
+msgstr "Importer l’image depuis un profil de couleur"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-import-dialog.c:104
+msgid "_Keep"
+msgstr "_Conserver"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-import-dialog.c:122
+#, c-format
+msgid "The image '%s' has an embedded color profile"
+msgstr "L’image « %s » possède un profil de couleur intégré"
+#: ../app/dialogs/color-profile-import-dialog.c:185
+msgid "_Don't ask me again"
+msgstr "_Ne me le redemandez pas"
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-indexed-dialog.c:134
+msgid "Indexed Color Conversion"
+msgstr "Conversion en couleurs indexées"
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-indexed-dialog.c:137
+msgid "Convert Image to Indexed Colors"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en couleurs indexées"
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-indexed-dialog.c:194
+msgid "_Maximum number of colors:"
+msgstr "Nombre _maximal de couleurs :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-indexed-dialog.c:224
+msgid "_Remove unused and duplicate colors from colormap"
+msgstr "_Enlever les couleurs non utilisées ou en double de la palette"
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-indexed-dialog.c:253
+msgid "Color _dithering:"
+msgstr "_Tramage des couleurs :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-indexed-dialog.c:268
+msgid "Enable dithering of _transparency"
+msgstr "Activer le tramage de la _transparence"
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-indexed-dialog.c:280
+msgid "Enable dithering of text _layers"
+msgstr "Activer le tramage des ca_lques de texte"
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-indexed-dialog.c:291
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-precision-dialog.c:279
+msgid "Dithering text layers will make them uneditable"
+msgstr "Le tramage des calques de texte les rendra non modifiables."
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-indexed-dialog.c:415
+#: ../app/pdb/image-convert-cmds.c:163
+msgid "Cannot convert to a palette with more than 256 colors."
+msgstr "Impossible de convertir vers une palette ayant plus de 256 couleurs."
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-precision-dialog.c:154
+#, c-format
+msgid "Convert Image to %s"
+msgstr "Convertir l’image en %s"
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-precision-dialog.c:158
+msgid "Encoding Conversion"
+msgstr "Conversion de codage"
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-precision-dialog.c:160
+msgid "Precision Conversion"
+msgstr "Conversion de précision"
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-precision-dialog.c:207
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:439
+msgid "Perceptual gamma (sRGB)"
+msgstr "Gamma perceptuel (sRVB)"
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-precision-dialog.c:208
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:438
+msgid "Linear light"
+msgstr "Lumière linéaire"
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-precision-dialog.c:240
+msgid "_Layers:"
+msgstr "_Calques :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-precision-dialog.c:262
+msgid "_Text Layers:"
+msgstr "Calques de _texte :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/convert-precision-dialog.c:289
+msgid "_Channels and Masks:"
+msgstr "_Canaux et masques :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/data-delete-dialog.c:82
+msgid "Delete Object"
+msgstr "Supprimer l’objet"
+#: ../app/dialogs/data-delete-dialog.c:105
+#, c-format
+msgid "Delete '%s'?"
+msgstr "Supprimer « %s » ?"
+#: ../app/dialogs/data-delete-dialog.c:108
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to remove '%s' from the list and delete it on disk?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer « %s » de la liste et du disque ?"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs-constructors.c:216 ../app/gui/gui.c:194
+#: ../app/gui/gui-message.c:271
+msgid "GIMP Message"
+msgstr "Message de GIMP"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs-constructors.c:225
+msgid "GIMP Debug"
+msgstr "Débogage de GIMP"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:316
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Périphériques"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:316
+msgid "Device Status"
+msgstr "État des périphériques"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:320
+msgid "Errors"
+msgstr "Erreurs"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:324
+msgid "Pointer"
+msgstr "Pointeur"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:364
+msgid "History"
+msgstr "Historique"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:367
+msgid "Image Templates"
+msgstr "Modèles d’image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:388
+msgid "Histogram"
+msgstr "Histogramme"
+#. Selection Bounding Box
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:392 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:262
+msgid "Selection"
+msgstr "Sélection"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:392
+msgid "Selection Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur de sélection"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:396
+msgid "Symmetry Painting"
+msgstr "Peinture en symétrie"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:400
+msgid "Undo"
+msgstr "Annuler"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:400
+msgid "Undo History"
+msgstr "Historique d’annulation"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:410
+msgid "Navigation"
+msgstr "Navigation"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:410
+msgid "Display Navigation"
+msgstr "Afficher la navigation"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:416
+msgid "FG/BG"
+msgstr "PP/AP"
+#: ../app/dialogs/dialogs.c:416
+msgid "FG/BG Color"
+msgstr "Couleur PP/AP"
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-open-dialog.c:261
+msgid "Open layers"
+msgstr "Ouvrir les calques"
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-open-location-dialog.c:74
+msgid "Open Location"
+msgstr "Ouvrir suivant l’emplacement"
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-open-location-dialog.c:112
+msgid "Enter location (URI):"
+msgstr "Indiquer l’emplacement (URI) :"
+#. error should never be NULL, also issue #3093
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-open-location-dialog.c:246
+msgid "Invalid URI"
+msgstr "URI non valide"
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:458
+msgid ""
+"Saving remote files needs to determine the file format from the file "
+"extension. Please enter a file extension that matches the selected file "
+"format or enter no file extension at all."
+msgstr ""
+"Lors de l’enregistrement de fichiers distants, le format de fichier est "
+"déterminé à partir de l’extension du nom de fichier. Saisissez une extension "
+"qui corresponde au format du fichier sélectionné ou n’entrez aucune "
+"extension de fichier."
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:618
+msgid "The given filename cannot be used for exporting"
+msgstr "Le nom de fichier donné ne peut pas servir à l’exportation."
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:619
+msgid ""
+"You can use this dialog to export to various file formats. If you want to "
+"save the image to the GIMP XCF format, use File→Save instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous pouvez utiliser cette boîte de dialogue pour exporter vers divers "
+"formats de fichiers. Si vous voulez enregistrer dans le format XCF de GIMP, "
+"utilisez plutôt Fichier → Enregistrer."
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:622
+msgid "Take me to the Save dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvrir la boîte de dialogue Enregistrer"
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:626
+msgid "The given filename cannot be used for saving"
+msgstr "Le nom de fichier donné ne peut pas servir à l’enregistrement."
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:627
+msgid ""
+"You can use this dialog to save to the GIMP XCF format. Use File→Export to "
+"export to other file formats."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous pouvez utiliser cette boîte de dialogue pour enregistrer dans le format "
+"XCF de GIMP. Pour enregistrer dans d’autres formats, utilisez Fichier → "
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:629
+msgid "Take me to the Export dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvrir la boîte de dialogue Exporter"
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:632 ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:709
+msgid "Extension Mismatch"
+msgstr "Disparité d’extension"
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:693
+msgid ""
+"The given filename does not have any known file extension. Please enter a "
+"known file extension or select a file format from the file format list."
+msgstr ""
+"Le nom de fichier donné n’a aucune extension connue. Saisissez une extension "
+"connue ou sélectionnez un format de fichier dans la liste des formats de "
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:725
+msgid "The given file extension does not match the chosen file type."
+msgstr ""
+"l’extension de fichier donnée ne correspond pas au type de fichier choisi."
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:729
+msgid "Do you want to save the image using this name anyway?"
+msgstr "Souhaitez-vous quand même enregistrer l’image sous ce nom ?"
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:794
+msgid "Saving canceled"
+msgstr "Enregistrement annulé"
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:800 ../app/widgets/gimpdnd-xds.c:190
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Saving '%s' failed:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"l’enregistrement de « %s » a échoué :\n"
+#: ../app/dialogs/file-save-dialog.c:802
+msgid "Unknown error"
+msgstr "Erreur inconnue"
+#: ../app/dialogs/fill-dialog.c:109
+msgid "Choose Fill Style"
+msgstr "Choisissez un style de tracé"
+#: ../app/dialogs/fill-dialog.c:116
+msgid "_Fill"
+msgstr "_Remplir"
+#: ../app/dialogs/grid-dialog.c:95
+msgid "Configure Grid"
+msgstr "Configurer la grille"
+#: ../app/dialogs/grid-dialog.c:96
+msgid "Configure Image Grid"
+msgstr "Configurer l’image de la grille"
+#: ../app/dialogs/grid-dialog.c:161
+msgid "Grid"
+msgstr "Grille"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:93
+msgid "Merge Layers"
+msgstr "Fusion des calques"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:95
+msgid "Layers Merge Options"
+msgstr "Options de fusion des calques"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:101
+msgid "_Merge"
+msgstr "_Fusion"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:129
+msgid "Final, Merged Layer should be:"
+msgstr "Le calque final, fusionné, devra être :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:138
+msgid "Merge within active _group only"
+msgstr "Fusionner dans le _groupe actif uniquement"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-merge-layers-dialog.c:151
+msgid "_Discard invisible layers"
+msgstr "É_carter les calques invisibles"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:100
+msgid "Create a New Image"
+msgstr "Créer une nouvelle image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:138
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1761
+msgid "_Template:"
+msgstr "_Modèle :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:319
+msgid "Confirm Image Size"
+msgstr "Confirmer la taille de l’image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:341
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-scale-dialog.c:237
+#, c-format
+msgid "You are trying to create an image with a size of %s."
+msgstr "Vous essayez de créer une image avec une taille de %s."
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-new-dialog.c:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"An image of the chosen size will use more memory than what is configured as "
+"\"Maximum new image size\" in the Preferences dialog (currently %s)."
+msgstr ""
+"Une image à la taille demandée nécessite plus de mémoire que la « taille "
+"maximale de nouvelle image » définie dans la boîte de dialogue Préférences "
+"(actuellement %s)."
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-properties-dialog.c:60
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-properties-dialog.c:63
+msgid "Image Properties"
+msgstr "Propriétés de l’image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-properties-dialog.c:68
+#: ../app/dialogs/input-devices-dialog.c:66
+#: ../app/dialogs/keyboard-shortcuts-dialog.c:70
+#: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:134 ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:351
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1857
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:748 ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:640
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:205
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:227 ../app/widgets/gimppdbdialog.c:141
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:655 ../app/widgets/gimptexteditor.c:163
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Fermer"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-properties-dialog.c:84
+msgid "_Properties"
+msgstr "_Propriétés"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-properties-dialog.c:89
+msgid "C_olor Profile"
+msgstr "Profil de c_ouleur"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-properties-dialog.c:94
+msgid "Co_mment"
+msgstr "Co_mmentaire"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-scale-dialog.c:115
+msgctxt "dialog-title"
+msgid "Scale Image"
+msgstr "Échelle et taille de l’image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-scale-dialog.c:203
+msgid "Confirm Scaling"
+msgstr "Confirmer le changement de taille"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-scale-dialog.c:211 ../app/dialogs/scale-dialog.c:138
+#: ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:98 ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:123
+msgid "_Scale"
+msgstr "_Mise à l’échelle"
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-scale-dialog.c:243
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Scaling the image to the chosen size will make it use more memory than what "
+"is configured as \"Maximum Image Size\" in the Preferences dialog (currently "
+msgstr ""
+"Redimensionner l’image à la taille demandée nécessite plus de mémoire que la "
+"« taille maximale d’image » définie dans la boîte de dialogue Préférences "
+"(actuellement %s)."
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-scale-dialog.c:258
+msgid ""
+"Scaling the image to the chosen size will shrink some layers completely away."
+msgstr ""
+"Dimensionner l’image à la taille demandée va réduire définitivement certains "
+#: ../app/dialogs/image-scale-dialog.c:262
+msgid "Is this what you want to do?"
+msgstr "Est-ce ce que vous voulez ?"
+#: ../app/dialogs/input-devices-dialog.c:59
+msgid "Configure Input Devices"
+msgstr "Configurer les périphériques d’entrée"
+#: ../app/dialogs/item-options-dialog.c:198
+msgid "Color tag:"
+msgstr "Marque de couleur :"
+#. The switches frame & vbox
+#: ../app/dialogs/item-options-dialog.c:259
+msgid "Switches"
+msgstr "Commutateurs"
+#: ../app/dialogs/item-options-dialog.c:268
+msgid "_Visible"
+msgstr "_Visible"
+#: ../app/dialogs/item-options-dialog.c:277
+msgid "_Linked"
+msgstr "_Lié"
+#: ../app/dialogs/keyboard-shortcuts-dialog.c:63
+msgid "Configure Keyboard Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Configurer les raccourcis clavier"
+#: ../app/dialogs/keyboard-shortcuts-dialog.c:89
+msgid ""
+"To edit a shortcut key, click on the corresponding row and type a new "
+"accelerator, or press backspace to clear."
+msgstr ""
+"Pour éditer un raccourci clavier, cliquez sur la rangée correspondante et "
+"saisissez un nouveau raccourci, ou appuyez sur le retour arrière pour "
+#: ../app/dialogs/keyboard-shortcuts-dialog.c:97
+msgid "S_ave keyboard shortcuts on exit"
+msgstr "E_nregistrer les raccourcis clavier à la fermeture"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-add-mask-dialog.c:103
+msgid "Add Layer Mask"
+msgstr "Ajouter un masque de calque"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-add-mask-dialog.c:105
+msgid "Add a Mask to the Layer"
+msgstr "Ajouter un masque au calque"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-add-mask-dialog.c:111
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "A_jouter"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-add-mask-dialog.c:137
+msgid "Initialize Layer Mask to:"
+msgstr "Initialiser le masque de calque à :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-add-mask-dialog.c:168
+msgid "In_vert mask"
+msgstr "In_verser le masque"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-add-mask-dialog.c:203
+msgid "Please select a channel first"
+msgstr "Sélectionnez d’abord un canal"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:166
+msgid "Layer _name:"
+msgstr "_Nom du calque :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:188
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:346
+msgid "_Mode:"
+msgstr "_Mode :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:203
+msgid "_Blend space:"
+msgstr "Espace de _fusion :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:213
+msgid "Compos_ite space:"
+msgstr "Espace compos_ite :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:225
+msgid "Composite mo_de:"
+msgstr "Mo_de composite :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:239
+msgid "_Opacity:"
+msgstr "_Opacité :"
+#. The size labels
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:252 ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:823
+msgid "Width:"
+msgstr "Largeur :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:258 ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:851
+msgid "Height:"
+msgstr "Hauteur :"
+#. The offset labels
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:316
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:380
+msgid "Offset X:"
+msgstr "Décalage X :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:322
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:393
+msgid "Offset Y:"
+msgstr "Décalage Y :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:396 ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:369
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:466
+msgid "_Fill with:"
+msgstr "_Remplir avec :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:411
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:285
+msgid "Active Filters"
+msgstr "Filtres actifs"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:438
+msgid "Lock _alpha"
+msgstr "Verrouiller le canal _alpha"
+#: ../app/dialogs/layer-options-dialog.c:450
+msgid "Set name from _text"
+msgstr "Définir le nom depuis le _texte"
+#: ../app/dialogs/lebl-dialog.c:122
+#, c-format
+msgid "<b>GAME OVER</b> at level %d!"
+msgstr "<b>FIN DE JEU</b> au niveau %d !"
+#. Translators: the first and third strings are similar to a
+#. * title, and the second string is a small information text.
+#. * The spaces are there only to separate all the strings, so
+#. try to keep them as is.
+#: ../app/dialogs/lebl-dialog.c:129
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1$s %2$s %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s %2$s %3$s"
+#: ../app/dialogs/lebl-dialog.c:130
+msgid "Press 'q' to quit"
+msgstr "Appuyez sur « q » pour quitter"
+#: ../app/dialogs/lebl-dialog.c:135
+msgid "Paused"
+msgstr "En pause"
+#. Translators: the first string is a title and the second
+#. * string is a small information text.
+#: ../app/dialogs/lebl-dialog.c:138 ../app/dialogs/lebl-dialog.c:149
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1$s\t%2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s\t%2$s"
+#: ../app/dialogs/lebl-dialog.c:139
+msgid "Press 'p' to unpause"
+msgstr "Appuyez sur « p » pour repartir"
+#: ../app/dialogs/lebl-dialog.c:145
+#, c-format
+msgid "Level: %s, Lives: %s"
+msgstr "Niveau : %s, Vies : %s"
+#: ../app/dialogs/lebl-dialog.c:150
+msgid "Left/Right to move, Space to fire, 'p' to pause, 'q' to quit"
+msgstr ""
+"Gauche/Droite pour se déplacer, Espace pour tirer, « p » pour pause, « q » "
+"pour quitter"
+#: ../app/dialogs/lebl-dialog.c:807
+msgid "Killer GEGLs from Outer Space"
+msgstr "GEGLs tueurs en provenance de l’espace intersidéral"
+#: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:129
+msgid "Module Manager"
+msgstr "Gestionnaire de modules"
+#: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:133
+msgid "_Refresh"
+msgstr "_Actualiser"
+#: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:153
+msgid "You will have to restart GIMP for the changes to take effect."
+msgstr "Vous devez relancer GIMP pour que ces changements prennent effet."
+#: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:194
+msgid "Module"
+msgstr "Module"
+#: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:472
+msgid "Only in memory"
+msgstr "Seulement en mémoire"
+#: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:477
+msgid "No longer available"
+msgstr "N’est plus disponible"
+#: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:502
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "Auteur :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:503
+msgid "Version:"
+msgstr "Version :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:504
+msgid "Date:"
+msgstr "Date :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:505
+msgid "Copyright:"
+msgstr "Copyright :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/module-dialog.c:506
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Emplacement :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:157
+msgid "Import a New Palette"
+msgstr "Importer une nouvelle palette"
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:163
+msgid "_Import"
+msgstr "_Importer"
+#. The "Source" frame
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:201
+msgid "Select Source"
+msgstr "Sélectionner la source"
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:212
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1724
+msgid "_Gradient"
+msgstr "_Dégradé"
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:223
+msgid "I_mage"
+msgstr "I_mage"
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:237
+msgid "Sample _Merged"
+msgstr "É_chantillonner sur tous les calques"
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:249
+msgid "_Selected Pixels only"
+msgstr "Pixels _sélectionnés seulement"
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:261
+msgid "Palette _file"
+msgstr "_Fichier de palettes"
+#. Palette file name entry
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:290
+msgid "Select Palette File"
+msgstr "Sélectionnez un fichier de palette"
+#. The "Import" frame
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:301
+msgid "Import Options"
+msgstr "Options d’import"
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:315
+msgid "New import"
+msgstr "Nouvel import"
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:317
+msgid "Palette _name:"
+msgstr "_Nom de la palette :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:323
+msgid "N_umber of colors:"
+msgstr "No_mbre de couleurs :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:337
+msgid "C_olumns:"
+msgstr "C_olonnes :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:349
+msgid "I_nterval:"
+msgstr "I_ntervalle :"
+#. The "Preview" frame
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:360
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:1291
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Aperçu"
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:381
+msgid "The selected source contains no colors."
+msgstr "La source sélectionnée ne contient pas de couleurs."
+#: ../app/dialogs/palette-import-dialog.c:466
+msgid "There is no palette to import."
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de palette à importer."
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:284
+msgid "Reset All Preferences"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser toutes les préférences"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:302
+msgid "Do you really want to reset all preferences to default values?"
+msgstr ""
+"Voulez-vous vraiment réinitialiser toutes les préférences à leurs valeurs "
+"par défaut ?"
+# Le caractère « : » de la chaîne originale semble être une erreur. Dans le doute, je laisse en l’état.
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:381
+msgid "You will have to restart GIMP for the following changes to take effect:"
+msgstr "Vous devez relancer GIMP pour que ces changements prennent effet."
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:647
+msgid ""
+"Your keyboard shortcuts will be reset to default values the next time you "
+"start GIMP."
+msgstr ""
+"Vos raccourcis clavier seront réinitialisés aux valeurs par défaut la "
+"prochaine fois que vous démarrerez GIMP."
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:658
+msgid "Remove all Keyboard Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Enlever tous les raccourcis clavier"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:680
+msgid "Do you really want to remove all keyboard shortcuts from all menus?"
+msgstr ""
+"Voulez-vous vraiment enlever tous les raccourcis clavier de tous les menus ?"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:721
+msgid ""
+"Your window setup will be reset to default values the next time you start "
+msgstr ""
+"Vos paramètres des fenêtres seront réinitialisés aux valeurs par défaut la "
+"prochaine fois que vous démarrerez GIMP."
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:756
+msgid ""
+"Your input device settings will be reset to default values the next time you "
+"start GIMP."
+msgstr ""
+"Vos périphériques d’entrée seront réinitialisés aux valeurs par défaut la "
+"prochaine fois que vous démarrerez GIMP."
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:798
+msgid ""
+"Your tool options will be reset to default values the next time you start "
+msgstr ""
+"Vos options des outils seront réinitialisés aux valeurs par défaut la "
+"prochaine fois que vous démarrerez GIMP."
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:850
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2599
+msgid "There's a local installation of the user manual."
+msgstr "Il y a une copie locale du manuel de l’utilisateur."
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:855
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2605
+msgid "The user manual is not installed locally."
+msgstr "Le manuel de l’utilisateur n’est pas installé localement."
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:961
+msgid "Show s_election"
+msgstr "Afficher la _sélection"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:964
+msgid "Show _layer boundary"
+msgstr "Afficher les _bords du calque"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:967
+msgid "Show can_vas boundary"
+msgstr "Afficher les bords du cane_vas"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:970
+msgid "Show _guides"
+msgstr "Afficher les g_uides"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:973
+msgid "Show gri_d"
+msgstr "Afficher la g_rille"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:976
+msgid "Show _sample points"
+msgstr "Afficher les p_oints d’échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:985
+msgid "Show _menubar"
+msgstr "Afficher la barre de _menu"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:989
+msgid "Show _rulers"
+msgstr "Afficher les _règles"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:992
+msgid "Show scroll_bars"
+msgstr "Afficher les barres de _défilement"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:995
+msgid "Show s_tatusbar"
+msgstr "Afficher la barre d’é_tat"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1001
+msgid "Canvas _padding mode:"
+msgstr "Mode de _remplissage du canevas :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1006
+msgid "Custom p_adding color:"
+msgstr "Couleur de remplissage _personnalisée :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1007
+msgid "Select Custom Canvas Padding Color"
+msgstr "Sélectionner des couleurs de remplissage personnalisés du canevas"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1016
+msgid "_Keep canvas padding in \"Show All\" mode"
+msgstr "Conser_ver le remplissage du canevas dans le mode « Tout afficher »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1041
+msgid "Snap to _Guides"
+msgstr "Aligner sur les _guides"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1044
+msgid "S_nap to Grid"
+msgstr "Alig_ner sur la grille"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1052
+msgid "Snap to Canvas _Edges"
+msgstr "Aligner sur les bords du can_evas"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1055
+msgid "Snap to _Active Path"
+msgstr "Aligner sur le chemin _actif"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1128
+msgid "Preferences"
+msgstr "Préférences"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1164
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1165
+msgid "System Resources"
+msgstr "Ressources système"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1172
+msgid "Resource Consumption"
+msgstr "Consommation des ressources"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1182
+msgid "Minimal number of _undo levels:"
+msgstr "Nombre minimal de niveaux d’_annulation :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1185
+msgid "Maximum undo _memory:"
+msgstr "_Mémoire maximale pour l’annulation :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1188
+msgid "Tile cache _size:"
+msgstr "Taille du _cache d’image :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1191
+msgid "Maximum _new image size:"
+msgstr "Taille ma_ximale de la nouvelle image :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1195
+msgid "S_wap compression:"
+msgstr "_Compression du fichier d’échange :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1200
+msgid "Number of _threads to use:"
+msgstr "Nombre de _fils d’exécution à utiliser :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1206
+msgid "Network access"
+msgstr "Accès au réseau"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1210
+msgid "Check for updates (requires internet)"
+msgstr "Recherche de mises à jour (nécessite Internet)"
+#. Image Thumbnails
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1215
+msgid "Image Thumbnails"
+msgstr "Vignettes d’image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1220
+msgid "Size of _thumbnails:"
+msgstr "_Taille des vignettes :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1224
+msgid "Maximum _filesize for thumbnailing:"
+msgstr "Taille max_imale pour les fichiers de vignettes :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1231
+msgid "_Keep record of used files in the Recent Documents list"
+msgstr "_Mémoriser les fichiers utilisés dans la liste des documents récents"
+#. TODO: icon needed.
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1248
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1249
+msgid "Debugging"
+msgstr "Débogage"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1256
+msgid ""
+"We hope you will never need these settings, but as all software, GIMP has "
+"bugs, and crashes can occur. If it happens, you can help us by reporting "
+msgstr ""
+"Nous espérons que vous n’aurez jamais affaire à ces réglages, mais comme "
+"tout logiciel, GIMP a aussi des bogues, et un plantage peut survenir. Si "
+"cela arrive, vous pouvez nous aider en établissant un rapport d’anomalie."
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1265
+msgid "Bug Reporting"
+msgstr "Rapport d’anomalie"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1271
+msgid "Debug _policy:"
+msgstr "_Principes de débogage :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1283
+msgid "This feature requires \"gdb\" or \"lldb\" installed on your system."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette fonctionnalité nécessite que « gdb » ou « lldb » soit installé sur "
+"votre système."
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1287
+msgid ""
+"This feature is more efficient with \"gdb\" or \"lldb\" installed on your "
+msgstr ""
+"Cette fonctionnalité est plus efficace si « gdb » ou « lldb » est installé "
+"sur votre système."
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1300
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1301
+msgid "Color Management"
+msgstr "Gestion des couleurs"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1310
+msgid "R_eset Color Management"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser la _gestion des couleurs"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1333
+msgid "Image display _mode:"
+msgstr "_Mode d’affichage de l’image :"
+#. Color Managed Display
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1337
+msgid "Color Managed Display"
+msgstr "Affichage avec gestion des couleurs"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1346
+msgid "Select Monitor Color Profile"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le profil colorimétrique du moniteur"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1347
+msgid "_Monitor profile:"
+msgstr "Profil m_oniteur :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1353
+msgid "_Try to use the system monitor profile"
+msgstr "_Essayer d’utiliser le profil du moniteur système"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1362
+msgid "_Rendering intent:"
+msgstr "Mode de _rendu :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1367
+msgid "Use _black point compensation"
+msgstr "Utiliser la compensation du point _noir"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1375
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1411 ../app/paint/gimpinkoptions.c:93
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Vitesse"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1376
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1412
+msgid "Precision / Color Fidelity"
+msgstr "Précision / Fidélité des couleurs"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1377
+msgid "_Optimize image display for:"
+msgstr "_Optimiser l’affichage de l’image pour :"
+#. Print Simulation (Soft-proofing)
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1381
+msgid "Soft-Proofing"
+msgstr "Épreuve sur écran"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1391
+msgid "Select Soft-Proofing Color Profile"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le profil colorimétrique d’épreuve sur écran"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1392
+msgid "_Soft-proofing profile:"
+msgstr "_Profil d’épreuve sur écran :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1398
+msgid "Re_ndering intent:"
+msgstr "Mo_de de rendu :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1403
+msgid "Use black _point compensation"
+msgstr "Utiliser la compensation du _point noir"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1413
+msgid "O_ptimize soft-proofing for:"
+msgstr "O_ptimiser l’épreuve sur écran pour :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1422
+msgid "Mar_k out of gamut colors"
+msgstr "Indiquer les couleurs _hors gamme"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1427
+msgid "Select Warning Color"
+msgstr "Sélectionnez une couleur d’alerte"
+#. Preferred profiles
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1438
+msgid "Preferred Profiles"
+msgstr "Profils préférés"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1447
+msgid "Select Preferred RGB Color Profile"
+msgstr "Sélectionner un profil colorimétrique RVB préféré"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1448
+msgid "_RGB profile:"
+msgstr "Profil _RVB :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1455
+msgid "Select Preferred Grayscale Color Profile"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le profil colorimétrique niveaux de gris préféré"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1456
+msgid "_Grayscale profile:"
+msgstr "Profil Niveaux de _gris :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1463
+msgid "Select CMYK Color Profile"
+msgstr "Sélectionner un profil colorimétrique CMJN"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1464
+msgid "_CMYK profile:"
+msgstr "Profil _CMJN :"
+#. Policies
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1469
+msgid "Policies"
+msgstr "Principes"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1474
+msgid "_File Open behaviour:"
+msgstr "Comportement à l’ouverture d’un _fichier :"
+#. Filter Dialogs
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1478
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2310
+msgid "Filter Dialogs"
+msgstr "Boîtes de dialogue des filtres"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1482
+msgid "Show _advanced color options"
+msgstr "Afficher les options de couleur _avancées"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1496
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1497
+msgid "Image Import & Export"
+msgstr "Importation et exportation d’images"
+#. Import Policies
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1507
+msgid "Import Policies"
+msgstr "Principes d’importation"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1511
+msgid "Promote imported images to _floating point precision"
+msgstr "Transformer les images importées en précision virgule _flottante"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1520
+msgid "_Dither images when promoting to floating point"
+msgstr "_Tramer les images lors de leur transformation en virgule flottante"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1525
+msgid "_Add an alpha channel to imported images"
+msgstr "_Ajouter un canal alpha aux images importées"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1530
+msgid "Color _profile policy:"
+msgstr "_Politique de profil de couleur :"
+#. Export Policies
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1534
+msgid "Export Policies"
+msgstr "Principes d’exportation"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1538
+msgid "Export the i_mage's color profile by default"
+msgstr "Exporter par défaut le profil de couleur de l’i_mage"
+#. Translators: label for
+#. * configuration option (checkbox).
+#. * It determines how file export
+#. * plug-ins handle Exif by default.
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1546
+msgid "Export _Exif metadata by default when available"
+msgstr "Exporter par défaut les métadonnées _Exif quand il y en a"
+#. Translators: label for
+#. * configuration option (checkbox).
+#. * It determines how file export
+#. * plug-ins handle XMP by default.
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1554
+msgid "Export _XMP metadata by default when available"
+msgstr "Exporter par défaut les métadonnées _XMP quand il y en a"
+#. Translators: label for
+#. * configuration option (checkbox).
+#. * It determines how file export
+#. * plug-ins handle IPTC by default.
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1562
+msgid "Export _IPTC metadata by default when available"
+msgstr "Exporter par défaut les métadonnées _IPTC quand il y en a"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1565
+msgid "Metadata can contain sensitive information."
+msgstr "Les métadonnées peuvent contenir des informations sensibles."
+#. Export File Type
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1569
+msgid "Export File Type"
+msgstr "Type de fichier d’exportation"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1573
+msgid "Default export file t_ype:"
+msgstr "T_ype de fichier d’exportation par défaut :"
+#. Raw Image Importer
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1577
+msgid "Raw Image Importer"
+msgstr "Importateur d’image raw"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1613
+msgid "Experimental Playground"
+msgstr "Aire de jeu expérimentale"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1614
+msgid "Playground"
+msgstr "Aire de jeu"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1621
+msgid ""
+"These features are unfinished, buggy and may crash GIMP. It is unadvised to "
+"use them unless you really know what you are doing or you intend to "
+"contribute patches."
+msgstr ""
+"Ces fonctionnalités ne sont pas terminées, contiennent des bogues et peuvent "
+"faire planter GIMP. Il n’est pas conseillé de les utiliser sauf si vous "
+"savez bien ce que vous faites ou que vous souhaitez contribuer à "
+"l’élaboration de correctifs."
+#. Hardware Acceleration
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1631
+msgid "Hardware Acceleration"
+msgstr "Accélération matérielle"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1635
+msgid ""
+"OpenCL drivers and support are experimental, expect slowdowns and possible "
+"crashes (please report)."
+msgstr ""
+"Les pilotes et la prise en charge OpenCL sont expérimentaux ; attendez-vous "
+"à des ralentissements, voire même des plantages (à signaler)."
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1641
+msgid "Use O_penCL"
+msgstr "Utiliser O_penCL"
+#. Very unstable tools
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1645
+msgid "Insane Options"
+msgstr "Options folles"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1649
+msgid "_N-Point Deformation tool"
+msgstr "Outil Déformation _N-Point"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1652
+msgid "_Seamless Clone tool"
+msgstr "Outil Clonage _sans raccord"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1662
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1663
+msgctxt "preferences"
+msgid "Tool Options"
+msgstr "Options des outils"
+#. General
+#. Snapping Distance
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1671
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2543
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2869
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3113
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:187
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Général"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1674
+msgid "Allow _editing on non-visible layers"
+msgstr "Autoriser les _modifications sur les calques non visibles"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1678
+msgid "_Save tool options on exit"
+msgstr "Enregistrer à la _sortie les options des outils"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1682
+msgid "Save Tool Options _Now"
+msgstr "Enregistrer _maintenant les options des outils"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1689
+msgid "_Reset Saved Tool Options to Default Values"
+msgstr "_Restaurer les options des outils aux valeurs par défaut"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1703
+msgid "Default _interpolation:"
+msgstr "_Interpolation par défaut :"
+#. Global Brush, Pattern, ...
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1711
+msgid "Paint Options Shared Between Tools"
+msgstr "Options de peinture partagées entre les outils"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1715
+msgid "_Brush"
+msgstr "_Brosse"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1718
+msgid "_Dynamics"
+msgstr "_Dynamique"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1721
+msgid "_Pattern"
+msgstr "_Motif"
+#. Move Tool
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1728
+msgid "Move Tool"
+msgstr "Outil de déplacement"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1732
+msgid "Set _layer or path as active"
+msgstr "Définir le ca_lque ou le chemin comme actif"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1744
+msgid "Default New Image"
+msgstr "Nouvelle image par défaut"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1745
+msgid "Default Image"
+msgstr "Image par défaut"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1781
+msgid "Quick Mask color:"
+msgstr "Couleur du masque rapide :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1782
+msgid "Set the default Quick Mask color"
+msgstr "Définir la couleur par défaut du masque rapide"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1792
+msgid "Default Image Grid"
+msgstr "Grille d’image par défaut"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1793
+msgid "Default Grid"
+msgstr "Grille par défaut"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1812
+msgid "User Interface"
+msgstr "Interface utilisateur"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1813
+msgid "Interface"
+msgstr "Interface"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1822 ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:153
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Langue"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1831
+msgid "Use co_mpact sliders"
+msgstr "Utiliser des curseurs c_ompacts"
+#. Previews
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1835
+msgid "Previews"
+msgstr "Aperçus"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1838
+msgid "_Enable layer & channel previews"
+msgstr "_Activer les aperçus de calque et canal"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1846
+msgid "Enable layer _group previews"
+msgstr "Activer les aperçus des _groupes de calques"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1852
+msgid "_Default layer & channel preview size:"
+msgstr "Taille par dé_faut de l’aperçu de calque et canal :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1855
+msgid "_Undo preview size:"
+msgstr "Taille de l’aperçu d’ann_ulation :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1858
+msgid "Na_vigation preview size:"
+msgstr "Taille de l’aperçu de _navigation :"
+#. Keyboard Shortcuts
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1862
+msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Raccourcis clavier"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1866
+msgid "_Use dynamic keyboard shortcuts"
+msgstr "Utiliser les raccourcis clavier _dynamiques"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1870
+msgid "Configure _Keyboard Shortcuts..."
+msgstr "C_onfigurer les raccourcis clavier…"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1877
+msgid "_Save keyboard shortcuts on exit"
+msgstr "_Enregistrer à la sortie les raccourcis clavier"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1881
+msgid "Save Keyboard Shortcuts _Now"
+msgstr "Enregistrer _maintenant les raccourcis"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1888
+msgid "_Reset Keyboard Shortcuts to Default Values"
+msgstr "_Rétablir les raccourcis clavier aux valeurs par défaut"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1897
+msgid "Remove _All Keyboard Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Supprimer _tous les raccourcis clavier"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1909
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1910
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1945
+msgid "Theme"
+msgstr "Thème"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1915
+msgid "Select Theme"
+msgstr "Sélectionner un thème"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:1997
+msgid "Reload C_urrent Theme"
+msgstr "Recharger le _thème actuel"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2009
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2010
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2051
+msgid "Icon Theme"
+msgstr "Thème d’icône"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2015
+msgid "Select an Icon Theme"
+msgstr "Sélectionner un thème d’icône"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2131
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2132 ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox.c:525
+msgid "Toolbox"
+msgstr "Boîte à outils"
+#. Appearance
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2140
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2952 ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:134
+msgid "Appearance"
+msgstr "Apparence"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2144
+msgid "Show GIMP _logo (drag-and-drop target)"
+msgstr "Afficher le _logo de GIMP (cible de glisser-déposer)"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2148
+msgid "Show _foreground & background color"
+msgstr "Afficher la couleur de _premier et d’arrière-plan"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2152
+msgid "Show active _brush, pattern & gradient"
+msgstr "Afficher les _brosses, motifs et dégradés actifs"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2156
+msgid "Show active _image"
+msgstr "Afficher l’_image active"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2165
+msgid "Use tool _groups"
+msgstr "Utiliser des _groupes d’outils"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2188
+msgid "_Menu mode:"
+msgstr "_Mode de menu :"
+#. Tool Editor
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2195
+msgid "Tools Configuration"
+msgstr "Configuration des outils"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2210
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2211
+msgid "Dialog Defaults"
+msgstr "Valeurs par défaut des boîtes de dialogue"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2220
+msgid "Reset Dialog _Defaults"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les valeurs par _défaut des boîtes de dialogue"
+#. Color profile import dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2228
+msgid "Color Profile Import Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue d’importation de profil de couleur"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2233
+msgid "Color profile policy:"
+msgstr "Politique de profil de couleur :"
+#. All color profile chooser dialogs
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2237
+msgid "Color Profile File Dialogs"
+msgstr "Boîtes de dialogue de profil de couleur"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2242
+msgid "Profile folder:"
+msgstr "Dossier des profils :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2243
+msgid "Select Default Folder for Color Profiles"
+msgstr "Sélectionner un dossier par défaut pour les profils de couleurs"
+#. Convert to Color Profile Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2247
+msgid "Convert to Color Profile Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue « Convertir en profil colorimétrique »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2252
+msgid "Rendering intent:"
+msgstr "Mode de rendu :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2256
+msgid "Black point compensation"
+msgstr "Compensation du point noir"
+#. Convert Precision Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2260
+msgid "Precision Conversion Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue « Conversion de précision »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2267
+msgid "Dither layers:"
+msgstr "Tramage des calques :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2272
+msgid "Dither text layers:"
+msgstr "Tramage des calques de texte :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2277
+msgid "Dither channels/masks:"
+msgstr "Tramage des canaux/masques :"
+#. Convert Indexed Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2281
+msgid "Indexed Conversion Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue « Conversion en couleurs indexées »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2286
+msgid "Colormap:"
+msgstr "Palette :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2289
+msgid "Maximum number of colors:"
+msgstr "Nombre maximal de couleurs :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2293
+msgid "Remove unused and duplicate colors from colormap"
+msgstr "Enlever les couleurs non utilisées et en double de la palette"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2299
+msgid "Color dithering:"
+msgstr "Tramage des couleurs :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2303
+msgid "Enable dithering of transparency"
+msgstr "Activer le tramage de la transparence"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2306
+msgid "Enable dithering of text layers"
+msgstr "Activer le tramage des calques de texte"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2315
+msgid "Keep recent settings:"
+msgstr "Conserver les paramètres récents :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2319
+msgid "Default to the last used settings"
+msgstr "Prendre par défaut les derniers paramètres utilisés"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2322
+msgid "Show advanced color options"
+msgstr "Afficher les options de couleur avancées"
+#. Canvas Size Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2326
+msgid "Canvas Size Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue « Taille du canevas »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2331
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2360
+msgid "Fill with:"
+msgstr "Remplir avec :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2334
+msgid "Resize layers:"
+msgstr "Redimensionner les calques :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2338
+msgid "Resize text layers"
+msgstr "Redimensionner les calques de texte"
+#. New Layer Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2342
+msgid "New Layer Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue « Nouveau calque »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2347
+msgid "Layer name:"
+msgstr "Nom du calque :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2351
+msgid "Fill type:"
+msgstr "Type de remplissage :"
+#. Layer Boundary Size Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2355
+msgid "Layer Boundary Size Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue « Taille de la bordure du calque »"
+#. Add Layer Mask Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2364
+msgid "Add Layer Mask Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue « Ajout d’un masque de calque »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2369
+msgid "Layer mask type:"
+msgstr "Type de masque de calque :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2373
+msgid "Invert mask"
+msgstr "Inverser le masque"
+#. Merge Layers Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2377
+msgid "Merge Layers Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue « Fusionner les calques »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2384
+msgid "Merged layer size:"
+msgstr "Taille du calque fusionné :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2388
+msgid "Merge within active group only"
+msgstr "Fusionner dans le groupe actif uniquement"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2391
+msgid "Discard invisible layers"
+msgstr "Écarter les calques invisibles"
+#. New Channel Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2395
+msgid "New Channel Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue « Nouveau canal »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2400
+msgid "Channel name:"
+msgstr "Nom du canal :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2404
+msgid "Color and opacity:"
+msgstr "Couleur et opacité :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2405
+msgid "Default New Channel Color and Opacity"
+msgstr "Couleur et opacité du nouveau canal par défaut"
+#. New Path Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2410
+msgid "New Path Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue « Nouveau chemin »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2415
+msgid "Path name:"
+msgstr "Nom du chemin :"
+#. Export Path Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2419
+msgid "Export Paths Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue Exporter les chemins"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2424
+msgid "Export folder:"
+msgstr "Dossier d’exportation :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2425
+msgid "Select Default Folder for Exporting Paths"
+msgstr "Sélectionner un dossier par défaut pour l’exportation des chemins"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2429
+msgid "Export the active path only"
+msgstr "Exporter le chemin actif uniquement"
+#. Import Path Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2433
+msgid "Import Paths Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue « Importer des chemins »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2438
+msgid "Import folder:"
+msgstr "Dossier d’importation :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2439
+msgid "Select Default Folder for Importing Paths"
+msgstr "Sélectionner un dossier par défaut pour l’importation des chemins"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2443
+msgid "Merge imported paths"
+msgstr "Fusionner les chemins importés"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2446
+msgid "Scale imported paths"
+msgstr "Mise à l’échelle des chemins importés"
+#. Feather Selection Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2450
+msgid "Feather Selection Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue « Adoucir la sélection »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2455
+msgid "Feather radius:"
+msgstr "Rayon d’adoucissement :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2459
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2481
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2498
+msgid "Selected areas continue outside the image"
+msgstr "Les zones sélectionnées continuent en dehors de l’image"
+#. Grow Selection Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2463
+msgid "Grow Selection Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue « Agrandir la sélection »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2468
+msgid "Grow radius:"
+msgstr "Rayon d’agrandissement :"
+#. Shrink Selection Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2472
+msgid "Shrink Selection Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue « Réduire la sélection »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2477
+msgid "Shrink radius:"
+msgstr "Rayon de réduction :"
+#. Border Selection Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2485
+msgid "Border Selection Dialog"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue « Sélection de bordure »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2490
+msgid "Border radius:"
+msgstr "Rayon de bordure :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2494
+msgid "Border style:"
+msgstr "Style de bordure :"
+#. Fill Options Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2502
+msgid "Fill Selection Outline & Fill Path Dialogs"
+msgstr ""
+"Boîtes de dialogue « Remplir le contour de la sélection » et « Remplir le "
+"chemin »"
+#. Stroke Options Dialog
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2511
+msgid "Stroke Selection & Stroke Path Dialogs"
+msgstr "Boîtes de dialogue « Tracer la sélection » et « Tracer le chemin »"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2534
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2535
+msgid "Help System"
+msgstr "Système d’aide"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2546
+msgid "Show _tooltips"
+msgstr "Afficher les _bulles d’aide"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2549
+msgid "Show help _buttons"
+msgstr "Afficher les boutons d’aid_e"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2554
+msgid "Use the online version"
+msgstr "Utiliser la version en ligne"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2555
+msgid "Use a locally installed copy"
+msgstr "Utiliser une copie locale"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2556
+msgid "U_ser manual:"
+msgstr "Manuel de l’utili_sateur :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2567
+msgid "User interface language"
+msgstr "Langue de l’interface utilisateur"
+#. If there is no webkit available, assume we are on a platform
+#. * that doesn't use the help browser, so don't bother showing
+#. * the combo.
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2626
+msgid "Help Browser"
+msgstr "Navigateur d’aide"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2633
+msgid "H_elp browser to use:"
+msgstr "_Navigateur d’aide à utiliser :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2639
+msgid ""
+"The GIMP help browser doesn't seem to be installed. Using the web browser "
+msgstr ""
+"Le navigateur d’aide de GIMP semble manquer à votre installation. "
+"Utilisation d’un navigateur Web à la place."
+#. Action Search
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2656
+msgid "Action Search"
+msgstr "Recherche d’action"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2660
+msgid "Show _unavailable actions"
+msgstr "Afficher les actions _non-disponibles"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2663
+msgid "_Maximum History Size:"
+msgstr "Taille _maximale de l’historique :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2667
+msgid "C_lear Action History"
+msgstr "_Vider l’historique des actions"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2681
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2682
+msgid "Display"
+msgstr "Affichage"
+#. Transparency
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2690
+msgid "Transparency"
+msgstr "Transparence"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2694
+msgid "_Check style:"
+msgstr "_Style de damier :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2697
+msgid "Check _size:"
+msgstr "_Taille du damier :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2700
+msgid "Monitor Resolution"
+msgstr "Définition du moniteur"
+#. Pixels
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2704 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:212
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:199 ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:234
+msgid "Pixels"
+msgstr "Pixels"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2722 ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:195
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:230
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontal"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2724 ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:197
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:232
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Vertical"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2726
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:457
+msgid "ppi"
+msgstr "ppp"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2745
+#, c-format
+msgid "_Detect automatically (currently %d × %d ppi)"
+msgstr "_Depuis le système (actuellement %d x %d ppp)"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2763
+msgid "_Enter manually"
+msgstr "Saisir _manuellement"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2778
+msgid "C_alibrate..."
+msgstr "_Calibrer…"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2805
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2806
+msgid "Window Management"
+msgstr "Gestion des fenêtres"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2811
+msgid "Window Manager Hints"
+msgstr "Préconisations au gestionnaire des fenêtres"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2817
+msgid "Hint for _docks and toolbox:"
+msgstr "Préconisation pour les groupes de fenêtres et la _boîte à outils :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2820
+msgid "Focus"
+msgstr "Focus"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2824
+msgid "Activate the _focused image"
+msgstr "Activer le _focus sur image"
+#. Window Positions
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2828
+msgid "Window Positions"
+msgstr "Emplacements des fenêtres"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2831
+msgid "_Save window positions on exit"
+msgstr "_Enregistrer à la sortie la position des fenêtres"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2834
+msgid "Open windows on the same _monitor they were open before"
+msgstr "Ouvrir les fenêtres sur le même _moniteur qu’avant"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2838
+msgid "Save Window Positions _Now"
+msgstr "Enregistrer maintenant la _position des fenêtres"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2845
+msgid "_Reset Saved Window Positions to Default Values"
+msgstr "_Restaurer les positions enregistrées aux valeurs par défaut"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2860
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2861
+msgid "Image Windows"
+msgstr "Fenêtres d’images"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2872
+msgid "Use \"Show _all\" by default"
+msgstr "Utiliser « _Tout afficher » par défaut"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2876
+msgid "Use \"_Dot for dot\" by default"
+msgstr "Utiliser « _Point pour point » par défaut"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2882
+msgid "Marching ants s_peed:"
+msgstr "_Vitesse de défilement des pointillés :"
+#. Zoom & Resize Behavior
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2886
+msgid "Zoom & Resize Behavior"
+msgstr "Comportement du zoom et du redimensionnement"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2890
+msgid "Resize window on _zoom"
+msgstr "Redimensionner la fenêtre après un _zoom"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2893
+msgid "Resize window on image _size change"
+msgstr "Redimensionner la fenêtre après un changement de tai_lle d’image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2899
+msgid "Show entire image"
+msgstr "Afficher l’_image entière"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2901
+msgid "Initial zoom _ratio:"
+msgstr "_Facteur de zoom initial :"
+#. Space Bar
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2905
+msgid "Space Bar"
+msgstr "Barre espace"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2911
+msgid "_While space bar is pressed:"
+msgstr "T_ant que la barre espace est appuyée :"
+#. Mouse Pointers
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2915
+msgid "Mouse Pointers"
+msgstr "Pointeurs de souris"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2919
+msgid "Show _brush outline"
+msgstr "Affi_cher le contour de la brosse"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2927
+msgid "S_nap brush outline to stroke"
+msgstr "Faire coller le co_ntour de la brosse au coup de pinceau"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2931
+msgid "Show pointer for paint _tools"
+msgstr "Afficher le pointeur pour les _outils de peinture"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2937
+msgid "Pointer _mode:"
+msgstr "Mod_e de pointage :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2940
+msgid "Pointer _handedness:"
+msgstr "_Manualité du pointeur :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2951
+msgid "Image Window Appearance"
+msgstr "Apparence de la fenêtre d’images"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2959
+msgid "Default Appearance in Normal Mode"
+msgstr "Apparence par défaut en mode normal"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2964
+msgid "Default Appearance in Fullscreen Mode"
+msgstr "Apparence par défaut en mode plein écran"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2973
+msgid "Image Title & Statusbar Format"
+msgstr "Format du titre et de la barre d’état de l’image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2974
+msgid "Title & Status"
+msgstr "Titre et état"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2992
+msgid "Current format"
+msgstr "Format actuel"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2993
+msgid "Default format"
+msgstr "Format par défaut"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2994
+msgid "Show zoom percentage"
+msgstr "Afficher le pourcentage de zoom"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2995
+msgid "Show zoom ratio"
+msgstr "Afficher le facteur d’échelle"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2996
+msgid "Show image size"
+msgstr "Afficher la taille de l’image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:2997
+msgid "Show drawable size"
+msgstr "Afficher la taille des objets graphiques"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3010
+msgid "Image Title Format"
+msgstr "Format du titre de l’image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3012
+msgid "Image Statusbar Format"
+msgstr "Format de la barre d’état de l’image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3097
+msgid "Image Window Snapping Behavior"
+msgstr "Comportement de l’alignement de la fenêtre d’image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3098
+msgid "Snapping"
+msgstr "Alignement"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3105
+msgid "Default Behavior in Normal Mode"
+msgstr "Comportement par défaut en mode normal"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3109
+msgid "Default Behavior in Fullscreen Mode"
+msgstr "Comportement par défaut en mode plein écran"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3118
+msgid "_Snapping distance:"
+msgstr "Distance d’_alignement :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3127
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3128
+msgid "Input Devices"
+msgstr "Périphériques d’entrée"
+#. Extended Input Devices
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3134
+msgid "Extended Input Devices"
+msgstr "Périphériques d’entrée étendus"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3138
+msgid "S_hare tool and tool options between input devices"
+msgstr "_Partager l’outil et ses options entre les périphériques d’entrée"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3142
+msgid "Configure E_xtended Input Devices..."
+msgstr "_Configurer les périphériques d’entrée étendus…"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3149
+msgid "_Save input device settings on exit"
+msgstr "_Enregistrer l’état des périphériques en quittant"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3153
+msgid "Save Input Device Settings _Now"
+msgstr "Enregistrer l’état des périphériques _maintenant"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3160
+msgid "_Reset Saved Input Device Settings to Default Values"
+msgstr "_Restaurer l’état enregistré des périphériques aux valeurs par défaut"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3175
+msgid "Additional Input Controllers"
+msgstr "Contrôleurs d’entrée additionnels"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3176
+msgid "Input Controllers"
+msgstr "Contrôleurs d’entrée"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3191
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3192
+msgid "Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3199
+msgid "Reset _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les _dossiers"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3215
+msgid "_Temporary folder:"
+msgstr "Dossier _temporaire :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3216
+msgid "Select Folder for Temporary Files"
+msgstr "Sélectionner un dossier pour les fichiers temporaires"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3220
+msgid "_Swap folder:"
+msgstr "Dossier d’é_change (swap) :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3221
+msgid "Select Swap Folder"
+msgstr "Sélectionnez un dossier d’échange (swap)"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3254
+msgid "Brush Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers des brosses"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3257
+msgid "Reset Brush _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les dossiers de _brosses"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3258
+msgid "Select Brush Folders"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les dossiers de brosses"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3260
+msgid "Dynamics Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers des dynamiques de brosse"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3263
+msgid "Reset Dynamics _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les _dossiers des dynamiques"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3264
+msgid "Select Dynamics Folders"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les dossiers des dynamiques"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3266
+msgid "Pattern Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers des motifs"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3269
+msgid "Reset Pattern _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les _dossiers de motifs"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3270
+msgid "Select Pattern Folders"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les dossiers de motifs"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3272
+msgid "Palette Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers des palettes"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3275
+msgid "Reset Palette _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les _dossiers de palettes"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3276
+msgid "Select Palette Folders"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les dossiers de palettes"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3278
+msgid "Gradient Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers des dégradés"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3281
+msgid "Reset Gradient _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les _dossiers de dégradés"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3282
+msgid "Select Gradient Folders"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les dossiers de dégradés"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3284
+msgid "Font Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers des polices"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3287
+msgid "Reset Font _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les _dossiers des polices"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3288
+msgid "Select Font Folders"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les dossiers des polices"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3290
+msgid "Tool Preset Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers des préréglages d’outils"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3293
+msgid "Reset Tool Preset _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les _dossiers des préréglages d’outils"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3294
+msgid "Select Tool Preset Folders"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les dossiers des préréglages d’outils"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3296
+msgid "MyPaint Brush Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers des brosses MyPaint"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3299
+msgid "Reset MyPaint Brush _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les _dossiers de brosses Mypaint"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3300
+msgid "Select MyPaint Brush Folders"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les dossiers de brosses Mypaint"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3302
+msgid "Plug-in Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers des greffons"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3305
+msgid "Reset plug-in _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les _dossiers de greffons"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3306
+msgid "Select plug-in Folders"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les dossiers de greffons"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3308
+msgid "Scripts"
+msgstr "Scripts"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3308
+msgid "Script-Fu Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers des Script-Fu"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3311
+msgid "Reset Script-Fu _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les _dossiers de Script-Fu"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3312
+msgid "Select Script-Fu Folders"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les dossiers de Script-Fu"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3314
+msgid "Module Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers des modules"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3317
+msgid "Reset Module _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les _dossiers de modules"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3318
+msgid "Select Module Folders"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les dossiers de modules"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3320
+msgid "Interpreters"
+msgstr "Interpréteurs"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3320
+msgid "Interpreter Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers d’interpréteur"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3323
+msgid "Reset Interpreter _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les _dossiers d’interpréteur"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3324
+msgid "Select Interpreter Folders"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les dossiers d’interpréteur"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3326
+msgid "Environment"
+msgstr "Environnement"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3326
+msgid "Environment Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers d’environnement"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3329
+msgid "Reset Environment _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les _dossiers d’environnement"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3330
+msgid "Select Environment Folders"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les dossiers d’environnement"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3332
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr "Thèmes"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3332
+msgid "Theme Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers des thèmes"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3335
+msgid "Reset Theme _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les _dossiers de thèmes"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3336
+msgid "Select Theme Folders"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les dossiers de thèmes"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3338
+msgid "Icon Themes"
+msgstr "Thèmes d’icônes"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3338
+msgid "Icon Theme Folders"
+msgstr "Dossiers des thèmes d’icônes"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3341
+msgid "Reset Icon Theme _Folders"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser les _dossiers de thèmes d’icônes"
+#: ../app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c:3342
+msgid "Select Icon Theme Folders"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les dossiers de thèmes d’icônes"
+#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:144
+msgid "Print Size"
+msgstr "Taille de l’impression"
+#. the image size labels
+#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:175 ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:190
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:199
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "_Largeur :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:182 ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:194
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:206
+msgid "H_eight:"
+msgstr "_Hauteur :"
+#. the resolution labels
+#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:236 ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:257
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:328
+msgid "_X resolution:"
+msgstr "Résolution _X :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:243 ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:260
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:335
+msgid "_Y resolution:"
+msgstr "Résolution _Y :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/print-size-dialog.c:254 ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:253
+#, c-format
+msgid "pixels/%a"
+msgstr "pixels/%a"
+#: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:164
+msgid "Quit GIMP"
+msgstr "Quitter GIMP"
+#: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:164
+msgid "Close All Images"
+msgstr "Fermer toutes les images"
+#: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:256
+msgid "If you quit GIMP now, these changes will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous quittez GIMP maintenant, les modifications non enregistrées seront "
+#: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:259
+msgid "If you close these images now, changes will be lost."
+msgstr "Si vous fermez ces images maintenant, les changements seront perdus."
+#. TRANSLATORS: unless your language
+#. msgstr[0] applies to 1 only (as
+#. in English), replace "one" with %d.
+#: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:346
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is one image with unsaved changes:"
+msgid_plural "There are %d images with unsaved changes:"
+msgstr[0] "Il y a %d image avec des modifications non enregistrées :"
+msgstr[1] "Il y a %d images avec des modifications non enregistrées :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:357
+#, c-format
+msgid "Press %s to quit."
+msgstr "Appuyez sur %s pour quitter."
+#: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:360
+#, c-format
+msgid "Press %s to close all images."
+msgstr "Appuyez sur %s pour fermer toutes les images."
+#: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:364 ../app/dialogs/user-install-dialog.c:89
+msgid "_Quit"
+msgstr "_Quitter"
+#: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:364
+msgid "Cl_ose"
+msgstr "_Fermer"
+#: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:388
+#, c-format
+msgid "Press %s to discard all changes and quit."
+msgstr "Appuyez sur %s pour abandonner toutes les modifications et quitter."
+#: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:391
+#, c-format
+msgid "Press %s to discard all changes and close all images."
+msgstr ""
+"Appuyez sur %s pour abandonner toutes les modifications et fermer toutes les "
+#: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:399 ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:180
+msgid "_Discard Changes"
+msgstr "A_bandonner les modifications"
+#: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:486
+#, c-format
+msgid "Exported to %s"
+msgstr "Exporté vers %s"
+#: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:589
+msgid "Save this image"
+msgstr "Enregistrer cette image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/quit-dialog.c:591
+msgid "Save as"
+msgstr "Enregistrer sous"
+#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:143
+msgid "Canvas Size"
+msgstr "Taille du canevas"
+#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:155 ../app/dialogs/scale-dialog.c:114
+msgid "Layer Size"
+msgstr "Taille du calque"
+#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:156
+msgid "Fill With"
+msgstr "Remplir avec"
+#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:185
+msgid "Re_set"
+msgstr "Ré_initialiser"
+#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:187
+msgid "_Resize"
+msgstr "_Redimensionner"
+#. The offset frame
+#. offset frame
+#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:230 ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:100
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:107 ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:88
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:129 ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:459
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:343 ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:209
+msgid "Offset"
+msgstr "Décalage"
+#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:259 ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:488
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:271
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:383
+msgid "_X:"
+msgstr "_X :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:260 ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:490
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:272
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:389
+msgid "_Y:"
+msgstr "_Y :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:277
+msgid "C_enter"
+msgstr "C_entrer"
+#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:331
+msgid "Resize _layers:"
+msgstr "Redimensionner les ca_lques :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:379
+msgid "Resize _text layers"
+msgstr "Redimensionner les calques de _texte"
+#: ../app/dialogs/resize-dialog.c:390
+msgid "Resizing text layers will make them uneditable"
+msgstr "Le redimensionnement des calques de texte les rend non modifiables"
+#: ../app/dialogs/resolution-calibrate-dialog.c:69
+msgid "Calibrate Monitor Resolution"
+msgstr "Calibrer la définition du moniteur"
+#: ../app/dialogs/resolution-calibrate-dialog.c:129
+msgid "Measure the rulers and enter their lengths:"
+msgstr "Mesurez les règles et saisissez leurs longueurs :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/resolution-calibrate-dialog.c:154
+msgid "_Horizontal:"
+msgstr "_Horizontale :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/resolution-calibrate-dialog.c:159
+msgid "_Vertical:"
+msgstr "_Verticale :"
+#. Image size frame
+#: ../app/dialogs/scale-dialog.c:103 ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:177
+msgid "Image Size"
+msgstr "Taille d’image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/scale-dialog.c:181 ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:429
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-newsprint.c:262
+msgid "Quality"
+msgstr "Qualité"
+#: ../app/dialogs/scale-dialog.c:193
+msgid "I_nterpolation:"
+msgstr "_Interpolation :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/stroke-dialog.c:122
+msgid "Choose Stroke Style"
+msgstr "Choisissez un style de tracé"
+#: ../app/dialogs/stroke-dialog.c:129
+msgid "_Stroke"
+msgstr "_Tracer"
+#: ../app/dialogs/stroke-dialog.c:238
+msgid "P_aint tool:"
+msgstr "_Outil de peinture :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/stroke-dialog.c:252
+msgid "_Emulate brush dynamics"
+msgstr "É_muler une brosse dynamique"
+#: ../app/dialogs/tips-dialog.c:99
+msgid "The GIMP tips file is empty!"
+msgstr "Le fichier des astuces GIMP est vide !"
+#: ../app/dialogs/tips-dialog.c:103
+msgid "The GIMP tips file appears to be missing!"
+msgstr "Le fichier d’astuces GIMP paraît absent !"
+#: ../app/dialogs/tips-dialog.c:105
+#, c-format
+msgid "There should be a file called '%s'. Please check your installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Il devrait y avoir un fichier nommé « %s ». Vérifiez votre installation."
+#: ../app/dialogs/tips-dialog.c:111
+msgid "The GIMP tips file could not be parsed!"
+msgstr "Le fichier des astuces GIMP ne peut être lu correctement !"
+#: ../app/dialogs/tips-dialog.c:139
+msgid "GIMP Tip of the Day"
+msgstr "Conseil du jour GIMP"
+#: ../app/dialogs/tips-dialog.c:145
+msgid "_Previous Tip"
+msgstr "Conseil _précédent"
+#: ../app/dialogs/tips-dialog.c:151
+msgid "_Next Tip"
+msgstr "Conseil _suivant"
+#. a link to the related section in the user manual
+#: ../app/dialogs/tips-dialog.c:205
+msgid "Learn more"
+msgstr "En savoir plus"
+#. This is a special string to specify the language identifier to
+#. look for in the gimp-tips.xml file. Please translate the C in it
+#. according to the name of the po file used for gimp-tips.xml.
+#. E.g. for the german translation, that would be "tips-locale:de".
+#: ../app/dialogs/tips-parser.c:187
+msgid "tips-locale:C"
+msgstr "tips-locale:fr"
+#: ../app/dialogs/user-install-dialog.c:85
+msgid "GIMP User Installation"
+msgstr "Installation utilisateur de GIMP"
+#: ../app/dialogs/user-install-dialog.c:94
+msgid "User installation failed!"
+msgstr "Échec de l’installation utilisateur !"
+#: ../app/dialogs/user-install-dialog.c:96
+msgid "The GIMP user installation failed; see the log for details."
+msgstr ""
+"L’installation utilisateur de GIMP a échoué, voyez le journal pour plus de "
+#: ../app/dialogs/user-install-dialog.c:99
+msgid "Installation Log"
+msgstr "Journal d’installation"
+#: ../app/dialogs/vectors-export-dialog.c:80
+msgid "Export Path to SVG"
+msgstr "Exporter des Chemins en SVG"
+#: ../app/dialogs/vectors-export-dialog.c:121
+msgid "Export the active path"
+msgstr "Exporter le chemin actif"
+#: ../app/dialogs/vectors-export-dialog.c:122
+msgid "Export all paths from this image"
+msgstr "Exporter tous les chemins de cette image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/vectors-import-dialog.c:85
+msgid "Import Paths from SVG"
+msgstr "Importer des Chemins en SVG"
+#: ../app/dialogs/vectors-import-dialog.c:124
+msgid "All files (*.*)"
+msgstr "Tous les fichiers (*.*)"
+#: ../app/dialogs/vectors-import-dialog.c:129
+msgid "Scalable SVG image (*.svg)"
+msgstr "Image vectorielle SVG (*.svg)"
+#: ../app/dialogs/vectors-import-dialog.c:140
+msgid "_Merge imported paths"
+msgstr "_Fusionner les chemins importés"
+#: ../app/dialogs/vectors-import-dialog.c:150
+msgid "_Scale imported paths to fit image"
+msgstr "_Changer l’échelle des chemins importés pour les ajuster à l’image"
+#: ../app/dialogs/vectors-options-dialog.c:106
+msgid "Path _name:"
+msgstr "_Nom du chemin :"
+#: ../app/dialogs/vectors-options-dialog.c:108
+msgid "Lock path _strokes"
+msgstr "Verrouiller les _tracés de chemin"
+#: ../app/dialogs/vectors-options-dialog.c:109
+msgid "Lock path _position"
+msgstr "Verrouiller la _position du chemin"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:88
+msgctxt "compass-orientation"
+msgid "Auto"
+msgstr "Auto"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:89
+msgctxt "compass-orientation"
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontale"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:90
+msgctxt "compass-orientation"
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Verticale"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:155
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "No guides"
+msgstr "Aucun guide"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:156
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "Center lines"
+msgstr "Lignes de centre"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:157
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "Rule of thirds"
+msgstr "Règle des tiers"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:158
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "Rule of fifths"
+msgstr "Règle des cinquièmes"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:159
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "Golden sections"
+msgstr "Sections d’or"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:160
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "Diagonal lines"
+msgstr "Lignes diagonales"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:161
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "Number of lines"
+msgstr "Nombre de lignes"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:162
+msgctxt "guides-type"
+msgid "Line spacing"
+msgstr "Espacement des lignes"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:379
+msgctxt "rectangle-fixed-rule"
+msgid "Aspect ratio"
+msgstr "Proportions"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:380
+msgctxt "rectangle-fixed-rule"
+msgid "Width"
+msgstr "Largeur"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:381
+msgctxt "rectangle-fixed-rule"
+msgid "Height"
+msgstr "Hauteur"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:382
+msgctxt "rectangle-fixed-rule"
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Taille"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:508
+msgctxt "transform-handle-mode"
+msgid "Add / Transform"
+msgstr "Transformer"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:509
+msgctxt "transform-handle-mode"
+msgid "Move"
+msgstr "Déplacer"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:510
+msgctxt "transform-handle-mode"
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Supprimer"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:539
+msgctxt "vector-mode"
+msgid "Design"
+msgstr "Tracer"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:540
+msgctxt "vector-mode"
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Modifier"
+#: ../app/display/display-enums.c:541
+msgctxt "vector-mode"
+msgid "Move"
+msgstr "Déplacer"
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:222 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:228
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:247 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:253
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:274 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:280
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:296 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:303
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:707 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:709
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:711 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:713
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:793 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:794
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:795 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:796
+msgid "n/a"
+msgstr "n/d"
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:225 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:250
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:277 ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:438
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:138
+msgid "X"
+msgstr "X"
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:231 ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:256
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:283 ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:438
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:139
+msgid "Y"
+msgstr "Y"
+#. Units
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:237
+msgid "Units"
+msgstr "Unités"
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:266
+msgid "The selection's bounding box"
+msgstr "La boîte englobante de la sélection"
+#. Width
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:300
+msgid "W"
+msgstr "L"
+#. Height
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:307
+msgid "H"
+msgstr "H"
+#: ../app/display/gimpcursorview.c:338
+msgid "_Sample Merged"
+msgstr "_Échantillonner sur tous les calques"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:576
+msgid "Access the image menu"
+msgstr "Accéder au menu d’image"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:694
+msgid "Zoom image when window size changes"
+msgstr "Zoomer l’image quand la fenêtre change de taille"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:723
+msgid "Toggle Quick Mask"
+msgstr "(Dés)activer le masque rapide"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:746
+msgid "Navigate the image display"
+msgstr "Naviguer dans l’affichage d’image"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:805 ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell.c:1466
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox.c:247
+msgid "Drop image files here to open them"
+msgstr "Déposer les fichiers d’images ici pour les ouvrir"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-callbacks.c:620
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"<big>Unstable Development Version</big>\n"
+"<small>commit <tt>%s</tt></small>\n"
+"<small>Please test bugs against latest git master branch\n"
+"before reporting them.</small>"
+msgstr ""
+"<big>Version de développement instable</big>\n"
+"<small>modification <tt>%s</tt></small>\n"
+"<small>Vérifiez les bogues sur la dernière version de la branche\n"
+"master de git avant de les signaler.</small>"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:168
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:266
+#, c-format
+msgid "Close %s"
+msgstr "Fermer %s"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:178
+msgid "Save _As"
+msgstr "Enregistrer _sous"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:214
+#, c-format
+msgid "Press %s to discard all changes and close the image."
+msgstr ""
+"Appuyez sur %s pour abandonner toutes les modifications et fermer l’image."
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:274
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save the changes to image '%s' before closing?"
+msgstr "Enregistrer les modifications de l’image « %s » avant de fermer ?"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:307
+#, c-format
+msgid "If you don't save the image, changes from the last hour will be lost."
+msgid_plural ""
+"If you don't save the image, changes from the last %d hours will be lost."
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Si vous n’enregistrez pas l’image, les modifications depuis la dernière "
+"heure seront perdues."
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Si vous n’enregistrez pas l’image, les modifications depuis les %d dernières "
+"heures seront perdues."
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:318
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If you don't save the image, changes from the last hour and %d minute will "
+"be lost."
+msgid_plural ""
+"If you don't save the image, changes from the last hour and %d minutes will "
+"be lost."
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Si vous n’enregistrez pas l’image, les modifications depuis la dernière "
+"heure et %d minute seront perdues."
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Si vous n’enregistrez pas l’image, les modifications depuis la dernière "
+"heure et %d minutes seront perdues."
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:330
+#, c-format
+msgid "If you don't save the image, changes from the last minute will be lost."
+msgid_plural ""
+"If you don't save the image, changes from the last %d minutes will be lost."
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Si vous n’enregistrez pas l’image, les modifications depuis la dernière "
+"minute seront perdues."
+msgstr[1] ""
+"Si vous n’enregistrez pas l’image, les modifications depuis les dernières %d "
+"minutes seront perdues."
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-close.c:348
+#, c-format
+msgid "The image has been exported to '%s'."
+msgstr "Image exportée en « %s »."
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:250
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:699
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:759
+msgid "Drop New Layer"
+msgstr "Déposer un nouveau calque"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:293
+msgid "Drop New Path"
+msgstr "Déposer un nouveau chemin"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:364
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:554 ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:227
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:295 ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool.c:254
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:554
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot modify the pixels of layer groups."
+msgstr "Impossible de modifier les pixels des groupes de calques."
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:372
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:569 ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:234
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:461 ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:1145
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:302 ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool.c:261
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:326 ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:300
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:561 ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:686
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:780
+#, c-format
+msgid "The active layer's pixels are locked."
+msgstr "Les pixels du calque actif sont verrouillés."
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:415
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdrawabletreeview.c:259
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdrawabletreeview.c:370
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Drop pattern to layer"
+msgstr "Déposer un motif sur le calque"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:437
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdrawabletreeview.c:289
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdrawabletreeview.c:390
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Drop color to layer"
+msgstr "Déposer une couleur sur le calque"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:586
+#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:777
+msgid "Drop layers"
+msgstr "Déposer les calques"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:732
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c:750
+#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:854 ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-dnd.c:272
+msgid "Dropped Buffer"
+msgstr "Presse-papiers déposé"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-filter-dialog.c:79
+msgid "Color Display Filters"
+msgstr "Filtres d’affichage couleur"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-filter-dialog.c:82
+msgid "Configure Color Display Filters"
+msgstr "Configurer les filtres d’affichage couleur"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-handlers.c:944
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image saved to '%s'"
+msgstr "Image enregistrée comme « %s »"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-handlers.c:957
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image exported to '%s'"
+msgstr "Image exportée en « %s »"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-layer-select.c:128
+msgid "Layer Select"
+msgstr "Sélection de calque"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-rotate-dialog.c:114
+msgid "Rotate View"
+msgstr "Rotation de la vue"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-rotate-dialog.c:116
+msgid "Select Rotation Angle"
+msgstr "Sélectionner l’angle de rotation"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-rotate-dialog.c:154
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:795
+msgid "Angle:"
+msgstr "Angle :"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-rotate-dialog.c:167
+msgid "degrees"
+msgstr "degrés"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-scale-dialog.c:115
+msgid "Zoom Ratio"
+msgstr "Facteur de zoom"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-scale-dialog.c:117
+msgid "Select Zoom Ratio"
+msgstr "Choisir un facteur de zoom"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-scale-dialog.c:162
+msgid "Zoom ratio:"
+msgstr "Facteur de zoom :"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-scale-dialog.c:189
+msgid "Zoom:"
+msgstr "Zoom :"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:290
+msgid "(modified)"
+msgstr "(modifié)"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:295
+msgid "(clean)"
+msgstr "(correct)"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:365
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:374
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactiongroup.c:978
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbuffersourcebox.c:169
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbuffersourcebox.c:299
+msgid "(none)"
+msgstr "(aucune)"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-title.c:497
+msgid "not color managed"
+msgstr "couleurs non gérées"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-tool-events.c:1603
+#, c-format
+msgid "Layer picked: '%s'"
+msgstr "Calque prélevé : « %s »"
+#: ../app/display/gimpdisplayshell-utils.c:194
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:625 ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:778
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:834 ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:862
+msgid "pixels"
+msgstr "pixels"
+#: ../app/display/gimpstatusbar.c:472
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cancel <i>%s</i>"
+msgstr "Annule <i>%s</i>"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolcompass.c:847
+msgid "Click to place vertical and horizontal guides"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour placer des guides horizontaux et verticaux"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolcompass.c:855
+msgid "Click to place a horizontal guide"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour placer un guide horizontal"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolcompass.c:863
+msgid "Click to place a vertical guide"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour placer un guide vertical"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolcompass.c:871
+msgid "Click-Drag to add a new point"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour ajouter un nouveau point"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolcompass.c:882 ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:911
+msgid "Click-Drag to move this point"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer ce point"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolcompass.c:899
+msgid "Click-Drag to move all points"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer tous les points"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolfocus.c:1117
+msgid "Click-Drag to change the midpoint"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour modifier le point intermédiaire"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolfocus.c:1119
+msgid "Click-Drag to resize the limit"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour redimensionner la limite"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolfocus.c:1121 ../app/display/gimptoolfocus.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s to resize the focus"
+msgstr "%s pour redimensionner le focus"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolfocus.c:1126 ../app/display/gimptoolfocus.c:1139
+msgid "Click-Drag to resize the focus"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour redimensionner le focus"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolfocus.c:1133
+msgid "Click-Drag to change the aspect ratio"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour changer la proportionnalité"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolfocus.c:1144
+msgid "Click-Drag to move the focus"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer le focus"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolfocus.c:1148
+msgid "Click-Drag to rotate the focus"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour une rotation du focus"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolfocus.c:1149 ../app/display/gimptoolgyroscope.c:728
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolline.c:1559 ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:627
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s for constrained angles"
+msgstr "%s pour contraindre les angles"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolgyroscope.c:713
+msgid "Click-Drag to zoom"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour zoomer"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolgyroscope.c:717
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s for constrained steps"
+msgstr "%s pour contraindre les pas"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolgyroscope.c:724
+#: ../app/display/gimptooltransformgrid.c:1841
+msgid "Click-Drag to rotate"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour une rotation"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolgyroscope.c:733
+msgid "Click-Drag to pan"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour faire un panoramique"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolgyroscope.c:739
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s to rotate"
+msgstr "%s pour faire tourner"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolgyroscope.c:740
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s for a constrained axis"
+msgstr "%s pour un axe contraint"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolgyroscope.c:741
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s to zoom"
+msgstr "%s pour zoomer"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolhandlegrid.c:865
+#: ../app/display/gimptooltransformgrid.c:1832
+msgid "Click-Drag to move"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolhandlegrid.c:868
+msgid "Click-Drag to rotate and scale"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour la rotation et mise à l’échelle"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolhandlegrid.c:871
+msgid "Click-Drag to shear and scale"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour cisailler et mettre à l’échelle"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolhandlegrid.c:874
+#: ../app/display/gimptooltransformgrid.c:1820
+msgid "Click-Drag to change perspective"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour changer la perspective"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolhandlegrid.c:885
+msgid "Click to add a handle"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour ajouter une poignée"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolhandlegrid.c:891
+msgid "Click-Drag to move this handle"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer cette poignée"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolhandlegrid.c:896
+msgid "Click-Drag to remove this handle"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour supprimer cette poignée"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolline.c:347 ../app/display/gimptoolline.c:506
+msgid "Line: "
+msgstr "Ligne : "
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolline.c:1553
+msgid "Click-Drag to move the endpoint"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer le point d’extrémité"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolline.c:1566
+msgid "Release to remove the slider"
+msgstr "Relâchez pour enlever le curseur"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolline.c:1570
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s for constrained values"
+msgstr "%s pour contraindre les valeurs"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolline.c:1580
+msgid "Click-Drag to move the slider; drag away to remove the slider"
+msgstr ""
+"Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer le curseur ; traînez-le en-dehors de la "
+"fenêtre pour le supprimer"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolline.c:1585
+msgid "Click-Drag to move or remove the slider"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer ou supprimer le curseur"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolline.c:1590
+msgid "Click-Drag to move the slider"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer le curseur"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolline.c:1601
+msgid "Click-Drag away to remove the slider"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez en dehors de la fenêtre pour supprimer le curseur"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolline.c:1605
+msgid "Click-Drag to remove the slider"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour supprimer le curseur"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolline.c:1616
+msgid "Click or Click-Drag to add a new slider"
+msgstr "Cliquez ou cliquez-glissez pour ajouter un nouveau curseur"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolline.c:1622
+msgid "Click-Drag to move the line"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer la ligne"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolline.c:1634
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s to move the whole line"
+msgstr "%s pour déplacer la ligne entière"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:269 ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:71
+msgid "Edit Mode"
+msgstr "Mode d’édition"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:278 ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:79
+msgid "Polygonal"
+msgstr "Polygonal"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:279 ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:80
+msgid "Restrict editing to polygons"
+msgstr "Restreindre l’édition aux polygones"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:504
+msgid "The active path is locked."
+msgstr "Le chemin actif est verrouillé."
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:592
+msgid "Add Stroke"
+msgstr "Ajouter un tracé"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:616
+msgid "Add Anchor"
+msgstr "Ajouter une ancre"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:640
+msgid "Insert Anchor"
+msgstr "Insérer une ancre"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:669
+msgid "Drag Handle"
+msgstr "Tirer une poignée"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:700
+msgid "Drag Anchor"
+msgstr "Tirer une ancre"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:718
+msgid "Drag Anchors"
+msgstr "Tirer des ancres"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:740
+msgid "Drag Curve"
+msgstr "Tirer la courbe"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:769
+msgid "Connect Strokes"
+msgstr "Connecter les tracés"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:801
+msgid "Drag Path"
+msgstr "Tirer le chemin"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:812
+msgid "Convert Edge"
+msgstr "Convertir un bord"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:843
+msgid "Delete Anchor"
+msgstr "Supprimer une ancre"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:866
+msgid "Delete Segment"
+msgstr "Supprimer un segment"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1118
+msgid "Move Anchors"
+msgstr "Déplacer des ancres"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1505
+msgid "Click to pick path to edit"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour sélectionner le chemin à éditer"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1509
+msgid "Click to create a new path"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour créer un nouveau chemin"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1513
+msgid "Click to create a new component of the path"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour créer un nouveau composant au chemin"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1517
+msgid "Click or Click-Drag to create a new anchor"
+msgstr "Cliquez ou cliquez-glissez pour créer un nouveau nœud"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1527 ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1534
+msgid "Click-Drag to move the anchor around"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer le nœud"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1538 ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1561
+msgid "Click-Drag to move the anchors around"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer tous les nœuds"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1544
+msgid "Click-Drag to move the handle around"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer la poignée"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1551
+msgid "Click-Drag to move the handles around symmetrically"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer les poignées symétriquement"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1566
+msgid "Click-Drag to change the shape of the curve"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour changer la forme de la courbe"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1569
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: symmetrical"
+msgstr "%s : symétrique"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1574
+msgid "Click-Drag to move the component around"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer le composant"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1582
+msgid "Click-Drag to move the path around"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer le chemin"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1586
+msgid "Click-Drag to insert an anchor on the path"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour insérer un nœud sur le chemin"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1594
+msgid "Click to delete this anchor"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour supprimer ce nœud"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1598
+msgid "Click to connect this anchor with the selected endpoint"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour connecter ce nœud au point final choisi"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1603
+msgid "Click to open up the path"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour ouvrir le chemin"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1607
+msgid "Click to make this node angular"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour rendre ce nœud angulaire"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1611
+msgid "Clicking here does nothing, try clicking on path elements."
+msgstr ""
+"Rien ne se produira en cliquant ici, essayez de cliquer sur des éléments du "
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpath.c:1819
+msgid "Delete Anchors"
+msgstr "Supprimer les ancres"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpolygon.c:892
+msgid "Click to close shape"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour fermer la forme"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpolygon.c:896
+msgid "Click-Drag to move segment vertex"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer le sommet du segment"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpolygon.c:901
+msgid "Return commits, Escape cancels, Backspace re-opens shape"
+msgstr ""
+"La touche Entrée valide, la touche Échap annule, la touche Retour arrière "
+"rouvre la forme"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpolygon.c:905
+msgid "Return commits, Escape cancels, Backspace removes last segment"
+msgstr ""
+"La touche Entrée valide, la touche Échap annule, la touche Retour arrière "
+"supprime le dernier segment"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolpolygon.c:909
+msgid "Click-Drag adds a free segment, Click adds a polygonal segment"
+msgstr ""
+"Un cliquer-glisser ajoute un segment libre, un clic ajoute un segment qui "
+"complète la forme"
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolrectangle.c:567
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolrectangle.c:875
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselecttool.c:638
+msgid "Rectangle: "
+msgstr "Rectangle : "
+#: ../app/display/gimptoolrectangle.c:2139
+msgid "Position: "
+msgstr "Position : "
+#: ../app/display/gimptooltransform3dgrid.c:632
+msgid "Click-Drag to move the vanishing point"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer le point de disparition"
+#: ../app/display/gimptooltransformgrid.c:1825
+#: ../app/display/gimptooltransformgrid.c:1830
+msgid "Click-Drag to scale"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour mettre à l’échelle"
+#: ../app/display/gimptooltransformgrid.c:1834
+msgid "Click-Drag to move the pivot point"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer le point pivot"
+#: ../app/display/gimptooltransformgrid.c:1839
+msgid "Click-Drag to shear"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour cisailler"
+#: ../app/file/file-open.c:137 ../app/file/file-save.c:127
+msgid "Not a regular file"
+msgstr "Le fichier n’est pas un fichier ordinaire"
+#: ../app/file/file-open.c:146 ../app/file/file-save.c:136
+msgid "Permission denied"
+msgstr "Permission refusée"
+#: ../app/file/file-open.c:263
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s plug-in returned SUCCESS but did not return an image"
+msgstr ""
+"Le greffon %s a rapporté avoir terminé avec succès mais n’a pas renvoyé "
+#: ../app/file/file-open.c:274
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s plug-in could not open image"
+msgstr "Le greffon %s n’a pas pu ouvrir l’image"
+#: ../app/file/file-open.c:665
+msgid "Image doesn't contain any layers"
+msgstr "L’image ne contient aucun calque"
+#: ../app/file/file-open.c:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening '%s' failed: %s"
+msgstr "L’ouverture de « %s » a échoué : %s"
+#: ../app/file/file-remote.c:113
+msgid "Mounting remote volume"
+msgstr "Montage d’un volume distant"
+#: ../app/file/file-remote.c:289
+msgid "Opening remote file"
+msgstr "Ouverture d’un fichier distant"
+#: ../app/file/file-remote.c:355
+#, c-format
+msgid "Downloading image (%s of %s)"
+msgstr "Chargement de l’image (%s de %s)"
+#: ../app/file/file-remote.c:359
+#, c-format
+msgid "Uploading image (%s of %s)"
+msgstr "Téléchargement de l’image (%s de %s)"
+#: ../app/file/file-remote.c:382
+#, c-format
+msgid "Downloaded %s of image data"
+msgstr "Chargement de %s des données d’image"
+#: ../app/file/file-remote.c:386
+#, c-format
+msgid "Uploaded %s of image data"
+msgstr "Téléchargement de %s des données d’image"
+#: ../app/file/file-save.c:100
+msgid "There is no active layer to save"
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de calque actif à enregistrer"
+#: ../app/file/file-save.c:120
+msgid "Failed to get file information"
+msgstr "Impossible d’obtenir les informations du fichier"
+#: ../app/file/file-save.c:310
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s plug-in could not save image"
+msgstr "Le greffon %s n’a pas pu enregistrer l’image"
+#: ../app/file/file-utils.c:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s:' is not a valid URI scheme"
+msgstr "« %s » n’est pas un schéma URI valide"
+#: ../app/file/file-utils.c:81 ../app/file/file-utils.c:114
+#: ../app/file/file-utils.c:132
+msgid "Invalid character sequence in URI"
+msgstr "Séquence de caractères non valide dans l’URI"
+#: ../app/file-data/file-data.c:59 ../app/file-data/file-data.c:124
+msgid "GIMP brush"
+msgstr "Brosse GIMP"
+#: ../app/file-data/file-data.c:210 ../app/file-data/file-data.c:272
+msgid "GIMP brush (animated)"
+msgstr "Brosse GIMP (animée)"
+#: ../app/file-data/file-data.c:365 ../app/file-data/file-data.c:426
+msgid "GIMP pattern"
+msgstr "Motif GIMP"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:317 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:318
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:319 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:320
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:321 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:322
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:323 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:324
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:325 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:326
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:327 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:328
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:1013
+msgid "RGB"
+msgstr "RVB"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:330 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:331
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:332 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:333
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:334 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:335
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:336 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:337
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:338 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:339
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:340 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:341
+msgid "RGB-alpha"
+msgstr "RVB-Alpha"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:343 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:344
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:345 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:346
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:347 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:348
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:349 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:350
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:351 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:352
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:353 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:354
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:1031
+msgid "Grayscale"
+msgstr "Niveaux de gris"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:356 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:357
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:358 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:359
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:360 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:361
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:362 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:363
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:364 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:365
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:366 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:367
+msgid "Grayscale-alpha"
+msgstr "Niveaux de gris - Alpha"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:369 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:370
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:371 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:372
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:373 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:374
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:375 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:376
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:377 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:378
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:379 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:380
+msgid "Red component"
+msgstr "Composant rouge"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:382 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:383
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:384 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:385
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:386 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:387
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:388 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:389
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:390 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:391
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:392 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:393
+msgid "Green component"
+msgstr "Composant vert"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:395 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:396
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:397 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:398
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:399 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:400
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:401 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:402
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:403 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:404
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:405 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:406
+msgid "Blue component"
+msgstr "Composant bleu"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:408 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:409
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:410 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:411
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:412 ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:413
+msgid "Alpha component"
+msgstr "Composant Alpha"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:441
+msgid "Indexed-alpha"
+msgstr "Alpha-indexé"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-babl.c:443 ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:1049
+msgid "Indexed"
+msgstr "Indexé"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-gegl-enums.c:24
+msgctxt "cage-mode"
+msgid "Create or adjust the cage"
+msgstr "Créer ou ajuster la cage"
+#: ../app/gegl/gimp-gegl-enums.c:25
+msgctxt "cage-mode"
+msgid ""
+"Deform the cage\n"
+"to deform the image"
+msgstr ""
+"Déformer la cage\n"
+"pour déformer l’image"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:25
+msgctxt "layer-color-space"
+msgid "Auto"
+msgstr "Auto"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:26
+msgctxt "layer-color-space"
+msgid "RGB (linear)"
+msgstr "RVB (linéaire)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:27
+msgctxt "layer-color-space"
+msgid "RGB (perceptual)"
+msgstr "RVB (perceptuel)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:28
+msgctxt "layer-color-space"
+msgid "LAB"
+msgstr "LAB"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:59
+msgctxt "layer-composite-mode"
+msgid "Auto"
+msgstr "Auto"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:60
+msgctxt "layer-composite-mode"
+msgid "Union"
+msgstr "Union"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:61
+msgctxt "layer-composite-mode"
+msgid "Clip to backdrop"
+msgstr "Attacher à la toile de fond"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:62
+msgctxt "layer-composite-mode"
+msgid "Clip to layer"
+msgstr "Attacher au calque"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:63
+msgctxt "layer-composite-mode"
+msgid "Intersection"
+msgstr "Intersection"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:153
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Normal (legacy)"
+msgstr "Normal (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Normal (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:156
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Normal (l)"
+msgstr "Normal (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:157
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Dissolve"
+msgstr "Dissoudre"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:158
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Behind (legacy)"
+msgstr "Derrière (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Behind (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:161
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Behind (l)"
+msgstr "Derrière (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:162
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Multiply (legacy)"
+msgstr "Multiplier (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Multiply (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:165
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Multiply (l)"
+msgstr "Multiplier (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:166
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Screen (legacy)"
+msgstr "Écran (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Screen (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:169
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Screen (l)"
+msgstr "Écran (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:170
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Old broken Overlay"
+msgstr "Ancien revêtement brisé"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Old broken Overlay".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:173
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Old Overlay"
+msgstr "Ancien revêtement"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:174
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Difference (legacy)"
+msgstr "Différence (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Difference (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:177
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Difference (l)"
+msgstr "Différence (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:178
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Addition (legacy)"
+msgstr "Addition (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Addition (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:181
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Addition (l)"
+msgstr "Addition (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:182
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Subtract (legacy)"
+msgstr "Soustraction (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Subtract (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:185
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Subtract (l)"
+msgstr "Soustraction (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:186
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Darken only (legacy)"
+msgstr "Assombrir seulement (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Darken only (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:189
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Darken only (l)"
+msgstr "Assombrir seulement (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:190
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Lighten only (legacy)"
+msgstr "Éclaircir seulement (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Lighten only (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:193
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Lighten only (l)"
+msgstr "Éclaircir seulement (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:194
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "HSV Hue (legacy)"
+msgstr "Teinte TSV (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "HSV Hue (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:197
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "HSV Hue (l)"
+msgstr "Teinte TSV (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:198
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "HSV Saturation (legacy)"
+msgstr "Saturation TSV (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "HSV Saturation (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:201
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "HSV Saturation (l)"
+msgstr "Saturation TSV (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:202
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "HSL Color (legacy)"
+msgstr "Couleur TSL (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "HSL Color (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:205
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "HSL Color (l)"
+msgstr "Couleur TSL (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:206
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "HSV Value (legacy)"
+msgstr "Valeur TSV (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "HSV Value (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:209
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "HSV Value (l)"
+msgstr "Valeur TSV (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:210
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Divide (legacy)"
+msgstr "Diviser (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Divide (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:213
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Divide (l)"
+msgstr "Diviser (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:214
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Dodge (legacy)"
+msgstr "Éclaircir (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Dodge (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:217
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Dodge (l)"
+msgstr "Éclaircir (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:218
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Burn (legacy)"
+msgstr "Assombrir (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Burn (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:221
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Burn (l)"
+msgstr "Assombrir (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:222
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Hard light (legacy)"
+msgstr "Lumière dure (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Hard light (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:225
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Hard light (l)"
+msgstr "Lumière dure (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:226
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Soft light (legacy)"
+msgstr "Lumière douce (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Soft light (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:229
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Soft light (l)"
+msgstr "Lumière douce (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:230
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Grain extract (legacy)"
+msgstr "Extraction de grain (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Grain extract (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:233
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Grain extract (l)"
+msgstr "Extraction de grain (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:234
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Grain merge (legacy)"
+msgstr "Fusion de grain (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Grain merge (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:237
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Grain merge (l)"
+msgstr "Fusion de grain (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:238
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Color erase (legacy)"
+msgstr "Effacer les couleurs (ancien)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Color erase (legacy)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:241
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Color erase (l)"
+msgstr "Effacer les couleurs (a)"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:242
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Overlay"
+msgstr "Superposer"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:243
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "LCh Hue"
+msgstr "Teinte LCh"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:244
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "LCh Chroma"
+msgstr "Chroma LCh"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:245
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "LCh Color"
+msgstr "Couleur LCh"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:246
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "LCh Lightness"
+msgstr "Luminosité LCh"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:247
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normal"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:248
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Behind"
+msgstr "Derrière"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:249
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Multiply"
+msgstr "Multiplier"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:250
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Screen"
+msgstr "Écran"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:251
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Difference"
+msgstr "Différence"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:252
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Addition"
+msgstr "Addition"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:253
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Subtract"
+msgstr "Soustraction"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:254
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Darken only"
+msgstr "Assombrir seulement"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:255
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Lighten only"
+msgstr "Éclaircir seulement"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:256
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "HSV Hue"
+msgstr "Teinte TSV"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:257
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "HSV Saturation"
+msgstr "Saturation TSV"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:258
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "HSL Color"
+msgstr "Couleur TSL"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:259
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "HSV Value"
+msgstr "Valeur TSV"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:260
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Divide"
+msgstr "Diviser"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:261
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Dodge"
+msgstr "Éclaircir"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:262
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Burn"
+msgstr "Assombrir"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:263
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Hard light"
+msgstr "Lumière dure"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:264
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Soft light"
+msgstr "Lumière douce"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:265
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Grain extract"
+msgstr "Extraction de grain"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:266
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Grain merge"
+msgstr "Fusion de grain"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:267
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Vivid light"
+msgstr "Lumière vive"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:268
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Pin light"
+msgstr "Lumière ponctuelle"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:269
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Linear light"
+msgstr "Lumière linéaire"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:270
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Hard mix"
+msgstr "Mélange dur"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:271
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Exclusion"
+msgstr "Exclusion"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:272
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Linear burn"
+msgstr "Assombrissement linéaire"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:273
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Luma/Luminance darken only"
+msgstr "Assombrir en Luma/Luminance seulement"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Luma/Luminance darken only".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:276
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Luma darken only"
+msgstr "Assombrir en Luma seulement"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:277
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Luma/Luminance lighten only"
+msgstr "Éclaircir en Luma/Luminance seulement"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Luma/Luminance lighten only".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:280
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Luma lighten only"
+msgstr "Éclaircir en Luma seulement"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:281
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Luminance"
+msgstr "Luminance"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:282
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Color erase"
+msgstr "Effacer la couleur"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:283
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Erase"
+msgstr "Effacer"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:284
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Merge"
+msgstr "Fusionner"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:285
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Split"
+msgstr "Découper"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:286
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Pass through"
+msgstr "Outrepasser"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:287
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Replace"
+msgstr "Remplacer"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:288
+msgctxt "layer-mode"
+msgid "Anti erase"
+msgstr "Anti-effacement"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:316
+msgctxt "layer-mode-group"
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Par défaut"
+#: ../app/operations/operations-enums.c:317
+msgctxt "layer-mode-group"
+msgid "Legacy"
+msgstr "Ancien"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpbrightnesscontrastconfig.c:82
+#: ../app/operations/gimpbrightnesscontrastconfig.c:83
+msgid "Brightness"
+msgstr "Luminosité"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpbrightnesscontrastconfig.c:88
+#: ../app/operations/gimpbrightnesscontrastconfig.c:89
+msgid "Contrast"
+msgstr "Contraste"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcolorbalanceconfig.c:96
+#: ../app/operations/gimphuesaturationconfig.c:94
+#: ../app/paint/gimpdodgeburnoptions.c:78
+msgid "Range"
+msgstr "Intervalle"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcolorbalanceconfig.c:97
+#: ../app/operations/gimphuesaturationconfig.c:95
+msgid "The affected range"
+msgstr "Intervalle affecté"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcolorbalanceconfig.c:103
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcolorbalanceconfig.c:104
+msgid "Cyan-Red"
+msgstr "Cyan-Rouge"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcolorbalanceconfig.c:109
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcolorbalanceconfig.c:110
+msgid "Magenta-Green"
+msgstr "Magenta-Vert"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcolorbalanceconfig.c:115
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcolorbalanceconfig.c:116
+msgid "Yellow-Blue"
+msgstr "Jaune-Bleu"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcolorbalanceconfig.c:121
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcolorbalanceconfig.c:122
+msgid "Preserve Luminosity"
+msgstr "Préserver la luminosité"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcurvesconfig.c:104
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:109
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:111
+msgid "Linear"
+msgstr "Linéaire"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcurvesconfig.c:105
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:110
+msgid "Work on linear RGB"
+msgstr "Travailler sur RVB linéaire"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcurvesconfig.c:111
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:116
+msgid "The affected channel"
+msgstr "Canal affecté"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcurvesconfig.c:117
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcurvesconfig.c:118
+msgid "Curve"
+msgstr "Courbes"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcurvesconfig.c:550
+msgid "not a GIMP Curves file"
+msgstr "ce n’est pas un fichier de courbes GIMP"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcurvesconfig.c:581
+msgid "Parse error, didn't find 2 integers"
+msgstr "Erreur d’analyse, n’a pas trouvé 2 entiers"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpcurvesconfig.c:687
+msgid "Writing curves file failed: "
+msgstr "Échec d’écriture du dossier de courbes : "
+#: ../app/operations/gimphuesaturationconfig.c:101
+#: ../app/operations/gimphuesaturationconfig.c:102
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationcolorize.c:92
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationcolorize.c:93
+msgid "Hue"
+msgstr "Teinte"
+#: ../app/operations/gimphuesaturationconfig.c:107
+#: ../app/operations/gimphuesaturationconfig.c:108
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationcolorize.c:98
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationcolorize.c:99
+msgid "Saturation"
+msgstr "Saturation"
+#: ../app/operations/gimphuesaturationconfig.c:113
+#: ../app/operations/gimphuesaturationconfig.c:114
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationcolorize.c:104
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationcolorize.c:105
+msgid "Lightness"
+msgstr "Luminosité"
+#: ../app/operations/gimphuesaturationconfig.c:119
+#: ../app/operations/gimphuesaturationconfig.c:120
+msgid "Overlap"
+msgstr "Superposition"
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:122
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:123
+msgid "Low Input"
+msgstr "Entrée basse"
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:128
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:129
+msgid "High Input"
+msgstr "Entrée haute"
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:134
+msgid "Clamp Input"
+msgstr "Limiter l’entrée"
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:135
+msgid "Clamp input values before applying output mapping."
+msgstr "Limite les valeurs d’entrée avant d’appliquer le mappage de la sortie."
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:146
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:147
+msgid "Low Output"
+msgstr "Sortie basse"
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:152
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:153
+msgid "High Output"
+msgstr "Sortie haute"
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:158
+msgid "Clamp Output"
+msgstr "Limiter la sortie"
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:159
+msgid "Clamp final output values."
+msgstr "Limite les valeurs de sortie finales."
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:846
+msgid "not a GIMP Levels file"
+msgstr "ce n’est pas un fichier de niveaux GIMP"
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:921
+msgid "parse error"
+msgstr "erreur d’analyse"
+#: ../app/operations/gimplevelsconfig.c:956
+msgid "Writing levels file failed: "
+msgstr "Échec d’écriture du dossier de niveaux : "
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationbrightnesscontrast.c:65
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbrightnesscontrasttool.c:98
+msgid "Adjust brightness and contrast"
+msgstr "Ajuster la luminosité et le contraste"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationcagecoefcalc.c:69
+msgid "Compute a set of coefficient buffer for the GIMP cage tool"
+msgstr "Calculer un lot de tampons de coefficients pour l’outil cage de GIMP"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationcagetransform.c:104
+msgid ""
+"Convert a set of coefficient buffer to a coordinate buffer for the GIMP cage "
+msgstr ""
+"Convertir un tampon de coefficients en un tampon de coordonnées pour l’outil "
+"cage de GIMP"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationcagetransform.c:129
+msgid "Fill with plain color"
+msgstr "Remplir avec une couleur unie"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationcagetransform.c:130
+msgid "Fill the original position of the cage with a plain color"
+msgstr "Remplir la position initiale de la cage avec une couleur unie"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationcolorbalance.c:65
+msgid "Adjust color distribution"
+msgstr "Ajuster la répartition des couleurs"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationcolorize.c:85
+msgid "Colorize the image"
+msgstr "Colorier l’image"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationcolorize.c:114
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationcolorize.c:115
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationsemiflatten.c:95
+msgid "Color"
+msgstr "Couleur"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationcurves.c:67 ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:155
+msgid "Adjust color curves"
+msgstr "Ajuster les courbes de couleur"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationdesaturate.c:85
+msgid "Turn colors into shades of gray"
+msgstr "Transformer les couleurs en niveaux de gris"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationdesaturate.c:90
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationsettings.c:95
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:1127 ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:111
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3doptions.c:77 ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfo.c:116
+#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:272
+msgid "Mode"
+msgstr "Mode"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationdesaturate.c:91
+msgid "Choose shade of gray based on"
+msgstr "Choisir la nuance de gris fondée sur"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationhuesaturation.c:65
+msgid "Adjust hue, saturation, and lightness"
+msgstr "Ajuster la teinte, la saturation et la luminosité"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationlevels.c:64 ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:139
+msgid "Adjust color levels"
+msgstr "Ajuster les niveaux de couleur"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationoffset.c:118
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:130
+msgid "Shift the pixels, optionally wrapping them at the borders"
+msgstr "Décale les pixels, optionnellement les enroule sur les bords"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationposterize.c:82
+msgid "Reduce to a limited set of colors"
+msgstr "Réduire à un nombre limité de couleurs"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationposterize.c:87
+msgid "Posterize levels"
+msgstr "Niveaux de postérisation"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationsemiflatten.c:84
+msgid "Replace partial transparency with a color"
+msgstr "Remplace la transparence partielle par une couleur"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationsemiflatten.c:96
+msgid "The color"
+msgstr "Couleur"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationsettings.c:78
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:1091 ../app/tools/gimpflipoptions.c:156
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:108
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:264
+msgid "Clipping"
+msgstr "Rognage"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationsettings.c:79
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:109
+msgid "How to clip"
+msgstr "Façon de découper"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationsettings.c:112
+msgid "Color _managed"
+msgstr "Couleurs _gérées"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationthreshold.c:84
+#: ../app/tools/gimpthresholdtool.c:94
+msgid "Reduce image to two colors using a threshold"
+msgstr "Réduit l’image à deux couleurs en utilisant un seuil"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationthreshold.c:97
+msgid "Low threshold"
+msgstr "Seuil bas"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationthreshold.c:104
+msgid "High threshold"
+msgstr "Seuil haut"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationthresholdalpha.c:80
+msgid ""
+"Make transparency all-or-nothing, by thresholding the alpha channel to a "
+msgstr ""
+"Produire une transparence tout ou rien en réglant le seuil du canal alpha à "
+"une certaine valeur"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationthresholdalpha.c:90
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Valeur"
+#: ../app/operations/gimpoperationthresholdalpha.c:91
+msgid "The alpha value"
+msgstr "Valeur alpha"
+#. TRANSLATORS: there is no need to translate this in GIMP. This uses
+#. * "gtk20" domain as a special trick to determine language direction,
+#. * but xgettext extracts it anyway mistakenly into GIMP po files.
+#. * Leave an empty string as translation. It does not matter.
+#: ../app/gui/gui.c:240
+msgid "default:LTR"
+msgstr "default:LTR"
+#: ../app/gui/gui.c:330
+msgid "Image Recovery"
+msgstr "Récupération de l’image"
+#: ../app/gui/gui.c:332
+msgid "_Discard"
+msgstr "A_bandonner"
+#: ../app/gui/gui.c:333
+msgid "_Recover"
+msgstr "_Récupérer"
+#: ../app/gui/gui.c:344
+msgid "Eeek! It looks like GIMP recovered from a crash!"
+msgstr "Oui ! Il semble bien que GIMP se soit rétabli après son plantage !"
+#. TRANSLATORS: even if English singular form does
+#. * not use %d, you can use %d for translation in
+#. * any singular/plural form of your language if
+#. * suited. It will just work and be replaced by the
+#. * number of images as expected.
+#: ../app/gui/gui.c:353
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"An image was salvaged from the crash. Do you want to try and recover it?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"%d images were salvaged from the crash. Do you want to try and recover them?"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"Une image a été sauvée après un plantage. Voulez-vous tenter de la "
+"récupérer ?"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"%d images ont été sauvées après un plantage. Voulez-vous tenter de les "
+"récupérer ?"
+#. load the recent documents after gimp_real_restore() because we
+#. * need the mime-types implemented by plug-ins
+#: ../app/gui/gui.c:598
+msgid "Documents"
+msgstr "Documents"
+#: ../app/gui/splash.c:138
+msgid "GIMP Startup"
+msgstr "Lancement de GIMP"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpairbrush.c:80 ../app/tools/gimpairbrushtool.c:67
+msgid "Airbrush"
+msgstr "Aérographe"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpairbrushoptions.c:70
+msgctxt "airbrush-tool"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Taux"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpairbrushoptions.c:78
+msgid "Motion only"
+msgstr "Déplacement seulement"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpairbrushoptions.c:85
+msgid "Flow"
+msgstr "Débit"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpbrushcore.c:373
+msgid "No brushes available for use with this tool."
+msgstr "Aucune brosse disponible pour être utilisée avec cet outil."
+#: ../app/paint/gimpbrushcore.c:380
+msgid "No paint dynamics available for use with this tool."
+msgstr ""
+"Aucune dynamique de brosse disponible pour être utilisée avec cet outil."
+#: ../app/paint/gimpclone.c:90 ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:62
+msgid "Clone"
+msgstr "Clonage"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpclone.c:132
+msgid "No patterns available for use with this tool."
+msgstr "Aucun motif disponible pour être utilisé avec cet outil."
+#: ../app/paint/gimpcloneoptions.c:66 ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:180
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:505
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcloneoptions-gui.c:70
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr "Source"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpconvolve.c:79
+msgid "Convolve"
+msgstr "Flou/netteté"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpconvolveoptions.c:68
+msgid "Convolve Type"
+msgstr "Type de flou/netteté"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpconvolveoptions.c:76
+msgctxt "convolve-tool"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Taux"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpdodgeburn.c:67
+msgid "Dodge/Burn"
+msgstr "Éclaircir/assombrir"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpdodgeburnoptions.c:70
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr "Type"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpdodgeburnoptions.c:86
+msgid "Exposure"
+msgstr "Exposition"
+#: ../app/paint/gimperaser.c:67 ../app/tools/gimperasertool.c:71
+msgid "Eraser"
+msgstr "Gomme"
+#: ../app/paint/gimperaseroptions.c:66
+msgid "Anti erase"
+msgstr "Anti-effacement"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpheal.c:118 ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:53
+msgid "Healing"
+msgstr "Correcteur"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpheal.c:158
+msgid "Healing does not operate on indexed layers."
+msgstr "Le correcteur ne fonctionne pas sur des calques en couleurs indexées."
+#: ../app/paint/gimpink.c:108 ../app/tools/gimpinktool.c:65
+msgid "Ink"
+msgstr "Calligraphie"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpinkoptions.c:74 ../app/paint/gimpinkoptions.c:87
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:203 ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:92
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Taille"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpinkoptions.c:75
+msgid "Ink Blob Size"
+msgstr "Taille du tracé de calligraphie"
+#. angle frame
+#: ../app/paint/gimpinkoptions.c:80 ../app/paint/gimpinkoptions.c:119
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:217 ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:322
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:426 ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:200
+msgid "Angle"
+msgstr "Angle"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpinkoptions.c:99 ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:164
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:73
+msgid "Tilt"
+msgstr "Inclinaison"
+#. Blob shape widgets
+#: ../app/paint/gimpinkoptions.c:106 ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:94
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:289 ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:103
+msgid "Shape"
+msgstr "Forme"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpinkoptions.c:113 ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:189
+msgid "Aspect ratio"
+msgstr "Proportions"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpinkoptions.c:114
+msgid "Ink Blob Aspect Ratio"
+msgstr "Proportions du tracé de calligraphie"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpinkoptions.c:120
+msgid "Ink Blob Angle"
+msgstr "Angle du tracé de calligraphie"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpmybrushcore.c:104
+msgid "Mybrush"
+msgstr "MyBrush"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpmybrushcore.c:157
+msgid "No MyPaint brushes available for use with this tool."
+msgstr "Aucune brosse MyPaint disponible pour être utilisée avec cet outil."
+#: ../app/paint/gimpmybrushoptions.c:93
+msgid "Base Opacity"
+msgstr "Opacité de base"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpmybrushoptions.c:100 ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:231
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:99 ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:178
+msgid "Hardness"
+msgstr "Dureté"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpmybrushoptions.c:107
+msgid "Erase with this brush"
+msgstr "Effacer avec cette brosse"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpmybrushoptions.c:114
+msgid "No erasing effect"
+msgstr "Pas d’effet d’effacement"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpmybrushoptions.c:115 ../app/paint/gimpsmudgeoptions.c:86
+msgid "Never decrease alpha of existing pixels"
+msgstr "Ne jamais diminuer l’alpha des pixels existants"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintbrush.c:82 ../app/tools/gimppaintbrushtool.c:57
+msgid "Paintbrush"
+msgstr "Pinceau"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintcore.c:147
+msgid "Paint"
+msgstr "Peindre"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:204
+msgid "Brush Size"
+msgstr "Taille de la brosse"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:210
+msgid "Aspect Ratio"
+msgstr "Proportions"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:224 ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:113
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:211
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrushfactoryview.c:82 ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:174
+msgid "Spacing"
+msgstr "Espacement"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:238
+msgid "Force"
+msgstr "Force"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:239
+msgid "Brush Force"
+msgstr "Force de la brosse"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:245
+msgid "Link Size"
+msgstr "Lier la taille"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:246
+msgid "Link brush size to brush native"
+msgstr "Lier la taille de la brosse à sa valeur par défaut"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:252
+msgid "Link Aspect Ratio"
+msgstr "Lier les proportions"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:253
+msgid "Link brush aspect ratio to brush native"
+msgstr "Lier les proportions de la brosse à leurs valeurs par défaut"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:259
+msgid "Link Angle"
+msgstr "Lier l’angle"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:260
+msgid "Link brush angle to brush native"
+msgstr "Lier l’angle de la brosse à sa valeur par défaut"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:266
+msgid "Link Spacing"
+msgstr "Lier l’espacement"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:267
+msgid "Link brush spacing to brush native"
+msgstr "Lier l’espacement de la brosse à sa valeur par défaut"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:273
+msgid "Link Hardness"
+msgstr "Lier la dureté"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:274
+msgid "Link brush hardness to brush native"
+msgstr "Lier la dureté de la brosse à sa valeur par défaut"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:280
+msgid "Lock brush to view"
+msgstr "Fixer la brosse à l’affichage"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:281
+msgid "Keep brush appearance fixed relative to the view"
+msgstr "Garder fixe l’apparence de la brosse par rapport à l’affichage"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:287
+msgid "Incremental"
+msgstr "Incrémentiel"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:288
+msgid "Every stamp has its own opacity"
+msgstr "Chaque coup de tampon a sa propre opacité"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:295
+msgid "Hard edge"
+msgstr "Contour dur"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:296
+msgid "Ignore fuzziness of the current brush"
+msgstr "Ignore le flou de la brosse active"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:302
+msgid "Apply Jitter"
+msgstr "Appliquer fluctuation"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:303
+msgid "Scatter brush as you paint"
+msgstr "Disperse les coups de brosse pendant que vous peignez"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:308
+msgid "Amount"
+msgstr "Quantité"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:309
+msgid "Distance of scattering"
+msgstr "Distance de dispersion"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:315
+msgid "Dynamics Options"
+msgstr "Options de dynamique"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:322
+msgid "Fade length"
+msgstr "Longueur d’estompement"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:323
+msgid "Distance over which strokes fade out"
+msgstr "Distance d’estompement des coups de brosses"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:333 ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:385
+msgid "Reverse"
+msgstr "Inverser"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:334
+msgid "Reverse direction of fading"
+msgstr "Inverse le sens d’estompement"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:339 ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:359
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:310
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:356
+msgid "Repeat"
+msgstr "Répétition"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:340
+msgid "How fade is repeated as you paint"
+msgstr "Comment l’estompement se répète pendant que vous peignez"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:352 ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:282
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:392
+msgid "Blend Color Space"
+msgstr "Espace de fusion de couleur"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:353
+msgid "Which color space to use when blending RGB gradient segments"
+msgstr ""
+"Espace de couleur à utiliser lors de la fusion de segments de dégradé RVB"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:423
+msgid "Smooth stroke"
+msgstr "Lisser le tracé"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:424
+msgid "Paint smoother strokes"
+msgstr "Donne des coups de brosse plus lisses"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:430
+msgid "Depth of smoothing"
+msgstr "Profondeur de lissage"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:435
+msgid "Weight"
+msgstr "Force"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppaintoptions.c:436
+msgid "Gravity of the pen"
+msgstr "Pesanteur de la plume"
+#: ../app/paint/gimppencil.c:42 ../app/tools/gimppenciltool.c:51
+msgid "Pencil"
+msgstr "Crayon"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpperspectiveclone.c:91
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:149
+msgid "Perspective Clone"
+msgstr "Clonage en perspective"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpsmudge.c:87 ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:55
+msgid "Smudge"
+msgstr "Barbouillage"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpsmudgeoptions.c:71
+msgctxt "smudge-tool"
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Taux"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpsmudgeoptions.c:72
+msgid "The strength of smudging"
+msgstr "Force du barbouillage"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpsmudgeoptions.c:78
+msgctxt "smudge-tool"
+msgid "Flow"
+msgstr "Débit"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpsmudgeoptions.c:79
+msgid "The amount of brush color to blend"
+msgstr "Quantité de couleur de brosse à mélanger"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpsmudgeoptions.c:85
+msgctxt "smudge-tool"
+msgid "No erasing effect"
+msgstr "Pas d’effet d’effacement"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpsmudgeoptions.c:92 ../app/paint/gimpsourceoptions.c:71
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:128 ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:134
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcoloroptions.c:69 ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:99
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:97
+msgid "Sample merged"
+msgstr "Échantillonner sur tous les calques"
+#: ../app/paint/gimpsourcecore.c:239
+msgid "Set a source image first."
+msgstr "Définissez d’abord une image source."
+#: ../app/paint/gimpsourceoptions.c:63 ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:123
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcloneoptions-gui.c:102 ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:105
+msgid "Alignment"
+msgstr "Alignement"
+#: ../app/paint/paint-enums.c:52
+msgctxt "perspective-clone-mode"
+msgid "Modify Perspective"
+msgstr "Modifier le plan de perspective"
+#: ../app/paint/paint-enums.c:53
+msgctxt "perspective-clone-mode"
+msgid "Perspective Clone"
+msgstr "Clonage en perspective"
+#: ../app/paint/paint-enums.c:83
+msgctxt "source-align-mode"
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Aucun"
+#: ../app/paint/paint-enums.c:84
+msgctxt "source-align-mode"
+msgid "Aligned"
+msgstr "Aligné"
+#: ../app/paint/paint-enums.c:85
+msgctxt "source-align-mode"
+msgid "Registered"
+msgstr "Enregistré"
+#: ../app/paint/paint-enums.c:86
+msgctxt "source-align-mode"
+msgid "Fixed"
+msgstr "Fixé"
+#: ../app/pdb/channel-cmds.c:199
+msgid "Combine Masks"
+msgstr "Combiner les masques"
+#: ../app/pdb/color-cmds.c:85 ../app/pdb/drawable-color-cmds.c:85
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Brightness-Contrast"
+msgstr "Luminosité-Contraste"
+#: ../app/pdb/color-cmds.c:148 ../app/pdb/drawable-color-cmds.c:610
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Levels"
+msgstr "Niveaux"
+#: ../app/pdb/color-cmds.c:247 ../app/pdb/drawable-color-cmds.c:680
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Posterize"
+msgstr "Postériser"
+#: ../app/pdb/color-cmds.c:286 ../app/pdb/color-cmds.c:327
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-color-cmds.c:325
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Desaturate"
+msgstr "Désaturer"
+#: ../app/pdb/color-cmds.c:389
+msgid "Invert"
+msgstr "Inverser"
+#: ../app/pdb/color-cmds.c:436 ../app/pdb/color-cmds.c:484
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-color-cmds.c:235 ../app/pdb/drawable-color-cmds.c:283
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Curves"
+msgstr "Courbes"
+#: ../app/pdb/color-cmds.c:538 ../app/pdb/drawable-color-cmds.c:139
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Color Balance"
+msgstr "Balance des couleurs"
+#: ../app/pdb/color-cmds.c:586 ../app/pdb/drawable-color-cmds.c:187
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Colorize"
+msgstr "Coloriage"
+#: ../app/pdb/color-cmds.c:738
+msgid "Hue-Saturation"
+msgstr "Teinte-Saturation"
+#: ../app/pdb/color-cmds.c:782 ../app/pdb/drawable-color-cmds.c:726
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Threshold"
+msgstr "Seuil"
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-cmds.c:554
+msgid "Plug-in"
+msgstr "Greffon"
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-cmds.c:993 ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:1020
+msgctxt "command"
+msgid "Foreground Select"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le premier plan"
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-color-cmds.c:507
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Hue-Saturation"
+msgstr "Teinte-Saturation"
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-color-cmds.c:542
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Invert"
+msgstr "Inverser"
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:373
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:478
+#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:340 ../app/pdb/transform-tools-cmds.c:177
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:85
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:599
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:608
+msgid "Perspective"
+msgstr "Perspective"
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:1030
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:1122
+#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:739 ../app/pdb/transform-tools-cmds.c:450
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:112
+msgid "Shearing"
+msgstr "Cisaillement"
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:1224
+#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:849 ../app/pdb/transform-tools-cmds.c:545
+msgid "2D Transform"
+msgstr "Transformation 2D"
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:1327
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:1437
+#: ../app/pdb/drawable-transform-cmds.c:1548
+#: ../app/pdb/item-transform-cmds.c:967
+msgid "2D Transforming"
+msgstr "Transformation 2D en cours"
+#: ../app/pdb/floating-sel-cmds.c:69
+msgid "Cannot remove this layer because it is not a floating selection."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de supprimer ce calque car ce n’est pas une sélection flottante."
+#: ../app/pdb/floating-sel-cmds.c:102
+msgid "Cannot anchor this layer because it is not a floating selection."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible d’ancrer ce calque car ce n’est pas une sélection flottante."
+#: ../app/pdb/floating-sel-cmds.c:135
+msgid ""
+"Cannot convert this layer to a normal layer because it is not a floating "
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de convertir ce calque en un calque normal car ce n’est pas une "
+"sélection flottante."
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-query.c:142
+#, c-format
+msgid "Writing PDB file '%s' failed: %s"
+msgstr "L’écriture du fichier PDB « %s » a échoué : %s"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-query.c:322 ../app/pdb/gimppdb.c:306
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb.c:377
+#, c-format
+msgid "Procedure '%s' not found"
+msgstr "Procédure « %s » non trouvée"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:86
+msgid "Invalid empty brush name"
+msgstr "Nom de brosse vide non valide"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:95
+#, c-format
+msgid "Brush '%s' not found"
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver la brosse « %s »"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:101
+#, c-format
+msgid "Brush '%s' is not editable"
+msgstr "Impossible de modifier la brosse « %s »"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "Brush '%s' is not renamable"
+msgstr "Impossible de renommer la brosse « %s »"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Brush '%s' is not a generated brush"
+msgstr "La brosse « %s » n’est pas une brosse générée"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:155
+msgid "Invalid empty paint dynamics name"
+msgstr "Nom de dynamique de brosse vide non valide"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:164
+#, c-format
+msgid "Paint dynamics '%s' not found"
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver la dynamique de brosse « %s »"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:170
+#, c-format
+msgid "Paint dynamics '%s' is not editable"
+msgstr "Impossible de modifier la dynamique de brosse « %s »"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:177
+#, c-format
+msgid "Paint dynamics '%s' is not renamable"
+msgstr "Impossible de renommer la dynamique de brosse « %s »"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:198
+msgid "Invalid empty MyPaint brush name"
+msgstr "Nom de brosse vide non valide"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:207
+#, c-format
+msgid "MyPaint brush '%s' not found"
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver la brosse MyPaint « %s »"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:213
+#, c-format
+msgid "MyPaint brush '%s' is not editable"
+msgstr "La brosse MyPaint « %s » n’est pas modifiable"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:220
+#, c-format
+msgid "MyPaint brush '%s' is not renamable"
+msgstr "La brosse MyPaint « %s » ne peut pas être renommée"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:240
+msgid "Invalid empty pattern name"
+msgstr "Nom de motif vide non valide"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:249
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pattern '%s' not found"
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver le motif « %s »"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:269
+msgid "Invalid empty gradient name"
+msgstr "Nom de dégradé vide non valide"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Gradient '%s' not found"
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver le dégradé « %s »"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:284
+#, c-format
+msgid "Gradient '%s' is not editable"
+msgstr "Le dégradé « %s » n’est pas modifiable"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:291
+#, c-format
+msgid "Gradient '%s' is not renamable"
+msgstr "Le dégradé « %s » ne peut pas être renommé"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:312
+msgid "Invalid empty palette name"
+msgstr "Nom de palette vide non valide"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:321
+#, c-format
+msgid "Palette '%s' not found"
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver la palette « %s »"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:327
+#, c-format
+msgid "Palette '%s' is not editable"
+msgstr "La palette « %s » n’est pas modifiable"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:334
+#, c-format
+msgid "Palette '%s' is not renamable"
+msgstr "La palette « %s » ne peut pas être renommée"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:354
+msgid "Invalid empty font name"
+msgstr "Nom de police vide non valide"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:363
+#, c-format
+msgid "Font '%s' not found"
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver la police « %s »"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:382
+msgid "Invalid empty buffer name"
+msgstr "Nom de tampon vide non valide"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:392
+#, c-format
+msgid "Named buffer '%s' not found"
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver le tampon nommé « %s »"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:411
+msgid "Invalid empty paint method name"
+msgstr "Nom de méthode de peinture vide non valide"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:421
+#, c-format
+msgid "Paint method '%s' does not exist"
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver la méthode de peinture « %s »"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:440
+#, c-format
+msgid "Item '%s' (%d) cannot be used because it has not been added to an image"
+msgstr ""
+"L’élément « %s » (%d) ne peut être utilisé, car il n’a pas été ajouté à une "
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Item '%s' (%d) cannot be used because it is attached to another image"
+msgstr ""
+"L’élément « %s » (%d) ne peut être utilisé, car il est lié à une autre image"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:476
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Item '%s' (%d) cannot be used because it is not a direct child of an item "
+msgstr ""
+"L’élément « %s » (%d) ne peut être utilisé, car il n’est pas un fils direct "
+"d’un arbre d’éléments"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:504
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Items '%s' (%d) and '%s' (%d) cannot be used because they are not part of "
+"the same item tree"
+msgstr ""
+"Les éléments « %s » (%d) et « %s » (%d) ne peuvent pas être utilisés, car "
+"ils ne font pas partie du même arbre d’éléments"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:529
+#, c-format
+msgid "Item '%s' (%d) must not be an ancestor of '%s' (%d)"
+msgstr "L’élément « %s » (%d) ne doit pas être ancêtre de « %s » (%d)"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:553
+#, c-format
+msgid "Item '%s' (%d) has already been added to an image"
+msgstr "L’élément « %s » (%d) a déjà été ajouté à une image"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:561
+#, c-format
+msgid "Trying to add item '%s' (%d) to wrong image"
+msgstr "Tentative d’ajout de l’élément « %s » (%d) à la mauvaise image"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:588
+#, c-format
+msgid "Item '%s' (%d) cannot be modified because its contents are locked"
+msgstr ""
+"L’élément « %s » (%d) ne peut être modifié car son contenu est verrouillé"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Item '%s' (%d) cannot be modified because its position and size are locked"
+msgstr ""
+"L’élément « %s » (%d) ne peut être modifié car sa position et sa taille sont "
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:618
+#, c-format
+msgid "Item '%s' (%d) cannot be used because it is not a group item"
+msgstr ""
+"L’élément « %s » (%d) ne peut être utilisé, car il ne s’agit pas d’un "
+"élément groupe"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:638
+#, c-format
+msgid "Item '%s' (%d) cannot be modified because it is a group item"
+msgstr ""
+"L’élément « %s » (%d) ne peut être modifié, car il s’agit d’un élément groupe"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:659
+#, c-format
+msgid "Layer '%s' (%d) cannot be used because it is not a text layer"
+msgstr ""
+"Le calque « %s » (%d) ne peut être utilisé, car ce n’est pas un calque de "
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:700
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image '%s' (%d) is of type '%s', but an image of type '%s' is expected"
+msgstr ""
+"L’image « %s » (%d) est du type « %s », mais une image du type « %s » est "
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:723
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image '%s' (%d) must not be of type '%s'"
+msgstr "L’image « %s » (%d) ne doit pas être du type « %s »"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:743
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Image '%s' (%d) has precision '%s', but an image of precision '%s' is "
+msgstr ""
+"L’image « %s » (%d) a une précision « %s », mais une image de précision "
+"« %s » est attendue"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:766
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image '%s' (%d) must not be of precision '%s'"
+msgstr "L’image « %s » (%d) ne doit pas être de précision « %s »"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:790 ../app/pdb/image-guides-cmds.c:179
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image '%s' (%d) does not contain guide with ID %d"
+msgstr "L’image « %s » (%d) ne contient pas de guide avec l’identificateur %d"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:813 ../app/pdb/image-sample-points-cmds.c:144
+#, c-format
+msgid "Image '%s' (%d) does not contain sample point with ID %d"
+msgstr ""
+"L’image « %s » (%d) ne contient pas de point d’échantillonnage avec "
+"l’identificateur %d"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb-utils.c:841
+#, c-format
+msgid "Vectors object %d does not contain stroke with ID %d"
+msgstr "L’objet vectoriel %d ne contient pas de tracé avec l’identificateur %d"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdb.c:412
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Procedure '%s' has been called with a wrong type for argument #%d. Expected "
+"%s, got %s."
+msgstr ""
+"La procédure « %s » a été appelée avec un type erroné pour le paramètre n°"
+"%d. %s attendu, %s obtenu."
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:101 ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:81
+msgid "Smooth edges"
+msgstr "Lisser les contours"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:107
+msgid "Feather"
+msgstr "Adoucir"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:114
+msgid "Feather radius X"
+msgstr "Rayon d’adoucissement X"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:121
+msgid "Feather radius Y"
+msgstr "Rayon d’adoucissement Y"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:135
+msgid "Sample criterion"
+msgstr "Critère d’échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:143
+msgid "Sample threshold"
+msgstr "Seuil d’échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:150
+msgid "Sample transparent"
+msgstr "Échantillonner le transparent"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:157 ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:141
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:104
+msgid "Diagonal neighbors"
+msgstr "Voisins diagonaux"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:164 ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:100
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:254 ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:120
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:338
+msgid "Interpolation"
+msgstr "Type d’interpolation"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:172
+msgid "Transform direction"
+msgstr "Sens de transformation"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:180
+msgid "Transform resize"
+msgstr "Redimensionner la transformation"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimppdbcontext.c:195
+msgid "Distance metric"
+msgstr "Métrique de distance"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:477 ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocframe.c:191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Procedure '%s' returned no return values"
+msgstr "La procédure « %s » n’a renvoyé aucune valeur"
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:753
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Procedure '%s' returned a wrong value type for return value '%s' (#%d). "
+"Expected %s, got %s."
+msgstr ""
+"La procédure « %s » a renvoyé un type erroné pour la valeur de retour "
+"« %s » (n°%d). %s attendu, %s obtenu."
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:765
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Procedure '%s' has been called with a wrong value type for argument '%s' (#"
+"%d). Expected %s, got %s."
+msgstr ""
+"La procédure « %s » a été appelée avec un type de valeur erroné pour le "
+"paramètre « %s » (n°%d). %s attendu, %s obtenu."
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:798
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Procedure '%s' returned an invalid ID for argument '%s'. Most likely a plug-"
+"in is trying to work on a layer that doesn't exist any longer."
+msgstr ""
+"La procédure « %s » a renvoyé un ID erroné pour le paramètre « %s ». Très "
+"probablement un greffon est en train d’essayer de travailler sur un calque "
+"qui n’existe plus."
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:811
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Procedure '%s' has been called with an invalid ID for argument '%s'. Most "
+"likely a plug-in is trying to work on a layer that doesn't exist any longer."
+msgstr ""
+"La procédure « %s » a été appelée avec un ID erroné pour le paramètre "
+"« %s ». Très probablement un greffon est en train d’essayer de travailler "
+"sur un calque qui n’existe plus."
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:828
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Procedure '%s' returned an invalid ID for argument '%s'. Most likely a plug-"
+"in is trying to work on an image that doesn't exist any longer."
+msgstr ""
+"La procédure « %s » a renvoyé un ID erroné pour le paramètre « %s ». Très "
+"probablement un greffon est en train d’essayer de travailler sur une image "
+"qui n’existe plus."
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:841
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Procedure '%s' has been called with an invalid ID for argument '%s'. Most "
+"likely a plug-in is trying to work on an image that doesn't exist any longer."
+msgstr ""
+"La procédure « %s » a été appelée avec un ID erroné pour le paramètre "
+"« %s ». Très probablement un greffon est en train d’essayer de travailler "
+"sur une image qui n’existe plus."
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:862
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Procedure '%s' returned '%s' as return value '%s' (#%d, type %s). This value "
+"is out of range."
+msgstr ""
+"La procédure « %s » a renvoyé « %s » comme retour de la valeur « %s » (n°%d, "
+"type %s). Cette valeur est hors limite."
+#: ../app/pdb/gimpprocedure.c:876
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Procedure '%s' has been called with value '%s' for argument '%s' (#%d, type "
+"%s). This value is out of range."
+msgstr ""
+"La procédure « %s » a été appelée avec la valeur « %s » pour le paramètre "
+"« %s » (n°%d, type %s). Cette valeur est hors limite."
+#: ../app/pdb/image-cmds.c:2569
+msgid ""
+"Image resolution is out of bounds, using the default resolution instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Le résolution de l’image est hors des limites, utilisation de la résolution "
+"par défaut à la place."
+#: ../app/pdb/image-select-cmds.c:302 ../app/pdb/selection-tools-cmds.c:223
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:105
+msgid "Free Select"
+msgstr "Sélection à main levée"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:270
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Bump Map"
+msgstr "Repoussage d’après une carte"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:342
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Displace"
+msgstr "Déplacer"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:376
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Gaussian Blur"
+msgstr "Flou gaussien"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:482
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Alien Map"
+msgstr "Psychédélique"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:519
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Antialias"
+msgstr "Lissage"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:562
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Apply Canvas"
+msgstr "Appliquer le canevas"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:622
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Apply Lens"
+msgstr "Appliquer la lentille"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:668
+msgid "Autocrop image"
+msgstr "Découpage automatique de l’image"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:730
+msgid "Autocrop layer"
+msgstr "Découpage automatique du calque"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:777
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Stretch Contrast HSV"
+msgstr "Réduire le contraste TSV"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:931
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Stretch Contrast"
+msgstr "Réduire le contraste"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:1010
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Channel Mixer"
+msgstr "Mixeur de canaux"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:1052
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Color to Alpha"
+msgstr "Couleur vers Alpha"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:1098
+#, c-format
+msgid "Array 'matrix' has only %d members, must have 25"
+msgstr "La « matrice » du tableau n’a que %d membres et doit en avoir 25"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:1106
+#, c-format
+msgid "Array 'channels' has only %d members, must have 5"
+msgstr "Les « canaux » du tableau n’ont que %d membres et doivent en avoir 5"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:1178
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Convolution Matrix"
+msgstr "Matrice de convolution"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:1240
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Cubism"
+msgstr "Cubisme"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:1285
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Deinterlace"
+msgstr "Désentrelacer"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:1364
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Diffraction Patterns"
+msgstr "Motifs de diffraction"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:1523
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Edge"
+msgstr "Bord"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:1567
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Engrave"
+msgstr "Graver"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:1640
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Color Exchange"
+msgstr "Échange des couleurs"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:1688
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Lens Flare"
+msgstr "Effet d’éblouissement"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:1872
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Glass Tile"
+msgstr "Carreaux de verre"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:1925
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Noise HSV"
+msgstr "Bruit TSV"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:2204 ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:2259
+msgid "Set color profile"
+msgstr "Définir un profil de couleur"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:2314
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Illusion"
+msgstr "Illusion"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:2351
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Laplace"
+msgstr "Laplace"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:2427
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Lens Distortion"
+msgstr "Distorsion de lentille"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:2467
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Tile Seamless"
+msgstr "Rendre raccordable"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:2534
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Maze"
+msgstr "Labyrinthe"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:2617 ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:2701
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Motion Blur"
+msgstr "Flou cinétique"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:2802
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Mosaic"
+msgstr "Mosaïque"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:2846
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Neon"
+msgstr "Néon"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:2934
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Newsprint"
+msgstr "Papier journal"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:2974
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Normalize"
+msgstr "Normaliser"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3036
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Supernova"
+msgstr "Supernova"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3080 ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3148
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Oilify"
+msgstr "Peinture à l’huile"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3238
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Paper Tile"
+msgstr "Morceaux de papier"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3279 ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3322
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Pixelize"
+msgstr "Pixéliser"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3373
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Plasma"
+msgstr "Plasma"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3427
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Polar Coordinates"
+msgstr "Coordonnées polaires"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3467
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Red Eye Removal"
+msgstr "Suppression des yeux rouges"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3520
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Random Hurl"
+msgstr "Jeter aléatoire"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3573
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Random Pick"
+msgstr "Piquer aléatoire"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3626
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Random Slur"
+msgstr "Mélange aléatoire"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3701
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "RGB Noise"
+msgstr "Brouillage RVB"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3771
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Ripple"
+msgstr "Onduler"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3896
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Noisify"
+msgstr "Créer du bruit"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3940
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Selective Gaussian Blur"
+msgstr "Flou gaussien sélectif"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:3984
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Semi-Flatten"
+msgstr "Aplatir à moitié"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:4027
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Shift"
+msgstr "Déplacer"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:4130
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Sinus"
+msgstr "Sinus"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:4178
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Sobel"
+msgstr "Sobel"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:4239
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Solid Noise"
+msgstr "Brouillage uni"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:4283
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Spread"
+msgstr "Éparpiller"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:4324
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Threshold Alpha"
+msgstr "Seuil Alpha"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:4370
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Sharpen (Unsharp Mask)"
+msgstr "Renforcer la netteté"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:4416
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Video"
+msgstr "Vidéo"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:4453
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Value Invert"
+msgstr "Inversion de la valeur"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:4560
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Value Propagate"
+msgstr "Propagation de valeur"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:4607
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Dilate"
+msgstr "Dilater"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:4654
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Erode"
+msgstr "Éroder"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:4717
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Waves"
+msgstr "Vagues"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:4765
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Whirl and Pinch"
+msgstr "Tourner et aspirer"
+#: ../app/pdb/plug-in-compat-cmds.c:4817
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Wind"
+msgstr "Vent"
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:95
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to create text layer"
+msgstr "La création d’un calque de texte a échoué"
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:168 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:278
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:357 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:430
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:502 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:574
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:646 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:718
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:790 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:860
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:932 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:1004
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:1076 ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:1118
+#: ../app/pdb/text-layer-cmds.c:1200
+msgid "Set text layer attribute"
+msgstr "Définir un attribut du calque de texte"
+#: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:328
+msgid "Remove path stroke"
+msgstr "Supprimer le tracé du chemin"
+#: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:365
+msgid "Close path stroke"
+msgstr "Fermer le tracé du chemin"
+#: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:410
+msgid "Translate path stroke"
+msgstr "Transférer le tracé du chemin"
+#: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:455
+msgid "Scale path stroke"
+msgstr "Modifier la taille du tracé de chemin"
+#: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:502
+msgid "Rotate path stroke"
+msgstr "Faire pivoter le tracé du chemin"
+#: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:547 ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:596
+msgid "Flip path stroke"
+msgstr "Retourner le tracé du chemin"
+#: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:727 ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:851
+#: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:1081
+msgid "Add path stroke"
+msgstr "Ajouter un tracé de chemin"
+#: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:905 ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:961
+#: ../app/pdb/vectors-cmds.c:1025
+msgid "Extend path stroke"
+msgstr "Étendre le tracé du chemin"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimpenvirontable.c:329
+#, c-format
+msgid "Empty variable name in environment file %s"
+msgstr "Nom de variable vide dans le fichier d’environnement %s"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimpenvirontable.c:348
+#, c-format
+msgid "Illegal variable name in environment file %s: %s"
+msgstr "Nom de variable illégal dans le fichier d’environnement %s : %s"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimpinterpreterdb.c:302
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimpinterpreterdb.c:399
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bad interpreter referenced in interpreter file %s: %s"
+msgstr "Interpréteur erroné indiqué dans le fichier d’interpréteur %s : %s"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimpinterpreterdb.c:371
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bad binary format string in interpreter file %s"
+msgstr "Format binaire erroné dans le fichier d’interpréteur %s"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimpplugin.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Plug-in crashed: \"%s\"\n"
+"The dying plug-in may have messed up GIMP's internal state. You may want to "
+"save your images and restart GIMP to be on the safe side."
+msgstr ""
+"Le greffon s’est arrêté brutalement : « %s »\n"
+"Le greffon a peut-être endommagé l’état interne de GIMP. Vous devriez "
+"enregistrer vos images et redémarrer GIMP pour être certain de sa stabilité."
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimpplugin-message.c:486
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Calling error for procedure '%s':\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur d’appel pour la procédure « %s » :\n"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimpplugin-message.c:495
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Execution error for procedure '%s':\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur d’exécution pour la procédure « %s » :\n"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimpplugin-progress.c:334
+msgid "Cancelled"
+msgstr "Annulé"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager.c:240
+msgid "Plug-in Interpreters"
+msgstr "Interpréteurs de greffons"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager.c:246
+msgid "Plug-in Environment"
+msgstr "Environnement du greffon"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-call.c:185
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-call.c:245
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-call.c:343
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to run plug-in \"%s\""
+msgstr "Le lancement du greffon « %s » a échoué"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-file-procedure.c:208
+msgid "Unknown file type"
+msgstr "Type de fichier inconnu"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-restore.c:230
+msgid "Searching plug-ins"
+msgstr "Recherche de greffons"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-restore.c:395
+msgid "Resource configuration"
+msgstr "Configuration des ressources"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-restore.c:431
+msgid "Querying new Plug-ins"
+msgstr "Interrogation des nouveaux greffons"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-restore.c:482
+msgid "Initializing Plug-ins"
+msgstr "Initialisation des greffons"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginmanager-restore.c:555
+msgid "Starting Extensions"
+msgstr "Démarrage des extensions"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:1017
+msgid "RGB without alpha"
+msgstr "RVB sans alpha"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:1021
+msgid "RGB with alpha"
+msgstr "RVB avec alpha"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:1035
+msgid "Grayscale without alpha"
+msgstr "Niveaux de gris sans alpha"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:1039
+msgid "Grayscale with alpha"
+msgstr "Niveaux de gris avec alpha"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:1053
+msgid "Indexed without alpha"
+msgstr "Couleurs indexées sans alpha"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:1057
+msgid "Indexed with alpha"
+msgstr "Couleurs indexées avec alpha"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:1071
+msgid "This plug-in only works on the following layer types:"
+msgstr "Ce greffon ne fonctionne que pour les types de calques suivants :"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:1274
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Calling error for '%s':\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur d’appel pour « %s » :\n"
+#: ../app/plug-in/gimppluginprocedure.c:1286
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Execution error for '%s':\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur d’exécution « %s » :\n"
+#: ../app/plug-in/plug-in-rc.c:237
+#, c-format
+msgid "Skipping '%s': wrong GIMP protocol version."
+msgstr "Ignore « %s » : version de protocole GIMP erronée."
+#: ../app/plug-in/plug-in-rc.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "Skipping '%s': wrong pluginrc file format version."
+msgstr "Ignore « %s » : version de format du fichier pluginrc erronée."
+#: ../app/plug-in/plug-in-rc.c:547
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid value '%s' for icon type"
+msgstr "Valeur « %s » non valide pour le type d’icône"
+#: ../app/plug-in/plug-in-rc.c:562
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid value '%ld' for icon type"
+msgstr "Valeur « %ld » non valide pour le type d’icône"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-channel-mixer.c:63
+msgid "Red channel"
+msgstr "Canal rouge"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-channel-mixer.c:87
+msgid "Green channel"
+msgstr "Canal vert"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-channel-mixer.c:111
+msgid "Blue channel"
+msgstr "Canal bleu"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-balance.c:98
+msgid "Select Range to Adjust"
+msgstr "Choisir l’intervalle à ajuster"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-balance.c:103
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:252
+msgid "Adjust Color Levels"
+msgstr "Ajuster les niveaux de couleur"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-balance.c:119
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:138
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-newsprint.c:95
+msgid "Cyan"
+msgstr "Cyan"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-balance.c:119
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:135
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-newsprint.c:94
+msgid "Red"
+msgstr "Rouge"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-balance.c:123
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:140
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-newsprint.c:95
+msgid "Magenta"
+msgstr "Magenta"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-balance.c:123
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:137
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-newsprint.c:94
+msgid "Green"
+msgstr "Vert"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-balance.c:127
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:136
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-newsprint.c:95
+msgid "Yellow"
+msgstr "Jaune"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-balance.c:127
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:139
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-newsprint.c:94
+msgid "Blue"
+msgstr "Bleu"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-balance.c:134
+msgid "R_eset Range"
+msgstr "Ré_initialiser l’intervalle"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-balance.c:144
+msgid "Preserve _luminosity"
+msgstr "Préserver la _luminosité"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-rotate.c:126
+msgid "Clockwise"
+msgstr "Sens horaire"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-rotate.c:130
+msgid "Invert Range"
+msgstr "Inverser l’intervalle"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-rotate.c:134
+msgid "Select All"
+msgstr "Tout sélectionner"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-rotate.c:214
+msgid "Source Range"
+msgstr "Intervalle source"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-rotate.c:225
+msgid "Destination Range"
+msgstr "Intervalle de destination"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-rotate.c:236
+msgid "Gray Handling"
+msgstr "Poignée grise"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-to-alpha.c:109
+msgid "Pick farthest full-transparency color"
+msgstr "Prélever la couleur en pleine transparence la plus éloignée"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-color-to-alpha.c:131
+msgid "Pick nearest full-opacity color"
+msgstr "Prélever la couleur en pleine transparence la plus proche"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-convolution-matrix.c:202
+msgid "Rotate matrix 90° counter-clockwise"
+msgstr "Rotation de matrice 90° sens anti-horaire"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-convolution-matrix.c:208
+msgid "Rotate matrix 90° clockwise"
+msgstr "Rotation de matrice 90° sens horaire"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-convolution-matrix.c:214
+msgid "Flip matrix horizontally"
+msgstr "Miroir horizontal de la matrice"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-convolution-matrix.c:220
+msgid "Flip matrix vertically"
+msgstr "Miroir vertical de la matrice"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-diffraction-patterns.c:68
+msgid "Frequencies"
+msgstr "Fréquences"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-diffraction-patterns.c:79
+msgid "Contours"
+msgstr "Contours"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-diffraction-patterns.c:90
+msgid "Sharp Edges"
+msgstr "Augmenter la netteté"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-diffraction-patterns.c:101
+msgid "Other Options"
+msgstr "Options d’estompement"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-focus-blur.c:199
+msgid "Geometry Options"
+msgstr "Options de géométrie"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-focus-blur.c:226
+msgid "Focus Blur: "
+msgstr "Flou de diaphragme :"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-generic.c:187
+msgid "Pick coordinates from the image"
+msgstr "Relever les coordonnées dans l’image"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:134Flou
+msgid "M_aster"
+msgstr "_Maître"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:134
+msgid "Adjust all colors"
+msgstr "Ajuster toutes les couleurs"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:135
+msgid "_R"
+msgstr "_R"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:136
+msgid "_Y"
+msgstr "_J"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:137
+msgid "_G"
+msgstr "_V"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:138
+msgid "_C"
+msgstr "_C"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:139
+msgid "_B"
+msgstr "_B"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:140
+msgid "_M"
+msgstr "_M"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:150
+msgid "Select Primary Color to Adjust"
+msgstr "Sélectionner la couleur primaire à ajuster"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:236
+msgid "_Overlap"
+msgstr "_Superposition"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:241
+msgid "Adjust Selected Color"
+msgstr "Ajuster la couleur sélectionnée"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:251
+msgid "_Hue"
+msgstr "_Teinte"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:258
+msgid "_Lightness"
+msgstr "_Luminosité"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:265
+msgid "_Saturation"
+msgstr "_Saturation"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-hue-saturation.c:274
+msgid "R_eset Color"
+msgstr "Ré_initialiser la couleur"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-motion-blur-circular.c:132
+msgid "Circular Motion Blur: "
+msgstr "Flou cinétique circulaire : "
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-motion-blur-linear.c:126
+msgid "Linear Motion Blur: "
+msgstr "Flou cinétique linéaire : "
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-motion-blur-zoom.c:127
+msgid "Zoom Motion Blur: "
+msgstr "Flou cinétique de zoom : "
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-newsprint.c:92
+msgid "White"
+msgstr "Blanc"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-newsprint.c:93
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-newsprint.c:95
+msgid "Black"
+msgstr "Noir"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-newsprint.c:236
+msgid "_Lock patterns"
+msgstr "_Verrouiller les motifs"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-newsprint.c:245
+msgid "Loc_k periods"
+msgstr "Verrouiller les _périodes"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-newsprint.c:254
+msgid "Lock a_ngles"
+msgstr "Verrouiller les a_ngles"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-newsprint.c:276
+msgid "Effects"
+msgstr "Effets"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-panorama-projection.c:125
+msgid "Panorama Projection: "
+msgstr "Projection panoramique : "
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-recursive-transform.c:259
+msgid "Add transform"
+msgstr "Ajouter la transformation"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-recursive-transform.c:277
+msgid "Duplicate transform"
+msgstr "Dupliquer la transformation"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-recursive-transform.c:295
+msgid "Remove transform"
+msgstr "Supprimer la transformation"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-recursive-transform.c:315
+msgid "Recursive Transform: "
+msgstr "Transformation récursive : "
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-shadows-highlights.c:62
+msgid "Shadows"
+msgstr "Tons sombres"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-shadows-highlights.c:80
+msgid "Highlights"
+msgstr "Tons clairs"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-shadows-highlights.c:98
+msgid "Common"
+msgstr "Commun"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-spiral.c:220
+msgid "Spiral: "
+msgstr "Spirale : "
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-supernova.c:125
+msgid "Supernova: "
+msgstr "Supernova : "
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:71
+msgid "1,700 K – Match flame"
+msgstr "1,700 K - Flamme d’allumette"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:72
+msgid "1,850 K – Candle flame, sunset/sunrise"
+msgstr "1,850 K - Flamme de bougie, lever / coucher du soleil"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:73
+msgid "2,700 K - Soft (or warm) LED lamps"
+msgstr "2,700 K - Lampes LED douces (ou chaudes)"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:74
+msgid "3,000 K – Soft (or warm) white compact fluorescent lamps"
+msgstr ""
+"3,000 K - Lampes fluorescentes blanches compactes, lumière douce (ou chaude)"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:75
+msgid "3,200 K – Studio lamps, photofloods, etc."
+msgstr "3,200 K - Lampes de studio, photofloods, etc."
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:76
+msgid "3,300 K – Incandescent lamps"
+msgstr "3,300 K - Lampes à incandescence"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:77
+msgid "3,350 K – Studio \"CP\" light"
+msgstr "3,500 K - Lumière « CP » de studio"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:78
+msgid "4,000 K - Cold (daylight) LED lamps"
+msgstr "4,000 K - Lampes LED froides (lumière du jour)"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:79
+msgid "4,100 K – Moonlight"
+msgstr "4,100 K - Clair de lune"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:80
+msgid "5,000 K – D50"
+msgstr "5,000 K – D50"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:81
+msgid "5,000 K – Cool white/daylight compact fluorescent lamps"
+msgstr "5,000 K - Lampes fluorescentes compactes blanc froid / lumière du jour"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:82
+msgid "5,000 K – Horizon daylight"
+msgstr "5,000 K - Lumière du jour horizontale"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:83
+msgid "5,500 K – D55"
+msgstr "5,500 K - D55"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:84
+msgid "5,500 K – Vertical daylight, electronic flash"
+msgstr "5,500 K - Lumière du jour verticale, flash électronique"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:85
+msgid "6,200 K – Xenon short-arc lamp"
+msgstr "6,200 K - Lampe à arc court au xénon"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:86
+msgid "6,500 K – D65"
+msgstr "6,500 K - D65"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:87
+msgid "6,500 K – Daylight, overcast"
+msgstr "6,500 K - Lumière du jour, ciel couvert"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:88
+msgid "7,500 K – D75"
+msgstr "7,500 K - D75"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:89
+msgid "9,300 K"
+msgstr "9,300 K"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:104
+msgid "Choose from a list of common color temperatures"
+msgstr "Choisissez parmi une liste de températures de couleurs communes"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-utils.c:155
+msgid "New Seed"
+msgstr "Nouveau germe"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui-vignette.c:183
+msgid "Vignette: "
+msgstr "Médaillon : "
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui.c:393
+msgid "Pick color from the image"
+msgstr "Prélever une couleur dans l’image"
+#: ../app/propgui/gimppropgui.c:549
+msgid "This operation has no editable properties"
+msgstr "Cette opération n’a pas de propriétés modifiables"
+#. This is a so-called pangram; it's supposed to
+#. contain all characters found in the alphabet.
+#: ../app/text/gimpfont.c:50
+msgid ""
+"Pack my box with\n"
+"five dozen liquor jugs."
+msgstr ""
+"Portez ce vieux whisky\n"
+"au juge blond qui fume."
+#: ../app/text/gimpfontfactory.c:399
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Some fonts failed to load:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Certaines polices n’ont pas pu être chargées :\n"
+#: ../app/text/gimptext-compat.c:110 ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1635
+msgid "Add Text Layer"
+msgstr "Ajouter un calque de texte"
+#: ../app/text/gimptext-parasite.c:101
+msgid "Empty text parasite"
+msgstr "Parasite de texte vide"
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:155
+msgid "Text Layer"
+msgstr "Calque de texte"
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:156
+msgid "Rename Text Layer"
+msgstr "Renommer le calque de texte"
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:157
+msgid "Move Text Layer"
+msgstr "Déplacer le calque de texte"
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:158
+msgid "Scale Text Layer"
+msgstr "Échelle et taille du calque de texte"
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:159
+msgid "Resize Text Layer"
+msgstr "Redimensionner le calque de texte"
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:160
+msgid "Flip Text Layer"
+msgstr "Retourner le calque de texte"
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:161
+msgid "Rotate Text Layer"
+msgstr "Rotation du calque de texte"
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:162
+msgid "Transform Text Layer"
+msgstr "Transformation du calque de texte"
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:576
+msgid "Discard Text Information"
+msgstr "Abandonner le texte d’information"
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:711
+msgid "Due to lack of any fonts, text functionality is not available."
+msgstr ""
+"À cause de l’absence de polices de caractères, la fonction texte n’est pas "
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:774
+msgid "Empty Text Layer"
+msgstr "Calque de texte vide"
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer.c:827
+msgid ""
+"Your text cannot be rendered. It is likely too big. Please make it shorter "
+"or use a smaller font."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de présenter votre texte. Il est probablement trop grand. "
+"Réduisez-le ou utilisez une police plus petite."
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayer-xcf.c:78
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Problems parsing the text parasite for layer '%s':\n"
+"Some text properties may be wrong. Unless you want to edit the text layer, "
+"you don't need to worry about this."
+msgstr ""
+"Des problèmes sont apparus en interprétant le texte parasite du calque "
+"« %s » :\n"
+"Quelques propriétés du texte sont peut être erronées. Tant que vous ne "
+"souhaitez pas modifier le texte, vous n’avez pas à vous en soucier."
+#: ../app/text/gimptextlayout.c:585
+msgid ""
+"The new text layout cannot be generated. Most likely the font size is too "
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de générer la nouvelle présentation du texte. La taille de la "
+"police est probablement trop grande."
+#: ../app/text/text-enums.c:23
+msgctxt "text-box-mode"
+msgid "Dynamic"
+msgstr "Dynamique"
+#: ../app/text/text-enums.c:24
+msgctxt "text-box-mode"
+msgid "Fixed"
+msgstr "Fixé"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpairbrushtool.c:68
+msgid "Airbrush Tool: Paint using a brush, with variable pressure"
+msgstr "Outil aérographe : peint à pression variable en utilisant une brosse"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpairbrushtool.c:69
+msgid "_Airbrush"
+msgstr "_Aérographe"
+# Présence justifiée du caractère « : » dans la traduction.
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:92 ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:291
+msgid "Relative to"
+msgstr "Relatif à :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:93
+msgid "Reference image object a layer will be aligned on"
+msgstr "Objet référence de l’image sur lequel un calque s’alignera"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:101
+msgid "Horizontal offset for distribution"
+msgstr "Décalage horizontal pour la distribution"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:108
+msgid "Vertical offset for distribution"
+msgstr "Décalage vertical pour la distribution"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:282
+msgid "Align"
+msgstr "Alignement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:302
+msgid "Align left edge of target"
+msgstr "Aligner le bord gauche de la cible"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:306
+msgid "Align center of target"
+msgstr "Aligner le centre de la cible"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:310
+msgid "Align right edge of target"
+msgstr "Aligner le bord droit de la cible"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:318
+msgid "Align top edge of target"
+msgstr "Aligner le bord supérieur de la cible"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:322
+msgid "Align middle of target"
+msgstr "Aligner le milieu de la cible"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:326
+msgid "Align bottom of target"
+msgstr "Aligner le bord inférieur de la cible"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:328
+msgid "Distribute"
+msgstr "Répartition"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:342
+msgid "Distribute left edges of targets"
+msgstr "Répartir à gauche les bords des cibles"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:346
+msgid "Distribute horizontal centers of targets"
+msgstr "Répartir horizontalement les centres des cibles"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:350
+msgid "Distribute right edges of targets"
+msgstr "Répartir à droite les bords des cibles"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:354
+msgid "Distribute targets evenly in the horizontal"
+msgstr "Distribuer les cibles de façon égale dans l’horizontale"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:362
+msgid "Distribute top edges of targets"
+msgstr "Répartir en haut les bords des cibles"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:366
+msgid "Distribute vertical centers of targets"
+msgstr "Répartir verticalement les centres des cibles"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:370
+msgid "Distribute bottoms of targets"
+msgstr "Répartir en bas les cibles"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpalignoptions.c:374
+msgid "Distribute targets evenly in the vertical"
+msgstr "Distribuer les cibles de façon égale dans la verticale"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:124
+msgid "Alignment Tool: Align or arrange layers and other objects"
+msgstr "Outil d’alignement : aligne ou arrange des calques ou d’autres objets"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:125
+msgid "_Align"
+msgstr "_Alignement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:541
+msgid "Click on a layer, path or guide, or Click-Drag to pick several layers"
+msgstr ""
+"Cliquez sur le calque, le chemin ou le guide, ou cliquez-glissez pour "
+"sélectionner plusieurs calques"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:549
+msgid "Click to pick this layer as first item"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour sélectionner ce calque comme premier élément"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:556
+msgid "Click to add this layer to the list"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour ajouter ce calque à la liste"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:560
+msgid "Click to pick this guide as first item"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour sélectionner ce guide comme premier élément"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:567
+msgid "Click to add this guide to the list"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour ajouter ce guide à la liste"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:571
+msgid "Click to pick this path as first item"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour sélectionner ce chemin comme premier élément"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpaligntool.c:578
+msgid "Click to add this path to the list"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour ajouter ce chemin à la liste"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbrightnesscontrasttool.c:97
+msgid "Brightness-Contrast"
+msgstr "Luminosité-Contraste"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbrightnesscontrasttool.c:99
+msgid "B_rightness-Contrast..."
+msgstr "_Luminosité-Contraste…"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbrightnesscontrasttool.c:161
+msgid "Adjust Brightness and Contrast"
+msgstr "Ajuster la luminosité et le contraste"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbrightnesscontrasttool.c:277
+msgid "_Brightness"
+msgstr "_Luminosité"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbrightnesscontrasttool.c:285
+msgid "_Contrast"
+msgstr "Con_traste"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbrightnesscontrasttool.c:292
+msgid "Edit these Settings as Levels"
+msgstr "Changer ces paramètres en niveaux"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:118
+msgid "Fill selection"
+msgstr "Remplir la sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:119
+msgid "Which area will be filled"
+msgstr "La zone qui sera remplie"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:126
+msgid "Fill transparent areas"
+msgstr "Remplir les régions transparentes"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:127
+msgid "Allow completely transparent regions to be filled"
+msgstr "Permet aux régions complètement transparentes d’être remplies"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:135
+msgid "Base filled area on all visible layers"
+msgstr "Région remplie de base sur tous les calques visibles"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:142
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:105
+msgid "Treat diagonally neighboring pixels as connected"
+msgstr "Traiter les pixels diagonalement voisins comme connectés"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:150
+msgid ""
+"Base fill opacity on color difference from the clicked pixel (see threshold) "
+"or on line art borders. Disable antialiasing to fill the entire area "
+msgstr ""
+"Fonder l’opacité de remplissage sur la différence de couleur avec le pixel "
+"cliqué (voir le seuil) ou sur les bords du dessin au trait. Désactiver le "
+"lissage pour remplir toute la zone uniformément."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:173
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:121
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:112
+#: ../app/tools/gimpthresholdtool.c:93
+msgid "Threshold"
+msgstr "Seuil"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:174
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:113
+msgid "Maximum color difference"
+msgstr "Différence maximale de couleur"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:181
+msgid "Source image for line art computation"
+msgstr "Image source pour le calcul du dessin au trait"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:202
+msgid "Maximum gap length"
+msgstr "Longueur d’intervalle maximale"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:203
+msgid "Maximum gap (in pixels) in line art which can be closed"
+msgstr ""
+"Intervalle maximal (en pixels) pouvant être clos dans le dessin au trait"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:209
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:470
+msgid "Fill by"
+msgstr "Remplir via"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:210
+msgid "Criterion used for determining color similarity"
+msgstr "Critère utilisé pour déterminer la similarité des couleurs"
+#. fill type
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:407
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fill Type (%s)"
+msgstr "Type de remplissage (%s)"
+#. fill selection
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:422
+#, c-format
+msgid "Affected Area (%s)"
+msgstr "Région affectée (%s)"
+#. Similar color frame
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:431
+msgid "Finding Similar Colors"
+msgstr "Recherche de couleurs similaires"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:485
+msgid "Line Art Detection"
+msgstr "Détection de dessin au trait"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilloptions.c:495
+msgid "(computing...)"
+msgstr "(calcul…)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:167
+msgid "Bucket Fill"
+msgstr "Remplissage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:168
+msgid "Bucket Fill Tool: Fill selected area with a color or pattern"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de remplissage : remplit la région sélectionnée avec une couleur ou un "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:169
+msgid "_Bucket Fill"
+msgstr "_Remplissage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:344
+msgid "Bucket fill"
+msgstr "Remplissage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:562 ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:244
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:312
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:295
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool.c:271 ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:328
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:695 ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:794
+msgid "The active layer is not visible."
+msgstr "Le calque actif n’est pas visible."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:578
+msgid "No valid line art source selected."
+msgstr "Aucune source valide de dessin au trait sélectionnée."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:761 ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:894
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:270 ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:468
+msgid "Click in any image to pick the background color"
+msgstr ""
+"Cliquez dans n’importe quelle image pour prélever la couleur de l’arrière-"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:768 ../app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c:903
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:262 ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:462
+msgid "Click in any image to pick the foreground color"
+msgstr ""
+"Cliquez dans n’importe quelle image pour prélever la couleur de premier plan"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbycolorselecttool.c:67
+msgid "Select by Color"
+msgstr "Sélection par couleur"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbycolorselecttool.c:68
+msgid "Select by Color Tool: Select regions with similar colors"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de sélection par couleur : sélectionne des régions de couleurs "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbycolorselecttool.c:69
+msgid "_By Color Select"
+msgstr "Sélection par co_uleur"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpbycolorselecttool.c:82
+msgctxt "command"
+msgid "Select by Color"
+msgstr "Sélection par couleur"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcageoptions.c:77
+msgid ""
+"Fill the original position\n"
+"of the cage with a color"
+msgstr ""
+"Remplir la position initiale\n"
+"de la cage avec une couleur unie"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:162 ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:1235
+msgid "Cage Transform"
+msgstr "Transformation par cage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:163
+msgid "Cage Transform: Deform a selection with a cage"
+msgstr "Transformation par cage : déformation d’une sélection avec une cage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:164
+msgid "_Cage Transform"
+msgstr "Transformation par ca_ge"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:744 ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:389
+msgid "Press ENTER to commit the transform"
+msgstr "Appuyez sur ENTRÉE pour réaliser la transformation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:1145
+msgid "Computing Cage Coefficients"
+msgstr "Calcul des coefficients de la cage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcagetool.c:1278
+msgid "Cage transform"
+msgstr "Transformation par cage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:63
+msgid "Clone Tool: Selectively copy from an image or pattern, using a brush"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de clonage : recopie sélectivement un motif ou une portion d’une image "
+"en utilisant une brosse"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:64
+msgid "_Clone"
+msgstr "C_lonage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:90 ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:93
+msgid "Click to clone"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour cloner"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:91 ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:96
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s to set a new clone source"
+msgstr "%s pour donner une nouvelle source au clonage"
+#. Translators: the translation of "Click" must be the first word
+#: ../app/tools/gimpclonetool.c:95
+msgid "Click to set a new clone source"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour donner une nouvelle source au clonage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcoloroptions.c:70
+msgid "Use merged color value from all composited visible layers"
+msgstr ""
+"Utilise la valeur de couleur fusionnée à partir de tous les calques visibles "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcoloroptions.c:77 ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:71
+msgid "Sample average"
+msgstr "Moyenne du voisinage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcoloroptions.c:78 ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:72
+msgid "Use averaged color value from nearby pixels"
+msgstr "Utilise la valeur de couleur moyenne des pixels environnants"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcoloroptions.c:86
+msgid "Color Picker Average Radius"
+msgstr "Rayon moyen de la pipette à couleurs"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:79
+msgid "Pick Target"
+msgstr "Cible de la pipette"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:80
+msgid "Choose what the color picker will do"
+msgstr "Choisir ce que fera la pipette à couleurs"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:87
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasureoptions.c:79
+msgid "Use info window"
+msgstr "Utiliser la fenêtre d’informations"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:88
+msgid ""
+"Open a floating dialog to view picked color values in various color models"
+msgstr ""
+"Ouvrir une fenêtre pour visualiser, dans différents modèles de couleurs, les "
+"valeurs des couleurs prélevées"
+#. the pick FG/BG frame
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pick Target (%s)"
+msgstr "Cible de prélèvement (%s)"
+#. the use_info_window toggle button
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickeroptions.c:204
+#, c-format
+msgid "Use info window (%s)"
+msgstr "Utiliser la fenêtre d’informations (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:108
+msgid "Color Picker"
+msgstr "Pipette à couleurs"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:109
+msgid "Color Picker Tool: Set colors from image pixels"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil pipette à couleurs : définir les couleurs d’après les pixels de l’image"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:110
+msgid "C_olor Picker"
+msgstr "P_ipette à couleurs"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:255
+msgid "Click in any image to view its color"
+msgstr "Cliquez dans n’importe quelle image pour afficher sa couleur"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:278
+msgid "Click in any image to add the color to the palette"
+msgstr ""
+"Cliquez dans n’importe quelle image pour ajouter la couleur à la palette"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcolorpickertool.c:345
+msgid "Color Picker Information"
+msgstr "Information de la Pipette à couleurs"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:74
+msgid "Blur / Sharpen"
+msgstr "Flou / Netteté"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:75
+msgid "Blur / Sharpen Tool: Selective blurring or unblurring using a brush"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de flou et de netteté : enlève ou ajoute du flou sélectivement en "
+"utilisant une brosse"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:76
+msgid "Bl_ur / Sharpen"
+msgstr "_Flou / Netteté"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:181
+msgid "Click to blur"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour rendre flou"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:182
+msgid "Click to blur the line"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour rendre la ligne floue"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:183
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s to sharpen"
+msgstr "%s pour accentuer la netteté"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:187
+msgid "Click to sharpen"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour accentuer la netteté"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:188
+msgid "Click to sharpen the line"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour accentuer la netteté de la ligne"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:189
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s to blur"
+msgstr "%s pour rendre flou"
+#. the type radio box
+#: ../app/tools/gimpconvolvetool.c:213
+#, c-format
+msgid "Convolve Type (%s)"
+msgstr "Type de convolution (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:79
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselectoptions.c:79
+msgid "Highlight"
+msgstr "Mise en évidence"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:80
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselectoptions.c:80
+msgid "Dim everything outside selection"
+msgstr "Obscurcir tout ce qui est en dehors de la sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:87
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselectoptions.c:87
+msgid "Highlight opacity"
+msgstr "Opacité de mise en évidence"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:88
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselectoptions.c:88
+msgid "How much to dim everything outside selection"
+msgstr ""
+"Importance de l’obscurcissement de tout ce qui est en dehors de la sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:94
+msgid "Current layer only"
+msgstr "Calque actuel seulement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:95
+msgid "Crop only currently selected layer"
+msgstr "Ne découpe que le calque sélectionné"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:101
+msgid "Delete cropped pixels"
+msgstr "Supprimer les pixels découpés"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:102
+msgid "Discard non-locked layer data that falls out of the crop region"
+msgstr ""
+"Abandonner les données de couche non verrouillée qui se trouvent en dehors "
+"de la région découpée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:108
+msgid "Allow growing"
+msgstr "Autoriser l’agrandissement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:109
+msgid "Allow resizing canvas by dragging cropping frame beyond image boundary"
+msgstr ""
+"Permet de redimensionner le canevas au-delà des limites de l’image, en "
+"faisant glisser le cadre de découpage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:116 ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:226
+msgid "Fill with"
+msgstr "Remplir avec"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcropoptions.c:117
+msgid "How to fill new areas created by 'Allow growing'"
+msgstr ""
+"Comment remplir les nouvelles zones créées par « Autoriser l’agrandissement »"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:119
+msgid "Crop"
+msgstr "Découpage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:120
+msgid "Crop Tool: Remove edge areas from image or layer"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de découpage : supprime les régions en bordure d’une image ou d’un "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:121
+msgid "_Crop"
+msgstr "Déc_oupage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:159
+msgid "Click-Drag to draw a crop rectangle"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour créer un rectangle de découpage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:279
+msgid "Click or press Enter to crop"
+msgstr "Cliquez ou appuyez sur Entrée pour découper"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:386
+msgid "Crop to: "
+msgstr "Rogner jusqu’à : "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcroptool.c:454
+msgid "There is no active layer to crop."
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de calque actif à découper."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:154
+msgid "Curves"
+msgstr "Courbes"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:156
+msgid "_Curves..."
+msgstr "C_ourbes…"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:395
+msgid "Click to add a control point"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour ajouter un point de contrôle"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:400
+msgid "Click to add control points to all channels"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour ajouter des points de contrôle à tous les canaux"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:405
+msgid "Click to locate on curve"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour localiser sur la courbe"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:407
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: add control point"
+msgstr "%s : ajouter un point de contrôle"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:408
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: add control points to all channels"
+msgstr "%s : ajouter des points de contrôle à tous les canaux"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:425
+msgid "Adjust Color Curves"
+msgstr "Ajuster les courbes de couleur"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:470 ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:350
+#: ../app/tools/gimpthresholdtool.c:230
+msgid "Cha_nnel:"
+msgstr "Ca_nal :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:502 ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:380
+msgid "R_eset Channel"
+msgstr "Ré_initialiser le canal"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:522
+msgid "Adjust curves in linear light"
+msgstr "Ajuster les courbes en lumière linéaire"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:523
+msgid "Adjust curves perceptually"
+msgstr "Ajuster les courbes perceptuellement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:618
+msgid "_Input:"
+msgstr "_Entrée :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:632
+msgid "O_utput:"
+msgstr "_Sortie :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:646
+msgid "T_ype:"
+msgstr "T_ype :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:665 ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:461
+msgid "Curve _type:"
+msgstr "_Type de courbe :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:751 ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:746
+msgid "Could not read header: "
+msgstr "Impossible de lire l’en-tête : "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpcurvestool.c:825
+msgid "Use _old curves file format"
+msgstr "Utiliser le format de fichier avec _anciennes courbes"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:74
+msgid "Dodge / Burn"
+msgstr "Éclaircir / Assombrir"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:75
+msgid "Dodge / Burn Tool: Selectively lighten or darken using a brush"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil d’éclaircissement et d’assombrissement : noircit ou éclaircit "
+"sélectivement en utilisant une brosse"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:76
+msgid "Dod_ge / Burn"
+msgstr "Éclaircir / A_ssombrir"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:188
+msgid "Click to dodge"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour éclaircir"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:189
+msgid "Click to dodge the line"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour éclaircir la ligne"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:190
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s to burn"
+msgstr "%s pour assombrir"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:194
+msgid "Click to burn"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour assombrir"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:195
+msgid "Click to burn the line"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour assombrir la ligne"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s to dodge"
+msgstr "%s pour éclaircir"
+#. the type (dodge or burn)
+#: ../app/tools/gimpdodgeburntool.c:220
+#, c-format
+msgid "Type (%s)"
+msgstr "Type (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:439
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:621
+msgid "Move: "
+msgstr "Déplacement : "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:877
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:1206
+msgid "Move Floating Selection"
+msgstr "Déplacer la sélection flottante"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:1118 ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:281
+msgid "There is no path to move."
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de chemin à déplacer."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:1122 ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:285
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:733
+msgid "The active path's position is locked."
+msgstr "La position du chemin actif est verrouillée."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:1133 ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:317
+msgid "There is no layer to move."
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de calque à déplacer."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:1141
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:1167
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:1176 ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:324
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:342
+msgid "The active layer's position is locked."
+msgstr "La position du calque actif est verrouillée."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:1154 ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:333
+msgid "The active channel's position is locked."
+msgstr "La position du chemin actif est verrouillée."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpeditselectiontool.c:1158 ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:335
+msgid "The active channel's pixels are locked."
+msgstr "Les pixels du canal actif sont verrouillés."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpellipseselecttool.c:64
+msgid "Ellipse Select"
+msgstr "Sélection elliptique"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpellipseselecttool.c:65
+msgid "Ellipse Select Tool: Select an elliptical region"
+msgstr "Outil de sélection elliptique : sélectionne des régions elliptiques"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpellipseselecttool.c:66
+msgid "_Ellipse Select"
+msgstr "Sélection _elliptique"
+#: ../app/tools/gimperasertool.c:72
+msgid "Eraser Tool: Erase to background or transparency using a brush"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil gomme : efface vers un fond ou de la transparence en utilisant une "
+#: ../app/tools/gimperasertool.c:73
+msgid "_Eraser"
+msgstr "_Gomme"
+#: ../app/tools/gimperasertool.c:105
+msgid "Click to erase"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour effacer"
+#: ../app/tools/gimperasertool.c:106
+msgid "Click to erase the line"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour effacer la ligne"
+#: ../app/tools/gimperasertool.c:107
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s to pick a background color"
+msgstr "%s pour prélever une couleur d’arrière-plan"
+#. the anti_erase toggle
+#: ../app/tools/gimperasertool.c:166
+#, c-format
+msgid "Anti erase (%s)"
+msgstr "Anti-effacement (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfilteroptions.c:71
+msgid "_Preview"
+msgstr "A_perçu"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfilteroptions.c:78
+msgid "Split _view"
+msgstr "Diviser la _vue"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfilteroptions.c:101
+msgid "On-canvas con_trols"
+msgstr "Con_trôles sur canevas"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfilteroptions.c:102
+msgid "Show on-canvas filter controls"
+msgstr "Afficher les contrôles de filtre sur canevas"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:627
+msgid "Click to switch the original and filtered sides"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour basculer entre les côtés originaux et filtrés"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:631
+msgid "Click to switch between vertical and horizontal"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour basculer entre vertical et horizontal"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:635
+msgid "Click to move the split guide"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour déplacer le guide de division"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:637
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: switch original and filtered"
+msgstr "%s : basculer original et filtré"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:638
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: switch horizontal and vertical"
+msgstr "%s : basculer horizontal et vertical"
+#. The blending-options expander
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:1104
+msgid "Blending Options"
+msgstr "Options de dégradé"
+#. The Color Options expander
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:1143
+msgid "Advanced Color Options"
+msgstr "Options de couleur avancées"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:1167
+msgid "Convert pixels to built-in sRGB to apply filter (slow)"
+msgstr ""
+"Convertir les pixels en sRVB intégré en vue d’appliquer le filtre (lent)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:1168
+msgid "Assume pixels are built-in sRGB (ignore actual image color space)"
+msgstr ""
+"Supposer que les pixels sont en sRVB intégré (ignorer l’espace de couleur "
+"effectif de l’image)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:1549 ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool-settings.c:71
+#, c-format
+msgid "Import '%s' Settings"
+msgstr "Importer des paramètres de « %s »"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool.c:1551 ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool-settings.c:73
+#, c-format
+msgid "Export '%s' Settings"
+msgstr "Exporter les paramètres de « %s »"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool-settings.c:100
+msgid "Pre_sets:"
+msgstr "Pré_réglages :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfiltertool-settings.c:248
+#, c-format
+msgid "Settings saved to '%s'"
+msgstr "Paramètres enregistrés sous « %s »"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpflipoptions.c:66
+msgid "Flip Type"
+msgstr "Type de retournement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpflipoptions.c:67
+msgid "Direction of flipping"
+msgstr "Sens du retournement"
+#. tool toggle
+#: ../app/tools/gimpflipoptions.c:134 ../app/tools/gimpmagnifyoptions.c:191
+#, c-format
+msgid "Direction (%s)"
+msgstr "Sens (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:109
+msgid "Flip"
+msgstr "Retourner"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:110
+msgid ""
+"Flip Tool: Reverse the layer, selection or path horizontally or vertically"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de retournement : inverse horizontalement ou verticalement un calque, "
+"une sélection ou un chemin"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:112
+msgid "_Flip"
+msgstr "_Retourner"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:306
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Flip horizontally"
+msgstr "Retournement horizontal"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfliptool.c:309
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Flip vertically"
+msgstr "Retournement vertical"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:87
+msgid "Draw Mode"
+msgstr "Mode de marquage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:88
+msgid ""
+"Paint over areas to mark color values for inclusion or exclusion from "
+msgstr ""
+"Peint des zones pour marquer les valeurs de couleur qui seront incluses dans "
+"ou exclues de la sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:96
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:97
+msgid "Preview Mode"
+msgstr "Mode Aperçu"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:104
+msgid "Stroke width"
+msgstr "Largeur du tracé"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:105
+msgid "Size of the brush used for refinements"
+msgstr "Taille de la brosse utilisée pour l’affinage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:111
+msgid "Preview color"
+msgstr "Couleur d’aperçu"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:112
+msgid "Color of selection preview mask"
+msgstr "Couleur du masque d’aperçu de sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:119
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:345
+msgid "Engine"
+msgstr "Moteur"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:120
+msgid "Matting engine to use"
+msgstr "Moteur d’extraction à utiliser"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:128
+msgid "Number of downsampled levels to use"
+msgstr "Nombre de niveaux sous-échantillonnés à utiliser"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:134
+msgid "Active levels"
+msgstr "Niveaux actifs"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:135
+msgid "Number of levels to perform solving"
+msgstr "Nombre de niveaux à utiliser pour apporter la solution"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:141
+msgid "Iterations"
+msgstr "Itérations"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:142
+msgid "Number of iterations to perform"
+msgstr "Nombre d’itérations à réaliser"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselectoptions.c:321
+msgid "Reset stroke width native size"
+msgstr "Rétablir la taille d’origine de la largeur du marquage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:193
+msgid "Foreground Select"
+msgstr "Extraction du premier plan"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:194
+msgid "Foreground Select Tool: Select a region containing foreground objects"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil d’extraction du premier plan : sélectionne une région contenant des "
+"objets au premier plan"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:195
+msgid "F_oreground Select"
+msgstr "Extraction du _premier plan"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:314
+msgid "Dialog for foreground select"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue pour l’extraction du premier plan"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:332
+msgid "_Preview mask"
+msgstr "Masque d’a_perçu"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:343
+msgid "Select foreground pixels"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les pixels du premier plan"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:619
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:624
+msgid "Roughly outline the object to extract"
+msgstr "Tracez un contour grossier autour de l’objet à extraire"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:620
+msgid "press Enter to refine."
+msgstr "appuyez sur Entrée pour affiner."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:647
+msgid "Selecting foreground"
+msgstr "Sélection du premier plan"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:649
+msgid "Selecting background"
+msgstr "Sélection de l’arrière-plan"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:651
+msgid "Selecting unknown"
+msgstr "Sélection de l’inconnu"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:654
+msgid "press Enter to preview."
+msgstr "appuyez sur Entrée pour afficher un aperçu."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:656
+msgid "press Escape to exit preview or Enter to apply."
+msgstr "appuyez sur Échap pour quitter l’aperçu, ou sur Entrée pour appliquer."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpforegroundselecttool.c:1287
+msgid "Paint mask"
+msgstr "Peindre le masque"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:106
+msgid ""
+"Free Select Tool: Select a hand-drawn region with free and polygonal segments"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de sélection à main levée : sélectionne une région dessinée à main "
+"levée avec des segments libres et polygonaux"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:108
+msgid "_Free Select"
+msgstr "Sélection à _main levée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfreeselecttool.c:339
+msgctxt "command"
+msgid "Free Select"
+msgstr "Sélection à main levée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfuzzyselecttool.c:66
+msgid "Fuzzy Select"
+msgstr "Sélection contiguë"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfuzzyselecttool.c:67
+msgid "Fuzzy Select Tool: Select a contiguous region on the basis of color"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de sélection contiguë : sélectionne une région contiguë sur la base "
+"d’une couleur"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfuzzyselecttool.c:68
+msgid "Fu_zzy Select"
+msgstr "Sélection _contiguë"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpfuzzyselecttool.c:81
+msgctxt "command"
+msgid "Fuzzy Select"
+msgstr "Sélection approximative"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgegltool.c:78 ../app/tools/gimpgegltool.c:552
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgegltool.c:553 ../app/tools/gimpoperationtool.c:136
+msgid "GEGL Operation"
+msgstr "Action GEGL"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgegltool.c:79
+msgid "GEGL Tool: Use an arbitrary GEGL operation"
+msgstr "Outil GEGL : utilise une action GEGL arbitraire"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgegltool.c:80
+msgid "_GEGL Operation..."
+msgstr "Action _GEGL…"
+#. The options vbox
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgegltool.c:497
+msgid "Select an operation from the list above"
+msgstr "Sélectionner une opération dans la liste ci-dessus"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgenerictransformtool.c:101
+msgid "Transform Matrix"
+msgstr "Matrice de transformation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgenerictransformtool.c:135
+msgid "Invalid transform"
+msgstr "Transformation non valide"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:101
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:298
+msgid "Metric"
+msgstr "Métrique"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:102
+msgid "Metric to use for the distance calculation"
+msgstr "Métrique à utiliser pour le calcul de distance"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:109
+msgid "Adaptive Supersampling"
+msgstr "Sur-échantillonnage adaptatif"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:115
+msgid "Max depth"
+msgstr "Profondeur max"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:135
+msgid "Instant mode"
+msgstr "Mode instantané"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:136
+msgid "Commit gradient instantly"
+msgstr "Valider le dégradé instantanément"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:142
+msgid "Modify active gradient"
+msgstr "Modifier le dégradé actif"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:143
+msgid "Modify the active gradient in-place"
+msgstr "Modifier le dégradé actif en place"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:274
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:384
+msgid "Edit this gradient"
+msgstr "Modifier ce dégradé"
+#. the instant toggle
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:351
+#, c-format
+msgid "Instant mode (%s)"
+msgstr "Mode instantané (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradientoptions.c:371
+msgid ""
+"The active gradient is non-writable and cannot be edited directly. Uncheck "
+"this option to edit a copy of it."
+msgstr ""
+"Le dégradé actif n’a pas la permission d’écriture et ne peut pas être "
+"modifié directement. Décochez cette option pour en modifier une copie."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool.c:165
+msgid "Gradient Tool: Fill selected area with a color gradient"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de dégradé : remplit la région sélectionnée avec un dégradé de couleur"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool.c:166
+msgid "Gra_dient"
+msgstr "_Dégradé"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool.c:223
+msgid "Click-Drag to draw a gradient"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour tracer un dégradé"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool.c:278
+msgid "No gradient available for use with this tool."
+msgstr "Aucun dégradé disponible pour être utilisé avec cet outil."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool.c:631
+msgid "Gradient: "
+msgstr "Dégradé : "
+#. the position labels
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1286
+msgid "X:"
+msgstr "X :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1292
+msgid "Y:"
+msgstr "Y :"
+#. the color label
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1345
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:604
+msgid "Color:"
+msgstr "Couleur :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1353
+msgid "Change Endpoint Color"
+msgstr "Changer la couleur d’extrémité"
+#. the position label
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1391
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1511
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:1003
+msgid "Position:"
+msgstr "Position :"
+#. the color labels
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1416
+msgid "Left color:"
+msgstr "Couleur gauche :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1422
+msgid "Right color:"
+msgstr "Couleur droite :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1449
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1458
+msgid "Change Stop Color"
+msgstr "Changer la couleur de stop"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1480
+msgid "Delete stop"
+msgstr "Supprimer le stop"
+#. the type label
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1536
+msgid "Blending:"
+msgstr "Dégradé :"
+#. the color label
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1558
+msgid "Coloring:"
+msgstr "Coloration :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1592
+msgid "New stop at midpoint"
+msgstr "Nouveau stop au point médian"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1600
+msgid "Center midpoint"
+msgstr "Centrer le point médian"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1663
+msgid "Start Endpoint"
+msgstr "Extrémité de départ"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1671
+msgid "End Endpoint"
+msgstr "Extrémité de fin"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1724
+#, c-format
+msgid "Stop %d"
+msgstr "Stop %d"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:1792
+#, c-format
+msgid "Midpoint %d"
+msgstr "Point médian %d"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:2369
+#: ../app/tools/gimpgradienttool-editor.c:2378
+msgid "Gradient Step"
+msgstr "Pas du dégradé"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpguidetool.c:191
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Remove Guides"
+msgstr "Supprimer les guides"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpguidetool.c:192
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Move Guides"
+msgstr "Déplacer les guides"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpguidetool.c:432
+msgid "Remove Guides"
+msgstr "Supprimer les guides"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpguidetool.c:433
+msgid "Remove Guide"
+msgstr "Supprimer le guide"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpguidetool.c:434
+msgid "Cancel Guide"
+msgstr "Annuler le guide"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpguidetool.c:471
+msgid "Move Guide: "
+msgstr "Déplacer un guide : "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpguidetool.c:481
+msgid "Move Guides: "
+msgstr "Déplacer les guides : "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpguidetool.c:492
+msgid "Add Guide: "
+msgstr "Ajouter un guide : "
+#: ../app/tools/gimphandletransformoptions.c:73
+#: ../app/tools/gimphandletransformoptions.c:74
+msgid "Handle mode"
+msgstr "Mode poignée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimphandletransformoptions.c:167
+msgid "Add handles and transform the image"
+msgstr "Ajouter des poignées et transformer l’image"
+#: ../app/tools/gimphandletransformoptions.c:172
+msgid "Move transform handles"
+msgstr "Déplacer les poignées de transformation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimphandletransformoptions.c:177
+msgid "Remove transform handles"
+msgstr "Supprimer les poignées de transformation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimphandletransformtool.c:111
+msgid "Handle Transform"
+msgstr "Transformation par poignées"
+#: ../app/tools/gimphandletransformtool.c:112
+msgid "Handle Transform Tool: Deform the layer, selection or path with handles"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de transformation par poignées : déformation du calque, de la "
+"sélection ou du chemin avec des poignées"
+#: ../app/tools/gimphandletransformtool.c:114
+msgid "_Handle Transform"
+msgstr "Transformation par _poignées"
+#: ../app/tools/gimphandletransformtool.c:138
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Handle transform"
+msgstr "Transformation par poignées"
+#: ../app/tools/gimphandletransformtool.c:139
+msgid "Handle transformation"
+msgstr "Transformation par poignées"
+#: ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:54
+msgid "Healing Tool: Heal image irregularities"
+msgstr "Outil correcteur : atténue les irrégularités dans une image"
+#: ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:55
+msgid "_Heal"
+msgstr "C_orrecteur"
+#: ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:77 ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:80
+msgid "Click to heal"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour corriger"
+#: ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:78 ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:83
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s to set a new heal source"
+msgstr "%s pour donner une source à la correction"
+#. Translators: the translation of "Click" must be the first word
+#: ../app/tools/gimphealtool.c:82
+msgid "Click to set a new heal source"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour donner une source à la correction"
+#: ../app/tools/gimphistogramoptions.c:63
+msgid "Histogram Scale"
+msgstr "Échelle de l’histogramme"
+#. adjust sliders
+#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:55
+msgid "Adjustment"
+msgstr "Ajustement"
+#. sens sliders
+#: ../app/tools/gimpinkoptions-gui.c:76
+msgid "Sensitivity"
+msgstr "Sensibilité"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpinktool.c:66
+msgid "Ink Tool: Calligraphy-style painting"
+msgstr "Outil de calligraphie : dessin de style calligraphique"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpinktool.c:67
+msgid "In_k"
+msgstr "Calligrap_hie"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorsoptions.c:69
+msgid "Interactive boundary"
+msgstr "Contour interactif"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorsoptions.c:70
+msgid "Display future selection segment as you drag a control node"
+msgstr ""
+"Afficher le futur segment de sélection pendant que vous faites glisser un "
+"point de contrôle"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:292
+msgid "Scissors Select"
+msgstr "Sélection par ciseaux"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:293
+msgid "Scissors Select Tool: Select shapes using intelligent edge-fitting"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil ciseaux intelligents : sélectionne des formes en utilisant une "
+"reconnaissance automatique des bords"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:294
+msgid "Intelligent _Scissors"
+msgstr "Ciseaux _intelligents"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:905
+msgid "Click to remove this point"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour supprimer ce point"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:913 ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:982
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: disable auto-snap"
+msgstr "%s : désactive l’accrochage automatique"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:914
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: remove this point"
+msgstr "%s : supprimer ce point"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:934
+msgid "Click to close the curve"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour fermer la courbe"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:940
+msgid "Click to add a point on this segment"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour ajouter un point sur ce segment"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:953
+msgid "Click or press Enter to convert to a selection"
+msgstr "Cliquez ou appuyez sur Entrée pour convertir en une sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:963
+msgid "Press Enter to convert to a selection"
+msgstr "Appuyez sur Entrée pour convertir en sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:979
+msgid "Click or Click-Drag to add a point"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour ajouter un point"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:1138 ../app/tools/gimpiscissorstool.c:1150
+msgid "Modify Scissors Curve"
+msgstr "Modifier la courbe des ciseaux"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:140
+msgid "_Levels..."
+msgstr "Niveau_x…"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:276
+msgid "Pick black point for all channels"
+msgstr "Prélever le point noir de tous les canaux"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:278
+msgid "Pick black point for the selected channel"
+msgstr "Prélever le point noir du canal sélectionné"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:285
+msgid "Pick gray point for all channels"
+msgstr "Prélever le point gris de tous les canaux"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:287
+msgid "Pick gray point for the selected channel"
+msgstr "Prélever le point gris du canal sélectionné"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:294
+msgid "Pick white point for all channels"
+msgstr "Prélever le point blanc de tous les canaux"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:296
+msgid "Pick white point for the selected channel"
+msgstr "Prélever le point blanc du canal sélectionné"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:400
+msgid "Adjust levels in linear light"
+msgstr "Ajuster les niveaux en lumière linéaire"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:401
+msgid "Adjust levels perceptually"
+msgstr "Ajuster les niveaux perceptuellement"
+#. Input levels frame
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:410
+msgid "Input Levels"
+msgstr "Niveaux d’entrée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:497
+msgid "Clamp _input"
+msgstr "_Limiter l’entrée"
+#. Output levels frame
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:540
+msgid "Output Levels"
+msgstr "Niveaux de sortie"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:588
+msgid "Clamp outpu_t"
+msgstr "Limiter la sor_tie"
+#. all channels frame
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:603
+msgid "All Channels"
+msgstr "Tous les canaux"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:615
+msgid "_Auto Input Levels"
+msgstr "Niveaux d’entrée _automatiques"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:618
+msgid "Adjust levels for all channels automatically"
+msgstr "Ajuster les niveaux de tous les canaux automatiquement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:645
+msgid "Edit these Settings as Curves"
+msgstr "Modifier ces paramètres comme Courbes"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:862
+msgid "Use _old levels file format"
+msgstr "Utiliser le format de fichier avec _anciens niveaux"
+#: ../app/tools/gimplevelstool.c:1005 ../app/tools/gimpthresholdtool.c:412
+msgid "Calculating histogram..."
+msgstr "Calcul de l’histogramme…"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifyoptions.c:83
+msgid "Auto-resize window"
+msgstr "Auto-redimensionner la fenêtre"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifyoptions.c:84
+msgid "Resize image window to accommodate new zoom level"
+msgstr ""
+"Redimensionner la fenêtre d’image pour l’adapter au nouveau niveau de zoom"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifyoptions.c:91 ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:92
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:163
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:72
+msgid "Direction"
+msgstr "Direction"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifyoptions.c:92
+msgid "Direction of magnification"
+msgstr "Sens de l’agrandissement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifytool.c:93
+msgid "Zoom"
+msgstr "Zoom"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifytool.c:94
+msgid "Zoom Tool: Adjust the zoom level"
+msgstr "Outil de zoom : ajuste le niveau de zoom"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmagnifytool.c:95
+msgid "_Zoom"
+msgstr "_Zoom"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasureoptions.c:71
+msgid "Orientation"
+msgstr "Orientation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasureoptions.c:72
+msgid "Orientation against which the angle is measured"
+msgstr "Orientation avec laquelle l’angle est mesuré"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasureoptions.c:80
+msgid "Open a floating dialog to view details about measurements"
+msgstr "Ouvrir une fenêtre temporaire pour visualiser le détail des mesures"
+#. the orientation frame
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasureoptions.c:148
+#, c-format
+msgid "Orientation (%s)"
+msgstr "Orientation (%s)"
+#. the straighten frame
+#. the straighten button
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasureoptions.c:161 ../app/tools/gimpmeasureoptions.c:171
+msgid "Straighten"
+msgstr "Redresser"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasureoptions.c:175
+msgid "Rotate the active layer, selection or path by the measured angle"
+msgstr ""
+"Fait pivoter le calque, la sélection ou le chemin actif selon l’angle mesuré"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:130
+msgid "Measure"
+msgstr "Mesure"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:131
+msgid "Measure Tool: Measure distances and angles"
+msgstr "Outil de mesure : mesure les distances et les angles"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:132
+msgid "_Measure"
+msgstr "_Mesure"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:153
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Straighten"
+msgstr "Redresser"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:154
+msgid "Straightening"
+msgstr "Redressement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:173
+msgid "Click-Drag to create a line"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour créer une ligne"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:365
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Straighten by %-3.3g°"
+msgstr "Redresser de %-3.3g°"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:370
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Straighten Horizontally by %-3.3g°"
+msgstr "Redresser horizontalement de %-3.3g°"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:375
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Straighten Vertically by %-3.3g°"
+msgstr "Redresser verticalement de %-3.3g°"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:452
+msgid "Add Guides"
+msgstr "Ajouter des guides"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:742
+msgid "Measure Distances and Angles"
+msgstr "Mesurer les distances et les angles"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmeasuretool.c:767
+msgid "Distance:"
+msgstr "Distance :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmoveoptions.c:136
+msgid "Move selection"
+msgstr "Déplacer la sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmoveoptions.c:146 ../app/tools/gimpmoveoptions.c:209
+#, c-format
+msgid "Tool Toggle (%s)"
+msgstr "Basculer l’outil (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmoveoptions.c:154
+msgid "Pick a layer or guide"
+msgstr "Pointer un calque ou un guide"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmoveoptions.c:155
+msgid "Move the active layer"
+msgstr "Déplacer le calque actif"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmoveoptions.c:159
+msgid "Pick a path"
+msgstr "Pointer un chemin"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmoveoptions.c:160
+msgid "Move the active path"
+msgstr "Déplacer le chemin actif"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmoveoptions.c:197
+msgid "Move:"
+msgstr "Déplacer :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:116
+msgctxt "tool"
+msgid "Move"
+msgstr "Déplacement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:117
+msgid "Move Tool: Move layers, selections, and other objects"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de déplacement : déplace les calques, sélections et autres objets"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmovetool.c:118
+msgid "_Move"
+msgstr "_Déplacement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmybrushtool.c:74
+msgid "MyPaint Brush Tool: Use MyPaint brushes in GIMP"
+msgstr "Outil Brosses Mypaint : utiliser des brosses MyPaint dans GIMP"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpmybrushtool.c:75
+msgid "M_yPaint Brush"
+msgstr "Brosses M_yPaint"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationoptions.c:77
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationoptions.c:78
+msgid "Density"
+msgstr "Densité"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationoptions.c:84
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationoptions.c:85
+msgid "Rigidity"
+msgstr "Rigidité"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationoptions.c:91
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationoptions.c:92
+msgid "Deformation mode"
+msgstr "Mode de déformation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationoptions.c:98
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationoptions.c:99
+msgid "Use weights"
+msgstr "Utiliser les poids"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationoptions.c:105
+msgid "Control points influence"
+msgstr "Influence des points de contrôle"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationoptions.c:106
+msgid "Amount of control points' influence"
+msgstr "Taux d’influence des points de contrôle"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationoptions.c:112
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationoptions.c:113
+msgid "Show lattice"
+msgstr "Afficher le treillage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationoptions.c:230
+#: ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:96 ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:593
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:604
+msgid "Scale"
+msgstr "Mise à l’échelle"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationoptions.c:231
+msgid "Rigid (Rubber)"
+msgstr "Rigide (élastique)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationtool.c:158
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationtool.c:1002
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationtool.c:1006
+msgid "N-Point Deformation"
+msgstr "Déformation N-Point"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationtool.c:159
+msgid "N-Point Deformation Tool: Rubber-like deformation of image using points"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de déformation N-Point : déformation élastique de l’image en utilisant "
+"des points"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpnpointdeformationtool.c:161
+msgid "_N-Point Deformation"
+msgstr "Déformation _N-Point"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:131
+msgid "_Offset..."
+msgstr "_Décalage…"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:198
+msgid "Offset Layer"
+msgstr "Décalage du calque"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:200
+msgid "Offset Layer Mask"
+msgstr "Décalage du masque de calque"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:202
+msgid "Offset Channel"
+msgstr "Décalage du canal"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:294 ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:391
+msgid "Offset: "
+msgstr "Décalage : "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:418
+msgid "Click-Drag to offset drawable"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour décaler l’élément graphique"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:505
+msgid "By width/_2, height/2"
+msgstr "De largeur/_2, hauteur/2"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:517
+msgid "By _width/2"
+msgstr "De _largeur/2"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:525
+msgid "By _height/2"
+msgstr "De _hauteur/2"
+#. The edge behavior frame
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:534
+msgid "Edge Behavior"
+msgstr "Comportement sur les bords"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:541
+msgid "W_rap around"
+msgstr "_Reboucler"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:544
+msgid "Fill with _background color"
+msgstr "Remplir avec la couleur d’_arrière-plan"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoffsettool.c:547
+msgid "Make _transparent"
+msgstr "Rendre _transparent"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoperationtool.c:137
+msgid "Operation Tool: Use an arbitrary GEGL operation"
+msgstr "Action GEGL : cet outil utilise une action GEGL arbitraire"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpoperationtool.c:621
+msgid "Aux\\1 Input"
+msgstr "Entrée Aux\\1"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintbrushtool.c:58
+msgid "Paintbrush Tool: Paint smooth strokes using a brush"
+msgstr "Outil pinceau : peint des traits adoucis en utilisant une brosse"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintbrushtool.c:59
+msgid "_Paintbrush"
+msgstr "_Pinceau"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:161
+msgid "Edit this brush"
+msgstr "Modifie cette brosse"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:169
+msgid "Reset size to brush's native size"
+msgstr "Rétablir la taille par défaut de la brosse"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:177
+msgid "Reset aspect ratio to brush's native aspect ratio"
+msgstr "Rétablir les proportions par défaut de la brosse"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:185
+msgid "Reset angle to brush's native angle"
+msgstr "Rétablir l’angle par défaut de la brosse"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:193
+msgid "Reset spacing to brush's native spacing"
+msgstr "Rétablir l’espacement par défaut de la brosse"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:201
+msgid "Reset hardness to brush's native hardness"
+msgstr "Rétablir la dureté par défaut de la brosse"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:209
+msgid "Reset force to default"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser aux valeurs par défaut"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:225
+msgid "Edit this dynamics"
+msgstr "Modifier cette dynamique"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:325
+msgid "Fade Options"
+msgstr "Options d’estompement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:369
+msgid "Color Options"
+msgstr "Options de couleur"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppaintoptions-gui.c:579
+msgid "Link to brush default"
+msgstr "Lier à la brosse par défaut"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:175
+msgid "Click to paint"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour peindre"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:176
+msgid "Click to draw the line"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour tracer la ligne"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:177
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s to pick a color"
+msgstr "%s pour prélever une couleur"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:293
+msgid "Cannot paint on layer groups."
+msgstr "Impossible de peindre sur des groupes de calques."
+#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:658
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s for a straight line"
+msgstr "%s pour une ligne droite"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppainttool.c:877
+msgid "The active layer does not have an alpha channel."
+msgstr "Le calque actif ne possède pas de canal alpha."
+#: ../app/tools/gimppenciltool.c:52
+msgid "Pencil Tool: Hard edge painting using a brush"
+msgstr "Outil crayon : peint durement en utilisant une brosse"
+#: ../app/tools/gimppenciltool.c:53
+msgid "Pe_ncil"
+msgstr "_Crayon"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:150
+msgid ""
+"Perspective Clone Tool: Clone from an image source after applying a "
+"perspective transformation"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de clonage en perspective : clone depuis une image source après avoir "
+"appliqué une transformation en perspective"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:152
+msgid "_Perspective Clone"
+msgstr "Clo_nage en perspective"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectiveclonetool.c:611
+msgid "Ctrl-Click to set a clone source"
+msgstr "« Ctrl + clic » pour déterminer une source à cloner"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:86
+msgid "Perspective Tool: Change perspective of the layer, selection or path"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil perspective : change la perspective d’un calque, d’une sélection ou "
+"d’un chemin"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:88
+msgid "_Perspective"
+msgstr "_Perspective"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:110
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Perspective"
+msgstr "Perspective"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpperspectivetool.c:111
+msgid "Perspective transformation"
+msgstr "Transformation Perspective"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:84
+msgid "Automatically shrink to the nearest rectangular shape in a layer"
+msgstr ""
+"Réduit automatiquement à la forme rectangulaire la plus proche dans un calque"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:92
+msgid "Shrink merged"
+msgstr "Réduction fusionnée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:93
+msgid "Use all visible layers when shrinking the selection"
+msgstr "Utiliser tous les calques visibles pour réduire la sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:102
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:148
+msgid "Composition guides such as rule of thirds"
+msgstr "Guides de composition tels que la règle des tiers"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:111
+msgid "X coordinate of top left corner"
+msgstr "Coordonnée X du coin en haut à gauche"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:121
+msgid "Y coordinate of top left corner"
+msgstr "Coordonnée Y du coin en haut à gauche"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:131
+msgid "Width of selection"
+msgstr "Largeur de la sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:140
+msgid "Height of selection"
+msgstr "Hauteur de la sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:149
+msgid "Unit of top left corner coordinate"
+msgstr "Unité des coordonnées du coin en haut à gauche"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:158
+msgid "Unit of selection size"
+msgstr "Unité de taille de la sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:167
+msgid "Enable lock of aspect ratio, width, height or size"
+msgstr ""
+"Permet le verrouillage des proportions, de la largeur, de la hauteur ou de "
+"la taille"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:176
+msgid "Choose what has to be locked"
+msgstr "Choisir ce qui doit être verrouillé"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:185
+msgid "Custom fixed width"
+msgstr "Largeur fixée personnalisée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:194
+msgid "Custom fixed height"
+msgstr "Hauteur fixée personnalisée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:288
+msgid "Unit of fixed width, height or size"
+msgstr "Unité des largeur, hauteur ou taille fixées"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:296
+msgid "Expand from center"
+msgstr "Étendre depuis le centre"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:297
+msgid "Expand selection from center outwards"
+msgstr "Étendre la sélection depuis le centre"
+#. Current, as in what is currently in use.
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:746
+msgid "Current"
+msgstr "Actuel"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:862
+msgid "Fixed"
+msgstr "Fixé"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:1012 ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:566
+msgid "Size:"
+msgstr "Taille :"
+#. Auto Shrink
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleoptions.c:1039
+msgid "Auto Shrink"
+msgstr "Réduction automatique"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselectoptions.c:94
+msgid "Rounded corners"
+msgstr "Coins arrondis"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselectoptions.c:95
+msgid "Round corners of selection"
+msgstr "Arrondit les coins de la sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselectoptions.c:102
+msgid "Radius of rounding in pixels"
+msgstr "Rayon de l’arrondi en pixels"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselecttool.c:149
+msgid "Rectangle Select"
+msgstr "Sélection rectangulaire"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselecttool.c:150
+msgid "Rectangle Select Tool: Select a rectangular region"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de sélection rectangulaire : sélectionne des régions rectangulaires"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselecttool.c:151
+msgid "_Rectangle Select"
+msgstr "Sélection _rectangulaire"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprectangleselecttool.c:638
+msgid "Ellipse: "
+msgstr "Ellipse : "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:89
+msgid "Select transparent areas"
+msgstr "Sélectionne des régions transparentes"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:90
+msgid "Allow completely transparent regions to be selected"
+msgstr "Permet aux régions complètement transparentes d’être sélectionnables"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:98
+msgid "Base selection on all visible layers"
+msgstr "Sélection fondée sur tous les calques visibles"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:119
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:280
+msgid "Select by"
+msgstr "Sélectionner par"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:120
+msgid "Selection criterion"
+msgstr "Critère de sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:127
+msgid "Draw mask"
+msgstr "Dessiner le masque"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselectoptions.c:128
+msgid "Draw the selected region's mask"
+msgstr "Tracer le masque de la région sélectionnée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpregionselecttool.c:154
+msgid "Move the mouse to change threshold"
+msgstr "Déplacer la souris pour changer le seuil"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:102
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:595
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:422
+msgid "Rotate"
+msgstr "Rotation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:103
+msgid "Rotate Tool: Rotate the layer, selection or path"
+msgstr "Outil de rotation : pivote un calque, une sélection ou un chemin"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:104
+msgid "_Rotate"
+msgstr "_Rotation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:132
+msgid "R_otate"
+msgstr "R_otation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:248
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rotate by %-3.3g°"
+msgstr "Tourner de %-3.3g°"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:254
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rotate by %-3.3g° around (%g, %g)"
+msgstr "Tourner de %-3.3g° autour de (%g, %g)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:284
+msgid "_Angle:"
+msgstr "_Angle :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:302
+msgid "Center _X:"
+msgstr "Centre _X :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimprotatetool.c:311
+msgid "Center _Y:"
+msgstr "Centre _Y :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsamplepointtool.c:237
+msgid "Remove Sample Point"
+msgstr "Supprimer le point d’échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsamplepointtool.c:238
+msgid "Cancel Sample Point"
+msgstr "Annuler le point d’échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsamplepointtool.c:244
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsamplepointtool.c:330
+msgid "Move Sample Point: "
+msgstr "Déplacer le point d’échantillonnage : "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsamplepointtool.c:256
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsamplepointtool.c:342
+msgid "Add Sample Point: "
+msgstr "Ajouter un point d’échantillonnage : "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:97
+msgid "Scale Tool: Scale the layer, selection or path"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de mise à l’échelle : change l’échelle d’un calque, d’une sélection ou "
+"d’un chemin"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpscaletool.c:186
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Scale to %d x %d"
+msgstr "Mise à l’échelle %d x %d"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpseamlesscloneoptions.c:72
+msgid "Refinement scale"
+msgstr "Échelle d’amélioration"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpseamlesscloneoptions.c:73
+msgid ""
+"Maximal scale of refinement points to be used for the interpolation mesh"
+msgstr ""
+"Maximum de points d’échelle d’amélioration à utiliser pour le maillage "
+#: ../app/tools/gimpseamlessclonetool.c:192
+#: ../app/tools/gimpseamlessclonetool.c:753
+msgid "Seamless Clone"
+msgstr "Clonage sans raccord"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpseamlessclonetool.c:193
+msgid "Seamless Clone: Seamlessly paste one image into another"
+msgstr "Clonage sans raccord : coller sans raccord une image dans une autre"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpseamlessclonetool.c:194
+msgid "_Seamless Clone"
+msgstr "Clonage _sans raccord"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpseamlessclonetool.c:791
+msgid "Cloning the foreground object"
+msgstr "Boîte de dialogue pour la sélection du premier plan"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:88
+msgid "Enable feathering of selection edges"
+msgstr "Permet l’adoucissement des bords de la sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectionoptions.c:224 ../app/widgets/gimpbrushselect.c:190
+msgid "Mode:"
+msgstr "Mode :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:319
+msgid "Click-Drag to replace the current selection"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour remplacer la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:327
+msgid "Click-Drag to create a new selection"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour créer une nouvelle sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:332
+msgid "Click-Drag to add to the current selection"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour ajouter à la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:341
+msgid "Click-Drag to subtract from the current selection"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour soustraire à la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:350
+msgid "Click-Drag to intersect with the current selection"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour intersecter avec la sélection actuelle"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:360
+msgid "Click-Drag to move the selection mask"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer le masque de sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:368
+msgid "Click-Drag to move the selected pixels"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer les pixels sélectionnés"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:372
+msgid "Click-Drag to move a copy of the selected pixels"
+msgstr "Cliquez-glissez pour déplacer une copie des pixels sélectionnés"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:376
+msgid "Click to anchor the floating selection"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour ancrer la sélection flottante"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:530
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot subtract from an empty selection."
+msgstr "Impossible de soustraire d’une sélection vide."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpselectiontool.c:541
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot intersect with an empty selection."
+msgstr "Intersection impossible avec une sélection vide."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:88 ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:597
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:606
+msgid "Shear"
+msgstr "Cisaillement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:89
+msgid "Shear Tool: Shear the layer, selection or path"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de cisaillement : déformation d’inclinaison d’un calque, une sélection "
+"ou un chemin"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:90
+msgid "S_hear"
+msgstr "_Cisaillement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:111
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Shear"
+msgstr "Cisaillement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:113
+msgid "_Shear"
+msgstr "_Cisaillement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:163
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Shear horizontally by %-3.3g"
+msgstr "Cisailler horizontalement de %-3.3g"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:167
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Shear vertically by %-3.3g"
+msgstr "Cisailler verticalement de %-3.3g"
+#. e.g. user entered numbers but no notification callback
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:172
+#, c-format
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Shear horizontally by %-3.3g, vertically by %-3.3g"
+msgstr "Cisailler horizontalement de %-3.3g et verticalement de %-3.3g"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:191
+msgid "Shear magnitude _X"
+msgstr "Ampleur de cisaillement _X"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsheartool.c:202
+msgid "Shear magnitude _Y"
+msgstr "Ampleur de cisaillement _Y"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:56
+msgid "Smudge Tool: Smudge selectively using a brush"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de barbouillage : barbouille sélectivement en utilisant une brosse"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:57
+msgid "_Smudge"
+msgstr "_Barbouiller"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:79
+msgid "Click to smudge"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour barbouiller"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpsmudgetool.c:80
+msgid "Click to smudge the line"
+msgstr "Cliquez pour barbouiller la ligne"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:124
+msgid "Font size unit"
+msgstr "Unité de taille de police"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:129 ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:130
+msgid "Font size"
+msgstr "Taille de police"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:143
+msgid "Hinting"
+msgstr "Ajustement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:144
+msgid ""
+"Hinting alters the font outline to produce a crisp bitmap at small sizes"
+msgstr ""
+"Les indices d’ajustement modifient le contour des polices pour produire des "
+"lettres nettes dans les petites tailles"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:154
+msgid "The text language may have an effect on the way the text is rendered."
+msgstr "La langue du texte peut influencer la façon dont le texte est produit."
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:168
+msgid "Justify"
+msgstr "Justification"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:169
+msgid "Text alignment"
+msgstr "Alignement du texte"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:176
+msgid "Indentation"
+msgstr "Indentation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:177
+msgid "Indentation of the first line"
+msgstr "Indentation de la première ligne"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:184
+msgid "Line spacing"
+msgstr "Espacement des lignes"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:185
+msgid "Adjust line spacing"
+msgstr "Ajuster l’espacement des lignes"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:192
+msgid "Letter spacing"
+msgstr "Espacement des lignes"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:193
+msgid "Adjust letter spacing"
+msgstr "Ajuster l’espacement des lettres"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:200
+msgid "Box"
+msgstr "Boîte"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:201
+msgid ""
+"Whether text flows into rectangular shape or moves into a new line when you "
+"press Enter"
+msgstr ""
+"Soit le texte s’inscrit dans une forme rectangulaire, soit il passe à une "
+"nouvelle ligne quand vous appuyez sur Entrée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:209
+msgid "Use editor"
+msgstr "Utiliser l’éditeur"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:210
+msgid "Use an external editor window for text entry"
+msgstr "Utiliser une fenêtre d’édition externe pour la saisie de texte"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:595
+msgid "Hinting:"
+msgstr "Ajustement :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:599
+msgid "Text Color"
+msgstr "Couleur du texte"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:610
+msgid "Justify:"
+msgstr "Justification :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:636
+msgid "Box:"
+msgstr "Boîte :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptextoptions.c:653
+msgid "Language:"
+msgstr "Langue :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:214
+msgid "Text"
+msgstr "Texte"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:215
+msgid "Text Tool: Create or edit text layers"
+msgstr "Outil texte : créé ou modifie des calques de texte"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:216
+msgid "Te_xt"
+msgstr "Te_xte"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1040
+msgid "Fonts are still loading"
+msgstr "Les polices sont en cours de chargement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1051
+msgid "Text box: "
+msgstr "Boîte de texte : "
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1182
+msgid "Reshape Text Layer"
+msgstr "Redessine le calque de texte"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1755 ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1758
+msgid "Confirm Text Editing"
+msgstr "Confirmer l’édition du texte"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1762
+msgid "Create _New Layer"
+msgstr "Créer un _nouveau calque"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1764
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "É_dition"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool.c:1786
+msgid ""
+"The layer you selected is a text layer but it has been modified using other "
+"tools. Editing the layer with the text tool will discard these "
+"You can edit the layer or create a new text layer from its text attributes."
+msgstr ""
+"Le calque que vous avez sélectionné est un calque de texte mais il a été "
+"modifié en utilisant d’autres outils. L’édition du calque avec l’outil texte "
+"supprimera ces modifications.\n"
+"Vous pouvez modifier le calque ou créer un nouveau calque de texte depuis "
+"ses attributs de texte."
+#: ../app/tools/gimptexttool-editor.c:1357
+msgid "GIMP Text Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur de texte GIMP"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpthresholdtool.c:95
+msgid "_Threshold..."
+msgstr "_Seuil…"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpthresholdtool.c:195
+msgid "Apply Threshold"
+msgstr "Appliquer les seuils"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpthresholdtool.c:286
+msgid "_Auto"
+msgstr "_Auto"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpthresholdtool.c:288
+msgid "Automatically adjust to optimal binarization threshold"
+msgstr "Ajuster automatiquement au seuil de binarisation optimal"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptool.c:1213
+msgid "Can't work on an empty image, add a layer first"
+msgstr "Impossible de travailler sur une image vide, ajoutez d’abord un calque"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptooloptions-gui.c:54
+msgid ""
+"This tool has\n"
+"no options."
+msgstr ""
+"Cet outil n’a\n"
+"pas d’option."
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:112
+msgid "Show image preview"
+msgstr "Afficher un aperçu de l’image"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:113
+msgid "Show a preview of the transformed image"
+msgstr "Afficher un aperçu de l’image transformée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:119
+msgid "Composited preview"
+msgstr "Aperçu composé"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:120
+msgid "Show preview as part of the image composition"
+msgstr "Affiche l’aperçu comme partie de la composition de l’image"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:126
+msgid "Preview linked items"
+msgstr "Aperçu des éléments liés"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:127
+msgid "Include linked items in the preview"
+msgstr "Inclure les éléments liés dans l’aperçu"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:133
+msgid "Synchronous preview"
+msgstr "Aperçu synchronisé"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:134
+msgid "Render the preview synchronously"
+msgstr "Produit l’aperçu de façon synchronisée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:140
+msgid "Image opacity"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’image"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:141
+msgid "Opacity of the preview image"
+msgstr "Opacité de l’aperçu"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:147
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:487
+msgid "Guides"
+msgstr "Guides"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:156
+msgid "Size of a grid cell for variable number of composition guides"
+msgstr ""
+"Taille d’une cellule de la grille pour un nombre variable de guides de "
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:509
+#, c-format
+msgid "15 degrees (%s)"
+msgstr "15 degrés (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:516
+msgid "Limit rotation steps to 15 degrees"
+msgstr "Limite les pas de rotation à 15 degrés"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:525
+#, c-format
+msgid "Keep aspect (%s)"
+msgstr "Conserver le rapport (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:532
+msgid "Keep the original aspect ratio"
+msgstr "Conserver les proportions initiales"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:537
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:566
+#, c-format
+msgid "Around center (%s)"
+msgstr "Autour du centre (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:544
+msgid "Scale around the center point"
+msgstr "Mettre à l’échelle autour du point central"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:553
+#, c-format
+msgid "Constrain handles (%s)"
+msgstr "Poignées de contrainte (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:561
+#, c-format
+msgid "Constrain handles to move along edges and diagonal (%s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Poignées de contrainte pour se déplacer le long des bords et des diagonales "
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:574
+msgid "Transform around the center point"
+msgstr "Transformer autour du point central"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:590
+#, c-format
+msgid "Constrain (%s)"
+msgstr "Anti-effacement (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:591
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:335
+msgid "Move"
+msgstr "Déplacer"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:592
+#, c-format
+msgid "Constrain movement to 45 degree angles from center (%s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Contraindre le mouvement à des angles de 45 degrés depuis le centre (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:594
+#, c-format
+msgid "Maintain aspect ratio when scaling (%s)"
+msgstr "Conserver les proportions lors de la mise à l’échelle (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:596
+#, c-format
+msgid "Constrain rotation to 15 degree increments (%s)"
+msgstr "Contraindre la rotation à des incréments de 15 degrés (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:598
+#, c-format
+msgid "Shear along edge direction only (%s)"
+msgstr "Ne couper que dans la direction des bords (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:600
+#, c-format
+msgid "Constrain perspective handles to move along edges and diagonal (%s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Contraindre les poignées de perspective à se déplacer le long des bords et "
+"des diagonales (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:603
+#, c-format
+msgid "From pivot (%s)"
+msgstr "Depuis le pivot (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:605
+#, c-format
+msgid "Scale from pivot point (%s)"
+msgstr "Changer la taille depuis le point pivot (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:607
+#, c-format
+msgid "Shear opposite edge by same amount (%s)"
+msgstr "Découper le côté opposé de la même largeur (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:609
+#, c-format
+msgid "Maintain position of pivot while changing perspective (%s)"
+msgstr "Conserver la position du pivot lors du changement de perspective (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:612
+msgid "Pivot"
+msgstr "Pivot"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:613
+#, c-format
+msgid "Snap (%s)"
+msgstr "Placer (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:614
+#, c-format
+msgid "Snap pivot to corners and center (%s)"
+msgstr "Placer le pivot sur les coins et le centre (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:615
+msgid "Lock"
+msgstr "Verrouiller"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridoptions.c:616
+msgid "Lock pivot position to canvas"
+msgstr "Verr_ouiller la position du canal"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridtool.c:294
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:435
+msgid "_Transform"
+msgstr "Tra_nsformer"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridtool.c:575
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridtool.c:587
+msgid "Transform Step"
+msgstr "Étape de transformation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridtool.c:982
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (Corrective)"
+msgstr "%s (corrective)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridtool.c:1262
+msgid "Re_adjust"
+msgstr "Ré_ajuster"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformgridtool.c:1515
+msgid "Cannot readjust the transformation"
+msgstr "Impossible de réajuster la transformation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3doptions.c:78
+msgid "Transform mode"
+msgstr "Mode de transformation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3doptions.c:85
+msgid "Unified interaction"
+msgstr "Interaction unifiée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3doptions.c:86
+msgid "Combine all interaction modes"
+msgstr "Combiner tous les modes d’interaction"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3doptions.c:93
+msgid "Constrain transformation to a single axis"
+msgstr "Contraindre la transformation à un seul axe"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3doptions.c:100
+msgid "Transform along the Z axis"
+msgstr "Transformer le long de l’axe Z"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3doptions.c:107
+msgid "Transform in the local frame of reference"
+msgstr "Transformer dans le cadre local de référence"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3doptions.c:197
+#, c-format
+msgid "Constrain axis (%s)"
+msgstr "Contraindre l’axe (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3doptions.c:206
+#, c-format
+msgid "Z axis (%s)"
+msgstr "Axe Z (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3doptions.c:215
+#, c-format
+msgid "Local frame (%s)"
+msgstr "Cadre local (%s)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:115
+msgid "3D Transform"
+msgstr "Transformation 3D"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:116
+msgid ""
+"3D Transform Tool: Apply a 3D transformation to the layer, selection or path"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de transformation 3D : appliquer une transformation 3D au calque, à la "
+"sélection ou au chemin"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:117
+msgid "_3D Transform"
+msgstr "Transformation _3D"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:140
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "3D Transform"
+msgstr "Transformation 3D"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:141
+msgid "3D transformation"
+msgstr "Transformation 3D"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:237
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Appareil photo"
+#. vanishing-point frame
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:245
+msgid "Vanishing Point"
+msgstr "Point de disparition"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:395
+msgid "_Z:"
+msgstr "_Z :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:438
+msgid "Z"
+msgstr "Z"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransform3dtool.c:442
+msgid "Rotation axis order"
+msgstr "Ordre de rotation de l’axe"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:93
+msgid "Direction of transformation"
+msgstr "Sens de transformation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:101 ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:121
+msgid "Interpolation method"
+msgstr "Méthode d’interpolation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformoptions.c:232
+msgid "Transform:"
+msgstr "Transformer :"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:109
+msgid "Transform"
+msgstr "Transformer"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:110
+msgid "Transforming"
+msgstr "Transformation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:427
+msgid "Confirm Transformation"
+msgstr "Confirmer la transformation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:447
+msgid "Transformation creates a very large item."
+msgstr "La transformation crée un élément très grand."
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:452
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Applying the transformation will result in an item that is over %g times "
+"larger than the image."
+msgstr ""
+"L’application de la transformation produira un élément qui est plus de %g "
+"fois plus grand que l’image."
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:460
+msgid "Transformation creates a very large image."
+msgstr "La transformation crée une très grande image."
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:465
+#, c-format
+msgid "Applying the transformation will enlarge the image by a factor of %g."
+msgstr "L’application de la transformation agrandira l’image d’un facteur %g."
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:679
+msgid "There is no layer to transform."
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de calque à transformer."
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:688
+msgid "The active layer's position and size are locked."
+msgstr "La position et la taille du calque actif sont verrouillées."
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:702
+msgid "The selection does not intersect with the layer."
+msgstr "La sélection n’a pas d’intersection avec le calque."
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:709
+msgid "There is no selection to transform."
+msgstr "Aucune sélection à transformer."
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:724
+msgid "There is no path to transform."
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de chemin à transformer."
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:731
+msgid "The active path's strokes are locked."
+msgstr "Les tracés de chemin actifs sont verrouillés."
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:735
+msgid "The active path has no strokes."
+msgstr "Le chemin actif n’a aucun tracé."
+#: ../app/tools/gimptransformtool.c:809
+msgid "The current transform is invalid"
+msgstr "La transformation actuelle n’est pas valide"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpunifiedtransformtool.c:89
+msgid "Unified Transform"
+msgstr "Transformation unifiée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpunifiedtransformtool.c:90
+msgid "Unified Transform Tool: Transform the layer, selection or path"
+msgstr ""
+"Outil de transformation unifiée : transformation du calque, de la sélection "
+"ou du chemin"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpunifiedtransformtool.c:92
+msgid "_Unified Transform"
+msgstr "Transformation _unifiée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpunifiedtransformtool.c:115
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Unified Transform"
+msgstr "Transformation unifiée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpunifiedtransformtool.c:116
+msgid "Unified transform"
+msgstr "Transformation unifiée"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:181
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Path to Selection\n"
+"%s Add\n"
+"%s Subtract\n"
+"%s Intersect"
+msgstr ""
+"Chemin vers sélection\n"
+"%s Ajouter\n"
+"%s Soustraire\n"
+"%s Intersection"
+#. Create a selection from the current path
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectoroptions.c:192
+msgid "Selection from Path"
+msgstr "Sélection depuis le chemin"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:164
+msgid "Paths Tool: Create and edit paths"
+msgstr "Outil chemins : crée et modifie des chemins"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:165
+msgid "Pat_hs"
+msgstr "C_hemins"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:733
+msgid "There is no active layer or channel to fill"
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de calque ou de canal actif à remplir"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpvectortool.c:805
+msgid "There is no active layer or channel to stroke to"
+msgstr "Il n’y a pas de calque ou de canal actif sur lequel tracer"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:84 ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:85
+msgid "Behavior"
+msgstr "Comportement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:93
+msgid "Effect Size"
+msgstr "Taille de l’effet"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:100
+msgid "Effect Hardness"
+msgstr "Dureté de l’effet"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:106
+msgid "Strength"
+msgstr "Force"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:107
+msgid "Effect Strength"
+msgstr "Force de l’effet"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:114
+msgid "Stroke Spacing"
+msgstr "Espacement des tracés"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:128 ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:345
+msgid "Abyss policy"
+msgstr "Gestion des bordures"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:129
+msgid "Out-of-bounds sampling behavior"
+msgstr "Comportement d’échantillonnage en dehors des limites"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:136
+msgid "High quality preview"
+msgstr "Aperçu de haute qualité"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:137
+msgid "Use an accurate but slower preview"
+msgstr "Utiliser un aperçu précis mais plus lent"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:143
+msgid "Real-time preview"
+msgstr "Aperçu en temps réel"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:144
+msgid "Render preview in real time (slower)"
+msgstr "Affiche un aperçu en temps réel (plus lent)"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:150
+msgid "During motion"
+msgstr "Pendant le mouvement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:151
+msgid "Apply effect during motion"
+msgstr "Appliquer l’effet pendant le mouvement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:157
+msgid "Periodically"
+msgstr "Périodiquement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:158
+msgid "Apply effect periodically"
+msgstr "Appliquer l’effet périodiquement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:164
+msgid "Rate"
+msgstr "Taux"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:165
+msgid "Periodic stroke rate"
+msgstr "Taux périodique des tracés"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:171
+msgid "Frames"
+msgstr "Images"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:172
+msgid "Number of animation frames"
+msgstr "Nombre d’images d’animation"
+#. the stroke frame
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:359
+msgid "Stroke"
+msgstr "Tracer"
+#. the animation frame
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:383
+msgid "Animate"
+msgstr "Animation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarpoptions.c:397
+msgid "Create Animation"
+msgstr "Créer une animation"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:175
+msgid "Warp Transform"
+msgstr "Gauchir"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:176
+msgid "Warp Transform: Deform with different tools"
+msgstr "Gauchir : déformation par divers outils"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:177
+msgid "_Warp Transform"
+msgstr "Gauch_ir"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:598 ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:610
+msgid "Warp Tool Stroke"
+msgstr "Tracé de gauchissement"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:769
+msgid "Cannot warp layer groups."
+msgstr "Impossible de peindre sur des groupes de calques."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:806
+msgid "No stroke events selected."
+msgstr "Aucun évènement de tracé sélectionné."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:828
+msgid "No warp to erase."
+msgstr "Pas de gauchissement à effacer."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:832
+msgid "No warp to smooth."
+msgstr "Pas de gauchissement à adoucir."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:1056
+msgid "Warp transform"
+msgstr "Gauchir"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:1393
+msgid "Please add some warp strokes first."
+msgstr "Ajoutez d’abord quelques coups de gauchissement."
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:1407 ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:1444
+#, c-format
+msgid "Rendering Frame %d"
+msgstr "Image de rendu %d"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:1422 ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:1452
+#, c-format
+msgid "Frame %d"
+msgstr "Image %d"
+#: ../app/tools/gimpwarptool.c:1461
+msgid "Frame"
+msgstr "Image"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:25
+msgctxt "bucket-fill-area"
+msgid "Fill whole selection"
+msgstr "Remplir toute la sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:26
+msgctxt "bucket-fill-area"
+msgid "Fill similar colors"
+msgstr "Remplir des couleurs similaires"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:27
+msgctxt "bucket-fill-area"
+msgid "Fill by line art detection"
+msgstr "Remplir par détection de dessin au trait"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:57
+msgctxt "line-art-source"
+msgid "All visible layers"
+msgstr "Tous les calques visibles"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:58
+msgctxt "line-art-source"
+msgid "Active layer"
+msgstr "Calque actif"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:59
+msgctxt "line-art-source"
+msgid "Layer below the active one"
+msgstr "Calque sous le calque actif"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:60
+msgctxt "line-art-source"
+msgid "Layer above the active one"
+msgstr "Calque au-dessus du calque actif"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:89
+msgctxt "rect-select-mode"
+msgid "Free select"
+msgstr "Sélection à main levée"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:90
+msgctxt "rect-select-mode"
+msgid "Fixed size"
+msgstr "Taille fixe"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:91
+msgctxt "rect-select-mode"
+msgid "Fixed aspect ratio"
+msgstr "Proportions fixes"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:121
+msgctxt "transform-type"
+msgid "Layer"
+msgstr "Calque"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:122
+msgctxt "transform-type"
+msgid "Selection"
+msgstr "Sélection"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:123
+msgctxt "transform-type"
+msgid "Path"
+msgstr "Chemin"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:124
+msgctxt "transform-type"
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Image"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:217
+msgctxt "matting-draw-mode"
+msgid "Draw foreground"
+msgstr "Marquer le premier plan"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:218
+msgctxt "matting-draw-mode"
+msgid "Draw background"
+msgstr "Marquer l’arrière-plan"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:219
+msgctxt "matting-draw-mode"
+msgid "Draw unknown"
+msgstr "Marquer l’inconnu"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:247
+msgctxt "matting-preview-mode"
+msgid "Color"
+msgstr "Couleur"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:248
+msgctxt "matting-preview-mode"
+msgid "Grayscale"
+msgstr "Niveaux de gris"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:277
+msgctxt "3-dtrasnform-lens-mode"
+msgid "Focal length"
+msgstr "Distance focale"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:278
+msgctxt "3-dtrasnform-lens-mode"
+msgid "Field of view (relative to image)"
+msgstr "Champ visuel (relatif à l’image)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Field of view (relative to image)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:281
+msgctxt "3-dtrasnform-lens-mode"
+msgid "FOV (image)"
+msgstr "CV (image)"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:282
+msgctxt "3-dtrasnform-lens-mode"
+msgid "Field of view (relative to item)"
+msgstr "Champ visuel (relatif à l’élément)"
+#. Translators: this is an abbreviated version of "Field of view (relative to item)".
+#. Keep it short.
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:285
+msgctxt "3-dtrasnform-lens-mode"
+msgid "FOV (item)"
+msgstr "CV (élément)"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:318
+msgctxt "warp-behavior"
+msgid "Move pixels"
+msgstr "Déplacer les pixels"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:319
+msgctxt "warp-behavior"
+msgid "Grow area"
+msgstr "Agrandissement de la zone"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:320
+msgctxt "warp-behavior"
+msgid "Shrink area"
+msgstr "Réduction de la zone"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:321
+msgctxt "warp-behavior"
+msgid "Swirl clockwise"
+msgstr "Tourbillon (sens _horaire)"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:322
+msgctxt "warp-behavior"
+msgid "Swirl counter-clockwise"
+msgstr "Tourbillon (sens _anti-horaire)"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:323
+msgctxt "warp-behavior"
+msgid "Erase warping"
+msgstr "Effacer le gauchissement"
+#: ../app/tools/tools-enums.c:324
+msgctxt "warp-behavior"
+msgid "Smooth warping"
+msgstr "Lisser le gauchissement"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:228
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rename Path"
+msgstr "Renommer le chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:229
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Move Path"
+msgstr "Déplacer le chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:230
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Scale Path"
+msgstr "Changer l’échelle du chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:231
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Resize Path"
+msgstr "Redimensionner le chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:232
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Flip Path"
+msgstr "Retourner le chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:233
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Rotate Path"
+msgstr "Faire pivoter le chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:234
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Transform Path"
+msgstr "Transformer le chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:235
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Fill Path"
+msgstr "Remplir le chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:236
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Stroke Path"
+msgstr "Tracer le chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:237
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Path to Selection"
+msgstr "Chemin vers sélection"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:238
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Reorder Path"
+msgstr "Réordonner le chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:239
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Raise Path"
+msgstr "Monter le chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:240
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Raise Path to Top"
+msgstr "Envoyer le chemin en haut de la pile"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:241
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Lower Path"
+msgstr "Descendre le chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:242
+msgctxt "undo-type"
+msgid "Lower Path to Bottom"
+msgstr "Envoyer le chemin en bas de la pile"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:243
+msgid "Path cannot be raised higher."
+msgstr "Le chemin ne peut pas être plus haut."
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:244
+msgid "Path cannot be lowered more."
+msgstr "Le chemin ne peut pas être plus bas."
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:459
+msgid "Move Path"
+msgstr "Déplacer le chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:559
+msgid "Flip Path"
+msgstr "Retourner le chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:590
+msgid "Rotate Path"
+msgstr "Faire pivoter le chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors.c:620
+msgid "Transform Path"
+msgstr "Transformer le chemin"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors-export.c:89
+#, c-format
+msgid "Writing SVG file '%s' failed: %s"
+msgstr "L’écriture du fichier SVG « %s » a échoué : %s"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors-import.c:344
+msgid "Import Paths"
+msgstr "Importer des chemins"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors-import.c:355
+msgid "Imported Path"
+msgstr "Chemin importé"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors-import.c:386
+#, c-format
+msgid "No paths found in '%s'"
+msgstr "Aucun chemin trouvé dans « %s »"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors-import.c:390
+msgid "No paths found in the buffer"
+msgstr "Aucun chemin trouvé dans le tampon"
+#: ../app/vectors/gimpvectors-import.c:400
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to import paths from '%s': %s"
+msgstr "Impossible d’importer des chemins depuis « %s » : %s"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactioneditor.c:70
+msgid "_Search:"
+msgstr "_Rechercher :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactiongroup.c:975
+#, c-format
+msgid "RGBA (%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f)"
+msgstr "RVBA (%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f)"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:332
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:344
+msgid "Action"
+msgstr "Action"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:361
+msgid "Shortcut"
+msgstr "Raccourci clavier"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:387
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nom"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:626 ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:867
+msgid "Changing shortcut failed."
+msgstr "Échec du changement de raccourci clavier."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:663
+msgid "Conflicting Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Conflit entre raccourcis clavier"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:669
+msgid "_Reassign Shortcut"
+msgstr "_Réaffectation du raccourci clavier"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:685
+#, c-format
+msgid "Shortcut \"%s\" is already taken by \"%s\" from the \"%s\" group."
+msgstr "Le raccourci clavier « %s » est déjà pris par « %s » du groupe « %s »."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:689
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reassigning the shortcut will cause it to be removed from \"%s\"."
+msgstr "Réaffecter le raccourci clavier causera sa suppression de « %s »."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:784
+msgid "Invalid shortcut."
+msgstr "Raccourci clavier non valide."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:791 ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:895
+msgid "F1 cannot be remapped."
+msgstr "F1 ne peut pas être redéfinie."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:799
+#, c-format
+msgid "Alt+%d is used to switch to display %d and cannot be remapped."
+msgstr ""
+"Alt+%d est utilisé pour passer à l’affichage %d et ne peut pas être "
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpactionview.c:903
+msgid "Removing shortcut failed."
+msgstr "Échec de la suppression du raccourci clavier."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:140
+msgid "Shape:"
+msgstr "Forme :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:167
+msgid "Spikes"
+msgstr "Pointes"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrusheditor.c:216
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbrushfactoryview.c:86
+msgid "Percentage of width of brush"
+msgstr "Pourcentage de largeur de brosse"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpbufferview.c:189 ../app/widgets/gimpbufferview.c:290
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpeditor.c:758
+msgid "(None)"
+msgstr "(Aucun)"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpclipboard.c:427
+msgid "Clipboard"
+msgstr "Presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordialog.c:156
+msgid "Add the current color to the color history"
+msgstr "Ajouter la couleur actuelle à l’historique de couleur"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:165
+msgid "Available Filters"
+msgstr "Filtres disponibles"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:229
+msgid "Move the selected filter up"
+msgstr "Déplacer vers le haut le filtre sélectionné"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:238
+msgid "Move the selected filter down"
+msgstr "Déplacer vers le bas le filtre sélectionné"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:336
+msgid "Reset the selected filter to default values"
+msgstr "Remettre le filtre sélectionné aux valeurs par défaut"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:527
+#, c-format
+msgid "Add '%s' to the list of active filters"
+msgstr "Ajouter « %s » à la liste des filtres actifs"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:564
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of active filters"
+msgstr "Enlever « %s » de la liste des filtres actifs"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolordisplayeditor.c:605
+msgid "No filter selected"
+msgstr "Aucun filtre sélectionné"
+#. TRANSLATORS: X for the X coordinate.
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:218
+msgctxt "Coordinates"
+msgid "X:"
+msgstr "X :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: Y for the Y coordinate.
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:232
+msgctxt "Coordinates"
+msgid "Y:"
+msgstr "Y :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: n/a for Not Available.
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:691 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:693
+msgctxt "Coordinates"
+msgid "n/a"
+msgstr "n/d"
+#. TRANSLATORS: V for Value (grayscale)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:766
+msgctxt "Grayscale"
+msgid "V:"
+msgstr "Val :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: A for Alpha (color transparency)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:770 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:783
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:822 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:864
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:892 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:924
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:956 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:988
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:1022
+msgctxt "Alpha channel"
+msgid "A:"
+msgstr "A :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: R for Red (RGB)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:775 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:814
+msgctxt "RGB"
+msgid "R:"
+msgstr "R :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: G for Green (RGB)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:777 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:816
+msgctxt "RGB"
+msgid "G:"
+msgstr "V :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: B for Blue (RGB)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:779 ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:818
+msgctxt "RGB"
+msgid "B:"
+msgstr "B :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: Index of the color in the palette.
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:788
+msgctxt "Indexed color"
+msgid "Index:"
+msgstr "Index :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: Hex for Hexadecimal (representation of a color)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:825
+msgctxt "Color representation"
+msgid "Hex:"
+msgstr "Hexa :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: H for Hue (HSV color space)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:856
+msgctxt "HSV color space"
+msgid "H:"
+msgstr "T :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: S for Saturation (HSV color space)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:858
+msgctxt "HSV color space"
+msgid "S:"
+msgstr "S :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: V for Value (HSV color space)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:860
+msgctxt "HSV color space"
+msgid "V:"
+msgstr "Val :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: L for Lightness (LCH color space)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:884
+msgctxt "LCH color space"
+msgid "L*:"
+msgstr "L* :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: C for Chroma (LCH color space)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:886
+msgctxt "LCH color space"
+msgid "C*:"
+msgstr "C* :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: H for Hue angle (LCH color space)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:888
+msgctxt "LCH color space"
+msgid "h°:"
+msgstr "h° :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: L* for Lightness (Lab color space)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:916
+msgctxt "Lab color space"
+msgid "L*:"
+msgstr "L* :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: a* color channel in Lab color space
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:918
+msgctxt "Lab color space"
+msgid "a*:"
+msgstr "a* :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: b* color channel in Lab color space
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:920
+msgctxt "Lab color space"
+msgid "b*:"
+msgstr "b* :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: x from xyY color space
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:948
+msgctxt "xyY color space"
+msgid "x:"
+msgstr "x :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: y from xyY color space
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:950
+msgctxt "xyY color space"
+msgid "y:"
+msgstr "y :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: Y from xyY color space
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:952
+msgctxt "xyY color space"
+msgid "Y:"
+msgstr "Y :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: Y from Yu'v' color space
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:980
+msgctxt "Yu'v' color space"
+msgid "Y:"
+msgstr "Y :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: u' from Yu'v' color space
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:982
+msgctxt "Yu'v' color space"
+msgid "u':"
+msgstr "u' :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: v' from Yu'v' color space
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:984
+msgctxt "Yu'v' color space"
+msgid "v':"
+msgstr "v' :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: C for Cyan (CMYK)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:1012
+msgctxt "CMYK"
+msgid "C:"
+msgstr "C :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: M for Magenta (CMYK)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:1014
+msgctxt "CMYK"
+msgid "M:"
+msgstr "M :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: Y for Yellow (CMYK)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:1016
+msgctxt "CMYK"
+msgid "Y:"
+msgstr "J :"
+#. TRANSLATORS: K for Key/black (CMYK)
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:1018
+msgctxt "CMYK"
+msgid "K:"
+msgstr "N :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolorframe.c:1080
+msgctxt "Color value"
+msgid "n/a"
+msgstr "n/d"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolormapeditor.c:212
+msgid "Color index:"
+msgstr "Index couleur :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolormapeditor.c:221
+msgid "HTML notation:"
+msgstr "Notation HTML :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolormapeditor.c:401
+#, c-format
+msgid "Edit colormap entry #%d"
+msgstr "Modifie l’entrée n°%d de la palette des couleurs"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolormapeditor.c:408
+msgid "Edit Colormap Entry"
+msgstr "Modification de l’entrée de la palette des couleurs"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcolormapeditor.c:557
+msgid "Only indexed images have a colormap."
+msgstr "Seules les images à couleurs indexées ont une palette."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcompressioncombobox.c:102
+msgctxt "compression"
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Aucune"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcompressioncombobox.c:114
+msgctxt "compression"
+msgid "Best performance"
+msgstr "Meilleure performance"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcompressioncombobox.c:120
+msgctxt "compression"
+msgid "Balanced"
+msgstr "Équilibrée"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcompressioncombobox.c:126
+msgctxt "compression"
+msgid "Best compression"
+msgstr "Meilleure compression"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontainerpopup.c:333
+msgid "Smaller Previews"
+msgstr "Aperçus plus petits"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontainerpopup.c:338
+msgid "Larger Previews"
+msgstr "Aperçus plus grands"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:200
+msgid "_Dump events from this controller"
+msgstr "_Capturer les évènements depuis ce contrôleur"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:205
+msgid "_Enable this controller"
+msgstr "_Activer ce contrôleur"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:226
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nom :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:232
+msgid "State:"
+msgstr "État :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:338
+msgid "Event"
+msgstr "Évènement"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:363
+msgid "_Grab event"
+msgstr "_Capturer l’évènement"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:372
+msgid "Select the next event arriving from the controller"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le prochain évènement arrivant de ce contrôleur"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:376
+msgid "_Edit event"
+msgstr "Mo_difier l’évènement"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:384
+msgid "_Clear event"
+msgstr "_Effacer l’évènement"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:523
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove the action assigned to '%s'"
+msgstr "Enlever l’action assignée à « %s »"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:528
+#, c-format
+msgid "Assign an action to '%s'"
+msgstr "Assigner une action à « %s »"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:649
+#, c-format
+msgid "Select Action for Event '%s'"
+msgstr "Sélectionnez une action pour l’évènement « %s »"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollereditor.c:654
+msgid "Select Controller Event Action"
+msgstr "Sélectionner une action associée à l’évènement du contrôleur"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerinfo.c:112
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Activé"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerinfo.c:119
+msgid "Debug events"
+msgstr "Déboguer les évènements"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:70
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:73
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:76
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:79
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:82
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:85
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:88
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:91
+msgid "Cursor Up"
+msgstr "Curseur haut"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:95
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:98
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:101
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:104
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:107
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:110
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:113
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:116
+msgid "Cursor Down"
+msgstr "Curseur bas"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:120
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:123
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:126
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:129
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:132
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:135
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:138
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:141
+msgid "Cursor Left"
+msgstr "Curseur gauche"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:145
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:148
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:151
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:154
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:157
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:160
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:163
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:166
+msgid "Cursor Right"
+msgstr "Curseur droit"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:178
+msgid "Keyboard"
+msgstr "Clavier"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:230
+msgid "Keyboard Events"
+msgstr "Évènements du clavier"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerkeyboard.c:231
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:252
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:230
+msgid "Ready"
+msgstr "Prêt"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:183
+msgid "Available Controllers"
+msgstr "Contrôleurs disponibles"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:280
+msgid "Active Controllers"
+msgstr "Contrôleurs actifs"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:296
+msgid "Configure the selected controller"
+msgstr "Configurer le contrôleur sélectionné"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:304
+msgid "Move the selected controller up"
+msgstr "Déplacer vers le haut le contrôleur sélectionné"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:312
+msgid "Move the selected controller down"
+msgstr "Déplacer vers le bas le contrôleur sélectionné"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:425
+#, c-format
+msgid "Add '%s' to the list of active controllers"
+msgstr "Ajouter « %s » à la liste des contrôleurs actifs"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:476
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of active controllers"
+msgstr "Enlever « %s » de la liste des contrôleurs actifs"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:510
+msgid ""
+"There can only be one active keyboard controller.\n"
+"You already have a keyboard controller in your list of active controllers."
+msgstr ""
+"Il ne peut y avoir qu’un contrôleur de clavier actif.\n"
+"Vous avez déjà un contrôleur de clavier dans la liste de contrôleurs actifs."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:521
+msgid ""
+"There can only be one active wheel controller.\n"
+"You already have a wheel controller in your list of active controllers."
+msgstr ""
+"Il ne peut y avoir qu’un contrôleur de roulette actif.\n"
+"Vous avez déjà un contrôleur de roulette dans la liste de contrôleurs actifs."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:532
+msgid ""
+"There can only be one active mouse controller.\n"
+"You already have a mouse controller in your list of active controllers."
+msgstr ""
+"Il ne peut y avoir qu’un contrôleur de souris actif.\n"
+"Vous avez déjà un contrôleur de souris dans la liste de contrôleurs actifs."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:558
+msgid "Remove Controller?"
+msgstr "Enlever le contrôleur ?"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:563
+msgid "_Disable Controller"
+msgstr "_Désactiver le contrôleur"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:565
+msgid "_Remove Controller"
+msgstr "Enle_ver le contrôleur"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:577
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remove Controller '%s'?"
+msgstr "Enlever le contrôleur « %s » ?"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:581
+msgid ""
+"Removing this controller from the list of active controllers will "
+"permanently delete all event mappings you have configured.\n"
+"Selecting \"Disable Controller\" will disable the controller without "
+"removing it."
+msgstr ""
+"Enlever ce contrôleur de la liste des contrôleurs actifs va définitivement "
+"supprimer tous les évènements que vous avez configuré.\n"
+"La sélection de « Désactiver le contrôleur » va désactiver le contrôleur "
+"sans l’enlever."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerlist.c:633
+msgid "Configure Input Controller"
+msgstr "Configurer le contrôleur d’entrée"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:70
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:73
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:76
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:79
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:82
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:85
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:88
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:91
+msgid "Button 8"
+msgstr "Bouton 8"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:95
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:98
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:101
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:104
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:107
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:110
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:113
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:116
+msgid "Button 9"
+msgstr "Bouton 9"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:120
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:123
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:126
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:129
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:132
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:135
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:138
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:141
+msgid "Button 10"
+msgstr "Bouton 10"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:145
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:148
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:151
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:154
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:157
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:160
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:163
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:166
+msgid "Button 11"
+msgstr "Bouton 11"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:170
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:173
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:176
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:179
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:182
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:185
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:188
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:191
+msgid "Button 12"
+msgstr "Bouton 12"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:203
+msgid "Mouse Buttons"
+msgstr "Boutons de souris"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollermouse.c:251
+msgid "Mouse Button Events"
+msgstr "Évènements des boutons de la souris"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:69
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:72
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:75
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:78
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:81
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:84
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:87
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:90
+msgid "Scroll Up"
+msgstr "Défilement haut"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:94
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:97
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:100
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:103
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:106
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:109
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:112
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:115
+msgid "Scroll Down"
+msgstr "Défilement bas"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:119
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:122
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:125
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:128
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:131
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:134
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:137
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:140
+msgid "Scroll Left"
+msgstr "Défilement gauche"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:144
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:147
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:150
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:153
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:156
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:159
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:162
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:165
+msgid "Scroll Right"
+msgstr "Défilement droit"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:177
+msgid "Mouse Wheel"
+msgstr "Roulette de la souris"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcontrollerwheel.c:229
+msgid "Mouse Wheel Events"
+msgstr "Évènements de la roulette de la souris"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:55
+msgid "Copy Bug Information"
+msgstr "Copier l’information de bogue"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:56
+msgid "Open Bug Tracker"
+msgstr "Ouvrir le pisteur de bogues"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:185
+msgid "See bug details"
+msgstr "Voir les détails de bogue"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:204
+msgid "Go to _Download page"
+msgstr "Aller à la _page de téléchargement"
+#. Recommend an update.
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:209
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A new version of GIMP (%s) was released on %s.\n"
+"It is recommended to update."
+msgstr ""
+"Une nouvelle version de GIMP (%s) a été publiée le %s.\n"
+"Il est recommandé d’effectuer la mise à jour."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:215
+msgid "You are running an unsupported version!"
+msgstr "Vous utilisez une version qui n’est plus prise en charge !"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:238
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:588
+msgid ""
+"To help us improve GIMP, you can report the bug with these simple steps:"
+msgstr ""
+"Pour nous aider à améliorer GIMP, vous pouvez établir un rapport d’anomalie "
+"avec les étapes simples suivantes :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:240
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:590
+msgid "Copy the bug information to the clipboard by clicking: "
+msgstr ""
+"Copiez l’information de bogue dans le presse-papiers en cliquant sur : "
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:242
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:592
+msgid "Open our bug tracker in the browser by clicking: "
+msgstr "Ouvrez le pisteur de bogues dans le navigateur en cliquant sur : "
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:244
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:594
+msgid "Create a login if you don't have one yet."
+msgstr "Créez un identifiant de compte si vous n’en possédez pas."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:245
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:595
+msgid "Paste the clipboard text in a new bug report."
+msgstr ""
+"Collez le contenu du presse-papiers dans un nouveau rapport d’anomalie."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:246
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:596
+msgid ""
+"Add relevant information in English in the bug report explaining what you "
+"were doing when this error occurred."
+msgstr ""
+"Ajoutez les informations en anglais dans le rapport d’anomalie en expliquant "
+"ce que vous faisiez quand l’erreur est survenue."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:248
+msgid ""
+"This error may have left GIMP in an inconsistent state. It is advised to "
+"save your work and restart GIMP."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette erreur pourrait avoir laissé GIMP dans un état instable. Il est "
+"conseillé d’enregistrer votre travail et de redémarrer GIMP."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:253
+msgid ""
+"You can also close the dialog directly but reporting bugs is the best way to "
+"make your software awesome."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous pouvez aussi fermer la boîte de dialogue sans rien faire, mais ce "
+"serait dommage, car les rapports d’anomalie sont un des meilleurs moyens "
+"d’améliorer GIMP."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:358
+msgid "The operating system is out of memory or resources."
+msgstr ""
+"Le système d’exploitation est au bout de sa mémoire et de ses ressources."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:361
+msgid "The specified file was not found."
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver le fichier indiqué."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:364
+msgid "The specified path was not found."
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver le chemin indiqué."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:367
+msgid ""
+"The .exe file is invalid (non-Microsoft Win32 .exe or error in .exe image)."
+msgstr ""
+"Le fichier .exe n’est pas valable (le .exe n’appartient pas à Microsoft "
+"Win32, ou il y a une erreur dans l’image .exe)."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:370
+msgid "The operating system denied access to the specified file."
+msgstr "Le système d’exploitation a refusé d’accéder au fichier indiqué."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:373
+msgid "The file name association is incomplete or invalid."
+msgstr "L’association du nom de fichier est incomplète ou non valide."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:376
+msgid "DDE transaction busy"
+msgstr "La transaction d’échange de données dynamiques (DDE) est très chargée"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:379
+msgid "The DDE transaction failed."
+msgstr "Échec de la transaction DDE."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:382
+msgid "The DDE transaction timed out."
+msgstr "Le délai de la transaction DDE a expiré."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:385
+msgid "The specified DLL was not found."
+msgstr "La DLL indiquée n’a pas été trouvée."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:388
+msgid "There is no application associated with the given file name extension."
+msgstr ""
+"Aucune application n’est associée à l’extension de nom de fichier indiquée."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:391
+msgid "There was not enough memory to complete the operation."
+msgstr "Manque de mémoire pour achever l’opération."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:394
+msgid "A sharing violation occurred."
+msgstr "Une violation de partage est survenue."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:397
+msgid "Unknown Microsoft Windows error."
+msgstr "Erreur Microsoft Windows inconnue."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:400
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to open '%s': %s"
+msgstr "Impossible d’ouvrir « %s » : %s"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:554
+#, c-format
+msgid "GIMP crashed with a fatal error: %s"
+msgstr "GIMP s’est planté avec l’erreur fatale : %s"
+#. First error. Let's just display it.
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:561
+#, c-format
+msgid "GIMP encountered an error: %s"
+msgstr "GIMP a rencontré l’erreur : %s"
+#. Let's not display all errors. They will be in the bug report
+#. * part anyway.
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:569
+#, c-format
+msgid "GIMP encountered several critical errors!"
+msgstr "GIMP a rencontré plusieurs erreurs critiques !"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpcriticaldialog.c:621
+msgid "_Restart GIMP"
+msgstr "_Redémarrer GIMP"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:480 ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:532
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Occupied"
+msgstr "Occupé"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:481
+msgid "Tile cache occupied size"
+msgstr "Taille prise par le cache d’image"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:490
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Maximum"
+msgstr "Maximum"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:491
+msgid "Maximal tile cache occupied size"
+msgstr "Taille d’occupation maximale du cache d’image"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:500 ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:552
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Limit"
+msgstr "Limite"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:501
+msgid "Tile cache size limit"
+msgstr "Limite de taille du cache d’image"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:509 ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:635
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Compression"
+msgstr "Compression"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:510
+msgid "Tile cache compression ratio"
+msgstr "Taux de compression du cache d’image"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:519
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Hit/Miss"
+msgstr "Réussite/Échec"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:520
+msgid "Tile cache hit/miss ratio"
+msgstr "Rapport réussite/échec du cache d’image"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:533
+msgid "Swap file occupied size"
+msgstr "Taille d’occupation du fichier d’échange"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:542 ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:699
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Taille"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:543
+msgid "Swap file size"
+msgstr "Taille du fichier d’échange"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:553
+msgid "Swap file size limit"
+msgstr "Limite de taille du fichier d’échange"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:560
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Queued"
+msgstr "En file d’attente"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:561
+msgid "Size of data queued for writing to the swap"
+msgstr "Taille des données en attente d’écriture dans le fichier d’échange"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:570
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Queue stalls"
+msgstr "Blocages de file"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:571
+msgid ""
+"Number of times the writing to the swap has been stalled, due to a full queue"
+msgstr ""
+"Nombre de fois où l’écriture dans le fichier d’échange a été bloquée en "
+"raison d’une file d’attente pleine"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:580
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Queue full"
+msgstr "File d’attente pleine"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:581
+msgid "Whether the swap queue is full"
+msgstr "Indique si la file d’attente du fichier d’échange est pleine"
+#. Translators: this is the past participle form of "read",
+#. * as in "total amount of data read from the swap".
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:592
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Read"
+msgstr "Lu"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:593
+msgid "Total amount of data read from the swap"
+msgstr "Quantité totale de données lues à partir du fichier d’échange"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:602
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Read throughput"
+msgstr "Débit de lecture"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:603
+msgid "The rate at which data is read from the swap"
+msgstr "Débit de lecture des données à partir du fichier d’échange"
+#. Translators: this is the past participle form of "write",
+#. * as in "total amount of data written to the swap".
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:615
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Written"
+msgstr "Écrit"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:616
+msgid "Total amount of data written to the swap"
+msgstr "Quantité totale de données écrites dans le fichier d’échange"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:625
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Write throughput"
+msgstr "Débit d’écriture"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:626
+msgid "The rate at which data is written to the swap"
+msgstr "Débit d’écriture des données dans le fichier d’échange"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:636
+msgid "Swap compression ratio"
+msgstr "Taux de compression du fichier d’échange"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:649
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Usage"
+msgstr "Utilisation"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:650
+msgid "Total CPU usage"
+msgstr "Utilisation totale du CPU"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:658 ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:667
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:729
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Actif"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:659
+msgid "Whether the CPU is active"
+msgstr "Indique si le CPU est actif"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:668
+msgid "Total amount of time the CPU has been active"
+msgstr "Durée totale d’activité du CPU"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:681
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Used"
+msgstr "Utilisée"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:682
+msgid "Amount of memory used by the process"
+msgstr "Quantité de mémoire utilisée par le processus"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:690
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Available"
+msgstr "Disponible"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:691
+msgid "Amount of available physical memory"
+msgstr "Quantité de mémoire physique disponible"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:700
+msgid "Physical memory size"
+msgstr "Taille de la mémoire physique"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:711
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Mipmapped"
+msgstr "Données MIPmap"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:712
+msgid "Total size of processed mipmapped data"
+msgstr "Taille totale des données MIPmap traitées"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:720
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Assigned"
+msgstr "Attribué"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:721
+msgid "Number of assigned worker threads"
+msgstr "Nombre de fils travailleurs attribués"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:730
+msgid "Number of active worker threads"
+msgstr "Nombre de fils travailleurs actifs"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:738
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Async"
+msgstr "Asynchrone"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:739
+msgid "Number of ongoing asynchronous operations"
+msgstr "Nombre d’opérations asynchrones en cours"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:747
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Tile"
+msgstr "Page"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:748
+msgid "Total size of tile memory"
+msgstr "Taille totale de la mémoire des pages"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:757
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Scratch"
+msgstr "Mémoire de travail"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:758
+msgid "Total size of scratch memory"
+msgstr "Taille totale de la mémoire de travail"
+#. Translators: "TempBuf" is a technical term referring to an internal
+#. * GIMP data structure. It's probably OK to leave it untranslated.
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:769
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "TempBuf"
+msgstr "Tampon temporaire"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:770
+msgid "Total size of temporary buffers"
+msgstr "Taille totale des tampons temporaires"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:782
+msgctxt "dashboard-group"
+msgid "Cache"
+msgstr "Cache"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:783
+msgid "In-memory tile cache"
+msgstr "Cache d’image en mémoire"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:819
+msgctxt "dashboard-group"
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Échange (swap)"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:820
+msgid "On-disk tile swap"
+msgstr "Zone d’échange des images sur disque"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:884
+msgctxt "dashboard-group"
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:885
+msgid "CPU usage"
+msgstr "Utilisation du CPU"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:920
+msgctxt "dashboard-group"
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Mémoire"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:921
+msgid "Memory usage"
+msgstr "Utilisation de la mémoire"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:929
+msgctxt "dashboard-variable"
+msgid "Cache"
+msgstr "Cache"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:963
+msgctxt "dashboard-group"
+msgid "Misc"
+msgstr "Divers"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:964
+msgid "Miscellaneous information"
+msgstr "Informations diverses"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:1157
+msgid "Select fields"
+msgstr "Sélectionner les champs"
+#. Tranlators: "N/A" is an abbreviation for "not available"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:3296
+msgctxt "dashboard-value"
+msgid "N/A"
+msgstr "N/D"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:3305 ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:4308
+msgctxt "dashboard-value"
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Oui"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:3306 ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:4309
+msgctxt "dashboard-value"
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Non"
+#. Translators: This string reports the rate of change of a measured
+#. * value. The "%g" is replaced by a certain quantity, and the "/s"
+#. * is an abbreviation for "per second".
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:3390
+#, c-format
+msgid "%g/s"
+msgstr "%g/s"
+#. Translators: This string reports the rate of change of a measured value.
+#. * The first "%s" is replaced by a certain quantity, usually followed by a
+#. * unit of measurement (e.g., "10 bytes"). and the final "/s" is an
+#. * abbreviation for "per second" (so the full string would read
+#. * "10 bytes/s", that is, "10 bytes per second".
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:4298
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s/s"
+msgstr "%s/s"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:4376
+msgid "N/A"
+msgstr "N/D"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdashboard.c:4754
+msgid "Resolving symbol information..."
+msgstr "Résolution des informations de symbole…"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdataeditor.c:413
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (read only)"
+msgstr "%s (lecture seule)"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceeditor.c:164
+msgid "Delete the selected device"
+msgstr "Supprimer le périphérique sélectionné"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceeditor.c:503
+msgid "Delete Device Settings"
+msgstr "Supprimer les paramètres du périphérique"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceeditor.c:524
+#, c-format
+msgid "Delete \"%s\"?"
+msgstr "Supprimer « %s » ?"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceeditor.c:527
+msgid ""
+"You are about to delete this device's stored settings.\n"
+"The next time this device is plugged, default settings will be used."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous allez supprimer les paramètres enregistrés pour ce périphérique.\n"
+"La prochaine fois qu’il sera branché, les paramètres par défaut\n"
+"seront utilisés."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfo.c:147
+msgid "Pressure curve"
+msgstr "Courbe de pression"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:140
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:161
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:70
+msgid "Pressure"
+msgstr "Pression"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:141
+msgid "X tilt"
+msgstr "Inclinaison X"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:142
+msgid "Y tilt"
+msgstr "Inclinaison Y"
+#. Wheel as in mouse or input device wheel.
+#. * Some pens use the same axis for their rotation feature.
+#. * See bug 791455.
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:147
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:165
+msgid "Wheel/Rotation"
+msgstr "Roulette/Rotation"
+#. the axes
+#. The axes of an input device
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:196
+msgid "Axes"
+msgstr "Axes"
+#. the keys
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:270
+msgid "Keys"
+msgstr "Touches"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:366
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:581
+#, c-format
+msgid "none"
+msgstr "rien"
+#. e.g. "Pressure Curve" for mapping input device axes
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:415
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Curve"
+msgstr "Courbe %s"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:474
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:206
+msgid "_Reset Curve"
+msgstr "_Réinitialiser la courbe"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdeviceinfoeditor.c:487
+#, c-format
+msgid "The axis '%s' has no curve"
+msgstr "L’axe « %s » n’a pas de courbe"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdevicestatus.c:154
+msgid "Save device status"
+msgstr "Enregistrer l’état du périphérique"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdevicestatus.c:551
+#, c-format
+msgid "Foreground: %d, %d, %d"
+msgstr "Premier plan : %d, %d, %d"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdevicestatus.c:556
+#, c-format
+msgid "Background: %d, %d, %d"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan : %d, %d, %d"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdnd-xds.c:205
+msgid "The given filename does not have any known file extension."
+msgstr "Le nom de fichier donné n’a aucune extension de fichier connue."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdnd-xds.c:223
+msgid "File Exists"
+msgstr "Le fichier existe"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdnd-xds.c:229
+msgid "_Replace"
+msgstr "_Remplacer"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdnd-xds.c:239
+#, c-format
+msgid "A file named '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "Un fichier appelé « %s » existe déjà."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdnd-xds.c:243
+msgid "Do you want to replace it with the image you are saving?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous le remplacer par l’image que vous enregistrez ?"
+#. String used to separate dockables, e.g. "Tool Options, Layers"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdock.h:34
+msgctxt "dock"
+msgid ", "
+msgstr ", "
+#. String used to separate books (GtkNotebooks) within a dock,
+#. e.g. "Tool Options, Layers - Brushes"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdock.h:39
+msgctxt "dock"
+msgid " - "
+msgstr " - "
+#. String used to separate dock columns,
+#. e.g. "Tool Options, Layers - Brushes | Gradients"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdock.h:44
+msgctxt "dock"
+msgid " | "
+msgstr " | "
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdockbook.c:313
+msgid "Configure this tab"
+msgstr "Configurer cet onglet"
+#. Auto button
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdockwindow.c:383
+msgid "Auto"
+msgstr "Auto"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdockwindow.c:394
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, the dialog automatically follows the image you are working on."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option est activée, la boîte de dialogue suit automatiquement "
+"l’image sur laquelle vous travaillez."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdrawabletreeview.c:122
+msgid "Lock pixels"
+msgstr "Verrouiller les pixels"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdrawabletreeview.c:124
+msgid "Lock position and size"
+msgstr "Verrouiller la position et la taille"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdrawabletreeview.c:189
+msgid "Cannot select item while a floating selection is active."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de sélectionner un élément alors qu’une sélection flottante est "
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:162
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:71
+msgid "Velocity"
+msgstr "Vitesse"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:166
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:75
+msgid "Random"
+msgstr "Aléatoire"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:167
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:76
+msgid "Fade"
+msgstr "Fondu"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:182
+msgid "Mapping matrix"
+msgstr "Matrice de correspondance"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicseditor.c:315
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:147
+msgid "Icon:"
+msgstr "Icône :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpdynamicsoutputeditor.c:74
+msgid "Wheel / Rotation"
+msgstr "Roulette / Rotation"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimperrordialog.c:169
+msgid "Too many error messages!"
+msgstr "Trop de messages d’erreur !"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimperrordialog.c:170
+msgid "Messages are redirected to stderr."
+msgstr "Les messages sont redirigés vers stderr."
+#. %s is a message domain,
+#. * like "GIMP Message" or
+#. * "PNG Message"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimperrordialog.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Message"
+msgstr "Message %s"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpexportdialog.c:71
+msgid "Export Image"
+msgstr "Exporter l’image"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpexportdialog.c:74
+msgid "_Export"
+msgstr "_Exporter"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpexportdialog.c:76 ../app/widgets/gimpsavedialog.c:144
+msgid "By Extension"
+msgstr "Selon l’extension"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpexportdialog.c:82
+msgid "All export images"
+msgstr "Toutes les images exportées"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:353
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Aid_e"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:769
+msgid "Show _All Files"
+msgstr "_Afficher tous les fichiers"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:802
+#, c-format
+msgid "Select File _Type (%s)"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le _type de fichier (%s)"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfiledialog.c:804
+msgid "Select File _Type"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le _type de fichier"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfileprocview.c:200
+msgid "File Type"
+msgstr "Type de fichier"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfileprocview.c:212
+msgid "Extensions"
+msgstr "Extensions"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfilleditor.c:124
+msgid "Fill Color"
+msgstr "Couleur de remplissage"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpfilleditor.c:143
+msgid "_Antialiasing"
+msgstr "_Anticrénelage"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:588
+msgid "Left Endpoint Color"
+msgstr "Couleur de l’extrémité gauche"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:590
+msgid "Gradient Segment's Left Endpoint Color"
+msgstr "Couleur de l’extrémité gauche du segment de dégradé"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:632
+msgid "Right Endpoint Color"
+msgstr "Couleur de l’extrémité droite"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:634
+msgid "Gradient Segment's Right Endpoint Color"
+msgstr "Couleur de l’extrémité droite du segment de dégradé"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:867
+#, c-format
+msgid "Zoom factor: %d:1"
+msgstr "Facteur de zoom : %d:1"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:870
+#, c-format
+msgid "Displaying [%0.4f, %0.4f]"
+msgstr "Affichage [%0.4f, %0.4f]"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1240
+#, c-format
+msgid "Position: %0.4f"
+msgstr "Position : %0.4f"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1241
+#, c-format
+msgid "RGB (%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f)"
+msgstr "RVB (%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f)"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1243
+#, c-format
+msgid "HSV (%0.1f, %0.1f, %0.1f)"
+msgstr "TSV (%0.1f, %0.1f, %0.1f)"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1245
+#, c-format
+msgid "Luminance: %0.1f Opacity: %0.1f"
+msgstr "Luminance : %0.1f Opacité : %0.1f"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1277
+#, c-format
+msgid "RGB (%d, %d, %d)"
+msgstr "RVB (%d, %d, %d)"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1288
+msgid "Foreground color set to:"
+msgstr "Couleur d’arrière-plan définie à :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1295
+msgid "Background color set to:"
+msgstr "Couleur de premier plan définie à :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1523
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1584
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s-Drag: move & compress"
+msgstr "%s-glisser : déplacer et compresser"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1528
+msgid "Drag: move"
+msgstr "Tirer : déplacer"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1535
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1548
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1561
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1582
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s-Click: extend selection"
+msgstr "%s-clic : étendre la sélection"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1540
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1553
+msgid "Click: select"
+msgstr "Clic : sélection"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1566
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1588
+msgid "Click: select Drag: move"
+msgstr "Clic : sélectionner Tirer : déplacer"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1803
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1811
+#, c-format
+msgid "Handle position: %0.4f"
+msgstr "Position du taquet : %0.4f"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgradienteditor.c:1828
+#, c-format
+msgid "Distance: %0.4f"
+msgstr "Distance : %0.4f"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:147
+msgid "Line _style:"
+msgstr "_Style de ligne :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:151
+msgid "Change grid foreground color"
+msgstr "Modifie la couleur de premier plan de la grille"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:158
+msgid "_Foreground color:"
+msgstr "_Premier plan :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:162
+msgid "Change grid background color"
+msgstr "Modifie la couleur d’arrière-plan de la grille"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpgrideditor.c:169
+msgid "_Background color:"
+msgstr "_Arrière-plan :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:371
+msgid "Help browser is missing"
+msgstr "Le navigateur d’aide est manquant"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:372
+msgid "The GIMP help browser is not available."
+msgstr "Le navigateur d’aide GIMP n’est pas disponible."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:373
+msgid ""
+"The GIMP help browser plug-in appears to be missing from your installation. "
+"You may instead use the web browser for reading the help pages."
+msgstr ""
+"Le greffon du navigateur d’aide de GIMP semble manquer à votre installation. "
+"Vous pouvez utiliser un navigateur Web à la place pour consulter l’aide en "
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:419
+msgid "Help browser doesn't start"
+msgstr "Le navigateur d’aide ne démarre pas"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:420
+msgid "Could not start the GIMP help browser plug-in."
+msgstr "Impossible de démarrer le greffon du navigateur d’aide de GIMP."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:422
+msgid "You may instead use the web browser for reading the help pages."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous pouvez utiliser un navigateur Web à la place pour consulter l’aide en "
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:448
+msgid "Use _Web Browser"
+msgstr "Utiliser un navigateur _Web"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:793
+msgid "GIMP user manual is missing"
+msgstr "Le manuel utilisateur de GIMP est absent"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:809
+msgid "The GIMP user manual is not installed in your language."
+msgstr "Le manuel utilisateur de GIMP n’est pas installé pour votre langue."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:820
+msgid "Read Selected _Language"
+msgstr "_Lire la langue sélectionnée"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:824
+msgid "Available manuals..."
+msgstr "Manuels disponibles…"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:836
+msgid ""
+"You may either select a manual in another language or read the online "
+msgstr ""
+"Vous pouvez soit sélectionner un manuel dans une autre langue, soit lire la "
+"version en ligne."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:842
+msgid ""
+"You may either install the additional help package or change your "
+"preferences to use the online version."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous pouvez soit installer le paquet additionnel d’aide, soit changer les "
+"préférences pour utiliser la version en ligne."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphelp.c:847
+msgid "Read _Online"
+msgstr "_Consulter en ligne"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:129
+msgid "Mean:"
+msgstr "Moyenne :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:130
+msgid "Std dev:"
+msgstr "Dev Std :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:131
+msgid "Median:"
+msgstr "Médiane :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:132
+msgid "Pixels:"
+msgstr "Pixels :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:133
+msgid "Count:"
+msgstr "Compte :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:134
+msgid "Percentile:"
+msgstr "Pourcentage :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:161
+msgid "Histogram channel"
+msgstr "Canal de l’histogramme"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:172
+msgid "Show values in linear space"
+msgstr "Afficher les valeurs dans l’espace linéaire"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimphistogrameditor.c:173
+msgid "Show values in perceptual space"
+msgstr "Afficher les valeurs dans l’espace perceptuel"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpiconpicker.c:241
+msgid "From File..."
+msgstr "Depuis le fichier…"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpiconpicker.c:250
+msgid "From Named Icons..."
+msgstr "Depuis les icônes nommées…"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpiconpicker.c:259
+msgid "Copy Icon to Clipboard"
+msgstr "Copier l’icône dans le presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpiconpicker.c:268
+msgid "Paste Icon from Clipboard"
+msgstr "Coller l’icône depuis le presse-papiers"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpiconpicker.c:480
+msgid "Load Icon Image"
+msgstr "Charger l’image d’icône"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpiconsizescale.c:123
+msgid "Guess icon size from resolution"
+msgstr "Estimer la taille d’icône à partir de la résolution"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpiconsizescale.c:124
+msgid "Use icon size from the theme"
+msgstr "Utiliser la taille d’icône du thème"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpiconsizescale.c:125
+msgid "Custom icon size"
+msgstr "Taille d’icône personnalisée"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpiconsizescale.c:273
+msgctxt "icon-size"
+msgid "Small"
+msgstr "Petite"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpiconsizescale.c:286
+msgctxt "icon-size"
+msgid "Medium"
+msgstr "Moyenne"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpiconsizescale.c:299
+msgctxt "icon-size"
+msgid "Large"
+msgstr "Grande"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpiconsizescale.c:312
+msgctxt "icon-size"
+msgid "Huge"
+msgstr "Immense"
+#. Button
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagecommenteditor.c:107
+msgid "Use _default comment"
+msgstr "Utiliser le commentaire par _défaut"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagecommenteditor.c:109
+msgid ""
+"Replace the current image comment with the default comment set in "
+"Edit→Preferences→Default Image."
+msgstr ""
+"Remplace le commentaire de l’image active par celui défini dans Édition → "
+"Préférences → Image par défaut."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:110
+msgid "Size in pixels:"
+msgstr "Taille en pixels :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:113
+msgid "Print size:"
+msgstr "Taille de l’impression :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:116
+msgid "Resolution:"
+msgstr "Résolution :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:119
+msgid "Color space:"
+msgstr "Espace de couleurs :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:122
+msgid "Precision:"
+msgstr "Précision :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:127
+msgid "File Name:"
+msgstr "Nom de fichier :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:133
+msgid "File Size:"
+msgstr "Taille de fichier :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:136
+msgid "File Type:"
+msgstr "Type de fichier :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:141
+msgid "Size in memory:"
+msgstr "Taille en mémoire :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:144
+msgid "Undo steps:"
+msgstr "Étapes d’annulation :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:147
+msgid "Redo steps:"
+msgstr "Étapes à rétablir :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:152
+msgid "Number of pixels:"
+msgstr "Nombre de pixels :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:155
+msgid "Number of layers:"
+msgstr "Nombre de calques :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:158
+msgid "Number of channels:"
+msgstr "Nombre de canaux :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:161
+msgid "Number of paths:"
+msgstr "Nombre de chemins :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:452
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:350
+#, c-format
+msgid "pixels/%s"
+msgstr "pixels/%s"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:454
+#, c-format
+msgid "%g × %g %s"
+msgstr "%g x %g %s"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpimagepropview.c:475
+msgid "colors"
+msgstr "couleurs"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpitemtreeview.c:755
+msgid "Lock:"
+msgstr "Verrouiller :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimplanguagestore-parser.c:253
+msgid "System Language"
+msgstr "Langue système"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimplayermodebox.c:153
+msgid "Switch to another group of modes"
+msgstr "Basculer vers un autre groupe de modes"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimplayertreeview.c:312
+msgid "Lock alpha channel"
+msgstr "Verrouiller le canal alpha"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpmessagebox.c:393
+#, c-format
+msgid "Message repeated once."
+msgid_plural "Message repeated %d times."
+msgstr[0] "Message répété une fois."
+msgstr[1] "Message répété %d fois."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpopendialog.c:89
+msgid "Automatically Detected"
+msgstr "Détecté automatiquement"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpoverlaydialog.c:229
+msgid "Detach dialog from canvas"
+msgstr "Détacher la boîte de dialogue du canevas"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppaletteeditor.c:257
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppaletteeditor.c:797
+msgid "Undefined"
+msgstr "Non définie"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppaletteeditor.c:276
+msgid "Set the number of columns"
+msgstr "Définir le nombre de colonnes"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppaletteeditor.c:484
+msgid "Edit Palette Color"
+msgstr "Modifier une couleur de la palette"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppaletteeditor.c:486
+msgid "Edit Color Palette Entry"
+msgstr "Modifier la couleur choisie dans la palette"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppdbdialog.c:282
+msgid "The corresponding plug-in may have crashed."
+msgstr "Le greffon correspondant s’est peut-être planté."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppdbdialog.c:286
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to run %s callback.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible d’exécuter la fonction de rappel %s.\n"
+# Impossible d’agrandir cette fenêtre et le texte fr n’y tient pas
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppickablepopup.c:203
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppickablepopup.c:420
+msgid "Select an image in the left pane"
+msgstr "Sélect. image panneau à gauche"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimppluginview.c:149
+msgid "Plug-In"
+msgstr "Greffon"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpprogressdialog.c:223
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Avancement"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsamplepointeditor.c:161
+msgid ""
+"This image\n"
+"has no\n"
+"sample points"
+msgstr ""
+"Cette image\n"
+"n’a pas de\n"
+"point d’échantillonnage"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsavedialog.c:150
+msgid "All XCF images"
+msgstr "Toutes les images XCF"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsavedialog.c:262
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Keep compression disabled to make the XCF file readable by %s and later."
+msgstr ""
+"Conserver la désactivation de la compression pour rendre le fichier XCF "
+"lisible par %s et les versions ultérieures."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsavedialog.c:326
+msgid "Save this _XCF file with better but slower compression"
+msgstr ""
+"Enregistrer ce fichier _XCF avec une meilleure compression mais plus lente"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsavedialog.c:328
+msgid ""
+"On edge cases, better compression algorithms might still end up on bigger "
+"file size; manual check recommended"
+msgstr ""
+"Dans quelques cas, les algorithmes de meilleure compression peuvent toujours "
+"aboutir à une taille de fichier plus grande ; il est recommandé de consulter "
+"le manuel"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsavedialog.c:398
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The image uses features from %s and won't be readable by older GIMP versions."
+msgstr ""
+"L’image utilise des caractéristiques provenant de %s et ne sera donc pas "
+"lisible par les versions de GIMP plus anciennes."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsavedialog.c:407
+msgid "Metadata won't be visible in GIMP older than version 2.10."
+msgstr ""
+"Les métadonnées ne sont pas visibles avec les versions de GIMP plus "
+"anciennes que la 2.10."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpselectiondata.c:250
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The filename '%s' couldn't be converted to a valid URI:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Le nom de fichier « %s » ne peut pas être converti en URI valide :\n"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpselectiondata.c:254
+msgid "Invalid UTF-8"
+msgstr "UTF-8 non valide"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:300
+msgid "Pick a preset from the list"
+msgstr "Choisissez un préréglage dans la liste"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:324
+msgid "Save the current settings as named preset"
+msgstr "Enregistrer les réglages actuels dans un préréglage nommé"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:342
+msgid "Manage presets"
+msgstr "Gestion des préréglages"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:356
+msgid "_Import Current Settings from File..."
+msgstr "_Importer des paramètres depuis un fichier…"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:362
+msgid "_Export Current Settings to File..."
+msgstr "_Exporter les paramètres actuels dans un fichier…"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:369
+msgid "_Manage Saved Presets..."
+msgstr "_Gestion des préréglages enregistrés…"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:605
+msgid "Save Settings as Named Preset"
+msgstr "Enregistrer les paramètres dans un préréglage nommé"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:608
+msgid "Enter a name for the preset"
+msgstr "Saisissez un nom pour le préréglage"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:609
+msgid "Saved Settings"
+msgstr "Paramètres enregistrés"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingsbox.c:650
+msgid "Manage Saved Presets"
+msgstr "Gestion des préréglages enregistrés"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingseditor.c:192
+msgid "Import presets from a file"
+msgstr "Importer des préréglages depuis un fichier"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingseditor.c:201
+msgid "Export the selected presets to a file"
+msgstr "Exporter les préréglages sélectionnés dans un fichier"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsettingseditor.c:210
+msgid "Delete the selected preset"
+msgstr "Supprimer le préréglage sélectionné"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:455
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d × %d ppi"
+msgstr "%d × %d ppp"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpsizebox.c:457
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d ppi"
+msgstr "%d ppp"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:129
+msgid "Line width:"
+msgstr "Épaisseur de ligne :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:141
+msgid "_Line Style"
+msgstr "_Style de ligne"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:160
+msgid "_Cap style:"
+msgstr "Style de _coiffe :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:166
+msgid "_Join style:"
+msgstr "Style de _jointure :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:171
+msgid "_Miter limit:"
+msgstr "_Limite de pointe :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:178
+msgid "Dash pattern:"
+msgstr "Motif du tiret :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpstrokeeditor.c:241
+msgid "Dash _preset:"
+msgstr "_Tiret prédéfini :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptagentry.c:46
+msgid "filter"
+msgstr "filtre"
+# Douteux
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptagentry.c:47
+msgid "enter tags"
+msgstr "saisir les mots-clés"
+#. Separator for tags
+#. * IMPORTANT: use only one of Unicode terminal punctuation chars.
+#. *
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptagentry.c:1756
+msgid ","
+msgstr ","
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:220
+#, c-format
+msgid "%p"
+msgstr "%p"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:295
+msgid "_Advanced Options"
+msgstr "Options _avancées"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:408
+msgid "Color _space:"
+msgstr "_Espace de couleurs :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:425
+msgid "_Precision:"
+msgstr "Préci_sion :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:441
+msgid "_Gamma:"
+msgstr "_Gamma :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:446
+msgid "Color _manage this image"
+msgstr "Gérer les couleurs de ce_tte image"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:455
+msgid "Choose A Color Profile"
+msgstr "Choix d’un profil de couleur"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:459
+msgid "Co_lor profile:"
+msgstr "Profil de cou_leur :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:476
+msgid "Comme_nt:"
+msgstr "_Commentaire :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:591
+msgid "_Name:"
+msgstr "_Nom :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:597
+msgid "_Icon:"
+msgstr "_Icône :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:834
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d × %d ppi, %s"
+msgstr "%d × %d ppp, %s"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptemplateeditor.c:836
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d ppi, %s"
+msgstr "%d ppp, %s"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextbuffer-serialize.c:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Attribute \"%s\" is invalid on <%s> element in this context"
+msgstr "L’attribut « %s » sur l’élément <%s> n’est pas valide dans ce contexte"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextbuffer-serialize.c:348
+#, c-format
+msgid "Outermost element in text must be <markup> not <%s>"
+msgstr "L’élément le plus extérieur dans le texte doit être <markup>, pas <%s>"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextbuffer.c:1711
+#, c-format
+msgid "Input file '%s' appears truncated: %s"
+msgstr "Le fichier « %s » semble tronqué : %s"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextbuffer.c:1729
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid UTF-8 data in file '%s'."
+msgstr "Chaîne de caractères UTF-8 non valide dans le fichier « %s »."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextbuffer.c:1780
+#, c-format
+msgid "Writing text file '%s' failed: %s"
+msgstr "L’écriture du fichier texte « %s » a échoué : %s"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptexteditor.c:225
+msgid "_Use selected font"
+msgstr "_Utiliser la police sélectionnée"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:207
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:1298
+msgid "Change font of selected text"
+msgstr "Modifie la police du texte sélectionné"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:218
+msgid "Change size of selected text"
+msgstr "Modifie la taille du texte sélectionné"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:237
+msgid "Clear style of selected text"
+msgstr "Efface le style du texte sélectionné"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:248
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:258
+msgid "Change color of selected text"
+msgstr "Modifie la couleur du texte sélectionné"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:274
+msgid "Change kerning of selected text"
+msgstr "Modifie le crénage du texte sélectionné"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:290
+msgid "Change baseline of selected text"
+msgstr "Modifie la ligne de base du texte sélectionné"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:329
+msgid "Bold"
+msgstr "Gras"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:332
+msgid "Italic"
+msgstr "Italique"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:335
+msgid "Underline"
+msgstr "Souligné"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:338
+msgid "Strikethrough"
+msgstr "Barré"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptextstyleeditor.c:1290
+#, c-format
+msgid "Font \"%s\" unavailable on this system"
+msgstr "La police « %s » n’est pas disponible sur ce système"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:324
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Click to update preview\n"
+"%s-Click to force update even if preview is up-to-date"
+msgstr ""
+"Cliquer pour mettre à jour l’aperçu\n"
+"%s-clic pour forcer la mise à jour même si l’aperçu est à jour"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:341
+msgid "Pr_eview"
+msgstr "_Aperçu"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:398 ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:461
+msgid "No selection"
+msgstr "Aucune sélection"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:605 ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Thumbnail %d of %d"
+msgstr "Vignette %d sur %d"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:734 ../app/widgets/gimpthumbbox.c:744
+msgid "Creating preview..."
+msgstr "Création de l’aperçu…"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-color-area.c:220
+msgid "Change Foreground Color"
+msgstr "Modification de la couleur de premier plan"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-color-area.c:225
+msgid "Change Background Color"
+msgstr "Modification de la couleur d’arrière-plan"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-color-area.c:288
+msgid ""
+"The active foreground color.\n"
+"Click to open the color selection dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"La couleur de premier plan active.\n"
+"Cliquez pour ouvrir la boîte de dialogue de sélection de couleur."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-color-area.c:293
+msgid ""
+"The active background color.\n"
+"Click to open the color selection dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"La couleur d’arrière-plan active.\n"
+"Cliquez pour ouvrir la boîte de dialogue de sélection de couleur."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-image-area.c:119
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-image-area.c:124
+msgid ""
+"The active image.\n"
+"Click to open the Image Dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"L’image active.\n"
+"Cliquez pour ouvrir la boîte de dialogue des images."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-image-area.c:121
+msgid "Drag to an XDS enabled file-manager to save the image."
+msgstr ""
+"Glisser vers un gestionnaire de fichier compatible XDS pour enregistrer "
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-indicator-area.c:167
+msgid ""
+"The active brush.\n"
+"Click to open the Brush Dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"La brosse active.\n"
+"Cliquez pour ouvrir la boîte de dialogue des brosses."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-indicator-area.c:199
+msgid ""
+"The active pattern.\n"
+"Click to open the Pattern Dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Le motif actif.\n"
+"Cliquez pour ouvrir la boîte de dialogue des motifs."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbox-indicator-area.c:231
+msgid ""
+"The active gradient.\n"
+"Click to open the Gradient Dialog."
+msgstr ""
+"Le dégradé actif.\n"
+"Cliquez pour ouvrir la boîte de dialogue des dégradés."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolbutton.c:601
+msgid "Also in group:"
+msgstr "Également dans le groupe :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptooleditor.c:243
+msgid "Create a new tool group"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau groupe d’outils"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptooleditor.c:250
+msgid "Raise this item"
+msgstr "Remonter cet élément"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptooleditor.c:251
+msgid "Raise this item to the top"
+msgstr "Placer cet élément tout en haut"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptooleditor.c:258
+msgid "Lower this item"
+msgstr "Descendre cet élément"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptooleditor.c:259
+msgid "Lower this item to the bottom"
+msgstr "Placer cet élément tout en bas"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptooleditor.c:266
+msgid "Delete this tool group"
+msgstr "Supprimer ce groupe d’outils"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptooleditor.c:273
+msgid "Reset tool order and visibility"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser l’ordre et la visibilité des outils"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptooloptionseditor.c:200
+msgid "Save Tool Preset..."
+msgstr "Enregistrer le préréglage d’outil…"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptooloptionseditor.c:209
+msgid "Restore Tool Preset..."
+msgstr "Restaurer le préréglage d’outil…"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptooloptionseditor.c:218
+msgid "Delete Tool Preset..."
+msgstr "Supprimer le préréglage d’outil…"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimptoolpreseteditor.c:300
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Preset"
+msgstr "Préréglage %s"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpuimanager.c:847
+msgid "Your GIMP installation is incomplete:"
+msgstr "Votre installation de GIMP est incomplète :"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpuimanager.c:849
+msgid "Please make sure the menu XML files are correctly installed."
+msgstr ""
+"Assurez-vous que les fichiers XML des menus sont correctement installés."
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpuimanager.c:855
+#, c-format
+msgid "There was an error parsing the menu definition from %s: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"Une erreur est survenue à l’analyse de la définition du menu depuis %s : %s"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpundoeditor.c:261
+msgid "[ Base Image ]"
+msgstr "[ image de base ]"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpvectorstreeview.c:111
+msgid "Lock path strokes"
+msgstr "Verrouiller les tracés de chemin"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpvectorstreeview.c:114
+msgid "Lock path position"
+msgstr "Verrouiller la position du chemin"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:94
+msgid "Open the brush selection dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvrir le sélecteur de brosse"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:162
+msgid "Open the dynamics selection dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvrir le sélecteur de dynamique"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:229
+msgid "Open the MyPaint brush selection dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvrir le sélecteur de brosse MyPaint"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:292
+msgid "Open the pattern selection dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvrir le sélecteur de motif"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:362
+msgid "Open the gradient selection dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvrir le sélecteur de dégradé"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:501
+msgid "Open the palette selection dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvrir le sélecteur de palette"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpviewablebox.c:567
+msgid "Open the font selection dialog"
+msgstr "Ouvrir le sélecteur de polices"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:713
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (try %s)"
+msgstr "%s (essayez %s)"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:713
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (%s)"
+msgstr "%s (%s)"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:717
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (try %s, %s)"
+msgstr "%s (essayez %s, %s)"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:721
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (try %s, %s, %s)"
+msgstr "%s (essayez %s, %s, %s)"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:1810
+#, c-format
+msgid "Built-in grayscale (%s)"
+msgstr "Niveau de gris intégré (%s)"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:1817
+#, c-format
+msgid "Built-in RGB (%s)"
+msgstr "RVB intégré (%s)"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:1834
+#, c-format
+msgid "Preferred grayscale (%s)"
+msgstr "Niveau de gris préféré (%s)"
+#: ../app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.c:1841
+#, c-format
+msgid "Preferred RGB (%s)"
+msgstr "RVB préféré (%s)"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:23
+msgctxt "active-color"
+msgid "Foreground"
+msgstr "Premier plan"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:24
+msgctxt "active-color"
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:52
+msgctxt "circle-background"
+msgid "Plain"
+msgstr "Simple"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:53
+msgctxt "circle-background"
+msgid "HSV"
+msgstr "TSV"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:114
+msgctxt "color-pick-target"
+msgid "Pick only"
+msgstr "Pointer seulement"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:115
+msgctxt "color-pick-target"
+msgid "Set foreground color"
+msgstr "Définir la couleur de premier plan"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:116
+msgctxt "color-pick-target"
+msgid "Set background color"
+msgstr "Définir la couleur d’arrière-plan"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:117
+msgctxt "color-pick-target"
+msgid "Add to palette"
+msgstr "Ajouter à la palette"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:176
+msgctxt "histogram-scale"
+msgid "Linear histogram"
+msgstr "Histogramme linéaire"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:177
+msgctxt "histogram-scale"
+msgid "Logarithmic histogram"
+msgstr "Histogramme logarithmique"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:213
+msgctxt "tab-style"
+msgid "Icon"
+msgstr "Icône"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:214
+msgctxt "tab-style"
+msgid "Current status"
+msgstr "État actuel"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:215
+msgctxt "tab-style"
+msgid "Text"
+msgstr "Texte"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:216
+msgctxt "tab-style"
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Description"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:217
+msgctxt "tab-style"
+msgid "Icon & text"
+msgstr "Icône et texte"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:218
+msgctxt "tab-style"
+msgid "Icon & desc"
+msgstr "Icône et desc"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:219
+msgctxt "tab-style"
+msgid "Status & text"
+msgstr "État et texte"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:220
+msgctxt "tab-style"
+msgid "Status & desc"
+msgstr "État et desc"
+#: ../app/widgets/widgets-enums.c:221
+msgctxt "tab-style"
+msgid "Undefined"
+msgstr "Non définie"
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf.c:114 ../app/xcf/xcf.c:185
+msgid "GIMP XCF image"
+msgstr "Image GIMP XCF"
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf.c:272 ../app/xcf/xcf.c:361
+msgid "Memory Stream"
+msgstr "Flux mémoire"
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf.c:283
+#, c-format
+msgid "Opening '%s'"
+msgstr "Ouverture de « %s »"
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf.c:325
+#, c-format
+msgid "XCF error: unsupported XCF file version %d encountered"
+msgstr "Erreur XCF : version %d du format XCF non prise en charge"
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf.c:384
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving '%s'"
+msgstr "Enregistrement de « %s »"
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf.c:392
+#, c-format
+msgid "Closing '%s'"
+msgstr "Fermeture de « %s »"
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf.c:410
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error writing '%s': "
+msgstr "Erreur durant l’écriture de « %s » : "
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf.c:504
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error creating '%s': "
+msgstr "Erreur durant la création de « %s » : "
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-load.c:241
+msgid "Invalid image mode and precision combination."
+msgstr "Combinaison mode d’image et précision non valide."
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-load.c:366
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Corrupt 'exif-data' parasite discovered.\n"
+"Exif data could not be migrated: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"Un parasite « exif-data » altéré a été détecté.\n"
+"Les données exif ne peuvent pas être déplacées : %s"
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-load.c:403
+msgid ""
+"Corrupt 'gimp-metadata' parasite discovered.\n"
+"XMP data could not be migrated."
+msgstr ""
+"Un parasite « gimp-metadata » altéré a été détecté.\n"
+"Les données XMP ne peuvent pas être déplacées."
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-load.c:423
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Corrupt 'gimp-metadata' parasite discovered.\n"
+"XMP data could not be migrated: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"Un parasite « gimp-metadata » altéré a été détecté.\n"
+"Les données XMP ne peuvent pas être déplacées : %s"
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-load.c:685
+msgid ""
+"This XCF file is corrupt! I have loaded as much of it as I can, but it is "
+msgstr ""
+"Le fichier XCF est endommagé ! Toutes les données valides ont été chargées "
+"mais le résultat reste incomplet."
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-load.c:704
+msgid ""
+"This XCF file is corrupt! I could not even salvage any partial image data "
+"from it."
+msgstr ""
+"Le fichier XCF est endommagé ! Aucune donnée exploitable n’a pu être "
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-load.c:795
+msgid ""
+"XCF warning: version 0 of XCF file format\n"
+"did not save indexed colormaps correctly.\n"
+"Substituting grayscale map."
+msgstr ""
+"Avertissement XCF : la version 0 du format de\n"
+"fichier XCF n’enregistrait pas correctement\n"
+"les palettes indexées. Une palette en niveaux\n"
+"de gris a été utilisée en remplacement."
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-read.c:195
+msgid "Invalid UTF-8 string in XCF file"
+msgstr "Chaîne de caractères UTF-8 non valide dans le fichier XCF"
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-seek.c:45
+msgid "Could not seek in XCF file: "
+msgstr "Impossible de pointer dans le fichier XCF : "
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-write.c:50
+msgid "Error writing XCF: "
+msgstr "Erreur d’écriture du XCF : "
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-write.c:199
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error writing XCF: failed to allocate %d bytes of memory."
+msgstr "Erreur d’écriture du XCF : échec d’allocation de %d octets de mémoire."
+#: ../app/xcf/xcf-write.c:293
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error writing XCF: unsupported BPC when writing pixel: %d"
+msgstr ""
+"Erreur d’écriture du XCF : BPC non géré lors de l’écriture de pixel : %d"
+#: ../app-tools/gimp-debug-tool.c:87
+msgid "GIMP Crash Debug"
+msgstr "Débogage d’un plantage de GIMP"
+#: ../data/tags/
+msgid "round"
+msgstr "arrondi"
+#. fuzzy as in a feathered, blurred, unfocused, soft brush
+#: ../data/tags/
+msgid "fuzzy"
+msgstr "flou"
+#~ msgid "Go to download page"
+#~ msgstr "Aller sur la page de téléchargement"
+#~ msgid "Aux%d Input"
+#~ msgstr "Entrée Aux%d"